EIGHT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ! o s HI NINETEEN fflLION FEET TIBER nnnnic MnHfirTh Hnmnln.tns i ''nrlflr. There nro twenty-five see- " u "'" w ! lions In II WILL OBSERVE LABOR DAY NOW 72 DAYS WITHOOT RAIN the county Hint contnin from. rwi:l n..nin AfU CUm ' "' to sixty million foot, and sixty uuioiui ui imoj nuu i ivv'timt contnin from forty to fifty nill- Years' yvork Distributed lion foot j .Mr. McCarthy has been working on thp rrnlso for five years, the first Union Labor Council Arranges Coos Bay's Dry Spell Breaks For Picnic at Simpson Park Monday Preparation for the biggest Labor Day celebration Coon liny has ever The Inst" three veura he l110VVI1 ' "bout completed. The fes- The Record This Year In answer to an inquiry inn lo of The Times yesterday an Investigation of the official government reronls TliMnimlirillf Ciftv TnAnchmC lun nlmm iiiiuujii j m . . ..',,..... vvtirUliiir most of the tlvltles will take place at Simpson discloses the fact that the last rain Dcnnl? McCarthy today announced i time. being generally assisted by .las. Park next Monday and will be under of any consequence on Coos liny fell Cowan ami others. Ho was paid bv "" Ul"11 '" lllu tcimw i.noor on .nine jji nnu zi. rnoro was n the conipletlon of the cruise of the timherlnnds In Coos county nnd found that there Is nearly nineteen billion feet of stnmllg timber. Of the timbered area, the average stad Is 110.100 feet tier acre. The tim ber Is scattered In the fifty townships ,)ln nni, ,.... unci fractional townships throughout; the county, there being only one Total acres timbered township which contains no timber; Total acres iintlinbercd land of value. That is know ns 23-10, near tho headwnters of Coos River, nnd only one claim, that of Geo. A. Gould, has been taken there, tho balance being forest reserve. This was burned over completely once. There wero only (wo sections In tho aero and worked without a con- -"" hportB, speaking, popular slight drizzle, on July 12 that rcgla- tract. The cruise was mndo to per-' '",iy contest, minuet luncheon ami torcd a bare oiie-iiiindrodth of nn nilt an equltnble assessment of timber ''"tielng uro " low of the splendid Inch mul the June shower was only Stetson Hats Arc Good for Your Head I i MHIIUIlJ- '"tew.-Tv- Shoes Arc Good for Feet lands. Tho following arc the figures for .aon.r.r.i.ir. ,2(H,.'2.1.7S 77i,07".n:t features Included in which Is ns follows: Gntes open at 11 a. in. bpoits commence at It) the program, elght-tentha of nn Inch. This Indlcntes that Coos Hay's dry spell has extended practically over n period of seventy-two tlnys, tho Totnl rnilsod Old LM-owtli fir s.i!2s.:ir.ri.nnn under, Second growth fir . . .8,702,2SB,000l 1 - rd young men's White fir HS.2SO.000 r "' "cr, nn-yard boys' race, in 'years and longest dry snell on record nr within miller. i the memory or the oldest inhabitant. t'O-ynrd girls' race. 13 years audi t Phono Line noun. The long dls- Spruce riS-l.i'OO.OOO White cednr IOS.OSo.000 Hod cedar lis. 142.0001 tho county that had over sixty million Hemlock 3!io.prU.000 feet of stumpnge. One Is in the Sugar and yellow pine . . 