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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1914)
'if isiiiilif U "WMHHIII THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. IT 11 PS Polani 1 to re. "ijiir. 'an re- ny 1$ Cat- "i ''Pitch Dflli 1Mb i tit tea ti hit, alclt( haai til. is about the 2f fcroncjo in prirr between cheap clothes and qood clothes, and $u.00 looks good to almost anybody. However, when you get down to comparing quality which is' just another name lor clothes-service, you'll find that the five and the dollar mark look mighty small. Kuppenheimer Clothes are y $18-H t0 30 Other Suits .$8.50 to $18.00. and you're always glad you spent your monev for 'em. .Better come in and see the Fall arrivals .' . . Lookers as welcome as buyers Always. Have you noticed how faded your summer shirts areYYvhu they're sun-burned, aren't they? New Ones for Fall HOe FIXUP iHUTkHiW'tKuptgnklnwl MARSHFIELD Two Stores NORTH BEND i BREVITIES TIDES FOIt SEPTEMHER Below Is given the tlmo and holght of high and low water at Marshflold. The tides ore placed In the order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will ln dlcato whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. HHBHBmiMaBl"BinBHniHnHaHviBiaHnBHaHw f, 7 a j - ! r- wr m -w sj jr si r w sss IRVING m lll. JjJ ill jif block r mrifWftf SPECIAL THIS WEEK -Several beautiful coats well worth double the price we offer them for, See Window, CHOICE $11.75 CHOICE -We are showing a big window of the Summer Hats and we do not intend to carry any over, Now is the time to buy them, YOUR CHOICE OF THE WINDOW $1.50 New Fall goods arriving every day, See The Pari sian always for the newest designs of fashions and ma terials, Quality guaranteed, NORTH BEND NEWS Tho sixth annual convention of Cooh County W. C. T. U. will con vene at lliimlun on September y. A number of delegates from North llend, Mnrshriold, Coqullle. Myrtlo Point, nud other places are expected. An Interesting tirom-iim will lm n.n. ilured. (loo. Anthony, or Ten Mile, was a North Item! business caller yester- day Mrs. M. H. Coleman. Miss Goldlo 'Hlggs, .Mrs. Win. IIoiidrlflCB and (laughter, Florence were guests yes terday at thu O. II. Peterson home, of .May, Oregon. e. i. will move his HARNESS SHOP from Fiont nnd Central to tho corner of Front nud Alder ns soon as the building can bo put In shape. C Mrs.. 2. 47 S.G8 Ft... fi.G 0.3 C Hrs.. 3.23 . 3.20 Ft... C.B 0.7 7 Mrs.. 4.00 9. til Ft... 5.2 1.0 8 Hrs.. 4.37 10.10 Ft. . . fi.O 1.6 9 lira. . 5.1G 10. 3G Ft... 4.7 1.8 10 lira.. COO 11.00 Ft... 4.3 2.1 11 lira.. 0.2fi G.r4 Ft. . . 0.8 3.7 12IIrs.. 1.23 8.17 Ft. . . 0.9 3.7 13 Mrs.. 2.3C 9.37 Ft. . . 0.9 3.C 14 ltrs.. n.r.i io.r.-i Ft... 0.8 3.8 15 llrB.. 4.55 11.50 Ft... 0.5 4.3 ICillra.. 5.4C 12.33 Ft... 0.3 4.0 3.21 5.G 3.4G 0.7 4.10 0.8 4.3G 0.8 4. 01 5.7 5.3G 5.G 11.29 2.8 12.11 2.8 1.21 3.0 3.1G 3.1 4.15 2.8 5.47 2.3 9.17 0.9 9.01 0.8 10.24 0.8 10.09 0.7 11.39 0.8 0.0 0.0 G.1G 0.3 7.08 5.2 8.19 5.1 9.42 5.1 10.54 5.4 1I.0G 5.7 WEATHER FORECAST (Ur AiorltrJ Prw to Coot Br TlmM.l OREGON Fair tonight and Sunday; light frost In east to night j westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ending nt ( 4:43 n. in., Sept. 5, by llcnj. Ostllnd, special government me- I tuorologlst: I .Mnxlmiini 70 I .Mlnliuiiiii 40 I At 4:43 a. m 44 i Precipitation 00 I Prerlpltntlon since Sept. 1, 1914 00 Precipitation same period last year 2.GS Wind: northwest, clenr. Moderate Prijce Wo can sell you HEATERS that will fit your purse and they are as nifty n lino as you have seen on Coos Hay wood or coal. See these HKATKHS before you buy. No trouble to show them. Schroeder & Hildenbrand General Hepalr Shops. Hardware and Plumbing. says his famous launch led by over a hundred yards, lllckox wilt prob ably Issue a challenge for another race soon. Estate KlPiii. M Now Heal Estate