The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 09, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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Doings of the City Council
Marshfield Constable Says
That Conditions at Lake- i
side Are Dangerous
Countable W. H. Cov returned to-! j
dny from u trip to Lakeside ami the i '
Ton miip country, wiiom ho Hcrvcii Council Instructs Health Com- Proposed Amendment to Build
Fomo papoi-H m rivii hhuh. it., mij-b mittcc to Destroy Old I ing Ordinance Referred to
1BeroM8,!n,ni,on" tl,or "ro rnlly ,ln"" Shacks Paving Job I Committee to Consider
Monday they almost had a rot Mnvor A,pn )nf,t MKnt nHC(, tllJ An n,c,i,iinent to the cltv build-
nnil Olof Severson was compelled to rty r,)lim., ,0 tn,.t, ,,, (o rnzr) n, B ordinance providing for tiio dim-
.closo his saloon. I-Inally a revolver llm,rt(,( nmiKI, ,, S(,tn I0l8hth luatlon or tho rees on buildings which
was taken from ono man ami a razor H(m,ti 1((lr (,oHt,n- ,, Hlltl thnt ,linre ,eliiK raised or lowered to eon-
ii iiiii uiimiii i. i,.i ii,t tiifiint fin4 kovohiI vonrn I form ulili flinnimu In nirnoi ....n.l,,.,
. "" : .. '...:. : "v "".. h....t.n
TM111 twiiililn fnmilta frnitl Mill tlllll
...i ........... .y.,... ....... ..- ...... ,, WIH n nicnnro to tno ptiuiiei unu aiso ror moving structures, wnB
Btoppltu? many of tho railroad work- 10ntb. mntiy contagious dlsenBCB tallied last night b the City Council
men who forked to town and drank ,inv1B ,Cp1 POIllrnptcl, there. Tho until a committee could consider If.
heavily. Mr. (ox snyB that most or ,10UM0 ,0BS to m,.. Armltngo. wholT'e provision for moving frame
the foreign element thoie carry -ai,i ... c.i.,,i,i ti, i.nnifii' .ira.n.rn, ..w.i.i.i .1 1... ....
'.niinn ii v tJiiiiiiMiivnt. 1 nu ii.ii.ii " mivo imMHWU IIUIL IIIU l.'lJIlMt!.! L
Here's Your Chance
KniyoH or iiuionuu.e pisiois. ' potnmlttco was Instructed to Inspect
.. . . 'U"""J" ""'" ;" It and take hopb to have It torn
!llc and says- there are many for- Iown nl)(j )llrlu,,,
Clgnurs. ruiii'Hi-iiiniK iiuriii;uiij iiii
or a majority of tho owners In the
Mock In which It Ib moved and also
the owners across tho street from It
.. .- . ..a .a I IllllUf 111) Mtnt I ...11.1.. I...
the nations of southern Europe, and ,, "" , ,, TV ' , ,. ! lie limits
.. .. .. ... Pltv llni-nrdnr Itnllnr Infnrinnil Him 'He III11IIH.
110 Haw U10II1 Oil 1110 imiipilgO .MOI1- ., ' .. , . 1 . ii I r . i Tho ninntwlniniit .no !,, , .
.,.. City Council last night that ho had' ' no nmotiiiniont was about to no
. n. ....1 . 1. ....1 - ...... 1.. r..... lllll 1(1 n Void u'hnii Pnitiixlliiinii c,....
.nirJStnWo Tor Urn" "'v'ie n ? nmlSmen of WnVrcn ". Construe- Plo objected. ,,0 said ihat ho rho..lVl
&MimlA&to ''?'' Wl " n0t,flfi,, lhT "y maTter.o" a.?.0 tl.T ."Si-1 "ff
aid Monday .evening. In or- ' - , "K"'. Z "bo LS , ioSltffiZl
irtr fiTui inn liiiii nit rniiiii. iitiiv ,' v - ... ..
ever, they have no Jail there and all "ould ho Void liable uiZV.Cv LmVH,,i . T'0 J"Bt
... ' rvmiwiltttwitt r...i.itii 1111.1 li'iii(fin.i mil IIICV watltiifl nit fl nlun In nurnu.
vuiiiii 111111111 .irriu mill .tfiuin.i. - - -- ,..-.. ... ..i....-
fivnriiuvml InilliMinllmi Mini U'nn nil I talll M tlllTo Wore BIIV Other clinni'OH
Ilrothers wore not roIiir ahead wlthi1" Mle "lliian 0 that iiiIkIu ho do-
that an officer can do Is to disarm
tho work.
