FiV" TV ; TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION., Sr-Z w ' !'. M i t ' II. ST i ;n t , COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor and Pub. DAN 13. MALONEY News Editor Official Paper of Coos County. Entered nt tho Posloftlco at Marsh Hold, Oregon, (or transmission through the innlla as second-class mnll mnttor. i. , i ELK'S GOAT IS BACK ON JOI 1 E AT BAY PERSONAL MENTION I I initiation of Six New Members tfVe-Year-Old Son of Mrs. J. E. NORTON of Coquillo Is a Marsh-, field visitor today. WM. WEEKLY of Myrtlo Point Is li ore on business. Last Night Marks Return Total Now 210 Tho Mnrshfleld Lodgo of Elks last evening Initiated a class of six ... . i A. 13. CHOUGH of coquillo Is in now members, bringing tho total .Mnrshfiold on business. membership up to 210. A number F. C. BIRCH mado a business trip to 0f othors are on tho waiting list Lakeside today. to bo Inltlntod later. OltVIL WILSON of Sumner Is a Tho clnss last night consisted of Mnrshfleld business visitor today. Dr. L. II. Mott, of North Bond, Ed ALBERT HAINES leaves today MeKoown, of Coalcdo, J. Q. .Tar tar Portland and tho North. I vis, Fred 13. Wilson and A. C. Ves '' II. M. KYLE was In from his ranch tul. Lawrenco C. liny, who Is om .nonr Empire on business Tuesday. I ployed on the government dredge WM. DAYLISS and wire and son, 'work here, was Initiated for Albany Nod, will lcavo today for Portland, lodge. MRS. F. SMALLWOOD loaves today j Following tho regular degreo worlc f- Portland nnd northern points, some special degrees were coiWorrod MRS. ABB ANDERSON of North 'on Fred Wilson, A. C. Vestul nnd uwnd is it Mnrshrlold business vlsl- Dr. Mott, this marking tho return tor today. of tho "Elk's Coat" which had ucen T. C. RUSSELL nnd wlfo of Beaver banished for a year or more. Hill wero Marshflold visitors yes-i A luncheon was served lato In terday. FRANK IIODSON of South Coos Riv er wns a Mnrshfleld business visi tor today. ' MRS. F. V. CATTERLIN and mother, Mrs. Conrad, loft today for a visit in Portland. jl, ..uqno jmmml left today for ( Monmouth to attend tho Oregon .. ..oiiiiui acuuoi. "WALTER SPADE, rond supervisor for tho Sumner .district, Is in Mnrahflold today on business. MRS. C. A. SEIILBREDI' left today to visit her father, (loo. S. Down ing, n Hiilein pioneer. Sho will tho evening. UTTE Til ROBBBff C1RUUII HDH 10 7 .. " I GASESJJALLED IW Rflty LAST EVENING Hans Flatner Sees Stranger Search Home in Daylight Mrs. Hans Flatner, who resides In a now Iioubo nt Bay Park, reported a dnrlng robbery to Constablo Cox. Her homo was thoroughly ransacked at 12 o'clock yesterday noon while sho wns making n trip to tho Bunker Hilt storo. Her flvo-yeenr-old son wit nessed tho whole thing from n hiding plnce nnd gnvc a good description of tho robber, who has so far escaped apprehension. According to tho llttlo boy, ho saw a strange man coming to tho house soon nftor his mother loft and ho hid. Tho stranger had a roll of blankets and goliHT to tho houso pried off a board that was nailed up across ono of tho doors, which hnd not been completed, tho house not being qulto finished. Ho went In. Ho ransacked the place thoroughly, throwing things out of tho dresser onto tho floor. At first Mrs. Flatner thonght that ho had secured $15 In cash and a ring. Sho had the ring and money tied In tho coiner of a handkerchief In tho cor ner, of n bureau drawer, but later sho found that ho hnd Jerked out the handkerchief with other clothing and. to nut the chnngo away. Tho Inner missed tho nrtlclcs. door of tho safe wns locked with a somo articles woro broken ami . Pv Regular Session Now On Grand Jury Next Week Many New Lawyers Judgo Coko roturned last ovenlng Supreme Court Reman-I ' ueorae ypewriterfi, 2r. wew Hearing in cS,. Judgo Coko roturned last ovenlng Tno oronm. o. from Coquillo nftor holding a two-' handed .w., ' , ,!'