The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 03, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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' Hi
' r
8 .1 11 ) hA Y I llViElO
kkSv -sm-kSS;
i 'uiucv,.-,
Entered nt the Postorflco nt Marsh- W,P, 8 connected closely with Del
field, Oregon, for transmission sluln A'ustiia-Hungary and Servla
through the malls ns second-class nino 0 (0tachcd possessions.
ranll matter. I Never In the history of the world
- -
An Independent Republican now--
per published every evening excovt
Sunday, and Weekly by
STlie Coos nay Times imihiisiiiiik w.
... ,, ...., M,n
Dedicated to the orvlco of tho
people, thnt no good causo shall
pcopio, mat no guou cuuo
lack a champion, and that evil shall
cot thrive unopposed.
no year
32.50 ror six mouths.
Per month
, nn
Dnn vonr 81.50
Wh n paid strictly In advance,
tho Subscription prlco of tho Coos
Bay Times Is $5.00 per year or
- " ' cans may well rejoice at, never lie- j-!" "" ,!..., r . . ,- The Times says:
Address all communications to roro , 'tho Hnfety m, serenity of forenco held between the InlereBtcd l"hKl ?ntorlnl to be used In
COOS 1IAV 11A1I.V TIMK8 'their national life. Their pride In nX?'c&tMto Port Knstern i'and ShowTrallU lok-
' . their country should bum with a -c rinh the co J c , . ion Rnllway Ticket Office
AKltAU) OF T1IK TltUTII. Igl'ter flame than ever In the past , In '-...Xmcnt wllflic ?hffi Windows, etc.. may be shipped at
iThclr loyalty and devotion should n,1, oincr equipment win no snipped ., . ,. ff itiiiiriimi
T IS difficult to get war news. Tho '" Intensified In like degree by their Z?JTkXnX w 1!!!,. ' "m. companies will handle these ahlp
.J n irn Biicndlni! new understanding of the Immeas- arrive at Su herlln by Monday ' f f f ,,, , , ,vt',
tZ SfSrs everyday 1. urablo blessings of American c.t.zen-j n recoa ' the ef for so ffa? ..dlng' you or
Jdltlon to Its regular expenses to hll. "" T ' 'Sn,,nn ' ' " this purpose. So tint we may glvo
1lnd out what the armies are doing,
lut they enn make no discoveries. The
world Is learning how censorships enn
bo maintained by czars, emperors and
nionnrclis. So far as war Is con
cerned these despots might as well
top the newspapers. Tho war lords
...... i ..i.ltll.illf nMim tnnu
itat tho verdict uould he If the
win go over uto rieuis i"i nie purp',e
of counting tho dead. The whoe hor-
rifylng truth of bloodv wur will be
laid bare nnd will call for the con-
Bntlons of the enrth knew or tne inur-1 """ "'?"" .;;."" "v. ;"'" "" .'" v. ""-' " mg. me nenns 01 grains siioiiki
dSri? l,M?iilngS otitrnBca thn Coos ay & Kastern ,, .,.,, , inpcr nftcr wIrU
tnklna nliice In the nbsence of news century peasants. And when It Is a 1 Railroad will be constructed for he thc wholo specimen should bo care-
tho mil lie can very well Imagine tho ovf those who are left will go back purpose of tapping the vnHt timber ruI,y wrapped, drains too tightly
brutalities thnt arc happening. If to their fields. resource of Douglas county, the llett (.Hicelnlly next to tho heads,
the war lords would permit the truth , Dnt Germany. Prance. Knglnnd, owners of the rond nre said to be ,.., and brenks the strawB and
.. i. i,,,,...., nil. ivmii.i !.. n uhnit'Diirtlcularly England and Oermnny. making a thorough Investigation of londers them worthless for exhibit
vnr -There would ben general iHi.'TO'rowlllthcytiiriiwIieiillicnillllnn the route with n view of extending purposes. Vegetables should not
-man revolt Kven the uncivilized dead are shoveled under bloody soil? the line east to noise at some (Into In w packed In the same box with
tribes would be heard from. lint the I"'!, n'' 'ortn1- ' Unltintry , the near future. j.,,,b.
war lords nie only posipoiiing the evil niay be still standing: but where will, u has been uiinounced at Sutherlln -'e nhnll be glad to forwnrd
Aav. Tim iiPWHiinnprs. niiienzliiPM nnd credit be found? And what will the thnt II. D. Haley, of the Lumbermen's ether detailed Information of this
books will finally tell It all. Men millions or starving rnctory hands bo KnBneerlng Company, of Portland, rhnracter upon request.
