" "" '"" r'-iSW-T-r-i r- YrS--fpw2p(j(jjjjpjp(i'ii'P ' V1r i -r" J7 " t ' i "" TWJ f,imftKrinjn Y fW17"MlJMri5 SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 19TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 19 LABOR PICNIC MGE CLASH III KIT ID Splendid Array O F rr BIG SUCCESS III TEIILE W Rain Detracts From Day At tendance but Dance Draws 1 Well Mrs. Bailey Wins LAROIL Tho ring of the hnniincr is music, The whir of ninehlnery song; Tho foil of the pick and shovel Hath a tune that is free and strong. so priceless Thcro In naught labor, No wenlth llko hrawn: tho progressive llfo of tho nation Wm. Eickworth Reports Dearth of Residences Despite Num ber Just Completed Win. Eiekworth returned Satur day from Ten Mllo whero he has been engaged In construction work (his past sunTnier. Ho reports that Ten Mile Is having an unusual era of prosperity and that dwelling ns i bouses there aro at promluin. Rents aro as high, there as In Marshflcld. C. 10. Hakor lias Jt'tst finished his now Iiiiiil'mIow nt Lakeside. Willie Fares forth with Its workers at;,,, tlt tllstrlct Mr Eickworth as- U II IV II, niusclo and Tho symphony of lifo Is labor, Tho hope of the weak uiul tho strong; HMirt nMniw1nat naanl rxt tn vintlntl Is that of the great working Short and aided In completing tho slated In remodelling tho homo of W. M. Wilklns1, building it largo addition to Ed Kaymond's borne, built a small cattngo for HIIIIh throng. Ocsplto tho rain and unfavorable "weather conditions, tho Labor Day picnic at Simpson Park In North lie ml top story of tho now hotel A. Petersen, of North Hcnd, Is figuring on putting up n two-story building in Lakeside for business FATHER DIES yesterday wos a big success. The, purposes and It Is likely that a part showers prevented tho athletic pro-of It will be occupied by tho Pust jrrani being carried out and detracted nfrir. ..H.1nnn.t.. f.n... ,1. HfinH..A..Itd l . VW' vuiibiuui 111113 uum uiu uiiui nwuii o it i- tondancc, but tho Immcnso crowd at tho dance and its success In the eve ning mo ro than miulo up for this. In tho afternoon George Colo pre sided as chairman of the speaking ex orcises. Tom Myers delivered tho principal Labor Day talk. Orator Davis of tho Socialists spoke and fiherlff W. "W. dago and .1. .1. Stan ley, two democratic candidates for Coos county offices, also spoke. Tho program was held In the Simpson pavilion. In tho popularity voting contest, Mrs. Hallcy of North Heud was nil -easy victor, Mrs. Chase of Marshflcld being second. Mrs. Hallcy was awarded tho $20 cash prize. i no, receipts ai mo unnco were rj.,0 inHKit n iini iniiiti inn I, a niti ... - .. Ii i i. , ,i i ' l,nl)ur wl" " r H'torest here, as uiu uuiii-ii. nuiiuiuii in' in.' u."-Ur. II. !:. Kelty. n dentist who EAR VC0T John D. Kelty, Father of Dr. Kelty, of Marshficld, Suc cumbs in Polk County following from n Portland Hendry In Mnrshfleld, the deceased, and was culled home ton days or so ago: T..1... T f.-jill. ..1n .It. i.l nt lilu Has Rail Ankle -J W. "enne.l ,- - 'brogiZ Soptcm- les lis lth Icrtalnmcnt itnd probably give tho. mtcccoilctl l)r Labor Council it profit of $7T or, H ft 8on 0f IUU. I h. is confined to 1,1, homo with Kwm a plo'n'ooV o I8M Bonio bad ulcers on bis nnklp. was m- M ,. ,,orn ,, ,)nve ported bettor today, but will bo con- Collllly niim, April 28. 18S1. Ill fined for some days yet. ir t.,.,,..., i.-..n.. ,..,,i,-.