pt KHUKi ry Ocrninn Holdings in Vancouver May Ho Confiscated VANCOUVER, . C, Sept. 2. Tho Hrltlsh Columbia govornment 1h considering confiscating valuable timber HmltB and other Interests owned In this province by Baron Alve Von Alvenslebon nnd wealthy (lurmnn clients of tho von Alvcn aloben firm, according to a gov ernment official. Lieutenant von Alvensleben, who was In Germany at tho time war was declared by Uermnny and Russia, l In New York on his way to British Columbia. Al venslelMjn's home Is In Vancouver, lie said recently that he represented nine million dollars of German money Invested In British Columbia. Early this year before returning to Germany tho von Alvenslebon Interests made efforts to sell to the government or British Columbia fourteen valuable timber limits sit uated near Butte Lake on Vancouver Island, at tho entrance to Strath cona Park. These limits contain some of tho finest yellow cedar In tho province nnd were desired by the govornment to completo the Htratclionn Bark reserve. Tho price aBked was so exorbi tant, however, that Sir Hlchurd Mc Brlde, tho premier, refused to con sider tho proposition. Slnco tire war commenced and the confisca tion of British Intorosts In Germany by the German government, tho gov ernment of British Columbia Is un derstood to be preparing to confis cate all German Interests held under the erown. In addition to the timber limit ou Vancouver Island, the Alvensloben Interests also own flfteou valuable limits on the const nild numerous mineral nnd rcnl estate interests. TO FRANCE CietiMit Stool Works Makes Prvnenl Valued at ija.OOO.OOO. PARIS, Sept. 2. Tho Creusot steel works has presented to the French government twenty-six com plete batteries of 10G-mllllmetei guns of n new type which had been ordered by a foreign government Just before the war broko out. The company Informed tho govern munt that it stood ready to pay In demnity for tho nonexecutlon of the contract. As tho manipulation of the guru requires special knowledge a number of Creusot workmen have enlisted t bundle them. Tho gift represents u value of over $3,000,000. CHAMPION BUTTER FAT COW NULLS AT AUCTION FOR IjWOlO Philadelphia, Sept. 2. Mil Rllma, adjudged champion butter fat pro ducer of tho world by tho tosts of the American Guernsey Club, wan fold for $5010 at the sale of Ed ward B. Cassett's herd of blooded Guernsey cattle at Devon. Shu was bought by John P. Crozor of Upland. PROTECTING COWS FROM FLIES Every darlyman has observed the annoyance to which cows arc sub jected by the attack of files, and the opinion prevails that tho fly nuisance Is not only a source of an noyance but causes a loss of weight and a dlmluuatlon of the milk yield. The extent of the loss caused by tho attacks of flies naturally deponds upon thu kind of files nnd their numbers. At the Kansas station it "vns found desirable during tho worst part of the fly season to koop tho cowh in cool barns during the day time, with screen doors and windows and allow grazing on tho pasture only at night. In mnny cases how ever, this arrangomont Ib not possi ble, and Bonie fly repellnnt must be used, For this purpose tho best results wore obtained from the use of a mixture containing 1 1-2 pounds of soslii, two cakes of laundry soap, a hair pint or fish oil and enough wa ter to make three gallons. Tho mix ture Is to bo applied with a brush, or If used as a spray, a half pint of kerosene may bo added boforo using. Tho cost or the mixture Is sevxon or olght cents u gallon and one-hair pint Is considered enough for a slnglo application to each cow. It wns found at first tath two or three applications per week was nec essary, but later treatment need not be given so often, since the tips of hair becomo coated with re tail. WILL KEEP ON WORKING Managor 11. F. Stono, of tho El more Packing Company, states that the report published Monday that the Umpqun Packing Company, at Gardiner, would cease operation on account of the poor salmon market, Is unfounded. Tho cannery will con tinue to pack throughout the season. Astoria Budget. TO START A COQUILLE CANNERY Sam Nass, of tho Prosper Canning Company, is making arrangements to start operation about September 5. He will take a crew of men and cannery supplies to the Coqullle Riv er about September 1, and is look ing forward to a successful season. 