r ' St THREE i 2Sfe -rrrrronTucRPn lm-tam i Ant tuu du ii nro daprlt. WORLD'S GREATEST WAR DAY BY DAY lift i mFEXt the pleasure of life d 0I . ..tiring ana neauur !riint lw."gii. nilvin E( exer- THE CQ08 BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, QREQQN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 EVENING EDITION WBWWWW,W'WWMMIMWWMMWWBWMHM ,111, liMWl IFWIIHIIII 1 1 III' .& &?&Xr aching root. rnmmutation Tickets $2.00 20 t.i.M.Nortli "end Auto Una Sf S . mlnutoi from a . m. - tn iai i flnngP A KINO. Props. LowRates for Handling Trunks .. fc.ii trunks between any pomm ..fflBSra-lo genera, hauling. '" '...onnttble rales. S5 TKAXHI'im HTOHAQK CO. I81'' . ... u..u . Pionriulor ,QUim MHHMWr --rvc fhib places J N. BAYLISS i. Kind of Hrlck Work at ADJf Price" T'mt Arc Right An.l'all Work Guaranteed ntt "Tim Fireside," Johnson Sg! 137 Second St. Phono i3.!;J;h natures, """or Work ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL. Suim I.Mt, hot and cold water In ,terr room. Jionimy rum .. icd up. Uay rates 7r.c aim up. (Want n few Skat players.) MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular piace iur Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NUW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. BU1TO CLEANED AND PRESS ED-SUlTS SIADH TO OHIIKIt GIVE UB A TRIAL UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE & C. 0 DAGGETT 2(6 Central Avo. Phono 250-X. Pictures & framing Walker Studio LAMBETH'S AUTO SERVICE BTANI) AT CHANDLER HOTKIi PHONE 20. WILL 00 ANYWHERE ANY TI.ME KKW OAIt AND CAREFUL DRIVING RAWM TO CAMPING PARTIES LYNN LAMBETH Owuer and Driver. T. J. HCAIFE r A. II. HODOINS MarshfiplH pAlNT AND mdn)'1'ieia DECORATING .CO. Estimates Furnished Hiom 80P-J. Marshfleli, OrtcoB. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshfleld WASHINGTON AVENUE BTADDEN STREET NORTH UENI) O. A. Sletlln, Prop. DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Btreet, I'hoiiu 370. KOONTZ GARAGE Excelsior Motorcyclo Agency LEE TIRES AUTOMOBILES STORED 0008 COUNTY'S MOST COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING GASOLINE FOR SALE NORTH FRONT ST. PHONE 180-J BATTERIES REPAIRED AND CHARGED NO SAW EDGES OB YOUR COLLARS If you have them launderei TWIN CITY "STEAM LAUNDRY SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, . North Bend, lor Fancy and Domestic CHINA Inter-Ocean Transportation Co Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM AN FRANCIS TO FOR COOS HAY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER B tit it P. M. Equipped wltii wireless and submarine belL Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1!, AT 8:!0 A. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and COO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeokoe. Phone 44, Kaiser's Proclamation To German Nation EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM RAILROAD DO MONTH OF AUGUST AT 12:J10 1HT1I, SiilHD mill 2HTII. CK, MARSHFIELD, DURING THE P. SI., ON THE ilRD, 8TH, 13TH, Ticket on Rale to all Eastern point- and Information aa to routes and rate cheerfully furnished. Phono 35..T. C. II. LANDERS, Agent PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE Arrow Line Steamers -SAIL FROSI- San Francisco Plor No. 2C. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. Pliouu U7ft. Coos Hay Every Friday I P. SI. THOMAS II. .JA.MKK, Agent Ocean Hock Portland Alhers Dock No. 3 Every Tuesday tl A. SI. Slarshflold. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COSIFORTAIJLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. n v MrfiKmifJK AGENT W. II. PAINTER Phone 44, Marshflold Phono 421, North Dond STEAMER HARDY COOS BAY AMD EUREKA STEAMSHIP LIME FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capitol, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Pal on Time Deposit Officers! J. W. neMett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. The following In the full text of I the proclamation Issued by Emperor William to tlio German nation: J "Since the foundation of the Ger man empire It has been for forty three years the object of the efforts of myself and my ancestors to pre serve the peace of the world and to advance by peaceful means our vig orous development. "Our adversaries, however, are Jealous of the successes of our work and there Iibb been latent hostility to the east and