-,,i,i ...m t'.wl.t.ul 'P.. .!,. Inn l llmm nml "" ""'" "V1'1 " ""-"' " .,,,,' '."' ............. H rnniuy uouiiii tor uregnu torri- Mlsa rranrcs Kuim were married by . ,,irJy , ho s)rlt,B of ,sr,ot .Jimtlco Pennock today, 'lhey wore , mot,cr and one sister died on from near Ilandoii. lleun Is a tie-' ,i,0 ...i., niiiker and Is from Missouri and stat- , September, 1855, Mr. Kelty cd that thoy would roflirn thoro soon. mnlcd Sarnh Harvey, daughter of . JIuiul In- liiul. Hngstarf residents A10g ,, 8arnh nIirVoy, who woro nro complaining about the condition oorB 0f i0l)c County. of the road. Thoy say that tho crush- Mr ,i .m,.b, Klty nt onco lo- rnck put down this HUiunier Is being ,.ntt,(1 0 a rrm wiiltcnmli Vnl- carrled off as-nnid and Is almost lin- i... rnw ...iiou northeast of Irothol. passanio, especially near no nig cm. !,,. t.y llvmi for 80voral years, Vlro President Mr. Knowlton of i iiny wain uiu rui-K nun iiiirii in himu riunlly moving to Ilotliol, wiiore, mi-, Coquille. ... i...i.iiinriiuiu.i, tiiui .. mvit ,lt.r lJl0 iirm niuiio oi iiuwiey ing would pi nimbly bo called thoro K0Uy, ho engaged In tho niorcnu noon to taku action on It. tllo IiuhIhobs. Mr. Kelty was np- pointed PostmiiHter of llothol and AMONG THE SICK 'Horiml for many years In I IkTr. im kiillinil ri W. V. Wright Charges. Negro Drayman With Threatening To Shoot Him There V. Wright, of Kerndnle, who Is employed on the Porhnhi & Old ley street contract work, today en tered complnlnt with Justice Pen nock against a negro drayman who lives near tho old Kerndalo brew ery, alleging that tho negro threat ened to shoot him. No formnl com plnlnt was filed, as Justice Pen nock did not know just how to pro ceed oxcept to possibly put the ne gro under bond. Wright told Justlco Pennock that ho was from Uterolith and did not nssoclato with negroes. He said that some time ago he had to ac company n former tenant across tho nogro's plnco to get sonic chickens belonging to tljo Inner mid the ne gro then got sassy. Lately he holp cd get a mattress or bod, carrying It across tho negro's lot mid the latter claimed that thoy broke down a small cherry tree. Thoro were words over this and then, Wright nllcgeB, the negro tllorntoned to shoot hint. Mr. Wright snld that In the South such words would hnvo been sufficient ground for n white man to kill a negro, but ho did not llko to get Into trouble here. , Justlco Pennock said that Wright was very ngreeable about the mat ter and wnntod to adjust It amicably. Mr. Wright was planning to move from that vicinity, but since the trouble has decided not to lest the negro think that ho drove :tlm nwny. W s 0E DRUGGISTS In 1875 ho retlied from iiiorcnau- Organization of Coos County Pharmaceutical Society Perfected at Coquille At the meeting of tho Coos county druggists, held In Coqulllo yesterday, to iIIsciihs t liu matter of a county pliarinaceutlcai nHsoclatlon, It was decided to effect such nn organiza tion. Tho committee on nominations for porninnont officers reported tho following list of officers: President M. K. Evcrllt of North Iluud -Mr. Fiihrinan of Co- -.1. Leo Drown of Sccretary- qiitllc. Trensuror Marshfleld. Anotl.er meeting will be held In Couulllo September 22 to adopt by CIiiih. Olson's roii Ih i oportod qultn 1!bIii. having purchasod tho land of nWB and porfect tho organization. Ill of mumps at Easts.de. , Harvey heir.. .jjjj., meetings were held in the Ko- Htead until tho tlmo of his death. M)rnry ,.mrim," (l Frn n. Co- itit niY'ki iww: wive "" """ """' " "". 'II a8 temporary secrelnry. Following an ' In or Juno Ilarcoy, who survives m,mn ,i, i,,.i,nR.ia nt nn.niVivu ntptuivs Ptles In Seattle Kennel hi,,,. ' r " U,,1'! '." i?J0?ltt In Tho following from n Portland ., rtlrei-loV. and at the time of f, l n 0, J "'' J u'a.U,'" "?b imper concerning tho results of tho ,H ,,mi, was cluilrinaii of tho !S' !" "",i n.,.,,, , ", iui, Tr big .log hIiiiw at the Seattle Ken- ml ,,r n,u, College, ail tuluca- )h ,' 'w " m "" pjl.i'rh" 1llu w II Ik. .if l..l..r,.ul l.ni- .....I I r l".l l... l I.. tllO IIOIIIUIIltlllK COIIIIllIt tOO. 'I llOBO --' v '" ....