rJi -. ! mix'-iwwa THE COOS BAY TIME8. MABSHFIELP, OREaOW, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914-EVENINS EDITION rt- - THREE llUMUIUHIWWTW kwwjw u wmwywinmij f IWWtfgf WWII WMWP' ' ! IIIIIIHlHiHII bs&e Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. WORLDS GREATEST WAR DAY BY DAY .tthr exer- Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Prancisco. HBttMnuLaal KMV I! i.iv mirco of I l"c .T- font tr acniDK pn !.00 h Auto Un L from 0 . m. I. ": . 0, rrei. for Trunks (reen any points I I, ill 1 1 ML'. eiien S'sToitAOi: ro. rnprlctor 4ll.Ii, "'" RE places IRS frk Work nt Wire BU , Mhiiarniitecu -- HC, "'""" St, 1'liuuu iDolIer Work HOTIIb. Jrotd wider In 6- rate IK..00 !i.c niul up. , players. ) P.4FP K" finable. EI&B'dw'y iMOF FIXED ITHELL xi) nti:ss- to oiti)i:it TIIIAIi TORIUM DAGOBTT 'bone 250-X. ' Raining vl 0 SERVICE m:n iiotiil eo. iti: AXV TIMK ! caiiitul la KQ PARTIES Sbeth Driver. II. IIODGI.NS INT AND CORATING CO. nrnUhed hflell, Oregon. HOTEL IMarthdeld iVExui: m.s STiu:r.T tit.M) I'rop. OOD WOODYARD Btrwt, i 370. 'GARAGE FJtle Agency IRES STORED '0ST COMPLETE SHOP Al'TOMOHlLi: Mnixo rU SALE K-;"OXB 180.J RAHtEI) avi. PQED EDQES 0- COLLARS rjen laundered rI LAUNDRY S jW Domestic 'H S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM KAN FHANCIS CO FOR COOS HAY SATURDAY, SEPTEMHER ,-. nt fl P. SI. Equipped wltli wireless and submarine bclL Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. MARSIIFIELD FOIt SAN' FHANCISCO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMHER L AT :!) A. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and COO Pifo building. Coos Bay Agent, C. P. McGeoiige, Phone 44. STEAMER HARDY SAILS FROM SAX FHANCISCO EVERY TEN lAVS NAN FHANCISCO DOCK UNION STEAMER PIER It) COOS BAY AND EUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAILS FROM ItAILItOAl) DOCK, .MAHSIIFIELD, DURING Till! MONTH OF SEITEMHER AT IlhilO P. Jl ON Til 12 UNI), 7TII, Iiri'll, 17TII, "UNI) AND U7T II. " Tlckcti on kmIc (o all Km tern H)lnti nnd Information mi lo ruatcs ml rntoH cheerfully furnished. Photm :W..T. C. II. LANDERS, Agent PASSENGERS Arrow Line Steamers -SAIL Snn FrnnclBco IMor No. a (J. Kvory Wednesdny 3 P. M. THOMAS Ocean Phono U7H. To Portland every Thursday THE FAST AND COMFOHTAIILK S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NOIITII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. McGEORGK AGKNT W. II. PAINTKR Phono U, Marahflold Phono 421, North Bend FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST nANK IN COOS COUNTF. EatAbllshed 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest PII on Time DeponIU Officers: 3. W. HPnnett, Prealdent. J. II. FlannKna, Vice-President. II. F. WillluiiiB, CIiler. Geo. F. Wiiii'limler, Asat. Oaahler. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST TS BETNG CREDITED AS OP SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Bring In Your Pass Books FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For J?ent. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING FREIGHT STORAGE FHOM- Coos Hay Kvory Friday Portland Albora Dock No. 3 Kvory Tuesday I) A. M. 4 P. M. II. .JAMES, Agent RoeK MnrslifUId. To Eureka every Monday TO THE COOS BAY TIMES HOW LONG WILL THE. STRUGGLE LAST . HOW Ioiik will the European war last? Military critics tliroiiRhout the world are (HsimisbIiik that ques tion. Lord Kltcheiuir, the Kreat nilll tnry lender of llreat Ilrltnin, says It will Inst clKhteeu nioutlm and, of fonree. thnt It will result In the defeat of Germany. The KiirIIhIi critics turn to past uan in order to Rain hoiiio menus of comparison by which the prob able length of the present struggle may be measured. The battle front on which tho (lerinan army faces that of tho nl llos Is tho lonnest ever formed since the dawn of civilization. The Ger many army upon that front Is more than twice tho size of the Japanese nrmles which confronted the Russians nt Llao-yanK and Mukden, and It Is fairly argued that because of tho masses now engaged, and tho longer front they occupy, the expected battle may well consume more than six or seven days throughout which fight ing was continued In either of those two grvat battles In Man churia. Tho .Inpaneso defeated tho litis fin us nt Llao-yang, but it took tho victorious Japanese army six nnd one-hnlf mouths to push tho retir ing Russians to Mukden, only sixty miles beyond Llao-yang. The Losses Will be Astonishing The critics point out that, liow cvet bold and skillful may bo the commanders of tho allied forces, or of tho German host. If military Mstory repents Itself, a long time must bo occupied before the com ing battle can bo stamped as de cisive for one side or tho other, because tho tusk of driving the al lied forces from their defensive po sition, if not beyond tho power of tho Germans, must occupy much t'mo nnd result In losses far be jond nny ever beforo recorded in wnr. The battle front nt Mukden, where some 700,000 men were en gaged, was sixty miles long, ami the buttle