mmmwMW&mmtm THE QQQtlAY TIMil,. MARSHFIil.Or OREGON, TUMDAY, 8IPTEM11R 1, 1IMVININQ EDITION, FOUR T i w --w - n - ibimi iiimmih imi MiriMMllMimiiilii an BMIllM 1 WfNVflMMnKmfflffMK)i i wiM wiifrT"fti -irrf-1 Belgium Most Thickly Settled European Country rmpublkjan 'mokm NleCllOll lUl-li -AiAJiLiii;ii7ii ;.i.. can T 1113 determined stand made by tho Uolglans to keep their cloven thousand square miles of territory, slightly larger than tho State of Maryland, from becoming a battle ground for other nations, rests on an experience of similar conditions dating dack to tho days of Charlemagne and tho early Prank ish empire. Tho greater part of what Is now llolglum was, In tho early hlstory(of Kuropo, governed by Teutonic peo ple, Flnndors, tho remainder of Ilelgluui, wjib under French rulo. Tho progress of tho people of this land up to tho early nineteenth cen tury was gained only through con stant struggle to escape from en croachment of other European na tions. Holland, Franco, Germany, Austria nnd Spain, In that nation's glory, all liavo tried tholr hand at holding and governing tho Belgium people. The neutrality which Bel glum Is trying to maintain, was guaranteed in 18112 by a concert of tho Powers nfter llolglum had gain ed Its Independence, by severo fight ing, from tho Dutch. Kvcn then It took a French and English block ade of tho Dutch coast to firmly establish Belgian freedom. Belgium Is tho most thickly pop Hinted country in Europe. It has an area of 11,400 square miles with a population of 7r0,000,000. Mary land, with an area of 12.3U7 square miles, has n population of 1.294,-riO. This density of population In the llttlo kingdom has enforced tho cul tivation of small farms. Tho num ber of farmH of lesa than 1 1-4 acres Is more than a half million, with only a few thousand of fifty to one hundred and twcnty-flvo acres. The number of larger farms is now on tho incrense, partly because of the growth of tho stock-raising in dustry. Other causes of prosperity are the coal, mines and the textile and Iron and steel industries. Bc causo of tho presence of a great masB of industrial workers, the cause of socialism Is strong. The capital of (ho kingdom Is Brussels, with a population of 720, 000. The nation has no navy, but docs n largo Importing and export ing trade, with a fair-sized mer chant murine. Tho chief seaports on tho North Sea aro Ostend, Ileyst and Nleuport. Tho- only colony of tho country is tho Belgian Congo, Africa, whore rubber Is tho chief export. Bclglum'H.war strength up to last year was estimated at 180,000. Al most as If In, some forehanded know lcdgo of the turn of European af fairs a now law was passed Increas ing tho war strength to jH 0,000. This was divided Into 100,000 for field servlco, 60,000 for auxiliary purposo and 130,000 for garrisons. The largo garrison force Is made necessary by tho largo number of fortresses on the frontiers. The language of Bolglum Is largely French In tho south and Flemish In the north. The latter tongue Is a kind of combination of tho tongues of the Netherlands and France, Be sides this w French patois Is spoken among tho peasantry In tho country. THE COI.OSSAL COST OK WAR IX MVKS AND MO.VKV. WARS. Years England and Franco .. 1793-18K. Crimean lSU.-tiC United States Civil .... 