Flriii. Mel G. Duncan, until recently secretary of tho Uiiildcra' Exchange nnd formerly In the teal estate business, hns form ed n partnership with August Frl zecn In tho real estate, rental nnd iusuranro business. Mr. Frlzecu has built up an extensive business In theso lines and Mr. Duncan Is an ex perienced man who hns made many friends during his residence In Marsh field and they should mnko a strong combination. Brings Ju Salmon. The Iloamcr, which returned Thursday night from tho Sluslnw, brought In n largo con signment of salmon for rcshlpmcnt from hero north. She also had con siderable chlttam hark. Cnpt. Ed Skog states that business Is now good nud iiierchnntB here nud on thu Slim law are appreciating the excellent ser vice tho Itonmer Is giving them. Tho Siuslaw bar has not been very good lately but Cnpt. Skog hopes to main tain his schedule throughout tho winter. measles, came down from his South Coos Hlver ranch today. MIIS. G. .1. LEMANSKl and son loft yesterday for tho Coqulllu Valley to visit friends. STERLING PRICE, of Sumner, camo to Marshfleld this morning ou a short business trip. .1. H. JOHNSTON, a wall-known Alle gany resident, camo to Mnrshflelil today on business. MHS. 11. K. HESSE Y nnd Mrs. W. H. Smith of Coos Hlver wero Marsh field shoppers today. Plumbing -AND Heating in all branches we can serve you Promptly Efficiently Reasonably Let us figure out a heat ing plant for you. i Repair Work a Specialty jpiiiiiSg SS When'you buyBH? GRAND THEATRE O-NIGHT IN THE SHADOW OP DISGRACE EDISON DltAMA. IX TWO PARTS. I'ATHE WEEKLY Xo. 18 SOPHIE, GETS STUNG essaxay, western COM i:v DHAM.V F. L. HOX ADAMS A Dealers In XEW AXD SECOMMIAXI) GOODS. 3G2 No. Front St. Phono 310-L flASSlflED itoux :ti:hSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. B. B. Peterson at their homo In North Iluud, Saturday, September 0, n daughter, their first child. K k I McsSm r TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 FOIt RENT Partly furnished mod. eru house In West Marshflold, $11, Call Sunday. I'll. G4. 11th near Anderson, WANTKD Girl for office work. Ad dress In own handwriting "Office" enro Times. WANTED Comjietciit girl for light liouso worn, luiupiiuue oo-.. Iliilld Kilo. S. C. llogers has pur chased cement to erect it silo on his ranch nnd also to put lu some con crete floors lu his stock bnrns. On Outing. Harry Pnlntor nnd family left In tholr auto today for Drowsier Valloy, where they will camp out for four or five days. Clown Itiinrli. .Tnrk McDonald camo In today from I.onn Lake whoro ho Is busy clearing his fine ranch, lie Is blasting out n largo tract now. lPOPhE.YQUI c& WMAW ABOUT I S. KAUFMAN went to Coqullle yes tot day ou business. B. L. I1BSSBY was down from Coos Hlver today on business. i i HOCCO IHASCA Is lu from Coos Hlv er today ou business. J. S. HAHTON. ofCoqulllo was n MarHhfleld visitor today. MISSBS JOAN FITZGERALD aud Gladys Howard of North Inlet wero MarHhfleld shoppers today. HOY LANDRITH, tho well-known North Coos Hlver rancher, Is la Marshfleld today on business. WALTER SINCLAIR, a well known lnwyer of Coqullle, was In Marsh fleld yesterday ou bulsncss. FHANK MOHSB, former owner of tho Coqullle Blcctrle plant, Is a Marshfleld business visitor today. B. M. GALLIEIt and Stephen Gnlllor, the well-known llnudon boosters, are In Marshfleld today on business. The Royal TONIGHT TUB HOUSE OF RIG FEATURES Mr. Charles P. llowker, singing popular ballads and novelty songs. EXTRA niG FBATURB "FOR NAPOLEON AND FRANCE" In six reols. This is without any doubt tho strongest and most superbly acted featuro that ever was put Into motion pictures. It Is a subject that at this tlmo will stir tho blood of every patriotic citizen, whether ho bo Am erican or other nationality. FOIt KENT 7-rooiu unfurnished flat, close In, Third and Anderson. Phono Dr. Leslie LOST Suturdny morning, Indy'n yellow leather hand purso, con taining B gold piece and some silver. Reward If returned to Times offlco. 