0.587.000 lloiitln tract back of Llbby and the Myrtle 087,000 other Is one the west fork of Coos Total, all kinds of nkeiMUidlsowncd by the Southern si : ii i in pag v ... . . lSnT ,S ' il.O 0j 0 FILE SOUS II jDVER BLOCK TO LOCAL COURT BE RUSHED HOW "o-yard young Indies' race. 2r-yard young men's sack race. iiO-ymd ladles' race. llasket lunch 12 to 1. Spenklng nt 1 p. in. .Sports nt 2 p. in. Women's nnll-drlvlng contest. Fat men's race. SO yards. Married women's race. Three-legged race. Dancing nt 2 nt pavilion, Keyzer's orchestra. Nominating for popularity contest. 2:30. Free coffee served from 3 to I. Gntes thrown open at 0 p. in. race, 20 tnnee phone line between hero and Gnrdlner has been down since yes-, terdny. No Aire In. Not a single nrrest Jias been ninde by the police slnco the night before Inst. No serious complaints hnve even been miide. (Jo limiting. W. S. Tiirpon and Contractor llnrrls left for Ten Mile this afternoon, taking their gnus and fishing tttcUlo along to take cure of any game. Both are Worlds Standard In Mens Wear New Line for Fall Now n Displ aj flub (Hip vL f. vj Tr" Oifll n'Min y i" vi Itl'SIXKSS IIOl'SK.S WILL ci.osi: LAiioit 1)AV August Frizeen Sues Geo. P. Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Biggs Ap- 7 Parker and Herbert Lock hart Sues Oscar Kaino prove Plans for Fine Con crete Building at Bandon Labor Day. .Mondny, September 1011, being the only IokiiI holi day celebrated by the United States i Congress ns tho day for the tollers i of this nation to rest mid enjoy l the fruits of their labor, we, the undersigned merchants nnd busl- AVOIDS TRUTH County Attorney Liljeqvist Denies Statement Made by Convict in Letter BANDON .THREE STORES. MARSHFIELD MYRTLE POINT Dr. and Mrs. D. :. Plugs of linn- . .. .... i . . .. . tintt u-nrii In Mfi ta1if Ifilil iiutfitlni utwl Aligns irizeen nns t.eguii suit in - " " , reilml ,. n nl is for "t"4 " t.v f .MniHlifloM. pledno County Attorn.lv Utjoiivlst tele- Jus ce Pennock s cour nga nst (5eo. l'l'r " f I "I l l biilli Iti ',ur?0,V0B ,0 ,,,,He 0MP "Int't'8 of lonocl The Times yostodny rrom P Parker n forn.ei Mnrshfleld sal- . ,Voe 1 II Ostl l.i ,re J"""0"" llt - ,0 "" that ' Coullle tint the statements made! oon man. for $100 which ho claims Is """" am imui u. ii. usiiuiu pit- , aJ. B rowar, t0 ,,,. ,Mnnloyes i.v Finnit v-milin ih. i.nnvii.i in duo him for commission for soIII.k ,"r,M,11 'e ",n"'J lll,, W,U "?? ,l ,0 for the faithful services o d of or ' lo Tho T niei I ,,V vnr ' tho Castlewood Saloon... ,ow known P'h d spocl fc, tlm.s eimiple ,;d In (lurlnK , ,,, yi,IU, ,nt , " " " I I " e m u a -, 1 i as the svea liar, to Otto Kdlunil. Mr. " ' ' . i V V. . . " B, Joy the day a ong with their fel- ,,oh muni Frlxeen says that he first sol.) n half ,llu' ""'" ' " ' plnimoil ow workers and as a token of ho ' if 1H ' , staiomeni Is tnio " Interest and .hen the latter. Ho 'I'loto the bulldl.iK as oon as friendly relations oxlstlng l.otwor n ald Attorno I II ISiX "ho pni bo claims It was by agreeinont with Par- l'0'1'';'-. ,, , 1 leniployeifl and employes of this ' ? .,.,,, i ' ,? or rv i- L Jr l:or. Pnrkor went to California some Tho Inil .Hng Is to be erecteil across co.nnn.nlty. J,,, l.o Ivlfllo J Sin !? ilm7 n m..r nvn tl.no ago. ho street from the Hub Store In c. W. Wolcott. ?, ' ' . ' ' , ?" "V .' '.' ,' " . A . "?, "","' Herbert l.ocklinrt has also begun ' I,n"!,,, 1".1 "" '."' r concrete, two suit iiKiilnm Oscnr Knlno for $2 1.7.1. 