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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1914)
IHHIHHHHHHHRflVH frw"m"''" ' issssF'i'TlsssffWVIilhfiV iimiiw m .wu, f PffF ' nil declared It to lmvo been the ban ner tiny of the llnlnbow Club nnd "ope to meet with Mrs. II 13, Dessey Tlwrsdny, Sept. 17th, 1911. OPTING PARTV (Continued from Pngo Two.) ' Htni hen' ArcTio.v! j The Notth Hencl Auction Hrltlgo n, I Is scheduled to meet next Tues SSVith Mrs !! K- Homester. HAINHOW CLCH. . The members nnd visitors of tho Rainbow Club met nt tho homo or Mrs Clms Kncgrcn, Thursdny nnd ihc ' following officers wero elected for the second term: Mrs. .1. .1. Clink rnltearri. president: Mrs. W. II. Smith, vlcc-presldotitr Mrs. C. II. Dungim, dccrctnry Mrs .1 A. Smith, treas urer nnd Miss Ulnncho Ctitllp. or ..., Tim nniiiil bountiful illniipr 5'jig gprvcil In the orcltnrtl nnd the following enn tethh to tu. quantity and (iimlltj of this spread. Mrs. .1 j Cllnkenbeard, Mrs. .1. A. Smith. Mrs' Mny Smith, Mrs. E. H. Modsnn nnd two daughters, Irnm nnd Irene, Mrs Carl Johnson, Mm, Fred Bunnell ami son, Fred, Mrs. Otto 11111 and daugh ter. Frances, Mrs. Onirics tlag(iilst, Mrs. Vuriion Hood and two sons, Howard and Robert. Mrs. .Inck Hunch and daughter, Catherine, Mis. Eric Johnson and daughter, IMIth, Mrs. Oxenrldor and son, Clarence, Mrs. E. George Smith jind son Robert. Mrs. S. 11. Cutllp and daughters, Ulancho rnd Evelyn. Mrs. Matt Justroni and son, Mrs. E. Don McCrurv. Mrs. Jen nie I.andrlth nnd daughters. Helen nnd Illanche, Mrs. Jumes I.andrlth nnd son, George. Mrs. Nathan Cut llp. Mrs. V. C. Morgan and dnugh ter. Wllmn. Mrs. Clnuil IMper, Mrs. James N'owlln and daughter, Jean otte, Mrs. C. II. Ditngan. Mrs. Loren zo Cutllp. Mrs. W. II. Smith and daughters. Helen, llertba nnd Mary, Mrs. I'M Noah, Miss Anna Trumaii, Mrs. Herman I'M wards and Mrs. Chas. Enegren nnd family, ".ter a- evtrt unci Just befor- t i.m n nrlvol. Mrs. Win. Stecklo nnd Mis. Percy 1 ect anil families have relumed from n week's outing at Jordan Cove where they camped. Messrs. Peot and Steckle were with them for awhile. Mrs. Walter Robertson and son. Mrs. Kittson nnd Ernest Hess mil family, were among others who visited them. 4 parties at eogrn.LE. i Helng unnble to return all their calls during the brief time Interven ing before their temporary removal to Handon, Mrs. W. J. Longston nnd Mrs. X. Xelman entertained their lady friends at the Collier apartments on Wednesday afternoon nnd Thurs day morning, the latter occasion be ing a card pnny from 10 to 1 o'clock. Those present on Wednesday were Mesdnmes R. II. Rogers, M. O. Haw kins, Hello Lowe, C. J. Fuhrnian, Etiiinn Lyons. 10. I). Sperry, J. S. Law rence, It. S. Knowlton, X. Lorcnz, Fred llellonl. II. W. Young, II. A. Young, .Inmes Richmond. II. Lorcnz, Clms. I. Kline, Williams and John .'iza. 