- -. "M-"-W! -TW.tTVT'H THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914 EVENING EDITION FOUR HE LIFE FOR FRANCE'S GLORY Aviator Who ItiiiniiitMl Dirigible Onvc lilfo Ah Hi- Plwlgwl "The fato of llolnml Onrros, who iniulo a dullhorntu Bcorlflcc of Ills own life to destroy tho (lorninn army illrlBiblu ami send its crow to death, confirms tho mom turrlfyiiu; sus picions Germany Iuib ever dared to entertain concerning tho organiza tion and purpose of the aerial corps of tho French army" t This Is the assertion of Capt. II. II. Wild, veteran aviator. Captain Wild was tho third licensed pilot in tho United States, was tho first man to fly a heavier than air ma chine over Chicago and has flown In most of tho capitals of Europe. Ho knew (larros woll. All IMwIkwI to (Jlvo Their Live "lry (iarros' feat, tho Kalsor now knows Just what tho 'fourth arm' of Franco's military organization is," wild Captain Wild . "It comprises a band or men hound by tho strangest oath ever administered a soldier. As I recall It now, there uro fifteen of these men, each pledged to give, his life Just as (larros did to avenge tho nnelont enemy of the trl-color, (lermnny. i ...it mv flrui tin mi In the real purpose of tho French flying corps at llelmont Park, N. Y In 1010. I was flying there nt tho first In ternational aero meet ever hold In America. Ono night Clinrlcs It Hamilton, Israel Ludlow, John Mois unlit, (larros and another or two ol the boys wero sitting In tho Hotel Astor chatting about aviation la general. "Ludlow, poor fellow, Just had recovered from n fall which par alyzed Iilm from tho hips down. He was on crutches. Ho had been telling us that If he had obeyed his wife and kept out of tho flying game ho would have boon a woll man. Then I remarked that my wife had been after mo to get out of it. "I Shall licavo No Wife." ".Meantime (larros was sitting, not Haying a word. Someone asked him If ho was lovesick. "Wholhor I am or not, I shall never marry,' said ho. 'I have a service to perform for Franco, and when I die I shall leave no wlfo.' "Then tho conversation veered around, as It Inevitably does when thero are Frenchmen In tho crowd, to military neroplanlng. "To French filers, personal achieve ment always Is a secondary consid eration. Their first thought always Is, How can they render sorvlco to Franco? And that Is tho samo as saylnir, How can they deal destruc tion to (lermnny? "During tho conversation (lar ros mado this remark, which struck me: ' 'My featH are all for the glory of Franco. All my experiments luivo an iiltlmato end. Homo day J In tend to wreck ovory Zoppelln Oor i.iany ever had. "Itoland and I wero good friends, nud tho next tlino I met him In l'arls, where I was doing some ex hibition flying, we hud more talks. Ills statements amazed mo. I ques tioned him for details and was told bomo things I could scarcely bellovo. lint lu tho light of (Inrros' feat the) must ho so, Others Will Die Kiiiiih Way "I was told how some of tho most widely known aviators France has, known tho world over for their dnro-duvll work, aro lu tho service of tho French government and each linn made a solemn promlso to give IiIh life should the occasion arise, Just as (larros did, In wrecking dir igibles of tho enemy. "Among tho number I can call to mind nre llouo Harrlor, Andrew lloupert, Iteno Simon. Wogmaii, VI din! and Heaumont. Tho first three men I know personally. All ex hibit tho hiiiiio luterpld spirit of pa triotism as did (larros. If occasion offers they will go to their deaths Just as (larros did, and da it, us tliuy say, 'for tho glory of France.' "There is just one wny to do up Germany's terrible Zeppelin dirlgl hies. Garros choxa that way. (.'linos' Way the Only One. "Tho .eppellu dirigible lu tho most destructive eiiglno of warfare tho world has over known, Homo of them can carry twonty-sevon tons of nltro-glycerln. That would blow up an army. There Is just ono way to get them. That Is for an noroplaue to ram their gas hag. It Is Impos sible for an aeroplane to fly over them and drop explosives on them, as has been suggested, for an aero plane travels too fast. "Tho only way Is for tho noro plaue to get up in the air, where gnu range from the dirigible Is ob scured by tho gas bug and do tho H'lrul right Into tho balloon. It moans sure death to aviator, hut the patriotism of these Frenchmen know no limits. Thus Franco with her noropliinoB, will vanquish Ger many with her dirigibles, or I miss my guess. Chicago Tribune. (TLLIXGS OF COQl'ILLI.. Coos Coiitny Seat News As Told by the Ileiahl. Willis llrynnt. of I'ortlnnd, nnd Mildred McHoo of Ilrldgo, wero mar lied ut the Methodist parsonage Sat unlay. Hev. C. II, llryan officiating. Mih. Itosn I'reuss was in town yes teiduy from Mnrshfield, Interviewing