mmm ti-.4ll!t;t.iirv ;l .... ie(tUiMinIH,tBi(Jl.HUi.,i? i YOU PONT HAVE TO PLAY A MOUTH ORGAN TO ACQUIRE A TASTE EOR MUSIC (E00S Wxmt YOfll OIM'OKTUN'ITY ,nh the great purchasing power t0, fhi. ommunlty should not bo of '"i3,. ', i ..lnrliiK your ndvertls- FAMILY CIKCI.T-.S KEACIIED with every copy of this medium. Have your advertisement read by the Home Community regularly, so that they will know you. Uo In troduced DY THE TIMES. oTcrioH" , f ,utMii of sue- Sful merchant. IS Til TIMKS. MKMIIKIt OF TIIK ASSOCIATED I'ltESS KsdiliUstKM 1S78 as The Const Mall. VOL XXXVII. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1914. EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mill Coos liny Ailvciilwr No. 32 G FOR HGSTILIT! WITH GERMANY HNHSri TnWHPIVIMIII mm Sjpan preparin N! KADO'S EMPIRE WOULD GERMANS 001 FORCE DeveIpment Of The Day flC TUC CUD rflPT Reported By Associated Press U I" I II t rflli tflO I j Dispatches To Coos Bay Times BLUFORD 1 IS m o if T OISAST Germany Disregarded Japan's Ultimatum to Withdraw Troops and Warships from Orient and to Evacu ate Kiao Chow. WILL KEEP INFORMATION OF IVfOVE- ' MENTS OF VESSELS STRICTLY SECRET Japanese Preparing to Enter Province of Kiao Chow Fortifi cations There Being Strengthened hy Thou sands of Chinese Coolies. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) TOKIO, Auk. 21 Japan is quietly preparing for eventuali ties following the expiration next Sunday of her ultimatum to Germany demanding the witlid awal of German warships from the Orient and the evacuation of Kiao Chow. Strict prohibition las been placed on any information concerning the movements of Japanese ships and troops. All correspondence is censored end newspapers aro closely watched. The War and Navy Departments arc preparing for a move en Kiau Chow, .where, contrary to current reports, the German fortifications arc really formidable, Since the outbreak of the European war, thousands of Chinese coolies have been em ployed in strengthening the defenses. It is believed that its capture will be no easy task, Japanese newspapers and leacl ina: Japanese officials express surprise at the tone of the Anuricaii press that attribute sinister motives to Japan in the sending of her ultimatum to Germany, Lieutenant-Colonel Roussett, a retired -French military critic of excellent reputation, says a great battle has begun along a front of nearly 250 miles, 2,500,000 taking part. "The most formidable shock in history" will occui on Belgian soil, according to French military experts, when the great armies of Germans and Austrians on one side and the allied troops of Belgium, France and Great Britain on the oilier come into close contact, No definite information as to the place where the decisive encounter is to occur is per mitted to pass censoring, but the general staff of the French army declares that it is confident of the fighting being under the best auspices for its own forces, The English Mediterranean fleot, supported by French warships and In conjunction witli the Montenegrin batteries on Mount Lovchen on Wednesday bombarded the Austrian fortifications at Cattaro, greatly damaging them, Libau, a Russian Baltic Sea port, was badly damaged during its two-hour bombardment by the Gorman fleet, ac cording to the captain of a Swedish steamer, Its inhabitants are panic stricken. German warships are reported to have destroyed the harbor works at Hango, Finland, The final call to arms, affecting all able-bodied men from 20 to 42 years, lias been issued by the Austrian gov ernment, The services of the Anglo-American Rough Riders Corps formed in Paris have been accepted by the French Minister of War, Sudden Death of Five Marshfield Men Caused When Speeding Automobile Crashed Over Pony Slough Bridge Near North Bend High School. LATE RUMOR SAYS DRIVER TRIED TO STEER CLEAR OF LITTLE BOY ON' BRIDGE -The Shocking Experience Temporarily Unbalances Ivan Born- ; Community Horrified by Details of Catastrophe Inquest to