.KKMPWPiWHWPWW nn THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1914 EVENING EDITION. H'.r- Five r 7 'i,'l M.M.'.'1 "I MA t IV In. . 1 M.i,1 ' "Ml What You Cannot See u I- niv many things about or overcoat that vou FinJlI a suit -annot sou their prusoneo r nbsi'iHT is only manifest after oim wear. Those things you assume to he in vmir clothes if you buy them of a reputable house. Vou are safe in dealing with a Finn that has a reputation for Quality .Merchandise, for such a reputation takes a long time to build and is a very precious asset anil, like most precious things, is casilv destroyed. We have spent years of time and thousands of dollars in building our business reputation as Value Clivers in Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods. And because we know that the slightest misstatement would bring that reputation down like u house of cards, you may rest assured that when wc say our Hart, Sehaffner & Marx Clothes, our Hats, our Haberdashery offer the greatest values in Coos County, at their prices, we say it advisedly and only after careful investigation. So if you want the best clothes your money can buy at $125, or $1S or any other price up to $-10 or if value in Hats or Furnishings means anything to you, come to the Woolen Mill Store. Clothes purchased here will he kept pressed free of charie. Woolen Mill Store BREVITIES tides ron shptemder Ik-low Is given tho time nnd height of high nnd low water at Marshfleld. The tides tire placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times ou the first line nnd heights on the second line of ench day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dlcnte whether It Is high or low water. For high wnter on the bar BCbtrnct two hours 34 minutes. Two ArrcvN. Oho Anderson nnd Aug Hansen, nrested by Officers Pouue mid Shoupe Inst night for being drunk nnd fighting, wore fined enili iodn. N Infilled. Parties In front Ten Mile todn repmt that Don Short, former!) of Marshfleld, sustained n broki-n'leg In a fracas there the other night. Some Italians were nlso In-' Jured. Mrs, . 0.38 7.12 1.52 7 " Ft...5.S 0.2 5.1 1.8 Hra.. 1.2C 7.52 2.25 8.04 Ft... 5.8 0.1 G.3 1.4 - TWO STOR13S- ilarshficld North Bend I WEATHER FORECAST Dr AtiocliteJ rrM la Coo tUf Time.) I OREGON Fair tonight nnd I Thursdny; cooler In Interior of I southwest; westerly winds. I local 'riiMi'HiiATiriti.' RECORD. For the 24 hours ending at 4: 4:i u. in.. Sept. 2, by D011J. U8tllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum C2 .Minimum 50 At 4:43 n. in 51 Precipitation 00 Wind: northwest, cloudy. Xt'M Clerk. Adolph llyer, former ly at The Chandler, has returned from S.ui Francisco to become night clerk, Mr. Welch becoming duy clerk during the absence of Clins. Van Duyn. Sctlkw Cum-. Cnpt. C. E. Edwards today started suit against 1). L. Foote for $70 alleged to be due him. The case was settled out of court about an hour after the suit was filed with Justice Pennock. For Kanch Home. E. Sehlef fclu Is erecting a fine ranch, home ou his place at I lay ties Inlet. entry .Meeting. There will bo a meeting of the Vestry of the Epis copal U'l.urcli tomorrow evening at 7:30. Elect lloii-c A. W. Storn. who recently bought some lota In Perhnni Park near Eleventh nnd Commercial, Is arranging to erect a homo there. (Si-U Itonil Contract. N. Moon litis gone to Cherry Creek near MeKlnley. where he has a contract for grading two nines or road ror the county. Choir Itchcm'oiil. The iduilr ri. hearsnl of the Episcopal Church will be held at 7:30 tomorrow evening 1 1 uursuuyj instead of tonight. IS11II1U Home. C. IJ. Dnnlelson, who recently bought considerable logged-off laud near Coos City, Is nr ranging to erect a six-room home (hero. Lively Times. L. T. Matthews re turned today from South Inlet and reports things very lively there. The game warden wns Becking gnme law violators, a tie-maker's wife was re ported to havo attempted suicide while suffering from temporary men tal aberration nnd two ranchers had a hard fight over a dog. Fine Dog. An Irish Better which Dr. Ulx hns had at Portland to get trained hns been entered In the Port land dog bIlow. The Portland Sunday Journal had a picture of him as 0110 