... .. ..' . . ... iliiltii?? llnimv lint lliinolnn nniiMnnt, .... i.. .... o,.,i,u.. ,,. i..,.oj. ' i.. ,..,... 1.1 i.
dcmnntlon of all loving mothers and "'JF; v,t." n,'.,or tn,nB8 of 0,,lL,r 'ln,l?' proposed road will traverse. It Is tho It Is correctly consigned to the Oiv
fnthers on tho globe. The present will He In ruins. presont plan of tho ninnagement of gon Slate Immigration Commission
censorship Is n disgrace not only to Armaments have broken tho back 'the road, so It Is said, to construct "Request more tags If necessary
usslnii empire about eight million
ii.nn4i I ivl,,
. ..mi in. .Mm winnri .
1. "" .,.'." e F.'"1"",1. I8'
x hundred
or colonic
olds about four million thrco hun
red th
niiuniiM Riiimrp iniios Tim
"onipl o and" Us A ,nn ad
nniiPfiKlniin limln.l.. ...nrn
iiiii nun niiiiniii ! ii i
ceanic posessinus luclmle more
nn ono million two hundred thous-
id squnro miles Tho Congo Free
inro miles to the area lnvolvod
tho struggle. Austria Hungary
I'crs about two hundred and sixty
lusand square miles. Servla with
recent nccrotloiiB of territory.
it niiout twenty-five thousand
Iiaro miles. Montenegro Is ex-
Imoly small. I
riio total of thoo warring conn-'
.a Innlilfl lii ...if.... Ina n.i.l
., ...v........r, ...... ......iiiun nun
endoncles Is more than 27 1-2
lion squnro miles, or a full half ,
tho lnnd Hiirfnce or the globe. '
udlng rivo million Hqunre miles
mlnhnbltablo wastes. In the pour,
I'ho proportion or tho population
mo enrtn involved more or less
ctly in the tremendous struggle
ng In Kurope Is equally great,
0 than hair the people or tho
ro globe live under tho flags
tho helllgorent powers. t
ho Urltlsh oiuplro alone contains
in.,.V.," .'."""."". UV"K8'J.' wm,m
million live in India. 'I ho popu-
n,i'r tbe Russian oniplre Is at
. ii., iiiiuiuii. 1 niii.u. nun ,ivv
leiy popiiuiieu poxsessious 111 niuo
n bus mnro than '.' million sub
Ciermniiy. with Its Australian
bhIoiih contributes ubout 82 mil-
to tho war's total. Holland
Itho Dutch ponsesslous, chiefly In
liMtBt T'idli's. contain oer forty
million iiihabltiiuts. Helghim
the Congo State counts for
tv eignt million more. Tho po
tion of Austria Hungary exceeds
I two million. Little Sorvin lias
tour million inhabitants. 1
Ie number of iuimnn beings llv
n tho globe is about ono bll-
C20 million. More than hnlf
this enormous multitude nre
let to the powers Involved 111
ritniilc ICtiiopeau struggle. I
need linrdlj be said that the
11 flghtlnx strength of Furo-
I powers with vast colonies nnd
lit dependencies Is quite differ-
rom the figures which mensuro
Itopiilatlon of their posesslous. I
lirltlsh ompiro with i;!5 million
Is, contntus only n fraction of
tunl fiuhtlnic Htronirtli nf Knrn. '
Ibhiod who can be counted up-
uiti i-.tigintui in ner prosent
of need. India will prove not
3f no service, but will detain
oly sevonty flvo thousand or
kst troops or tho Rrltlsh army
iivent Intornal revolt, Canada, '
cilia, New Zealand and, to some
tho Union of South Africa,
?o or real asslstauco to tho
country. 1
JAlgorla, Franco has perhaps
U dMiiAP ,. i: y..n.; ininr- ?" civil zim ion stops, numniiity liB. Tlmlicr comimny nre to the effect that
Jlltf I estlng bit of statistics 'printed "Xmemher this too '" A nonTt ho U,cy ,1?? eno,",h ,,lm',,?r ni?K, ,h0 I A HT
OIH in tho Times Saturday that voiini UUfllul
IKilhcr Vnnlvsls ,haps millions, are tho vory flour of.
