!!i NO ONE EVER MET WITH A MISFORTUNE BY FINDING $1 3 ON A FRIDAY, DID YOU? WHEN YOU PICK UP Olflos BUYING WISELY ts still facetiously called "tmrRaln huntinp.'' Hut, its every man In business Is n bargain-hunter all the time housewives who study The Times Ads for buying ad vantages, are pretty good business women. ..imuor. yon expect to rend Yo,"i , 11 nut dependable war the ll,c .'.''ins Hay Times carries neWn lafc'il P'-9 reports roc eli mor tlio world as abso- tutelar reWi'- MI-LMIIKK OK Til 11 ASSOCIATED I'lltiSS ZJrtVtlJM&THTXSHtB VOL NO. XXXVIII Established 1H7H as The Const Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Coiinlltliitiiiii f Times, Coimt Mull ki ao mill Coos Hay Alvr-rlor lU. IB NCH MAY TO SAVE CITY mn mm ill ARMY W TWEKl I MILES OF PARIS PROPER persistent Advance of Kaiser's Forces Not Appreciably Check ed by Allies' Forces, Which Now Occupy Siege Lines ' East and West of Paris. GERMAN RIGHT WING AT REAR OF ' ' btHMHN RETREATING FRENCH NEAR CREIL SURRENDER WTHQUT Late News Dispatches From Dieppe Indicate That Nothing Is Stopping Rapid Advance of German Armies From North and East on French Capital (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept. 4, The German army, at least one part of it is now within twenty miles of the outer fortifications of Pans, according to tho latest advices received hero, There is no evidence to show that the Germans' persistent advance has been appreciably checked, Late news dispatches from Dieppe doscilbo the German right as at the rear of the retreat ins Frtncli through Croil, Senlis and Crepy en Valcis,, towns 24, 20 and 35 miles, respectively, from the boundaries of Paris proper. Tho allies probably now occupy a line of siege cast and west of Paris, 10 BATTLE 10 PREVENT DESTRUCTION (Hy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Hay Times.) ! LONDON. Sept, 4. In a dispatch from Rouen, France, the i( nr r- snoiuipiit of the Chronicle says he learned that the French authorities in Paris are considering the surrender of the , city 10 me lauimans to avoid destruction of property from artillery fire, This will be done, the correspondent declares, If the outer line of the Paris defenses are passed by the invadeis. The British, French and Belgian wounded are being transferred from Paris to other cities, A great exodus of the populace to ;ho south continues, L DMT CtniM RET IIS URNEO TO KIEL DAMAGED IN (Hy AHRoelntfd Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept, 4, The official information bureau issued a statemcnt.saying that "according to information derived fiom a trustworthy source, seven German destroyers and tor pedo boats have arrived at Kiel in a damaged condition, It s understood that others have been sunk in tho vicinity of the (iel canal." ENGLISH SINK AUSTRIAN STEAMER LONDON, Sept, 4, The sinking of the Austrian steamer Batlion by a British cruiser in tho Bay of Biscay was reported this afternoon. FREE TRAINS GARRY FH FROi PARIS TO OTHER CITIES i lily Associated Press to Coos Hay Tlnios.) PARIS, Sept, 4, Tens of thousands of Parisians, chiefly women and children, have taken advantago of free trains placed at their disposal by the government for the purpose of fliwrm D..! ..J ! .,.. :..v.-.o nf oiwilmnc W in m PIT Winner UUillUK I (II 10 Ctllll lit) UIIVIIUIIO Ul VJlVlllunu ....w ..!- ..' militaiy operations, Most of these people are going south or west. The military government has given non-combatants 15 trains of 25 cars each, They will run today, tomorrow and Sunday, conveying refugees to points outside of the military one. The principal Pans newspapers have transferred their officers to Bordeaux, where the Havas News Agency has also established headquarters, . GERMAN ADVANCE IS RAPID ' (Hy Absociuted Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept, 4, The Times' correspondent at Dieppe, France, under Thursday's date, indicates .that the Germans are less than twenty-five miles from Pans, He.says: All day yesterday, the German right was furiously forcing its way toward Paris, battering at the rear of the retreating French through Crell, Senlis and Cropy En Valis, The cannonading hroke windows in Chantllly, seventeen miles north of Paris, The Germans are also near Seissons," Another dispatch to The Times from Beauvais, forty miles northwest of Paris, says the Germans entered Cleimont, tlnr-y-fie miles from Paris, at seven o'clock Wednesday morn ing. At the same time their cavalry was operating around beauvais, diimod Drum MTiniM IN AUSTRIA LONDON. Rant. 4. A Renter disnatch from Rome says: rnn.