WPHMm FOUR UfWWMWJlCCXCBMMltMliinWM u.MWwWWlWiWW Theaters Inn THEN AND Oho hundred nnd sixty-two years ngo today tlio first theatre In the United Slates was opened In the col ony of Virginia at old Wlllliuns burg. The originator uns an Eiik llsli actor. William llallani. Sr.. who hroiiKht his own coniiany from over seas and presented "Tln Mer chant of Venice" ns the Initial per formance. The Idea spread rapidly and soon Now York, Philadelphia and tlio other leading communities of colonial America each hnd their theatres. At the close of the cen tury, theatres wore open In the capl miu nf nnnrlv nil the thirteen origi nal states. Whllo the Virginian playhouse was the first In the Unit ed States, actors had played In the colonies before this date. The first Is said to have been tlio EiikIIbIi utrnltttur iilnvpr. AtllllOIlV AstOtl. Who was known' as Mat Medley. The ac- tor and his art of that day wns gen ciallv despised by the puritanical colonists. The Massachusetts legis lature passed a law shortly nfter amateurs had given "The Orphans' at tlio Cofieo House In lloston in 17111 which forbade such perform ances, attaching a penalty for ac tors and spectators alike of five pounds sterling each. The opposi tion In Philadelphia was bo great that Ilallam was compelled to build his theatre In 17C0 outside of the city proper. In a district then In dis repute and known ns Southwark, or "Society Hill." Even then vlgoious efforts were made to close the thea tre. A petition was addressed to .ludgo William Allen, who refused to act, declaring that ho had obtnlned stronger moral lessons from attend ing the theatre than from any ser mons be hnd heard In churcii. OFFICE BROKE, "OZZ!" WEST CUTS OUT OREGON GOVERNOR SAVH PEOPLE SIL'ST PAY WIRE TOLLS AND PAY POSTAGE BOTH WAYS OX LETTERS TO SALEM SALEM, Or., Sept. 7. Ilocauso tho Incidental fund of his office bus becomo exhausted, (iovornor ' West ordered ills telephones disconnected and announced that persons from the outside who might wish to coni; iniinlcato with him must prepay wire tolls or postago both ways. "Tho Inst Legislature failed to provide tills office with funds suffi cient to carry on business for two years term between sosalons," do SW"" FIGHT II 1 TWO FRENCH MACHINES EX- .'A(.'K THREE GERMAN AERO- PLAXES AND PIT Til ESI TO FLIGHT. PAULS, Kept. 7. Tho building of HUpplnumutnry defensive works is proceeding vlKorously. Several of the gatoH of Paris havo been cloned to truffle The Pari bourso is closed. Fight, in Air Over Purls. A flsht In the air over Paris has latum place. Three Gorman noro plauqs liovorod oor the capital and Immediately two French machines were hont up to onuitKe them. .Meanwhile rlfleM ami machluo guns mounted on public buildings kept up a constant flro. By this nutans ono of tho (ionium machines becamu separated from tho othors and tho French aviators flew swift ly in direction. Tho (Ioniums opened fire, to which the French men replied vigorously. The ouKUKomout seemed to turn to tho dlMidwuiiHKo of tho (Ionium, who mounted speedily to a higher lowil mid, holding this position, was Mived from further attack. Ho fi nally disappeared In a northwost direction over Fort HonialnvlUo af ter u vain pursuit. Tho other (ionium aeroplanes also ocapod tho flro of the guns nnd after qlrcllpK about for a consider able tlmu disappeared from view. ORIGIN OF THE BOYCOTT A landlord In the 'south of Ira land, In I SSI, wns particularly so m upon his tenants, whereupon tk community arose in righteous twIlgiKithin against him. Thoy did Uttt phyulcally assail mini, but they rfuso(ivto treat with him In nil lw affnlrfe of dally life. Did he gu Ui church tho congregation walk ed out; did ho go to a hotel or Iwiiiiuruiit, bo could not find food or shelter. So coinpletoly was this work of ostracism carried on that It Httractod first nntlonnl mid thou International attontlon. This man's iiuiiih was Boycott, and now all tho world knows what it moans to boy cott u man. And thus was tills now word Uorit 'A' Veai -ago'. " However, It isn't unlucky to find M on Friday. 