flliffiHHBBniiHHMiHBRI r I T I flHITlll liM IMMMiTniiMPI Mll WHWIlllMIMIITn IT f I f i F I IBS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE JHt OvrrtxM lUtt ftchiffher & Mm THIS is one of tlio ninny stylos oC Over coats wo aro showing this Fall. Our new model iJnlnmi'emi is especially attractive, Hart Sehnffnor & Murx have made most of these coats from rain-proofed fabrics which makes tliein especially good for this country. Overcoats and Suits $18.00 to $40.00 li-cmcmbcr, wo keep your clothes pressed free of charge if purchased here. Woolen Mill Stores Two Stores Marshfield North Bend Comfortable and Substantial Furniture Bo COMFORTABLE. 1 , MR. and Mrs. Married-people :- Be comfortablo In your homes for there are lots of places where you must be uncomfortable. We have Reclining Morris Chairs, soft leather chairs, the restful divans and couches, and inviting reading tables that will give you ease and joy. Our furniture, too, is so well-made and durable and our prices so reasonable that you will be glad to buy from us . Is a hobby at this store. We carry the LARGEST LINE Of Rocking Chairs and Leather Chairs IN COOS COUNTY at the following prides: $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $5.50, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $10.50, $11.50, $12, $12.50, $15, $17.50, $25, $27.50, $37.50. PARLOR BED DAVENPORTS $35, $45 and $55. "WE SELL IT FOR LESS GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers REPUBLICAN TICKET Eletfion 1011. For U. S. Sonotor "R. A. Booth. For Congress W. C lTuwloy For Governor Taiiiess Withycombe For Justice of the Supreme Court Henry J. Beau, Lawrence A. Harris, Thomas McBride, Henvy L. Benson, Charles L. McNary. For Attorney General George M. Brown. For Supt. of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill .. For State Engineer Tolm M. Lewis. For Commissioner of Labor O. P. Hoff. For Railroad Commissioner Frank J. Miller For Supt. Water Dlv. No. 1. James T. Chinnock. For Representative Gth DUt. Charles R. Barrow For Representative CtU Dlst. S. P. Peirce For County Judge. James Watson For Sheriff Alfred Johnson, Jr. For County Clerk. Robt. R. Watson For County Treasurer T. M. Dimmick For County Surveyor. C. S. McCulloch JfiWUjP BREVITIES TIDES FOR SEPTEMBER Below Is given the time nnd height of high nnd low water at Marshflcld. The tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on the second line of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho War srbtract two hours 3-1 minutes. 4.00 n.51 4.10 10.24 G.2 1.0 C.8 0.8 4.37 10.15 4.30 10.59 1.5 10.3G 1.8 11.00 2.1 G.54 3.7 8.17 3.7 9.37 3.C 10.54 3.8 11.50 4.3 "lllra. Ft... Mrs.. Ft... Urn.. Ft. . . lira. . Ft... lira.. Ft... lira.. Ft. . . lira.. Ft. . . Mrs. 5.0 5.1 C 4.7 0.00 4.3 0.25 0.8 1.23 0.9 2.3G 0.9 3.51 Ft... 0.8 lira. . 4.55 Ft... 0.5 5.8 4.C4 5.7 5.3 C 5.C 11.29 2.8 12.11 2.8 1.21 3.0 3.1G 3.1 4.45 2.8 0.7 11.39 0.8 0.0 0.0 G.1G 5.3 7.08 5.2 8.19 5.1 9.42 5.1 10.54 5.4 Mod erate rnce We can sell you HEATERS that will fit your ptuse and thoy nro as nifty a line as you have scon on Cuos Hay wood or coal. Poo these HEATERS before you buy. No trouble to show tliom. Schroeder & Hildenbrand General Repair Shops. Hardware and Plumbing. THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY, i .in north second street joiinson ri'ilbinu A iv serving nit kinds of HOT ami COLD FOODS In n small or large way. ' FATS Roasts. Veal I.oaf, Tongue, Etc. SALADS Fruit. Nut, Potato, etc. BEANS lloston Halted or Plain. SPAGHETTI Spanish or Mexican Style. CAKES All kinds. THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. WEATHER FORECAST Dr AuotliM rrrti to Coo. litj Tlmi.) OREGON Occasional rain to night nnd Tuesday; southerly winds. LOCAIj TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. in., Sept. 7, by llcnj. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum 04 Minimum 42 J j At 4:43 n. in 51 I I Precipitation S3 I j Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, I 1914 S3 ' I Precipitation snmo period I I last year I Wind: southwest; cloudy. .CS itiilu Iloliw. Tho rain yesterday nnd today was of great general bene fit and did not stop the auto traffic but will Improve It by settling tho .lust. Tho sunshine today helped the Labor Day picnic. The shower broke a drouth of nearly elghtly dnys. Chinese. Railroad .Man. Ma Gloa, a representative of tho Chinese gov ernment, nrrlvod hero Saturday night after making an Inspection trip over tho Eugene-Coos Hay line. Ho Is get ting Idens for railroad work In Chlnn iin wiir nccomnnnled In by Mr. Lewis, an engineer, who was sent by the cotnpnny from Eugene. While bore, Mn Glim Is isolin: over tho details of tho railroad construction with tho Southern Pacific englneors at North Hond. Ho has been In IIiIb country only about nlno months and speaks very brokenly, but Is evidently n Chi nese of high rank. 1IOATH UNDER U. S. FLAG. For County Coroner F. E. Wilson For County Commissioner Geo. J. Armstrong. For Commissioner Port of Coos Day A. II. Powers, Anson Rogers and J-lcnry Sengstacicen Published under tho authority and by tho order of the Coos County Re publican Central Committee. (Paid Adv.) Elder In. Tho George W. Elder arrived In shortly boforo noon todny Services at Sunnier. Rev. G. La Roy Hall of the crulsor Life Line, will spenk at Sumner Tuesday eve ning at 7:30. Ono Offender Harry Hunter was arrested by Officer Richardson this morning oir tho charge of being drunk. Ho will have a hearing la ter. He had about $11 cash. Close Today. Tho Parisian will be closed Labor Day llko the other stores. Through an error tho namo was omitted from tho list of busi ness houses agreeing to done. RuyH Homo. Joseph Cartlor line purchased n small fruit and chicken ranch on Isthmus Inlet, a Hhort distance- south of Enstslde, from Henry Sengstncken nnd has taken possession. Flno Dunce. Tho band dance Sat urday night was a big success and en Joyed by a great throng, lly special rcquost It will ho repeated next Sat urday night and tho floor will bo put In flno shape. Many Shells. Tho dredge Feot tle, which Is' pumping below Em pire lias encountored big de posits of clntn shells, which aro co montcd togothor until It Is almost llko digging concroto To Enlarge H. W. Painter will shortly add to his wholesalo quar ters by moving his offices Into tho quarters now occupied by E. L. HopBon's harness shop. Mr. Hopson will movo to Front and Aldor. I Meet Tuesday. Tho Guild of tho Episcopal church will hold Its opon-Ing-sesslon for tho year tomorrow af ternoon at 2:30 In Guild Hall at Sec 1 ond and Market avenue. Tho rector ' will glvo a short address on tho sub 1 Ject: "Tho Church and' Its Function In tho Community." Strnngors aro cordially Invited. Keep Dredge Here. Tho Coos nay Port Commission will meet next Monday to tako up various mat tors. They have advanced tho pay roll of tho dredge Oregon until Septombor 15 and unless tho Rivers and Harbors bill Is passed soon, they will probably retain her an othor month and mnybo longor. Sho is doing flno work on tho Pony Inlet shoals. Dies in Salem. Word has been received hero of tho death of Mrs. L. M. Perry, for several years pro prietor of a North Bond millinery store, nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Stelnor, In Salem, where sho has resided for the past few years. Mrs. Perry was highly respected by all who knew her and news of her death will causo much regret on tho nay. lPE(PhBYQy KNOW ABOUT CONSTABLE W. B. CON went tu Ten Mllo today to servo somo at tachments against railroad em ployes, HARRY LEPPERT nnd wlfo return ed todny from their vacation trip up tho const and to Portland nnd other northern points. .1. A. WALKER, Win. Wilson nnd M. Mnrlnhan woro among thoso leav ing on this inornlng'H Mnrshfleld Rosehurg stugo line. WALTER BUTLER, Malr Dnno nnd wlfo, Mrs. Elizabeth AiIiiiiih nnd Victor Johnson, spoilt Sunday fishing on North Coos River. MISS MARIE T. MALONEY Is expec' od to return today from Berkeley whore she has been spending the lntter part of