the west and beyond the seas. "This has been borne by us until now, as we were awaro of our respon sibility and our power. "Now, however, these adversaries wish to humiliate us, asking that wo should look on with folded nrms and watch our enemies preparing them selveH for the coming nttack. "They will not suffer that wo maintain our resolute fidelity to our ally who Is fighting for her position as a great power and with whose humiliation our power anil honor would be equally lost. "So the Hworit must decide. "In tho midst of perfect peace the enemy surprises us. Therefore to nrinsl "Any dallying and temporizing would bo to betray the fatherland. To be or not to be Is the question for the emp'ire which our futhers founded. To be or not to he is tho question for Get man power and Ger man exlstcncp. "Wo Bhnll resist to the hist breath of man and horse ami we shnll fight a world of enemies. Never has Germany been subdued when she was united. "Forward with God, who will be with us as ho was with our ancestors." The German Side of It Filer Wnhrliclt nnil Rccht. Von Felnden und Neldern umrtngt, hat das dcutschc Volk zu den Waf fen gegrlffcn, um (ten Ihm nufgez wungenon Knmpf um seine Exist enz zu fuchren. Frnnkrelch hnttc sclncn Rcvnnchlgcdankcn site Sic bzlg nlcht olncn .Moment aufgogo bon und lint die ersto Gclegenhclt benuetzt, dcnsclbcn In die That um zusotzon. Die hlshcrlgcu Erelgnlsso zolgen klar und deutlich, dnss dcr gcmelnsamo Angrlff dor vcreinlgten Folndo Doutschlnnd'a von lunger Hand vorbereltet und bis Ins kleln Bto Detail nugsoklucgelt war. Wor der Sacho ohno Vorolngonommen- helt nuf den Grund geht, wor Doutch- land's Lagc wohl ltcdcnKt, flier den knnn kcln Zwelfel daran exlstlrcn, dass daH Reich gezwungon war, die Waf fen zu crgrolfon, um fucr sclue IChro nlcht alleln, Hondoru filer selno Existenz zu kaempfen Douschlaud's Felndo wollton den Krlcg, da sic dor Anslcht wnron, duss cs Ihron verelnten Kraeftcn gollngcn wucrde, dns macchtlgo Reich, das Ihncn al ien fiction soil lunger Xolt cln Horn I in Flelscho war, zu demuethlgon. Doch wlr glnubon mlt zlomllchor Ilestlmmtholt dcr Anslcht Raum cc- bon zu duerfeu, dass Rich die Felndo Deutschlnnd's vcrrcchnot habou. Elno Nation von 70,000,000 .Men Hclien, dio fuer elnc gercchte Sacho knompft, 1st nlcht so Iclcht untor zu krlcgcn wle slch dlo iFolnde Doutschland's dies vorgostolltl liabcn inuchten. Wlr .werdon sohoft, "dass dor wundorbnro GelBt, der das dout Bcho Hccr und die doutscho Marino orfuollt, verbunden mlt dec Tuccli tlgkolt und Tnpferkolt der 'Offlzloro und Srnnnschnft, voolllg nulwlegen werdon, was Uoutschland'a. Gcgnor nn Zahl voraus naben. una was hler von Doutsclilnnd'g"esagHt, gilt natuorllch audi von Ocstorrelch Ungarn, donn audi dlesd Nation knempft fuor oln holies Ideal, kn ompft fuer dlo germanlscho .Kultur gegen dlo Dostrobungon zurlusslf Izlrung Europa'8. t Dlcso ThatBachcn bol Jedor Gol egonholt zu botnncn, 1st dlo. Pfllcht dor atnorlknnlschcn. Huorgor dent schor Abkunft. Jedcr clnzlgo von linen? do in dns Ansohoil und dlo Hlirn ilna F.nnilnH Anlnnr Onblirt odor solnor Abstummung thouor 1st, muss Amorlcnn citizen of German descent. For Truth ami Right. Surrounded by tho hostile and tho envious, tho Gorman people have taken up arms to fight tho war for existent e which has been forced upon them. Franco did not give up Its thought or rovengo for n moment slucu tho seventies, mid employed tho first opportunity to convert the thought Into deed. Events so far clearly and surely show that the common attack of Gormany's united enomlcB was propnrcd long ago, and watt thought out to the slightest detail. For tho porson who goes to tho bottom of tho mat ter without prejudlco, and who real ly considers Germany's position, there exists HO doubt thnt the cm plro was forped to tnko up arms to fight, not nlono for ItB honor, but for Its very 'existence. Gcrmany'fl enemies wanted war because they woro of tho opinion that their united forces would suc ceed in humiliating tho mighty na tion which so long wiib a thorn In tho flesh of all of thorn.. Neverthe less; wo believe, with fair certainty, that wo may cntortnln tho opinion that tho ononiles of Germany have inlsealciilaled. A finflon of 70,000, 000 pgoplu. fighting for a Just cause Ih not nn ensy to conquer ns tho enemies of 'Germany may have Im agined. Wo will boo that the won