'nos iiiki . ,.ix uo root, ami cost u-IiIkIi I... ..tnlma la ...!.,.. ul.i,... IIHW IlbOllt $1.1,000. It Will 1)0 II llUllll- There have been comparatlvplv few mo luillillnp. I ho lower floor boliiK suits started lately In Justice court 0f "reroonm nnd tlio socond storyi and even criminal complaints nro tor offices, etc scarce. .Justice Pennock doesn't know nasiiuisson nros. are niso figuring whether to blame the war or whnt for the scarcity of cases. PULP ILL 10 on going nhead with their now block aloiib'Bldc the new Dyer block. jSEEKS PROPERTY : OF DEAD C0UF Manager Hjaltc Nerdrum Ex- Relatives of Count Clavel. Who nects Bin Contracts With s c'' . lug ai tiiUJire, Japan to Be Closed Soon Write for Data HJiilte NVrilmm, inauuKor of tho C. A. Smlt!i pulp mill. )m returiied tills week from an extended trip to Sun rrnui'lmii and 1'ort 1. ml. Is very optimistic over ibo ou'look i.nd ex pects to have the plant In fill opera tion iikhIii In ten duys or two weks. llo o.pH'U n kmmkihiii any iiny Hit I I The moi her and other rehulve of Alexander Cluvel. the youi.x HwIm count who commit ted Hiiiclde lit llui pile about twenty years aito, hnv written hero coiiceinliiK the latter s property with a view to disposing of It. Count Clavel. as ho was known' Iith, was about thirty years old when ' he arrived on t. e Day nnd bouulit nunouncliiK the .losliiK of miiiiu IiIk voitil thousnml dollurs' worth of voutriictM to supply .lapiinese paper mills. AecordliiK to his prexout expecta tions the pulp mill will be operated loulliiiioiisly at full capuctly of about forty tons pir day. emp'oyliiK be tween olglitv find nliiiiy men. It will iii(iilie some tlm to net muierlnls. etc.. assembled, ln.t ho hopes It will not bo more, thou two weeks. While awa Mr. Xenlriiiii sold mont of tho old product which thoy had stored. These sales were ninde lo property at Kmplie. Ho was highly inIiuhIhiI and hi.- tiaulc end was nov el expluiueil, HllhoiiKh It was suppos ed to have refilled froiu a blighted' lovo affair In Kurope. Tom Hull went in Kiuplie this week and took pictures of some of tho property thorn, and these will be sent back to his family. Ills mother was reported to be In (iermany some time ago. ItKTlltNS TO SICSI.AW doing ,fc Hurvoy Company, Holmes (irocery Company. II. rinoll. KIxup. Woolen Mill Store. Sumner Hard ware Coinpnny. Perry-Nicholson Coinpnny. Hub Clothing & Shoo Company. Mntson Clothing Coinimny. Winner (Irocery Coinpnny. II. S. Tower. Todd, the Tailor. Schroeder & Hllilonhrniul. Mnrshfleld Iron Works. Marslifleld Hardware Coinpiinv. II. S. llnrrls. Pioneer Ilurilware Coinpnny. I.ocklinrt-l'urson Druj? Company. Owl Pliarniucy. lied Cross Drnic Store. Drown Drug Company. T. Howard. .lohiiHon (iiilovseu Company. Norls Jenson. H. W. I.owls. Winkler's PharniHcy. I.. I.. Thomas. I'li'iiue PaiitHtorluin. Olllvant A Weaver. (!oo. U. Cook. Pioneer (Irocery Company. Coos Hay Stationery Company. lU'hfeld llrothor, Mnrshfleld Cyelory. Stnuff Oiocery Company. I.a ndo's. W. J. Itltz. IC. II. Ilarkousoe. Hub Dry (loods Coinimny. 11. Drad field. Finnish Co-Oporntlvo Company II. A. Copple. C. A. I.angwortliy. hi. ii tho horses that he now suys ho, got from llnrrlH or Peasley. 