m bSS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TWO WE ARE DISPLAYING IN OUR LARGE FRONT WINDOWS SOME OF THE NEW MODELS IN MEN'S NEW FALL CLOTHES You will find them distinctive in style and decisively good UT LAST FOR TEARS HA MUST HA b i rs His Statement Has Weight butlIer uuiloiuui uu iiiijjuooiijii; iu Struggle So Long MCDERN AMMUNITION TMs is What Military Experts Say: Financiers Say Money Will Not Last Whnt would ho the effect of Its in- Ite continuation was much dis cussed. That three years of It would mean t lie practically comp'ote over throw of European civilization seem ed to he the general opinion among men whose views are respected hy the CANNOT BE PROVIDED '' '..;"c.f hc sn 1 There were military men, finan ciers and politicians who questeloned, however, the posslhlllty of so Ioiik drawn out n fight even In the face of Lord Kitchener's expression. The soldiers nrgucd that modern LONDON. Snot. I. -War Minister nmmunltlon could not he provided for Kitchener's hint In parliament Tues- it. nnd that If It should continue he day night that the present war may ond a matter of months there would still he In progress three years hence at any rate have to he n return to was the subject of much comment In 'the use of black powder nnd more London. primitive wenpons. That so frightful a struggle could Financiers declnrcd It would ho ut contlnue more than a few months' torly Impossible to find monev for longer apparently oicurred practical-, hooping such armies as the present ly to no one else. Such an utterance ones In the field for more than n from so eminent a military nut'iorlt sJort time. Thev doubted If thev ns Lord Kitchener It was felt, how- could be nmlntnlned for a half of ever, could not ho taken lightly. j three years without bankrupting nil His lordship did not. Indeed, pre- Europe, diet that tho war would last three The politicians' view was that long years, ue nu. uowever. reier 10 ncrorc tnree years hail expired revo plnns for continuing tho fight he- lutlon would have broken out In ov yond tho enlistment period of tho ery country now In urms. There were volunteers now In the field, remark- j mutterlngs of It In many quarters nl Ing caBtially tl-at It was Impossible ready, they pointed out. and these 1o tell how long the conflict might j mutterlngs they thought likely to last. I swell speedily Into n roar. Uf & wWf o. jM V Prices $17.00 to $30.00 AANOCCCC KINCAIO CLO t 11X1 ft C 0, If every man realized the great difference that expert cutting, needling and shaping made in the service possibilities of a suit or overcoat, the demand for BRANDEGEE-KINCAID CLOTHES would greatly exceed the supply. MAKE YOUR PURCHASE IN OUR STORE THIS SEASON AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE BEST THERE IS IN CLOTHES. UDICII K I N C T 4 f, ClOTHU The Advance in Prices and the European War A Food Comedy in Three Reels at the Grocery Store Housewife. "Please give me two loaves of bread. How much are they?" linker. "Eleven cents, inadnm." 11. "What's the extra penny for?" linker. "That's for tho paper to roll the loaves In. The war In Kit rope has enured paper to advance." II. W. "Have pumpkin pies ad vanced In price?" linker. "Yes, five cents, becauco of the extra cost of the pastry, be en u 8 1) of the advance In fluor be cnuso of tho war In Europu." II. W. "How nro doughnuts?" linker. "I urn sorry to say they have advanced five cents a dozen becniiHo of the advance In flour and In tho lard they are fried In, becnuso of tho war In Europe." II. V. "Do you keep butter milk?" Baker. "Yes, a superior article." II. W. "linn It advanced In prlco?" Ilaker. "Not that from Texas cows' milk, but the llolsteln and Jersey cows' buttermilk Is ndvnncod because their ancestors were import ed only two generations ago. all for eign articles nro Increasing In prfco." II. "Will you give me a bot tle of Texas cows' buttermilk?" linker. "I am sorry to say tho Texns cows are such poor milkers thnt they can hardly raise their own hnulcs." II. W. "Did you oer read the 22nd verso or tho loth chapter of Genesis?" Ilaker." I do not recall It now. "What was tho purport of It?" II. V. "Why. 11 says that Phar aoh hanged the chler baker and I want to toll you that in my Judg ment Pharaoh made no mistake. Good morning, sir " Then the lioutiowlfo wont over to tho grocer's and addressing tilm, said: "Can you give mo half a pnclc ngo of baking powder?" Grocer. "I mil sorry I cannot break a package: but why