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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1914)
"S!5WPWII ymfr 1 n on SLM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHRELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE lr,5 owRai, Handle ftta I'Al! . '"J ""w; c'"mnetT Hi !"1 " h 'a" t "Tl. .1 '3H'"i 'rencbl )r, See! -cut tl mm r Mm, cW m D ifC GO J IV 01 I Oik :ufi ii M nil i.crl O0R8I? WSSu IAN TLUAJliT i:icciiou jum. For C S. Snnntor ?. A. Booth. For Confess y ('. lluwley For dou'rnor Tunes Witli.veoinbo So of the . Court t unii "IiiiwrnnfiG enry !J Jr'V ' -M--R,.!,in ;i,amVi- L. McNnry. For Attorney Gouornl George M. Brown. ur -.. ii.iMIr Instruction fcrsupi. ui J. A. Churchill For Stato Engineer John M. Lewis. For Commissioner of Labor 0. P. Hoff. far Railroad Commissioner Frank J. Miller For Supt. Water Dlv. No. 1. .Tamos T. Chinnoek. hot Representative Gth DIbL Charles H. Burrow For Representative Cth Dlst. S. P. Peirce For County Judge. James "Watson For Sheriff Alfred Johnson, Jr. For County Clerk. Robt. 1?. "Watson For County Treasurer T. Jr. Dimmlck For County Surveyor. C. S. McCulloch For County Coroner F. ID. Wilson For County Commlsslonor Geo. J. Armstrong. Commissioner Tort of Coos Bay L IL Powers, Anson Rogers and Henry Sengstacken PablUhed under tho authority and k; the order of the Coos County Re abllcan Central Committee (Paid Adv.) J25.00 $25.00 I We will pay $26.00 to any porson ho ciumi the arrest and conviction of a bicycle tblet In Mnrshfleld. (SItned) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY READ TIIK ADS. ReaJ the war news, hut don't for- Iftt the storo news In Tho Times. IRVING BLOCK -Sv- ' HATS-Fall Blocks Knox and Mulvey. Ready StylM nro good in hotli Neither the soft nor stiff blocks are wirwne, jot everyone has plenty of Miup and go to It. -Rather lilh tapered crowns on the Mft hats and often tho baud Is of anoiJu'r color. The new derbies have rather high oval crowns uuil narrow hrlm. --We lwvo Just In n hlfj shipment of CLOTH CAPS AND HATS "KWIACAA.V. All uro swell. Call and hM Uiem. -We aiv Mioulug- u hoaiitirul lino of tho now Fall overcoats, Suits, 'tola Cimu and Hclmacaun coats. Sv tho Parisian always for stylo and quality. Why? Because we sell for cash. I The Union Market I l'R COLD STORAGE SYSTEM IS 8UHR A SUCCESS "r Prime Roasts of Beef, Lamb, Mutton, Veal and Pork cannot b ercelled. Try one of our Fat Hens or Fryers for your Sunday dinner, that as been Properly cooled, and noto the difference. J. E. FORD & CO. 174 South Broadway Phono 58 I THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. J 13 SOUTH SECOND STREET JOHNSON BUIIiDING Are serving all kinds of HOT and COLD FOODS in a small or largo way. ME M8 Roasts, Veal Loaf, Tongue, Etc. SALADS Frmt, Nut, Potato, etc. EAKS Boston Baked or Plain. SPAGHETTI Spanish or Mexican Style. CAKES-AU kinds. THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. P At$5.00 we're show ing a com plete line of FloYsheim STYLES TheNewPiccadflly an English model The Roadster with wldo low heel and shank The Tourist a gentleman's shape are a few of the new ones we are showing. Come In and look thtm 0Vr we want you to START WEARING The Florthclm Shoe-NOWl Most Styles $5.00 "Imperial' QoalHy $6.00 Hulls Purchased nt till Store Kept Pressed Free of Charge Woolen Mill Store ?a?sjai BREVITIES TIDES FOB SEPTEMUKH Below Is Blven tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Mnrshfleld. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd holghts on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will ln dlcate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. lira. Ft.., lira. Ft.., Hrfl., fi.lG 4.7 G.00 4.3 0.25 O.S 1.23 0.9 2.30 0.9 3.CI 0.8 4.G5 0.5 10.36 1.3 11.00 2.1 C.G4 3.7 S.17 3.7 9.37 3.G 10.54 3.8 11. CO 4.3 4.64 G.7 r..30 CO 11.29 2.8 12.11 2.8 1.21 3.0 3.16 3.1 4.4G 2.8 11.39 0.8 0.0 0.0 6.16 G.3 7.08 G.2 8.19 G.l 9.42 G.l 10.G4 G.4 Ft. . lire. Ft... lira. , Ft.., Mrs., Ft.., Mrs., Ft.., WEATHER FOHEOA8T j (Dr AtiotltttJ r-rtft to Cooi t)r Tim. I OREGON Fair tonight nnd I Thursday; cooler In east tonight l with light frost. Winds mostly I northerly. LOCAL TE.MPEBATUBK BECOBD. I For tho 24 hours ending nt I 4:43 n. m Sept. 9. by Benl. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum go Minimum 40 At 4:43 n. m 47 Precipitation ?7 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1914 2.77 Precipitation same period last year 2.94 Wind: southwest; partly cloudy. I? I I Meet Tonight. Tho Marshflold M. E. Brotherhood will meet tonight at tholr hall. Builds lloiue. Luther Judy Is erecting a new house at his placo at Loon Lake. Finishing lumber Is being taken out from Marshflold as tho mill nt Loon Lake doos not turn out pin nod lumber. U'lleii Coming. W. S. U'Ren, not ed In connection with Oregon reform legislation and an Independent candi date for Governor, will arrlvo hero on tho Brenkwator Friday to tour this section In behalf of his candi dacy. Court Bournes. Most of tho at torneys wont to Coqulllc Tuesday to attend tho opening of th'n ad journed term of circuit court by Judgo Coke. Among othor Tues day were C. R. Peck, Arthur Peck, DON'T MISS TIIK Grand Benefit BALL BY SU.MNEH OIICHKSTHA AT SUMNER HALL Saturday Eve., SEPT. 12 Fine Lunch served by the ladles for 2 Cents ADMISSION 91, LADIES FBEE Alhv IL, leaves Marshfleld at 7liU V. M. The Royal TO-NIGHT THE HOUSE OF BIG FEATURES. M. Charles P. Bowker, sing ing popular ballads and novolty songs. World's Leaders Films pre sent "SCROOGE" In three parts. This feature is taken from Chas. Dickens' famous poom, "A Christmas Carol," nnd played by Seymour Hicks in ovor 2000 performances. "INTO THE FOOT HILLS" Eclair two-reel drama, with j. W. Johnston and Edna Payne. Stevo, a young pros pector, nnd his pals hunt for gold In the mountains. Stevo strikes It rich. An old pros pector tries to cheat him. Tho prospector's daughter Inter feres and risks much to save Steve. Later she Is made a partner In tho rich mine. "SLIM TO THE RESCUE" A comedy full of cigarettes and giant powder and a thrill ing rescue. Slv reels of tho lavst tluit Is obtainable In films. Hero Friday night the 12th chapter of Lucille Love, the Girl of Mystery. Here Saturday night "QUO VADIS," in eight reels. Every one has heard of this wonder ful story and to see It Is sure a treat for the young as well as old. John Hall, Tom Hall and J. C. Ken dall. Picnic Friday The Moonlight pic nic Friday night will be under the nusplres of the L. T. L., but nil denominations are Invited to par ticipate. Tho Alice II. will leave nt 7 o'clock. Wed In Coqullle. Miss Grace Yoa kum, a well-known Coos Hay young woman, who recently returned from Portlnnd, nnd .1. A. Belleu were mar ried at Coujillle yesterday. Both voro connected with the telephone company for n long time. I Ono Offender. There wob only one offender in jail last night. He gave his name ns A. Prlco and was nrrested by Officers Shoupo and Donne for