I'Ioi-miii'n lifwi Hinnll.
t.. ...... . 1I..1 til. til ... ....
.mi. v. . riurwin huh- Councilman Doll Bald that Sunt.
laineu a very muan loss wuon nis ,,,,. r,. i.n.i 1,,.
aired at this time. It wiih flnallv
lorerred to tho health committeo.
inspector Trlbboy explained thnt
We will give, absolutely free for one week, A WATCH
GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, with every boy's suit
We are showing the
very latest models and
color effects in the fore-
most all wool clothes (or
toro was robbed tho other nlht. roriIIC(, ,,m t,v w,,r0 tMnf. OVOry- '" "t been clmrKlnK any roes
ykmomr h nrtlcleB taken wore nine , , ,, , t t)l0 work ,,.! or permltB ror ralslni; and loworliiR
IiiKuraoll two do.on $.1 raz- ,r , , ,,, t, t , ; lnillilInKs unless other ImpnivctueutH
orB. a caso of briar pIpeH, some spec- .,.., '1 , ,. ,.. .. ' worn mniln or iinimmmii n.
tacles and some clKiirH. They did not f nx,ollHCH nd Just now tho! Adjourn Tun UVoKh.
Iiother tho safe or tho cash drawer. , "-, f'!? ',.' " L 1 1 Tho Council decided i, n.ii,,..r
fJ'Sl Vi.,'r',i n fuW ',"UnrH yr. Doll said that Mr. bad I miill n week riom next Monday nlKht
Sn casli In tho drawer.
Htatod that bo offered oIkIu per cent
",!!:Lji"":.:r,..,,"!!j: w r; ii;; in, imnk'; for .;;;,;.;'. vh
as there Is no street work or other
important inatterH to come up. May
t,Z K!TJn '!, r S,WJi ' , I" l-h llo .""tract but was nimble to' jr Alton said that ,,,ho or nnrlhln.
........ ....a ,.,.-.., , ., ...,,, ... iHuiS.f
Constahlo Cox Hays.
KOt It.
I Mr. Doll said that Supt. Ashby bad
Informed him that they were arratiK-
Iiik to fix up tho concrete curb ho
idevelopliiK hu would call n Bpeclal
Councilman Albrecbt objected to
mo way tno city ilKlit bill is Inrreas
Mint thorn u-mili! Ii nn dniicnr of '"Ki saylni; thnt last month It wiih
ilamaKo from rains. City Hnphiperl ovpr r,0 and oxceedhiB tho nppro-
IluckliiKbani stated thnt the curb liml 1'rlatlon for UkIiIr.
not been iIiiiiihroiI by tho last rain. t-")' Itoconlor Ilutlor Btated that
tin mill! Mint Pi.nrl llrnllinru liml lUOro of tllO liroiiprlv nwrniru nn
somo work to do after tho fill nloiiKi f.0"11,1 "''oadvvay woro bondliiK for
tlio curb wiih made and In coiiho- J'10 Improvpmcnt than had bonded,
quonco ho had not Hpnt In a final ps-j '"i" any other Htrtet Improvouient,
tlmato on tholr contract, which It. ""o uuiiuk iiih tenuio or office.
I othorwlso completed. Peart llroth-' - ,-.-,,--j--- ,
.orH woro present and slated that they n. eonerpto npproacli can bo built for
.-... . . a t I lt. Ttwrk ....!....
lKur.n,l rntnnln,l Kti 0.m wpro roaoy 10 110 ine worK as soon aai " "" "R
muiaimuiu "iij" "y "" tlw rill wn mndc.
Ul.l 10 IH WIUIIUIIUU Wharf Ik Hail.
For a New Game.
ry'g y' Vffi "T'T'
See Window Dis-
play of Watches
and Suits and New
Ideas in Mackinaws.
designed nr
Maishfield Bandon Myrtle Potat
t IIII llllll It WOlllll III. vnrv
j oxppnslvo for the number or places
It would Borve.
llrndley (3)
l.pcocii CI)
1)'nnK, Capt
Sowop Too ICmm'iisIii'
Mr. KorUUSOIl Htlltnd nlun Mini 1...