?n Cow i Thieves Enter Fixup Store and Escape With Small Amount Miss Big Money Two unknown men broko Into the FIxup Storo In Marshflold last night, tummagcu tue pi ly nnd mndo aw In chnngo out probably took from tho stock. nlim In M.n 1I!1U IW Vl.W w...rf. I . ... . Entrance wns gnlnod through n Tho now grnnu jury wt i sinn in Tho enso Involved ... . rear window In tho Btoro. n holo be- next Mondoy and tho first weok of tynowrltpm ,..i i".! ,..comniHiii Inn. I.rntfnn III flln pinna BO tlint tllO COIirt Will bo lloVOtOtl tO civil CttBOH, no Mm l,,..l .....' -"CUCfBetlilnui window could be unlatched nnd rnls-J tho criminal cases being .taken up tho rompnnv. m dccMint a1" C H cd. They mndo tholr exit through second week, which will glvo the suprome Court went 1 . " tho rear door, which waB fastened grand Jury tlmo In which to mnko a ,,0ntfl rn, , "e w room ft, I .In.... .ln.. ..r n.. nii.l fVnlM.. ' """ UcClflInn .A . laco pretty inorougn- uujb bcwhuh yi ........ ...... t,, enso or the L p oZ .Le,triift. ay with about $8.15 1 things In readiness for tho regular Company vs. p .J ?mlt,hnWri or tno casn urawor ami m "i "'' "i'r',,D "Y' l """.. wnicli the t efetnW ."". U some small articles ylll return Friday to tako up mo- irK0 jUdRmon, "VM.MMiY There Is no definite nous, etc., ami arrange mo onior oi n yoar or o n i"" "'. v. trial of tno cases. iinm.i ' "uwinili..: " . I.... M (IR, nnl .. II... ..i." ""f-? wir fin.. 1 ,,.- i.i.i i5 t i 1,-vnl. 1,'nr 1n fli-af Hmn III Urn lilahiri i.-." ."." l"""H' 0 Jud lt.J '' mo ruiniui.v is miiiuuvu m "" , " ." , , , uciuru wisom It Wfli IrlnJ i. 7 with a Yale spring lock. report. 3BOII 10 liavo roi uiv iiioi innu in uiu ihoiui, UefOlO W !nm l un. i.i"j " "l I token plnce about 12:30. George; of the county n court cniemmr nns tho words "with f nil Lnn i intl,J i torn, but so fnr ns slio enn nscertnln, notlilng or vnluo wan taken. According to the little boy, tho robber was a large mnn with a blnck Federal Judne Dismisses Hab- beard nnd moustache woro dark tho. I eas CorPus Proceedings MRS. o". C. SANFORD nnd her Bister,' Appeal to State COIirt .miss wniHtrom, or coquillo, wero Mnrshfiold visitors yestcrdny. Miss uuilij u i-uiiii tiiifrnmi nun ti ,,.nr,i .-,..-' ' lUCIMi ,1 Turner, who resides over the Sumner, been published nnd iittornoys nro his Instructions inn 'l Hardware Store saw two men tnere. einicu over u. inuro nro uvursuw attorney for JIcOoDr .f..'", I However, ho thought thnt they woro) canes on tho dockot but not nil of company hnd Bcven attorn. 1 momiiors or tno uanu coming uuiiiiiuiu m u i"-" m ngnlnst h'm '" from Into prnctlco. I There woro over thlrty-flvo nttor- OmuIoh ij,,,,! r,. Tho robbers, after taking all thojieys present wnon court openeu tins Tho land contest nf v. chnngo from the ensh register, tried , week nnd this did not Include nil tho ToWoU VBi John li Tol i"U.1 tho snfe. Tho comblnntlon on tho lawyers In tho county by n lunir wnyH. n homestend near Cooston l? I biuo t oor whb boi wnue u was o iu uuiiiik io i't "i" " mwnnm, MOt fOC ilcnr .. i.pfnr ,'.;" " ......... l ...1 ll-l n. ...,-. I ...... ....... nl( ImiM