1'OU SALE 7.T thoroughbred Drown Loghorn cockorels thnt camo from a brood guaranteed to bo tho best layers In Oregon, Phone 3151, ARTHUR PEART and wife cumo over from Coiiulllo last evening. MHS. T. J. MACOENN of Empire nan n Marshflold shopper toduy. MILTON CHURCH of North Coos River, Is lu Marshfleld today. MRS. P. RADFORD of Camp One was n Marshfleld visitor today. MISS MINNIE CUTLIP, of Kontuck iniet, spent the day lu Marshflold MRS. II. II. ROGERS, was n Coos River visitor lu Marshflold today. B. N. SMITH, of Flagstaff, was n business visitor lu Marshflold today. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two flnts .furnished oi unfurnished, In Madden Dldg., North Front street; also house keeping rooms. FIXE furnished rooms nnd board for gentlemen, in private family. 10.50 per week. 239 So. 4th St FOIt RENT Targo house in Soutli Marshflold, 12th Court. Ph. 119-L THF Al IPC U crum1, crnwox to R0 Mn TDin cn Ve8J,"',',e''Uon wit n"t 'op Sun- ""' ""! MIOIQ ACII'H DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS PIC TURE. ADMISSION: Lower floor, 23c llnlcony, 13c. Children, 10c. 5.00 $25.00 I?...'?. ?25-0 to any Person & WcTCi tiB5r?,t and nvIctIon ffiiUthw ln Marshflold. MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Here tomorrow night "MASTER BOB'S LAST RACE" A sensational race track story abounding in start ling Incidents. In three reels. "THE OPAL RING" A strong two-reel feature that you must see. FOR ItEXT FiiniMicd flats. Cen. trally located. Ph. 34-J or 443-J. FOR SALK Pure brcxl Jersey calves from register of merit dams. F. A. SaccbJ, Marshfleld, Ore. FOR SALE Good blooded Jersey bull, for ISO ensh. R. A, Church, North Coos River. FOIt 8ALE Flvo ncrei on Johnson Creek, 1xk a. bottom, 4 a. in grass, 2 miles south of Bandon on county road. 1500 cash. Sev en lots, near township lino road, near city limits; small house, good well, 1350 cash. C. H. Chandler, owner, Bandon, Oregon. WANTED f WAXTKI) One or two unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, man and wife. Call at Candy Store, 378 Central avenue. Ask for Mr. Murphy. Clmiim Council Mtvtlng. Tho .Vnrshflold City Council will meet on Tuesday evening of next week Instead of Monday, that being Lnbor Day, n national holiday. After Autolst Nlghtwatch Shonp turned In n complaint today thnt Lynn Lambeth's auto was standing In tho street nt 2:30 last night without tho lights being burning. Excursion to Golden Falls. Cnpt. Herman Edwards will run tho Alert tomorrow to Allegany to conert with nutos for tho Golden Falls. This will probably ho tho last opportunity this season to mnko tho trip In ono day. Find Coal. Duncan Ferguson says lio thinks the Porlinm & Gldloy steam shovel unearthed cropplngs of conl near his proporty on North Eighth street. It resembles coal but Is very Roft. He will have It Investigated to see If ho has a coal mtno. Fanners' Union. A meeting of tho local Farmers' Union and also of the Coos County Farmers' Union woro held nt tho Odd Fellows' Hall today. O. A. Mlntoyne. of Coqullle, was nniong thoso present. Only , business of n private nnturo was tnken up. Pavlnjr Delnjcd. Stipt. Ashby of, Vi'nrren Bros. Construction Co., stnt-. ed yesterday that It was still unccr- tnln when they would bo nblo to re sume work on their contracts here. He said thnt ho had no recent advices from Portland as to tho financial sit-, nation easing up. i Received Had Nwh. Mrs. Nellie, Owen will leavo for MoMlnnvllle, via Allegany, tomorrow morning In re sponse to n telegram announcing tho serious Illness of her aunt, Mr.i. Ja cob Wortmnn, nt thnt place. Mrs. Wortmnn Is well advanced In years and little hope Is entortnned 'or hor recovery. Mrs. Owen will try to reach her hedsldo before her dent.i Welcome. Xllerf. Gordon Rasmus