5i'f WIMYJIHEi i jj.aXALMMllMillBiiMMIiaifcLJI.i.l.J W onTHPRED J.fiViure of life J,iiin and healthy exer- ! cfaffl" ,P our'co of Pl'"i, for aching foot. .PIIICUJ " - hommutation rjchets $2.00 Vorth Head Auto Lino. .Win . fl nl rWn mn"" "-- J1." rroi... ai - " THE OOPS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD,' OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 31,' 1914 EVENING EDITION. "'- ' ' . ' "'"T'" MMILIIIM.IW ! j ,.HIIIII,Will.l ... Il.il " -l ' IIHIMIW I- , - , - .. .. - ti THREE tates for Jing Trunks iltruiil.hP'rt on any points S"nml do .MCral Imullnti, ;;,;;; storage . 1Iri,ncr, Hl ". Mill. I llIJi --- J.v-'l Kind Finn PLACES ' N BAYLISS '."it iirlck Work at X : Arc Right II WofK limn "" Sh. KlreBlilc," Johnson 137 Second St. P" Dollcr Work i-iinxci: hotel. ..- Ih it, hot and com waiei iu ' ,,....1.1.. rnl. ilTiflO BUI. WUIII"' """' T Day rntos "tic and up. ' t few Skat players.) Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service 'Coos Buy and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM KAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS IJAY SATURDAY, SEITEMHI.R a nt fi P. M. Equipped wltti wireless nnd "submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. MARSHFIHLH FOIt SAX FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, HEPTE.MHEIt , AT H..IO A. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23'" and GOO Pifo building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McQeorqe. Phone 44. SJHANT'S CAFE Dpular place lor iGood Meals. Sees Reasonable. ommercial & uuwy MAT ROOF FIXED NOW ee CORTHELL Phone 3171. AXKH AM) PRESS- :iTH MAIM TO ORDER B I'S A TltlAli PANTATORIUM (VLB & C.O DAGGETT tnl Avp. Phono 2G0-X. IUE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Sigggghjp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAILS FllO.M ItAILHOAI) 1)0 MONTH OF AUGUST AT 12:110 J8T1I, uaitD and 28TH. CK, MAHSHF1ELD. DURING THE P. M., OX THE ilHD, 8TH, 1STJI, Ticket on sale to nil KMer K)lnti arid Information m to route Mini rated cheerfully furnished. Pliono H3-T. CV It. LANDERS, Agent PASSENGERS FREIGHT ' STORAGE Arrow Line Steamers -SAIL FROM- Snn Francisco Plor No. HC. Every Wcdnesdny 3 P. M. lliono l!7ft. Coos liny Every Friday i P. M. THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Albora Dock No. 3 Every TueBdny J A. M. Miirslifleld. res & Framing ilker Studio BH'S AUTO SERVICE r chandler HOTEL mo.N'i: so. AYVJIi:iti: ANY TIMK KAH AMI CAREFUL lmivixn OCAJII'l.VO PAHT1K8 LAMBETH and Urhcr. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND1 CQMFOHTAHLE S S. Geo: Wi Elder iNKAVJiX EQUtpPED . ' ' NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. .McOEOHflK ' ""AGENT .' W. II. FAINTER Pliono 4-1, Marshtlold ' Phono 421. North Bend IFE ield g A. II. HOHGlN'S PAINT AND DECORATING CO. fs Furnished HtrsliUpW, Orcgoa. E COOS HOTFI "rtjr of Marshfleld niu. avp.xui: ' STAlinrv ti'Di.MT,, soimi nexn A. MetUn, Pro,,, FLANAGAN &iBENNm BANK ' OLDEST HANK 'iN COOS COUNTY. EttnbUelied 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Intercut PU on Time DoponlU 'Officers! i J. W. Hftnnett. President. ). II. FlnnaRUB, Vlce-Prcalde'nt. It. F.'WlIUunii, Cshler. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Cubler. i ' WOOD -AT ELL'S WOODYARn p Front Streut, I'lione 370. J0NT2 GARAGE 'orMotorcidn Ai...n EE TIRES fIOBILES STORED l'S .MOST COMPLKTR MACIIixb SHOP G AX, ACTOMOIULK "EPAini.N0 0LLE FOU rt. SK " .WWW3 180.3 - WI'AIREII AND mauuRD SAW EDGES m . rUlt COIXAna Uiem laundered F1 weIji laundry lip ii. ff'Si8" uW. Domestic nin This Bank . I 'v Mii)ch a point of rI villi; In- rons. It wants every deposi tor to fral Hint, lie or she may npiiroacli Its 'officers freely ""' i and discuss matters' whWi ' liuvo to do with tjielr finan cial affairs. , AJwnys u-UIIiir and desirous ' ' of sening you. We Invite Your Account 'i 41 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY. wwwwwwpmh WORLD'S GREATEST WAR DAY BY DAY TWO MORE NATIONS ARE NOW ON BRINK OE WAR IN EUROPE TURKEY WILL ALIGN HER Turkey and Greece About to 'ZC V ,,e,,0,ve ,hn.t, ,ct?ry wiU Dlnnnn inu iu. rii AoIm, . ""iHintuly porch on their Iiiiiiiicm. .Plunge nto the Mae strom ,lon. Tuik,.v CtmWH lllt Ul DIUUU UIIU DaillU i Tho pnrtlclpntloit of Turkov In tlie war Is the direct result or the purchase of the unnoted cruiser TROOPS WITH GERMANY ; eslau. wl.rhnri"Xt,,.im.lh,. i cole. At tho