l,r.nn.l In .. T . . " "' "' "ClOfC Atthtir t jeweruny uuu wi;uu nui ihh..i.i kiu "". .".".;o ... .uv...... ... .ot.K u. S. Land Pummitn . I lorkod mi last evening he was unnhlo, Mnrshfleld. Mnrniifini.i. nn n..ti " ..'"1r.l,l ----- . t I Mm ..... tun vi luiiiT z ni in. i-nsfH iiwmc .,i Am hA::',"1-- in tno enpo or .lonn nugger et ni rim i .. ",";. .. Tho robbers hnmmor nnd .some the storo nnd tried ed Into tho brush where ho could not Illr Amoi ltr.l PrrM to Coon llr Tlm.) Wnlstrom Is n profosslonnl nurso. . UTTE, Jiont., Sept. 10. Fcdornl bo followed. MI8SES MAY M'CLOSKEY nnd '"KO iJourquin todny dlsmlsscil tho . Mcrlo Smith, of Coquillo, woro In ""hens corpus proceedings In bolmlf i s. WAR K.VI'KXHER Mnrshfleld today on routo to Port- t lc prisoners hold by tho military WASHINGTON, U. C, Sept. 10. land nnd othor northern points. I authorities, snylng thnt there wns no The Sonatc today pnBsed n nusllon MRS. WARD, Wlio has mndo hor cnisJ fr federal Interference In tho dollar appropriation for extra ox homo In Marshflold tho pnst thrco l"cnl situation. Applications for n pcniros of diplomats and tho consulnr years, loft this wook for Murlllo, "" mrenuy uavo oeen nieu in mo service occasioned iy ino European trousers nnd n reddish colored rontlvorv nulrldv nn thpv fluured thoro uuu nun u run oi uinnKCis, ins tincks wero found by Constnblo Cox,1 but nftor leaving the houso ho dodg vs. tho Coquillo Mill & Mercantile lho ., " "" . " "' unMl m, dug up a Bcrow driver, I Company. Judge Coko hnmlcd down robbliiR sL holtr iilffl? V1 lomo other nrtlcles In'n decision. Ilo siifltnlned tho meclinn- , mKrcM lmvo " Jl,."'.1 rlo.l to break Into tho Irs' liens, also tho lien of Mr. McCur- 1, ., i. i? ,n ? -. ,J,,?L .rc,M "i. safo, but did not succeed, evidently! dy for Htumpngc, and disallowed tho 0Wll reroKiilzaiicP m ih.vLm when It did not respond claim of Anson nro ners. rU(1 I10,CI ,, (h itf' . giving It up Texas, where sho will romaln Intlof- Inltnly. (1LE.V I). HART, roproHontlng tho cl gnr Oopnrtmeut of Allen &. Lewis, Is spending tho week with tho trndn on Coos Pny. Mr. Hnrt Is n xnombor of tho South Dakota logls ii.iiv nut is an enthualustlc boost er for Coos Bny. stato courts. 1 RAILS IM TO MAPLETON IW Y VOTE IN WASNiNGTON No Wm. Black Likely to Be Democratic Second Choice For U. S. Senator HIT AUH-UIJ ITMI II WM tKT TlDIM.1 SEATTLE, Sept. 10- Returns from i- i in'n ij n J i -ri . incsiinys primaries como in siowiy. Trains Will Da Operating That Olo Hansen. Progressive has nppar- Fnr in Annlhor Month . ',lll' wo tn" nomination for United rdl III HllUlllLT muillll stnteg Scnntor. 0, tll0 nomocrntlc Railroad Men Here tSUle, none of tho tlvo candldntcs re ,, . , . , ,, reived forty per cent of tho totnl That trains will bo operating as Vot . thus bringing the second cholco fur as Maploton on tho Coos Bay- provision Into action. Oeorgo Cottor bugono lino of tho Southorn Paclflo apparently i,s a plurality of tho by October 15 wuh tho Information rim cholco votes, with fieorgo Turn brought by Thomas Dixon, suporln- or 8ecom, nnd Wllllara Black third, tondent of tho McArthur-Perks Com- muck wa8 K0nerally second cholco pany, nnd L. I), aeoghegnn. offlco nilll BCCI11B Uko,y t0 KOt tho nonilna mnnager of tho company, who arrlv ton. Wesloy L. Joneswns glvon tho ri.. Z . , i I "'"'"""", itepnuilean nomination without op- wnr. Tho monsuro nlroady has pass ed tbo House or Heprosoutntlvcs. BUS DAXCE (it ftAOLKH' IIAMi SATl'RDAV MOIIT. "-- ' - q "w" nnd bills in tno casn drawer yosu'r-i nnu neeu given, nowovoi, no noiu qj(j i,m.,j.. nMe dny. I tl nt the purclinso hnd boon mndo In c, A. Sohlbrodo today rwir.)