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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1914)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. fOUR COOS BAY TIMES PLAN TO SHUT RUSSIANS . C. MALONEY IDAN E. .MALONEY Elltor nnd rub. News Editor Official Paper of Coos County. Entered nt the Postofflce nt Marsh Uold, Oregon, for transmission through tbe malls as second-class mail matter. (ilelsW BEEOBE GERMANS A m DAMAGES 'MWE MAN NOW SOUGHT WONAT POKER RANDON CAMPSA! LUBLIN CLEAN fP GISTAV WARTHl'N SUllSy A. 1 ONE of the principal reasorta ESTAIiltOOK COMPANY FOR for the shabby appearance oY 9i,i)2l FOR TAKING TIMHHR large sections of Marshfleld oFF SOt'TII SLOlT,H IiAXI). Is the large dredge fill and much development work. Gustnv Warthun has begun suit Much of that work Is now finish- against the A. F. Estabrook Coin ed, however, and there Is no excuse pany for $13,921.34 damages which for the etldence of lack of cleanll- he alleges Is due him for cedar pll ness and tidiness all over town. Ing nnd white cednr logs which the Marshfleld Bhotild get busy and company took from his lands In tho clean up. 4 I There is nothing natural about some Coos Hay women ex cept the foundation and the frame work. Some Coos Hay men who start ta tho foot of the ladder, man ago, by great grit and determin ation, to be there nt the finish. I Not enough truth before mnr I ringo and too much truth after marriage causes most of the dl I vorces. South Slough district. His land Is In Section 24 In 26-13. He al leges that the company during the past year went in and cut off tho timber without any contract or even his consent. Warthun says that he Is a German and still a subject of Emperor Wilhelm. The defendant Bays his claim Is all wrong and maintain that he only paid $500 for the In ml and timber n few years ago. I I I i 200 CASES 10 BE TIB 'I0W HLLISTON. AKIIKSTEI) I "Oil ROD 1HXG SAFE, IMIOVEH UK GOT CASH IX LAKESIDE POKKU GAME. (Special to The Times.) GARDINER, Or. Sept. G. The suspect arrested at Florence the other day In the Gardiner safo blowing case was released by Sheriff Qulne a couple or days ago when he proved that tho money he hud was won In a poker game at Lake side. He gnve his name as Kills ton nnd very soon after ho nrrtved here with Sheriff Qulno nnd his deputies, Elllston proved thnt ho was not near the scene of tho rob bery and nlso that he had denn ed up about $500 In n poker gnmo at Lakeside last week. Following the big game, ho Is said to linvo hiked, lest some of those who lost get him. Sheriff Qulne nnd District Attor ney Drown have returned to Rose burg, nnd It Is said that they nnve no definite clues In the ensc. Ono Fined 131 Kelly, who was found In a drunken stupor on the whnif Inst night, paid n fine of $.i to day. He had $11.(50 In his pocket. I Hoys Holder. Officer Donne turn-' ed in n report to the polite station ' " " todny. urging tho prosecution of three li-.,.. nlu rr Onnnmi,nn hoys nnmcii Keiiv iirndiev and i.n Heavy Docket For September nn'iwm nr " '"o J'?0' "' n ""I''8 Term of Circuit Court Which pool hall near the Orphoum theater n., Mu M ,!. Inst night. Ho said that Allen should OpeilS NeXt Monday Take KildenceKvhlonce the J ' " September term of t Ho case of John Foulkes. vs. Henry Coos County Circuit Court which Scngstncken and others, involving vtollC8, Coqullle next Tuesday, land near the mouth of Catching . Tho , following arc tho lawsuits Inlet, which Foulkes claims his ,"" '", " C'rc,,lt Court ,of Co08 WMA 10 SMITH'S CASE Stanley Dollar Will Stop Log ging Until Mill Catches Up With Camps (Special to The Times.) HANDON, Or., Sept. 5. It was an nounced that the Seeley nnd Ander son logging camps on Hear Crook will be closed shortly. Stanley Dollar, who arrived here on the Grace Dol lar, left yesterday for tho camps to look things over nnd arrange for closing them. About 3,000,000 feet of logs had been fallen nnd it is like Iv that theso will bo taken out before shutting down tho camps. Tho camps aro about four months nhend of the Johnson mill, so that closing them temporarily will not affect It. Mr. Johnson says tho lumber mar ket