urueut Hollelttitlon of Greece Will Join the Allies. H.r.P.cc... .V.1" ,.,,nl,?,.,nU:s. HOi". .,0 fci.DL Ltiuuii me iiuiiiu nniiH iiiunu and MlHslsslppl. It was represent- Making a Big Combination Against the Kaiser ed that with those vessels, the preponderance of Greece upon 'ho WASHINGTON, D. C, Auk. 31. HL'11 wo"l "c s Kreat that Turkey Tw.o more natloim nre nhout to wou'd llot ro to flKht. This prov plungo Into the maelstrom of war. utI t"-'. especially as Great llrltaln They arc Turkey and Greece. i J00 over tho two hattle snips Official advices, which have reach-' b,llll,mB ln EKllsh shipyards. This cd WnshhiRton from the American m peifuctly regular piocceittnn embassy at Constantinople anc th ?" t,,,L' ,,art of EiiBland, as u cIiuiro Atnurlcan Icgntluii at Athens, state , '" l". '''"tract provides that in that' mohlllzntlon Is practically com- cnB(J ,f W1,r H'o eontiactors tHioJil.l plctcd In both countries and war t,lr", tlie, vessels over upon ilumand soon will bo declared. f t0,t.M0 London Bovernnieiit. cviiis.... 4i., p.(.wi,..i lh0 "cdulsltlon of thu (loebuu ,. ! . wl and Ureslau, after tin, war was do- Tllo official p.dviccs alio conrlrin dared, In a measure restored the tho 'reports of protests made by the , balance between Turkey and Greece trlplo entente nKalnst tho ptircJuiso , , , r Jl(.(li. Sillw liv Turkoy of the German cruisers n ' ',',' '. '' .,, Th,,, ,.. nnnl.nl., n.wl tlrn.lnn Iwlllnl. fln.1 n ' .. tlrt'0lU ".',W !8 9l Hleil With til 'CO iT.7. nnr,!A;ii: t 7 " .. :. ,.;.,; "-st-cias nattiesiiips, one of which is a uremmoiiKiit, rour other armor ed vessels and four small KtinhonlM. busldcB twelve torpedo IioiiIh and one submarine. Turkey has four armored cruisers, four protected the Dardanelles to cscitpe cupt.ne Mom UrltlMi mcn,-of-wiir. There Is confirmation nlsq of the ilemnnd made by Russia upon, Tur key that her Ilinck Sea fleet' be per- !!! i.ul JnJinT.' !.r,.,B !. "'". "M'i FniUori.. flvo sun boats and fourteen ellcH, This demand Is not accept ivble to tho Turks. Tim result of tho latest develop ment will bo that Turkey will throw In her fortunes with Germany and Austria. Turkoy is tho first ol'y tho' Austro-Gcrmnn combination tins tibtalncd sltico war becan. Mo ro to Iteirln War. Certain now to become Invotvcd torpedo boats. Turkey will InauRuratd n land canipnlKu nBalnst Greece, Itoumaula, DulKarhi, Sorvla, Albania and .Mon toueBro and her effort will bo to regain tho . territory lost to the Halkan slates as n result of the war. Hut she will bo attacked In the hack by the Russian fleet, which will seek to storm tho Har are iioumaiiia ana iiuiKurin, tno two I anuellcs, Tho Turkish navy, or Iliilkan states which have- refrained course, will bo attacked by tho from participation up to this time . fleets of the entente combination Servla and Mbntenegro are now In , and will not dnro to leave tho nar- ni'iiiB iiKitinsL Austria;. nor. How long Italy can remain -itoof j It wo.uld seem comparatively eaBy is a i;ruvu iiiiusiiou. auo is uraw ?(w. i I UK nearer and nearer tho precipice of war. It Is certain that If she docs start hostilities It will bo iiKalnst AilsrHa mid, following as a matter pf course, .ipiilnst Germany. With .both thane countries alio has a" dcfonslv'o ftll I once. .( , If the official advices should bo confirmed by events the only na tions of Europe that will ho (rco, from strlfo are: , ,i. .. ..' nwiizeriauo. . - . penmnrk. Spain. Norway. Sweden. , . .Europe will thon bn lined 'up In battle array as follows: ' h "- "" Headed liy the Kaiser.- normally. "'. Austria. Turkby. " , " ' ' ())ks(h1 to Uiu ICiiImt. v Great Irrltaln.i i . t ., Portugal. i ' ' France. ' Greece .. t j Russia, , , . Servln. , . '-'" "" Italy. . .? -.,', ... .Monteuogro. ' .,. j Japan. ' ' ' ' Bulgaria, . , ' Delglum ' Rouninnla, It Is n terrific combination against Germany, Austria mid Turkoy.i, but thoso nations have a' fighting ejinuce to win, 'and there aro some exborU for Turkey to bo crushed by such n formidable force as will bo hurled against her. Hut the fact must not he lost sight of that Russia will i be unablo to throw anything :lko bur full strength against tho forces of the Cbustautlnoplo government, it will be 'occupied for sonio time with Austria and Germany, both of which tiro Intent on invading the Russian provinces adjoining ttielr terrllwry. ..So Turkey will bo free to il largo, exlont to mass hor forces