"I! :f THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE The Central Avenue Booster MAKSIIPIHI.n, HHPTKMItCIt I 11)11. i No. n V0L.I. ( i:Tlt.Ii AVH.NTK, 1 1TTIMMI . II WWIIWIWH i II ! ' an i V a I II a i i vi'vrn noosTint TTM.PiTihi'n i'i'iJy '" ,,,t' ,l,,,,' T".i,i!inn Price Your good will, Stt'Si! injhojloortoraab. Ol'lt STAFF. M Vu I'fiitiU I). Coliim. JlouilioW Department Harry Mac rtiS- iK.,irtmciit-"r.iiHiy Kid" Rtnffonl. IMHor. IMly MHm-Ivy ('"".Hon. l5Sirl.il i:.lllo.-l)MM'.V KijpI or. Vrnllli nml H''""' UlnlH .1. I. Ter rell, IMItor. Heal il-lnte rdllor August 1-VIooii. lYtrrliiniy IMItiir (.'. (.'oodriiiu. pi:hsonai,mi:ntion. K 1'IX'K la l'n f i oni tlio Dovo- ' cole nn South Coos Ulvor. nit MOIIHOW Hklnnoil up to North lleiul yesterday and skinned hack ncala In the afternoon. fit'V CIIAMIIKH8, who bus not been InlhiK well thlH week, ttslurl Krnnk Coliim. who was recently ifflldetl. "WIiiU'h the "best iii.ico for n boll? riic host plac- n en Al Cllousnp." Krnnlc replied (Incus Frank doesn't like AI. FltAXK COHAN, our managing cd ilor, and the original Central Auwitie booster. Iiiih heen In Por -1,111(1 WlcallOtllUg ,lllH 'ek. Ilo i;i)8 the Cook Hay naval buttle fronted great excitement In Port land nnil for awhile ho wan the hero of the hour. describing to mnny anxious Inquirers tlio po rtion of the hnrhor and Just where Central Avenue wnM lo cated and how It wan fortified uiiii v T. IIiiIiich on oiio "ii'l and I'. K. Conway on tho ofTu'r. j wak iu'i.i.i:tins i Special to Tho lloostor.) SITKl'.M. Or., Kept. I.---Heavy firing south of hero yoHtorday In now definitely known to liavo tiueti Hay Ollhant shooting deer. Hny lids lii'eu busy uor hIiico the ox inralloa of OmwiiIiI WohCh ultlina li' in on .Septemher I.' Tho uuuilier if denri Id not' known, hut tho lotion aie homy. Since 1870 This Htoio hits been filling prescriptions. We hac proserin, tloim on our flics today that were rilled for some of Marshflold'B prominent people when they were children. lint never In Its nearly half century of existence has this Btore been o thoioughly equipped to fill pioHcrlptlons iih It is today. That Maishfleld mli;ht have one efficiently equipped prescrip tion pharmacy and that both doctor and patient might receive the utmost benefit, "The Owl" In addition to ITS ACCCHATI3 AND .SCIENTIFIC METHODS has completely stocked Its picscrlptlon departinont with drugs and ch-inlcnls from the world's famous house of K. n. sqiillib & Sons. This Is the only stock of Scpilbbs' cheiulcnls In Uoos County. ASK YOt'll DOCTOIt. I HUABItirf PHONE 74 J' fc -WwWJLCt i0j CRESGRIETION ITJHARMACKL FRANK D COHAN Tin: stji-iitit sto it !:. ( C.NTIIAI, AVKXLi:. Jituuitrrr fifll I KHtal iSpeilnl to Tho llooster.) llltlDdi:. Or., Sept. I. lay Mont gomery, our noil-known local cap tain of IndiiKtry. Is flKiiriiiK on cor norhiK the chhken iiiiukct. so that lie run furnish the victorious koii oralu In the prexeut utniKKlu with material for banquets. Another War Scait'. That heavy flrhiK heard in the vicinity of Sec ond and ('en i nil Avenue lust weelc was cniiH'tl by Frank Parsons fir Ins his now dniK clerk. War AiiMilp. Ivy Condron suf fered a rchpse from his attack of "Zeitellnlils" Thuimluy by roudlnic that l.oiiiloa expected u visit from tho terrors of tlio sky. Ivy wouldn't to a bit stirpilsed to come down (own Home inoriiliiK and see tho Pioneer (iroiory had been blown from the face of the uurth durlntf the nlslit by n .eppelln ttulens (Ii'oriiP SeellK could Ket word to the Cnptnlu fliMt and explain I'm' he was u (ioniiiiii syinpathlzor. iii:.ii i:.