derful spirit pervading tho German army and unvy, coupled with the efficiency uud bravery of tho offi cers, 'will completely outweigh what advantage the opponents of Germany have In numbers. And what Is said hero of Germany holds good also of Austria-Hungary, for this nation also fights for a high Ideal, fights for Germnnlo culture against the efforts to Russlanlzo Europo. To emphasize theso facts at every opportunity Is tho duty of every trla. August lL. Montenegro has for mally declared war on Germany, af ter previously proclaiming hostili ties against Austria. August 1.1. Turkey notified For eign Secretary Grey that It would rcniniu neutral. August 13. .Japan agreed to Join Franco mid England In nt tack on Germany. August 1 1. War office today an nounced that furious fighting was In progress between French mid Germans in the Vosges mountain passes. August 17. -Chinese troops lenvo to seize Kino Chan, a tlerniau set tlement on the coast of Shantung province. August IS. Kaiser William Is sued a statement In which ho de clared that Germany was being ma ligned, ami Its motives misunder stood and misconstrued by mitl-Gcr-maii sentiment In America. August ill. It was reported to day that the city of IIi'iirkcIs had fallen. August I!!'. United Slates today made clear Its position to Japan In ease of war between .lapait ami Germany. August 23. Japan Issued a for mal declaration of war against Ger many. August 21. Most destructive bat-, tie In the present European war was raging between tho Germans and allies. I.ohrcs were appalling. August 2"i. President Wilson to day proclaimed America's neutrality In tho war between Japan mid Ger ninny. August 25.- -Austria today declar ed war against Japan, according to messages reicived from Vleniin. August 2(5. First meeting of llrlt Ish and German troops near Outdid. Germans are victors. August 27. Germans cross French boundary and capture three Impor tant cities, l.llle, ltoubalx and Val enciennes. August 28. First big naval en gagement In which Ilrltlsh fleet sinks five German vessels mid cap tures eleven. H cs slch zur Aufgube machen, Louto aus Bolnoin neknnntonkrolso, die aus don i verwlrrenden norlchton Koin rlchtlgea Rlld uober dlo Lugo ge lylnnen koounen, dnruober aufzuk laeren. Doch soli dies mlt Ruho und GoIuBsenholt geschehon, wuor dlg dor gerechten Sacho und dor gVossen, ernsten Aufgabo, dlo un Boro Drueder Jonsolts des Ozcans zu orfuellen hnbon und iur groesseron Ehro des Deutschthums ntich hler zulandd erfuollen worden! Tho Philadelphia North American Every one of thorn who holds dear tho dignity and honor of tho land of his birth or his descent must mako It his task to clear up the situation for1 tho acquaintances who, becauso of confusing roports, are unnblo to gain ti truo plcturo or It. Yet this should bo dono with calmnesB, and tho polso worthy or tho Just cnuso an,d tho great earnest taBk which our brothers over-seas have to fulfill, and which they will fulfill to tho greater honor of Ger mans, oven In this country, Chronology of Chief Events in War to Date This Bank Makes n point or giving In rons. It wonts every deposi tor to feel that ho or (.lie may approach its otricers freely mid discuss matterst hlei have to do with their finan cial affairs. Always Milling and desirous of serving you. We Invite Your Account FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE-G00S BAY TIMES June 28 Pan Slavic propaganda, aftermath of Halkan-Sdrvlan wars, culminates In assassination or Arch duke Frank Ferdinand, heir to Aus trian throne and his wife. Austria accuses Servla of en couraging conspiracies against dual monarchy, and, In. etrect, abottlug 'the assassination. Certain acts or reparation ami n complete and unreserved apology de manded by Austria rrom Servla. July 27. Servla replies, acceding to almost all the demands, offering to submit her reply to The Hague trlbunnl If not satlfactory to Aus tria. July 28. Austria Informs Servla reply Is unsatlBtactory and on same day declares war on Sorvla ror mally. Same day troops Invade Ser vla. Within 24 hours Belgrade, cap ital or Servla, is bombarded. July 29 Russia, rulfllllng alli ance with Servla, mobilizes. July 30 Germany demands that Russia explain mobilization move ments. . July 31. At midnight Germany addresses ultimatum to Russia, de manding mobilization at once. Time limit set for August 1, noon, August 1 At high noon Russia rpfuHPB ftermanv's demand und Ger man Ambassador presents formal declaration of war on Russia. England and Franco, other mem bers of tho triple entente with) Rus sia, Intercede, In hope or restoring peace. 