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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1914)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TWO j I I rqips oiiite 21110 C dnH ?im Wvi M Vim Wnmtws xmv H,. '9$, & : PL2RSOXAL notices erf visitors In the city, or of Coos I3ay peoplo who visit In other cities, togothor with notices of social affairs, aro gladly received In the social de partment. Telephone 133. No tlcoe of club meetings will bo published and secretaries nro When pti and ma play auction brldgo I iclinjlvrcnuoBted to turnlsii oamo. It seems a lot of fun for pa. ... . ... ,. ,..i .. 31c puts his hand before his face "l"1 "" ," "I "'..,' , Till: I'L'X OF Al'lTIOX BRIDGE and chuckles Just to worry ma. "Don't mind him, partner," ma ex- KivnfiPMM. nml bv the mlraclo by which It glorifies some common- . I .. tl... nntofifit linn claims, "don't let his nonsense I'W Buujeci inio u.u - trouble you. of a god, then, wno en c '"' I'll make It four In hearts right woman's power of lot ins Is Inflh- now." And pa says: "Dear, ltol' Greater than mans I'll double you." Whether, nt tho lime of marrlnge, "I know It all the time." says the bridegroom is moro romnnt enlly ma. "That's Just the way he In love with the bride than slio s always plays. with him does not matter, ft Is Jo hasn't any cards at all. but vouchsafed to the shallowest-hearted every time my bid ho'll raise: of us to at lunBt glimpse tho grand Ho hates to see nu name tho pnsslon. The thing tlint . """"f,, " i flio mon thoy love have grown old trump!" Says pa: "The cards the endurance of love, It nbl II ' "'0. m" , M0? ..icnBiiro. and younger arc getting rummy, to siirvho the Illusions of . .utr- " J e." nrC8 imvo i ccnscc to nt- I'd flop those tears If I were you. inony and blooir like a green onsu 1 nnc fa Ircr faces go n nel0Daek And Just remember, you'io the In the arid dcwirt of huuseho d Jinct t o it " w dummy!" bills, and petty economic, ui - - ncss and nerves, aim iryiiis uumw, And CONTRIBUTIONS concerning Hocinl happenings, Intondod for publication In the society depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not lator than C o'clock p. m., Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases where ttio events occurred later than tno tlmo montloned.) prompt them to marry thece ladles In order to lift them up and make them respectable. Woman's love Is also great enough to forgUo. Man's seldom Is. The wife who drinks too much or Is even suspected of being unfaithful to her marriage vows is, m .' times out of 100. cast put or a man's home, but the world Is full of sad-eyed wives who get up night after night to let In drunken hus bands, or wnlt patiently, year nuur year, honing, praying, that after A friend of mine who was once . . .... ..... ,. ,. ,,.,r l.nrcnlinplf 1 11 mil U II 1110 , oh. It make ma awful mad 1' n M " " V1' "" ""'"",' . " Z "' .," a,u. ., e one "!l" ?f .T11" V,,,J: Brl,,: o a rom n c hen, lulVio " on y pin a funeral That was being vn.'i.n' ?... ' !'".y n"""3 d nnrv Zl luin nil iim i or woman, hod In a little log cabin. A moun you had: you II never got your """":." M Z .imn, nnomrh ...inner's wife was dead, nml she Iny ,llnliiin,l la. 11 U111L1I1 O iw, !- - .. -.,-,-- .1 In tit ...!,. I.. 'lie's' looking at my hand." she t0 ' iMa- Mm' scll,0.m l' In her coffin, a poor, gaunt figure. "lie's looking at my hand." she lo "" U,,D- - - , it work-ltnotted hands folded cries, "tho mean old thing Is The statistics of the illv ree "' w. , ,ct brc""t. niul her always cheating!" court are unanswerable on thw nr2n .' (lie c" nin nmong Slit nn says solemn-llko and slow: point. Women obtain more thn-i "" ."in tlve people. 