Be Held Tonight. ' A rumor became current this afternoon that throws a dif ferent light on the cause of the Davis auto wreck, It was started by the statements of a Walker girl, who is also said to I ' i -. I 1 1 ' I i r ii M 1 1 r t nave wiuiusseu uiu uuumuni iium near me iNorin dciki nlgli School, She told of the Kalond bov nulling a small wnenn j, across the bridge as the automobilot approached and that it appeared niai ivn, unvis, in auompinig 10 sieer clear of the ' boy, turned too far to the right and was unable to regain the road after having made the turn on to the biidge. Tlio Kalond boy stated that lie had to dodge to escape being hit by the machine and in a measure corroborates this story, If this is true, it indicates that the five lives were sacrificed , to avoid injuring the little lad, EXTENT OF FRENCH PRIZES. (Bv Associated Press to The Coos Bav Times, PARIS, Aug:, 21, Martin savs that the French have cap tured thus far ninoty-ono German field guns, four flays and nineteen automobiles, AEROPLANES AND DIRIGIBLES BUSY. (Bv Associated Press fo Tho'Coos Bav Times,) AMSTERDAM, Aug, 21, A'Zoppelin airship passed, over - GERflfiflSS EHTER CITY OF BRUSSELS WITHOUT FIRING SINGLE SI GHENT (via Paris), Aug, 21, German Hussars and Uh- Zoenaai today. Dutch soldiers shot at it and the dirigible inno nnuP, TlmrsHnv nmmlnff mi m shooting grounds at tho ' mix wnmi :., i .... n. -. .. r i' .. A..-H -7. ...!!.. n... -" .-j -i- ; " ". r " v.. Ono of tho ni out disastrous nutn inmillu accidents In thu history of Cooh County occurred yesterday af ternoon nliotit I: :ii) o'clock, when n toiirlnK ear drivun liy Minion! Davis plunged off the I'ony Slough bridge, killing flvo men.. Seven men wuro In the cur when It Jumped from tho bridge, mid the oscnpo of two, (Joorgo Wimfon mid I vim Horn, was tonsldcred mlrai'iiloiiH. The lleail. Tin. ,''d nii'ii wore: DLUFOIU) DAVIS, n wealthy rancher of Coon lllver, who owned and drove the car. .lAMKS WASSON, proprietor of u flHh market la thin city. JOHN NKIOATIION, known iir fMiini Itifilr " ti ti'itll.lf iwiii'ii liimil V (111 II 11 V l II MUM'ltllUIMI IWl M I . . m . a . I T II TI IvIHW VII I i f vl i i w ..! . . . . - -r-, w - . . . . w ,. . .c-l (,, ,.-.-. - , . .. ..-. .. . . t.iRnhi,, .iii'i nvnr I in (irrmnn tinnnm-. Aunt Wo.r Zounr 111 I GW ,.i ..t n.,. .!,!!, .- !, Pi.r.mneinr n norm Hi " i' .I'l-.nhi. one or tuepio- " ii , , I , i. n I (Ubo ui uiuoomo, vYiiuiiui mi. UUI8UMI ion1 u kiii iu ivti, njr tun, prietorH of the union over Maastricht last night. Gorman aeroplanes havo boon seen j,em n Q afternoon German officers occupying an amo ''"nt snoot m..i bo rnnni'r nvnr Mnllmvl in cnwnrnl flimntiniiQ. i i- ii !.. I If . ..t.!U ,lil,, f t..nnnr .,. H,,,mw,I, "CIiiIh" I'cderHen. "WUI""" . in ii, vhu V.I.WWHW..U, wonl tu uiu tjny mill, WIIIIU UUltlWIIIIUIIld UI II VV)Q WUIIl UllUllftll 'ie IllJlllVll. various parts of the city, Many inhabitants of Brussels are , noow wiuhhhi. u imitiior or COMMUNICATION INTERRUPTED. leaving for Ghent and Ostonri, Tho gonoral opinion is that the J,X? jnlJJUrt w'S thrown'ml' (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times,) Germans will only pass through the city or at most mako a uh r t uu mne or mo niddont. B LONDON, Aug, 21, Telegi anli .communication between short stay. Tho city was occupied without, firing a sho t. nauiV1' "uTi1.1;.?. wSVJii.TiSS'l.i".! oiusseis aiui uigianu was enureiy iiuonupieci louay ami uu a telegram irom usienci io loiiuoii saici me main uociy or who were wiii. (lispatchps wore accented for any place in the Belgian pro- the German army around Brussels camped for the night i SiV'wiw" umn'""! Hiitea ui Liiiiuoiiigi LiugOi iNUiiun, LUAuiiiuuifti uuiuuiu ui jusi ouisicie mo cuy, WHICH UllUtlUV HUH UUUII lUllllctliy uuou rtiuwcip, except ror tno city oi Aiuwei p, GERMAN FORCE DEFEATED. s ' (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) PARIS, Aug, 21 , French forces dofeated a detachment of German cavalry