THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1914. EVENING EDITION. TOUR BnBnmemMmBmmmmummmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmwmmBmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmKsmmimwammmmmmmMmmmmmmmm--- 'I. COOS BAY TIMES it. C. MAI.OXNV DAN i:. M.VI.O.NHV Kriitor nml I'lil). N'i'ws Killtor 0 0 Ifl BESIDE II Offlclnl I'liper ir Cims Cuunty. ' Entered nt tlio I'osFdffico nt Alnrsli Held, Oregon, for trnnainlssion thronsh the ninlla lis sccoiul-clnas ainJJ ninttur. Hill! CALIFORNIA Address nil conunmilontlons to COOS HAY DAltiV TIMES 10 GIVE BUT IMF ffiGFRT Ul:L w-i-ww..., The plant) or tho Coo Hay Concert 2nnd have boon materially altered lor their forthcoming trip to north ern points. The Imnd wns unable to complete nrrntiKcniontH for concerts at Willamette Valley townn with the exception of Corvallls. The band will lenve Mnndifleld Septeniher L I on the Geo. W. KIiIit ami proceed to Corvnllla. where they will rIvo an vcn!nB concert. From there they will ko to Salem aal play tho week's rtiKaKument at the Oregon State Fair. They will return via Port land from Salem Immediately follow ing the state fair. I.ccitl OmiitW I'htnncil. The committee appointed by the City Council which has in charge tho tour of the Cooh Hay Concert Hand next month, ha about completed nr OTitiirnninntu fnr nnntlmr r.nncort to fcc given at tho Masonic Opera Houso about tue lHtlbot September. Tlio program will be In charge of MIbk liilna Louise haraou and Mrs. Perl lllley llalllnger, two of .Marsh field's best known musicians and the promises to be of the hlgh- irt order. it win ne iii-iun en n. Iwtnl talent, assisted by the baud. Tlio pro-am will be announced eiVEiiiiK ; MYRTLE POINT Itov. nnd Mrs. Simuol Oregg re turned Frldry from Jiyrtle Point, where they had been as delegates to tho County .MUslonnry Convention of tho Christian Churches of tho coun ty. They report u hubI excellent convention, with a good attendance from all the churcnes. Dr. .7. ('. (Iliormley, a returned nilijlonnry. n-aa present .iiul gnvo two excellent addresses. Sue. 0. K. Swantler of 1'ortlnnd was nlso present, giving n tcvIow of tho Hl;.tt' work. Ilev. flregg was PMide Superintendent of Missions for Cooh and Curry Coun ties. Owing to ttio fact that State Sec retary Swnnder or tho Christian Churches can only bo In Marshflold one Sunday he will Hpenk to tho members of ! Veil Christian Church tomorrow uiglii at the church on Centrat avenue. Dr. Ohorniloy -w-fll speak nt tho morning service. Judge Hohlbrede wan In attendance- at the convention of tho Chris tian Churches at Myrtle Point. He was n 'letted as president of the as sociation for tho ensuing year. Mrs. II. K, Connor of North llend wn,q mado Hcrrctnry. Hon. John A. Jeffrey delivered a lecture to a crowd of men nnd ! women last evening at the open nlr ' pavilion at Second nnd Market streets c n 'The Other Side of Prohibition." Tho speaker has tin excellent voice i.nd rendered an excellent discourse. He took the tttnnd that prohibition meant the denial of personal liber- ties and dwealt upon that phase of the Manor question. Ho recited facts concerning tlio fnlluro of proamnion in Mninc and Knnsns. Mr. Jeffrey Is tho Democratic can didate for Attorney General. Ho was introduced Inst evening by Hugh Mo La In. ! I ! J O m Laaies duits It. K. Shine, one of the best known, or the Cooa Hay pioneers, nnd now living In Umpire, will move with his fninllv to I.os Gntos, Calif., next week to make their future home. Mr. Shine was for many years In chnrgo of the Southern Oregon properties, ' but has recently been dividing his time between Coqumo unci umpire. He returned last evening from n prospecting trip to California and an nounced that he had purchased prop erty In Los Gntos and with his fam ily "will leave for there next week to make their future home. The best wishes of many Cooa Day frlonds will follow them. IG BALL SGORES ami:ui liHACriv. C'i Icngo-IloHtou. rain. Philadelphia-Detroit; rain. Cleveland-New York; rain. St. I.ouls-Washington, rain. X.VriOVAl, I.KWJIK. iloHton-Plttsburg; rain. Thlladelphtn ; Chicago 7. Hrooklyn 1; St Louis I. New York L': Cincinnati 3. NOHTIIWKSTHHN l.lUtU'i:. Victoria 4 Tncmna il. Spokane o; Soattlo C. Iiullard I: Vnucntior u. COAST l.KAGCK. It, Oakland !! Portland I HattiTivt.: (Jeycr. Kla witter and JllUo, Winner. Martlunul, Kvaus, lllg- giniioiiiHm it mi rmiier. n. Venice 2 San FruncUc il T Uutti'ile: Kiisiior. White. and KUIoti; McLalu, Schmidt. It. H. K Sacraiiienio 1 ft 0 I.ns Angelen 0 : 4 IlatterUn- Mahukoy and Ilohror; Jliuson nml Dole. ATTENTION. K'ASTKItV STAIt .MHMUKIIS. All nit-mbem of Doric Chapter No S: nml visitliiK bioters ami Iwiiher. are requested to be preneni nt our next regular meeilnn on TucMluy, AuRiiut 2Sth, DM I, nt S p. in. Work, ktmiwss of liu port am e. mid lxit ironi Worthy Grand Matron. KUAN JUS Mcl.HOD. Secretin y. II. K. 7 0 7 0 H. K. S 2 11 0 Smith KnunluK and WIIKAT l '.to per huiidivd ,u jiaim:s i I.IWij COAL. The Mud YOU liavo ALWAYS t'SKI). Plume 712. Pacific Wvery ami Titnisfor Company. ' WHICAT fl.!0 per hundred at HUNKS'. Don't foixct Dim ;We liiuclieoii al aiie Cliaiidlm-. 