080 "Now just sit Htlll ami take three-fourths of the illvonoi, an, " ' ,r08C ' his tribute to the dead "Salrv wns n good woman." ho said. "She was JiiHt as faitlirui ns vnnr iimiiiiii. moHt nf tlinsp (1 voices are grantcti because of unfulthfuluess on the ........ . . iiiidii'iiiiiv nnrt. In view of this iusi nsuaiiy ma wins out huenuse "".""";",.., .i ,1,., r-t fi.nt',. vniioi- .ini? iimlnr n wncon And ma toTgets a ot of ni'n re- m, comparatively seldom Cargo It PomH to me that nothing bet mi dliKlm of hlJ iiilHiiik. L hp,p W,VM wllh "'"'"". tor epltomln's the love of a woman. Bui m hi, I ml" ,",." '.... 'Iocs It not look ns If woman's love ,t , nB fnlthfu, as a. yellow dog eyo a wink that's ery plainly snowing nns stronger than man's (under n wagon. It follows a man Nor Is this nil. One of tho most through life, content to bo always How much he has enjoyed himself pathetic tilings In the world Is tho nt his heels, rewarded with a care- for once aga u he's ii go- spectacle that we dally see of mid- loss pat now and then, ready to lag Octroi" Free Pro d cnged women starving themselves kiss the hand that Mko, . trio. '" T half to death and martyrizing them-' though good or HI repute. It Is the ...!..... flli f.inllMll riot inn. nll.7 IV nvp till COOS IIOWII III IIIU H"n:n If vi II, u-Vir L ,. V , , iir cctlng sprlghtllness and youthful-'of death for a man. tint stands ii u iw i- ,'. i V." '' '"' . ox,'cr., e-s In order to try to keep tholrln the shadow of his glory, or wn s ihn . rm,f- .. ..,'r,m,l(C?,ly, ",ml mlhlc-.ged husbands In love with ' for him outside of a prison wal : i? i iLi15.! r ,,11 ,I,".t '."" the "Itetnlnlng a husband's love" that puts the laurel crown on his ove totter than women, and that. Jlcl tei!,,X " plirnro thoy iiho. Iiut lirow or takes Into her arms ipoound affection " V yo never see a fat. bald-headed Oils dishonored body from the gal- mini nr nrtv nuuiiiK iiiiusuu m uiijiiunn, never mntciios tins omnn Is tho flower about his life, that Is Its ornament and not Its s:ny, I hoc to tako Ihmiik with mv ilia. ,nn" "l ,,,l l'"""'K " " '" "" tlngulhhod f end on Ui h i ol avs tro",)l0 or Inconvenience to try to MllIl. ,ovo , llorothy I)lx.U, Nto fi'lM ,0,rU. '?"" uml K"y l" re,",n h,jl lovo for w woman whose love Is oxhnustloss ns W,S" tt u ,,., ., ,, '' . ." J '" , tno buiiR, as undying as tho rixod ,,,, ,,," i, v , u A riootlni: und tnM nf Iioiivdii nml timi i ....... tlint a man 8 ioo is a iu'cuiij, uuu So ii iiiui'H Vox " It " ohermeral thing that has to bo pnrisou mans ioe is iiko a sum- JU,,.i i p,,,.,,,! fm-. nml hand- cossetted and cared for, and hand- rf.ThSrkSK rAS??mY "!eB"ir one would "keeir. . iiin inni kihhos a ci icon ror a mo- .....,.,. ,., i,Hn,.. tlint n wife s nhtan,!!.20,,trHlh,,ih "been "Si KT'llto & m thatyou in.n'i'n V Z L ,V. " .. J ?." ,H?e ...V"1 'iin't ilrlvo uway. no matter how into an imnmitai. phrase by Hyr ' .S b.Sl "' ' " '", ' ,im,: l' Look also at what a woman will .MnnH loe Is or a man's life ',i0 for oe. She will get up nml n thing apart. ; follow n man to the ends of tho TIs woman s whole existence." earth: 3ho will forsake homo and And this opinion has been backed friends and kindred: she will on- up by nil the poets from tlmo Im- ,imo povertv ntul want and hard- numorlnl who have sung the flc j,,H ,in,i ns'ks nothing In return but KlonoHB of man. and tho constancy Wt n uttlo nffectlon. Just the right or woman. ,(0 j0VU ,t ,0 y0 inow any man What aio tho proofs or lovo? I who would be willing to do these Loyalty and faltlifulnesis ondur- things ror n woman? No, I don t, nnco seir sncririco Theso aro the either. arid tests that wo must apply to Hvery day you soo womnn who that he wearies o( as easily as a child and uproots with ns earotess a hand, and that ho Is never so happy ns when chang'ug. . 