wmm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. POUR e COOS BAY TIMES SA, C. MALONKY Kdltor nml Pub. PAN K. MAW.MIV News Ktlltor Official Paper of Coos County. Entered nt the I'ostofflco nt Marsh fllold, Oregon. for transmission through the ninlla hb Becond-claBS xcsll mutter. An Independent Republican news paper published every ovonlug oxcopt undny, nml Weekly by Tho Coos Ray Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tlio service of the rnttitn fVinf nn imrwl rnilflrt snail lack a' champion, and that evil shall, not thrive unopposed. SURSCRIPTION IIATKS. DAILY. I no year JG.00 32.50 for Bix montha. I Per month 50 WKKKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In ndvanco, the Subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay Times Is $5.00 per year or Address nil communications to COOS RAY DAILY TIMKS l i WAR NKWS THE facilities for gathering and distributing news were never better than they aro today. Nor the facilities for preventing pithcrlng and distributing. HORROR OK WAR Its, FVERY dny the horror of croat European conflict Is tho im- "- pressed more nnd moro vividly npon ib. The Intest Is Kitchener's declaration thnt the wnr mny last Ihrec years. If he Is right, tho catastrophe that will bo wrought Is nlmost Impossible to conceive. WHEX THE SWORD IS SHEATHED. STPJIIH sword ought never ngnln to' bo sheathed. It ought to bo 1,nlr.ii TMa wn Hint llirnrlt. ens the world, destroying the treas- twos of civilization nnd turning back Humanity to savagery, ininine nnu (death, ought to be the world's Inst' -wnr. In order that It mny be the ' Inst, It's weapons ought to be put out of tho reach of any nntlon. The spoils .tf this war ought to be not new ter- rltory for tho victors, mid not the do Dtructlon of the vanquished. Hut dls- armament for vanquished and victor alike. Having drawn the sword for! herself, for her own free nations over , ,,,. ... i. .i sens, ior lier allies ill friirupu. kit mei iRgrcsslon is broken. All nntlonnl armaments muBt be dlsolvcd. All great navies must be dispersed. Tho nations, before their i wounds hnve time to close, must come togethor, recognizing their conimunl ty Interests and for the defense nnd ' development of their community rights. In thnt now community of nations no one can bo allowed to enr T a gun nnd n knife, snys a Canadian exchange. Kneh nation must keep the pence nnd give protection within its own borders, but In tho commun ity of nations there must be Inter nationa comity. There must be In ternational public opinion, Interna tional Jurisprudence, nternntlomil, courts. International Judgnien s oxi-. ented by nn International authority obedient to the sanctions of Interim- tionnl JUBtlCO. Nation sllllll not lift . lip sword ngnlnst nation. The sword , o, nntlonnl hate or national von- gennco must he broken, broken for all, broken forever I A USELESS WAR. ITPI .BHK hnvo been wnrs nnd wnrs H In tho history of tho world, nnd A most of them hnvo had n reason. Rut the present European war has two marked characteristics. First. It bids fair to bn the most expensive, and the most destructive war ever Jnown. Second, It Is nil about nothing at all. It Is tho nutflamliig of a gunpowder magazine Into which some unreless one hns dropped a match. It Is as causelesH as n free fight imong drunken loafers In a mining camp. I Nat ono of the emperors, diplomats, I historians, editors nor any other, learned or high placed man Is able to allege any cause which Is not ab surdly Insufficient for so niont a com bat. Thoro have been wars of religion.! as botween .lew and Philistine. Turk, and Christian. Protectant and Cat ho- lie; and If theho were reprehensible thev wore at least understandable. Thoro hnvo been wars of conquost.i land tiibt, empire lust: but In this wnr i nnnnn ii.iaLu tlii inviiltiVMii nt n ) 4ill MMi.uii rv.no HIV 1.14 11.11 iii HII-' n... iim,. .... ..... viiivi. m ui'ii n'lui- i'liuiL-ri, mi uitiiirr. who whips, the sUe of states will bo' about tho same Germany could not ..ncll.l.. .,....,,.. l...,ol.. .... i.i .. 