Vi!'.. NILfiroMOi THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON" FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SEVEM sr&& meat "! fSb, '.nf.R and s SiU, prrrTn t u c p c n i"E I if bo. you aro doprlv- I "'" iwne and healthy oxor tnt walk BB.,n"u ..,., i;,i,nii, fATl,1i. ..I list, niiHiiH-rrliil FiaHJ Commutation nn Tickets .oo 6U l Auln T.I II O. 0 "L ' invn. Promt. mr1 " !ffl) r .V roM.31 WJ J&i "JIJO 8D, ,l rnatt 1 "K7CH 1 "0 fHul l ,. -'"J ' "tiM oa M .'8 ?;! "xiav to. 105-;. wad r l& LRates for idling 1 runKs L l t trunks between any points teldnSd do general hauling, hiwnaoion . ..., n rTIAXS1,k '""""" i . i iiptkiicr. Proprietor horn: '-""" --' pNBY8 FIjI'AUM I Kud offl I Work at fr p "lint Aro Right . i nil V(irC lillimillicra at137 Second St. Phono ii.i. .. K,eh Binges. DQor worn fTTJlXVHBXCK HOTEL. ht. hot and cold water In room. Mouthly rato $15.00 Li ud. Day rates 75c and up. l(Vant a few Skat players.) Inter-Ocean Transportation Co, Semi-weekly service Coos Bay ami Sail Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM KAX FRANCISCO FOR COOS IJAY SATURDAY, SEPTESII1EH 5 nt l P. M. Equipped wltu wireless and submarine bell. -Passengers and freight. S S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and fr.eight. .MARSHFIELD KOIt SAX FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMHER 'J, AT HUM A. SI. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and COO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeohqe, Phoue 44. MERCHANT'S CAFE popular piuuu iui Good ivicais. n.l... Dnocnnnhtil Tb". Tm or, uommuiuiui o. uuu HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NUW Sec CORTHELL Phone 3171. ITS CI.KAXKD AXI) PRESS- GUT. US A TIUAI- UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM AV DOY1.E & C 0 DAGGETT it Central Ave. Phono 250-X. fidures & Framing icrH WnlLor Shiriin inuiH tium.i uiuuiw ill EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIMK. SAILS FROSI RAILROAD DOCK, .MARSHFIELD, DUHIXG THK MONTH OF SEITESIHER AT 11!::il P. SI., OX TIIK 2X1), 7TI1, JliTII, 17TII, SSiSlt AXI) HIT II. Tickets on sale to MI Ka&tcru point and Information u (o rctcs and rates cheerfully furnished. Phono ;r.-.T. o. n. laxders. Agent PASSENGERS FREIGHT ' STORAGE Arrow Line Steamers -sail frosi- Snn Francisco Cons Hay Portland Pier No. 20. ., ,,,,, Alburs Dock No. 3 Every Wednesday i.crj i ruinj Every Tuesday 3 1'. SI. I P. SI. a A. SI. Phone U7ft. THOMAS II. JA.MES, Agent Ocean DwX Slaifthflold. A BATTLE PICTURE Itclnliin Attempt to Hold Slnllties Desci Hied liy II. A. Poucll, spe cial ('(ni('Hiii(Icn( of the Xew York Woi'hl, mid the only cor re.vponilent In Antwerp who In not a llelKlun. lie litis liecn ol't'lcliilly (lcslniiateil hy llelKluni as Sledlinn of ('oiiiniiiiileatlon With Ainei'lni mid the Only Conetpoiulent IVrinltted to Aceoin puny the Army. IBETH'S AUTO SERVICE rAM) AT CIIAXI)Li:it HOTEL riioxi: UO. i CO AS'VWHEKE ANY TISIE INKW OAK AND CAItKl'UL DltlVING UWS TO CAM PI NO PAHTIKS LYNN LAMBETH Owner nnd Driver. II. BCA1FE C A. II. IIODQIN'S irshfield PA,NT AND mm JL,JJi I 1MVJ W FMUiiU'H ruriilbhed SOW, MrshlleU, Oreffoa. THE COOS HOTEL Formeily of MarHlifinhi -.WIIINCTOX AVENUE STADDEN STREET .OHTH HEX1) O. A. SIctlln, lrop. ' To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COSIKOHTAIILE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. SIcdEOKGE AOENT W. II. PAINTER Phono 44, Marshflold Phono 421, North Ilend ANTWERP, liidirliiin. Rnnt I. The hoiineted les'ons which were driven out of Mallnes Tuesday were re-I:uoiTO(l yesterday, and beforo tlinlr livnru'linhnllli' mianl llm llil. Klaus HUddenly gnvo way nnd re treated Willi cuius on shoulders. I write of what I bhw with my own eves, an X linil tlin illHllnetlon of heliiB the only American corres pontlcnt permitted to accompany tho rorces, tne K"vcriimoiit placing a military car nt luy disposal. Tho battle or Mallnes, In which four llelulnn divisions, tntnlliiir nn.. 000 men. and n eoiiBldorably strong er force of Oermnns, was fought In tnnt wouderiully beautiful region five lnllpx smith nf Mu fninnnu Inm city nnd a dozen miles