School Supt. linker In preparation for teaching tho school on Catching In let bolow Sumner. Mrs. 11, Schuyler, formerly Miss Doll Fox, pabsed through town last Thursday on her way to Marshflold to take tho steamer for her homo In Portland after a visit of about seven weeks with hor parents nt llnndon. S'io wan accompanied by her two children. August 27 Was The 55 An niversary of Oil Discovery Fifty years ago August 27, tho first driven oil well In tho United Stntes began to glvo up Its precious fluid. Tho event marked an epoch In the illumination of tho world and the beginning of many huge fortunes. The chief illumination of that dny were sperm, or whale oil, retailing at i'2.2ti a gallon "cam phene, a derivative of turpentine and very liable to explosion; "coal oil." obtained from coal and Scotch hog head, selling nt about $2 a gal lon. How to light the homo and workshop cheaply was a sortous economic problem. It was that ar gument that Influenced two Connec ticut financiers to advance $1000 to "Col." Kdwln L. Drake, who pro posed to drill an oil well near Pit hole, Pa., whoro for generations tho tesidents had been gathering oil as It floated on tho surface of creeks and pools. Drnko began work In 18C7. His early attempts re sulted in failure; his financiers re fused more money, nud his workmen dencrtcd. His sclicmo became tho joke on tho countryside. "Ho might as woll drill for whis key," remarked one rural specta tor. When on tho verge of star vation, Drako finally secured finan cial aid from Pcnnsylvnnlans nud resumed his operations. Months puBsccd. Several drilling methods proved fruitless, until ho smile a six inch Iron nine. At n depth of 71 feet tho pioneer finally found traces of oil, and the noxt morning tho liquid was found flowing liber ally upon tho ground. It was tho beginning of ono of tho greatest of modern Industries. rVffMW CITY PLANT HAS PROFIT. Ktigcno Water llont-tl Holds Its Ven ture Is u Winner. KUG13NB, Sept. 3. After hnv Ing accumulated $25,000 nnd put $32,000 of tho earnings of tho light plant back In tho improvements nnd extensions of tho past two years, tho Water Hoard claims that Its munici pal electric venturo lias been success ful. It showed net earnings of $11,138 for tho porlod of six months, after deducting tho costs of operation. On n total cost or $309, 27-1.37, this rep resents u profit of nino por cent, hut this will bo held to tho account of n sinking fund nnd a depreciation fund, or, as Is probable, rates will bo re duced further. In addition tho Water Board claims to have saved to the peoplo of Eugene $70,000 lu two years and u half by a 10 per cent reduction lu tho. lighting rates from 15 cents per kilowatt to 9 conts. An Interesting levy of nearly $25, 000, lovled this year by the City Council In anticipation of tho lutorcst on tho light nnd water property bonds, as It has dono In tho past, will POWER There is gasoline and gasoline. There's the mixed kind you have to use two gallons of to get one gallon's worth of power and then there's RED CROWN ihe Gasoline of Qualify Red Crown is what you want. Even though you have to pay a little more per gallon you'll find it lots cheaper per mile. Red Crown signs are furnished all dealers selling this gasoline. Watch for the sign or ask our nearest agency about delivery in bulk. pH Goodcfc Garage Gasoline Headquaajrteirs FOR COOS COUMTY Central Ave -:- Marshf ield Today tho oil wells of tho Uni ted Stntes arc annually producing nearly two-thirds of tho crudo pet roleum consumed throughout tho world. Tho yield reaches tho en ormous total or about 10,000,000, 000 gallons a year with a whole sale value estimated at $500,000, 000. They havo created tho great est single fortune lu tho world, Rockefeller's. Scores of other mul tlinllllonnlrs owe their present wealth to the sticky fluid. Oil has called into exlstnuco huge webs of pipo lines, aggregating moro than 250,00 miles In length, which con vey the crudo product of tho oil wells to tho refineries whore It Is transformed into Its many forms of commerce gnsollno, nnptha, therapeutic-ointments, nnd Jellies, II lumlnnllng oils, greescs, nnd pois onous dyes. It has created grant flectB of specially designed oil carrying vessels that sail tho sovon sens distributing tho product of American oil wells to till parts of tho earth. In the guise of gnso llno It Is driving tho millions of automobiles through tho world. It supplies tho power for vessels and railroad engines. It has driven wax nud tallow candles from tho mnr kot by substituting one of Its by products, paraffin, which Is made up mutually Into .100,000,000 can dles of moro than 700 different varieties!. "W remain In tho treasury uuusod, ac cording to members of tho Water Hoard, who declaro that for a year and