1... possibly annex Russia nor Franco bo cause sbo would have no ue for them audcoiildn't asblmllate In ten genera tlons what she had swallowed. There hnve been race wars, Oieek against barbarian. Rome against Car thage. Rubs against Turk. England against France, one Indian tribe against another Rut here English. French and Kiu.bl.in and co-mingled on one side and German and tho varl pntcd nationalities of Austila on the other. There hnve been rebellions, ns in our own wins of independence and se cession, as In the present Mexican Im broglio; but In Europe no people Is ndeavoring to throw off tho yoko of its masters nor of nn alien people. Germany, Austria, Russia, England and Franco have sprung Into tho are na, each screaming out that tho other iellow began R, each londod down with arms and troops, yot claiming n desire only to keup the neaco. Thoy all solemnly swear they nro on the defenblvoj nnd they aro all trying to strike the first offensive blow. I When tbe Franco-German, war ot defense of the little kingdoms n,i I Coos const enmo through without ccn fnr thn rnn.. of human freedom in . aorliij?. It may have happened, but It -all lands, llrltnln will justify herself lbably did not happen. 1 hero nre boforo the woild and onco again wlll,80'" "ve. "ewamen down that way lend the only way to pence If she mid "good copy" Is senrcor than hen's holds that sword unsheathed until It ,00t t,"or,,?t t,mf A, fc,v ,lnn'f. a ..... n,i,n- u...r.i nt ...m, .... ought to y old something In the wny "1 "rr? J ." r..."!'.1,,"!, " '.'." ' or "flotsam" to-back tho yarn, unless MKKrUSBIUIl Ullll lllll'l llllliwuill llll'lllici; 1S70 was over, the treaty of peace! rontnlued not one allusion to the Is sue over which It was supposed to liavp been fought. If God wore to appear suddenly and say, 'Stop! Tell me whnt It's all about," there would bo a riotous clamor of vociferations, but when compelled to state calmly whnt they were fighting over no two of them could agree upon an Issue that was not ridiculous. Finally, I note thnt little Monte negro hag butted In. Which reminds tne of the Irishman who saw several jiien fighting ns he entered n saloon, doing up to the bnrkeopor, be snld: "Excuse me. hut Is this a private fight, or can anyone come In?' WHAT SRKRMAN SAID AROl'T WAR Litcrnl Text of Kxnrt Language J I sod by Famous (.cnci-m "I confess without shame thnt 1 am tired nnd sick of war. It's glory Is all moon shine. Even success the most brilliant Is over dead and man gled bodies, the anguish nnd lamentations of distant fam ilies appealing to me for miss ing sons, husbands nnd fathers. It Is only those who have not heard n shot nor heard tho shrieks and groans of the wounded and lacerated that cry aloud for more blood, moro vengennce. more desolation. Wnr is bell." - Wnr Ciiiivh Eight II. C. Dlors who was here from North Rend today, stated that n Gorman nnd n Frenchman, Just In from tho rail road work, got Into n tight In North Rend yesterday following n discus sion of the wnr. The German enmo out victorious In about thrco min utes. HEAR THE AXVMi CHORCSJ (From Pendleton Orcgonlaii) Was that n sure enough bnttlo off Coos HTay or did some good JoKo nrtlst merely flro nn anvil? MARSRFIKLR THE 1XEYITARI.E '"" " , "" , .Sooner or Inter. It hud to