( iti:.mi:xt Though Ueriuauy and Hussla elnsh, And I'miuo and KiiKlaud no to SIIIHMll, What eare tho Nowlyweds, In sooth, For their flittt baby has a tooth. L. L. Tlioinas. Though the Kaiser thumbs his now at Fianco And ItiiMlaus mako tho AustrlaiiB dnncei For this I do not euro a jiok lo got a lion that laid an orb. llerinnit Ulllyer. What do I care tltotmli Japan scraps, And Austilu gives tho Serbs somo raps? V'liat care I what tho Kalber doos? ) bald spot shows a llttlo ruz. D. Y. Stafford What caro I If tho Cossacks bravo sweep oer Prussia llko n wavo? ny should I weop at Paris' fall? Tho Smokehouso can't bo blown. That's all. - KiiKone Crosthwnlte. THIS IS Till! SHASOX I'OU HEATING STOVES axi) vi: cAHitv oxi: of tin: i,.iji:st mm:s ox coos n.vv Priced From $ 1 .00 to $50.00 iioxt nrv a iikatiih iwrn. you si:i: this ijxi:. Mflrsbfield Hardware Co. cnxTiiAi. am:xii: jo-itixcs. i 4 Too Drj. Ilnln Is still needed. New Tlii'iuvi. Work Is being rushed on ' Toots" Noble'B new thea ter "Toots" expects to pla. V he star part In the first production of a silrrliiK now drama entitled "Itntu and Krkb," If the war prices do not boost 'Ham" too high. One Tiling After Aiiollier. .lust as .1. T. UnrrlKMi had Bunk the HiitlBh fleet In 000 fathoms of wat er off the coast of Ireland, n re port came over the wire Hint the UrltlBh had sunk two Oennnn cruis ers. Hob Mnrsden shouted "Rule Ilrltannln, wo will never he slaves." Off to School. A number or our brightest young men and best look ing maidens are going to college. They will study trigonometry, geom etry, nlcebro. higher econoinlis, mctnphyslcs and a lot of other liigh-ioned studies, Mint will come In handy rocking the cradle or run ning n wood saw. Arrested as Spy. Humor reached Central Avenue that ono of Its dis tinguished citlxens, George Uoodrum, was arrested in the Hast for n spy. Ho was caught spying some of tho secrets In tho auto factories, but as he promised not to tell what ho had seen until ho reached Coos liny he was only half-shot. Probably (ieorge couldn't a Ford more. (Jot a Clue. J. I. Terrel, who In addition to his duties as beauty editor. Is some Cdntrnl Avenue sleuth, has a clue to the (lardlner robbery. Like his famous (on.vere. whatever a confrere Is, Sherlock Holmes, Jesse works by deduction as well as Induction. Ily this meth od he has discovered that Harry llultman wns In Myrtle Point tho night of the bank robbery, and ho was also In (lardlner the night of the Gardiner robbeiy. How about It Harry? No ariests yet. . LOST Itetueen my lesltfenco on the hill and the Catholic church, fl.LTi In sinnl! change. A. I.. I louse-worth. WEAR 60SSARD CORSETS THEY LACE IN FRONT - - at the r- LADIES EMPORIUM Mrs. Nellie A. Owen Central Avenue "The -A ' GOOD PLACE FOR AN HOUR'S RECREATION Enjoy a good smoke and ' a game of billiards The Smoke House Chandler Hotel lllock, Central Ave. WATCH FOR SOME STARTLING AUTOMOBILE NEWS ; SOON. Goodrum Is Bringing Ii BACK WITH HIM FROM DETROIT. (.Yutinl Aciiiip PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hotel a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue OUR COFFEE HAS MAI)!