18C1-GG Frauco-Oerman 1870-71 KusHO-Tiirklah 1877-78 Spanish-American 18U8 Hocr 1899-1902 IiUHBO-.Inpanesu 1904-05 Balkan 1912 United States only. Duration Loss in Days, of Life. 11GB 1,900,000 734 485,000 24CC 050,000 4 05 290,000 334 180,000 101 2,910 9C2 90,898 r.70 r.r.5,900 302 Mf.. 500 1 1NDE1T01 NAVAL BATTLE Cost In Money $0,250,000,000 1,525,000,000 3,700,000,000 .41.580,000,000 900,000,000 IGG.000,000 1,000,000,000 2,200,000,000 200,000,000 Suit for For U. S. Seuatdi1 R. A. Booth. For Congress W. C. Hnwley For Governor James AVithycomue For Justice of tho Supremo Court Henry J. Bean, Lawrence T. Harris, Thomas McBride, Henry L. Benson, Charles L. MeNary. For Attorney General George M. Brown. For Supt. of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill For State Englneor John M. Lewis. For Commissioner of Labor O. P.IIoff. For Railroad .Commissioner Frank J. Miller For Supt. Water Dlv. No. 1. James T. Chinnoek. For Representative Gth Dlst. Charles R. Barrow For RcprcBontatlvo CtH Dlst. S. P. Peirce For County Judge James "Watson For Sheriff Alfred Johnson, Jr. For County Clerk. Robt. R. Watson For County Treasurer T. M. Dimmick For County Surveyor. C. S. MeCulloch For County Coroner F. E. "Wilson For County Commissioner Geo. J. Armstrong. For Commissioner Port of Coos Unj A, II. Powers, Anson Rogers and Henry Sengstacken Published under tho nuthority and by tho ordor of tho Coob County Re publican Central Committco. (Paid Adv.) Cannonading on Coos Bay. daughter of Bald deceased. foreclosure of tax lien. Homo Mortgage Co. vs. Ceary Pod- erson. Suit for foreclose mortgage. Home Mortgage Co. vs. Cuslck J. Mnhoney. Suit for foreclose Mort gage. I Allen nnd I.owIb, a corporation, vb , UB !. P. mnvlnr va Tlinmnu (n Portland Telegram Says That ""S &":. Anna m. Peter- Bon. Ada Bertha Anderson, Esther Florencu Anderson and Ethel May Was NOlSe Of Elements Amy nicking vs., Jack Illcklng. .. , , ' Suit for divorce. Tim Portland Tlernuii, Which I prei Melnhanlt ve. A. D. Porduo Somewhat Mixed In Hh .Sinniih- nmj jjary 0rdiio. vh Publishes Dm Following o. T. Treadgold vb. John F. Bono, The budding ambitions or Coos Ada P. Bane, N. K Speck and C. Bay to have Its name tagged on one Burgess. Suit to foreclose nior of the sou battloB of tho war prob- tgago. Coqulllo Scntlne). nlilv will liavu to wither and die. The pltHOHH logic of our own nnvul ox-' perl, ably abetted by tho figures of the weather map, explain tho heavy firing that was heard off Capo Blanco Wednesday afternoon. It waB only a thunder storm, saya the expert. Reverberations of thun der at sea sound exactly like the roar of big guns. Tho similarity Is heightened when you never heard tiio Bound of big guiiH at sea. Hero Is tho uvldouco: Tho weather map shows that 0.02 of an inch of rain foil at Marshflold nnd I.atoosk soon after tho battle startled tho Summer vacationers. Tho cloud had simply moved In from tho sea. It wan foggy at the time, so that tho people who were stretching their our on the beach could not see who tluir it was cloudy at sea or not. Slnru tho noise was heard In tbo daytime, they could not boo the lightning, "Tho reports," said one dispatch, "ended in rolling roverborntlnua." When the fog llftod there waa not a sign of a whip at sea. Neither tho Danzig nor the Nuremburg nor (he mysterious Jap ship that was I supposed to bo fighting tho two, ' rushed into the beach to keep fiom winking. liathoiB declared that tho "firing" lasted for about five hours. It would take just about 20 minutes to decide a battle between all tho warhlilps on tho Pacific Coast. In five hours every droadnaught of the wnrrlug nations could bo destroy ed. 2 and 2 aro still I. The thunder ktnrm seems to have It. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Yamhill, Oregon. GROCERIES of Q High Standard of Quality PRICES that aro Right all the time, SERVICE that is satisfactory, , DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner (8b Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 SOUTH HHOADWAV PHONES IM8-.I AND HIM JWWI BIHtt Mildred Ro?rs . wrltltiL' t,J J ?.llc.a"on f. 'H r: "i'1'oin i 'nilifleW, r fr A.. Convenience i Oreg, H. H. Hnrnnp .. ' ' ""-S'S! uning. CiUi, Phono a-in-j. w- T. Tompkins, D,I? h&R.&SA Ti.n:,,Vao"H UroadV. - - Mar,Mlelu JOO Ostlinrl PIANO TU.i: vi. . ale Company ' "liui'f, 1G s. Slxtll hi, .-.ii, i-nB, . H favove . foro a Dark bows : i. M. Wright llltiriitt., rhom ii.l n.i.mVtesZnffi''l uu ipnu C 0. Gosney. coNTitAufrm avi. .'ton "f "I1 '!fk Lrj rSS ... . Aiuor su. . u.l and Safeguard Itomcinltcr to Iniludc closet llglitH, porch llghtB, baMchonrt Hock ch for the flat Irons an.) other nppllniircH. If you Iinve over stuinblctl on the It 'i Hliupler null len.s cxpcunlvo dark boBcment iteps, you can real- o pl1 m, l!H (lf(ro I0 Mt,,unI Izo what a convctiieiico It In to have work In Marled. nil Kleelrlc Light Hwltch t the head of the itnlrn. When plunnlui; your new hotun or the remodeling of your present home, don't forget tho atrltcli on ihr itaHcmcnt ntnlrs, or the switch to light the focouil floor llghtn from the flrt floor. hki: your ici.iurriticAfi ii:at. tilt or telephone to iin. Oregon Power Company Teloptiono 178. Cor. Kernml mid Central. MILITARY ACADEMY tl' L- ?l r),:ory CO' lorBoy.. M;i.U,rDUclpliniS.liaue.iMi TV.chcit. C.iclul lUDeiriiloa tecuie tcwlli thtt tie not tt!od cliewhctc. Send (or Mtilog, PORTLAND. OREGON LAUNCH FItEAK leaves over day at 1:!10 p. in. for KOUTII Cooh Itlvcr. Docks at CKNTHAIj AVKNUK all,. Llhbr COAL. Hie kind YOU have ALWAYS USKI). Phone 12. Pacific . Livery and Transfer Company. When Life's at Stake Motor Lifc-Savine Boats arc operated un der the mot tryinc circunwurtcci. Their cnginci mu$t be correctly lubricated. ZEROLENE The. Standard Oil for Motor. Boat it used by thcic boats on the Pacific Coast because it rives perfect lubrication. It keeps the motor cool, enabling theencine to deliver full power. Dealers everywhere and at our water-front supply stations. cntoriT couuT Tho following eases have been fil ed in tho eh cult court of Coos county. C. It. Harrow vs. Frances Uro.u hart. 0. L. Smith and V. J. Conrad vs. Mrs. J. ,, Uurns. John K. Stevens vs. Nellie M. Stevens. Suit for divorce. Jess l.uko vs. Nellie Luke. Suit for divorce. In tho matter of tho estate of S. M. Klrkpatrlek, deceased, Edith Hraudt, plaintiff and petitioner, vs. Mrs. H. F. Newman and M. O. Hoo ton, executors of tho estate of S. M. Klrkpatrlek, deceased, respond ents. Apponl from county court. C. E. Smith vb. A. i). Perdue. Transcript on appeal. C. II, Jackson vs. Myrtlo M. Ed uionston, administratrix of u. l,. Ed moiiHton, and Uoberta Edmonston, jWm Standard Oil i&E '.'W ffi' Company (fJrTEt Ai 1 xnunniiciu J09SSBi& Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEED ABSTRACT CO.; Inc. IIKNIIY BHNGSTACKKN, Manager rAltM. COAL, T1MHKK AND PLATTINO IiANDH A SPECIALTY. OKNKUAL AGENTS EABTSIDK MAnSIIFIELD