against the lliilkjin countries. t A-Tlillik Tiiikt Will Fight. Tlioro Is slight hope hero that tho conflict botweon Turkoy and Greece can bo avoided. Tho Con stnii.tluoplo government cannot af ford ' to ' glvo passage through tho .Dardanelles to tho Russian Ilinck Sea fleet, as such action would nrouso, Germany, and tho relations of Germany and Turkey aro most' cordial, und there hnvo been reports that tho two natloiiB were In close allla'neo. Tho fuel that Turkey re ceived the Goeben ami Hroslau was Intdrproted by tho ontonto as nu act of friendship- to Cormany, mid brought forth emphatle protests from thorn, Itnly's' cotirsu Is a matter of BrVO concern hero. Sho has been making strenuous efforts to Keep o'ut of tho war. Officials decline tii Indlcato tho cnuso of tholr pres ent belief that the IJoino govern nioiit 'will becniuo Involved, but there Is little doubt In their minds tnattlUB will surolv liappcn PEACE OF THE WORLD RESIS WITH UNITED STATES SAYS WELLS LONDON, Aug 31. 11. G. Wells,, tho writer, has appealed directly to' tho United States to throw tho, weight of Its great power Into tho balance for world's peace. His appeal, ho says, Is sent to the .United States from Great llrl taln, because, upon tho United States rests the ultimata issue of tho Eu ropean war The appeal -Is sent out with tho tlon in the ultimate settlement which will innko or mar tho welfare of mankind for conturlea to como. "Wo nppeal to you to Judgo us and Union' patiently to our enso and exert tho huge declslvo power you hold In tho balance, not hastily, not heedlossly. For wo do not dlsgulso ' from ourselves you can shatter nil our hope In this conflict. I Hail ( Share In Peace, . . .... . .. . . . ,111111 1 nillUT III l-l'lllV. hope that It will be given the wid- I , ow wlo ))C(,nwo of est publicity. Mr. Wells hopes Mforti t0 nosltlon-snno. brotherly COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue nn Aoriunv Phone 430 ANSCO AGENCY ' Cameras and Everything for Them DFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY may bo reprinted as a.wholo or in part iu newspapers, as n book or pamphlet, and distributed in any tnanner.' ., WcIIh' Appeal to II. S. "Tho " Influence, of ypur states upon the war's nature and duration must needs be 'dnorpious and in ,its dnding you, iiiay play a part such as no nation has over played Blnce tho world began. For it, restq with you to establish and seciiro'or rofuso to establish and secure pornianent peace, of the world and the final I ending of war. "This appeal cornea to you from England, but it Is no appeal to an i elent associations or racial 1 affin ities. "Half the world Is at waror on the very verge of war. It is (Impos sible that you should disregard or turn away from the conflict. 1 "Inadvertently you have to Judge 1 us. Unavoidable U .'your na'rtlclpa- fortunato position sane, brothqrly relations have becomo a fixed tra dltlon along your northern bound ary, wo English' had a share In so curing that while you llvo freo of ' tho burden of military preparations, j free, us it seems, forever, Europo I has for moro than half a contury j bent moro and moro wearily under i the. perpetually Increasing burden of armament. . j "For many years Europo has been an nrmod camp with millions of men continually iiudor arms, with tho fear of war universally poisoning Its llfo, with education impoverished, social development retarded und everything pinched but tho equipment for war. . "What does It mntter now who began tho thing or who was most to blamo? Hero It Is. Wo have to deal with It. Hut wo English do assert It is the government of the German emperor which for tho last forty years has taken the lead and forced tho paco In these matters v hlch have drlwn us English to idd warship to warship Iu pltlloBS competition to retain that predom inance nt sea upon which our exlst cine as freo people depends. Admits Cerinati Pi ogress, "Lot us not attempt to deny the greatness of Germany nud Ger many's contribution to science, art, literature mid nil that Is good In human life. Hut evil may over shadow tho finest peoplo. Since the victories of IS71 Germany has been obnoiMd by worship of ma terial power and glory, and, scorn ful of righteousness, It has been threateningly overbearing to all the world. "Thfio has been a propaganda of cynicism and national roughness, declared loutompt for treaties nud pledges, so tnnt nil Europe has been uneasy and In fear. "And sinc nnne of us are sa.nts lertalnly im iiutlun h sulntiy. 