1 THE COOS BAY TlBKS, u iixmuumcmawmmBJim America NOW Today the theatrical profession 1b n huge Industry In which more than $100,000,000 Is Invested. Thcro arc in the United States over 3,000 the aters, not counting the 20,000 or more moving picture theaters, or cir cuses and halls for general enter tainment. It has been estimated that during a good tlumtrlcal year thero arc more than lifi.OOO actors and actresses declaiming, trilling nnd dancing before tho American people. One of the modern features of tho profession Is the traveling companyt of which tboro aro nearly 1000. The cstlnintoir value of the ;I000 theatres Is nearly $40,000,000, while It requires $20,000,000 an nually to pay the players' salaries. About $(50,000,000 Is distributed among the thousands of theaters for transportation, advertising, and to defray the cost of producing the plays. Today ns n claBS actors and actresses aro no longer generally considered pariahs of Bocloty. Tlio most excluslvo socloty circles havo been opened to admit them, and tljoro are Instances where men nnd women of noble birth havo given their social station for a carrier on tho stngo. Even clergymen havo de serted their pulpits for the boards, wlillc actors have abandoned the spot-light to take up careers In tho church. Stars of the theatrical realm, ns well us the lesser "lights of the chortiB, havo Bung mid danc ed their way Into tho ranks of roy alty nnd the noblljty, not to mention tho inultl-mllllonalro set. Kings havo granted them patents of nobili ty and learned societies and Insti tutions have decoratod them wltn medals and scholastic degrees. THE TELEPHONE dared tho Governor. "I shall not ask tho emergency board to creato a deficiency In my behalf, and In asmuch as our fund Is now exhaust ed mid tlio law makes It a mlsde inoanor for an official to Incur an oxpcnsQ for which no appropriation has been provided, I shall incur none. Clerical work In my office will bn' lessened as n result, nnd 1 shall therefore discharge ono of my stenographers." COACH AM) IIEHHOX AllH UNDER AHUEST Joaopli W, Conch and John Hor- rou were baled Into Judge Kausrud'H court this morning on charges pre ferred by tho city, alleging tho giv ing of liquor to minors. They wore let out on ball to obtain counsel for their dofonso. Tho cases will como up for trial tomorrow at tho city hall. It is rumored that oth ers aro Implicated nnd some Inter-. esmig points may no Drought, to light. Ilandon Western World. 1IAXDOX Itl'IKJET. XeK of Clty-by-tbe-Sca from the WeMorii World. Col. mid Mrs. It. II. Bonn, after at tending tho Eastern Star coreuionlos at Marshfleld mid North Bond,, loft for Canada overland by way of Alle gany mid Portland. Thoy will bo ah. sent for n month or six weeks mid tl.olr destination is Winnipeg, Maul tolia. B. W. Knox and family of Marsh field arrived Thursday evening for n ton days' stay on Bandon bench. Thov n ro camping out mid say tho evenings aro rntlior chilly. Dr. It. V. Leon took Dr. II. E. Shoot to Marshflold in his car Friday. Tho luttor took a boat there for his homo at Portland. Drs. Leop mid Shoot nud L. E. Oahorn mid It. C. McKlnnls recently returned from a month's hunting trip in Curry. E. C. Drews, nmnnirnr nf tlin Pnni. Bay Homo Telophono compnny, wns uvor jrom mo nay uiu oariy pari of this wcok attending to business mut ters In connection with tho local ex change. Tho Jmnos Butler, a steamship about tho size or tho Speedwell, is duo Into Port Orford this morning with n enrgo of liny. It will load with ties for F. L. Botsford whloh wll bo shipped to San Pedro. Tlio enrgo will contain about 1 5,000. GERMAN SAILOitS TO Tl'HKEYV Athens IImu .Men nud Ammunition Wont to Constantinople. LONDON, Sept. 'G.Tho corres pondent or tho Itoutor Telegram Co. at Athens says: "According to a Boml-offlclal state ment, news has beon received rrom a trustwoithy source In Constantinople uiiii mw uennaii officers and sailors, us woll as a quantity or ammunition, paasod through Bulgaria recently In n special train on tlio wny to Con stuiitiuople." E, i. hjJpson will nioyo his HARNESS SHOP rrom Fiont and' 'Central to tho cornor or Front and Alder as soon as the building can bo put in shape. J, P. Ii. AD.VSIS & SOX Dealers in NEW AND SECOXIMIAXl) GOtJDS, 302 No. Front St. Phono 340-L MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 19 14 OCKAN REACH AUTO LINE Leaves Chandler Hotel, Slni'shflold, for the Bench nnd Wny Points. 7. A. SI.-1 I. SI. 1 1. SI. Empire 00c Tar Heel 70c South Slough 75c Bostendorf Uoach ...91.00 Mussel Keef $1.00 Sunset Hay $1.00 Itetuni From Bench at 8:. 10 A. SI. 1 P. SI. 5.30 1 SI. Visit tho beach by tho Ocean Beach Auto. 7-passenger automobile leaves Chandler Hotel three times daily. GORST KINO'S FASIOUS AUTOS LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable Imme diate service, prompt attention to all Interests ot our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four k(I cars with cnroful driver For day service, phono 111 -J, Illunco Illllnrd Parlors. For night service. Phono VMIO-L Itlght Cnfc. D. L. F00TE. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE I S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WE FUItNISH A RAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS ItETUUN COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 57-.I. SIAHHIIFIELT) PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Mildred Rogers Nelson. Teacher of Piano. Pupil of Hugo Mnnsfeldt, San Fran cisco, Cal. Application for lessons bj writing for appointment. " SlarshfleM, Oregon H. H. Harper HOUSE BUILDER General Itopalrlug nnd Cabinet Making. Phono 349-J. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Weltnier .Methods) Every known dlsonso troatod without drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 and 2, 237 South Broadway. Phono 132-L. Mnrshriold, Or. Joel Ostlin'd PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER Loavo ord6rs at' W. It. Haines' Mus- elc Company. , . 4 IB S. Sfxlh .Streot. Phono 103-L. I. M. Wright Phono 318-R BUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished ou request C. 0. Gosney. Phono 3154 CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates Furnished on Request Sly l'ust Work Is Sly Reference First and Aider Sts. . Marshflold Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Noso and Throut. DR. SIATTIE 11. SHAW Diseases of Women mid Children Offlco Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201. . 202, Irving Block. House phone, 10G-J. Beniamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices. 20G Irving Block Phono 103-L, or 2C7-J. Marshfleld, Oregon W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Building, Marshfleld, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND TEACHER Resldonco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phone 3G8-L. Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D.' SWEDISH .MASSAGE AND SIUI1 1CAL GYMNASTICS FOR ALL DISEASES 337 Commercial nve. Phono 2 12-J THE ALICE H. SPECIAL EXCURSION TO CHARLESTON BEACH SUNDAY Leaves Mnrs.lifiehl nt 8 A. SI. ROUND TRIP 50c Mkkea ciuimtipn yitl auto tor Sun Mt Hay and Shoro Acrt'a Inter-Ocean Transportation Co Semi-weekly service Coos S. S. Redondo SAILS FROSI KAN FRANCIS CO FOR COOS RAY SATURDAY, S E PT EMBER r, at :i P. M. Equipped with wireless and tsubmarlrm bel).. Passengers and freight. So S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SIARSIIFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ii, AT : A. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pior No 2 ami GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeorqe, Phone 44. EQUIPPED Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TISIE. HAILS FROM RAILROAD DOCK, SIARSIIFIELD, DURINO TIIK MONTH OF SEITIiSlRER AT R!::tO P. SI., ON THE UXI), 7TII, jirnr, itth, uund and utt h. t- Ticketii on nale to all IMtcrti point nnd Inforinatlnn m to foutti anil ratcw choorfully ftirnlHlied. Plioiio ;m-J. O. B. LAXDBItS. Awnt PASSENGERS Arrow Line Steamers Snn Francisco Pior No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. THOMAS Ocean Phono U7H. To Portland every Thursday THE FAST AND COSIFORTABIjE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC HTEAS1SHIP CO. C. F. SIcGEOlUJE AGENT W. II. PAIXTIIR Phono 44, Marshflold FLANAGAN & OLDEST RANK KHtablhthed 1880. Capita, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Pali on Time DepovlU Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. Flonagna, Vice-President. R. F. Williams,, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Aunt. Cwultf. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST IS BEINO CREDITED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Bring In Your Pass Books FIRST, NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit KINDLY REMEMBER KVERYTHING IN THE BAKERY LINE MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY minVR -12& 133 NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING EVENING EDITION, iiMan! .- Bay And San Jranciaco WITH WIRULK8S. FREIGHT STORAGE -SAIL FROSI . Co 03 Buy Portland Fvi.rv Frldnv Albers Dock No. 3 LNcrytrlday Every Tuesday 1 P. SI. U A. M. It. .IASIi:S, Anenl Dock MarsliflJl.l. To Eureka every Monday Phono 421, North Bend BENNETT BANK IN. COOS COUNTY. Boxes For Jfent. AND GIVE US A TRIA& fiKN'TKAL AYENU "1 TO THE- COOS BAY TIMES . " I "I fcTa wi ii At,, J 1nH llH wieijj Loiu H Wtll I. ti 71 '""WM 'orr(lte SIARhjJ M lb caucrl il Arrtl .UiJ U3f Bdti im T'lilJ z lluat uli; m Or i - H Sill hi i it i i tt illl 'Hisssslsssssssssssssk ',, 1 f'Mmj