Is very poor and thnt the outlook, until the country roadjusts Itself to tho European war situation, Is not very bright. In consequence, ns trus teo of the Johnson company nnd Seelov & Anderson company, he de cided' to shut down for n while. The Grace Dollar will take a cargo clear south this trip. Mr. Dollar will remain hero for n time. (Hy ABSoclnted Press to Coos Hay Times) LONDON, Sept. 5. Tho Rome con'ospomi..,, nt tivoniiig Star (olographs from Vioniia that Ktmsinn i surrounded tho Austrians at Lublin, Russian 1? , Ve Gorman forces which wore rushed from Holmm inf'orco tho Austrians, arrived too late. BELGIAN KING REPORTED WOUNDED (lly Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) " " - w" ""J llllll'B.) LONDON, Sept. 5. A Central news dispatch f,0In slerdain says King Albert of Belgium was sliL'htMn?' ed by a shrapnel splinter while heading the n.i': r" treat, to Antworn. 1JUlan iilS MS RETURN CLOSING IN .FROM EUROPE ON AUSTRIA mm t mother sold when she was mnntnl. ly Irresponsible. Is being henrd In C. II. Feck's office before A. D, Loud, special referee, today. f AMONG THE SICK f County during tne past wooit: i John O. Jeffreys vs. I. T. Weekly and Q. V. Weekly. William O. Olson vs. Gordnti C. Gill and Venus Gill. Alonzo A. Schrlefer and Millie Si'liriefer vs. Thomas Unrklow. Ann i ' ' Unrklow, Manly Unrklow, Nannie Joe Schott or tho Smltl) mill lias Unrklow. .1. I), Unrklow, Sarah Hark I'cen laid up for a few days as a re- low et ul. Suit In equity to quiet suit of having his foot pinched In an title. accident the other night. i Herbert A. Stnndlsh vs. same de- Albert. Hiirroughs. who has been fendnnts ns In case above. Suit oonflncd to his home In First Addl- In equity to quiet title, tlon by an nttack of blood poisoning. Ajsnes Collins and Franklin A. will soon be able to rosumo his po- A. Collins vs. same defendants sltloti in the Smith Inth mill. as above. Suit In equity to quiet J. W. Dennett, who was confined title, to hln homo yestordny. Is reported Frnk A. I'lorson nnd Clnrn Pler Improvlng. son vs. same defendants. Suit to quiet title. THOSE GYM.VASH'M HO.VDS. Wlllnmetto Pacific Itallroad, vs. L'dltor Times: Southern Oregon Company. Whnt about this $10,000.00 bond W. C. Laird vs. P. M. Hall-I.owls. Issue put up to the voters by ho Frank Tlmtuons vs. Edna Tlmmons, school board for the construction of Suit for divorce, n school gymnasium? .. T. Johnson vs. executor of tho It Is being opposed. Its opponents estate of Jan. II. Matheny deceased nrgo two reasons for Its defeat. First, vs. T. (1. Sumerlln. E. C. Sum It will, they sny, require tho otnploy- orlln, M. P. Sumerlln and mont of extra Instructors, nnd "make Sumorlln. oft JobH for somebody." Second, It Same plaintiff vs. Moses Endlcott. will "rnlso taxes." Coqulllo Sentinel. Tho schools have for snmo time Jind physlcnl Instructors. whose ser- OM HEACH NFGGHTS tIcch would bo ndequnte. .mil their Jobs would not he miulo nnv softer IhIBs From the Columns of opcuiiRo Kiev were given a fow neew- . ',',", i"'?' sary facilities for doing goal wr.ik.' u- (J- Colo'- ot t"c lT. S. Cen This objection, therefore, would mi- 8,IB 0fflre' Washington, D. C, has pear silly. upon n guest in our town for sov- Ah to tho second objectljn will ,.ral l,n'H- Ho ls "KKC' gntherlng ome of tho frlen.lH who .rr. .r, m- " from every county and every to-ested In keeping down tl-o people's ,ow" of, !nor" than 20.000 Inhabl tnxna stato whether Ihev would nro. u.,n wi,h. n Y.,ew nf PI'TlnK tn- poco to Htop nil further Imprnwiucnt.. ""V 0I . ,fi Mnu,lC0 or ovo, 8tnt0 MHS. HICKEHSO.V SAYS SHE; DOES NOT WANT TO PltOSE. FFTE NE(ilK) OHAND ,11'HY SOON Mrs. Hetty Hlckerson. n well- known Marshfleld negress. today fil ed with Justice Pennocl: n declara tion that she did not wish to continue tho prosecution of 'Gunboat" Smith, the negro she had bound over to the grnnd Jury u few months ngo for threatening to kill her and also for robbing her of some cash and Jewel ry. Sl'e told Justice Pennock thnt Smith had promised to lenve town nnd stay away nnd thnt this wns nil she rfeslred. It has been Intimated that Smith lias reimbursed her for