mmmwmmmii THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. F1VI OiSSSsaW What You Cannot See T H KRIS arc many things about a suit or overcoat that you cannot sou their prosoiifu or absence is only manifest after louir wear. Those things you assume to be in vour clothes if you buy them of a reputable house. You are safe in dealing with a firm that has a reputation for Quality Merchandise, for such a reputation takes a long time to build and is u very precious asset and, like most precious things, is easily destroyed. "Ve have spent years of time and thousands of dollars in building our business reputation as Value Givers in Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods. And because we know that the slightest misstatement would bring that reputation down like a house of cards, you may rest assured that when wc say our Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes, our Hats, our Haberdashery offer the greatest values in Coos County, at their prices, we say it advisedly and only after careful investigation. So 'if you want the best clothes your money can buy at $25, or $18 or any other price up to $10 or if value in Hats or furnishings menus anything to you, come to the Woolen Mill Store. ('lollies purchased here will he kepi pressed free of ehartje. Woolen Mill Store Marsh field -TWO STOKES- North Bend lumbing -AND Heating all branches wc serve you can Promptly Efficiently Reasonably Let us figure out a heat ing plant for you. Rep air Work a Specialty War Conditions Do Not Effect the Price of Clothes at the Fixup KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES THE BEST IN TIIK WOULD $18.00 (o 10.00. Other Suits to $18. New Fall nnd Winter Stylet Now Here. Seo Them Fixup Two Stores Miushflold . North Delia IpililHh IS When' you buyfSM flpuy the besfJBr You can clean your rugs and carpets with a DOMESTIC Wi m? H-VC!I SUNDAY .. ROUND TRIP Rn w nUon,w' to for Sun- v mm hi,ore Acres SOLD FOR $12.50 WHY PAY MORE? Johnson -Gulovsen Company The Quality Nanio with Service Inline. 25.00 $25.00,1 n n... K ft" 7 (JCIOUU , .t.".r'8t "d oonviotlon WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. ""U Bay tz ftA . I " the ;;;;:. r.p,e"on bicycle thiVt i l wna ?nviotlon nAND DANCE PLATFORM Second (R!,J Marsh"eld. nnd Market, Saturday night. -- i i i iml iionSFAIJi has MOVED to P! BREVITIES TIDES FOR SEPTEMBER Below Is given the tlmo nnd .,... .f. hlgh and low water at Miirstifleld. The tides nre placod In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of ench day; n compar ison of cousecutlvo heights will In dleate whether It Is high or low wnter. For high water on the har subtract two hours 3-1 minutes. 41 Irs. . 2.0 S 8.27 2.55 8.41 Ft. . . 5.8 0.0 5.G 1.1 6 Mrs.. 2.47 8.58 .1.21 9.17 Ft...5.G 0.3 5.6 0.9 0 Hrs.. 3.23 9.2C 3.1G 9.51 Ft... 5.5 0.7 5.7 0.8 7 Hrs.. 4.00 9.51 4.10 10.24 Ft... 5.2 1.0 5.8 0.8 8 Hrs.. 4.37 10.15 4.3G 10.59 Ft... 5.0 l.r. 5.8 0.7 9 Mrs. . 5.1G 10. 3G 4.G4 11.39 Ft... 4.7 1.8 5.7 0.8 10 Hrs.. G.00 11.00 5.3G 0.0 Ft... 4.3 2.1 5.G 0.0 11 lira. . 0.25 G.54 11.29 G.1G Ft... 0.8 3.7 2.8 G.3 12 lira.. 1.23 8.17 12.11 7.08 Ft. . . 0.9 3.7 2.8 5.2 13 Mrs. . 2.3C 9.37 1.21 8.19 Ft... 0.9 3.G 3.0 5.1 14 Hrs. . 3.51 10.51 3.10 9.42 Ft.-.. 0.8 3.8 3.1 5.1 15 Hrs.. 4.55 11.50 4.45 10.54 Ft... 0.5 4.3 2.S 5.4 1G Hrs.. 5.40 12.33 5.47 11.50 Ft... 0.3 4.0 2.3 5.7 WEATHER FORECAST IDr A.iodilfj I'rru to Coot Dr TltnM.l OREGON Fair tonight and Saturday. Cooler In east with light froBt; westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:13 a. in., Sept. 4, by DonJ. Ostlind, special government me teorologist: Maximum G2 Minimum 41 At 4:43 a. ni 49 Precipitation 00 Wind: northwest partly cloudy. MOItN HOULET To Mr. and Mrs. Houlot, residing nt Fifth Johnson, a son, their third f Lou In and child. Good FMiliig. Kd Smith last night lauded eighteen (minion nenr tho mouth of Coos Illver. Most of them weighed over twonty-flvo pounds apiece. Flv Wharf Tho Southern Oregon company Is putting In somo-concreto piling and making Sttier Improve ments In Its wharf at Empire. Wiim liijmvd. Frank Howo Is laid up with a bruised shoulder nnd arm as n result of a fall from his bicycle while coasting down tho big hill near Sumner. Coining Soon. C. A. Smith, who