'r tenia morning the guests were UtiLJjfa-SMl JLi.11,,.1,11 ifc t irintfal'ST Z IW 11 All Automobile pes SSI Se Tires Ami Ti Per Cent, Discount from regular prices. wiff'ST.SJsgrerraT-?" THAN fefiffl ttP THIS IS LESS BEFORE THE WA rraggnrrou'nraHBra'rTm .Just lit'i'tn'e the (U'claratitm of win and aiiticipatini? an increase in the price if Tires, I )laced one of the largest orders for AUTO TIIJWS and TUnKS i'iT tfivon in Southwestern Oregon. I' did this to protect myself and to pro tect my patrons. These Tires have arrived, and I am now prepared to give my customers the benefit of this advantageous buying. This Sale is ABSOLUTELY Strictly Cash Xo tires will be charged to anyone at these prta or with this discount. Remember these arc all GUARANTEED TIRES; SMOOTH TREAD Tires guaranteed 3500 miles; also tho famous NOB IBY TREAD, guaranteed 0000 miles. Mr. Auto Owner: If you will need an extra tire anytime within tho next GO or 90 days, it will pay you to take advantage of these prices. "Wheii this stock is gone auto tires will cost you much more. BUY YOUR TRES NOW ROADi RUM GARAGE Central Avenue Phone 373-L Marshneld, Oregon entertained with "500" nnd nt 12:30 an elegant three-course luncheon was served. Those present were Mes dames A. X. Gould, J. S. Hartoon, K. V. 11. Xlcklln, Htil Pierce. O. C. San ford. A. J. Sherwood. L. A. LIIJeivl. Clm. Evland, Hert Polsom, .1. A. Co' ller. Wnlter Sinclair. Thos. Dluiuiul.. I). D. Pierce. C. A. Howard. HlrJer.n P. Onmbell. Win. Candlln. W. J. Longston, X. Xelman and Miss Sinw. Coqulllo Sentinel. . I NORTH HEXD W. ( T. I. I 4 A ery Interesting session of t o W. C. T. V. wns held In the Presby terian church on Tuesday nftcnoon. A short program wns rendered, af ter which, the following officers were elected for the coming year: President Mrs. Ceo. Hnzer. Vice President Mis. W. II. Thnt tcll. Recording Secretary Mrs. W. K. Xellson. ' Treasuier Mrs. P. W. Stevens. Literary Supt. Mrs. George SIc Cann. Plowcr Supt. Mrs. C. H. Ritchie. Supt. of Mothers' Meetings Mrs. A. G. Rnnh. Supt. of Soldiers and Snllors Mrs. Rclchcnhouser. Those present were Mesdnmes Geo. Hnzer, Win. Xellson, MrCnn.ii, A. G. Rnah. It. 15. Emery. Covey, T. 11. ItltcMe. Geo. Reynolds of Portland nnd Frederick Shlmlnn. The nninos or Mrs. Shlmlan nnd M-s. Itnab were peresented for ineinliershlp. Mrs. Stevens was elected delegate to at tend tho annual convention which convenes nl Handon on Sept. !. W. It. (. ORGANIZED At a meeting at the homo of Mrs. 13. W. Schroclc, yesterday. Halter Corps No. I I. V. R. C, waB organ ized with Mrs. Samuel Gregg ns President. The other officers were not clcdcd. It helng decided to wait until nil available members are se iti'I TM will bo an auxiliary to Halter Post. (I. A. It. Tho next meeting will be held next Saturday iirternonn nt the home of Mrs. Sam uel Gregg. Mrs. Corn Mcllrlde, of Portlnnd, Smio Mninnlzor of the V. It. ('.. and Mrs. Norton, nn offlcor of tho Co tiiillle V. It. ('., wero hero to aid In Ii.k ItutliiK the new corps. O wi:i in i . 1 AutiouiifcinontK were reeflvcd lMre ti:N week of Hih inarrlnm' or Ml .I.ithI,. :.. Ily Chase to MuMIIp Knst linm. if S.irliiKfleld. Anv. 2'A. The btlde whs formerly n Miu'sb field Vtg'i school teacher an:l lslted here this Hummer. A, (). C. S. PARTV. I A Mrs. J. T. I Inll. Pail Worthy Mat ron of Doric Chapter. (). II. S.. was l'o.tes to the t'.U:: of fleers of tho chnptc" nt a deimuful wlng party nt hit' lionie In West Marsh field yes- terd.i'. Nip Rework mid conver- Hon wen follow im liy refreHhineiits. Those Invited were Mrs. !'