do you want half a package?" II. W. "I thought that because of tho rlbo in everything on account or mo wiir in Kiirnuo. linlf n naclc- RECORD PACING HACK. ago would raise as many biscuits as a whole pnekage would a mouth ago. How much arc sardines? Grocer. "Sardines have Increased 1!0 per cent In prlco becnuso of tho war in ICurope and the danger of a sen fight In tho Mediterranean." II. W. "Hut what has that to do with sardines?" Grocer. "There would bo groat danger of their being killed by tho concussion caused by tho gun flro." H. "nut all your sardines come from the coast of Maine." Grocer. "Hut with the foreign Imports cut off the Maine sardines would naturally doiiblo In price." H. Yo Gods and little fishes! How about hnllbut?" Grocer. "They are advancing In prlco rapidly. You know tho big gest school of halibut In tho world comes down through tho Ilaltlo sea annually and tho Gorman fleet thoro Is liable this yenr to break up tho school" II. W. "Is tho prlco of oatmeal advancing?" Grocer. "Itapidly. The genuine Scotch ontH nro all wanted by tho nrmy." II. W. "What nro canned prunes soiling for?" Grocer. "They have Increased 20 per cent. They are German prunes, you know." II. W. "Hut your'H grew In Cal ifornia last year." Grocer. (doggedly.) "Evory thlug Gorman Is ndvauclng." II. W. "Has tea advanced In prlco?" Grocer. "It Is going up rapidly. The English, when excited, aro Rroat tea drinkers, and now that Japnn bus doclured war against Germnny nnd as wo linvo no merchant ships In the Pacific, tho chances nro thnt no more tea will bo brought in. Wnr. you know. Is hell." II. W. "It may bo, hut It Is no more so than trying to got enough to eat in a land of peace. Send mo a eahbngo. pleaso, and I will mnko some coleslaw for tho children." Grocer. "Certainly, madam, but tho anticipated Increase In tho con sumption of saner kraut In tho Gor nuiny army has Increased tho cost of cabbages 15 per cent." -Good- 'l.- ',,tV NEWS OF MORTH BEND Mrs. Mary Sells of Alameda, Calif., Is visiting her son, Gcorgo Sells. Mrs. .1. C. Toollo of Gardiner Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Storn. Mary Dunson, who has boon qtilto sink at tho Capo Arago lighthouse, Is reported Improving. E. 12. Ilaker of Mnrshfleld Is open ing n shoo ropalr shop In the Mc I.cod & McKay building. Mel.nln & Mcl.nlu started work on tho now sewage system Tuesday nnd win rus'1 It n completion. Victor Lindslrom, of Cooston went to Portland to tnko tlie examination to operate n gnsollne hont. The North Ilcnd schools will open September II nnd Supt Rnab experts n considerable Increase In nttcndnuco over last year. Oscar Stauff of Cooston has gone to Corvallls to tako chnrgo of ono ofi tb" n A P oi)orl'"ini nt'ons I E. P. Anderson nnd D. McCuIIough aro enjoying a few days' hunting audi fishing nt the Piper ranch on Coos River. Mrs. Covert nnd daughter bavo re turned homo after a visit with. War ren Woathorly and Miss Myrtle Woathcrly. V. AluBWorth. who Is employed at tho P. S. Navy Ynrd nt Hromorton, Is visiting nt the home of Ills undo, V. C. Gorst. Claude Davis of Holse wns hero Inst week looking nfter properly In terests nnd visiting Ms old friends, .1. A. Smith nnd I E. Glazier. Merle Mllllron nnd Clnronco Ilurko have returned from a threo weeks' nutlng In tho Iron Mountain country, getting lots of fish and plenty nf ven ison. Mm. Gcorgo GelHondorfer return ed to her homo nt Hnudon Wednos ilny nfter a plonsnnt visit nt tho C. M. Hvlor homo, following the Nntnl Day ceremonies. Deputy Game Warden Thomns states that ho expects to file chorees! against Chas. Hlckox and Fred Lnr-' son for running deer with dogs on August 10. I.. A. Roberts of Myrtle Point was hero tils week boosting for tho Coos and Curry fair which will open nt Myrtle Point September 23 and con tinue for three days. Tho North Horn! City Council may decldo not to award tho hard paving contract to Warren Brothers becnuso tho lnttor hnvo stoppod work on tholr contracts In Marshrield. II. W. Hermnan. while nt Salem recently wns Informed thnt Major Kinney continued rather violent nt tho State Hospital and had to ho kept In n straight Jacket considerable of tho time. Proprietor Handle hns moved tho Pacific Grocery Into tho Imhoff building at Sheridan and California and John E. West hns moved the Maize Cnfo Into tho grocery's old' location. I .1. II. Groves nnd family have gone to Astoria to visit relatives while' Mr. Groves Is taking the first vnca-j Hon ho has