1 tailing has been in operation on all coabt streams beginning with July a 6, but nctuul packing will not com ntonce until mut nmnii. t. FOUR W SEIZE TIMBER LAND U i?.w,!!80a ou November 20. Astoria! THE COOS IAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, Iiktasfrial Review of Ae State EVERYTHING DOING IX OREGON IX THE WAY OP PAYROLLS, FACTORIES AND ENTERPRISES KMPIAIYING LAItOlt MAT THItS AFFECTING INDUSTRIES AXI) INVESTMENTS OF CAPITAL. Financing of tho big timber hold ings on the Nehnlem River has been completed and this ensures the ex tension of the Southern Pacific from Tillamook connecting Astoria. Tho Standnrd Oil Company Is put ting in a big plant at Hood Iliver. The Hillsboro Planing Mill Com pany has been Incorporated and Is putting In a large pluut. Tho Willamette Valley Southern will reach Molnlla by October 1. Tho Attorney-General has decided that the ruling of the Industrial Welfare Commission applies to the hop Industry and women and chil dren cannot work more than eight hours per day or M hours per week. D. P. Blue, Grants Pass, reports a $40,000 per ton strike ou Hungry Creok. The gathering of wild moss Is developing Into a big Industry In Clatsop County. A twelve-foot vela of coal has been struck at Boxy Ann, near Mcdford. The Fischer Milling Company, at Sllverton, Is making Improvements and building a 450-foot flume. The Brown Bros.' Lumber Com pany mill at Cottago Grove will re sume operations this week. uiinlilll County has let a contract for bridges nt Dayton and McMlun vlllc. Sllverton has decided to use oil an a large scale ou all Its macadam. Dayton has ordered several miles )f cement sidewalks. Over $t;,000 will be spent In Pendleton on street Improvements. The first logs In two years have been dumped Into the Springfield boom. Utf!f Forestry officials have appropri ated $70,000 to complete the Mc kenzie road. Parma gets an electrified elder mill. The P. R. L. & P. Co. Is bulldlnir i light and power line to Sandy. I Umatilla County will go It alone miming uriuKes over tne Jonn Liny. , Mijijin'iv14' OREGON POTATO 49.000 ACRES WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 2. The Oregon Irish potato putch con- aln 4'J,000 acres this year and he total production will bo npprox- mately C,:i 11,000 bushels, according to estimates made by tho United States Crop Reporting Board. Thu condition of the crop is 1)2 per cent sf normal and thu price nt the iresont time Is averaging around 40 cuts per bushel. In Continental United States thero are .'1,708,000 acres planted to this product und this year's production Is estimated at 360,614,000 bushels by tho Federal Department of Agri culture. This yeur's crop will ex ceed tho averago crop of tho past five years by approximately 4,000, 000 bushels. The nation's product Ion last year was 331,525,000 bush ele, was produced on 3,668,000 acres of laud and sold for $227,903, 000 or on average of 80 per cents per bushel. SALMON CATCHES ARE BIG ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 2. Fully 30 boats wero outsldo the mouth or tho river yesterday trolling for sal mon and all did well. The averago catch is reported to be about 500 pounds to the boat, and comprised chlnooks, sllversldes nnd sockeyes. Tho IIbIi appear to be waiting out sldo In vast schools and probably will not enter tho river In any con siderable quantities until after the first good rain. As the demand for canned salmon Is strong and Increasing, quite a number of the canning plants will operate during the fall season, which will open September 10. Look Years Younger! Use the Old time Sage Teu and Sulphur mid Nobody Will Know. You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dsrk and lustrous al most over night U you'll get a 50 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old. famous Sage Tea Recipe are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because It darkens tho hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been ap plied. Those whose hair Is turning gray, becoming faded, dry, scraggly and thin have a surprise awaiting them, because after ono or two applica tions the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful all dandruff goes, scalp Itching and falling hair stops. This Is the ago of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few CONTAINS SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR Eugene Fruitgrowers' Association has large orders for lillfi loganber ry Juice. ABhland will celebrate tho open ing of the Slskyou highway October 15th. The Mountain Valley Creamery, at The Dalles, Is manufacturing Hun garian milk. The lower Columbln salmon pack this year totals $3,'120,:ir.O. The Baker Mill & Flour Com pany plant wns started September 1 for thn fall run. Baudon's water bonds have boon sold In Denver and construction will begin soon, Paisley gets n cold storago and meat-packing plant. Grcshnm fruit-growers send out a carload of pears dally. Tho first Ilogue Hlvcr pear shin- ments brought the growers $1.00 a box net. Oregon gets $11,000 additional a year for Industrial education. The contract for tho Hood Hlvcr Highway was let for $58,000. Albany telephone exchange Is ox pending JfiOOO to bring It up to date. La Grande Is planning a 2,250,-000-galIon reservoir. Multnomah County announces a five mill cut In tnxes for l'Jlfi. Tho state tax Is to bo reduced $1,250, 000 In 1015. Pendleton Is to get tho largest vulcanizing plant between Portland and Salt Lake. It Is being Installed by Wesley Matlock. Major C. E. Worden donates a lot and $1000 towards a new $12, 000 Presbyterian Church at Klamath Falls. An additional dormitory Is to bo built for Pacific College, nt New berg. Work has begun on the new fish hatchery at Spencer, Klamath Co. Tho $3n0,000 Columbia highway contracts are under wny in Clat sop County. St. Johns Advcntlsts will erect a $2000 church. aaa'f1jai -RRAIN-COOS HAY KTAGE- SEITEMHEH HCHEDULIC Lr. Gar. Lv. Mfld. a.m. 4.00. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frl. Snt. Sun Mou. Tues. Wed. Thur. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 !) 10 11 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 0:00 6:00 6:00 6:30 8:00 8:30 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 8:00 9:30 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. F.-l, . Sat. 12 . Sun. 13 . Sun. 27 . Tues. 15 . Wed. 10 a.m. a.m. u. m. a.m. a.m. m. a.m. a. in, n.m. a.m. a.m. 10:00 11:30 a, m 10:00 11:00 11:30 p.m.. 1 2:. '10 p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. 1:00 .Thur. . Frl. 17 1:30 5:30 6:00 18 19 20 .112:00 . Sat. . 'Sun. . Mou, . Tues. . Wed. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:00 5:30 0:00 6:30!. 21 a. 111.1 6:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 8:30 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. 23 . Thur. 24 a. in . Frl. 25 . Sat. 2C OiOOin.m. 7:00 a.m. a.m. 10:30 . Sun . Mon si 28 8:30 :: a.m. a.m. m. 11:00 12:00 9:30 a.m. a.m. n.m. Tues 29 10:30 p.m i:oo Wed: 30 ..111:30 lane nonce mat autos are now running through from Coos Bay to Drain lu ono day, Including Sun- REPUBLICAN TICKET Election 1011. For U. S. Sonntor R. A. Booth. For Congress W. C. Unwloy For Governor .Tamos Withycombc For Justice of tho Supremo Court Henry .T. Bean, Lawrence T. Harris, Thomas McBride, Henry L. Benson, Charles L. McNary. For Attorney General George M. Brown. For Supt. of Public Instruction .T. A. Churchill For State Engineer John M. Lewis. For Commissioner of Labor O. P. Hoff. For Railroad Commissioner Frank J. Miller For Supt. Water Div. No. 1. James T. Chinnock. For Represeutatlvo 5th Dlst. Charles R. Barrow For Representative 6th Dlst. S. P. Peirce For County Judge. James "Watson For Sheriff Alfred Johnson, Jr. For County Clerk. Robt. R. Watson For County Treasurer m Ar 1":... :..i. l. an, jjiiiuuiriv For County Surveyor. C. S. McOnlloch For County Coroner F. E. Wilson For County Commissioner Geo. J. Armstrong. For Commissioner Port of Coos Bnj A. II. Powers, Anson Rogers and Henry Sengstaeken Published under the authority and by the order of the Coos County Re publican Central Committee. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, "'"'" mmmmmmummmmpmmi MAY U812 DYNAMITE TO KILL OFF SEALS SALEM, Sept. 2. The fish and game commission hns forwarded a letter to the Sluslaw Flshertncn'ii As- j soclatlon, George F. Allen, secretary- u i-iinui ut , aiuuiiK iiilli jiuwuur unit (JO exploded In exterminating seal, which hnve been killing off fish nt tho mouth or the Sluslnw Klvor, provided It Is exploded on tho shores. If It Ib desired to use It In the wnter It will bo necessary ta secure a permit from tho county court. According to n letter frdm Secre tory Allen, the run or rish has boon very light as a result of tho depreda tions of the seal. Ho expressed tho belief that a fow sticks of dynamite would kill several seal ami scare the rest of them nwny. BAND DANCE PLATFORM Second nnd Market, Siitiirilny night. that if performing in . iii1 i ii'nW ' ' i ' UiM'lil l M mMsmmnmr.Bi - r i wjTsMm nr-Ji rr jn-m? TWA -i. ftrfcteW .. V. TfiZ-iP AH.J zOK vVlhJ VtfaiEL.-"" p or rati it an autoloading inotgun that Wort. Remincton.UMC Renatintr .nrl Aninlna.Cnn 5l, ...