Is nt Oakland, Informed parties com ing up on tlio Adollno Smith that ho hoped to be able to come to Coos Day hood. Prices I'p. Flour hns advanced twenty cents more pur barrel nnd nearly all kinds of grains liavo jump ed from 11 to 2 por ton and more advances nre expected. Good Apples. Brldgo nnd vicinity this year is said to have tho only good apple crop in this section. es torday Chas. Stauff received about fifty boxes of fine ones from Clnudo Nosler's ranch. Phillips to Leave Homer L. Phillips, who recently disposed of his half Interest In tho North Ilenil News Company to his pnrtnor, Ralph Rounds, will loavo tomorrow for Wichita, Kansas, his old homo Opening of Sunday School. Tlio Sunday school of tho Episcopal church will reopen on Sundny, tho Gth of September, and all scholars are kindly asked to bo present at 9:30. The evening sorvlco will also begin next Sunday nt 7:30. Case Up. Judgo Coko, nt Co qulllo noxt Tuesday will hand down n decision In the foreclosure case of John Dugger nnd . oth ers against tho Coqulllo Mill & Mercantile Co., for about $3500 in liens and for about $904 duo Mr. McCurdy for stumpago. MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Duo Soon. C. It. Smith, head of the Monasha Woodenware Company and the Southern Oregon Company, is expected on the Ray somo tlmo this month. It Is understood that his vis It to the coast this fall Is In connec tion with the land grant cases which are expected to come up In the Feder al Court. will probably be decided then la the case of Staddelman vs. Minor, Involving some timber property. This Is one of the cases growing out of the Fletcher will lltlgntlon. Home from Iuig Trip. Mr. and Mrs. George Gondruin returned last evening from their extended eastern trip. They went east through the Canadian Rockies, stopping nt Rauff and other other northern lake resorts, spent some time in Detroit and Chi cago, returning by way of Los An geles. Lynn Lambeth made a special trip, meeting them nt Roseburg and making the trip over the old Coos Bay wagon road to Mnrslificld lu six hours, leaching here at midnight. lIPEOPhE YOU1 f KMOW W ABOUT fL F. L. QREENOUQH of Randon was a visitor in Mnrslificld today. PLAN TO WED OK HIGH SEAS I 1 AMONlG THE SICK I - , Miss Flossie Laxsonen, of Ton Mile, underwent an operation hero yesterday for adenoids and tonsil trouble. R. Colemnn, of North Bond, who has been very 111, Is reported Improving. Kenneth Kelly and Lorna Doon Cobb Unable to Evade Law About Divorcees Kenneth Kelly, n well known young man of liny City, and Lorna Doon Cobb. Inst evening encountered nn un expected barrier to their desires to wed. They thought that they had evaded tho legal barriers when they dovlsed n plan to go out on tho high seas to have the knot tied there, but Judgo Coko Informed Rev. Sam uel Gregg, who was to officiate, and tho groom-to-be, thnt It would be Il legal. In consequence It Is expected that the nuptials will have to be post poned anbther six months until the legal tlmo before divorcees may be re-wed expires. Mrs. Cobb Is n sister-in-law of Chas. Tower of tho Orpheum Theater nnd Inst Monday was granted n divorce from Joseph D. Cobb, whom she had married In Roseburg In 1910, when she was only olghtccn years old. She was given tho custody of their little sou, Cobb not contesting tho case. Kelly and Mrs. Cobb had evidently arranged for tho nuptials somo tlmo mm mill lm linil n linliun nil flHn,l nti .MRS. F. V. CATTERLIN will leave ; Day Cly for tho,r ,,omo nm, tJ, booh mr i-oruuiiu 10 vibu reia-. unexpected bnrrler wns n grent shock I WORTH BEND NEWS I Mrs. Frank Black and daughters, Thelma nnd Lois were guests today of Mrs. Geo. Blnck. -DRAIN-COOS BAY KTAGE- C11AS. II. DUNGAN wns n Coos River visitor In town today. MRS. JAS. COWAN of Ten Mile wns , a Mnrslificld shopper yesterday. ROY MOORE has returned from short stay at tho beach. Uvea. PETER MENGAT and son of Ten Mile wore Manh field visitors today. WM. WEEKLY, of Myrtle Point, wns n Mnrslificld business visitor last night. CAPT. EDGAR SIMPSON, of North Bend was lu MarBhfleld today on business. C. A. METLIN nnd II. C. Dlers of North Bend were Mnrslificld vlsl tots todny. MISS SHIRLEY PETERSON, of IlnyncH Inlet, will leave next week for Portland. WARREN