the financial loss as ho has been nut of Jail on bond nnd been working. Whether the ense will be dropped retnnlns for District Attorney Mlje qvlst to decide. IJIJvqvIxt l Here. District Attorney Uljeqvlst wns hero from Coqulllo today rounding up various cases which will come be fore the grand Jury nnd be tried nt the next term ,nf court. Thoro nro a number of mntteiB to como before the grnnd Jury that hnvo not been trlod out In Justice court. It Is Intl- mnln.l tlint n rrniiAfnl rtlnntlltlir nit will bo mude of the county again. (inge Helurns Home. Sheriff Ongo today comploted his task of serving n number of sub poenns on grnnd Jury witnesses. In cluding the Peters holdup caso from Hunker Hill, nnd returned to Co qullle. Ho ls quoted ns saying that tl'o fnther of Joo Horry of Myrtle Point, who wns arrested nt Drain whllo fleolng from a statutory chnrge preferred by n Myrtle Point girl, would go out and bring Iilm back. DUI TOLEDJMflILL IIWIION HEPOHT THAT lA'MHEIN MAN WII.I. MOVE Hl'MOH IS Cl'UHENT OF X SMITH DEAH AT UANDON. HANDON. Or., Sept. n. A report from Toledo, Oregon, states thnt George W. Mooro nnd son hnvo pur chased the sawmill of tho Toledo Lumber Compnny of thnt city. It Is stnted that they hnvo assumed active control nnd nro contemplat ing moving their mill from Hnndon to Toledo. A number of prominent business men In position to know, stnto that in their opinion the report Is true ns fur ns tho Moore people having purchased the Toledo Lumber Com pnny mill Is concerned, but they do not believe tho local mill will bo moved to that place. It is satd If ...i.. Mnni'n IlltfirORtR llllVtt OS- sumed nctlvo oporatloiiK elsewhere, It niuv moan tho local plant will romnln closed down for some time. Several reports aro current Hint the Smith Interests of tho Hay nro figuring on buying the local plant. Other rumors credit the Dollnr peo ple with tne same inieuiioiiH. Wellslcy Students, Including Three From Northwest, Fi ' nally Get to New York (II? AtiocUtftl l'rr l Coot n TltPM.l NEW YOltlv, Sept. r,. Sixteen young women of Wellesley College, two teachers nnd fourteen Htudeuts, murooned In Italy nt the beginning of the European wnr. reached Now York today aboard the Italian tank steamship Lnmpu from Genoa. The , Lampo had no passenger uccoiuuioiln- tlons. but her officers gave up their ' cabins to the women. Among the par- t wore Misses Mny Twohy nnd Mary Louise Corbln of Spokane nnd Cliar- ' lotte Heuuett of Tacomn. LUMBER TRADE OE COOS BAY ALONG the WATERFRONT IHK.'.S OF WAIL by the snmo cry? and county Mrs. Hlnucho King nnd son, Judge hh Uertha St. Martin Isters nnd nephow of Ittler of this pluM. ery enjoynblo month a visit here, dopnrted yesterday by private If not. then will they pleas, ndvlsn . '' ,n""," " wfnt Is more necessary, 'or which fr0por'tland III r.'O should spend our money' ?' ,, ' Y The cry of "more taxes" Is iais. i; .;': ' ns a fenrful nliirm. and. m the nb- rc0r V. r d" i. i- ......... i.... ..... . . nere, (lopnucu iTirtJs Srr wviMsr 'T ,Mr llolu !?nm i10 'K '" omo,nB other freight for the W. T. Co. It ,,ml" ' "" i Then n levy ht0URlt two ,iOZon china pheasants. p ? ih 0P:hnlf. mm wl,ul',1 tak(: Tho birds were turned loofco on the earn of the IntoioHt on the bonds nnd (Jon vnvo nn,j ,)(.0i0 uro roquest IiroMdon sinking fund to retire thorn ed not to shoot birds In that neigh Jn twenty yonr. i ho man who now borhood ns the female birds look pays $.10 taxes on Marshfleld city very much llko grouse and could nroporty would hnvo to pay $r,0.r..r.: bo easily mistaken for ono. Ino man wluopo t'jr.0.00. $252.77: chns. MarrU. of Del Norte Conn Vr0nJ"?J? w.ho ,myM 2r'0-00' 2.12.77: iy. Cnl.. passed through town Sun $r.0.vr,o. I ho smaller tnxpnyor would day evening with u band of about iiui u-fi ii ai an huh me writer onas four hundred bond of stock sheep oughiii t to. ,, ,.0,0 t0 Humboldt County. Cal- .Mont of i1m lariter property ownot Ifornln. com to Iib In fdvor of Hie measure, i Somo of ihem aro working against it. I POUT OHFOUD HltlEFS i Those objectors are holding the'r proporty. It can't ln bought, even at Some Inteiollng llenw From the market