. H. Allen. Mir. AImi Doll. Mrs.,):. I.. RobUM(iu. MIsr l'rancci lrnne. Mr. 10. K. Kel ly. My. I.ouls Gorr, Mis. M. A. Mc- I.ef.d. Mrs. !:. S. Ilni'Mclt. .Airs. C. II Jlars'i. Mrs. Orn McCarty. Mrs. Me i iiiniwnnn iTrwi ifrawn Crnry, Mrs. Mary vMcKnlght, Mrs. Hugo Qulst, Mrs. C. W. Evertsen nnd Mrs. D. H. Keating. 'h . 4 I voinc pi:oim,k I Tic Xi'j- .' ti '.tihernn Youiif. Piople's Soilit n "t 1'rldny evening In t'e ihmcli imrlora. After r. short bi,s nctj meeting Mr. Mellum read the society pairr. An nddresb was given by Rev. Thorpe nnd p te 'I ( '., Peter Tl'i pe. R fresh incuts wcif R"-ed by Cora Mntl, ison and Anlrow An crion. Vlioiii present vc:c Rex and M". t. O Tliorpe, Ml'. Mine riurry, Sennle r ' i, MIfj I'orrthy Jol'ii son, Missi Mi'b'e im'iI Alice Math Ison, I't... ii.i.; v.'...;s TSuuiie, n Potorson, K. G Mellum, Mr. Kng. Albeit King. Andrew Anderson. K. Herglaiid, Pete Onnnll. Hert Iverson. II. Johuuseu,. I Sl'ltPltlKK PARTV o Last Tuesday evening n surprise was tendered Rev. and Mrs. It. O. Thorite nt their home, the occasion being their wedding anniversary. Music nnd gnmcB wero followed by sumptuous refreshments nnd n hand some purse was presented tho couple ns a little token of remembrance. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. P. Jneobson, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Magnus, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. Mathlson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Erlckson, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Steen, Mr. and Mrs. Chris l.oe. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Erlck sen, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. 10. Rofsland, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hide. Mrs. I.. K. Krlck sen. Mrs. !:. Grnn.Iell. Mr. and Mrs I. Knutscu, Miss Hannah Hit line. Miss Sennle Hcfslimd. Miss Emma Krickseu, .Miss Jennie Johnson, Mil Klslc Larson, Miss ICdnn Johnson, Allsseri Mabel, Cora nndMIco Math lson, Mr. C. G. Mellum. II. Itprg land. Oliver Larson, Kill lrniuucr. II. Peterson and Juhnur Refslaud. V II. Shoppnrd, Mrst prize was wort by Mrs. Pay Ward and the consola tion went to L. A. Loonils. Refresh ments wero served nt the close oC :ho evening. Those present wero Mr. nnd .Mis. X. G. Ilnmes, Mr. and Mrs. L A. Loonils. Mr. and Mrs. Hraln nrd, Mr. nnd Mii. Juzn, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Sheppard. Mrs. Pay Ward, Miss May Parsons, Joe Olln and Tom tinge. 4 4 I WKD IV PORTLAV'l I ci.rit Mrs. Win. Steckle nnd Mrs. :'. ?. Rlebe entertained the Knstsldo Rfw Ing Club nt the home of Mrs. Stecklo In Knstslilp Thursdny afternoon. It was decided Hint In the future a hImmIuI teHtuie of eutertnltimeiit should he provided by one of the members, h rending, a sonx, music, etc. After A most plpttsnnt itesMon, refreshments were sered and nr rMiiKeiiMMits made to meet In two wvk whit Mrs. P. O. Hrooks when Mis. Hyerly will provide the enter tnlnmeiit. Mrs. Amos Simpson lins leen elected to ineinliershlp. TIiom present this week were Mrs. Slinp M'li, Mr. W. P. Hyerly, Mrs. llrlnk ley. -Mrs. Poster, Mrs. Drunks, Mrs. Kittson. Mrs. Ihirtuu, Mrs. Proy and Mrs. Peel. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS Mildred Rogers Nelson. Teiicliei' if Pliino. Pupil of Hiiro MHttsfeldt. Sun Fran clseo, Ciil. Application for lessons In writing for iiinioliitninnt, Mai!illi lei, OreKou H. H. Harper iioisi: iu'ii.dhr General Uspnlrlnjt snd ClltiBt.. Mnltliiif. I'hotie 8I9-.T. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (UVItmor .Mnilioils) l''ury known dlsorto trester vlthnut drugs or siirnery. Rooms 1 mil 2. t;:i7 South Hroadwny. I'liunu 132-L. Marshfleld, Or Joel Ostlind PIANO TlNKIt AND RIIPAIRKR Leavo orders at W. R. Unities' Mu de Company. US S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L spndav school picnic v I I The Hiiuker Hill Sunday School en Vr the leadership of Mrs. Win. Phillips Imd Its nniiitHl plinle nt Unulo Point Wednesday, Feptemlipr 'J. A Kood iiumhr or yotunc and :ld folkg wore present, nnd nil Imd perfei-i enjoyment. The children wero vrviNl to two kinds ir Ice crenni to their hoarls' content. Th. sjireud iiii rich and nbundnnt. A lip'tiitlful thliK whs the wny in "li'ih tie eltlli'ien winx the Vo olocy iM'fnro oalltiK. Mny Ood bleu every child and parent of thin lint Ion of ours mid mnkq i fruit fill of gitod deed and Hillfhtenment that other nations ay lord on Dirt Unlit. -Krnneia Bmt hi. . .; MSITOH T' e ni'iirunnr 'out of t'ie tunrrlagti f Miss lll.dti S i'ihr''i' n 1 C II Hutler. the vcii'igtr s .n oi PresUknt rtlltlnr nf Vell"'( at'' X'",'.'.; jcllOOl, nt Portlnnd this week came as a. decided surp itu .o liio ma.ij Coos Hay friends of the bride, Mrs. Mntt Steiiholin. mother of the brldo, wna in attendance nt the wedding, no coirtpanylng her dnughter north froiu San Pranrlsco 'where they had been visiting. The bride Is a gradunte of tho Monmouth Normal School and it wax during her student days there Mint he romance, which, had Its hap py culmination In Portlnnd Wednes day, started. The bride Is n moitt tucompllshed young woman and was formerly principal of the Mnrahfieltt Central School. .MINNICWIK I The Mlnne-Wls met with Mrs. I). . Jones of Peindnle Thursday tor the customary sewing and chat. On this occasion the club members oh scned the birthday of Mrs. Iloagland, by presenting her with a Mlnne-Wis jpiion. Mrs. Piuhett and Miss Helen. Perkins were guests. Following tlw 'deas:ut hours of needlework, m'.ne and ICllznbeth Jones ami Miss Helen Purldiu passed the dainty re fie.diincn's. Those present wero Mrs. '.'. W. Davis. Mrs. Chas LaChapoVle, Mrs. K. Keliy. Mrs. P. II. I)', Mrs. W. II. Perkins, Mrs. H. A. Is, Mis. John l)ahu.v. Mrs. Mnwr Iiiompsoii and Mis. Honglati 1. In two weeks the club will be entertain ed by Mrs. Thompson. on next Thursday tl e club plan a picnic to AHeuciiy. i I TIIIMHI.K ('LCD. The North Hend Thimble V ub en Jryed a delightful session with Mra. .1. C. Wnllnee Friday afternoon. It was declled tliat the club shoilld take up rattan basketry In a Idltlon to tl o rennlar needlework. At tho close of tho meetliiK refreshments were served. The next meeting will be In two weeks with Mrs. It. P. Geb liart. Those present this week were Mrs. Ira II. Hnitle. Mrs. Geo. D Mnn dlRoMrs. M. :. Kverett. Mrs. J. O. Mullen. Mrs. Chas. Williams, Mrs. Roscoe IT-e-, Mrs. V. H. Waters, Mis. . II. DerLyshlre nud Mis. P.l mer I ,vi'.i uf t'.ie Club, nan Mra, Angus. Hol'lus and Mrs. Waltar Kr.s i1 :... i, .cV ! n 'f"ts. ; . v ' COLl.'