or the beat entries. Harry McICeown had a mate to Dr. Dlx's dog, but It died recently of lock-Jaw, whllo Dr. Dlx's canine recovered. Come to Us We will gladly help you figure out your builder's hardware ami innterlnl. All the details of your plumbing and heating will have our best attention. Schroeder & Hildenbrand See us. Estimates furnished HARDWARE AND PLl'MRING. .Il'DUE JOHN F. HAM, went to Co uulllo today to attend n nionthl) meeting of the county commissioners. I). I. FOOTE came in from Allegany last evening and reports that the road from Allegany to Scottsburg Is in good shape. W. S. CHANDLER wns down from his South Coos Itlver home today. He Is having the bungalow raised and a concrete foundation put un der It. MRS. F. II. CLARKE nnd children, who have been camping oil South Coos Itlver during the uunimor, ex pect to return hero In a couple of days. Delay Owning Mill. Mr. Houck, who with Mr. SninuolB tuul others, put chased the old Courtney mill on I nth in 11 a Inlet, has stated that the opening of It will bo Indefinite. Mr. Houck Is now Interested In n coloni zation scheme In Texas nnd did not havo the $10,000 ready cash neces sary to start the mill and he decided It was n poor time to try and flont n stock company for It. IRVING BLOCK fyztalaw Introducing the New Fall Knox Hats High crowns, 5 1-2 and 5 34 inches, will be tho favored styles, nnd curved brims with u graceful dip fore and aft. Navy Blue, Brown and Black and a Dark Moss Green with bands of contrasting colors, bows nt quarter diamond shape crease. A little visit to inspect our stock will post you on correct head wear for Fall. Price in Fall Hats $2.50, $3, $3.50, and $5.00 COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue Phone 430 3FFICE SUPPLIES ANSC0 AGENCY ' Cameras and Everything for Them STATIONERY Move (o Portland. 1 A. Sand berg and family, formerly of this city, but lato of Rnndou, woro In tho city today on their way to Port land whore they expect to make their future home. New Httnrh Home. .1. O. Gul In id, of Noith Ilend, returned this week from (1 ravel Ford, whoro ho has been engaged In the erection of tho now ranch home on tho Wlnsor and Falkensteln ranch at that place. The new six-room dwelling Is now completed to replace tho one de stroyed by firu early this spring. Move Place. II. II. Wllaotf has moved the Coos liny Mfulo and Monumental worksrrom South Rroodway to Mayor Alton's build ing at Second and Hall. Ho has moved his family Into tho formor N'oblo house nt Anderson nnd Sec ond, which wns recently vacated by Ed Ho watt. Fine Celery. J. K. Fltzgorald Is marketing somo fine colory from his garden In First Addition. F. B. Pet erson, an old hotel man from Wis consin, who Is familiar with the fa mous Knlnmazoo celery, says that Fitzgerald's product Is superior to Michigan celery both In appearance and crlspncss nnd flavor. Rullvwiy Celebration. C. W. Mont gomery, formerly managor of XYb Standard Oil Company In Marshfleld, writes Tho Times from Eureka, where- ho tins n similar position with the company, that Eureka is making great preparations for a three days' oolebratlon In honor of rallrond con nection between that city and San Francisco, Tho date has not been definitely fixed, but It will be about October 1, Uok Over the following, Then Call 394-J I Mi GravenstoIu Apples, per box $13 &pears for canning, per box 9!.t Tomatoes, per lug $1.40 reaches (Oregon) per box $ .70 Jo also have some nice Watermelons, drapes, nnd Sweet Apples, in,,,. rem4enbor that wo will have somo moro nice FHYEHS for 'ur next Sunday's dinner. Be sure and see them next Sat.urday. COOS BAY TEA, COFfEE & SPICE HOUSE CAPE AltAGO COFFEE. The Delicatessen Company 145 North Second Street, GRAND T HEATRE O-NIGHT I Near Chamber of Commerce. ness 'rnursuay, prepare only the SeDtBm? """Jounce they will be opened for buBl Piember 3, by 11 n m U will l. nnr nlm to n "est of sv, i:.j . . - "" r --; . ;,.inr prltet m ' n,ua 0I cooKeu reauy-to-serve iooub ui yuyu.u. Prenar - e w ll slvo our undivided time and personal attention to will cfltrteth,ne ln the most sanitary and approved way. We In hnthl ? aU ,tmes as largo a variety as the demand will allow cold ml and co,d