The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 07, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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l? ,!;, robbery.
M. C. M I.OXKV Editor ami Pub.
(DAN E. MALOM'Y News Kdltor
Official Paper (tf Coo County.
KntciotrnTtTic Posfofflee at Marsh
Clelil, Oregon, for transmission
through the malls ns second-class
mull nuittor.
Itlr AMewlnlfil l'rr. 19 cnn ny Tlnn-i 1
PARIS, Sept. 7. It is ostl-
mnted uuoffirlnlly that nearly
ono million troops arc engaged j
In the fighting which Is pro- j
ceodlng east of Paris today. j
Doucjlas County Sheriff Says Steamer Arrives From Port
$5500 Taken at Gardiner-
Similar to Myrtle Point
According to a circular Issued by
Sheriff Qulne offering a reward of
$500 for the apprehension of the Gar
diner safe robbers, the loot obtained
there was much larger than wtm ori-
land With Large Cargo and
Passenger List
The Breakwater arrived In from
Portland yesterday with a good cargo
of general freight and a big passeii
rcr list, Including many Cbjuesu for
the Coqnlllo fish cannery. She sails
at noon today for Portland. Among
those arriving on her were:
Nathan Tiimbell, Sirs. Penman,
J. A. Xowton, .Mrs. .1. A. Nowton, .1.
i IEI Bfll
Hubert Sims, I.. Llljerath, Chas. At
tlcbory. T. 0. Howard, C. Holmbcrg,
.Mrs. Yoakum, O. II. Smith, T. T.
I ALONG the WATERFRONT I Bhmlly B,ven 0,,t by offlco18 ot t"
j HLuiMuuit vvHicnrnuiMi compnny. sllorlff Qtllno In hB cIr.
The Gleaner came In from Gar-' clllnr states that $IS00 In gold, $050
JIH.. .-...I.... I 111 sllvnr. $9?ft It, nnrrnnni nml ontun
UIUUI J UBICI Ull. I "" -" ... v... . ....w.. ...... Dt...x . --- . -
Tho Speedwell Balled yesterday for Canadian hills, totalling a little over) . vietiiur, Mrs. Marlon Losh, Jas
San Francisco nnd southern Cnllfor- $G, (500, wns taken. Resides thlB, Slier-, Mc.Vnbb, Mrs. Stenholm, Clarence
nla ports. Quino states that several diamond ( I'lsu, .Mrs. win. .Miirpny, victor i.inii-
Tho Nunn Smtlh Is expected In at rl"Kfl fifteen watches, three tlmo.Etrom, Q. A. Hiown, Mrs. Drown, It.
aoon today from San Francisco. i checks signed by it man named vni-, Mies, David Ileum, .1. it. Lacy,
Tho Itcdondo Is due In, this, after- '"er, n'l other articles, Including two
noon from San Frauclsco. rifles and a shotgun, were taken.
Tho Dreakwater sailed at 1 o'clock KIHston, tho suspect who was ar-
today for Portland. , rested at the SIubIuw and was freed, Jones, Wm. Cook, Mrs. Dertha Chase,
when ho proved that the money I o Mrs. M. C. Dokko, Thos. Howe, Jno
j had with him was won In n poker ' Grandy, Carl Sagcn, James Peterson,
game at Lakeside, may be called up '-nrs Sagen, Mrs. Kiln Harvey, Chas.
j for gambling. Local officers were Wilcox, P. S. .Mitchell, Mrs. C. ,1
I surprised that Sheriff Qulne did uui Storey, Georgo C. Abo, George C. Abe.
turn Elllston over to tho Coos coin- George C. Abe, Georgo C. Abe, 11. O.
ty nutohrltles for gambling. It Is a Deader. Mrs. Fred Olson, Miss Ethel
strange coincidence that Vaughn. Olson. Mrs. G. W. Halter, II. II. Wei
now sorvlng a term nt Salem for sol!- by, I.anol Oasl, M. J. Hansen. Alice
I Ing stolen horses, proved nn nllhl In Puller, Mrs. G. M. Dunlop, G. M.
iMost of the Coos Day druggists left the Myrtle Point bank robbery ca-o Dunlop, C. I). Drown. Arthur Shnfflo.
ibis morning for Coiiullle to attend by proving that ho was In a poker .Mrs. Sam Xass, Sam Nans, Wong
o county mooting to bn held there to- game nt Myrtle Point on the nlgnt in Lung. Tae Wing, Ole Johnson, John
duy for tho purpose of organizing nn question. District Attorney LIIJo- Olson, Tang Edsnn, A. Anderson,
nsBoclntlon. The matter has been tin- qvlst promptly prosecuted all who Frank Xnsborg. Xek Haonen, Snm
dor consideration for n long time. were In tho Myrtle Point poker gnnio," Johnson, Dert Hill, Aug. Carlson,
Tho enforcement of tho state laws to evidence coming out In the Jnrob Uendrlckson. Win. Thompson.