Ml Tho land surface of tho earth is ffin "TIIAXK J()I." SAI1 K.MPRKSS. !
.(H.bout thirty five million square ""' I
? IninrnH hv iL rini. f ii. nn '0n18 "asomonts for the worst of' DURIJN (via Copenhagen and
fnn- -ni iiu-nl" ""'.humnu pains and solutions ror tho London) Sept. 3. Empress Augusta
Tho IlrttlSh V... 10 ....iitnliis about wor"' of ,,ocln, ""Kors. Wo shall, Victoria learned of the Gorninn cap-
Tho llrltU h lonii ( e on ta s ni,ou ,lnt , , common turo or Nniniir by accident while
I i-J minion winnie miles; tho .i, ,,. ,...,, .,... ... ,,.i,i,, ,.i i, q, ,,.no i.mnt v
U(U IO IlllllllllJ II IM'IKIllII IIUIII'II- . .. i-i . .. ... . .. .
A la frHttll. .. 1)1. .In .!.,,... OWMh". llWIIIfl lllilt 17111 1IB III
tnev niul with tlm Pnncn ?ti "''' heir-piesorvaiion may cni us ASeectNon.SecUiinBotdn2ndDy School """" """" ' l" "' ' ' ."
Sun con ol nore ban nl 0 lm" ,l10 Blaughterhouse: hut let us for DoMiCDI.dpllnciSll 0..1.0 ;;.. ."'t j fV. '
mdred tho usaiid iui ro 11 es It pnr on our 8,ftpveH th crol' of Teuhtii. C.teful lupemiion teeuie. iciulu thu ""S, ,,"? V,a,?ln10 . Gardner.
SfSrjsr?a r'VrSiS1 tvv"r.o,itE is Vniith'- t& ofr "oniriii a a ff .,fs"is
itch colonics will bo drawn Into ,;;.,,'.:,.,..,',, , HirihC 0,,r 'PORTLANDi OREGON , ' i,oforo .i10 40,1. vionni on.
a war bv tlm Cnnnnn invnHlnn nneniy without n hiccough or a curse. urc3S ooiore 1110 4in niionni en-
r . V. . if .... 1 ... .. Never shall wo know inrnln whnt i cnnipiiient or that organ zat on hero
Dutch territory. Tin will add ' "ur ", " K"V "muii wnat is pwniTRTTPAV 'PTPK'WP rpcontiv
,,u. ..ii.i 1... ...1 ,i......i now perish ng. And wo sha want U VjI J UIjI t AJN LLUlViliX recenti.
twr million subjects who will bo of l
milium - vnluo In bnttlliiK for the
riT ssrs;;LLl bun I nAu I
was any such porportlon of Its stir
rare In nny sense or degree Involved
i 0no gigantic struggle for supre-
"nincy. Never before were half of
the innnuitants or tins name scar-,
red globe concerned In war
on Qio r0llllll!nt or by thc
fought ,
powers I
seated there
'cnrHB no prercd
ent of such n
. ...v.u . .. ,.. v-. w..-
conflict as Is now raging. Its con-
.sequences, for that reason, cannot ,
be foreseen or foretold. Its ties-
mictions in iiiiimtn mu ni iuuuu-
mictions or numnn lire win prooa-
lily be beyond comparison with the
lilnml nal tt'nfu Mint llflVit Plinnlfpfl '
ItlMrwl tnal
wars tnat nave cneciteu
progress of the huninn rnce.
The loss of property will set back
foremost Industrial and commer-1
cai nations of Europe for many
years, perhaps for a generation.
jn tho face of such facts, Amorl
RUSSIA calls a million sixteenth suiiscquent construction worn menus Pjm Imu,y oholce specimens f re
century peasants from the fields that hundreds of thousands of dol- (n!e,Jtjy rcnch hero rendered vnlu
nil. I nnrninnv mnu'i Hiomi ilnu'li : Inru will 1 to annul 111 Silt lipl'llll nlld . .... . ... .,
Another million take their
...... " j .....D ,...... .............. "- "i"-- - --
iinniii nirriiii i mir linn iniiiinii .11111 i n nun i iiii tit-df i-ii w i-ii ii'in 111 i iim . . . a. ...... . .
