hr-mH ffSWSSSEBEitGfii te3 wJ Apr oci am atl n S Sui President: of Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Uay and San .Francisco. the United States Full Text of the Chief Executive's Messages to Americans My Follow Count ryiiion: L suppose that every thoughtful ninn in Amcriwi has asked iiimseir (luriuiz.- the last troubled weeks what iiii'luenee the European war may exert in the United States, and I take the liberty of addressing a few words to you in order to ..oint out that it is entirely within our own choice what its effeet on us will be, and to uri;e very earnestly upon you the sort of speech and conduct which will best safe guard the nation against distress and disas ter. The effects of the war upon the United States will depend on what American citi zens say and do. Every man who really loves America will act and speak in the true spirit of neutrality, which is the spirit of impartiality and fairness and friendliness to all concerned. The spirit of the nation in this critical matter may be determined largely by what individuals and society, and those gathered in public meetings do and say, on what newspapers and magazines contain, on what our ministers utter in their pulpits and men proclaim as their opinions on the street. The people of the Tinted States are drawn from many nations and chiefly from the nations now at war. It is natural and inevitable that there should be the utmost variety of sympathy and desire among them with regard to the issue and circumstances of the conflict. Some will wish one nation, others another to succeed in the momentous struggle. It will be easy to excite passion and dif ficult to allay it. Those responsible for ex citing it will assume a heavy responsibility; responsibility for no less a thing than that the people of the United States- whose love of their country and whose loyalty to its government should unite thein as Ameri cans, all bound in honor and affection to think first of her and her interests, may be divided in camps of hostile opinions, hoi against each other, involved in the war it self in impulse and opinion if not in action. Such divergence among us would be fa tal to our peace of mind and might serious-, lv stand in the way of the proper perfor-j nianee of our duty as the one great nation at , peace, the one people holding itself ready to, play a part ot impartial mediation aim speak the councils of peace and accommo dation, not as a partisan, but as a friend L venture, therefore, my fellow country men, to speak a solemn word of warning to vou against that deepest, most subtle, most essential breach of neutrality which may spring out of partisanship, out of passion ately taking sides. The United States must be neutral in fact as well as in name during these days that are to try men's souls. Ve must be impar tial in thought as well as in action, must put a curb on our sentiment as well as on every transaction that might be construed as a preference of one party to the struggle be fore another. My thought is of America. I am speak ing 1 feelsure, the earnest wish and pur pose of vvovy thoughtful American that this country of ours, which is- of course, the first in our thoughts and in our hearts should show herself in this time of peculiar trial a nation fit beyond others to exhibit the fine poise of undisturbed .judgment, the dignity of self-control, the efficiency of dispassion ate action, a nation that neithers sits in judgment on others nor is disturbed in her own counsels and which keeps herself fit and free to do what is honest and disinter ested and truly serviceable for the peace of the world. Shall we not resolve to put on ourselves the restraint which brings to our people the happiness and the great and lasting influ ence for peace we covet for them (Signed) Woomiow Wiusox. w Japanese Declaration! of Full Text of Official Document Which Precipitated Hostilities WASHINGTON, I). ('., Aug. l!). da pan's declaration of war upon (lermany, made public at the .Japanese Embassy here a week ago, is as follows: "The Imperial Rescript : "Issued at