i 'IS1
German Guns Throw it
Explosive Shell iff A
Most )S rr
lnnlntnliiB a night and day lookout ' t nvnnv '
for Zeppelins or aeroplanes belong- ' ru j ' ' --T1, h
respondent of the Zx ,
nig io uuiiiimij. i i.iu . - ,ue 6
Tim .ImtL'ni- to Knell,.!. ,.r..ln,...J .'. CM,1C fo"0Vln..
from flro from terror stricken farm-1 jBt ,. '""c,h nrU,l?McitJj
u-io hub m-tuiiiu nu Kiuui nun mo mil.' s tXl0 With tl uull
rolntlvo to drugs, dealing with whole- strange way.
salors and other matters of common Says Cliriiliii.x hi I'.nitv.
wolfnre, slmllnr to those advanced According to the Dosoburg Dovlew,
by tho state association, are the oh- District Attorney Drown, who return-
French Government Issues An
other Direct Appeal to the
People of France
W. C. Harvey and twenty-three Bte--lt
ago and twenty-four Chinamen.
Outgoing Mt.
Among those sailing north on the
od from Gardiner Saturday, stated Hreakwntor today for Portland wore:
Jccts of the organization.
Among those leaving hero
morning wore F. I). Cohan, J. Leo the Gardiner safe was about $IS00. -Mr- Conway, F. It. Dehrends. Uthel
Brown, F. C. Dlrch. Harry Winkler, Mr. Drown stnted that the amount Anderson. Miss Adams. A. McCreedv
this that the amount of loot taken fro n MSI Conway. Miss A. Conway,
31. !'. Hvcrott and others.
Paris without having assured n de
fense of the city and Its entrenched
camp by all menus In ltn power. It
knows It Iiiih not tho need to roc-
LONDON, Sept. 7. Whether tho guard, which has taken possession of
(innger is real or taneieu nnu ucspuu.u cinucn spire wmi u spy giass rrimi
official assurances calculated to put tho local academy's observatory and
the "public mind at rest, tho populace
of England, especially rural districts,
nro living In hourly terror of nn nt
tnclt by Germnns from tho air.
Villages In several Instances have
mounted obsolete cannon, taken by
..... ..-I.,-.. I.. .. u ....... n...l .III I I, ...... ..... 1... .!!.. .. I.n.... !.... ...I I... ,,.....
me urillBU III luriliur win, mm im uiuj uiiiuuiiiii;n imiiu iiibiiuii uilllUlins rotT'lrilllli' 11, '' HIK
now decorating cemoterlcs, public describing how to detect n rrlGiitlly' tI4J ciormnn n M,1.'
squares and the like, londed them from n foreign air craft. j gun uses a ! ? "j"5' "'".It
iiiiu iraiiieu iiiein bkjhiii hi lire oil nu iiiuriiu ui iuiiiiiih hi runs shell which tin "
any of tho enemy's aircraft which by a Gcrmnn nlrinan and the recent effect. " m0" it,v$
might put In nn appearance experience of Antwerp with n zeppe- "Thl no.
In ono rural community tho cltl- lln have added to the general alarm cently dovoloncd I lt(;i
wm hnve named a volunteer nlr felt. I il the fact UintVuln"'"15
was kept a tirnfnimrf ......
was brought Into action it ifl
luur niul I unvote
"lit all my experience 1 1,.,
nnllil.,,. III.- ,.,... ' L"t
id fleer."
.mi..n .,h-hmikp -Tnkc (ounp,v
LONDON. S..iit ?tv.. .
. .., v ,,,. , . , u rfl .
iJout.ln Antwerp of an AbaJ
uuHiiiier sayg n French Mplun
penred over lJriinieljSatnrdifijj
n llllll Of durum,. I.ull.i. .,..
oim.H.11.1 to the ndnilrable I'nrhln-i , the ,own. lrnp
population n cam rosolutlon and I(ll,ctH .,,,,,, "
PAltIS, Sept. ".The following Is
nu official copy of the proclamation
Issued by tho government announc
ing tho temporary transfer of tho
named In Sheriff Qulue's clrculnr Is 1,ert Mason. Mrs. Dert Mason and
an error owing to a mistake In tho ,ml).v' Goo. K. Smith. Mary Itussell.
ttansmlsslou of n messago. Mrs. Ilarrctt, Miss K. Darrott. Miss K
Mr. iirnwn nlun Hnv thnt rnv I'lln. Httrrott. Dr. P. J. Kelsor. Mrs. W.