from Unix. scls. To get n clear conception of thu bnttlo Olli lllllHt tllctllin n flftv.fnnt high railway embankment, Its steep Bloilltlir rIiIph. Iienvllv stretching across n smiling, fertile coiiiitrysldo, llku n moiiBtrous green snake. A Sally From Antwerp On this line rims fast trnlnu fnun Antwerp to UrusselB. Stnllnes, with Its historic buildings nnd fntuous cathedral, lies on one side or this embankment nnd Wllwordo on tho other, four miles separating them. Tuesday the llidL'liiiui linllnviiur the (leriuan rommuulcntioiiH to bo poorly guarded nnd tho Hrussols garrison too weak to assist them, rashly sallied from tho shelter of the Atltweril defenses nml tnnk Mm i - . ..: : "" .. loneiiRivo iiko a terrier striking nt in bulldog. ! They drove the Oormnus from Sin i lines, hut the aermnns brought up a fresh army corps and yesterday morning tho RelglniiB found them selVes In n pcrlloim position. The bnttlo hinged on tho possession or tit., .1,11 lira .1 1.i .. , n...l .....,.& 1.IU l--MII't,lllll'.l llllll ll lllllglll along n ten-tulle front. HelglmiK Weii, Cool It began at dawn with nn nrllllory duel ncross tho embankment. ly noon the cannonading was terrific. Tho GermniiH got the range aud a rain of which I viewed the bnttlo wiih fairly carpeted, with bodies of German Infantrviiu.n klilmi vout,,,.. . dny. I I snw peasantH throw twelve Into i ono grave, I saw evidence of Oer 1 mini atrocities myself, for nt n namiei near Hcmpst, I liolped bury I nn nged farmer nnd his roii, Inor fenslvo iiensnnts, executed by Oer mnns becniiso n Hnlglnn soldier shot n Uhlnn In front of tholr farmhouse. Tho IiodloH woro terribly bnyouotod. Vltllllirlllto eppelln. During tho holght of tho bnttlo n ennclln slowly clrclod over tho KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL EVERYTHING IN THE HAKERY LINE MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY 1!I8 NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PHONE 428. HY WOOD AT AMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono .170. KOONTZ GARAGE Exceptor Slotorcyclo Agency LEE TIRES AUTOM01III.ES STORED DS OOUXTVS .MOST COSIPLETE SIACIHXE SHOP WniXU AND AUTOSIOniLE REPAIRING GASOLINE vnn ct.w BBTH FHOXT RT PlinvP ion-. pATTERlES REPAIRED AND Cn.lRGED FLANAGAN & BENNEn BANK OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Inter PI4 oa Time DoooilU Offlcersi J. W. Dennett, President. 3. II. FlnnagaB, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Citsliler. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. field like a great vulture awaiting n feast. lry 1:00 nil the llelglnn troops were withdrawn except a thin screen to cover the retreat. I was anxious to witness the German advance and remained on the outskirts of Scmpst after all tho ltelglans hud withdrawn except a picket of ten men. 1 had my car waiting with tho motor run ning. Tho Germans prefaced their ad vance with n terrible rire. The air was filled with whining shrupncl, farm houses collapsed amid puffs of brown smoke. The sky was smeared In a dozen places with the smoke of burned dwellings. Suddenly a soldier crouching be side mo cried: "I. en Altemnuds; Los Allemnnds!" From n screen of woods nloug the embankment hurst n long line of gray figures, hoarse ly cheering. At the snmo moment 1 1 heard n nnlnttnr of shots In the village below mo nnd my chauffeur screamed, "Hurry for your lire," monsieur, tho Uhlans aro upon us!" I think I broke tho world's record for tho dlstnncn In getting to my car. As wo shot down the road which leads to Antwerp at fitly miles an hour, the Uhlans canter ed Into tlie village, tho sun strik ing on their lance tips. Road .lammed In lletreiil. Tho retreat from Mallnes was a never to bo forgotten sight. For twenty miles every ronil wns Jammed witli clattering cavalry, plodding In fantry and rumbling guns, their cnlssoiiH covered with green boughs to mask their position. Gendarmes with giant bearskins, chauffeurs In green conts, carbineers In leather hats, machine gnus drawn by dogs, nmbtihinccs with Red CrosH tings ond enrs, cars, enrs, nil tho dear old familiar Amcrlcau uiulies among them