- Until tho stock Is chocked ovor good fnlth nnd that tho purchasers wor,i thnt tho Oregon Sunrene CmS completely It will bo hard to nscor- hnd paid taxes for many yenrs nnd i,n,i reversed tho cmo of F 1 tnln Just what they took. , wero entitled to tho widow's dowor smith vh. l. n. Kinnnv n,i , Papers In Mr. Jones' desk on tho nnd he directed tho nttornoys to try n now trial In tho lower court Tki balcony were runiniagod and In fact out tho widow's dowor rights. Supremo Court held that th Mi! they made a pretty thorough search I Dlvoico Ik (iniiitcrt. Judgo erred In directing s Terdlct" of tho store. I In tho caBo of Edna Illchnrdsonv for the plaintiff Instead of il!o. Tbo robbery was not discovered noo ot'onneii, vs. ur. iioyu m, men- ing tho Jury to decide Thli cut until Hal Crawford opened tho Btoro nrdsou, Judgo Coko granted a final Involved the Bide of the old stctmrr this morning. docreo of divorce. Tho suit was on Llborty, formerly on tho Coqolllt, Mnrshal Cnrtor nnd tho other of-, tho grounds of dosoitlon. 'Iliy niotli- to Mnjor Kinney during hit Itiplt HAND UA.VCK PLATFORSI Second' f'cers nr working on the caso today and .Mm hot, Siitiirduy night. trip over tho road. Mr. Dixon stated thnt trains wero bolng operated within twenty-one miles of Maploton, which Is at tlm head of tidewater on thu Sluslnw. nnd thnt rails hnd been laid within ton miles of Maploton mid ballasting position. IiATK WASHINGTON RETURNS. (11 Atx.-Ult Prtt I I'm D Tlrnn.) SEATTLE. Sept. 10. Tho Domo crntlc uomlnntlon for U. S. Senator hnd been finished to within twelve 'll?I,B,mSd ''' SeorK0. Turnor Iind miles of Mnpluton. Tho last bridge ' ,u Ul,ai" nlnck Turner's chances nro tho Slusluw uliovo Maploton ""Proving ns easiorn wnsumgion ir nut in nmi ail M... niiinir counties report. Supremo Justice have beon driven ns fnr ns Mnple- Goso appears beaten for renoiulna ton. Tho road laying crows nro muk- t,0ll This Is uncertain. Bit. II. K. KElTY, DENTIST. Phono 11?-T Ronm ?ni Coi0 ndB Llhby lno kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. IMclflf Llvcrjr ami Transfer Compnny. mil hnvo come strong suspicions. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Coim River Consolidated SchiKil Dlst. ilct N. an, Cimin Courtly, Oivgon, Calls for Bids. ;illli Give a brPII'r.t clomjr ahlna that doo not nib oft or duit oit lliat nnuaU to lho Iron-lhut last (our tlinua lone a nny othor. Black Silk Stove Polish It In a ctax by llclf. It' mors oni,'xj,inadi!a-driuJo I rum Mur fultru'i, T-y It on vour Dirl r ttoxi.rtfwrcu. ja i or uur ti t t i iiyaiiMT. in:u llidMt(M.'Uhr- 1( onion lhjMtfH: rrx uiJ. r" r It BIO DANCE nt EAOLES' HALL bolng mndo all along iho SATURDAY XIOHT. Ing rapid progress. Mr. Dixon stntos that good prog rous is being mndo all alont; tin llllf. till, fllin U'ntllor l.nvlni' Tinan most fnvornblo nnd ombrncod to tho grontost uxtent. Everything ta bo lng orowdod. All tho tunnols nro I bolng hnstonod. Whothor tho big tunnel nt Schofleld will bo driven , from both onds will dopeud on whother It will bo choaper to do It thnt wny or whether It will bo nocesBitry to finish eurllor than enn' ho done by driving It from ono end. About 1X00 feet of tunnel has to bo driven yet, As an indication of how fast tho work Is going, tho McArthur-Perks Company, tho contractors of tho wholo road, Inst