REED and H. .1. McKeown ttro enjoying a trip up Coos River this afternoon. EDGAR M'DANIEL of North Rend wns a business visitor In Mnrslificld this morning. MISSES RUTH SMITH and Knthryn Smith will leave next week for Portland nnd Corvallls, to them. Mr. Kelly hntl engaged John Ross to take them out In the launch Standard beyond the three mile limit and there on tho high seas the knot wnH to be tlod. Rev. Samuel Gregg, when he as certained thnt the bride had just been divorced, was in doubt nbout the pro cedure and called Judge Coke, who informed him that It would certainly be n violation of the Inw, even though they went outside tho boundaries of the state, and, for that matter, thu United States, as It was plainly an evasion. Lntor Mr. Kelly personally went to bco Judgo Coke nnd the Intter told him tho snme, although he Instructed him to sec nn attorney, n he could not give legal advlco when ho might be called on to pnss upon the question nt Issue. SEPTEMBER fiv. Gnr. a. in. I 4.001. 4:30 5:00 5:30 0:00 0:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 8:00 9:30 10:00 11:30 12:30 1:00 1:30 5:30 G:00 G.M0 G:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 8:30 10:30 11:00 12:00 1:00 1 a.m. u. m. a.m. a.m. n.m. n.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p. in, p.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m, n.m. n.m. n.m. m. p. in 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 , Tues. . Wed. . Thur. . Frl. . Sat. . Sun . Mon. . Tues. . Wed. . Thur. 10 . Frl. 11 . Sat. 12 . Sun. 13 . Sun. 27 . Tues. 15 . Wed. 10 .Thur. 17 . Frl. . Sat. . Sun. . Mon, . Tues. . Wed. . Thur . Frl. . Sat. . Sun. . Mon. . Tues. Wed. SCHEDULE Lv. Mfld. n.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. n.m. a.m. n.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. ni. a.m. a.m. a.m. n.m. a.m. a.m. n.m. n.m. ii in "'I ' I. . . - ..,wu .. Tnko notlco thnt autos nre now running through from Coos Bay to Drain In ono day, Including Sun- 18 19 20 21 ) 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 0:00 0:00 0:00 G:00 G:30 8:00 8:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:00 5:30 0:00 G:00 7:00 8:30 9:30 ..10:30 11:30 I CLASSIFIED HOLDS FLOUR AT OLD PRICES. G. A. TAOQART nnd J. T. Bridges of Oakland, Oregon, arrived hero last evening on business. Thoro would be no rnuso for nny Investigation or government probe of high prices If business men generally adopted the principle and system of A. T. Unities, tho well-known flour and feed man. Notwithstanding that tho prlco of flour has advanced so that It Is now quoted at $5.75 per barrel wholesale, Mr, Unities contin ues to soil It nt $5,40 por barrel at retail, or $1.35 par sack, Just the snme as It sold tlireo months ago, I- 11 II t MQP1I nf ITnn.A. ft. tin. camo In from tho railroad camps ' cf. "1KJ SI" ,1' ?5C"8.J1. ! at Ten Mllo yestorday on business Boys Bother, Marshal Carter Is today after tho youngsters who havo rigged up boxes with roller skato wheels and have been pushing them around tho streets. Several havo nar rowly escaped being run down by autos and caused one of Gorst & King autos to run down Teddy Barnes of Bay City on his bicycle, Cases Up. The case of Mrs. Tom Nichols against John A. Yates, her former husband. Involving prop erty near Myrtle Point, will be de cided at uoqutiio next Tuesday by Judge Coke. Another case thai, FRED WILSON nnd wife yesterday accompanied his mother to her homo at Sumner. Mrs. Wilson Is much Improved In health. DICK MILLS nnd family have moved, i roin uoaieuo to .Mursiuieiu. wick lias been promoted to conductor of tho Smltli-Powors logging train. prlco but profors to glvo His natrons a squaro deal and ho Is still soiling flour nt tho old tlmo prlco. HOWARD SAVAGE nnd wlfo nnd Mrs. Mllo Sumner loft yesterday for nn outing at tho ranch home of Mrs. Sumner's sister. R.Er SHINE and family of Empire expect to leave on tho uext Nnnn Smith for Berkeley, whore they will innko their homo. ROBERT WATSON and wlfo wero horo from Coqulllo yesterday with tholr llttlo daughter, who under went a minor operation. F. B. ROOD wns In from Coos River yestordny with somo flno Graven stoln apples. Tho crop this seas on Is very poor. MRS. CLAUDE NOBLE nnd Miss Nlta Noblo camo to