'IV e fact Is that he has told, so uiuu ' stories Hint even n court reporter; couldn't follow tlium. " .Mr. I.IIJeqvlst says Vitiiglin litis uj mm n'ciini nun una iieen seiu 10 ire peiiltenliary, where he Is regnrded nsl a tough customer, four different times. I Slnco Mlller'K conviction of (ho ! Myrtle Point lmnk robbery tho prose-' eiitiug attorney says they have alsoi i.....,...i .1.... i .. i .. ' ii'iuiii'il mm i.u nun ii jHMiiicilillll.v record, liavlng nt one time been nu Inmato of tho Idaho penal institu tion. , SAYS GERMS ifj nijiiiT7rni nn SPECIAL THIS WEE! Several beautiful coals well worth double the pric:; oner tnom tor, bee Window, CHOICE $11.75 CHOICE Wo are showing a m window of the Summer fc and we do not intend to carry any over, Now is the Lai to buy them, YOUR CHOICE OF THE WINDOW $1.50 !! I M M Now Fall goods arriving every day, Sco The Pr-I sian always for tho newest designs of fashions and re I teiials, Quality guaiantced, cagajgaaB2aBqpaca;ajKemMMr.imi i, iniin i niiim n n iihiii1 PAVING i 10 KORIR BEND BIG LEAGUE BALL SB Claim General Von Deimlintj's Force Hard Pressed by Voiwrv com.missio.mius French Attemnt Escane i .iiht hpmciai. pinrnox LONDON. Sept. I. - TeleKiaphliiK from Itoiue. tho correspondent of the I K.vmiune ToIoKiaph Compnuy says! IN I SHOW- ii:sritip- H niossago was received there from i.(; to i:mtoits TIOX OK ItOAD. OwIiik to errors In the description of tho road affected, a petition from llNsil, Switzerland. unconfirmed declaring that an has North Court tho County now road on Demi, asking ... ,......, n... luiiun nun uuuiti Mini ., ... iri..i.,i ,. . Miu-Hlifleld Kloctrleal Cotistruullon . Hnsll from Homo that (ieneral Von ".', " " ' ' V""' ..." ",",, ,,.. .iHpan.,se paper miiis 10 wiioui sum- (;t tI Mnlitinpy. an uttoruey llvlnx Ides hnd beon sen some months no !n .on,m.tft W, has snout tho in iimih. uiose losts resuueii inosi ,mt Week In Porlland. was in Un satisfactorily, as Is shown by the Inct KUMU today on his return trip, lie Hint tho wiles of Ho larger amounts W1H lonvo for tho Sluslaw In tho wore on condition that they were tho morning He states that tho water sanif ns the samples previously sub- ovr tho bar Is becoming deeper, iiilttod. im t,,t t present thorn Is sixteen I he Kuropean war has cut off tho feet.-- Kugene (luard. Scanilliinvlan supply of the Orient, practically, ami conseiiueiitly tho TO INSPIKT ItAll.llO.VD WOltlv Japanese have to turn this way lor! a supply. As n result t' e market is' With a view to hurrying railroad opened to the C. A. Smith company construction whllo good wenthor and at much better prices tluiu they lasts, Johnson Porter, of tho firm would probably have been able to oh- of Porter llrothers, railroad con tain If thrown dlreill) In competition tractors, left Kugeno this inorntng with tho Scandinavian niiln and nan- for tho "front" on n trln of lusnee- er mills. Company. Model Cash Oiocery, Nasburg (Irocery. August Olson, C. K. Powers. Conner & lloagluud. Ilrudley Cnnily Coinpnny. Hugh Mcl.aln. S. J. Iiuinel. A. II. Duly & Co. Coos Day Tea, Coffeo & House. (onion's. Cow Why. The Gunnery. W. It. llalues Music Company V. W. Port ram. A. Heudrlckson. DelmlliiK nnd (leruinu forces undo.' his comiiiuiid have crossed into Suit- to prevent iiiptiiro by the AMIMIK W I.ICKJl'K Philadelphia, l; Ko'tca, T. Phlladelnhla. 