which boars the name o Mukden wns really made up of a scries of combats which extended from February -fi to March 10, whllo at Llao-yang on a front of forty miles, tho fighting continued from August -I to September ". Thus, as ono critic observes, It seems probable that tho great bat tle now seemingly beginning may renlly prove to bo n series of hut tics, any ono of which may ussumo tho proportions of tho combat nt Mukden. Tho fighting lino along t lrV Krnuco-German border today Is r0 miles long nnd tho forces locked in nwful combat on that battlo of unprecedented dimensions nro var iously estimated from two to thrco million men. Germany Needs u llaltle Mllltnry men are convinced thnt long before Germany can defeat the allies on tho French frontier tho Russians will bo swarming by tho millions across tho eastern frontier of Germany. One writer puts it in this way: "However, of ono thing wo may ho assured. The Russian attack will be huge, when It once begins. It will require a correspondingly huge defense Unless nil military opinions nro nt fault, it will de mand tho attention of tho bulk of tho Germany nrmy, which would necessarily imply the weakening of tho western ndvnnco. That Is why Germany must mnko that ndvauco count decisively without loss of time; thnt Is why sho cannot af ford n defonslvo campaign which Is nlwnys within tho resources of French strategy; thnt Is why alio must compel a great battlo within iW"liMiV JllW'r -rt"T,MlJI rt4 V V fSJv4SSJ&2y4w'XfS. 1 Hi KWW.Jf Jm V7 f k&g jTtLt' where you wS3JJ quality at the price of only medium grade. A' VilA cyAXzl Tires, Tubes JkIvo Extra Quality nt only builders ure Tire Specialists I largest lu imentw wuuic umy mca mo tutiuc. vuiuo m v- 1 day and learn why Firestone efficiency can give you Pi Most for Your Money In Firit Cost and Final Economy GOODROads Distributor for Coos n few days, or even n few hours." In view of the delay In getting through Dclgium this observer adds: "Gormnny needs a decisive bat tlo on her western front now or In the Immediate future. Inde cisive fighting prolonged over u period of two or three weeks a result that mllltnry experts do not regard ns Improbable owing to tho extent of tho lines, tho effective ness of tho nrtlllery on cither side nnd the volume of reserves avail able for re-lnforceiuents would bo only less disastrous to the German campaign than u defeat." The Ituxslun us a Fighter. Tho English military critic, writ lug lu the Manchester, England, Guniditiii, says: "Tho Russians, we are told In these days, nre slow to get Into action. It Is natural that this should be said of them now, partly because It has over been true, nnd partly because so much depends upon the lime which mny bo oc cupied by tho czar lu bringing tho weight of his striking power to bear from tho eastward upon cm battled Gormnny. "Hut this Is n good time to re call some of the striking facts that r have been recorded concerning tho nguting quality or tbe Russluii sol dier and sullor. We remember thnt the Russians lu Mniichurln were badly led at times, nnd that the war administration from St. Peters burg wns bail; but wo remember this, nlso, that the Russian soldier discharged his duty well under nil circumstances. Tho common sol dier remained nt his post until ho was told to go, although In many Instances tho carnage was fright ful beyond understanding. The Russian fleet wiih ovoriuntched; but while l( could fight, it fought. A Dying Shin (,111110 to Hie Eml "Lot us take it little evidence on tills point from the Japanese official count of tho great naval battlo at Tsushima, where tho Jap anese destroyed the Russian fleet. The account tins to do with the fato of tho Russian flagship Suvo roff. Upon thnt ship the weight of tho Japanego flro was directed from tho first, nnd when flnully alio wns 011 flro In u score of place, when exploding shells had cnused the very paint on her sides an:l superstructure to burst Into flames, tho ship, lying almost stationary in tho water, mid slowly wqrklng hor engines so ns to get on the proper courso nnd follow tho fleet, tho riagshlp still offered her bat tered sides to the enemy, firing wildly from tlioto of her guns which wore still serviceable, nnd dins! they wore few in number." Let us take from tho Japanese official account those words de scribing tho end of the Russian battleship: " 'In the dusk when our crulsors uoro driving the enemy northwards, they came upon tho Suvoroff nlono, ut some dlstnuco from tho fight, heeling over badly nnd en veloped lu flames and smoke. Tho division (Captain Lieutenant Fu (1lmoto) of tho torpedo boats, which wns with our crulsors, was nt euro sent to attack her. Al though much burned nnd still on fire although hIio had been sub jected to so many attacks, having been fired nt nil tho fleet (lu tho full sonso of the word) although she had only 0110 serviceable gun alio still opened flro, showing her determination to dofoud herself to tho last tnoinont of hor oxlstenco so long lu fact, ns alio