Tokio, August L:1, (i p. in. "We, by the grace of heaven, Hmpcror of Japan, seated on the throne upied by the same dynasty from time immemorial, do herein- make the following proclamation to all our loyal and brave subjects: " e hereby declare war against (ler many, and we command our army and navv to carry on hostilities against thai empire with all their strength- and we also com mand all our competent authorities to make every effort, in pursuance of their respec tive duties, to attain the national aim bv all means within the limits of the law of na tions. "Since (he outbreak of the present war in Europe, the calamitous effect of which we view with grave concern, we on our part have entertained hopes of preserving peace in the bw tfusf by the maintenance of strict neutrality, but the action of (lermanv Jias at length compelled (Jreat Hritain, our ally, to open hostilities against that coun- Sftreimgtlhi f try, and (lermanv is at Kiau-Ohau, its leas ed territory in China, busy with warlike preparations, while its armed vessels, cruis ing seas of Eastern Asia, are threatening our commerce and that of our ally. Peace of the Far East is thus in .jeopardy. "Accordingly, our Government and that of his Hritannic Majesty, after full and frank communication with each other, agreed to take such measures as may be nec essary for the protection of the general interests- contemplated in the agreement of al liance, and we on our part, being desirous to attain that object by peaceful means, com manded our Government to offer with sin cerity and advice to the Imperial German Government. Uy the last dav appointed for the purpose. However, our Ujovernmcnl tail ed to receive an answer accepting their ad vice. It is with profound regret that we, in spite of our ardent devotion to the cause of peace, are thus compelled to declare war, es pecially at this early period of our reign, and while we are still in mourning for our lamented mother. "It is our earnest wish that by the loyal ty and valor of our faithful subjects, peace iimv soon be restored and the glory of the empire be enhanced." the Rival Nation; Lineup of Their Armies and Navies A graphic representation of the strength of belligerents in the European war Ger many and Austria Against the eight alliesis found in latest official figures on the total war strength on land and sea of the nations. Uussia, France, England, Belgium, Montenegro Portugal, Servia and .Japan make a formidable showing in the result. Portugal is drawn in by a treaty with England. In the accompanying table, the naval strength is represented by the number of en listed men and, in some cases, the reserves, not by number or size of the various ships: Army Kusslu i.r.oo.ono Franco -1.000.000 Japan 1.200.000 KUKlnml 7:10.000 Swvlu '.'10,000 llulgluiu 222,000 l'ortUHKl 1 50,000 MoutuiiOtfio .10,000 Nuv Army Navy r.-.'.ir,:! 110,021 1 03,011 1 10:1,700 Oenimiiy ... .(",200.000 l"!l,7S:i Austria. 2.000,000 17.5S1 wii ! -wmmmmmm 0.000 Total 7.200.Q00 IM.UCt t Total 12.002.000 IJ7.S3S What causes the naval personnel of .Japan and Germanv to appear so large is the act that .Japan has a naval reserve of 111,000 ami Germanv has a reserve of 110,000 Redoftdo SAILS riiosi RAX FHAXC1S TO fok COOS HAY SATl'ltDAV, KEPTKSIHHII 5 lit P. SI. Equipped with wirel-ess and submarine beU. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers aud freight. SAILS FHOM SAX KItAXCISCO FOH COOS HAY, FHIHAY, AUGUST !2M, AT it P. SI. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeohcib, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIHKIiKSB. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAILS FHOSI HAILHOAI) DO t'K, MAHHIIFIHM), DUItlXG THE SIOXTH OF AUGUST AT 111:110 1'. SI., OX TIIK JIHI), 8TII, 13TII, J8TII, Jitttl) and 28TH. Ticket on unlr to all Extern HihiM miiI Information M to route unit rate cheerfully furnhdicd. Plump il.V.I. C. II. liAXOKHS. Agent PASSENGERS FREIGHT ' STORAGE Arrow Line Steamers -SAIL FHOSI- Snn Francisco Pier Xo. 2(5. Every Wednesday a P. SI. Plume i!7H. Co. m Hay livery Friday I P. SI. THOMAS II. .IASIF.S, Agent Ocean Doch. Portland Allien) Dock Xo. U Kvcry Tuesday 9 A. SI. Slnndiflelil. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday Till: FAST AXI) COSll'OHTAULi: S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED XOIITH PACIFIC STKASISII1P CO. C. F. SI.GEOHOE AGFNT W. II. PAIXTEH Phono 4, Slarshflold Phono 421, North nond vmmmmmMmmHmmmmHmummmammmmmHmmmmmmmammm m"aretl.,..N.elS0nr- 1'IIPH of 1U,.0 "' ,,tao, wrltlnc f,,r n, h-,"1.1.00 'or 1,1V Lrk j-Hnew, 0rcK0 H. H. Hnrnnr o '"ffiffiSySB "IlKUlg, Phono 340-J. Cabin,, W. T. Tompkins, D.TT" "foul' aruTS .-ft? H ami 2, 237 South li oa & 1 'iirinii i-i 'i i n r U..U 1U4MJ, M..iV .""nU,0,. Joel Ostlinri PIAXfl TI!VI.i ..... . Lonvc orders at W. It t .. AlIKR elc Company. ' "' ,U'W Si?,. tin s ai.ii. ... . . h " ' "WI. j.hM. I. M. Wright HUILDINO COXTI&on,,-ft Estimates fiirnii,.i ""wOIi '2 un requeit C. 0. Gosney. COXTHACTOIt AM) imii,?l5 Batltnntea Fiirnlihcd on nlffi Sty nHt Work N Sly V, 'Ut,t First and Alder Sts." fe. u"n Dr. H. M. Shaw Kye, Far, Xose nnd Tdm.i UK. SIATTIF It. 8IIAW U DlKcaKOH of Women nml pmii Office Phono 330. Room SkuS" 202, Irving Block. ' Ml Houso phone, 105-J. Mrs. Farrinoer n TI-ACIIFIt OF PIANO Hesldonco Studio, Phono 38B-J. Benjamin Ostlincl COXSULTIXO F.Xni.NIIKH AND AHUIIITKCT Offices. 20C Irving Block Phono 103-1. or 267-J. .Mnrihflcli, Oreiot W. G. Chandler AltCIIITKCT Rooiiib 301 nnd 302, Coke llulldlti Slnrshflcld, Oregon ' Wm. S. Turpen AiiniiTCcr Mnrshflcld, Oregon. " ' " i i i i Perl Riley Ballintjer " PIANIST AND THACIIKIt Rosldouco Studio, 217 Xo. TlilrJ St. Phono IIG8-U STEAMERHARDY SAILS FHOSI SAX FHAXCISCO KVFHY TKX HAYS SAX FHAXCISCO DOCK PXIOX STKASIF.R PIF.R HI C00S BAY AND EUREKA STEAMSHIP LIME SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WI3 FUKXISII A HAH AXI) WILL PAY Tin: POSTAOIJ OX ITS ItKTL'HN COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHOXIC A7-.I. SIAIISI1FIHI.I) rOU AUTO CALL Ideal Summer Trips OX LAUNCH EXPRESS I.oavea Slarahfluld overy week day at S a, in. STEAMER RAINBOW I.CHVU8 Slarshflold ovory Sunday nt 8 a. in. and overy week day at 2 p, in. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS IlrliiK your lunch unskota, kodak and fishing tacklo for a fow days outing. Sunday School and all picnic crowds n speclnlty. Excursion to South Coos River ovory duy. For charter and picnic n.Fitwnmmil) nnnlv on linnrd ; FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four khI cars with, careful drlfcrt. Ft day Mcrvlre, phono J4IJ, Hlniico Hlllurd Piirlnrs. 1 l'or ulgtit service, Phono 20.L KIRIIt uue. D. L. F00TE. Special Sunday Excursion to IIWtilllMWllMBlB WTilHiliTrnil I'll illi ii mi ' """'" Allegany, August 30th Steamer Alert Loaves Slarshfleld at S o'clock A. SI., connecting with Footo Auto Line for Uoldon and Sllvor Falls. Dont' forgot your Lunch Daakcts. ROUND TRIP FARE ON STEAMER, 75c ROUND TRIP FARE ON AUTOS, $1.25 Returning, Stenmer Alert will nrrlvo lu Mnrshflold about G o'clock. Xetv Slodols "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Iramo dlato service, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. -60 Cents- Why not have an extension telephone installed in your residence? The price has bran reduced to 60 cents per month. Think of the unnecessary steps this will save you. Co a s Bay Horn 2 Telephone Co. OCEAN HEACII AUTO LINK leaves Chandler Hotel, Mnndifleld, tor tho Ileach nnd Way Points. 7. A. SI. t P. .Mr-1 I. W. Empire !. Tar Heel ij South Slough ....... ."; . Hnstendorf Heaeh .."" Slussel Reef ; Sunset Day .frl.ou Hetuin From Heach at H.., A 31 1 P. SI. -V.U) P. SL Vis the beach by tho Ocean Ileach Auto. 7-passenger automobile leavei Chandler Hotel three times dally. flOHST & Itry"' WAMOL'S At'TOfl CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERHCH A now taxlcab baa been added to a, auto serYlce. Careful drivers. Will go unywhore at any tlma. Stsnd Blanco Cigar Store. Day P&one, 78. Night phone 139-X. TOM GOODALB. Prorietc. J i s SI wv m.m ivoi'lU- Ul I'jUgliUUl IS Jl),JUU. 1 T. iiBiillllMI MiMi I Mm lien.