'J. Hostou, " Washington. I. New Ycrk. i' NATION 1. M-NUK. Chicago 7: Cliulmiall i). Pittsburgh n. St Loiilif. Plttsburgli 1. St I.ouh J Spite I.AIlOlt DAV OltSIIItVAXCK. Spwlnl Services llnvo lleen Anangeil In Kilscopal Climr'i. In responso to tho request of the secretary of tho Oregon Social Sor. vlco Comnilt'oe relative to tho fitting ye'daud French. tho County Commissioners. Tho ,,, f ,iaikncs tV'tft ... i 1 ... I...1I1 " ,1111111 III nn MiUlMi nun in iiiiii iiiiii BUITE CASES UP IN GOUBT Gov. Stewart and Militia Of ficers Cited for Habeas Corpus Hearing I titiltif a lloston I: piuinticiiuiia i Now Vork : llrook yn J. Now Vork !; llrooklyn S. NOUTIIWKSTKHV I.W6I Victoria : Spokane o. Hnllard 0: Settle I. . Tacoinn -I: Vancouver a. (iltKAT IIKITAIV TO I.OAX iji.io.tuio.iioo to m;i,(iitT.M Kconomist Pinve Wiislilngtoii Gov- itosKitritG is iii:.i)(,rAiti'i:its ItOSIJHPUO, Or.. Sept. I. It. T. Illjr AwmmUiccI rri In Coo IU)r TiniMt.) Ill'TTi:, Mont., Sopt. !. Kedoral Judge Ilouniuln today issued nn order Governor Stownrt and tho n 111! (tlllltnt.i f.jmxB.ilnnlnx ..f il II.UIO Itllll I1I1111UI Ulllll II1IBOIUII 111 Sunday." tho Rector of tho Kpiseopnl tho Montnna National Guard, now in church has arranged for n siioclal ! charge of llutte. to nnnear boforo hlni service at 7:110 in tho evening, and! Monday and show cnuso why writs of will tnke for 1 Is theme at that time habeas corpus should not bo Issued n milo long ami tuo paving nsauii was to bo sixteen feet wide. Potori' I.oggle and others prosontod tlio po-tltlou. K. N. Hurry, of Hrewstor Valloy. was awarded tho contract for somoi rock wnrk on tlio old Coos Hay Wagon Iloud, tho prlco bulng $!-". per rod. This Is District No. 12. I Tho bids on tho Ilaiidnn district road woro rejected nnd A. J. Counts' .. I.., i . .ii i iiiiiiien iih Sieciiu iiiiiiiiiiuniur in -, I red tho improvement for tlio coun- ,ty. illll .11111117 I llllllt . i A ..nllllnn rn. Mr. Mnttln bnCralUeiHO . . .. ,',., I iThmnas of Mj-rtTo Point, for a n?- ''corr. mntlinr'K noiiKlnn wnu dnnlnd. S 10 I'lSliur; h - la advnnced In years and hor son or- . 1 1J ! lu ppinvn nnil lum i, lnrin fnmllv. 1.08 AUKel?s 4 ' Tlio CninnilsHlnnnrH ilnclileil to nlloW Son FranclBCO .. ,tf. Ul r, r;",.k.:r; .1... nn nntterios: i.ove " iiur i,iiu jiur iiiuiitii uui. ui in u i'uui - c i,,,.,i liuiu nun ui q 1 COAST MiUil'K. Portland icrnmen Ilntterles: M ..r , ! tlon. Ho eanio un from Portland l,,mi" ou leiuuve m mo titling, juugu uoi , las?' nlgm.-Kuge, e (lu I. ""' ' . tTnu !", "i'0 ,;l,Hr,'h i" WVnm V1 . ber iith. which is set npart as 'Labor oftleors n fund. WIIAIiliS AND llATriiKSIIIPS. Oakland Venlco :' Trill iiMnrina- Abies. JacKs.,"V. Doiialilsoii of Daloy Putnam and Cnpt Tells of I'liiisinil Sights. A Portland paper says: Schools of Snn. CrU ittorles: auicb. j- 51,1x11 MItzo; Decnnalcre and " O'TOOLH SOLD. wiinios and a bait esl.lo. nounui ,. Ca,, 1. . Loan to Ki-iimv I State Industrial Accident Coinnils- ' i'' 1 rc nnil tlio i.aUorlnB Man.'', for three men arrested by tho state' g0th ward at full speed, furnished dl- p,T,b,u iiiTof the Pi,wS LONDON. Sept. I. Great Ilritnln slon. arrived lu Itoseburg from Sa- ? "V"0 ,"f n11 l"anclios or labor are troops. The petition for tho ordor; version on the trip un for the officers Dreyfuss. preside 1 ,. f,uh .tM lias decided to make n loan to Hoi- loin, and has cinnpletod all nrrango- "'y,"' o attend this service. was filed by 11. L. .Maury, candidate' and crew of tho steniu schoonor Dalsv National League ";,'",... oT, glum of jr.o.ooo.ooo The money incuts preparatory to opening ills- .Secretary West. In his lottor to Uev.' tor county attorney on tho Soclnllsti ptitnnm whloh nrlrvrd from San announced Hint " i'i to '" will bo raised by treasury bill, for I rt t nt flees in this iltv. Tlio local downing, refers to the significance ticket, and names Klward lOvans. S. ' Fniuclsco according to Cnpt