- are aold by dealer everywhere. Find the one who aliowi the 'Jit J Ball Maik o lltmlngton-UMCtle a ign of SporU men Headquarter!. Ho'a the man. To keep your ruii cleand and lubricated tight, u.c Rem Oil, the new powder solvent, rutt preventative, and gun lubricant, RUMINOTON AIIMS.UNION MliTALUC CAUTIlinOK CO. "The GUNNERY" "SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS" Everything for the Bin Game Hunter, the Fisherman and the Autoist. Front Street Marshficld, Oregon Abstracts. Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO., inc. HENRY BKNGSTACKKN, MruiKr FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND I'LATTINO LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS KA8TSIDH MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE AM. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONV 1UJ. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many years nnd a lot of our etistomors will tell you when It comos to getting good, sound, durablo framing material at tho right price wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build nnd tho amount you wnnt to spend and wo'll got busy with our pencil and flguro out tho best your niouoy can buy. Try ub. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL BILL 1 TWO BY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH BROADWAY Ideal Summer Trips ON LAUNCH EXPRESS Leaves Mnrshfleld ovory week day at 8 a. in. STEAMER RAINBOW Leaves Marshriold every Sunday at 8 a. m. and every week day at 2 p. m. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS Bring your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tacklo for a few days' outing. Sunday School and all picnic crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Coos River overy day. For charter and plcnlo arrangements, apply on board, The Union Market JOUR COLD STORAGE SYSTESI IS SURE A SUCCESS Our Prlmo Roasts or Beer, Lamb, Mutton, Veal and Pork cannot bo excelled. Try one or our Fat Hens or Fryers lor your Sunday dinner, that has been properly cooled, and noto the deference. t J. E. FORD & CO. 174 South Broadway 1914 EVENING EDITION, CAPTAIN Hi NOW limi.IHIIKu, Dally Bulletin 1 Issued ou Boniil the .Steamer Breakwater. A Portlnnd pnpor says: To keen passengers nbonrd the steamer Ureak water allyo with the latest war nows" Captain Mtiegenn nnd Pursor F iV Phillips tiro publishing ti dally news paper which apponrB at thu break faBt toblo boforo each passenger on each trip or the steamer. Throinrli his wireless outfit Phillips Is alilu to get tho wireless reports sent out from Snn Francisco to nil other cmJ towns. An extra duplicating ,',r,.M: from tho Coos Bay office of tl. n,u. supplies tho printing press. LAUNCH FREAK loaves every da nt l:!IO p. in. for SOUTH Coos RVPr Ducks at CENTRAL L AVENUE slip. Llbby COAL. Tlio kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 7U. Vavltie Livery and Transfer Company. ING S What la vour nrcferenco in a. rn. pcntiriK hotKun-hnnd-operntod or autoloading? If linnd. operated, you know the Renting-ton-UMC Pump Gun. Everybody knowi iL If autoloading, then get your dealer to itiow you trie Reminoton.tJMC Autnlnjt.lino 5iKAimin.n ..m a war to ahow iporttmen that hero "'" Phono fl8 I .- WOFESSIOlHi 1111111 nf ., CtfHfJ - w " H. Hflrnfl,. ,7' CM nasi III Xt.Li1 'ti ""o -HD-J. ,ll"l uSm '-very wrr,,4 wliim.., . Known k ami 2, 237 o'orV Z 1, Joel Ostlinri ."MOTlttFPH, 'Cavo or!0f. .' ' Mi bIc Company. ' l J"" Street. I. M. WrlnM P.J!H0, """"' furilnJl k 0. Gosney. gOXTIMCion J tlmates F .SI MV Pail iiv.i Ti Flr" ""J JSSH Dr',H. M. Shaw ... "" "r IL SP' ,-" "Hill Houie ((ott Benjamin Osllind COX.SUITivi m. ...,u tJL Offices, !C( f, Pimm, lAi.i .. ...' "' or ji; r. W. G. Chandler llooics 301 md Jij, J MiriMlt!J,( Wm. S. Turpen Aitimn Manhfltiu Perl Riley Ballir I'M.MST AND! Residence Studio. !.' I'hoJt !( SEND YOURU TO US BY PA?: WD rt'iixisii i wuii r.iv in OX IK COOS RAYS mm i'iiom: ot-j, 1 m'm r- . r ii ! YOU AUTO CW FOR FO Four Kod tan 1l I.1... (1 imirt i Illanro WJJ Kor night wrrttj itipn D.LFffl Xew ModelJ "HENDERSOSC nlsn DrlOClliliC "nNYX" and HOSE S.S.JENNWBI LET US I YOUR ABST Title &J'fJ dlate service, f- to an iniY MINIMUM I. S. KAUFM1 ockax mw Tar Heel ..- South &""l , iusie,n;v. I auu ";..-n """""."rII iB'V,T'pSSl Chandler Ho'" ' I GORST & KlAu-l ZTTivn! win go wj;, Oianco Clgr BWtJ ,.cin IE1 Read the Ji' .; the store " uays. For Sale by Brown Drug Co, HMtjVI (Paid Adv.) 6vv Jfei-