-: US MANY FHIHNDS. First of all they were Coffee Customers only. Then one day they decided to try some of our Tea. They liked both, then fiey aro our stonily Tea nnc Coffee customers. Then t" ew noticed that our Ilncon looked pretty good. Tiled It. Dellgiited and so It goes. Our eatables aren't good ONLY IN SPOTS. It's our aim to have the slock faultless thioiigh and through. That's a high standard to set. Naturally once In a while we fall below It. HIT THAT'S OlUt AIM. And In attempting this wo get Jus about as high an average of giocery goodness as any storo In this country. You may as well benefit. Cook's Grocery "lie Oldest (iiun ty Sli ( eutral Awmie. e on Houses For Rent I HAVE HOUSES FOR RENT IN MARSHFIELD ' BUNKER HILL AND BAY PARK See me before you locate Aug. Frizeen BUYING A TYPEWRITER? If so, I have the following factory rebuilt mach ines on hand: llcmiiiRtfiiis No. ( $30 h, C. Smiths 9M Itemingtoii No. 10 $3."lUiirterwooil No. 5 $00 $3.00 casli; $3.00 per month. All machines guar, nuteeil for one year. Also ribbons and carbon paper. CARLL STOCKIN Sales Agent. 222 Central Avenue. Underwood Typewriter Co. . j- OCA Wales Visible Adding Machine, 1 6li oOUi American Multlgrnph Co. (18 Central Ac. Phono 181-J, We Aro Exclusive Agents for the Famous Globc-Wernicke Filing Cabinets Including Guides, Cards, etc., and can furnish them to you at factory prices. NORTON & HANSEN TWO STOItKS Central Aveuuo ont Street Before Parting With Your Money IN HUYING UKAh KSTATK SKCL'ni: A COMPIJiTK AHSTHACT l-'KOM THIS Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Which Is prepared to turn out First Class Work. This will save you an noyance and expense afterwards. Wo also look after assessments and pay ment of taxes. .Marbhrlcld office In Coke Hiiildlng opposite Chandler Hotel. I'hone 11-J. Coqulllo Office adjoining Furni ciV Hank Hlock. Plionu 101. Hamloii Office, Mc.VuIr Iliilldlng. Phono 18'J. Henry Sengstacken Manager. W 4A Xvi-Aoiie UIOCOtiATKS "The Candy of Character" STAFFORD'S WELL KNOWN STANDARD IS EXr CELLED IN THIS LATEST PRODUCT CHASE & SANBORNS COPFEE TIIHin: HI.KXDS, Sine, Hie and 13c PUIt POl'N'D. Tiinsi: cofi'i:i:s havi: hi:i:x standahd in tim: pnitkd STATUS 1'Olt FII-TY YHAHS PIONEER GROCERY CO. si:u,i.(; A(i i:ts ioit .MAitsiiiini.ti Plione HI. HI Central Acnuo Everything is Lovely And Business isGood at TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop FORGET THE WAR. ! Ami let iih fill jour maiket liiihket with Hie uppelllng good things we liae at Till', Pl'lti: l'()l)l STOItK r.veiythliiK In I'lir.ri'S ami YnCUTAHhKS ror CANNINd, liuliidlug kome flue STItlX(i HCAXS OMivanH: & Weaveir pt'iti: I'oon (iitociHts. Try Some of Our Nice Fresh Pineapple, ('oilier Central Awiiuc nml Third Street Phone 100. Don't Worry About the War when you can buy wheat for $2.00 per hundred at H A I N E S ON CENTRAL AVENUE Open An Account WithlThe First National o aoi Of Coos Bay AVAIL YOURSELF OF ITS SUPERIOR FACILITIES Safe Deposit Boxes in Burglar-Proof Vaults for Rent at Low Rates. , - Central Avenue Marshfield, Oregon How about that new piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. iley Eo Allem d li. L. THOMAS, Mbt. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. 1 ' i f WMiBii