f0d8. Including such varieties as hot and and Id,.. .' ve8etables, cereals, salads, salad dressing, pastry, You iC.acies, of a kinds- Our tl . c,leanneBS and quality We guarantee both, elate ?.rm.aI 0Penlng will be announced later. We will appre ,ate your Inspection. FISH SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY. THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. LUDIN'S PHOTOPLAY MAS TERPIECE, "THE GAMR LERS," written by CHARLES KLEIN. Adapted and produc ed In pictures by Geo. W. Ter wllllgor. S000 feet long. Played by the same company that produced the "LION AND THE MOUSE," "THIRD DE GREE" and several other well known productions. SPLENDID MUSIC DY OUR SEVEN-PIECE ORCHESTRA, which Is composed of COOS DAY'S FIRST-CHOICE MUSI CIANS. Clilldren, Re. Adults, 15c. TOMORROW NIGHT Tho third page of the active life of "DOLLY OF THE DAILIES," featuring Miss Mary Fuller. Heady to Fight. F. Athren, who arrived hero Sunday from San Fran cisco to seek work as n blncksmltb In tho camps, says Hint ho tried to Join tho Leipzig, tho Gorman cruiser, nt Snu Francisco when she wns there a few weeks ago, but the U. S. officials would not permit It. About 1000 other Germans tried to do likewise. Athren nerved on the German cruiser l.othrlugcn for four years ns n gun ner. Ho offered tho German consul ut San Francisco to go back, but tho latter could not find tho means to send lilin. Athren hns four brothers In the war and In ntixloun to go hack and fight for his country. Ills homo U nt Uerlln. CAUL EVEItTSEN came down from the McKulght-Hnzard summer ennip yesterday nnd says they ex pect to break camp this week nnd return to town. OTIS WILSON returned last night from the Goodwill place on South Coos Itlver where he has been enjoying an outing, ills family will remain for n longer -stay. CHAUNCEY CLARKE came down from Camp One yesterday for a short stay. He has been enjoying a couple of mouths vacation from his work as clerk at tho cntnp, his brother Sidney acting In his place. CLASSIFIED AD TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SAIjF TlmnHiglibrcU Drown Leghorn rooster thnt enmo from a brood guaranteed to bo the best layers In Oregon. Phone 3151. FOR SALE Five ncros on .lolinson. Creek, 2Vfc a. bottom, I a. In grass, 2 mllus south of Dandou. on county road. $500 cash. Sev en lots, nenr township line road, near city limits; smnll house, good well, $1150 cash. C. H. Chandlor, owner, llandon, Oregon. FOR RENT FOR RENT New foiir-nxim bunga low. Rent $10. Inquire W. A. Hold, 150 Front Btreot. C. R. DKOUGHTON engineer In churgo of tho Southern Pacific bridge work at North Dead, wont to San Francisco today to bring his family hero with lilm. They will reside In North lleud. P0PhEY( Pkmow ABOUT It V. "fcli vi E. C. DUEWS will leavo tomorrow for Portland on business. II. C. DIEItS was bore from North Dend today ou business. W. S. CHANDLER camo down from Coos River today ou business. E. R. HODSON of South Coos River was a Marshfleld visitor today . DERT DOREMUS and wlfo expect to leave tomorrow for Portland for n short stay. MRS. EDWARDS nnd Clifford Arch nniboau will leavo tomorrow for Portland. ERIC DOLT will leavo tomorrow for Salem to continue his courso at the Willamette University. J. II. STRETCH and W. J. Howard, two well known North Inlet ranch ers, were Marshfleld visitors today. MISS ADA CLINKENDEARD and Ralph Cllnkenbcard of Daniels Creok were Mnrshflold visitors today. AUGUST FR1ZEEN and family havo returned from an outing nt tho Goodwill place on South Coos River. M. PECKIIAM. or Portland, spec ial agent nnd tuljiitser for the Phoenix Insurance Co., Is In tho city on huslucFR tuul calling ou the company's local representative, Tom Hall. Mr. Peckham will he In Marshfleld for two or three days. FOY COX ramo down last evening from Camp One for a short stay here and today left for his home stead near Allegany whore ho will make somo Improvements. Ho will leavo next week for his old home at Danville, Illinois, for n short stay. FOR RENT Newly furnished room for ono or two gentlemen. 