come. I I-Ike death nnd tho rising of tho . R was Inevitable. Marshrield. "otis County. Oregon, v. s. A., linn ' '"' u"ieumig "i' ' to hinge nn European wnr story. LIYI! NEWSPAPER MEX. (From Dally Astorlnn.) That naval engagement off the all four ships wont down togothor, and Instantly. Wo await the finalities with bated breath. REXEKITS OK WAR. (From Medford Sun.) Great are the benefits of wnr to the Oregon const. Mnrshflold, on Coos liny, all last week reveled In a naval battle thnt did not occur. Now Florence, Oregon, expects to receive I great benefits from shipping activity revived by tho clash of arms. TOPICS OK THE TIMES. uelglum hns had three kings and , knl8t,r 8Conw determined thnt It 8llan not KOt ,,nother In tho draw, Siinin nf llmin ITnllnit Priwa alnrln fron, ,ju, battlefields of Europe rank I wtj, xo fuko Htory of the Pope's denth ' War not only hits the contents of the dinner pnll, but the pall Itself. I the prlco of tin having doubled sinro hostilities began People who wondered how It must hnvo felt to llvo In the days of great and stirring ovents. In the times of r . .... .... i v . .vl .. ..I I ... V. ,"Ar V'Tr ::. could he fired off the Job. . wi .. ...... ..v ...... ...-. I. !. . I. , Inl. Nothing annoys n newspaper mnn so much ns n ucwsles telegraph wlro WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST I FASHION HINTS KOR MEX - Fringes will not be worn by ti'iinrt dresxers this full. Neckwear will continue to be irlmnii.il with I'lliw nml I1117.7. nUH. Purple and vellow trousers aro r cai", should bo made plain and no longer considered good tasic. tho duty of every man to do his part Waist lines may bo encircled l.y,8t forth. Imits. in Paso von Iiiivm no snsnon- "I venturo to suggest to your lord- ((r.. Vests will be worn in tho samo 11 ,.,.., uiii pinte. lffB .? V," ,?,?"" HI! irilllHt'lB. ei.i..., ...tn continue to be worn the rear of s ami 011 LITTLE GIRL You've a very narrow skirt, Little Girl. Are you suro It doesn't hurt, Llttlo Girl? That's a mincing llttlo stride Where the street Is wldo and wide Are you sure that's room Inside, Little Girl? What will happen If you slip, Little Ctrl? Aren't you fearful It will rip, Little Girl? You had better take a sack, So If anything should cracR, It would serve you coming back, Little Girl. Let tho bottom out a bit, Little Girl. It Is much too tight a tit, Little Girl. As the matter sadly Btands, You'll bo walking on your hands And In that event my lands! Little girl! viiniLt mi BANK CHANGE .1. R. IVUNHON AND L. A. RORNRTS SIUjIj INTEREST TO STOCK COMPANY R. E. Iit'XDY TO RE PRESIDEXT- AXXIX REMAIXS. (Speclnl to The Times.) .MYRTLE POINT. Or.. Sept. !. It is announced thnt negotiations hnve been practically closed whereby President .1. R. Dottson nnd L. A, Roberts have sold their Interest In the Rank of Myrtle Point to n syn dicate of local people and ranchers. W. E. Lundy. of Hilling & Lundy, one of the best known nnd most highly respected citizens of Myrtlo Point, Is to succeed Mr. Uonson ns president. R. A. Annln, who hns been cashier of the bank for tho past year will romnln with the bank In his present capacity. A number of different ones hnve tnken some of the stock nnd some of the old stockholders have Increased their holdings. J. R. Denson started the Dnnk of .Myrtlo Point many yenrs ngo ns a .private institution with $10,000 capital. Lntor he re-orgnnlzed It Minder the Oregon banking laws, In creasing the capita! to $25,000. It I has been most successful. The loss I of $10,000 sustained when bank robbers blew up the safe last No vember was mnde up by the stock holders Immediately. The bank recently discharged De tective Mitchell