-l! l- i r . 0...,!-i 4lin COrol DECKED WITH FLAGS HONOR VICTORIES IN F (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Tlnios.) BERLIN, Sept, 4, (By wireless to Associated Press via Sayville, L, I,) Berlin is prominently decked with flags, Con fidence prevails that nothing can stay the victorious advance of tlio Western armies, Morhat, Tageblatt's military expert, expects the armies of Duke Albrecht and tho Crown Prince will soon reach Chalons and Verdun, which can easily be mas tered without delaying the'advance, These towns have lost their strategic importance, Touland Epinal, tho capital of the department of Vosges, may delay the armies of Prince Rupprecht and General von Horringen, but this is unimportant, Raids in Upper Alsaco are to be oxpected while Belfort is in French .hands, but this is without signifi cance as far as tho general result is concerned, It is now revealed that the Austrian motor batteries, each consisting of 12-inch guns mounted in autos, havo been co operating with the German heavy artillery in the reduction of the Northern fortresses, The manning and accuracy of those batteries is highly praised, GERMANY SENDS HOLLAND ULTIMATUM GERMANS CLAIM GREAT VICTORY OVER FRENCH NEAR VERDUN LINE Claim That Over Three-Quarter of a Million Men Were gaded in Greatest Battle in History Crown Prince William and Kaiser Personally Direct Germans En- CLAIM FRENCH SACRIFICED LINE IN FRONT OF PARIS TO RESIST ONSLAUGHT Few Details of Great Struggle Given Practically Opened Wa' To Fortifications of Paris London Aroused At Turn of Affairs ' (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON', Sept, 4, Reference to the titanic struggle be iween the Germans under Crown Prince Frederick William and the French forces which occurred between Rholms and Verdun Wednesday is made today from Berlin, If the Berlin statement proves correct that three-quarters of a million troops were fighting in that region Wednesday in "the greatest battle of history," it would explain happenings in the western field to bring traops to anything like 750,000 Enormous French forces must have been concentrated at the expense of the French left, where the Germans have been making progress with their brilliant dash on Paris, The bat tie along the Rheims-Verdun line claimed in a Berlin message as a victory for the Crown Prince, who is reported to have had the assistance of Emperor William, who was present, TORN HOPES TOWARD RUSSIAN VICTORIES IN 'According to a report from Servia, the secret Servian society Naroda Obrana is preparing a revolutionary, movement in Bos pa and Herzegvonia, both Austrian provinces, which will "en out simultaneously wiui jwiiiiai inuvunv,,. ... -...-and Hungary," KXGLISH CLAIM OKUMAXS HE n. (By Associated Pros3 to Coos Day Times.) . LONDON, Sept. 4. A Ileuter new s dispatch from .ntl?trIvIsnaJs1J "emi ; that the Germans' attempt to envelope the a H left ! been frustrated. A big force of Ger man cavalry wh eh as ainano iig on CarapalBne. has been vigorously repulsed and obliged to abandon wcral pieces pf artillery. (Hy Associated Press to Coos liny Tlmos.) NEW YORK, Sept, !, Dow, Jones & Co,, published the fol lowing on their news ticker today: "London It is reported at Lloycrs that Germany, has sent an ultimatum to Holland, 1 here is no confirmation." FRENCH CLAIM GERMANS REPULSED (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Tlnios.) DADIC Qnnt A An nffininl rmiiniinrnmrnit snvs thnt llin I. nnrinn n.