contributed to form a mighty human river flowing Antwcrpwnrd. Slallucs has a population of r0, 000 nnd 45,000 fled when they heard the Germans were returning. Sights nlong tho road woro pathe tic beyond description. Children nnd aged, rich nnd poor, Initio and blind, with tholr few poor belong ings on tholr backs nnd piled In push enrts, clogged roads and Im peded the soldiery. Theso people were abandoning nil they held most denr to plllago nnd destruction. They woro completely terrorized by tho Oermnns. Hut the llolglnn army Is not terrorized. It Is n re- treating army, but It Is victorious In retreat. Tho army Is cool, con fident, courageous, and If the Gor man giant leaves himself unguard ed a slnglo Instant, llttlo Ilelglum win drive, linnie n H('nr ilnxi blow. Far More of German Descent Than of Any Other Nationality. WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 4 There wero 13,rir,S8G persons of foreign birth In the United States In April, 11)10, according to tho report on population Issued hy Director Wil liam J. llnrris, or tho Bureau or the Coiibiis, Department tit Commerce. These 1 3.5 1 Ti.SSO foreigners consti tuted 14.7 per cent of the total pop ulation of tho United States In 1010; in.34n.Rin or them wero whites, tho remainder, which was only 170,311, representing chiefly Jnpnneso and Chinese. Tho foreign born In tlu United States In 1000 numbered 10. 311,270, nnd constituted 13.G per cent of tlie total population. Foreign Horn While hy Countries. The country of birth or tho 13, 345. 545 white rorclgners In 1010 wns as follows: Euglniid 870,455 Scotland 201,031 Wales 82,470 Ireland 1,352,155 Germany 2,601,181 Norway 403, S5H Sweden 005,183 Denmark IS 1,02 1 Netherlands ,..,, 120,053 tt 10,307 3.008 117,236 121. sat 57,023 21,077 Ilelglum Luxemburg France . . . Switzerland Portugal . Spain Italy 1,343,070 Russia 1,G02,752 I'Mulaud 120,00!) llungnry 406,000 Austria 1,171,924 Itoiimnnln 06,020 Bulgaria, Servln, nnd .Mon tenegro 21,451 Oreeco 101,201 Turkey In Europe 32,221 Turkey In Asia 69,702 Cnnndn French 385,083 Canada Other nnd New foundland 810,003 .Mexico 219,802 Culm nnd other West Indies (except Porto Rico) ... 23,109 All other countries 60,701 Tho number or foreign born whlto mnloB over 21 years of age In tho United States In 1910 was 0,040,817. Of theso, 3,034,117 were naturaliz ed: 570,772 had "first paporsj" 2, 1 GO, 536 wero aliens; nnd thoro woro 776,393 for whom tho citizenship was not reportod, T 01 5 II MESSAGE TO iERIOAIJS THE COST TO RUSSIA OF ARSIY AND NAVY Pivmler or Japan Explains UN Nn tiou'H Policy lu Fur Ent,t. NEW YORK, Sopt. 4. Tho Inde pendent prints tho following cabled message from Count Okumn, tho pre mier of Japan: "I gladly solzo tho opportunity tc sond through tho medium of tho In dependent a messngo to tho people or tho United Stntes, who havo al ways been holpful nnd loyal Irlends or Japan, "It la my deslro to convince your peoplo or tho sincerity of niv uov- J eminent nnd or my pooplo In all their utterances and assurances connected with tho presont regrottnblo situation In Europo and tho far east. "Every senso of loyalty and honor obliges Japan to cooperate with Grent Drltaln to clear from theso waters tho enemies who In tho past, tho present and tho future, menace hor Intoroets. her trado, her shipping and her peo- plo's lives. I "This far eastern situation Is not of our Booking. It was over my deslro to maintain ponce, as will bo amply proved; as presldont or tho peaco soclpty or Jap an, I havo so endeavored. I havo read with admiration tho lorty messngo or President Wilson to his peoplo on tho subject or neutral ity. Wo, or Japan, nro appreciative or tho spirit and motives that prompt tho head or your gieat nation and wo reel confident that his nieflsngo will meet with a national response. "As promlor of Japan I have stnt od nnd I now again stato to tho peo plo of America nnd of the world, that Japan has no ulterior motlvo, no do slro to socuro moro territory, no thought of doprlvlng China or othor peoples of anything which they now possess, "Sly government and my peoplo hnvo given their plodgo. which