" ... , : . , , . ; i
who wll go back to lis sixteenth con-
'''O - nn Ills fli'bl. telling the time by,
tlu' ""n.8 snndow. Industry In hur-,
ui iik iiimuh! . linn nui nil: inn in
the laborer all things fall, nil things
I Come to Cnrtll. HccailSe of the War
Jon)H' nntl only because of the war
,iwiu. i i II41H ui pi-ii-iitu in jiiiiiiijtuii,
those splendid burning spirits reach-
I,,K out enlighten our darkness,
Our fathers destroyed those strange
ulul vn'"niiio creatures whom they
S'rt'aS"" ,Von "?. ,,e8,r0-n8
'ho. brightest Of Otir nilgels.
.. -
At leas; then, let us not get drunk.
At least, then, let us not sing boast-
"U 0"1, trc"Btli for tomorrow.
' '" '''"" l""il'A1'
i.u.mju. hopt. .1. Tho protests
"J nnusn nowspnpers against tho
ceiihorsuip winch keeps tho country In
uttor darkness regarding tho military
operations received attention at Pre
llllpr AenlllHl'a lintltlu t.inlfvli,
-. " "" v" .
Replying to a suggestion by Jnmes
Hosge. M. P.. ror IMInburgh, In the
or Commons, thnt n trained '
i'aidiu lu. tie nmiii UL'aiiuv uiiurir ,it..i,...h 11 .b... w..v ....u m.v....j
fill o.tuva llAM,kH .!,... All ..- A
Journalist could be put In chnrgo ot' Harris, ThoillllS eBl'ide,
tho censors 1 p. the prem or said: fTi i u ni i
"The goTernmeut nnd military nu-'IIOIU'V L. IBeilSOll ChlU'jLpS
thorltlos recognize to tho full tho
strain which Is placed upon the pub-
lie. but more ospoclnllv on the rein-
tlves or those In actlvo service, bv
tho jicurclty or Information from the
fiont and they will do all In their
power to relieve tho strain. The prln-
dpio 011 which Information Is given
,0 the public Is that all Information
W!.i,.i, ,.an iw ulvon witliom nrniiuiino
m the public Interests shall be given
nin.N and nt once
L'o. This hns been niul
wim 1.., ,nue
A sociological drama of unusu
al! power. In two parts.
ITl'DIC -A 'thiilllng Hlograph
FAMILY A fine Sellg com
An uffulr of dress, tho ladles
will enjoy this.
j pr finilTriBriT
II I llIIKI I llfi!1 I
TvupntV-Piflllt Milne nf LOCI-
'WUIiyuyill IVIIIW UI uuy
fjing Roatl 10 l)Q Bllllt EX-
ipnri fn Princ. RflV niPf
itoSKDl'na. Or., Sept. 3. That
work on the first 2S miles of the
Himiorim. i nn hiiv a; ijurii'III nun-
.......... . .. rt ... . ..-I,
., ,,i ,.." t.,in.. ,.-nD n.r.
nformnt,m brought' to Rosoburg by
CoMtuV Commissioner Harry Pink-
. nnifimwi
. nnWinnil
TI .,..., ,- pnimtriirtlni? tho
"- T . - ....... r-,
road, which will tap some or the
richest timber sections In Douglas
nmitttv nu-nnimi Mmwinv ovo.
nin. i.'r Mm tinnrh Timiinr miiitinnv
to tho .McAllister Construction Com-
pnny of Portland. The construction
c. .i i t i . .- i i i i ...i
Sutherland band paraded the bus!-
ness a roots when t became known
that he contract had been signed.
The signing of this contract niul the
ma... ..... ... Mn.nn.t,n.l n ll nl- OVLIt'KHJ .lllllllllllll ... tl lUVIUI IV
pince.;vieiniiy during ine no.Ni iuw muni ip.
i n'c"- """"''"" '" """
Knt0 tllp xorth I'mpqua River canyon
an, pass. In the vicinity of ninmond
,nCi and other territory which the
tnC line through central Oregon aim
on ,0 )0BC.. Tho road will also bo
.wln..,lml u0tvnn1 l. Mnmliflnlil.
which hns a deep water harbor.
presont estimates or the lloacli
moved and exclaimed: "Thank Ood,
we mny all bo content! I have three
of my sons with the army."