who has been work ing for months on tho robbery nnd who was Instrumental In securing , tho conviction of I.nrry Miller for ! the crime, after paying out over I $2000 to him. I 1.. A. Roberts Is n son-ln-lnw of I Mr. Ilenson. Roth will remain In Myrtle Point nml Mr. Benson will now take a woll-cnrncd rest. Ho has extensive holdings In this sec tion In addition to his banking in- terests. . sheriff n .Multifield. Sheriff 0)po g horc from CoqMe todn. 0 business. He has subpoenas for 80me grand Jury cnBes and other matters connected with court. Tl'RKEY YEARNS KOR WAR. SiillnnV Covernmoiit Ignores All the I 'euro Efforts of Power. LONDON, Sept. I. The Dally Telegraph's diplomatic correspondent, In a printed article, says: "Turkey may declare war at any moment. It Is now only a matter of n few days, possibly a few hours. "All efforts of the powers In the Trlp'e Eutento hnvo failed and the London embassy ndmlts the situation Is grave. The military party, now dominant In Constantinople, has reached tho conclusion thnt the pres ent Is the best time to secure tho res toration of Macedonia nnd the Aegean Islands. "Cicrmnn officers nnd men nre be ing poured Into Constantinople to Tu;1ey Bp,mrcntj. r0UI t8 knn ;nli nuni-rotlnc- nI1 Ses whllo'TurS' flBl" hoip the Turkish army nnd navy. on the Hal- mong thorn- fights Greece, but It seems likely that Turkey s de claration of war against Oreece will be regurded ns a hostile net by the Triple Entente, which will send a fleet to dlsposo of nil tho Tuiklsh am! German ships. , "The British government hnR warn ed Turkey plainly thnt In starting any campaign nt this time she signs her own death warrant." Er:ijD" ,, .' 'S PRE.MIER URGES LOYAL RRITOXS TO HELP CAUSE AT AR.MS LONDON. Sept. I. Premier As qulth has decided to nddross meetings in the principal cities of the United Kingdom to make plain the cause of tho war and to set forth that It Is the duty of evory mnn to do his pnrt to m(e tne ,,, a BHCCeMfn, .J,,,, ror itmnv miv inauv "" The premier has itt - - VM ivtiv.? 9 l MJ IlltH llltltn (iirnninii inrmra tn im l f iinru of tho various cities with legard to tbeso meetings, In which ho snys: "The tlmo hns come for n combined effort to stimulate nnd organize, pub lic opinion nnd public offort In the greatest conflict In which our people hnve over been engnged. No one who enn coiitrlbute-nnythlng to the nccoiu pllshmoiit of this supremely urgent tnsk Irf justified In standing aside. "I propose as a first step thnt meetings should bo held without de lay, not only In our great centers of population and Industry, but hi every district, urban nnd rural, throughout the kingdom, nt which the Justice of ships that tho principal cities over wnicn you respectively preside should lenu mo way. I, myself, am ready, ns fnr ns the exigencies of public duty permit, to give such help ns I can. nnd I should ho glad, with thnt ob ject, to nddress my fellow subjects In your cities. "I have reason to know thnt I can count upon the cooperation of the leaders of everv section of organized public opinion." CANAL WIRELESS CI-OSED TO GUARD NEUTRALITY PANAMA. Sept. 4. To better pre serve tho neutrality of the Panama Canal, tho United States has taken oor the wireless telegraph In Pana ma. At tho earnest solicitation of William J. Price, tho American mini ster, President Perms hns signed a decree giving perpetual complete con trol of wireless In Panama to the United States. VETKUIXAUY COMIXG. Dr. J. L. Masson, graduate ot the San Francisco Veterinary College, and tho only licensed veterinary In Coos county, will bo in Marshfleld Saturday, September 5, at the Chand ler Hotel. All interested In hor&ea aro Invited to call. SAVE LIBERT! 