will bo as honorably kept as Japan always keops promises. Okuma." NO SAW EDGES YOUIt mr.T.ina " 'oa to them lAtinderei t CTC STEAM LATNDRY SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North RonH ff Fancy and Domestic utilNA SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST IS BEING CREDITED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Bring In Your Pass Books FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Bent. WILL i e y AUSTRIA AFTER THE WAD? Tho virtual steady annual Incrcaso lu cost of Russln's army and navy during tho ton years following tho year 1903 Is shown In the following tnblo: Approximately 1903 1233,150,000 1904 245,060,000 1906 248,300,000 U'Uti , 262,100,000 1907 240,700,000 190S 300,100,000 1909 316,300,000 1910 323,800,000 1911 334,060,000 1912 404,050,000 1913 472,000,000 PRAISES ENGLISH FORCES. I'V'iirh Commander Pnyn Tribute t Stand of Ally. LONDON, Sopt. 4. Gen. Josoph Joffro, comninndor in chlof of tho French forces, In a telegram to FloUf Marshal Sir John French, commander of tho Hrltlsh rorces, says: "Tho Hrltlsh army did not hosl tato, hut throw Its wholo strength against rorces which had groat nu merical superiority. In so doing' it contributed lu u most effective man ner to securing tho loft wing or tho Fionch army. "It exhibited In' this task dovotlon. ouorgy and porBovoranco to which I must now pay my tribute qualities which will bo shown again and make certain tho triumph or our common cnuso. Tho Froncli army will novor lorgot tho services rou derod It. Our army Is Inspired with tho snmo spirit of sacrifice, nnd tho determination to conquor, which ani mates tho Hrltlsh rorces, and will innko good to them its debt or grnt ltudo In tho battles In tho near fu ture. " RUSSIA RICH IN CROPS. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES Leaving Hungary to Heroine Inde incident Nation. LONDON, Sopt. 4. Tho militia correspondent of tho Times today says: "We and tho Dutch need havo n doubt that tho atinoxatlon of all North Sea ports, from tho Straits of Dovor to Emden, will follow a Ger- man success In tho war a success which would only bo preliminary to the concentration of all German of I fort upon tho subjugation of Eng land." A dispatch to the Router Telegram Company from Ilerlln via Amsterdam says that Field Marshal Huron Kolma I von Dor Goltz has been appointed military governor of the occupied .part of Relglum and has proceeded to J his post. Tho governor of tho dlst I rlct of Aix-La-Chapelle was appoint ed civil administrator for the same region. HCSINESS HOUSES DISPLAY WARNING OF NEUTRALITY NEW YORK, Sopt. 4. To carry out Presldont WHboh'b request for noutrallty In speech nnd thought somo downtown business houses havo posted tho following In con spicuous places: NOTICE! In compliance with tho ex pressed nnd published deslro or our President that wo endeavor to maintain an attltudo or neu trality toward tho oxlstlng situ ation In Europo, oven in our dally Intercourse, we advlso per sons calling at this orrice that we will not discuss this subject with them. Wo rejoice that wo aro Ameri cans and that wo enjoy tho bles sings of liberty and peaco. - St, PeU'i-Nliurg Hits n Hoiiutlful Har vest, to iiruw I'nnii. LONDON, Sopt. 4. Half tho moil oy requested for the Hrltlsh hospi tal for Russian wounded was sub scribed in a row minutes at a moot ing hold at the Hrltlsh omhassy In St. Petersburg, says n corres pondent to Reutor's Telegram Com pany. The Russian capital Is wol! pro vided with coroals, eggs, huttor nnd fruit, nnd arrangements nro pro grossing to bring from eighty to ono hundred trucks or llvo cattlo' dally rrom Potropavlovsk, OronburB nnd Moscow, Tho crops, though only or nverago supply thlB year, are moro than sufficient for Inter nal consumption, owing to tho ces sation of tho export of grain. Tho ZomstovB aro acting as Interme diaries botwoeu tho fnrmors and tho military authorities. Ubby COAL. The kind YOU tare ALWAYS USED. Phone 72. Paclfle Livery nnd Transfer Company. IR. IT. K. KELTY. DF.NTIST. . Phone 112-J, Room 204, Coko Olds,. r . fc n 1 u f Ii'f'-TT Tg'TT IJE52IK51