.liL ..IMIKX'SCI.rn. At t i" '""'ting of the year nt Guild hail WtHlnciiuliiy, talk wns e' lef. t .:.o wnik to ho done during the ye -. At :1a nxt ineetliig, nt the h ie f M's. J. Wright Wilson, the fl-.t vv'e'nednv In October, .Mra llnrv ' in i mi Miss ICvii Dresssr will hu.u ,.eiu.. Mrs. McCarty, ns prosident, presided. Those out wero .Mrs. A. K. Glos,sop. Mrs. Xollle Owen, Mrs. Ora McCarty. Mrs. Harry Xna burir. Airs. J. Wright Wilson. Mrs. .t. i A. Sweotntan, Miss Kllsabeth Top- plug, Mis Frances Krause and Miss liva Dressor. Mre. S. R?tn I ontortrlnetl In formally nt lli4 Oregon Hotel In .North llond last Frldny afternoon ('. W. It. SI. - I Wltli Mrs. Isaacs at Plat II, the C MmpllmfHlnrr to .Mrs. H Knalnes r, W'.!1, M 0i0y.! t ,n" '", l", Rosrbuw. Her guests nt th" lcllKht. of ,ho -"r " Hrl, TMnly. The nfter ful affair were Mrs. Ilii..tln 0f",0" hriy employed with dls MuiVflehl. Mrs. Perry. Mrs. llste. i " f llio rnmliiji work, and o -...- . n.i...... il i.' . ... iH'tlon of officers. The elected offl- CoiisIub and Mra. Jacobson. I. M. Wright Phono 318-P HUILDrNO CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request C. 0. Gosney. Phono 3154 CONTRACTOR AND HUILDKR Estimates Furnished on Request Sly Past Work Is Sly lleferenco First and Alder Sts. . Marshfleld Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. DR. SIATTIK II. SHAW Diseases of Women and Children Office Phone 330. Rooms 200, 20 202, Irving Hloclc. House phone, 10C-J, Beniamin Ostlind CONSULTINO ENOINIOEIt AND ARCHITECT Offices, 20C Irving Block Phone 103-L. or 2C7-J. Marshfleld, Oregot W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coko Hulldlns Marshflold, Oregon I EVENINd PARTV Miss Guren IIhko was hostess a delightful Informal evening cards nud music Inst Friday at her home In North Rend. Rofrosluuonts woie served at the close of the ovuu- cer are: Mrs. Copple, president; Mrs. McCarty. vice president; Mrs. Clms. Powers, secretary and Sirs. K. L. Ilnpsou, tieasurer. , A good num ber of members wore prosout. CHRISTIAN .SISTERHOOD. Sirs. Ynke will eiitortntu tho Sister- inv. nor lmuihIh iniiuinii tf. nmi . hood next Tiiflsdny at mi all day aes- Mi-s. Harry Ilultuiniiii. Misses Laura i '" f sowing for tho Xinns ba- cobin, Trona Ilagu and Knto Anthony. ". and Dr. .Mntt, Tom Hugo, John Olson and Russ Plukegor. V I CARD PARTV I 4. Sirs. W. G. Chandler la upondlnc tho weok-ond at tho W. S. Chandler Hummer homo on South Coos River. Mr. and Sirs. II. 11. Chnndlor, wLo lmvo been tliero n cotiplo of weeks Sirs. Thomas A. Juza and Sirs. Rov will return tho first of tho wcclc 0. Drain a nl wero hostesses at n pleas-land will occupy tho Purrlnger house ant card party Inst .-..iturdny evon- on commercial, nnui woirtn. lug nt the homo of tho former In! North Ilmid. complimentary to Sirs. (Continued on Pngo Ten.) Wm. S. Turpen ARCIIITEfT Marshfleld, Oregon. Perl Rilev Ballinfler PIANIST AND TECHER Resldente Studio, 217 No, Third St Phone 36(.-L. Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. SWEDISH SIASSAf.E AND .MED ICAL OVSINASTICS FOR ALL DISEASES 337 Commercial live. Piinuu "12-3 w SUPERIOR QUALITY HAS ENABLED "V Drifted Snow i"8 ' I i m TO SURVIVE THE REBUFF OF COMPETITION THE PAST 62 YEARS. B!