month pnld Porter Brothors ovor 1200,000 for tho work they hnd tlono timing tho thirty days Messrs, Dixon and (leoghegnu will leave tomorrow for Eugeno. This Is Mr. Ceohegatt's first trip to tho Bay. Ho was Iqcnted in Arizona on some contracts tho company Hud thore. r Ft'tv (io To War Mr. Dixon says that few or tho foreigners working on tho lino have glvon up tholr Jobs to return to tho Europeuii war. Ilo savs that labor is more plentiful now than It hits been In a long tlmo. DON'T MISS THE Grand Benefit BALL BY SUMNER ORCHESTRA AT SU.MXEH HALL Saturday Eve., SEPT. 12 Tine Lunch nerved by tbo lollies for -."S Cents ADMISSION $1. LADIES THEE Alice H leaves Multifield nt Ts.'JI) 1 M. hit tv "i or irvivrfU krU 4j 1 14 ir mnn uur Thtf'u"A ShlnoJi Evorjf Drop W BLACK SILK STOVE POLISH ! For Sale by I SCIIROKDER HII.DENBRAND l'ltoiio 177. I Bids for the erection and comple tion of tho two-story nnd bnsoment frame school building, tno plans nnd iilng him as a "dead bent" nnd ho cr wns given tl o custody of tho two Trnnslt onorntlmiB. Ilo Issuctl coet ; minor children. Dr, Rlchnrdson Is certlflcntos for the boat, then donVij now In the Orient nnd Mrs. Richard- led them, etc., nml tho trial Join I son resides In Mnrshfiold. hold that Kinney had to par t' Dilution nine I'n. in co vnluo or tlio pool ccrtltlcilM.- A new trlnl wns granted In tho Sperry nnd Perkins repreinMI cose of Robort E. Taylor vs. John Hmltli wbllo watKlns nnd senlirrtt Nlclson. n slaudor caso from Ban- represented Major Kinney. 1 don. Taylor claimed that N'lolson - nml ilin ltnmtnn Mornlinii'ta' Pmtno- lIUltD ESTATE SOLD BY .1.... i ..!. lll.ll...l i.l... i I. Clll.'llll.'l.' I'll! I IMII'IIIIYIM l uvu t.nui;iuiiijii iiuuiiuii uuu ur 111111- ...... . ... v ..v. specifications of which may bo seen at tho offlco of TlonJ. Ostllnd, archi tect, 200 Irving Block, Mnrshfiold. will now bo received. Plumbing nnd heating will bo nwarded by soparato contracts. All bids must ho filed with tlin architect. Ilnnl. Ostllnd. be- foro 8 p. m., Sept. 18, 1914. No bids will be considered unless nc trot n liidirniniit i.L'.ilnnt N'lolson. In EUOE.NK. Or., Sept. 10. MOItM addition to this cnao Nlolson Is suing tho property of the O. W Hard Taylor on several counts. THAT SEWER CASE tato at Florence and In ilNtonl pnrts of Lane county wai tolj t .; sncriH's sale in Kiigenc saturuiju-, toruoon to Oeorgo F. Miller, ol 8h Francisco, roiresentlng the 8m , Frnncl8co Board of Trade, ror tM Mnrshfleld, Oregon, Sept. 0. Ett- llnp nf tlin Tlmo! Aronnllni' tn i-ni.r nmnr nf Ron. 8IIIII Of S27.000. Tills BSlo Wat all emnnnled bv a rpjtfd chek to to.Tber Sth, Mr. A. J. Savago rando ?a s:tUfy n J-iJs"cnt given Ini clr- ; Chnlrmnn. tho amount of two per cent of then stntement before the City Council cult court here onio tlmo ago on a bid. A bond of fifty nor cent of tho Momlnv nleht thnt I refuaeil him mortgngo ngnlnst tho Hard Lumw contrnct will ho required of tho Biic-jpormlsslnu of a right of wny for n & Navigation Company TheproptM ccHBful bidder. II. E. BESSY, sower. ty Bold Includes ninny lota in u , Mr. Savngo spoko to mo shortlj town of Florence, a creamery after tbo street was opened to Buch dairy ranch, several tracts of tMt J n.nttnr I Minn tnlil litm tlint T u'nn lnniln on the SltlfllftW XVft lOtl IS I not roady to conncrt with tho sower Glonnda, lots In Mapleton,' a Una , and would tako the mntter up with nonr Acmo nnd a lot In Eugene, j him Inter on. i' A fow days ago on finding my (JARD1NER IN