Murshflold today from tho Ten Mllo country. They nre shopping In town. ALBERT HAINES, who has been firing a donkey englno at Camp Ono during the summer, Is in Marshflold today. DAN MILLER, S. C. Endlcott nnd Chas. Pnpo wero among the Ban donlans who came to Mnrslificld last evening on plensuro and business. GEO. WEIR, city sales manager of the C. A. Smith Lumber company In Oakland, and his famllv, arrived hero on tho Adellno Smith yestor day to spend ton days vacation In tills section. MR. AND MRS. CLAUDE PIPER and young son camo to Marshflold this morning from their homo on North Coos River. The llttlo boy will un dergo an operation, for throat trouble. GRAND THEATRE O-NIGHT "The Shattered Tree' EDISON DRAMA IN TWO PARTS. "The Two Stepchildren VJTAKRAPH. HEARST-SELIG NEWS PICTORIAL JVtL I BbTBv fc - jr I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Ono or two mifiiriiUliod rooms for housekeeping, man and wife. Call at Candy Storo, 378 Central avenue. Ask for Mr. Murphy. I FOR RENT I FOR HUNT Two flntM .furnished or unfurnished, lu Mnddon Uldg., North Front street; also house keeping rooms. FINE furnltJiod roonw and bonnl fu gentlemen, In prlvnto family. $6.50 por week. 239 So, 4th St. FOR RENT Largo house In South Marshflold, U'th Court, rii, U?-fi FOR RENT Itoomx and houttckoeix lug rooms. 388 No. First street. Roy Crest Apartments. FOR HUNT FurnUJwil flnU. Oe. trally locatod. Ph. 34-J or 443J. FOR SALE FOR SALE Stock of good nnd fur nlshlngs of E, O. Hall store at Sum nor. Apply to Mrs. Hall, Sumnor, Oregon. v FOR SALE Puru bind Jcrxcy cnlre from roglstor of merit dams. P. A. Sacohl, Marshflold, Oro, FOR SALE Good hloodcd .Terser bull, for $50 cash. R. A. Church, North Cooa Rlvor. The Royal TONIGHT THE HOUSE OF BIG FEATURES n - - . . . r .nvt-Tirs-i nmrnr I liUlRUi HS-H-iD, IiVTtrtu uuw. F. L. ADAMS & SON Dealers In NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. 302 No. Front St. Phone 340-L MRS. C. F. came to celebration Bend, Is PAPE, of Bandon, who attend the Natal Day of O. E. S., at North now visiting Mrs. J. Wright Wilson nnd othor friends. Mr. Pape came last evening, nlng. W. E. BEST, the representative of tho Estabrook company, came over from Bandon last night on busi ness, returning today. The Flflold has been put back on the Bandon run and Is now loading lumber there. LEW PRICE, the Sumner dairy king, expects to leave In a few days for California on business. Whether he will accompany Lew Gillespie and family on the next Nann Smith or go out overland, he has not determined, but is in clined toward the latter. sees what an awful his opinion Charles P. Bowker, singing pop ular ballads and novelty songs, Tho 11th chapter of tho greatest serial over produced, "Lucille Love, tho Girl of Mystory" Two reels. "The Good In tho Worst of Us." A gripping melodrama In two parts, "The Sonator's BUI." Sonator Ludlow Introduces a bill prohibiting capital punishment. A burglar en ters his homo and Is captured by the Senator who turns him looso. Then ho dreams. He might havo happened, tragedy and he changes about punishment, Rox Films. Vw, we use the Big "U" Films nnd they ro thu best. Six reels, C000 feet of all Univer sal films. "A Mexico Mix." A Joker com edy. Featuring Max Asher. Admission, lower floor, 15c; bal cony, 10c. Here tomorrow night, "For Na poleon and France," In six reels. This is tho greatest war film that we have ever shown In this theater and you will do well to see It, It Is a state-right picture and put out by the Clnes-Klcln Company. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Brown Leghorn rooster that camo from a brood guaranteed to bo tho best layers In Orogou, Phono 31G1. FOR SALE Five ncreu on Johusoa Creok, 2 a. bottom, 4 it, la grass, 2 miles south of Bnndoa on county rond. $500 cash. Sev en lots, near township lino road, nenr city limits; small house, good woll, $350 cash, C. II, Chandler, owner, Bnndon, Orogou. WANTED BIG MONEY on small rupllnl, some thing most anyone can do. Freq trial allowed. Manager, 212 Market street, San Francisco. Prescriptions always receive careful at tention at our store. You get exactly what the doctor Intended when you bring them here, Phone 141, iif tfrk ii i Bin if I Mi Bill 0i t If r M i '7 1tiirr'fcir -