a half tho board has been In n position to pay Kb own interest. Tho samo report showed net earn ings for water of $1081, above tho cost of operation nnd tho payment of Interest. It will show an lncrcuse of revenues lu tho electrical department of $4891.15, aud nn Increase In the rovenue of the wnter department of $2812.35. In tho current fund of theso two departments it will show tin accumu lation of $12,179.55, or which $25, 801.07 stands to the credit or tho el ectrical department and $10,078.49 to the wnter department. ItKAD Till! ADS. Itend tho war iiowh, hut don't for get tho storo news In Tho Tlmci. Your next visit to a store should bo mado in nnswor to an ad. In to day's paper. HAND DANCK PLATFOHM Second anil .Market, Saturday night. Standard Oil Company (California) Murshfield No Need to On Electric Lighting or Gas The propl v of the United Slates will soon emerge from this present crisis .stronger in prosperity and mutual, understanding than ever before .In the midst of "war time" price advances the pa trons of the public utility companies may J'eel se cure that the important services rendered will not cost more. Electric lighting and power service, gas service street railway transportation and telephone ser vice have decreased steadily in price and advanced steadilji in value to the public during the last doz en years. , When international strife rod's the markets of the, world, these, public utilitij services remain to w in price without impairment of qualUg. Therefore, our customers do not have to worrv about curtailing the service, which we supply. They know there will be no increase in cost aiid that the service will be just as good and better than before. Our organization isat your command. Tele phone 178. Oregon Power Company TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- has been a hobby with us for a Rood many years and n lot of our ctiHtoinors will tell you when It comes to Belting koocI, Bound, durable framing nintorlal nt the rljcht prtco wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build nud tho amount you wnut to spend and wo'll not busy with our poncll nnd flmiro out the best your money can buy. Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. It MAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL HILL 1 TWO IY USING OUIt WOOD PHONIC 11)0. 1H2 SOUTH DHOADWAY Ideal Summer Trips ON LAUNCH EXPRESS Leaves Mnrshfield every week day nt 8 n. m. STEAMER RAINBOW Loaves Marshflold every Sunday at 8 a. in. nnd ovory week day at 2i p. in. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS DrltiK your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tacklo for a few days' outing. Sunday School nud nil picnic crowds n specialty. Excursion to South Coos Klvor every dny. For charter and picnic nrranKomonts, apply on board. GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that aro Right all the time, SERVICE that is satisfactory. DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner (& Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 SOUTH llHOADWAY COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue Phone 430 ANSC0 AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them DFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C.. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Hlbbons nnd carbon paper delivered! Phone us your order. Phono 44. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY 8KNQ8TAOKEN, Manager FAItM, COAL, TIMI1ER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EAST4IDB MARSIIFIELD OFFICE, PnONE X4-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PnONK 101. AVo still havo a limited supply of MASON" QT. .TARS that wo aro soiling- at 70c per dozen. A piece of aluminum ware free with every pack age of Mothers' Oats at Hoe per package. C00S BAY TEA, COFFEE & SPICE HOUSE Economize I. M. .- PHONICS 318-J AND :ill(l AND SUPPLY CO. of.5 . l)eli j.H.C -urr a M ' hone 3ij.j W.T.lH I Every "Si ani 2, 2,? J?,?L Ostlind He Com?.?! lifS.ShSfc 8 affiad k 0. Gosnev M ... "i ri-i "' rut lu I'liwiws of tl Office iW. Ml 2 If - limit t.H! 1 I? sir h W. G. ChaiulJ I Itoomi JOt'i.'nl llitil'J t Wm. S. Turptl Sim", Perl Riley Bill I'UXISI 1 1 Residence StiUl Ft::. I SEND Yd TOM WI2 FCRMal wim, iin on ml COOS Ell LAL'U riioxi: BM. YOU AUTOCJU FORf Four eood an rJ Foi djr imjl liuoco For night RI0I D.Lf New Jlodeli "HENDERSC1 alto prlic!; "ONYX" & B S.S.JENNIM LET US YOUR ABS Title & Truitt thorou&nij- r- . .11 intprelJ ' srHiMju OCKAX HE.CHJ At., V Leaves uiu'",j Empire Tar "v ESSM Sunset BW J Itcturn JW 8:!I0 A. yrVwtl Visit the Deai"-' m GOIIST K"J , iVDJ CITY awv.; A .... ..rtlcfc 0 Will go rber' , Bianco CUr !! fi.D .. rid! ,.,.1iIAm,).,XCK W'VrFOItM Second i 130 North Broadway Phono 394-J pfiS!S1 --, " .fc. A ,A zsmrm