PimwIlninii p.viirlunii Mini 'nil 1 110 Htl'PPt POIIimlKHloilor lint In 11
Mlni-n it'iini mniif ilnflict 1 1'.. nlnnnu III tOmpomi'Y Iltflllk prOSHllli; nt llnllnn.l
The basketball itmnu botwppn tho the wlinrf iiIoiik the wntorfront and """oadwuy ho that traffic could pot
MarHhfleld and KiihIhIiIo teaniH. play- ho thouuht that thoy sliould ho re- '""rwi n in uio nircct improvoniont
oil last ovuiiIiik t Hastsldo. rosulted paired liofnro thero are accldentB rp- ,H 'JPitiK III up.
In n victory for tho lattor with a huIIIiik from them. Councilman Al-I,. t,";v1 r-HBineor nuckliiKham Btatod
woro or 'M to II. lupcht said that City Attorney floss ,lln, Hernmu lllllyer wiih iiiixIoiih to
Spectatois Htato the kiuuo wiih us Imil not iPinleiod an opinion hh to Kot fowpr biilll "ro flint his roBldonco
fiiHl as could bo expected, connlder- what iIkIUh the city had over the "" ''""d near Hlovonth could bo
Iiik the hIzo or the ball. wntorfront and iinlil then bo did not "'""phi'iI up with It. Mr. Ilucklnt;-
Tho Marshfield playoiH nv that think that tho city Hhonld go nhpad;m,m rni" Hint Mr. lllllyer hud com-
UaBtslde playH a fast uanie. but at- with anv ropaliH or ImprovomontK on l"l"o t' nt IluckliiKham had pro-
trlbuto their ilofont prluclpully to tho tho wbarr. ventcii the construction or tho sower.
nmnllnosH or tho floor and t'eo e.- ' City KiiKlueor HuckliiKlinm staled, "' ' ! . ,,Hk,'1 (w " yo1"" ko, hut
tromely poor HkIUh. that tho private whnrf near Alilm-I iinckliiKlmin denied this. However.
LnChapello or Miirxlifleld rofereed Ktroot was In bad Hhapp. lie said ;" IluekliiKlinni said It would ho dir-
.tho kiiiiio. that tho now wharf In tho rpar of J'H" to put In tho sower hpcnuso
Tho lineups and point h scored by the city hall liml boon completed . J"" """'" 'io or i.irod wiih too low
lilnyorH aio as follows: nod that tho Odd Follows had re-; '" oniiec
MnrHbfleld Post1 Ion KiiHlsldo paired tholr adjoliilui; wharr.
HlirroilKllH (S) f McKay (LM Imm.m. CintU Ao.
I'olorson u. Wllllnms iiikimI that CiiiIIh , ',"' "arry's IMaco.
1'' IlllUSdalo (II) nvminn linliviinn lli-finilvviiv it ml 3ni. t 1 1 V ICtl li I II for Illlclcllluliiini rnnnrl.
C Slocklo. .lubii (il oiul street be Improved as quickly iih! J''1 ''iat Contractors Perhain & Old-1
nony i;u posslblo In order to provide a Rood I "7 '"" eieiiupu uio urnin on North
Cl ..!! ... . ... .1.- ...... ....i . ( KllMlMl ulrnnl tin !... l.n flu..
.. ....... in. ill
Tlio Marshfield team today
tho following:
Wo. tho uuiloiMlmioil inembors of vn.1'0 conlract. ollmliiatliiK the i1Ihvhi lrrintMl that Mr. Harry was threat-'
tho I). (1. !'. Clllll. Of Mlll-Hllflplll. Mini will rosnlt fniin II liolnir l.nlll I HlllK tl) HII0 SOIIIOOIIO 1lPMiiin wntnr
lierohy cballoiiKo Ho KiihImIiIo Alb- in th,. iokhIhi- wav bv Hie city. ' ,l,ul l,e0" Mi Btnndlni on bis place,
lellp AsKoclallou to a basketball Cltv KiiKlueor Uncklnnbam was ln-1 Huston Stm-ts.