remnliied above water. At length, about 7 p, m., after our torpedo boats had twlco nttacked her, alio wont to tho botttom.' "Does nny liinn ask for more Come to the new head quarters for Tires and Accessories cet the extra Firestone and Accessories average price because Flrcstono nnd the Firestone Factory the RUM and Curry Counties convincing tribute to the dogged courage of tho Russians, whose ad vance toward Germany Is now awaited with rucIi different feel ings by tho allies nnd by the Kaiser?" "Wide lo Enter, Narrow to (Jo Out." Mention of Jupanese commanders nnd tactics recalls a statement mndo by the Into Japanese Field Mar shal Oyniiin who, nt tho close of the Japanese-Russlnn war, was dis cussing the Gorman system of drill and fighting as compared with tho Russian system and that followed by tbe Japanese lu tho Manchurlan campaign. He snld: "We nre believed to hnvo mod eled ourselves upon Gormnny. In tho German army thero nre many things Hint are good, but our opin ion Is that however poorly you may think of the Russlnns, wo nl wnys believed that If they had been Germans wo would have beat en them lu half the time that It took us (0 defeat Russia. " Japan bent Russia lu Manchuria nnd yet It made llttlo Impression upon Russlu proper. Marvelous fighters ns (he Japanese were, It took almost the lasj ounce of their stieiigth to defeat Russia, nnd the real Russlu wns untouched mid I'lishnkeu. NAVAL HATTLE FA It OFF It May lie 11 Year, Itiltlsh Nnvnl Expert Says. LONDON, Sept. 3. The Loudon Times' naval export writes: "Tho people should understand thnt It mny ho a year or moro be fore they hoar of a declslvo occur rence at sea. What happened ono hundred yours ago mny hnppcn again. "Wo mny yet seo enenmpod on the opposite side of the channel a forco awaiting to Invade us. Almost every Invention or the Inst hundred yenrs that can he applied to the purposes or warfare Is to tho nil ventage of the fleets. "The wireless has given us a menus of rapid communication of Immeasurable benefit. Our ships 1 :.n move speedily Independent of wind or weather." Tho Gorman fleet Is reported to hnvo token refuge Inside or the Kiel Canal mid lu tho estuary of the Elbe River, protected by the gteat guns of Heligoland. - Tho Geriiinii const is being protected by dcstioyer torpedo boats and light I rufi cruisers nnd so far the llrlt Ish licet has been unablo to draw nny or them out within battlo dlstnuco. News ngency dlspntches from .Stockholm Hay that German and Russian warships are reported to have clnshed In the llaltle near tho Gulf or Finland. The official bu reau has no confirmation of tho report. lilHTISII CAPTURE APIA. Gorman Seaport In Saiiiouu IslamM SurrcmlcrH. LONDON, Sept. 2. Tho ofMclnl In foriuntlon bureau announces Hint Apia, a seaport of Upolu, Samonn Is lands, and capital or tho Geiinan pnrt or the group, aurieudored on tho morning or August 21) to n llrltlsh forco from New Zealand. When Japan entered tho European conflict by her declaration or war on Germany nnd before her explicit de claration that her operations would bo confined to the China Sen, the appreliouslon Dial alio might seize German Samoa nnd thus gain a foot hold between Hawaii nnd hor own const, guvo rise to much speculation respecting Washington's attitude lu such an eventuality. ASK WILSON TO -NAME DAV TO PIIAV FOR WORLD PEACE CHICAGO, Sept. :i. A niessngo has been sent to President Wilson litter n pence conforouco of minis ters nnd laymen or all denomina tions held In tho Hotel LaSallo, re questing him to uanio two dnya Saturday and Sunday for dnya of prayor for poaco throughout tho world. "Woodrow Wilson, President of tho United States. "RopresontatlvoH or religious bu'lea lu Chicago or ovory ralth and creed uiinnlmously Indorse nnd approve tho request mndo by tho Fuleral Council or tho Churches or Christ In America thnt you ap point two days, Saturday nnd Sun day, respectively, upon which tho American people mny unite In prnyrrb ror world ponco. "Ilisnop Samuel Fallows, chair man "The Rov. W. II. Millard, Sec- J ictary."' NO AFFAIR OF AMERICA'S. COPENHAGEN, Sept. 3. Honry White, formerly Aniorlcnn ambassa dor at Paris, has made a formal de ulnl that ho had said that Germany was not to blame for the wnr. This alleged statement has been widely circulated on the continent. Mr. Whltosald: "It Is tho duty or every Aniorlcnn to bo neutral In word ns well ns In deed, No such statement was made 'by mo. I meroly commented upon tho exeollont troatinont given Ameri cana by Germana. This Iiuh been tint formly good, though ssvernl Ameri cans did run Into trouble What tho opiibo or this was I do not know, "I wish to lay emphasis upon tho necessity ror a noutral bearing on tho pnrt or Americans. This war Is not their business nnd they should keep out or It." HAND DANCE PLATFORM Second nnd Market, Saturday night. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pftclfl Livery and Transrer Compuuy. DR. n. E. KELTY, DENTIST. Phone 112-J, Room 204, Coko Bldg, H ! I BHBiB usxs I8Q2&HH