4 I .M. I-:. TKA ' . in ho declared that The M. E. Aid held Its annual moot ing ror election or offlcors and other business Wednesday with n largo at tendance! at the home or Mrs. F. K. Allen. Prior to tho dec Ion, Mrs. Hunting sang n bountiful solo and Mrs. Kelly gnvo n rlno reading. Tho vote resulted ns followH: President, Mrs. J. O.' Lnngworthy Vice-Pros., Mrs. Howard Savage and Mrs. David Nelson. Secretary, Mrs. Jnsonli Knotts. Trcns. Mis. W. II. niiucuon to rind out whether It Is love men well euougii to oner up ( Perkins. pinchbeck or pure gold. Words are tholr whole llxes as a sacrltlco Justi xeccUowmk and rorrcshmonts occu ouiiiiiik, Aiiyiiony can moutii oaths on tno nare cmuico uuu uu-v ihj .,lc(, t))0 ,.0Ht of tno afternoon. Tho of devotion that are nothing but be ablo to help some vorthless of nreHont Includes Mrs. empty air. It Is deeds that count, drunkard, or roue or gnmblor re-, n ,,, Nelson. Mrs. A. H. Oldley. and if you measure love by what form, but you don't obsorve any, , w. Mclnturfr, Mrs. Geo. Stophons. It Is wIIUiik to bear and snffnr fnr liirL'i. nunibor or men whoso dovo- ,,, ,,.,.. .,... ,,.. ! an ndorcd object, by Its patience tlon to wonk and unfortunnto women ( i,r'ow'( Mr8 u . Hamilton. MIsh f'.Ien- da Abbott, Mrs. A. Abbott, Miss Hel en Hamilton, Mrs. J. Q. .Inrvls. Mrs. A E Olossop, Mrs. Mlnnlo Swnuson, Mrs. .1 E. Cooloy. Mrs. A. H. Cntli, Mrs Howard Savago. Mrs. O. Urlggs, Mrs. Hunting. Mrs. F. E. Con way. Mis. H. E. Coffin, Mrs. Chas. II Curtis, Miss Louise Oldley, Mrs. M It. Smith, Mrs. V. E. Allen, Mtb. E A. Harris, Mrs. W. II. Perkins, Mrs, Mnughnier, Mrs. O. S. Torroy, Mrs .1 O Lnngworthy.. Mrs M. D. Sumner. Mrs. E. L, Kolly, Mrs. E. I) McArthur, Mrs. Eugenia Mcln turfr, Mrs. A. 0. Hill. Mrs. A. Isaac hon, Mrs. .1. Lee Hiown and Mrs. Joseph Knotts. EPISCOPAL (iL'ILl) Tho Oulld or tho Episcopal Church will begin Its meotlngs ror tho ensuing year em Tuesday or tho coming week In Guild Hall, Fourth street nml Market nvonuo. A unique feature of tho work of tho Guild this year will bo tho carrying out or a suggestion mndo by one ot tho members beforo tho closing ot tho Guild In dune, which suggestion was adopted. Once or twlco each month there will bo an Instructive talk given on some topic or practical and vi tal Interest to tho community or with icrerenco to tho general work or tho Church. In this way it Is hoped to make tho Guild meetings a source of uplift to all who attend as a sort or clearing houso ror tho discussion ot subjects In which tho women or the city are vitally In terested. At tho mooting on Tues day September 15th, tho Rector will talk on tho subject: "Tho Church nml Its Function In tho Community." ill IU V N i((-93-)l V ? &. ?,- DON'T YOU NEED A NEV TIMEPIECE? "ACCURACY" IS THE FlrtST QUALITY THE WATCHES AND CLOCKS WE HANDLE MUST POSSESS. "PUNCTUALITY" IS THE ONE BEST LESSON TO'JEACH YOUR CHILDREN. OUR AC CURATE TIMEPIECES WILL GET THEM TO SCHOOL ON TIME. GET YOUR LITTLE BOY OR GIRL A NEW WATCH. NO PRES ENT CAN PLEASE THEM SO MUCH. DON'T YOU REMEMBER HOW PROUD YOU WERE OF "YOUR" FIRST WA TCHV WE HA VE MANY MODELS WHICH, THOUGH SOLD FOR LITTLE MONEY, WILL KEEP THE RIGHT TIME. H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER. Ll'THEUAX All). The Swedish Lutheran Aid Society mot at tho homo or Win. Asplund at Ferndalo on Wednosday afternoon, Tho mooting was well