'Reieni')- there hits not been n country Iu Km-opo that has not shown Itscir resentful under this perpetual menace or Gorinanv. Now tit lust and suddenly, the threatened thing has come to pass, (ieriunny Is at war. "Wo hue no hatred or things (iorinnn or tho Gorman people. Hut wo tiro fighting to break this huge fighting machine forever, which has been hiii h air oppression as no nn-tlve-boin American can dream of, to every other nation In Europe. "Wo are fighting to oml kaiser Ism and Kiiipplsm former. There, shortly and plainly, Is our ease and object. Wonts Help for IVaco. "Now let us como to tho Imme diate substance of this appeal. Wo do not ask von for inlilnirv imin Keep the pence which It Is your unparalleled good fortune to enjoy so Boeuiol. Hut keep It fairly. "Reineiuber, v0 fight now for national existence. "Europe, full of Joyless i.ctor inlnntlon to end this ovll forever, plunges grimly and sadly Into tho cruel monstrosities of war. "Assuredly, there will bo llttlo shouting for the lctors, whlchuvor side may win. At tho end wo do most firmly hollo. o there will bo established a now Europe, a Europo ridded of ranking oppressions, with a freo Poland, a freo Finland, n free Germany, and tho Iliilkan ques tion settled, the little nations safe and with peace secure. "And It Is of supremo Impor tant o that wo should ask you now: What are you going to do through out the struggle? What will you do ut the end? "Come what may, all the liberal forces Iu England ami Franco nro resolved to respect the freedom of Holland. Hut the position or Hol land Is n peculiar ouo In this war. The Rhine runs along tho rear of tho long German line as If It worn a canal to serve the Hue with sup plies. Thou It passes Into Holland, and so by Rotterdam to tho son. "So It Is possible for any neutral power such as you to pour a stream of food supplies and war mntoi'.i. by way of Holland alums' Into the hands of the Gerninu combatant Hue. i'linuiv for l H. to Aid. "And hero Is where your country comes In. In your harbors llo a great number or big German snips that dare not venture to sou because of our fleet. It Is proposod, wo nro told, to iiriuiigo tho purchase of those ships by Ameiidiu eltlzons, transfer your flag to them, nnd then load thorn with food and war material and send them ncross tho Atlantic through the narrow sons that tit the price of a cruiser and ninny men wo have painfully cleared or Gormiiu contact initios, to got wur prices at Rotterdam and supply out' enemies. "It Is, wo coiiross, a smart thing to do. It will glvo your pooplo not only lingo and Immediate prnrits. hut n nioreniitllo marine, nt ouu coup, "it Ih within your legal rights ami wo will tell you plainly now wo shall refuse to quairel with you about It, hut we ask you not to bo too easily ofrondod If wo botrny a cortalu lack of eiithuslar,m for this Idea. , "And boyoiul such outorprlsos as this what aro you going to do for mankind and tho ultimate peaco of tho world? Will fry lor Hih.ii-iiiaiiient. "When this war Is over all Eu ropo will cry for disarmament. Aro you going to help them or going to thwart that cry? "Iu England wo shall attempt to extinguish the huge prlvato trndo In war material, that Krupplsm which lies near the roots of all this nionstioiis calamity. Wo cannot do that unless you do too. "Aro you prepared to do that? Aro you pioparul to como Into a conference at the end of this war to Insure the peaco of tho world or are you going to stand nut nud make dlffluiltlos for us out or our world perplexities, snatch advan tages, carp from your Inflnlto se curity at our allies, perhaps In tho crisis of our struggle to pick a quarrel with uh from soma second ary score? "A.o you ludeod going to play the part of a merely Humorous llt tlo peoplo, cuto nt trailing, or aio you going to play the pari of a great nation In this llfo and deuth btriigglo of the old world cUlllaz tlor..' Aro you propared now to take the lead among nations to which your gieatuoss nud freedom point you? "It Is not for ourselves wo innko thlt. appeal. It Is tor tho wholo future of mankind. And wo mako It with moro aHsursiico becnuso ul icady your Kovurnuiont has stood for poaco nnd observance of treatlos against baso advantages. Alroady the wounds of our dead cry out to you." it t. 1 Kt I I tf RlUBVMUMVaili