pine, time and place to bo Keltic I slructixl to tako the mutter up wlthl , Councilman Copplo wantod to Invo
liy cHptalus or Ioiiiiik. n. nropmiy owneis and try and haw J'10 eontrnclorH who took the Kltfith
lliirroiiKliH. Iliadloy. Mcliin- t ,um, ,y nrlvntt contract. If bo ''rraeo and Tenth street contrncts
aid. forwMnU: I.joiik, Caul. ,(m , Hucceel the Council imreed, hasten tho work. Ho wild thnt It
Chapman. Holt Miuwiu. to kIvc Mr. Wll'laum pHnnlssloii tot would kioii bo wln'er and tho work
iMinriK I.ecocii. lluutoi. ten- Kll ai,,.,,.! ui, his sbaio of tVo Im-1 1'0",1'' 't ho done then. Mr. jjiiok-
ters. piovonieiit. I InKliiiiii said th"t the innfrictora
, Seer C ectlnti llniil. ''"'I ""HI oiuo time In October to
A. .1. Suvhkc aupealcd to the Conu- "" II10 woiu. o polutod out that
pi lo proxl'lc iuphiih rr counei'llnic " year tl'o street work was not
bis now rcsldoino In South MiirHh- Hourly as fur ahead as It Is HiIh year
Hold whh the l'ourtb street sewer , ','" Hucklnnham said that Porhniu
Ml' Kiivaiffi lillllifhl tinrlii of fmn- ill r- '" Hldle.V WOlllll POIIIIiIotn Mm ..,...!
.... ....... relent loin so that hN in-oiipity fronts, '"K " N'orth KIkIiUi Htieet some1
SI D I I I V A Hfl "" 'lohusoii iimmiiio Instead or oni"""' "" wpok.
Ill I h r I M In! ''' 'H' street and unless bo nets per-1 ( ouiicllman Feruson wnnted tl o
iHI I I AH III mlsslnn rimii smuo or the proportv Pine ireet Improvoniuut pushed as
I I i I L. Vfi'tllfi owners to cmss tholr lots, bo will 'MUy is possible.
opi:x coos hay
WASIIINOTON, I). C. Sept. 9.
Tho Secretary or War Iuih iK.tlfled
Senator Chamberlain t'nt lands In
the vicinity or Coor. Hny, no longor
icqiilred In connection with tho har
bor Improvement, will be rclrfnrcd to
tho public domain.
ly t:i) possible In order to provide a Rood I "'i V" ,,u,nl,0 Hio drain on .North.
ii. Colo street to tho postorrice. OwIiik to ''lhth street so that tho Harry prop.
Issued - proximity or tho rainy season. 1J;.V w" o longer Inundateil. Conn
Mr. Wllllains wanted It done hv nrl-' ,.,"'"n VII.on said thnt he had beon
Prom V. K. Leoro, Kovornment
oimlneer In ehuiRO or tho harbor
Improvement on tho SIiihIiiw. wo
learn that durlnK tho mouth or Au
gust. IS, 1 70 toiiB or rock wero d"-
pobltcd In tho Jetty by tho contrive
tots, Johusou-Andorson Company. I
On the north side or the river
tho pllliiK httB been driven out to,
bout No, noo, miiklim It IHO feel.
fiirthor out Hint the piosent onu or
the south Jetty. Jt Is not tho In
tention to drlvo moro piling tills mil
hill to build up tho work and put
In enough rock ho tiat tho Jetties
will stand tho storms or tho winter
without boliiK damaged.
It Is expected tho present con
tract ror Jetty construction will lio
(ompletcd In November.
.dvi:htisi:i i,urn:us.
l.lul nf tiiifilnlllliiil liilli.ra I'.inin III.'
Ing In tho postofflco ut Marshflold,
Oregon, for the week ending Sept.
S, 1011. Persons calling for tho
same will plcnsn say advertised nnil
pay ono cent ror each letter called
Ayera. Kred; Halek. W. II.: Cnm
pell, II. II. j Cockorlll. Wlirrod; Dar
llng, lloscoe; Kslep, W. M.; OaKiiou,
l.ouls: I (nil, (loo. I..; Henderson,
Hob; Henderson, .1. It,; Holbrook.j
Mrs. Vlnn; Holm, Dave; Huntley.
Harry !.: Karantire, Geo.; Kiel. Mrs.
I.ou; Kulhar, Win.; I.owls, .!.;
McHiirney. l A.; Mcdee, John II.; I
MaiMellua Hros.; Marshfield Moic. ',
Co.; Martin, Mlllau: Miller, .1. (!.;;
I 'an key, .(oRoph; Parker, Main; Poolo
.liii.n II.; Iteevcs, Clark: Huniir, Mrs.