..... ti... l. ...n. i. ....,. i Mclti'ldo. l'Voil Itrmlv II Tnln lnl' . .
ll, HIV DlinMH'L nu nuo iciviidi:ii, - - ' ' .'...v i ('llllllll IU lllJIUCilUA.
bus n big ranch near Springfield. Or., , Nelion. H. Hngen, V. Uumlz, A. C. The proclamation was Issued by
nnd says that Kllston pleaded guilty Mason. Itev. K. H. Monro. T. UiisspII the Minister of the Interior, who
In Justlco court nt Gardiner to the ""d son. !:. . Scholtor.
rhnrgo of gambling.
w.-w.... . ..w,,.. ,...,rw ., , , .L-m,,,,,,,,,, '", phlets containing tlie mum.;,
THE WATCHWORDS OF WAR H-" '. "w ovory -y rnumw. ,MlWr.B J
" '".-'" .". "'" ""V"-lnor then mndo off afttr rifei
I- ri'iii'iiiiiim. mi nu nil lut u-.ifiiic -!
... . , ".....-, speciaiors a larlng perfonrita
of these tragic circumstances. We 10 loop-ilio-loop.
.... K.. .. . ....... v.c.ory. i wo Tho t,)rro8pmitlcnt M ft ,
shnll gain It by untiring will, en- tIl0 ,, . afM . "
iiurnmv mid tenacity. A nnllnn -.......-h,,,, lft ...,..."
Removal is Made to Permit the
Military Authorities to
Have Full Sway
New Bids Asked for Myrtle
Point Route May be for
Only One Year
That tho mall service for Coos
County the coming year will ho via
tho Myrtle-Polut-lloHohurg route Is
tho belief of J. O. Stemmler, who
Is hero from Myrtlo Point. In re-
said tho decision had been taken
solely upon the demand of the nilll-
drlvor. hns also filed a potltlon n t"ry authorities becauso the fortified
voluntary bankruptcy. He lists hl8,,,,nreB of "rls, while, not neces
sarily likely to lie attacked, would
become tho pivot of tho field oper
ations of the two armies.
I'XDritl AXI) l-'IGUT
Tho proclamation follows:
"Frenchmen: For several weeks
lu fierce combats with the enemy
The courage of our soldiers lias won
poniio to tho matter letters and Tom QoodalC and F. BrUnker ' Attnclaw Claim. far ,,im ""'pr of ,,1r,t''1 nt-
potltlons received opposing tho pro- e,m,,e InlM Brinl Mnl I ., ,-, . . vantages. Hut In tho north tho
posed abolition of tho Myrtle Point- IStllllUIS IlllCt BHCk Man, A t, Kingston has begun suit m.og81ro of U0 (Jei,niin f()r,,08
Koaoburg Houte, Senator Chamber- FllC Petitions jnpnlnat J. . Q Donnoll for $....7r. of t.BtralnoiI uh to retire. This slt-
debts nt about $1S00 nnd claims ho
has no assets except those exempt by
law. The two petitions were filed
by Gruvos nnd Mcluturff, who also
field a potltlon In bankruptcy for two
North Item! Greeks and for J. K.
Smith, the formor coal and Insurance
agent. All of them are comparative
ly small cases.
Attache Claim.
that will not perish, mid which to
evening. The German Mldlwb
ivo retreats before neither suffer- nro ,,e,mVIIB proporl ybutttot
Ing nor sacrifice, sure to van- Pl,rB nro nrcnici, of tmm
,lllHl1, The (lernutns hnvo ordereJih
CAVO UP Ufll I PiPMr'nlr l,t'fl "rlM ,0 nln'1'0 a OtlBUi
ohio nc WILL UErUMU which they say they Intend ub
rAKIb IU IHt END, over tin. KUM tower In Pirfi
.,. General Jakowlikl, who bin
.uiiiiurj i.owiiioi- isMies I'niriaiuii. reoded Gen. Count von Atrri
lion to liiluil.mmlN of Cnpllul. I romiiimiilor nt IlrnueU. Is novEaf
PAULS, Sept. 7.H Is officially an- , ,ho nnoim ,,alnro. Tler4
nuiiiircii iiiiu i.eiiorai (.aiiienl. coin-, ,iu1cu of .MncKleiiburg li retl&tt
un.iuur o. me nnny .lereiiding the ,iie city with half hi. mllllJ7tf
;.., isHiieii mo roiiowing proclama-i T,0 hcndciuartcr of the B
nun io .no iiiiiaiiiianis or Paris; ; ministers of the state, the rojilji
mo lueiuiiors or tne government nce nnd the pnlnre of Jmtlrtinu
fit tllft IFtlltll litis li(ktJk !! ll,n,tn lk . ...