prices. Why? lloeauso thoy Pages of Tho Tribune expect to got blggor prices. Yet thev Horn, nt Port Orford. Oregon, object to paying their shnro townrd August III, 1!M. to Mr. nnd Mrs, tho development and growth of tho T. J. Fro mm, n flno 10-pound baby' city which will bring tho exported Rlrl. prices. Wnnt somebody elso to do It, Messrs. Mandlgo nnd Smith, bus Bomehow or other. Those men nro Iness men of North Uenil, nfter linv good follows, who wouldn't hosltnto Ing spent about a month camped to dig Into their pockets for this little with tholr families hero and nt extra sum If it were put up to them Sixes Hlvor, havo returned home, on grounds of sentiment. Hut bo- They thoroughly enjoyed their out causo it takos tho matter of fact form '"B- I of "taxes" tluro'n an awful wall. In- The Randolph camo Into port consistent, isn't It? 'Sunday ovenlng and tho following Growing children nro to be denied "a" ""loaded considerable freight what every modem communitv has fi tho merchants at this plnco, learned Is essential to their healthy sailing yesterday for Rosuo River, moral nnd physlcnl development, where tho rest of her cargo wns con Why? "It will rnlso taxes." They signed for tho Wedderbum Trading pay more than the man who has Company Her coming relloved the less property, and haven't, perhaps, situation here ns our storos Had any more children to enjov tho ben- noe ol,t ot flour, sugar and grain cfits. Not fair, of course. , for somo tlmo. No amount of argument will Mrs. P. J. Llndberg loft on n chnngo tho position of thoso men. vlst to Coqulllo last Saturday morn Tho writer entertains no such hope, " accompanied by her two grand The point Is this. Aro you peoplo children, Miss Rita and Master Tom who are nllo to tho situation go- Lane, who havo been visiting with tajf to let thorn "put their views their grandparents hero for tho past across" on you next Thursday? Thoy two months anil are now returning will, unlohs you GUT OUT AND t10o to attend school. VOTE! If you wnlt for someuody The Rustlor is due from Coos to go and haul you out of your l,a' to tako on board about twolvo stro or homo or office, or forgot tons of wood held for shipment ft, this bond lssuo will fall of sue- bore by W T. White, Sr., goins ress, and this community will havo thenco to Rogue River whoro Mr. taken a backward step which will White has about nlno tons more make an ugly demerit mnrk In its ready to Blilp, and other parties hold record of civic advancement iBoveral tonB. Tho Rustler will tako Taxpayer. I the entire lot to San Francisco, I Dogs hnvo gone to the wars from tho very earliest times. Thoy barked nt tho slego of Troy. In thoso early, dnya. howover. they were used as sentinels nnd for purposes of defense. In tho middle nges thoy nttneked. Tho tracking mission of tho Scottish bloodhound tins been noted, but the dogs wore nlso used to nttnek caval ry. For this duty they wero clothed In n..,n . ...nil af...ljlal o.llll.u in ruuin Ul IIIMII OllMMIl.l ., .V. W'... nnd scythes to confuso tho horses. And when firebrands woro nlso nt-' tached to tho mall tho opposing camp looked for fire oxtlngulshors. That theso dogs plnyed no mean part In tho field Is proved by tho fact that Henry VIII offered tho Spanish king. Chnrles V, forty thousand auxil iaries and four thousand wnr dogs to help him against Francis I. Tho Pnrnlso Hailed today for San Francisco with u cnpaclty cargo and passengor list, nnd Agent James says that he turned owny about twenty passengers. Ho snys that tho Ar row Line Is now enjoying u flno freight business nnd that tho com pnny la Immensely plonsed with It. They now havo five hoots nnd In case of one of them being delnyod or tied up, another boat can bo put out In her plnco to maintain tho regular schedule. Tho Elizabeth sailed from Hnndon for San Francisco last night. The Adollne Smith sailed for Day Point today. Tho Rustlor. which took n cargo for Harbor, will proceed from Curry County to San Francisco with a cargo or wool nnd will bring bnclc n enrgo of canned goods, etc., for Curry County. The Hoamer win sail louigui ioi tho Sluslaw with general merchan dise. I nnrlo All ntlinn