sen and a number of tho local foot ball stars and college men are plan ning a welcome for Nelson Nlles, tho star fullback of Whitman college In Washington, who Is due horo soon to assumo his position In the Marshflold high school faculty as athletic direc tor. Aside from his athletic ability, he has a warm personality, Flno Gruvensteln Apples. Charles Stauff has some splendid specimens of Gravensteln appleB on exhibition. Thoy camo from tho C. II. Nosier ranch at bridge and are large and well colored, varying from as low as thirty-six to tho box to forty five and fifty. The Times offlco force acknowledged with thanks tho fine tasting ones presented to them. Ilont Itnro. Low Glllesplo Is nil wreathed In smiles this afternoon as a result of a victory over Chas. Hlckox's motor boat. This race has been made famous by tho two years' efforts to arrange It. Over a two-mile courso, Mr. Gillespie CHAS. MAHAFFY of North Coos River is n Marshfleld visitor today. G. M. SCAMMON. tho fish magnnto of the Ten Mile country, Is in the city. JOSEPH VAY was In from his ranch today looking after business' lu town. MRS. JOHNSON of Ton Mllo Is visit lug nt the J. B. Ford homo for a few days. E. W. OUPT1L, the well-known Coos River pioneer, Is a Marshflold visi tor today. ' WM. RICHARDS, who recently re covered from a sevoro attack of MRS. C. II. CODDING nnd little daughter of Mlllingtuu spent tho day with Marshfleld friends nnd relatives. J. L. SMITH, Coos county agricultur ist, is hero from Coqullle, but he arrived too Into for tho Farmers' Union meeting. J. A. JOHNSTON returned yestorday evening from n trip to Coiiulllo Valley points nud reports business In thu vnlley towns good. GEO. DWYER, who has been out on the Smlth-PoworH road beyond Myrtle Point slncu spring, camo In yesterday for a short stay. JACK HARRY, sou of T. II. Harry, returned on the Ronmor from n trlp to Florence, having gono up nB the guest of Cnpt. Skog. C. F. M'KNIGHT and wlfo, MrB. Haz ard and Carl W. Evortsen expect to return tonight from u two weeks' outing nt tholr South Coos River placo. DUNCAN FERGUSON and fnm lly nud u few friends enjoyed an outing nt tho Beach yesterday. It was thu first day's vacation that ho took this year. MR. AND MRS. L. 1). SMITH enrao to Marshflold today from tholr Coos Rlvor homo. Mrs. Smith will leave for Catching Inlet this afternoon to visit lit tho Ernest Smith home. AL JENSEN and family returned via. Allegany todny, Mr. Jensen having gono out In his auto to meet hi wlfo nnd' children, who art) re turning from tho cast. Ho roporta a fine trip to and from Portland. ALFRED JOHNSON, Jr., tho repub lican cnndldnto for sheriff and who, his friends say, will glvo Shor Iff Gage a bad beating In tho No vember election, Is horo from Han don today. Ho oxpocts to start hJa cnmpnlgu about Soptombor 15. MIKE SU.MMERLIN and Dr. J. L. Mnssou of Myrtlo Point nro Marsh fleld visitors today. Thoy wont to Shore Acres yestordny, whoro Dr. MasBon looked aftor L. J. Simp son's dairy herd. They stnto that Shoro Acres Is a little bit tho fin est ovor. Mr. Suininerlln hns been taking life ensy slnco Marshal Brown returned from his vacation and rollovod him of tho heavy du ties of temporary marshal of Myr tlo Point. ,. Lee Brown, Ph. G. liohl. W. 8 wanton, Ph. G. Prescription! Specialists is one of our descriptive terms for letting people know that Jirown or Swanton will always fill your prescription right. AVe understand the art of com pounding from A to Z; which insures the best re sults if combined with our Quality Brags Bring us your prescriptions, no matter who writes them, as we can fill any doctor's prescription; it will also insure that each prescription will be filled with the greatest care, purest drugs and checked by Gradbate Chemists The Store for Quality Goods, Pcnslar's and Nyal's Family Remedies. I'! ! I l IUl.lBlHBVim!HKii71H titviw