.1. C; Sibley, J. P.; Sodorstroui, MIsb
I'iio; Thonison, T. C; Tempest, 10.
N. (2); Tolnian. I.eon; White, W.
(P; AhiwUiH rrni .Kt ft 7l
Chicago, 1; Detroit, 3.
Huston, !; Now York, 5,
Phlla lelphla, 0; Waihlngton, I
Philadelphia. !; VnhIns!cn, L
..TI(N.l( l.l.'.U.TK
Cincinnati, :i; CIiIibko, I.
St. l.oiils-PlltsliurK CoM.
Hrooklyn. 4; PhllailclpIilJ, J.
Now Yoik. :i, Ilonton, S.
OUTHYI..STi:ilN' l.ial'K
Seattle. :i: Spokane, 3
Vh t'irla-Vaiicoiiver Italn.
'Inioma-Ilallnril rttln.
1 WaT .,..... . .1 II
Piobably notlilng makes a man ho $nu Kranclsio S '
weary iih to have bis rool rrlondH, Klllllay and Alexander; Bsanul
say tuey nnpo ms imroriunaio Hpccu-iSihinldt.
lntlou will provu a good lesson. Vrplco
iSacrainento ..
nit. II. 10. KIOfA'V, M0XT1ST. I Hltt and KHIot
Phono ll-'-.l. ltooin 204. Coko Bldn 'Koluer.
...1 I
.....3 II
Stanley 1
coMMioxci: xi:w Iimvki,
have to build about 2011 reel or sownri
to couuei'i up. He snld that M. p i
Itnrriiuu Imtl rnfnaml mirlilluclnn lint
". " i ..i ..... ... . ..JL. ..
no liiiil not wen the others Jlr,.'.,""im ' f"'"' oik yt ii roiiiuieiico
HiickliiKhnin said that H Mr Ravage1 "iiimuiec Apiolnteil
iii'il arrange to got n sewer to. At a meotlntr of tbrt mnnbi.i.i
....11.,t .t ...., it . 1 1 I.. tl . . "' "wtlMIUIUVlO
IIIUIII PI I'l'l III I UllKI'Illt'lllH MIU 111
C"nty Superintendent Baker
Awards Diplomas to Eighth
UldllU UUlllllcUlb I'diutli st'eet arranupmeiitK .'wnulil In Mm nnw imini n.,m ...7
t'OOPIIIK Or Sent l The fol. '"' ",u,," r"r "onncctliiK up. The Monday night It was Vound that a
lowing ll Hk i of t 1 ass Hill Vho "",,,w" n" imw-wl m-er until Mr. sufficient sun. had been raise to
recei t state Kluhtl umd eviml a- S"V,,K, ,'ul'1 v""Un' w,,h r I.""'-1 warrant construction work an I a
rj out state i.iMith kiiiup evinilna- ...,v or otl-eis legardlng a right of way committee consisting of Stovo (Jal-
Mnn.lifl.Uil-Mjrtlo Isaa. son. for l,,w " 1Vll., s , "VJ S.v"; "0. ' '- K.onenherg
North II.mi.1 Clarence Nygren. .I. ,. ..''"'' .' ' ' '' U ,'i !".... t' wnB "PPoHited to
....i..." " ' i . ;.; ""''. .v. .w, .;..:""", "':u,o'.'t,,rioriv
WW i
Hk J 1 A I fir
liniiniL iiiiiiiirr Mm inn-... iinnei- niun mhhhit "imihuik nn inn- ni ui .ui ui am pa uu 's. iiicornoni-
Phi Is doiunlng a right of way over tho tin the proposition for the mi In t of
l'u l-'lk K.uiii.H.11 T....U- P.,0 8""thorii Pacific to connect up tho S7S.0OO. ot
Olson 'Hiloeu 'ouvs. Klnier ,wn portions of Ko,r street which Actite Woik tnth.
Itiu'i lolnli Wiuil Piiiimiit fiiini.i (' Al Sl,1,H reded to the city, wns In speaking with a World repre-
V. Uiwei IM,S m ' ' W ,,,,,,,",vl- Th, '"'"""""" f W'""J. S. Atkins, architect a nd
nil. i ii ii o"..1... "'."... ... committee of three to tho daniag- one or the stockholders. stn,,i i .!
..i. nn- itiiiiitii i. i i'i er.