Drtnfp nn Pnoof I uuuuo nil uuiui i ui to uii uuuoi In Supplying San Fran cisco Market Coos liny continues to bo tho prlu clpnl sourco of Hiipply of tho San Francisco lumber market and during tho lust two weeks of August shipped I moro lumber tliuii any other port on tho const. Tho Pioneer Western Lumberman gives the following fig in es for tho receipts during tho last , two weeks of August nt Snn Fran elbco: 1'lr nml Spruce. ' Aberdeen 1,271.000 Astorln r.r.0.000 Itniitlon 833,000 ' Columbln River 1.221,000 Coos Hny 7..SR1.000 Evorott 230,000 Port Angeles 1,000,000 Port Ludlow 2.01i0,000 t Portland 350,000 Sluslaw . .. 440.000 Umpqun 20C.000 .Wlllapa lv. iu.uuu Totnl 2"i,r2r,000 Redwood. Eureka 7.770,000 Albion 050,000 Caspar 000,000 I Fort Urngg 2,200.000 ; Greenwood CIS. 000 Mendocino , 1 ,000.000 Crescent City 311,000 HAND DANCE PLATFORM Second nnd Market, Saturday night. REAJ THE ADS. Read tho wnr news, but don t for eet tho store news In The Times. Totnl .13,378,000 LAHOU DAY SERMON 73 DAYS WITHOUT RAIN In Time of Peace Prepare for War I Tho First Uaptlst Church will re sume tholr popular ovenlng services nt 7:30 Sunday. Row Hnssford will preach a timely sermon thnt will In- , torest both employers nnd employes on "Tho Rights of Labor." Tho largo chorus choir will render spe clal music. A cordial invitation to 'attend Is extended to all. We'll have some rain soon. Now N the time to get that DUXHAK SiMT the clothing for wet places, and be prepared for rainy weather, Ol'R STOCK IS COMPLETE "The Gunnery" A FAIR PROPOSITION Thoso druggists will toll you thoy could not recom mend a moro satisfactory remedy for rheumatism than fOR IMt HJBllCHtUTM . 1KAPC Mn RHEUMATISM POWDERS Tho manufacturers nave so much confidence In this preparation that thoy au thorize It to bo sold on a positive guarantee to give you rollef or your money will bo refunded. This is certainly n fair proposition. Let us explain this remedy Price 50c. For sale ty OWL PRESCRIPTION P1IA11MAOV. Frank I), Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74 C?,ffl. M,lteneann Army Is Within Ten Miles of Cat taro, Naval Base ttlr AikkIjipJ rru. to Cooi Dir Tlml LONDON. Sep.. r, -A dliptfck from Milan quotes Corrlero belli Sera to the effect that the Montcn grin nrmy corps has occupied a itrl or Austrian territory between tt Montenegrin frontier nml tho tea n rnr north us Iludtin. ten nillei south east of Cnl taro. The mlvnnce guardi have arrived near Cattaro, which th Montenegrins are bent upon taltlnt with tho nsslstunce of the French Ml nnd Hrltlsh warships ALASKA LEASE BILL PASSE Measure for Developing North ern Coal Resources is Sent to Senate (iir amx-uii rmi i cu ur tibm.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Sept. C The Alaska coal laud leasing bill which Is to work with tho Alatkaa Railway law for the development ot Alaskan coal resources, passed tbt Hoiiho today. It now goes to- tn Senate. Your next visit to a storo should bo mndo In answer to nn ad. la to day's paper. READ THE ADS. Rend tho war news, but don't for get tho store news In Tho Timei. REPUBLICAN TICKET Election ION. For U. S. Senator R. A. Booth. For Congress AV. G. Hawley For Governor Jainos Withycombo For Justlco of tho Supreme Court Henry ,T. Bean, Lawrence rp T.T,.mc- 'Plinmns MrBri(lC. Henry L. Benson, Charles L. McNnry. For Attorney General George M. Brown. For Suptfot Public Instruction ,T. A. Churchill For Stato Engineer John M. Lewis. For Commissioner of Labor O. P. Hoif. For Railroad Commissioner Prank J. Miller For Supt. Wator Dlv. No. i. James T. Chinnock. For Representative 6th !'" Charles R. Barrow For Representative 6th uisi. ( S. P. Peirce j For County Judge. James Watson , For Sheriff , Alfred Johnson, Jr. For County Clerk. , Robt. R. Watson ,, For County Treasurer ( T. r. Dimmiek For County Surveyor. , C. S. MoCullooh For County Coroner (I P. E. Wilson For County Commissioner -.. T A vmcf vnilff. For Commissioner Port of Coos W A. H. Powers, Anson Rogers and Henry SengstacUn Published under tbe MjhojW by the order of the Coos County Re publican Central Committee. (Paid Adr.) .J( -lrfcirMHr- "- -- ff im