enjoyed since he as sumed tho cashlershlp of tho First National Hank. i I.. G. Moeks of Cooston snyn thnt the report about Ilobortson and Fleming of Portland buying tho Crawford Point hand Company's holdings nt Cooston Is not correct, no denl being closed yet. Leo Stevens, who runs tho launch Coos'on. hns taken the contract for carrying tho mall from North Itond to Cooston nt $.100 per year. .1. II. Johnson of CooBton furnished bond Tor him and ho expects to get a now and hotter hont. , J. K. Smith, who wns etiKngod In tho coal business with I.. F. Fnlkcu Btolu and others Inst year, has gono Into bankruptcy, It is reported. Mr. Fnlkonstoln not tired of paying tho hills, amounting to over $:i&00. Smith Is now In Snu Francisco. Plans nro being mndo for tho big picnic of tho Ten Mllo, Ilnynes In let and surrounding country to bo hold at tho Cnrl McCuIIough place on Ilnynoii Inlet September lit. Fred erick Ilolllstor will deliver nn nil dross nnd outline tho platform on which ho Is running for congress. .1. G. Mullen, who Is looking nfter tho ostnto of John Noglthon, "Clam .Inch," Is now endenvming to securo tho uddross of possible holrs. Ho has written to Copenhagen. Unless they nro found, tho estate, which Is valued at $11500, excluding a debt of $1500, will i'.a to tho stato chool fund. No glthon was one of the victims of ths llluford Davis auto disaster. Lylo Chnpell has gono to Qulncy, Oregon, to tnko a position In the school thoro, getting $70 por month. Dr. Hire! 11. Clnrke. who wns for merly n londor In tho W. C. T. V. work on Cons liny, Is principal of tho school this yenr. I.nst yenr Miss Florn Foroninn, formerly of Don mark, Curry county, wns tho toncher there nnd hnd a terrific row with the school board. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME has been a hobby with us for a good many years nnd n t. . our customers will toll you when It comes to getting coort .1." durublo framing material nt tho right prlco wo know our M iiobs. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount vo ..'.. to spend nnd wo'll got busy with our pencil nnd flguro out th. t,.. your money can buy. Try ua. B ""' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItKTAIIi DKPAHTMHNT CUT THIS TUKL HILIi 1 TWO 11V USING OUIt WOOD PHONIC 11)0. 1H SOUTH IUU)AI)VAr COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue Phone 430 ANSC0 AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them JFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay. ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange, Cleaning, repairing or now plntetiH, work guaranteed. Millions tod crbon impt'r delivered. Phono un your order. Phono 1 1. Allliinco office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Direct urn II MiiKo Mile In Two Minute Mat. SYll.UTHK. N. V.. Sept. 4. DI rectum II. the chestnut stallion own ed b .lames Hutler. New York t'lt. and driven by Robert Suodoger. fur nished the senwtlon of i'.o grand cir cuit races here by etabllshinK two now world's records and equalling tho pacing reiord or two wins etal. llshed by Williams ai (Iruud Rapids early this season. In winning the free-for-all pace, valued nt f.n00. Directum II stepped tho hiBt two or three boats In two minutes flat, boating Frank llogash In each. Frank llogash won the first hont In a:0a ,i . by pacing In two min utes In tie third heat. Directum II broke the record of i; : 00 s estab lished h Star Pointer nt Springfield, 111., In 18H7. Tho average of tho winner gives him ilw world's race record of moro than one heat. KlICItlD.W, WYOMINC. rnoosKs itrrri.iTiuo After a enroful Investigation of arlous palng materials on tho market. Sheridan. Wyoming, lias awarded a contract to tho Warron Construction Company to lay 155, 000 yards of bltulithle pavement. Illtullthle was selected on account of sevornl important reasons, prom inent among thorn being thnt bltu lithle Is noiseless, lasting and dur able, freo from ruts and cuuck holes and n paving material which In other cities has proven Itsolf specially freo from constant repair expenses 1 NORTH HKND I.IHHARY I I NOTKS Tho North Rend Public Library, although open only Tuesday and Friday afiernoon nnd on Satur day evenings, lends about ono hun dred books a week on an nvorago. The library has over 700 books at tho service of Its pntrons Including tho state Traveling Library nnd those borrowed from tho public M'hools for the summer. The North Rend Public Library has received n gift of eighty