For U. S. Senator
I?. A. Booth.
For Congress
AV. 0. Ilawloy
For Governor
.Tames Withycombe
"l"l.J I, llllivuiliui.
For Jimtico of tho Sunremo Court
., , 13 T ..
JifUf.v j. iji-uh, jjiiium;u
L. LeNnry.
For Attorney General
(Jeoi'ge M. Brown.
For Supt. of J'ubllc Instruction
J. A. Churchill
For Stnto Engineer
John M. Lewis.
For Commissioner of Labor
0. P. llot'f.
For Railroad Commissioner
Frank iJ. Miller
For Supt. Wnter Dlv. No. 1.
James T. Chinnock.
For Representative Oth Dlst.
Charles K. Barrow
For Representative 6th Dlst.
S. P. Peirce
For County Judge.
James "Watson
For Shorlff
Alfred Johnson, Jr.
For County Clerk.
Kobt. B. AVatson
For County Treasurer
T. M. Dimmick
For County Surveyor,
C. S. aioCulloeh
For County Coroner
F. 13. Wilson
For County Commissioner
Geo. J. Armstrong.
For Commissioner Port of Coos Day
A. II. Powers,' Anson Rogers
, Tr 'c 1. 1
and IleiU'y Sengstackeu
Publlshod uftder the authority and
by the order of the Coos County Re-
publican Central Committee.
vuum.uu ,p. , Vj
1 .. ..... .
I rlf I R I n Tfl Tfin
TAiilu io run
ouua uuuiuy nua uiiuiiui. iui
Some Fine Advertising
Without Expense
Secretary Motley, of tho Cham-
her of Commerce, received cards
- c....... rlt.t n. ..F Hm
iruin eui-iuhiij vhiiimhuii, ui im--
fii-pinm t)nvnlnmiii:it Loamm todnv
for sending products to Portland
from where they will be sent to
, Eastern in ml shows h'ncu exuiuit
will be marked with tho growers'
"."o nil nw mm uiu i
from which it comes. 1 here will
. .1 .1 .... ....! t.. ....... !..
lie no expense ror transporting tnom
"tul Secretnry Motley Is In hope:i
of sending a number from here ns It
"'' "o n ime mui uK n-.uimi.
proper ereiiu to me grower nun
i011 ,,., ,t , imperative that one
of , inrefully filled out.
, nUnphcd t0 cnch B1,CcImon.
Packing must be done with great
it'ss on nrrouiii 01 uiuuiikc reruivvu
,0Bt nrRCy ,iuo ,0 careless pad
bi" i iiitibihiiiih ur i-hu m.i-
tvrlnl being offered ror shlpmoiit.
the agent hns nuthorlty to send
su nc forward ns baggage, providing
nun Kintiiy send cnoieo specimens
lot-wan! Immediately. All possible
unillt will ln ulvnn In oiinli Knm
to the grower and cominunl'y.
Commander Gardiner, of 6. A.
R. Makes Plea Many Vets
Died During Year
Wr Am'ii1 Prt to Coot n7 TIium.1
DKTItOIT. Mich.. Sept. It. -A plea
for the perpotuatlon of "luo Star
Unniirrlml I1nittni n u lm A
He urged the old soldiers to Join
In u movement to pay special honor!
to tins song, and to discountenance
tho practice of playing It In medley
with such "flippant and compara
tively iiiennlngless ditties" ns "Yan
kee Doodle," and "When Johnnie
Comes Marching Homo." Ho said
there was something Inspiring In an
nuuieuce rising ami standing tin-1
............. 1 ... .!. ... !,.. I ... i -.
"u'iV'..,,l: """" JUOUH B,r' "B ol
.V . l . "J "l"non,'1 im " wns
"h" '"-. m'""k -" ""
gHko i s
f n '
nimlley w
sonio other national nlrj
tl'ltfl tltlo mill i"k 1-tlmnxaiA I
tho riuulcnco teauiuo slttliiK nn'nn
!.. . in uunut iu
Irregular, half-ashamed mnnner." It
wore better not to rise nt all when
the Natlonnl hymn is played In med
, Joy, ho said.
j A recommendation that perma
nent headquarters ror tho G. A. R.