Intoxication. He had the price as $ IS. 05 was found In his pocket nnd $G of this amount was tho flno assessed against him. Bead Is Bad. C. II. Codding came In from Mllllugton today and savs ISSuS'ArT?..,!!:? Ks.t0 ffi wnn Illileil hv Mm rnn.l omw liltnlilmr on tholr lenm. Jin imva thn mm! crew also pulled out tho auto of At - torney McClure which was stuck there. lAjnve for College. Mrs. A. H. rowers anil Miss Lucy Powers left hub morning lor ijugono. wnerc .miss w. H. NORTON nnd wife, of Sum Powers will enter Oregon University. I nor, are Marshflold visitors today. Sho grnduntod from tho Marshflold MRS. B. F. PREY returned today High school last June. Miss Hazel Powers expects to leave early next month ror snn Francisco, where sho will enter Lane Hospital Nurses' Training School. . I nt her Dead. Mrs. John Mlrrn- soiu ubb received worn or tne ueatn of hor father, Peter Glrard, at Port- land Sunday. Ho wns seventy-thrco years old nnd death was due to com- plications Incident to his advanced yenrs. Tho body will bo brought hero on tho Breakwater for burial and tho tlmo of tho funeral, which will he under tho nusplccH of Sunset Lodgo No. Gl, I. O. O. F.. will bo announced later. Besides Mrs, Mlr rasoul, John Glrard, n boii, resides In Marshflold. Three other daugh-1 tors also survive. ! !lrl InJmxU. Parties from Co-' qiiIIIc stato that a young girl named Knthorlno Terrls hovers between llfo nnd death thcro ns n result of being thrown from n horso Saturday eve ning, Sho was en route from n school social to the Olson home to spend tho night. Sho was dragged, badly hurt and rendered unconscious nnd was not given aid until tho next morning when sho wns found. Her family supposed she wns nt the Olson homo or tlioy would havo searched for hor that night. Sho Is about sixteen years old. MABBIAGK LICENSES. Wllllnin B. Sullivan nnd Cora G. Elford. Waltor S. Rohlson and Stella M. Taylor. Chcrle Joe Rampant and Henriet ta Lccocq. Jesso O. Mnrlln nnd Mario M. Nos ier. Cecil Elwood and Elfllo Sanders. Coqulllo Hornld. WILL BUILD RESERVOIR. Tho county court wont out to tho county farm yesterday morning to miiKo arrangements ror building a reservoir and putting In a wntor sys tem thoro. Commissioner Armstrong Informs us that tho county Is saving $300 n month In bills for tho Indi gent slnco tho county hospital was' put In operation and all county chnrg-' ea can bo cared for thoro. The slto solectod for tho resorvolr Is on land high enough to pormlt a stream of water ,to be thrown ovor tho tops of all tho buildings at tho farm, so that tho now syBtom will afford the full est flro protection nnd ought to ma terially rod u co tho cost of Jnsurunce, Coqulllo Sontlnol. THEATRE O-NIGHT ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM 0 Boxing, Contests j GRAND FRANK MASON vs. HAPPY KOLEN Eight rounds at IRK rounds AND HAPPY HOLBBOOK vs. BOEB DEN.EB Eight Bounds at l.'l.l Pounds. AT ECKHOFF BLDG., NOBTH BEND SAT. EVE., SEPT. 12 AT 0:15. GRNKUAL ADMISSION, 81.00 RINGSIDE, 91.50. Moderate Price We can sell you HEATERS nro as nifty u line ns you nave See these HEATERS before Schroeder & General Repnlr Shops. PBOPhE YO KNOW ABOUT TSKr,r0l,ub"8 ln088 trlP to CoqtllWe. S. P. DARTLUTT of Batulon Is In 1 Marshflold on business. J. E. BARKER Is horo from Ash, Loon Lnke, today on business, NELS PETERSON of Tompleton Is a Marshflold business vUltor today. from a visit on North Coos Rlvor. MRS. P. E. LARSON nnd little son of Allegany nro Marshflold vlsl