lONT WASTE TIME OR ADVICE ON PEOPLE WHO CANT TAKE A HINT what vor XEED f&tj MEMHKIt OK Tills ASSOCIATED PH13S9 XO WAK NEWS tomes tliroiiKlt forelRti point wltli oiit brlnp censored, and ovtMi that sort Is hard to get. Hut what Micro Is wc publish. The only Atmorlntcd Press report In Southwest Oregon. lh. other fellow mny Imvc; wlmt you ! c on.n o,i.cr Wlow mny wont. Sent mis T1.0 Times will help JJbb you both together. Phono 1J.I. nmX'ttOT3CTS?ZTOZ?KJ&I33E VOL NO. XXXVIII. Kslnlillslie,! 1H7H iih Tlio Const .Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Contt Midi mill Coos May Advertiser No. 41 tm?s Mms FIGHTING DESPERATELY TO STAY GERMAN W DW BATTLE OF BEIHG FOUGHT NEAR PARIS l ! strenuous Efforts by the Allied Army to Prevent Success of German Assaults on Upper Oisc, Less Than Fifty Miles From French Capital. ciFRHE FIGHTING WAGED WITH ' VARYING SUCCESS FOR LAST FOUR DAYS By Sheer Weight of Numbers Germans Are Pressing Allies Back But Have Been Unable to Break Through the Fighting Lines of French and British w BETWEEN TURKEY GREECE ONLY II MATTER OF HOURS Scmi-Official Announcement That Turkish Troops Are Being Landed on the Shores of Asia-Minor at Smyrna and Preparations for Hostilities Begun FORTIFICATIONS BEING THROWN UP UNDER DIRECTION OF GERMAN OFFICERS illy Associated Pitbs to Coon liny Times.) PARIS, Sept. 2. Another German aeroplane has appear ed above Paris. The aeroplane circled above the city at a great height for 45 minutes between 5 and 6 o'clock. Ma chines guns mounted in public buildings fired steadily and a constant rifle fire was directed skyward. It was unknown at 6:45 whether any bombs had been dropped. (Ily Associated Press tu Coos liny Times.) LONDON, Sept, 2, A corner of the curtain over the battle drama in Northwest France was momentarily raised today, It shows the allies battling desperately to prevent the success of German assaults on Upper Oisc, less than fifty miles from Paris, On tlio eastern war stage, Russians frankly confess to disaster to two army corps with the loss of three generals, Elsewhere tlio Russian armies seem to have triumphed. Gal icia has been successfully invaded and Lemburg will soon be evacuated, says tlio Russian war office, On Upper Oise tlio British are fighting desperately to prevent the Germans from obtaining a direct route to Paris, Tho battle raged Sunday and Monday, By sheer weight of numbers, tho Gormans se cured a slight advance, Illy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) PARIS Sept, 2, lii the north there are no signs of hostile troops at Arras, Lille, Betluine, Douain and Lane, Parts of o'eeral German army corps in Belgium are moving into Ger many, i ins was made known by an ollicial unnuuiicemont today, Unconfirmed Reports Are Current That Turkey Has Declared War With Russia Communication With Constan tinople Cut Off For Three Days. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept, 2, A Renter dispatch from St, Petersburg conveys the semi-official statement that in well-informed cir cles in St, Petersburg, the opinion is expressed that war be tween Turkey and Greece is onlv a Question of two or three i days, Numerous Turkish troops, the dispatch says, have j landed on the shores of Asia Minor at Smyrna while near Cha- talia and east of Scutari fortifications are being thrown un un der the direction of German officers, RUSSIA AND TURKEY AT WAR (Uy Associated Press to Cooa Hay Times.) NEW YORK, Sept, 2, Dow, Jones & Company today pub lished the following in its news ticker: "London Unconfirmed icports are current hero that Turkey has declared war on Rus sia, Communication with Constantinople has been cut off for three days," CHICAGO CORRESPONDENT IS SHOT (Uy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDOfl, Sept, 2, A Telegraph correspondent who has just returned from Brussels reports that a young Frenchman lepresenting the Chicago Daily News in Brussels, lias been ar lesteci and shot, onus T 14 TRIAN BATTLEFIELD Official Report Says Austrians Were Repulsed With Fearful Loss, and Many of Their Cannon, Rapid Fire Guns and Supplies Are Captured. ' RUSSIA ADMITS LOSS OF TWO ARMIES ' INCLUDING THREE GENERALS AND MANY OFFICERS One of the Russian Generals Killed Had Distinguished Renord In War With Japan City of Lodz Captured By Germans and Austrians. (Ity Associated Press to Coos liny Times.) PETROGRAD, Sept. 2. The general staff announced that: after a seven-days' battle the Russian forces had seized thai fortifications near Lcmbura and yesterday, after furious.'