our heroic trooi.s have been engaged :"".." " ,t'1 "" Hospitals mica wmi uermuBin
,.. ..v. i i.i. oruer io give a new Impetus to tho ,.!,, uiinnitm!.
ooienso or ine nntion. have hoen Machine guns are in plicit
orderi'd to defend Paris against the treet comers and In the vp
invader. This order I will fulfill io Ant...,.-.. ia mnnrto.Mn bimb
lulu wired him that the Pustofflco
Dupartmont had decided to ask now
bids. Mr. Stemmler believes thnt
this is equivalent to agreeing to
F. Drunker, who has been cou
nt moot bill which he owed iho Gnm-
ducting a brick yard nt tho Slglln JL0 J,, - nrco B lo'of th re,H,W,c nmI U, KV
1 ..l.o on nunker .1.11. has filed a po-', , 1!" S l" " K ,0, llnfl decl.lon.
nation Imposes on tho president
tho end.
"Military Governor of Paris, Com
manding the Army of Paris."
fill, everyone trusting In thutref
of tho forts and tie bramd'
tltlon In voluntary bankruptcy.
I'" him for wages nt tho Smith mill. I
continue tho service that way. The , .. . . . hb0ll. ,'150o nai , "'jA.. " . ' b.TBI,,a?n,.lul V " P"c authorities are obliged
In .... .1 .. .. t .v..l I j. 1... . n..l. --... T .. .. .11111 K II liriiHNI) HIT 3 :c ( t II IK llnll 1 a '
plnn Is understood to bu to ask
.i..ii in iiiiiiiti niintii iu iiu lu unit 1.1 . .. . ... . .--- Th..... ,.,,.,
, , , , , , . . , his assets consist of sovernl thousand i,on u.ini i.i.,, f. ,. i .i.,.
for bids for bringing In all of tho ,,.,.. ,.,,., , . , , ., neen owini, him for n long time
r, , m .i . brick which he ins burned there,
Coos and Curry mull that way. ... ,,, , , .. . . , , ,
T...,r.. vn,,.i .........M ,.., "I efforts to burn a high grade brick . n,,. .
There uro several bidders that
were futile and this Is said to have
ia wilder lilrln U'.irn rl ittttil ftnfsirst
Tho lowest bid was about JIl.l.OOO ra,,se(l h,s faUuro'
por your, which Is Kfi00 more than . Thomas Goodnle, a Marsliflchl auto
is being pnld for the servlco now, I
that Is tho total pay for tho servlco
to tho Coqullle Valley via Myrtle
Point and to Coos Day via tho old
Coos Ihiy wagon road Is $21.i"00.
In addition to this increase, there'
would be another Increase of wiint-,
vcr tho railroad charges for hand"
ling tho mall between Coos Day
and Myrtle Point.
It Is understood that Contractor
llaruard is among thoxo bidding. I
Ilo Is bidding on tho basis of hav-(
Jug to buy a whole new outfit, thoi
Kime as the others are bidding, al
Tho Randolph camo In Inst night
from Itogue Itlver, nnd Is dlschnrg-
Xone May Knter or Ltnt IWI
and .T. Wllheut lVrmlt.
PARIS. Sent. 7. No person M
its emlnont chief tho French nrmv. LONDON. Sunt 7 Tntnirrnniiinir outer or leave Paris between lr
full of courage and spirit, will do- from Stockholm, tho correspondent! clock In tho evening and 5 o'tlodl
fend tho capital and its patriotic of tho Stnr says: tho morning without a tnlHttiyp"
I ..m- ... ... ....... . . NI1 .. . ..
ho. .i a m,; h. , .". ,.""'..... I 10 "u,c" ovcr u, ."" bWtUtN S URGED TO JO N
" mti'i'11 IINR MVhllll nillL UKlllllBI a .. 1. ....1.11. ..ll..-lt l .. .I.II....I - ---
.U...K WU.ICUBU ...r JJ.DO WHICH HUB ,n onvft fnp ,lln ,,, lln .v i:o,u.Ml !,! . ,.,. V...I....
. . -.- . . w. .,w ........... ...v -V --- -- r ! .- 1 I
of Paris, Under tho command of Cnuse Anvlety.