15 FRENCH IN Filial Victory Assured, Declares New Cabinet in Proclama tion They Have Issued FACE TO ThFfRONTIER! HAVE METHOD AND WILL Confidence, Enercjy, Self Sac rifice Urqed as Duty, to Prevent National Stain PARIS, Sept. 4. The cabinet has Issued the following manifesto to tho country: "Frenchmen: The new government hns Just taken possession of Its post of honor nml of the combnt. The country knows It may count upon Its energy and thnt It gives Itself, with nil Its soul to tho country's dofense." Shod Wood for Kntlict-lntid. "The government knows It mny count upon the country. Us sons nro shedding their blood for the father land nnd liberty alongside the heroic Rclgliin nml English armies, They support tho most formidable form of shot nnd shell thnt hns over been lot loose upon n people, and overyono stands firm. To them glory! Glory to tho living and glory to tho dead! Thanks to so much heroism, final vic tory Is assured. "Certainly a grent bnttlo Is waging, but It Is not decisive. Whdtevor mny be the result tho struggle will con tinue. France Is not ns easy ti prey as the Insolence of the enemy hung Ires. Frenchmen, tho present duty Is tingle, but simple. Repulse the ene my, pursue him and save our soli from this stain. Save liberty from his grasp. Hold fast as long as need he until tho end. Lift up our minds end souls above the peril nnd romnln the masters of our destiny. Russians Mmrli Konvnrd, "Meanwhile our Russian allies Saturday Special ALL V nml :)e PILLOW TOPS WITH RACKS OX SALE Saturday 15c A complete line of HIclumNon's ' Silk nml Cotton KMRROIRERY FLOSS also D. M. ('., nil sIcm and colors. lmy Something New." Peoples 5 10 15c Store R EPUBLICAN TICKET Election 1011. For U. S. Sonator K. A. Booth. For Congress V. C. ITawloy For Governor James "Withycombe For Justice of tho Supromo Court Ilenrv T. Bonn, Lawreneo T. Harris, Thomas McBride, Henry L. Benson, Charles L. McNnry. For Attorney Go'iiornl George M. Brown. For Supt. of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill For State Engineer John M. Lewis. For Commissioner o Labor O. P. Hol'f. For Railroad Commissioner Prank J. Miller For Supt. Water Dlv. No. 1. tlames T. Chinnoek. For Representative 6th Dlst. Charles K. Barrow For Representative 6th Dlst. S. P. Peirce For County Judge. James "Watson For Sheriff Al f red Johnson, Jr. For County Clerk. Pobt. R. Watson For County Treasuror T. M. Dimmick For County Surveyor. C. S. McCulloch For County Coroner P. E. Wilson For County Commissioner Geo. J. Armstrong. For Commissioner Port of C003 Baj A. H, Powers, Anson Rogers and Henry Sengstacken Published under the authority and by the order of the Coos County Re publican Central Committee. (Pali Adv.) APPEAL TO MANIFEST!! march with decided steps toward the Gorinaii capital that Is pervaded with anxiety, and Inflict ninny i oversea on Its troops which retire. "Wo nBk of tho country all tho sacrifices and all the resources that It can furnish In men and energy. Do firm then and resolute. Let thu nntlonnl life, aided by appropriate fi nancial and administrative measures, continue uninterrupted. "Let us have confidence In our selves. Let us forget nil thnt Is not of the nation. Faco to the frontier! We hnvo the method nnd tho will. Wo shall hnvo the victory." TAKE PARIS OR DIE, HAYS KAISER WILLIAM ICiiiM,ror Issues Drastic Orders to Cieniiiiii TixMins, , LONDON, Sept. 1. The Times cor respondent nt Ostein! records nt sec ond hand a conversation with n Ger man officer from Rrussels, who said thnt frantic efforts wore bolng mnde to mulct n crushing blow to the al lies, especially on the English forces. Notwithstanding tho