343 South Droadway. FOR RENT Tno flntK .furnished or unfurnished. In Madden Uldg., North Front street; also house keeping rooms. FINE fiirnMu'd rooms unci bonrtl for gentlemen, ln private- family. M.50 per week. 230 So. 4th St. FOR RENT Largo Iioiim In Hontli Marshfleld, 12th Court. Ph. 119-L FOR RUNT Small hold In Coqullle, centrally located, $20 per mouth. Call at 13C Droadway or phone 171, Marshfleld. ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of unclaimed letters remaining In the Murnhflold Oregon, postofflco ror the week ending Septemner 1, IflH. Persons calling for tho sauio will plonsc say advertised and pay ono cent lor ouch lottor called for: DarneH, F.; Durcham, Jim; Cam eron, Tom; Clement, Miss Ilnzel; Connors, Mrs. James; Darling, Ron- coo (2); Dixon, Miss Etta; Free, Frank (2); Flsko, Mnble; Flnan, Mark; Galolle, Mike; Hales, Loyd; Ilowatt. Mrs. E, A. (2): Howatt, Mrs. Dortha; Hudson, John; Instopt, Wil liam; James, D. F,; Johanson, Artn ur; Lawrence, Perry; Latones, Ada- voIosob N. (2); McCartney, W. 11.: MacDonald, A. I).: OJohn, John; Os burn, O. G.; Phillips. C. C; Porl ghone,.Toe; Raltanen & Wuorl; Red den, juntos; snodgrass, H. !; Sink ey, Oran; White, W. J.; Warnock, Will; Wllloy, II. F.; Wood, R. M. W. D. CURTIS, Postmaster. AUTO IN WIRE FENCE A large auto from Marshfleld had tho mlsrortuno to run Into a wlro fenro whllo being driven along tho road near tho Curry ranch north of town Sunday afternoon, Fortunate ly ror tho occupants of tho machine tho fence arrested tho progress of tho enr nnd no ono was huyrt. Tho machine suffered some slight dam age, but was ablo to got Into town under Its own power. Roseburg News. JESSE SMITH fire wnrden. was hero today en route to Dandou to look after some brush fire permits In tho Slx-Mllo country. TEe Royal TONIGHT THE HOUSE OF DIG FEATURES D MR. CHARLES P. DOWKER. sing ing popular ballads and Novelty songs. Tho fourth sorles of "FANTOMAS. THE MAN IN DLACK," or "THE CROOK DETECTIVE." Don't fall to see this, the greatest of detective serials ever shown here. It keeps one spell-bound from the first reel to tho close of the last foot of film. THE U. S. GOVERNMENT IN SPECTION OF DEEF, an educational film of extraordinary Interest by the Victor Films. "THE RIVAL DENTISTS." How a scheming college youth got even with his prospective papa-ln-law. Powers Picture Plays. SIX REELS OF ALL NEW PHO TOPLAYS. ADMISSION: Lower floor, 15c. Ilalcony, 10c. Here Friday night, the 11th Chap ter of "LUCILLE LOVE." Hero Saturday night "FOR NA POLEON AND FRANCE" In six reels. Steamer GEO. W. ELDER miIIh for Portland TOMORROW, THUDS DAY at 10::t A. M. F. L, SON ADA.MS .it- Dealers In NEW AND SECONIMIAND GOODS. 3C2 No. Front St. Phono JH0-L WE HAVE SOME EXTRA FANCY COOS BAY Gravenstein FOR RENT Rooms ttud hoiiMktfOH lug rooms. 388 No. First street, Roy Crest ApartmentB. FOR SALE FOR HALE Stock of kmm1h and fur nishings of E. O. Hall Htoro at Sum. nor. Apply to Mrs. Hull, Sumnor, Orogon. t . FOR SALE Ono flnd-chum work horso, wt. about 1200, for $70. Ono 5-h. p. Pnlmor-Mooro marino gasa lino cngtno. first-class condition, $40. Rox T, North Dend. FOR SALE Puix bred .Ternoy caIvmi from register of tnorlt dams. F. A. Sacohl, Marshflold, Oro. FOR SALE Good blooded Ji-tvcy hull, for $50 cash. R. A. Church, North Coos River. FOR SAL1J Furniture of 8 or room houso; or by tho pleco; cheap If takon at onco. See It and set your price. J. E. Quails. 471 Elrod avo. Phono 200-L. LOST l,OST Vast pocket kodak. .Finder leave at Times office. Reward. WANTED i DIG MONEY on niiuiII capital, some thing most anyone can do. Free trial allowed Manager, 212C Murkot street, San Francisco. Apples At (Jjl 7CPerJBqx Another shipment of FINE PEACHES Order them for canning tomorrow, now. Phone il'2. BUNKER HILL DEPT. STORE W. II. RINDINOER & CO. Prescriptions always receive careful at tention at our store, You get exactly what tho doctor intended when you bring them here. Phone 141, $25.00 $25.00 Wo will pay $25.00 to any person who causes tho arrest and conviction of a bicycle thlof In Marshflold. (Signed) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY THE ALICE H. SPECIAL EXCURSION TO CHARLESTON nEACH SUNDAY Loaves MnrtJifleld ut 8 A. M. ROUND TRIP 50c Makes connection wtUi auto for Sua not Buy uud Shore Acres 4 It HI.lMHBJ.lfll """ 1?F1MJ EmSBl mSnXSSM E2SJHB