Ing a miscellaneous lot of freight population against tho invader. Hut "There Is great anxiety lu tho Automobiles may enter freely
at tho Smith Terminnl docks. I tho war must bo pursued nt tho Swedish capital becauso of tho of-! the day, but cannot leave lt
though Dnrnnrd would be able to
u so tho old outfits that ho Is now
using. It is claimed that It would
cost $18,1100 to buy an outfit to
liandlo the mail honlco and owing
to tho uiicertaln'ty of tho contrait
being for lonsor than a year, many
who would like to bid on It nre
afraid of taking tho chnuco. Mr.
Stoinmlor says that Contractor Dur
nard has Informed him that nt the
present contract price ho would loso
money If it wasn't for the money
ho is taking In on tho passenger)
Says Miller N Innocent.
Mr. Stemmler says that every
thing Is In readiness for the blg'r"
ialr which they will have at Myr
tle Point tho latter part of this
month. Tho Myrtlo Point bank rob-1
lory hns been practically forgotton. )
ho snys, and It Is rarely heard of(
sow. Air. Stemmler says that he i
iu confident that a mistake was I
juarto in tho conviction of Miller
for tho crlmo. Ho declares thnt ho
has Investigated It thoroughly and
1b absolutely certain that Miller
never had anything to do with the
1'Kltll.S OF p.ui.ixi:
SiMh installment. T1ii great
$2.1,0(10 piie Mory of Pearl
An K.siuay (li-aiiiatlc Jealousy
in two parts
and Tin: daxci: vi:xt OX
A gtMHl comedy.
Admission i,v and 1c.
TEe Royal
1 Entire Change
of Program
of Real
WORK, Dromlde Enlsrg1" M
Koluk FlnNhlnir.
i n n nr
Per Box 65c
Pears, per box $1.15
And when you want good COFFEE remember we have it
130 North Broadway Phone 394-J
i a; . i f . . i
ninn tlnin In tlin mat nt Mm Trnnoli fnrtn Rnrmnm Io nWIM !...... ' itnrmttfi
territory. bv nrtlcloa in tim nnrmnn nntvannnnra PorBonsaro nermUteatopawi"
"Tho struggle for the honor of to Induce Sweden to abandon her at-, out challenge through cerUlapto
the Nation and tho reparation of tltudo of neutrality and tako tho' while other gates are c,ow'
vlolnted rights will contlnuo without field ub an ally of Germany. The oh-1 lienors bringing fresh TeSett''
penco or truce and without n stop Ject sought Is to wenken tho Husslnn the city are permitted access
or n failure. None of Its nrmlos attack In East Prussia by means of a hour Intervals during tne nn"!.
has been broken. Swedish nttnek on Finland."
"If some of them have suffered
only too ovldont losses the gaps In I''10 nl shows Italy Is shapod like
tho ranks hnvo been filled up from n ot, but sho appears to bo In no
tho waiting reservo forces, while tho lmrry to kick In on tho great war. 1
calling out of a new class of reserves
brings us tomorrow now resources' T.lbby COAL. The kind YOU hnve
in men and energy. j ALWAYS USUI). Phono 72. Pacific
"Knduro and fight! Such should Uwrv "'" Tra'"'r Company.
bo tho motto of the allied army, ' wmsmmmmmammmmmm
English, Russian, Delglan and
''Endure and fight! While on tho
sea our allies aid us to cut tho
enemy's communications with the
world. I
"Endure nnd fight! While tho
Russians continue to carry a decis
ive blow to the heart of tho German
empire. I
"It Is for tho government of this
republic to direct this resistance to
tho very end and to give this for
midable struggle all its vigor and'
efficiency. It is Indispensable that
tho government retain tho mastery
of its own actions. On tho demand
of tho military authorities the gov
ernment therefore transfers its seat
momentarily to a point In the terri
tory whence it may remain in con-'
stant relations with tho rest of tha
country. It Invites the members
of Parliament not to remain distant
from tho government In order to
(form, In the face of the enemy,'
(With the government and their col
I leagues, a group of national unity.'
"The government does not leave
Several beautiful coats well worth double the price we
offer them for, See Window.
We are showing a big window of the Summer HjJ
and we do not intend to carry any over, Now is tne m
to buy them,
f i
New Fall goods arriving every day, See The Pari
sian always for the newest designs of fashions ana
tenals, Quality guaranteed,
, i i
v. -:Ji3unmt i
' fiy .imr in..iri . f. yi--iLp.. i 'lMga'MlllM'ig'''Tf'''i"Vni"ni'"M33aTi'Tt? N. (UHtkAflHHttHBttH Mmmr" "!-!,? I