'i : j On same aay uermuii iruuoa ii vade duchy, Luxemburg, an Independent r " ' Franco mobilizes Informally, set ting formal mobilization for August 2. Stato of war doclared between Franco and Germany. German and Russian troops en gage In borar skirmishes, ,', AiiguBt z, Two German armies enter France. Russian troops enter Gori'nu'ny proper. Gormany's action taken for blow at Franco 'before Russia can mobilize. ... Ilrltlsh cruisers begin to blockade tho Haltle. Great Urltaln Indicates her guar antee of neutrality protection to Ilelglum bo kept. Great Britain informs Gormnny that Gorman fleet must' not attnek French shipping or French coast. August 3, Franco declares war exists with Germany mid a formal declaration Is not necessary. Pass ports demanded. August 4. Germany declares war on England, following un exchange or notes in which England demands or Germany that Rolglan neutrality be observed, and Imposing other conditions. Gormnny replied sho. was invading franco. August 7. Austria rormally do clares war uKalnst Russia. AuKUBt 7. Italy reltoratos she must remain neutral. August 8',' Liege Is taken by the uerman lorces. August 9. Qermany denied loss or 25,000 .men, placing her dead at not to exceeu uuvv jnon, August 10. France Issued a ror- mal declaration of war against Aus THE Tl SITUATION ACUTE iSMll ' WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 1. An ucutu situation has arisen In tho Balkan states over the possible en try ot Turkey Into the European war, according to officlnl advices to the American government from various sources. Turkey has not yet given Great Britain, Franco and Russia a consistent explanation of the entry Into the Dardanelles of tho tlerniau cruisers Gueben mid Brcslnu. When It was first reported that Turkey had purchased theso ves sels Great Britain, Franco mid Russia demmiih'd that tho crews or tho two ships be repatriated Imme diately. Dispatches revealed that the German crews were still aboard the cruisers. IiiuI-m Italy mid ' recce. Many Washington diplomats fa miliar with the situation consider it practically certain that should Turkey sldu with Germany mid Aus tria, Italy would abandon her posi tion of neutrality and Join Groat Britain, France, Russia and Ser vla, who could count also upon tho assistance of Greece. Greeco Is under martial law with ts army mobilized along tho trea ties watching Turkey's movements, Tho troops of the Ottoman omplro are quietly mobilizing without pub lic order to that effect. Italy's or der for mobilization on August 27 s believed hero to bo duo to some extent to Turkey's military activity. U. S. Vitally Interested. The United States Is watching tho Mtuntlou In Turkey probably be cause or the presence there ot hun dreds or American missionaries. Ambassador Mnrgauthaii has been making long reports on tho situa tion and for a time, n week ago, the situation seemed nlnrmlng. Tho governor of one or the Turkish provinces had threatened mnssacro to Americans If Turkey mid Eng land went to war. Sir. .Morganthuii Immediately took up tho subject with the Turkish Foreign Orrice and locolvod nssur auco that If any subordinate offi cials had made such threats they would be censured and that Amor leans would he accorded respect and courtesy In every eventuality. Thought of Sending Troops For a time tho Washington gov ernment had under consideration a suggestion from Ambassador Slor gauthau that troops be sent for salutary effect, hut after reassuring advices from hlui this was abandon ed and It Is now declared thoro Is no cause for alarm The cruisers N'oitli Carolina and Tonnosseo, now in European wnfora on a mission of relief, would bo available In case of oniorgoncy to bring Americans nway. Latest re ports show that Americans feel fin fo und that their only dlffloulty is In cashing letters of credit, a prob lem, however, rapidly being solved by tho American government's beard of relief. The crulsor North Carolina probably IU visit Turkoy and other countries of Southern Europe with gold tor AuiorlcniiB. For War News Read The Times ! S V .1 :r i s in i H. !. I R Si 9ffl9