-. iiiiii iiiniiiiiiiiiiiui iiiiiiiuuu ui lUKiniii- llV IflL'l urn iiihii suiter. r.rui ivii- t o cliarler In 1850. dare." owned by Dr. I)l. of .Marsh- Mr. Kelty also took great Interost field, and shown by Campion .won tho Pioneer Association, of which two flrots ami a iommvo In tho i,0 wax an active member and rog wlnners Hum." . i,. nttiMiilniit for niiiiiv voars. Ho if u iii,i.r iiiiu iiiiiiii in ,! ! '!. n ir iir I'l'i'ii ill l l M ill lug at Portliinil and a full brother owned by II. J. McKoowu Hiiccumb cd to lockjaw. However, thoro Is a question about It as Mr. Me Known thinks DIx'h dog died mid that the animal now Haliuod to bo DIs'h dog Is really his. COOS POLITICS. 4 was n Chinch. member of tho Christian The fall campaign Is now at hand J Tho while each candidate lo'.earnim AVIdi others up and down the laud, I Ills many nro and coii-troversUm. ' Alf Johnson was in Marshtlold WAUKEN KEE1) and wlfo and Mr, hnt unlay mobilizing the vote-s to and Mrs. H. J. McKeown and child- I PERSONAL MENTION I MISS SYLVIA UACKLEI'P of Flor ence was In Marshfleld today. MKSSHS. CAItl.SON'. fathor and son, aro here fiom Escnlon, 'allf., to look over this boctiou. Thoy nro being shown around the liny by August Frlzeon today pronent yostenlny were M. E. Everltt ot North llond, J. Leo llruwit of Marshfleld, Harry Winkler of Marsh fleld, F. I). Cobnn of Mnrshfleld. Messrs. Fiihrmnn and Knowlton of Coquille. Messis. Perkins and Fern ley or Myrtle Point and Messrs. Wolls ami Cm in of llniidou. Itl.ri: STEM I'l.Ol'K Sjl.iW PEIt SACK. Phone 112. llunkor Hill De partment Store. HANI) DANCE PiaTFOItM Second nml Market, Saturday night. fill f m ml l-lilll iillill Autumn Suits The store that shows the now tiling aU(1 8l them in RUT, now lias si most beautiful and var ied selection of new stiitstliere is an umnistok. able air ol' distinetiveness about these suits tint classes them as the work of high-grade designee Priced all the way from $15.00 to $50.00 Delightful tjpes of the hoiison, Including tlu- W Iti'illnpite, Mnteilals Incluilo HiiNHlclotli, New Itougti Weattw, (Jnlmnllixi Serges nutl Fancy Novelties. See them. New Fall Coats $10.00 to $50.00 You know, of course, the great advantage of selecting a coat from a InVjis sorlment of correct styles you can best find one that pleases you and at a price you desire to pay. hi our Autumn Coals will be found models forever)' occasion in every desired fabric and color and each one is a model of uu thcutic stylo and perfect tailoring. Splendid Assortment-Wool Dresses-Dress Skirts ..These women wjio 'contemplate purchasing a new Kail Dress or Dress Skill will do well to. see this newly arrived collection. Showing the very latest in style and shades and at very tempting prices. New Trimming Silks in Koniaii Stripes and .Plaids. $1.25 It; SrU.OO per yd. I 0-inch Chepo-de-Chinc in while and colors $1.05 pr. yd. Large new shipment of Laces and Veilings A special collection of Val. laces nt uc per yard J). M. O. COTTONS All Colors. Exclusive Agents "Derby Cloves" Deutnn Sleeping (inf luents for Children 50c and 73c. Hub Dry Goods Company "Nmurt Wear for Women" Corner Droadway and Central Avenue Phone G61 march on the poll In November. Alf says the (ieruiaus have nothliiK on him whon It comes to being prepared.' E. II. Kern, tie Independent can didate for count surveyor, was In the city Satuiday Interview Inn tho voters. i HANI) DANCE PLATFOIIM Second and .Miiiket, Saturday ulht. I)H. II. K. KKIl'V, DENTIST. Phono 112-.1, Uoom 204. Coko Illdg DK. IIOItSFALL lins MOVED tc llt'OM"! i vm -mi iitvivr: nmrif ren enjoyed an auto trip to Fair view yesterday, koIiij? out via Sum ner and roturnlni: via Coquille Thoy report It ouo of the finest auto trips ImaKinablo. W. II. COUTELYOU of San Francis co, who visits horo reKularly for thO'IteniliiRton-lT. M. C. people, has returned to tho Hay