-minc Uornimrl Pnrk hnvo nnt ft nnmn in finnlnnt. They continue their movements of taking positions, The state ment added that "the Germans have been checked at Verdun, i'lhe French are successful in Lorraine and tho situation is not I .1 ,1 II Ulctll&CU, BELGIAN REPORTS GERMAN RIGHT WING CHECKED NEAR OSTEND (Hy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) OSTEND, Belgium, Sept, 4, The advance of the German right wing is reported to be cut, and the Germans have been obliged to retire on St, Quentin, (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Tlmos.) PARIS, Sept, 4, An official communication issued by the military government this afternoon says: "The movement of lie opposing armies near Paris are being continued without a contact taking place, In the Verdun district the German forces have sustained some checks, In Lorraine and Vosges, our troops won fresh impartial successes, The general situation is little changed," RUSSIANS CAPTURE LEMBURG (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Tlmos.) LONDON, Sept, k4 A Petrograd special dispatch to the Reuter Telegraph Company, says the Commander-in-Chief has notified the Emperor that the Russians have occupied Lem-hurp-. The Commander-in-Chief's message was as follows: "With extreme joy and thanking God, I announce to your Ma jesty that our victorious army under General Rusky captured Lemburg at 1 1 o'clock .this morning, General Brussiloff's army has taken Hailez," illy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept, 4, The British public turns hopeful eyes from the adverse situation in France, toward tho Last, whore the Russians' triumphs in Austrian Gallcla have been amply confirmed, Besides tlio battle at Lemburg, whom tho flowor of six Austrian army corps were destroyed, it is ovidont there has been a simultaneous victory at Tomasow, thirty miles southeast of Lodz, in Russian Poland, Galicia is virtually in Russian control, Meagro Grrman reports indicate that the Germans aromore than holding their own on tho East Prussian border, PS6S. WILSON IK TO 0 ES SPECIAL ITERATES Illy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times,) WASHINGTON. D, C Sept, 4, President Wilson personal ly addressed a joint session of Congress today urging legisla tion to raise $100,000,000 additional revenue through inter nal duties to meet the treasury deficit threatened by tho Eu ropean confict, While tho troasiry, he said, could get along for a consider able period, lie pointed out the peril of the government's with drawal from the National banks of $7500,000 treasury bal ance deposited there, He advised against the government borrowing money or selling bonds and appealed to tho public to bear the burden of a special tax to meet tho unforseen emergency. The bill will be introduced as soon as possible, M NO VIOLATION A AT Declare That Landing of Thirty-two Indicted at Wash- Troops on umnese lerntory ington. D. C, for Raising Not Treaty Offense Br AtiotUted Prm .0 ro,4 p Tlme ) WASHINGTON, D. ('.. Hopt. T. The lamlliiK of .lapanuso troops on Chlnoso territory to partlclmite in the attack on tho Gorman defenses at Kalo Chow Is not vlowcd at the .lap anoso ombHssy lioro as a violation of China's nontrallty which tan load to any uorlons protest. ."Whon n na tlon'H vital selMntorost Is at stake," it was said at tho embassy, "that nation Is obliged to bold Itself to the strict letter of neutrality." Prices on Pretext of War (1)7 AMocltted TrfM Xu iooi Dor Tlinea WASHINGTON, D. C, Sopt. Thirty-two indlctmonts which were returned hero today by tho Federal Grand Jury after an InvestlKaticrc to detormino whother food prices had boon nrtlflcally Increased on tlio protoxt of having beon caused If tha JSuropoan wnr. Uench warrnnw woro Issued for all tho indicted men who nro local commission agents or produco donlers. No NatlonuLh known concerns woro Indicted. 3S aasssSBB KJSZIfLSld