1 bo established In Washington was
another point or his address. Chi
cago niul Philadelphia had been
proposed, but ho preforred the Nat
ional capital, and thought that If
possible, the necessary space should
bo secured In n government build
ing where tho officers could keep
I closely In touch with mntters beroro
I Congress, which arfected tho Grand
I Army.
He urged that no change ho mnde
In the method of management or
the soldiers' homes which are scat
tered throughout tho I'nited States.
I Concerning the matter, ho said;
"Not a single complaint hns come
I to tho knowledge of tho commander-
1 In-chief from nny member of any
home dining this administrative
year. It la known that an efrort is
being mndo to plnco these homes,
nun miner 1110 uuru uiui supervis
ion of our comrades, subject to tho
approval of the War Department,
Into the custody of men who never
saw military service In actual war
and whose sympathies are not so
likely to be directed townrd our
comrades In their declining years.
This seems to bo a case where the
old rule, 'Let well enough alone,'
will apply. This encampment, in
my Judgment, should say to Con
gress that the Grand Armv nf Mm
'Republic Is decidedly against the
proposed change."
f Th,? lue30,u menb?rship1 in good
standing, was reported us 171,335.
During the year the roll was cur-
tailed by the death of 11,187 old
soldiers, but notwithstanding this
large figure, It is 151 less than
dlea the preceedlng year.
Big Musical Entertainment Ar
panged for Tuesday Evening
Sept. 15, at Masonic
It Is announced that another big
benefit concert for the boosting trip
of tho Coos liny Concert Hand to the
Oregon Stnte Knlr at Salem and to
other points will be given Tuesday
evening. September lfi. at the Mnson
Ir Opera House. It will bo under the
direction of the special committee,
consisting or Messrs. Kaufman, (
Graves and McKeowli.
The bnud wll be assisted by prom
ncut Coos Hay talent mid tho concert
promises to be one of the best ever
heard hero. The band will render
a number or selections which It has
been rehearsing ror the Stnte Fair
concerts. f
tickets will soon be placed on
sale and the price will be only seven-'
ty-flvo cents. Malinger Wilson ,who
If assisting the committee, is hope
ful thnt the bnnd will he greeted by.
one r tho largest audiences ever as
sembled In Marshfleld.
Walter Morgan Fined for
Beating Old Minep Erwln
Skipped Country
Walter Morgan, recently from
Dniidon. was fined In police court to
day for fighting on the street. The
officers charged him with beating up
nn old miner who l.ud been drinking
too freely and was told to leave the
lllaiico cafe. The trouble occurred
about -' o'clock this morning.
Clnreuce lllrd. .1. Koeler nnd Lloyd
Apps weie three others arrested last
night for drunkenness.
Knvln Is .Missing,
Constable Cox has been unable to
locale A. C. Krwjif, who Is charged
with beating several board bills. ICr
wlu was at North Mend the day before
yesterduy, but apparently skipped the
Corps Selwtiil for ScIiihiIm Tlieit? for
the .Vi't Venr.
The corps or teachers ror the Han
don schools Is now complete nnd
many or the Instructors nre already
hero. Tho school year will open in
niindon on Monday Soptembcr 1-tth.
Following Is n list or the teachers
nnd the grades they will have charge
High School. Sunt., Pror. II. L.
Hopkins; piluclpnl, Miss ICIIzaboth J.
Rodgers; Miss Helen Abbott; J. O.
Krvln or Philomath. Fnlverslty; II. w
Qulglcy of l of 0.; Miss Noren
I, oro.
(Smiles. Klghth grade principal, was arrested In tho city today, has
T. S. Van Vleet, or Sprlngrield, Or.:!been prominent In the affairs of
seventh grade, Miss Helloni nnd Miss tho new union. McLain and Mans
the llandon Furniture company. Miss wero armed when nrrested.
Rno and Miss McKay: fifth grade? Arrest .More I. W. .
Miss Hlckey and Miss Kllnkenbeard; McClaln had u letter addressed
fourth grade, Mrs. TecOurden; third to McDonald from the Couera
grnde. Mrs. Coryell; second grade. Aleno mine, advising him to go
Miss W'lron and Miss Wllklns; first strong nnd blow up n fow buildings,
grade. Mrs. Van Vleot. McDonald hns eluded capture, but
KnBt Side niilldlng. Principal, I Major Donohue expects his arrest
Miss Wnlkor; third grade. Miss Land-.momentarily. A man was nrresua
rlth: second grade. Miss Primer; first today, four were arrested last nigni
grade. Mrs. Simmons.