Hock. JoVu Smith. Sam
Teiiiiileton - iHui,) Mmlw,
Allexanv Lonvw Stemmernmn
Hazel Comui. iKuon Price. 1 i
M'w l.ake Hosa II. Wooden.
JMMUI 11)11 I
es was ilefon-ed until net meeting. acile lonstruettou. work on tho first
Hid in I'loiH'i'tv. "nit would comm'eiicK nn m. ....
lanv r,,v "''''orlor llnUer was nu'hor- "ie flftuouth of the month. The
iacK y.,,j , i,.i luiiiieriv mi Nori' Sm - unit will be of firoproof lonstruc-
oiiu sneei wnii n n tn lie sold tor """ "" win nave a rtuo brick
the street assessment. The propertv f'0't, tho construction to be In ne
ls ii imrtlon of the Su hern riie eordanco with the plans and aped
I'oinwnv holiUnus which wps ileeiimi . flintloiiB. -Western World.
to tho Davis helvs In the reeen lltl
Sieel Lined
Arrow and Nitro Club
Everybody calUthem "ThaSpttdShtUt",
for short.
Steel Lined. all tho exploilve force kept back
of the (hot. No tide expansion. A itralght
away blow that get the load there quick.
You tako a thorter lead on tho fait birdi
get more of them.
To got the Speed Shelli be ure to see the
Red Ball Mark of Rcmlngton.UMC on
every box.
To keep your cun cle.D.d and lubricated
right, ma Kern Oil, the new powder eolvent,
rutl preventative, and gun lubricant.
Reminitoa Armi-Union Metallic Cartridfo Co.
J9 BimiI, K.w Terk
Liz AiiroIoi.
llliri.lMlinllnllll. KvailS.
Vnntz, Uynn. HiirIio. rook.
j II
.7 II
.M,I,I,...M i ;i. ', v Vff.
STAHTS AAIX O.V ritlP.U, bff-
'kVcJlViT.. V"
I? .. .. ii i
Ppper Pour Mile Couulu Wll- Mtinn T,,t ,,,,v r"" b ' 01,,v he Ji'.'.L'JAT. SLMIII CUT. II .i:s.
louUby MU nn'oiinl of the n8sesfiinint4 and V rP---"-'-' - -- !!!"---
costs or tee B'e
Julius llenham.
1'Mj has MOVIOH to
Coiiiielliniiu Dl nf the ff n, lUf Ifl S Wmm aLn C VJ
Mu, lltVIXtl 11I.OCK. xU" '""'"'"tee will nsk tills imin Mf.l ITARY ACAF5FMV
r 1 tu' the cnnl dealers ror ruppMiH p. I ,miW"1 ,rK iSWL.lVl V
11 IMi VTFOHM Second ' ",n VV,M' ' ,l fp" l' wllpei- A Select Non.Sectiiant3oidinsand Day Schoo;
WVVX.I1., f,
r nlulit ' ' """ "man rt-KiiHon nnnouncpd
' h ' ' '"it he had arrnnwd to have dirt
,,.;.., '".led from Kleventh and 101 rod to
....i.o.- ( im jn Iront ol lll0 clty jjall B0 t,jn;
(or Doyt. Mllltaiv DuciDline: Small Clann- Mrr
Teachen, Careful tupeivmon iccuiei leiulti tha
ue no! altained eliewherc. Send lor catalog,
Everything for the Big Game Hunter, the Fisherman
and the Autoist.
Front Street Marshfield, Oregon
Wo Too 3II..H Mc.. WW
Clogs Kidneys. Then H-uk im"
And Hbidiler llotli i(,u
, via-
Most rolks forget thai i .
neys, like the bowel. Bit fl(
.,.i ninn.i nnil need a ,u.' .i!
occasionally, else we hgg
and dull misery In e W""
glon. severe beailache. rjew
twinges, torpid her ac to V
BieupiesBiit'DB mm
der disorders. ,r xfr
You simply must keep . jam
neys active and clean, and e ,.
ment you reel nn nche or v
tho kidney region. Bel : aboj
ounces or Jad Salts ' 'm "boi
drug store here, tf ke fflS-
nil In a glass or ter,f0Ur
f0f rnv n few days anil Jo ,,.
nem will then art fine. i(i
nioiis salts Is. made roro uwnrf
or grapes anu ei nv j - m
..11. W lain fl II I IS II tt I II"- . ItaArl
limiy biiuui i ...... (UU3 ,..-
keep tholr kidneys c-m"-'
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