OFFICE, PHONE U-J. COQUILLK CITY OFFICE PHONK 101. Dr. H. M. Shaw DlNeases nf Voiinn ..i ,. I Offlco WmnoMTnooSSftl 02. Irvine liwl"'1 M IIoubo plionc; 105-J, Mrs. Farnnrjer TEACH EH op pm-n Hcsldouco Studio, IMiod 3t.) Bcniamin Ostlinrl CONHULTINO i:IJINEKU Att AitciirrixT ' Offices. iOG Irving Blok Phono 103-L or 2C7J ' Marabfleld.Ortnl - TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many years and a lot of our custotnors will toll you when It conies to KottlnR Rood, sound, durable framing material at tho rlRht prlco wo kuow our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build nnd tho amount you want to spend nnd wo'll Ket busy with our poncll and figure out tho best your ruonoy can buy. Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. KETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL 11ILL 1 TWO lY US1NO OUft WOOD PHONE 100. 182 HOUT1I IlltOADWAY You Can Always Find a Stock of ZEROLENE And Other Motor-Boat Supplies at Sumner Hardware Co. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed. ItlbboiiH nnd carboB paper delivered. Phono us your order,, Phono 11. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshficld RIJTTFR Creamery MADB UNUEU BANITAHY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODK11N FACTORY, STEIULIZED SnLK AND CHBAM. PURE ICE Free delivery, H . ni. and 1 p, in. Phone 78 DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue Call on LeMieux & Miller FOR PAINTS, VAHNISHES, STAINH, WALL PAPEH, ETG. PalntiiiR, Paper llunging mid Decorating WILL HK LESS n lien you let us figure It for you, KMlmato furnished cheerfully LeMieux & Miller No. Front St. W. G. Chandler A Iff 'IIIIM'SOT. niiviiiinui' RooniB 301 and 302, Coke Dilto, I Wm. S. Turpen AltClllTECr Marshficld, Orejon, Perl Riley Ballingcr PIANIST AND TIUCIIEn Itesldouco Studio, 217 No. Ttltlu l'noue iiiis-u SEND YOUR LAUNDRY 1 TO US BY PARCEL POST we ruitNisii a n.a ami WILL PAY THE POSTAGE on its ninimx COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 57-1. .MAIISHFIEID YOU AUTO CALL prm pnnTF'S AUTO! Four good cars with c Jeful tfclm For duy Bervice, pnone nw, HIhiico llllhird Parlori. For ulght service, llion MM Itlght Cafe. D. L. F00TE. New Models -,i, "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor! "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE n . S.S.'JENNINGS,No.Bend T y ; LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., AbiUMj thoroughly dependab e. Ibb dlate aervlce, prompt attUM to all Intents of our cll MINIMUM 0 8 T I. S. KAUFMAN &C0. - . GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOIt ALL MAKES OF CAnS I a 17 Central A v. Phone 373-L I nPKJV ItEACII AUTO UN'S Leaven Chandler Hotel. MjrJ" for the Uracil injM1" 7. A. M.-1 1". 31.- V$ Empire 704 Tar Heel - South Slough .... - Uastendorf HeacU .'J'XJ Mussel Reef l Sunset Bay . . . ; Return Front lichp ,1, 8:30 A. M.-l 1 W mA Visit tho beach W ""mobile 10W1 Auto. 7-Passenger autorooDiw Chandler Hotel three times GOItT & KING'S PAMOMAWPJ Times Want Ada bring results. HOTEL DOTSON C. A. Hnnsoii, Proprlptor Now open under new management. A home placo with home' cook- Iiuk Bcrvcu iu iuiuii; oijiu. uumu and room, Q.B0 per week, 316 OITY AUTO AND TAXI BEBJJ A new Uxlcab ha .'JZ ny auto -ervlce. Careful drtg Will go wywbere at W u Jf BUnca Cigar Store. Daf " Nisbt'ptaon 139-X. TOM OOODAL PfOfrf' fi IrT BL Int m to insil WQljSBlHjSiSSlSJ life ma