Mrs. Ellen Goodman nnd throe
children, of Marshfleld, passed
through here this morning en route
home, after several months spent
nt their formor homo In Norway.
Mrs. Goodman told home thrilling
experiences sho had on tho way
across the ocean1, as a result of tho
war. , Sho lamlftl first, nj. Glasgow, ,
where, because nil tho available
ships had been put to wnr uses she.
had to wait for weeks. Sho was
vefy glad to arrive safely in Ore-
iron. Rosehur" Review.
titdk an -j--rjrmgsm
IO cents
If your dtaUr can' t tapply yoa,
ttnd lOe for on packagt or
91.00 for a carton ofttn pack.
agti 200 citantttt), potlagt
prtpaiJ. Afttr tmoking 1
packat: if ou don't find
CAMELS at rprfn(( r.
tarn tht othtr 9 packagtt.anJ
ui mill ffand your muii,
inr a.,ui,i rr. I0 Co n
Chicago. I; Washlnon 4 .
Innings. Called to p,.rn,,: :T
to take train. ll ChtM
Detroit. 0; tcw Yi)rk r.
St. Louis, d; lloston,' C'
St. l.ouls. :ij ihiston. 7 q
Innings, cnlled on account of h.1
ness. u"t.
NATIONAL Li:.(il'i:
Chicago. !l: Clnidnnntl, 4
ttsburg. 4; St. .()119,
Pittsburg. 1; St. l.ouls. 1. KetM
Innings, called on account 0f i?
Doston. 7; Philadelphia, r.
Dostoii 12. Philadelphia.' 3!'
Now ork, L'; llrooklyn, 3.
northwi;sti:rx i.ijaouk
linllnrd, 3; Seattle, 8.
Vlctorln, 10: Spokane. 2
Tncoma 2; Vancouver 3. '
Portland "' "' E
Sacramento o j
Krause and Klslier, Stroud nnd
. . . It- II. E.
Los Angeles c 13 0
Snn Francisco 1 9 3
Hughes, Love and llrooks. lbum
and Schmidt. '
Oakland 3 7 1
Venice 4 10 2
Oeyer nnd Mltze, darkness, Koo
nor nnd McLtilit.
Dr. .1. L, Mnssoii. grnduate of tho
San Francisco Veterlnnry Callcgo,
nnd the only licensed veterinary In
Coos county, will bo In MnrslifloU
Saturday. September fi. a the Chand
ler Hotel All Interested In horse
nre Invited to call.
Militia in Montana Town Act
ive in Keeping City Quiet
Under Martial Law '
inr amm iiteJ rr 10 com nr TinM.i
I1UTTK. Mont.. Sept. 3. Thrco
Importunt arrests wcro made today
i,v the Montana mllltln which has
1 Hutte under martial law. Alexan
der McClaln. known ns Mucklo
McDonald's body guard, and Kd
ward Kvnns, wero arrested on their
way to tho supposed hiding ptac
or.0r McDonald, president or tho new
I minors' union. Joe Shannon, who
and seven Industrial Workers of
Hip World were nrrested early to
dnj nnd will bo tried by the mill
taiy authorities.
Edward Haines was fatally hurt
In n runaway ace dent on tne
IIURhe.' ranch? south of Wedderburn
"" VJ?" '""" ':amV,y and taken
to llandon tho same -
o TL .ever" tho "t nothing
Jrie3 ,wor 8 nB ,er,f0 passed away
could Jb fonj and heasd
i nursuuy. umiuui.
last Wodnesaay. no "."""--
Don't Look
THE cost of thfi
choice Turkish
and domestic tobaccos
In Camel Cigarettes
prohibits the use of
premiums or coupons.
Here's a cigarette of
exquisite flavor that
doesn't leave that
cigaretty taste and
simply can't bite your
tongue nor parch your
throat. Isn't that just
what you're after?
Sold all along the
line, 20 for 10c.
Wimllsn.&llca. N. C
- -
- n'trrri'vvvmr-' ' r t