A. Don- pitcher, hod llCC" ,,ona i,a which bids were called today. office, aciordlns lo Mr. Spaiildlng. of '" ,,H-V' which Is yearly becoming W. Mnlone and James Chapman ns idsou master of tho schooner Tho York club of tliovm The Kconomist. referring to tho will look after the business of the ,l",,,p u.tlonal In character: "Labor the prisoners held wrongfully. Ac- battleship sighted off Cane Illaiico ift ' iTvu "iiltOOKI'V- opposition of the Aniorlcnn govorn- coiniulsslon for the counties of Lano, '1n' moans more to the nation than ccrdlng to Provost .Marshal Conloy.'n o'clock Mondav morning was ai UltOWX JQ" " , nient lo nllowlng a French loan to Douglas. Jackson, Josephine, Khun- ,ro mere relebration of the dny by Mulono nnd Evans woro armed whon thren stnrK-'crnlseV hut because of "7! , 4 r- Mr'J l,n riimt.wl In V..iv Vni-lf o.ivc .ml, i(.i.t. n, ....... .....i n iiibmi1i.u ,,f ,1,. ,iiffu,., ,..,i.i ,,..uo.i m,n..,.m o ,... u."lu..ulcu tiiiisti. mil uui.iiibi. ii ntiirr,C). S-'llt i .tl(t - ' .... ...... w,..o. ...... iiiihvi v iiiij .11111 lino. ..--......... ... . . - .....V.I...I i.i .iiiiAi-ii i.t vFB.i-it. vimifiiiiiii una ii lliuillliui ill i.ni,... r..i.. ..i o. ....... .- ' l . .... tt.. i. i .ii ii. ....... . ... ...... . . . . .. "The 'lilted States government i rafts. It Is a dhcnlflo-J liolldnv. mul the coninilttee Mint ilenortod Mm min. has done honnr to itself and a sor-1 (JISAXTS PASS KSCAPK hvas conceived by men who fully re- ers wl.o refused to join tho new un- vice to the world by maintaining GRANTS PASS. Sept. I. For tho cosnlxed the part that Labor has had Ion. Jioutraiuy in us strictest sense and tnmi tune witltln three months the building up our commonwealth rorusiiut to allow its bankers to Josephine County Jail last nlabt The Church, ss a central fact in Mm tho illstanco ami tho Iinzo captain v '" ,,' n,iP,i a? wn i Donaldson was unable to ascortaln Its "row"' ," pPli"ra's bv W tf nationality. ?' loilnvn J' w iV Whales in largo numbers convoyed I'ooon o tod m nf ca iip tnko profit by prolouisiiiK tho car- leaked a hatch o prisoners "ko in ituropo." the schooner during hor enllro trip, "j"00 V,nklvn cl'' i"1!,! I 'J..'"; .i.i. ii " 's V" ' ,.j) I'OlllUll "I " ' ItKAl) TDK ADS. Iteiid the war nows. but don't for Kct tlio store news In Tho Times. The Hrooklvn cl'' nnnlrnnt. wl'l'' ' ft salary of $7" this community life and as an nrcunlxeil tho Christian Scrlntures lava mi oh. ...,....... ,...,... . ..,... time the Farhiw llrothers. Howard forco, has an Interest In seeing that ligation upon tho Church to toach Tho saloon IIcoiibo of Olof So .ii ' "1,,"'u,"iJ "i iron mo i.anor way is properly otnerved ami; mo moaning, tlio vaiuo and the dig- venson nronrlotor of the Ten Milo years bnstllo and escnning. lonvlnc nn is trim s unlflrnnnn iniiii-nca..i ......! nltv nf l.nimiv nn.i in i,n. lie rin. ...."' Pmpneioi 111 1110 I on M ii word of their lutendod destination the conununlty life. In addition, tho tlon to man's social and spiritual wel- SirnrTfiln I todav. HAND DAXCI I WIIUU . i '4 ' (fW" year or tiioir lutendod destination tho community life. In addition, tho tlon to man's social and spiritual wel- Commissioners n : Conul lie today. IWXH )AN'1;, 'l J they departed iron, the city. large place which Labor occupies In, fare." There we?o rumors Hint ! tlioro would mid ' S"'urtU) ,r;VTl01)M ft' I night. H iMfca r ay" wmBtinMmmmmmsAi.ixi