success of the German soldiers there Is n feeling among them thnt they nre fighting against too grent odds, Despite nil efforts to conceal the news from Prussia, It Is said Information of a disquieting chnrncter regarding de velopments there Is beginning to cir culate among tho German forces and this feeling of anxiety was Intensi fied when two divisions, totaling 80, 000 men, pnssed the Mouse by tho bridge of Andeiiue at Sollies, between Nnniur nml Liege, en route to Gor man Holland. The emperor has made It known to every Gormnn soldier thnt his or ders nre to take Paris or die, the dis patch concludes. RAYMOND 1IORREO, son of W. G. Rorreo. will lenvo on tho next Nnnn Smith for California to visit relatives. ear YOU WILL HAVE NEED FOR SOME OF THESE ARTICLES. WHY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGES OF THESE SPEdAL PRICES? Outing Flannel, regular 12 contB, now Me per ynnl Jabots, regular -fie to 4 fie, Now 10c eaci Ladles' underwear, In fall wolghts, extra sl7.es, pants and vests, regular price flOc, now -.V wuli Men's pnrt wool sox, now two pair for -3r Shelf oil cloth, best quality, now do a yd. Stamped dresser covors, regu lar 7Iic, now 10c UKc values now . . . 2 for SKlc Pillows, 3 pounds, good cov ering O.tc eurh Satisfaction or Money Refunded THE In Peace and War Modern Methods and Weapons Win To send an army into action equipped with the weapons of fifty years ago would be to send it to quick destruction. . To trv to do modern business, nowadays, 011 tne lines that were usual fifty years ago is equal tolly. PiftY years ago the muz.le-loading rifle wastlio vogue." Today, not oven squirrel hunters use it. in modern warfare it would be little better than n club. ,, Fifty years ago business was conducted on t no muzzle-loading plan. If a man sought work, no walked about asking his friends to look out for an opening for him. Tf a man wanted to sell real es tate, he placarded it. Tf he sought tenants, lie placed a card in the window of tho vacant prop erty. , .. ., ., All that constituted "muzzle-loading publicity Today, quick-firing publicity is tho vogue. The Times classified advertising gives to yom proposition quick-fire publicity. Using it you are on an equal footing with yom competitors. Neglecting it, and reverting to muzzle-loading publicity, you have no competitne chance at all. Coos Bay Times Phone 133. !'AINGthLWif The Paralso win sal at n , Saturday iimnm,,, rop ' o'clock being compelled , ddav h " owing to tho biK f ,.' X . r Mlnt . Thu Adeline Si iU iB1., ra'c ' nere tomorrow with n "' a" a her. rt t!TK0 nf t.J" ber, mm. The War is on and Imported Delicacies Have Advanced Greatly in Price Rut while our present stock lasts we aro still seUInK nt tho SAME OLD PRICE Here nro a few ROod things In the Imported linn- TRl'KKLES PEARL OXIOXS STUKKER AXCIIOVIKS Axciiovn: pasti: MUSHROOMS .MUSHROOM STEMS AND piixts RUTTOX MUSHROOMS STUKKER .MUSHROOMS mushroom powRint. nro CAXXED ARTICHOKIIS PATE DIC KOIE GUAR PURE SARDINE PASTI! REVILED SARIHNi: PASTI! .MIXED VKGETAHLES SARRELLEN Rl'TTIIlt SAHRELLEX PASTI! Nasburg's Grocery TTie Good Housekeeping Store r Later Ladles' Hand Rags, Just a row left In leather, velvet or satin, regular price ? 1 . .1 0 to 3.50, Now . . . , . . . ".V e. Side Combs, regular price COc, Now 3c u pair. Regular 2.rc, now . . . . 10c pair Calico, regular price "c and 8c yd., now Mic )d. Among tho recent arrivals are mattress protectors, sanitary and washable; comfort linings made of Iambs' wool, size 72x 84; Ferris' Waists for children, ' Misses and ladles, also Ferris' Maternity Corsots. FAIR Central Avonuo Next Door to Chandler Hotel T-rW H5S NBnfffllMcflly LL ULi