attended. Mrs. Asplund and her mother, Mrs. Matt Mattson woro hostesses. Refresh ments were sorvod. It was both a business and social session. The next meeting will bo held with Mrs. A. Storgard, nd Mrs. H, Asplund, ig Shipment Just In Very latest New York Styles. Material and workmanship of the very best. Prices much lower than you have been paying. -All alterations free. Expert fitter and saleslady in charge. Pictorial Review Patterns. Covered Buttons Made to Your Order Warner's Rust Proof and Redfern Corsets. THE GOLDEN RULE First National Bank Building HiHPjHnBnnBnnpi The Best Ranges In the World May Be Found Here Why not havQ a GOOD range .JI cifcPW m -.- . tixtjy-yr--v ' llftflEr '""" A - -.".' "! Mrs. Good Cook:- You cannot bake the best "bread and do the right kind of cooking unless you have the latest model range. Just tell your husband to get you a NEW range, and that if he will you'll prepare for him dainty dishes daily. A NEW RANGE is one thing it is easy to persuade a hungry man to buy. Come, see our ranges and let us explain them to you. The Famous MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGE $65, $70, $75, $80. STEIGER & KERR OCCIDENTAL RANGES $38 to $45. ' SUPERB RENOWN RANGES $30 to $35. COOK STOVE' $9.50 to $22. Also a full line of Heaters. i WE SELL IT FOR LESS' GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers HAY CITY 1AKTY. Tho M. K. Ladles' Aid of Day City met nt the home of Mis, 1). K. .Major on Wednosday afternoon, Sept. 2, at which time a very pleasant and In teresting session was hold, sowing nml conversation occupying tho nftor nooii. Hofieshnienis woio seived, Misses Gladys and Annlo Major as sisting tho hostess. Among those piosent were Mrs. A. I.. Foster, Mrs. J. T. Maloney. Mrs. Lee, Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. Heiuenway. Mrs. Stewart, M s. Chas. Denlson, Mrs. Drlnkley, Tho next meeting will bo hold with Mrs. Maloney on Sept 23. On Satur day, Sept. 12, tho Aid will give a ho social at Hay City. fr I SIGMA CUI KNTKHTAINKI). I Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dlmmtck entertained several of tho young married couples of the Sigma Chi at dancing and supper at their homo In North Bond. Tho af fair was given by tho ladles as a re turn to their husbands for the many delightful jaunts of tho past summer. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Booth, Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. V. Flanagan, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Stephenson. Mr. and Mis. Clamlo Xusburir. Misses Graco nnd Min nie Sheildnn. Miss Mndgo Bar ry, Miss Uvolyn Flanagan, Mr. Fisher. Dr. Mott and Dr. John Mott, Georgo Sheridan nnd Rnlph Rounds. I XAltCISSUS CIA'll. I Miss Hlldur West was hostess to the girls ot tho Narcissus Club at sewing Wednesday, having as guests Mrs. lngval Pederson, Mrs. Elmer Vineyard, Mrs. Robert Watts, Mis. Carl West, Miss Elizabeth Tellofson, Miss Blancho Tellofson, Miss Thora Lund, Miss Anna Lund, Miss Stella Peterson, Miss Nellie Olson, Miss Ed na Mcintosh and Mies Maggie Rob ertson. Messrs. John Johnson and Emit West wero additional guests, Tho club will meet next with Ml Stella Pederson In two weeks. Th hostess was assisted by "Mrs. i West In serving a dainty . lowing an afternoon of needlewor. "5" A. X. W. I The A. X. W. will resume their meetings on tho first Thurda alt" school starts, Septemuer n. I ART CLUB. 1 The Ladies' Art Club H tho first Frldaylnuciomj (Continued on Page Three.) M&- HlLLn ASeleclNoaU..'f.'iSS! lorBoy,. MiKwDUaPUnSm.lK(lU TmcKcii jjjAy irgiitrBwmggJLffiBSwJB ftYiegMK fWKaMM.vv aMimijMIamm,.L..wMi..rni, 7irf.1Tr