! fighting, routed the Austrians who fled in disorder, abandon ing much artillery. FRENCH OPTIMISTIC ABOUT BATTLE NOW RAGING (Uy A mini luted Press to Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, D, C Sept, 2, A dispatch to the French Ambassador here gives a summary of three battles along tho extPHiedfiont. The messagv says: "Our troops press for ward little by littlo in Vosees, In the regions of Ham, Vervine and St. Quentin, a battle has be n raging for three days, In the center there, has been alternate success and checks, A general battle is still on, On the loft tlio French had to yield ground, but their lino remains unbroken," GERMAN ADVANCE CONTINUES (My Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept, 2, Tho Times correspondent at Dieppe, France, says: "In the main northern theater of war, tlio Ger man advance continues without slackening its pace, They nave made an effort which nearly deserves to be called super human," GERMAN FORCES NEAR GHENT (Hy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept, 2. Reuter's Antwerp correspondent sends the following official announcement: "The Germans are again bombarding Malines, The German movements toward Asscne caused a belief that the Germans were contemplating a move ment toward Termonde, 1 6 miles east of Ghent, Ninovohand and Alost, 1 6 and 1 5 miles from Ghent, in different directions, have been occupied by the Germans, The situation in Ant werp and Lemburg provinces is unchanged," REPORT MANY GERMANS SLAIN ESE OFFICIALS Ml JAPAN S VIOLATING NEUTRAL TERHiTORY M2ZZ2Z (lly Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) (Dy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) , PARIS, Sept, 2, The exodus of Parisians continues, but it g not greater than the influx of refugees from Belgium and Northern France, Refugees from Crepy-End-Valcis, in the de partment of Oise, 23 miles southeast of Compiegne, report the Germans were crushed near there and that piles of bodies were vmgyards high, i. . mm ENGLISH LOSSES IN GERMAN BATTLES. ' LONDON, Sept, 2, The official casualties suffered by cavalry brigade and of three divisions less one brigade, British forces in France follows: Killed -Thirty-six officers and a of PEKING, Sept, 2, Japan has landed ton to fifteen thou sand troops at Lungkow, the newly opened port one hundred miles north of Tsing Tau, This is declared here to be a viola tion of China's neutrality, (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, Sept, 2, Chinese officials have called at tention of American Consular officers at Chee Foo to the Jap anese landing at Lungkow, claiming this violate China's neutrality, PO j i dt 3l 1 E WILHELM CAPTURED BY BRITISH (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Sept, 2, Sir Courtenay Bennett British Con sul General here, announced today that he had been informed by a trustworthy sources, that the North German Lloyd steam er Kron Prinze Wilhelm had been captured near here by Brit ish cruisers and taken to Bermuda, STEAMER DESTOYED BY MINE. (By Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept, 2, The steamer Eyrie, engaged in 'mine sweeping operations in the North Sea, struck a mine today and sanK, oix memoers or me urew are missing, rive saved, were ENGLISH CAPTURE TEN GERMAN GUNS 127 men, It 'jncuininy-six onicers ana mi men, Wounded Fifty-seven officers and 629 men, Missing Ninety-five officers and 4183 men, . J ne report was received from headquarters in France, is known that a considerable portion of the missing were wounded and sent down the country regarding whom particu lars were unavailable at headquarters, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PARIS. Sont. 93. "A Gorman