I.MB connection In tho street only T Yi . feet below tho sidewalk, I consider- Tho Coos Bay towns mar dih od neither he nor I would have snf- their navnl battles, nutomoDiie REPUBLICAN TICKET Election 1014. DR. HOHSV'ALL lins .MOVED to KCOMS 112-14-1R. lltVINfl BLOCK. BIND DANCE PLATr-ORM Second and .MitrKct, Sutimliiy night. BIG MONEY! In Cash Prizes mny bo earned with my now Invention, "BATTLEFIELDS OK EUROPE." Even grandad, tho llttlo tots and the entire family will bo dollghted. Price, ono sllvor dlmo. At all news stands, drug stores, book stores, cigar Btore3, etc. or mailed post paid by the Inventor, Richard P. O'Connor, 430 Hoyt street, oppo site North Bank Station, Portland, Oregon. Boxing. Contests FRANK MASO.V -vs.' HAPPY KOLEN Tight round-, at 138 Pounds AND HAPPY HOLBROOK vs. - BOER DENZER Eight Hounds nt lit.1 Pounds. AT ECICHOFF 11LDO., NORTH BEND SAT.EVEJSEPT.12 AT 0sl5. GENERAL ADMISSION, S1.00 RINGSIDE, fl.SO, $1250.00 Bunga 1 ow FREE Our proposition Is tho most lib eral ever offered, viz: We propose to build a new, modern bungalow complete In every detail, Including bath and mod orn plumolng on one of the next twenty lots sold in Per ham Park. Wo sell you tho lot any lo cation desired on tho same easy terms as boforo and as soon as twenty lots are under contract you conduct n drawing nnd wo build tho houeo and present to you FREE OF COST PERHAM PARK is located In tho heart of the city and offers the best resi dence values on the Bay. For full particulars and plans call at offlco or phone 2C4-J. W.A.REID,150FrontSt. For U. S. Senntor R. A. Booth. For Congress W. C. Hawloy For Governor James Withycombo For Justlco of the Supremo Court Heury J. Bonn, Lawrence T. Harris, Thomas McBride, Heury L. Benson, Charles L. McNary. For Attorney Gonornl George M. Brown. For Supt. of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill For Stato Engineer John M. Lewis. For Commissioner of Labor O. P. Hoff. For Railroad Commissioner Frank J. Miller For Supt. Water DIv. No. 1. James T. Chinnock. For Representative 5th Dlst. Charles R. Barrow For Representative 6th Dlst. S. P. Peirce For County Judge. James Watson For Sheriff Alfred Johnson, Jr. For Couuty Clerk, Robt. R. Watson For County Treasurer T. M. Dimmick For County Surveyor. C. S. McCulloch For Couuty Coroner F. E. Wilson For County Commissioner Geo. J. Armstrong. For Commissioner Port of Coos Bay A, H. Powers, Anson Rogers and Henry Seugstacken Published under tho authority and by the order of the Coos County Re publican Central Committee. (Paid Adv.) Oil 4- VUWt -f . . . . flclent drain If ho connected with upsj their Joy rides and tlieir Draw j, mn no III a hn.laa la Invent Minn ... tun atnrma Till r u'linil It COltieS tO PUI11B( ); Yours truly. off an up-tonlato safe-cracjdng bwi' 1 1 i i ifinnnwa nnu nnnilnnr lias cot tnera in ll 90.1 South Fourth Street. ' nod a city block. Umpqua Courier. BIG DANCE at EAGLES' SATURDAY NIGHT. HALL BIG DANCE at KAOT.' HAM SATLRDAY .SIGHT. . Here's Where You Get flre$totie A 'l ' M m h- mm 4 Tires, Tubes and Accessories And that means that here you get the most for your money. Most miles per dollar and most comfort per mile. Firestone quality has led the g vvona ior rourteen years, i nere is no argument about it. But because they have the largest and best equipped tire factory, and only the top notch men, the prices are right. Call and See Non-Skid Smooth Tread All Types All Sizes Goodroads Goodrum Destributor for South Western Oregon.