chil dren's books from tho 1'nltnrlnn Sunday School, tho Sunday School having discontinued for tho present. These books woro sent to tho North Rend Unitarian Sunday School about tour months ago by tho Sundny School of tho First Unitarian Church, of Spokane, Washington. Many of tho books nro prncticnlly now nnd tho collection Is n tlno selection for children's rending. Herbert Armstrong nnd family wero attendants nt the Spoknno Unitarian Church before coming to North Rend to reside. notum: Tho monthly mooting of tho Marshflold Chambor of Commerco will bo hold In Its office next Fri day ovenlng. September tho 4th. at 8 o'clock. Tho Chamber Is anxious to got yio preparatory work for tho World's Fair started and all members aro requested to attend. HANI) 1UNCK PI.ATFOHM Second nnd Market. Saturday night. The Union Market OUK COM) STOHAOi: SVSTE.M IS SUItE A SUCCESS Our Prime Roasts of Reof, Lamb, Mutton, Voal and Pork cannot bo excelled. Try ono of our Fat Hens or Fryers for your Sunday dinner, that has been properly cooled, and note tho difference. J. E. FORD & CO. 171 South Hroadway Phone 08 BREATHE FREEH! OPEN NOSTRILS Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIKNIIY BKNOSTACKKN, Manager FAItM. COAL, TIMHKR AND PLATTINO LANDS A SPECIALTY. GKNKHAL AGENTS KA8T3IDP MAItflHFIKLI) OFFICE, PHONE U.J. COQril.l.K CITY OFFICE PHOVK 101. Wo still have a limited supply of MASON QT. .TA1S that we are selling at 70c per dozen. A piece of aluminum ware free with every pack age of Mothers' Oats at 3oe per package. C00S BAY TEA, COFFEE & SPICE HOUSE 130 North Broadway Phone 391-J BUY THE VERY BEST sssr MS JtADR UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Free delivery, 8 ft. in. and 4 p. in. Phone 73 Instantly Relieves Swollen, Inflamed Noso, Heud, Throat You Hrcatbo Freely Dull Headache Goes Nas ty DisrliurKo Stops. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Got a small bottle anyway, just to try It Apply a llttlo In tho nostrils nnd InBtantly your clogged nose and Btoppcd-up air passages of tho head will open; you will breathe freely, dullness and headacho disappear. By morning! tho catarhh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal soro throat will bo gono. End such misery now! Get tho small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug Btore, This sweet fra gT&nt balm dissolves by tho heat ot the nostrils; ponotrates and heals the inflamod, swollen membrane which lines tho nose, hoad and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty dlschargos and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Im mediately. Don't lay awake tonight strug gling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blow ing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running noao, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness ta distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surety disappear. , For Sale by Brown Drug Co, ' Call on LeMieux & Miller FOR PAINTS, VARNISHES, STAINS, WALL PAPER, ETC, Painting, Paper HuiikIiik and Decorating WILL HE LESS when you let us figure it for yon. Estimate furnished cheerfully LeMieux & Miller No. Front St. DARKE TO APPLY 5IGE 1EI A Few Applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur Brings Rack I Wffr. Color, Gloss and Thlcknes Common garden sage brewed late a heavy tea with sulphur and cohol added, will turn gray, and faded hair beautifully dark . -. sMa tilt nf uali luxuriant, remove " -:..,... druff, stop scalp Itching audfalHS uair, jubi n i i'i" -r... i. prove a revelation if your bait fading, gray or dry, scraggly J tnm. fluxing mu oub v" ,",, i. phur recipe at home, tbougn. troublesome. An easier to get tho readyto.usa tonic, eon Ing about CO cents a large bottle" arug stores. Known ":,... Sago and Sulphur Hair nemedj thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray Med ' not sinful, we all desire to i rew our youthful appearance ana tractlveness. By "ken'DiJw hair with Wyeth's Sage and SulpMr no ono can ten, uei-auoo -,.. so naturally, so evenly. ,ouhr,uu,i dampen a sponge or sou 'u with it and draw this through your hair, taking ono small strand time; by morning all sW JJ JJ have disappeared, and, after l" application or two. yur&air ,jjt ntnnn hpantlfullv dark, OSBf, and luxuriant. For saio oy ro "" HOTEL DOTSON O. A. Branson, Ir0Piment. Now open under new managemen A home Placa with boms cook ing served In family tjji Bo,ai and room, $6.50 per week. LJm M2MtXM f U tf.OJ