her summer vacation. MRS. C. F. PAPE returned to hor homo at Bandon todny after a pleasant visit with Mrs. J. Wright Wilson, Mrs. 13. L. Grnofo and Miss Alice Tlckoll. HENRY HUGGIN8 and Dr. Tnggnrt spent yesterday fly fishing near Allegany nnd returned with full creels, ono trout weighing two nnd one-half pounds. REV. FATHER EDWARD DON NELLY Is oxpocted horo today from San Francisco for a visit with his sisters, Mrs. Mary Early and Miss Ellzabotk Donnelly. DORSEY KREITZER nnd family re- turned Inst ovonlng from n visit at tho W. S. Chandler summer homo on South Coos River. Judgo Coko and family were also over Sunday visitors there. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 7. Tho British steamer Robert Dollar, which halts from San Francisco, now nt Rio do Janeiro, lb ono of tho thrco foreign vessels which nro the first to have been plnced under the American flag under tho new ship register law. CLASSIFIED AD FOR RENT Knriilsiied housekeep ing rooms. 1024 Elrod. FOR HALE Remington ncutlnic shotgun, good ns now. Phono No. Bond 107G. LOST On Front street, lady's gold watch with fob. Finder return to Times office nnd receive rownrd. WANTED Board nnd room In pri vate family whero can feel nt home, by young office man. Modern con veniences. Reasonable. Address L Tlmos. LOST lady's mesh purse. .Finder pleaso return to Times office FOR RENT Two flats .furnished or unfurnished, In Mnddou Dldg., Nortli Front street; also house keeping rooms. FINE furnished rooms nnd lioartl for gentlemen, In prlvnto family. JC.fiO per week. 239 So. 4th Bt. FOR RENT Lnrgo house In Houtlt Mnrshflold, 12th Court. Ph. 119-Ij FOR RENT FnriiMied flats. Cen trally located. Ph. 34-J or 443-J. FOR HALE Pinv bred Jersey calve from register of merit dams. F. A. Sacchi, Mnrshflold, Oro. FOR SALE Good blooded Jersey hull, for G0 cash. R. A. Church. North Coos River. FOR HALE Five acres on Johnson Crcok, 2 Vi a. bottom, 4 n. In grass, 2 miles south of Bandon on county road. IfiOO cash. Bor on lots, near townsiup lino roau. near city limits; small houso, good well, 3G0 cash. C. H. Chandler, owner, Bandon, Oregon. BAND DANCE PLATFORM Second nnd Market, Saturday night. BR. II. 13. KELTV, DENTIST. lhono 112-J. Room 204. Coko Bldg READ THE ADS. Read the war news, but don't for get the store news in Tho Times. $25.00 $25.00 We will pay $25.00 to any person who causes the arrest and conviction of a bicycle thief In Marshflefd. (Signed) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Dig Money In Cash Prizes may be earned with my new Invention, 'BATTLEFIELDS OF EUROPE" Even grandad, tho llttlo tots and the entire family will be delighted. Price, one silver dime. At all news stands, drug stores, book stores, cigar stores, etc or mailed post paid by tho Inventor, Richard P. O'Connor, 430 Hoyt street, oppo site North Bank Station, Portland, Oregon, Don't Delay ! Now is the Time to do Your CANNING CANNING PEACHES 65c per box. CANNING PRUNES 60c per box. FINE R0SEBURG TOMATOES 75c per box Phone Orders Early I PHflNF 3?. BUNKER HILL DEPARTMENT STORE W. H. Dindinger & Co. FOR RENT Partly furnished mod ern houso In West Marshfield. $14. Call Sunday. Ph. 04. 11th near Anderson. WANTED (llrl for office work. Ad dress In own hnndwrltlng "Office" caro Times. WANTED Cni)otont girl for light houso work. Tolophono 83-X. FOR RENT 7-rooni unfurnished) flat, closo In, Third and Anderson. Phono Dr. Leslie. LOST Saturday morning, lady' yellow lenther hand purse, con tnlnlng K, gold pleco nnd somn silver. Reward It returned to Tlmos offlco, T FOR SALE 75 thoroughbred Brown Leghorn cockerels Hint camo from a brood guaranteed to bo tho best layers In Oregon. Phono 31G1. WANTED Ono or two unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, man nnd wife. Cnll at Candy Storo, 378 Central avonuo. Ask for Mr. Murphy. PEMSLAR aro tho best on tho market for tho alleviation and cure of any kidney and bladder trouble. Mon ey rofunded If you aro not en tirely satisfied. THE LEADING DHUfi STORE m- :.;..u Kltfeti lii