navalrv rnrns marr.hincr to ward the Compiegne forest on the allies' left engaged the Eng lish yesterday, The English captured ten guns," This was officially announced today, PRESIDENT SIGNS EMERGENCY BILL (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TJmes.) WASHINGTON, D, C Sept, 2, President Wilson today signed the war insurance risk bill, (lly Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) PETROGRAD, (St, Petersburg,) Sept, 2, The following official announcement was made today, "Our forces invading Galicia continued their advance toward Lemberg, The enemy fell back gradually before our troops, We captured somo can non, rapid fire guns and caissons, The pursuit continues Near Guila and Pipa the enemy occupied strong positions of sucli natural strength that they were considered impregnable, iliey also desperately attempted to stop our advance by flank ing our attack, We repulsed the Austrians, inflicting sovore losses, Wo buried on the battlefield 14,600 Austrian deadf captured a flag and thirty-two guns and a quantity of supplies and made many prisoners, including a general, On tho south front, in the Warsaw district, all Austrian attacks have been repelled successfully, Assuming the offensive on their right wing wo forced the Austrians to retreat, capturing three can- non, ten rapid fire guns and over one thousand prisoners, The latter said that the Austrian losses had been heavy," The statement adds that the commander of the Austrian division, commander of brigade and a division chief of staff were killed, Of the 4000 prisoners, 600 were wounded, (By Associated Press to Coos Buy Times.) PETROGRAD, (St, Petersburg,) Sept, 2, The general staff announces thr-t tho Austrian fifteenth division was completely icuted lien'-1 ustchoff on August 20th, and one hundred offi cers and 4000 soldiers captured, RUSSIA ADMITS LOSS OF TWO ARMIES (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept, 2, Advices from St, Petersburg sav that tlio Russian general staff frankly confesses to disaster to two army corps, including the loss of three generals, RUSSIA LOST NOTED GENERALS (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Sept, 2, The Times' St, Petersburg correspon dent says one of the Russian commanders killed was General Samsoniv, who distinguished himself in the Japanese war, The other two lost were General Martos, commanding the army corps, and General Pestitch, attached to tho general staff From Galicia the only news is that a fierce battle is raging, AUSTRIA TO EVACUATE LEMBERG. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times,) ROME, Sept, 2, The Giomale d'ltalla publishes a Vienna dispatch saying that Austria is arranging for the evacuation of Lemberg, in Galicia, RUSSIANS LOSE CITY OF LODZ (By Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, D, C Sent, 2, The German Embassy re ceived a wireless message from Berlin today announcing that "German and Austrian troops have occupiecf Lodz, the largest manufacturing center in Russian Poland, and that the battle northward from Lemburg is continuing," "The report is confirmed that the French abducted fourteen" women and twenty-five children from a German frontier place They also abducted a hospital doctor and his assistant from Orchingen, Their fate is unknown, The papers are full of Russian horrors in East Prussia, The Russians cut off the breast of a mother and impaled her five children on a fence. Four Cossacks ravished a woman while they handcuffed her husband, forcing him to be a witness," "German soldiers returning from Belgium were cruelly mu tilated, This increases the German people's exasperation against the revolting atrocities created by the Belgian civil ians, Enormous excitement has been caused by the Belgian's attempt to induce the world, with London and Paris, who are endless liars, to believe the German soldiers are the authors of the atrocities," GERMAN OFFICERS ARE CAPTURED BY FRENCH PARIS, Scot, 2, The Petit Parisian today says: "Fourteen German staff officers have been captured and sent to Nimes Jn the department buard, &. S ! tti K to l! T I k 'I i