1 1 :ilO to a o'clock. THE MOST POPULAR STOVE IN COOS CO. WHY? nJSCAUSE ET IS A Perfect Baker Fuel Saver Absolutely Guanintced So are all the Other Patterns of This Make. Made on the Coast nanl I'Biiw ipPLtjL 1 Ask Your Neighbor fflj Whenou bmmM mL Buy trie bestj Steamer Alert's Annual Excursion to the Life Saving Station Wednesday, August 26th Will leave Allegany at 6 a. ru Marshflold at S:30; North noncl at 0:15. reaching tho Life- Saving Station at 10. Ueturn boat will leave the Life Saving Station at 2 p. m. KAUi: KHOM COOS, IUH'.ND Tltll 7.1C KHOM .MAItSUKlKLl) HOC Bring Your Baskets and Enjoy a Day At the Beach mmwmisimaammm FREE Absolutely FREE NEW MODERN BUNGALOW Unparalleled Offer On one of the next twenty lots sold in Per ham Park we are going to build a UU. 11. K. KKLTY, DKNT1ST. Thono 112.J, Iloom 201, Colco Uldg. $1250.00 BUNGALOW, with all modern conveniences, complete, ready for occupancy, and present same to the lucky purchaser absolutely free of cost. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY- CALL AT OFFICE and let us explain our plan. You simply buy the lot on easy terms We Build the Bungalow Free W. A. R E I D PERHAW PARK IS I.OCATK1) IX TllK. IIKAUT OK MAUSU- Kifi.n, kkouimm; Mtlv'l' VITIS ITIVI." UOMKSHK.S. IMUCKS IwVritK.MKLY LOW. hOLD OX EASY TERMS New York's Latest Styles "Wo have received this week our first .shipment of Ladies' Suits. These were purchased by us direct from the maker less than three weeks ago. We do not buy our suits in April or May, from a travelling man, long before the styles for the season' are even known, as most merchants do. AVe go where they are made and get the new things while they are new and at prices that are ri dit -t mr i. I i ! ci..ii -. i v' lave so per cent oy uuyuig your emu or uoat Here, lave the very latest things in Coats in a few days. You can s AVc will h The Golden Rui e SAVING FOR OLD AGE People who do not save while young are often in the way when thev are old. Seven out of ten of the large fortunes resulted from compound inter est and the saving habit. AVe offer you a compound interest investment andv saving, combined, You may pay large or small sums, monthly, quarterly, annually, or you may pay faster, and mature your certificate sooner. All excess payments may be withdrawn after ninety days and interest will be credited". All loans in Oregon are made on first mortgages, on incoine-bearini; property, and the mortgages are held in trust by the STATB OK OIIE OON. For many years tlio earnings have been from (5 to 9 per cent. $ 3.50 Saved in tho Equitable Monthly Equals $ 300.00 $ 7.00 Saved in the Equitable Monthly Equals $1-000.00 $M.OO Saved in tho Equitable Monthly Equals $2,000.00 $.'lf.00 Saved in the Equitable Monthly Equals $5,000.00 EQUITABLE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, PORTLAND, OREGON1 Assets Over $3,000,000 Established 1890 Reserve Fund and Surplus, $213,000 OHAS. E. LADI), Pros. V. M'KEROHER, Secy. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR Johnson-Gulovsen Co's, Store for Home Outfits Just to Show You One Example of Economy at Onr Store ft Brass I3eds, guaranteed for five years against tarnishing, A High Quality Bed $18.00 Mattress $8.00 A Mattress of Quality and at an Economy Price. Pilled with felted cotton. It is can "Why Pay More" This Bed, although advertised at a very low price, is the equal, in quality,1 construction and finish to any bed ill our display. The finish is proof Wgaihst acids arid is guaranteed for five years against tarnishing. Tho bed pic tured here is splendidly made, having 2-inch continuous posts. The Ijead end measures 58 inches in height, and the foot end 37 inches. Mounted on best ball bearing brass casters. a pleasure to furnish a home when you use .Johnson-Gulovsen Co.'s "Credit" plan it takes the bumps out of the road to homo comfort. Tt, helps you to really have a home furnished so completely and so beautifully that right at the start it lie comes an enviable pleasure regardless of how much money you have or how much money you make you can have, all that goes to make up home comfort if you will use the credit plan which has furnished hundreds of Marshficld homes. Take one of our special outfits look at the proposi tion from all angles you will find that our outfits comprise everything that can be put into a typical up-to-date home and the price you won't think twice about when you really see ALL you can get for so little money. Our terms are LIBERAL made to measure up with your income. Let us show you one of these outfits tomorrow. We Never Sacrifice .QUALITY For Price We Frequently Sacrifice PRICE Eor Quality Johnson-Gulovsen Company 150 KUOXT STItKIVr. Office Ojioii Kvciiiiigi, 7 to S. The Quality Name With Service Fame. 1 .-.wJnrMH