tors today. . MRS. CARL JOHNSON of North Coos River Is a Marshflold shop- per today. HERMAN SANFORD. of Catching Inlet, caino to Marshflold this morning on busluess. JESSE BARKER nnd Mr. Motley, of Catching Inlot, nro Marshflold business visitors today. MRS. A. B. SARGENT nnd Miss Clara Sargent returned today from n visit on North Coos Rlvor FRANK GRANT nnd wife, who hnvo been upending n few weeks hero nnd nt North Bend, expect to re turn to Baker Creek today or to morrow. DR. H. E. K13LTY returned today from McCoy, Oregon, whoro be wns called by tho Illness and death of his father. FOY COX returned today from n trip to his homestead above Allegany nnd will leave- soon for his old homo nt Danville, III,, where ho will visit for n while. TOM LAWIIORNE of Allegany Is n Marshflold business visitor today. He states that the recent rain was oClmmcuso benefit. Ho said that ho'nover saw It so dry In tho many years that ho has resided In this section. WM. ERICKSON, n driver on Footo'a auto lino, enmo lu from Alle gany today, the sorvlco being dis continued on account of tho mud dy rondB. If It remains clear, tho Hcrvlco will be resumed Satur day, and It Is expected that tho roads will bo bettor than over. Mil. AND MRS. A. M. SUMNER, of Bandon, aro In tho city visiting tholr BOiiB, Mllo and Frank and othor rolatlvos and frlomlH. Mr. and Mrs. Sumner are on their wny to Los Angeles whoro they expect to 8pcm! tho winter. fued SAX was horo from North Bend last evening and stated that he had completed arrangements for a boxing bout between Happy Holbrook of Bandon and Boor Denzor, of Prospor, and Frank Mason, now at tho Coos Bay Llfo Saving Station, and Happy Koloii, of tho Hcuryvlllo mine. It will bo bold next Saturday night. ANDERSON WRIGHT, tho well known Suinnor ploncor, wan In Mnrshfleld today and was warmly greotod by his many friends. Ho fmyB that tho European war Ib most deplorable. He bellovos that Ger many Is cortalu to loso In tho long run. Ho says that ovory American should bo absolutoly noutral. Ho states that a flno Iioubo Ib under construction at Sumner for Mrs. Byors. Tho Sum- nor Hall secured a now piano and the band Is making good prog ress. Ho Is In excellent health despite his advancod years. i I AMONG THE SICK Fred 11. Powers, who line boon Inld up with a sovero attack of In grlppo Is up nnd around today. , Mrs. Molvlllo of Gold Beach Is re I ported doing nicely nt Mercy Hospi tal, where sho Is recuperating from an oporatlon. Chns, Skorrltt was nblo to loavo , Merry Hospital, where ho recently , underwent an oporatlon. W. J. Escott Is confined to his homo with n cracked wrist sustained In an accident at tho Hennessey mlno. I Mrs. Morse from noar Wagnor un derwent nn oporatlon at Mercy Hos- pltul yesterday. ' Mac Anderson, a son-ln-lnw of Waltor Richardson, who has buen J confined at Mercy Hospital for some time, was able to leave yesterday. 1 W. N, Ekblad, who was not so well at Mercy Hospital Monday, was ro reportod much Improved yestorday. I A young son of a ranchor named Fredorlckson, on South inlet, was brought hero to havo n fractured arm attonded. tho InJurv bolui; sustained bv a fall from a load of hav. I A railroad employo from near Wag ner was brought In Monday night t with a dislocated shoulder. Ho was nn Austrian with an unpro nouncablo name. Mr. Eckerloff. nn employo of Camp BIG MONEY! In Cash Prizes may bo earnod with my now Invention. "BATTLEFIELDS OF EUBOPE." Even grandad, tho little tots and tho ontlro