and was warmly greeted by his ninny friends, Ills company Is looking after Its business In tie united States rognrdless of the European situation. GLA or You will need oyo glasses to aid your eyos when reading sowing durlug tho long, dark wlntor evenings. Properly flttod Bliibsos relievo eye strain, frowning, headaches, etc. Many children have defective oyos and will nood glasses when going to school. Ilrlng' them to us now mid have thorn carofully and properly treated. .EVES EXAMINED FUEE. Red Crass Optical DepL RED CROSS DRUG STORE Phone 22 Lllihy COAL. The kind YOU linvt; ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery ami Transfer Cnrnimny, II ; , mmmJ I UANDON Pia.NT STAIITS nifl I Tinlir MOILVI.VO (JAMIS J D1U LLHUUL This is the Stove Polish T0IT9HL1 ""V :j Should Use TTS dlfferont from I others because moiocnra - i. i.i... i.. .i i i- is itiixeu lit ilia liuiMllj and the materials used are higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish Make a hrl'Mont. sl".y polish Hint does not lubcKorila .t ell.nn It'ioul iuolats (our Unit's ns Ions cs on! ity stovo pollsti, Ubecl on bami'lo tl'ni'S r.ncJ sold by ImrJwnro nn I et-iTy Ceileri. AUwtsusWUatrial. I s ' It on our t uo!itOTe. yew r pari r t o rr o ir r u nrp it you Uon't l'n.l it C d best .tovo ttoUtU yol ever ml. our ilr tr j uitthnri.ril lo r funj luur nioniy In c i I.'-v ! S. k MM I mi.h. UjUo In liquij or jijito oiiu g jaLt , DlacI: Sillc Stovo Polith Works Sterling, lltinoU IfM Pluck Silk Alr.Drjrlnt Iron tnam.l on eraiiM M'ui. ,n pp.., 1 rueruiruji pit, 11 f OUck silk M.I.I Poilih for .liter, nick F. S. Perry received anotlior raft of sprtico logs at his veneer plant yosterdny and will bo operating steadily now for sonio tlmo. Mr. I'orry says If ho could got logs ho has contracts onougli to keep his plant running for ten jyonths In tho year, but that it Is a hard propo sition to got sprtico Just now, and that is the only kind of timber ho uses. Uuntlon Recorder. 11LACK SILK STOVE POLISH For Stile by I I SCHKOEDFH HILDENItltAND Phono 177. i GRAND HEATRE O-NIGHT T Special Feature "THE GAMBLERS" "LL'IHX" In Five Reels BALL SCORES (II 7 Aii(Xltd rlfM 10 U'04 Dr Tlroea.) ! AFTEHNOON UA.MES I AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago. S; Detroit, .'. (Twelvo Innings.) Chicago, 0; Dotrolt, 3. Flvo innings, called because of darknofes. St. Louis, 3; Cleveland, 4. Flf- fteen Innings, St. Louis 2, Cleveland u. tnvo Innings, called becauso of darkness. lloston, 5 j Now York, 1. Iioston, 1; Now York, 7. Seven Innings, called becauso ot darkness. Philadelphia S; Washington 7. NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati, 2; Chlcngo, a. Cincinnati, 1; Chicago, II. St. Louis. 1; Pittsburg. 2. Hrooklyn. C; Philadelphia, 7. New York, 10; Hoston, 1. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Tacomn, Vancouver Rain. Rallard. 0; Soattle. 9. First game. Vlctorla-Spokano; rain. COAST LEAGUE R. II. E. Oakland 10 1G 1 Venlcja 1 C Abies. Klawlter and Mitz, Kosnor, Smith nml McLaln. Lewis. Portland a 12 a Sacrnmonto 4 12 2 Rleger, Martlno, Eastly. Evans and Fisher, Gregory and Rohror. Los Angeles 3 8 2 San Francisco . . , 8 10 1 Lovo and Doles, Fauulng and Schmidt. u s?ii.' t'tlArtl lil..' . , Sacramento j Portland ",, d Williams and Rolirer, w"1 Yantz. , I Venice J j ! cannier- and &&&' Aloxander. 0 ; I San Francisco 5 j Los Angeles . . . . '', yl Pernoll and Clarke, U"1" Rrooks. ,..i7itk N.VTlo.vn '""; ton. 5; New ork; Dost nt,il.wllnliln. 7: UrooKIJu, AMERICAN IfiiJftu. Washington. 1 ,,,l'?7?.,ii: xotiiwi:sti:h . i1 Vancouver, : Taconia, J. nnilnrd. 4: Seattle, i 11U1I..IU, ! -" - Waterprooi Not neatly not fairly but dryly waterproof REFLEX SLICKER The wet weather cot lot you lor good luw ivice. U?htwsnt. M1WUB. -"- ,- -.' v,,.r-- m