family will bo delighted. Prlco, ono silver dime. At all news stands, drug stores, book storoB, cigar stores, etc, or mailed post paid by tho Inventor, Richard P. O'Connor, 430 & Hoyt street, oppo site North Bank Station, Portland, Oregon, II Vl Tkll iC I c that will scon on you buy. fit your put so nnd they Coos Bay wood or coal. No trouble to show them. Hildenbrand Hardware nnd Plumbing. Five, was brought lu with a silver of steel In his eyo and la getting nlongr nicely. Marshal J. w. Carter Is confined to his home todny by a severe cold and la grippe. He has been ntllns for several days. Mrs. Nels Peterson of Templeloa who wns oporated on recently ut Mer cy Hospital, North Bond, for appen dicitis, Is getting nlong nlcoly, much, to tho gratification of her man friends. POOR SALE FOB BONDS. Denver Finn Withdraws Offer foe Loquille Securities. Recorder Lnwronco read a letter from tho Wright Bonding Compnny, of Denver, 1 which thoy withdraw of Denver, In which thoy withdrew fund warrant bonds. A speclnl moot ing had been hold Tuesday to con sider their offer, which was received that day. They offered to tako tho city's "0 por cent" bonds at a pre mium of $13.G0. tho city to pay 5 per cent, or $1G00, for having; tho records of proceedings exantfnod and for printing the bonds. Inasmuch an tho Council had advertised G por cent bonds, thoy objected to paying J1G0O bonus for tho privilege of soiling' them nt C per cent, nnd so notified tho bonding company. Mr. Llljeqvlst snld GOO lawyers lu tho stato of Ore gon would ho glad to oxamlno tho records for $G00, and tho result of tholr exainlnntlon would b0 Just tho amo iiB that of the Denver lawyer who demand G per rent for examina tion. CLASSIFIED TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOB HA LK Full net of eighth griulo books nt halt price. Inquire of Coos Bay Tlmos. Would buy first year high school books. LOST A V. H. tiro iHlvlJS, Mon day night botween Marshflold and Empire Howard for roturnta Blanco Hotel. FOB BENT Partly furnished mod om houso In West Marshflold, $14. 164 So. 11th street noar Andorsou. FOB HALE New furniture used on ly 10 days. Also modorn G-rnom bungalow for rent. Inqulro Mrs. Boone, G43 So. 12th street. WANTED CinHtcnt Blrl for llgfit housework. Phono 83-X. WANTED Girl for Krm'ral houso work. Phono 207. HEBE'S SOMETHING FOR NOTlf 1NG A. J. O. O. .IEBSEY. , For tho asking I will sond to nuy address a folder giving naxnos and Individual yoarly production oC every cow In my herd. F. A. SACCHI, Marshflold, Or. WANTED Pohltlon. Mini nnd wife, cooks, short ardors, dlnnor pastry, in or out of town. Inqulro Times. FOR SALE Columbia graphoiIionv practically new, and 18 records. Bargain If taken at once. Address Music, caro Times. WANTED TO BENT Furnished ap artments. Call Shlpmnn Brew., 343-J, 307-8 Coke building. FOB BENT Dairy farm. Inqulro Coos Bay Tea Coffoo & Splco Houso, FOB BENT Furnished -l-room flnfc 648 So. lltli, FOB SALE Beiuliigton reletting shotgun, good as now. Phono No. Bond 1076. FOR BENT Two fluts .furnished or unfurnished, In Madden Bids.. North Front Btreotj also house keeping rooms. FINE furnished rooms and board for gentlemen, In private family. I6.G0 per week. 239 So. 4th Su. FOB BENT Largo house in SoutU Marahfleld, 12th Court. Ph. 119-L PEMSLAR Kidoey Fills are tho best on tho markot for the alleviation and cure of any kidney and bladder trouble Mon ey refunded If you aro not en tirely satisfied. THE LEADING DRUG STORK ALO4 f rrsEniK