in an engagement near Basol. The Germans letirpfl m tho direction of St, Louis, leaving 500 dead and wounded on tho field, Thoy lost most of their horses, (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times,) PARIS, Aug, 20, French troops in Lorraine aro reported to b approaching etz. It is expected that the Germans will make a determined stand there, ALL JOIN IN DEFENSE. nied bv a small advance guard. Tho remainder of tho troops will outer the Belgian capital today, MEN OE M NATIONS WOULD 1 IN DEFEATING GERMANY (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times.) ; PARIS, Aug, 21, The groat square fronting tho Invalides t r . T"i r ! i I a !l.! - -. . .1 -. . I-. 1 . ,1 . . . . . K , - 1 II tlMt aisivi iby Associated rress to I no uoos oay limes,; i presented a sinning spuuuiwo muuy ( whoii io.uuu lyiuin LUuuiN, Aug, 21, A dispatch trom ine nague says me volunteers assemmea in oiaeny loiinuuoii unuui iiab ui moii Horn. the cur with thoxe killed, hut In ouch n posi tion that only IiIh rlKht arm wiih held, the oiIko or the oveituriiod car roHtliiK across IiIh iIkIU wrlnt. He wau rendered iiuroiiRcloiiH hy the rail, hut wiih Immediately hroiiKht to his FtniHOK hy a kick on thu Klde or the head hy u heavy calked shoe. IIIh head and oara were cut by tho blow and tho water stimulated him to action. He had taken much wa ter Into hi luiiKH, durliiK hln un coiihi loimuotw, hut mauiiKed to rid liliiiHoir of It Nheii he raltiod IiIh head. He wan then nolo to dig through the soft mud mid mnku Ills escape. All tho time he wiih con fined under the car ho was linilsod hy tho kicks mid utriiKKlcK or his companions, hut endeavored to pull them out when ho wan released. Whou he finally (reed himself, how ever, tho flvo ImprlHoued men had Heroine stilled, ami wiion rescuers prepa.ations for tlio defense of Antwerp extend over an enor-1 various nations to be mustered in. There were 4500 Jews from 0';S;:;'vn- ZZ t'"" w,lB " ""(' r'SLttXriiiWii' u.T1 rnous area. All classes in the city joined in the work, night and , all countries of the world, who desired to serve as a separate ( (). ,, WitT: ""; ,',,"Bj 'l,l? 1"M,M' " day, but there was no sign of a panic, command, 3000 Belgians, 4500 Italians, 2600 Russians, 2000 ' jyng wkt oMng. r,y&r S rrwi? rS HHKMflrs nnrTR p flnuflnH dm rKANUt. 'wss. uuu ana a usi uuu nuuniaiiui&i oou luauiiiuuikiuii&i i,..i PARIS, Aug. 21, The official news bureau made public 'and 125 Americans, All these volunteers were obliged to wait ki?ii. n tin ll,n r F..- i! x- .il. A..nn !.-. 41,. wininHw nf . .-.Ill Un nnmnlrtinn nf Hin mnhill-7nHon nf Hn FfOnnll rOBIMflrc. V?nr lno ' "ui mi- uuilliailS COIUinue IO pass IIIU muuau in mo viwim vi .unm uic uiiikiiuii ui ua- iiiuMiiitMiiun ui uiu i luuv,,, .uhunuu nuy and important concentration is being carried out in Belgium which was accomplished yesterday, mis morning, No French territory s occupied by the uermans except a piece of enclosed land at Audun, Leronan. FALSE AND FAKE NEWS SENT ' nnP(V, OUT BY THE UNITED PRESS llT M , An Official Statement. To Members of The Associated Press: , 4 nn . , . D "NEW YORK, Aug, 20,-Pope Pius died at 1 :20 o'clock Home time Thursday morning, as announced by dispatches o The Associated Press, "There is six hours' difference In time between New York and Rome, so that the hour of his death in New York time was 7:20 p, m, n ,, ... J'At 2:29 p, m, New York time, or 8:29 p, m, Rome time, Wednesday, or four hours and fifty-one minutes before the rpntiff actually passed away, the United Press Association distributed throughout this country the formal announce ment that the Pope was dead, As will be seen, the .United rress announcement was false," , , n MELVILLE E, STONE, Gen'IMgr,, Associated Press, PRESIDENT'S PUN FOR BUYING SHIPS APPROVED ii CONGRESS IS (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) WASHINGTON, Aug, 20, The President's plan to issue $30,000,000 worth of Panama Canal bonds to buy merchant 1 1' -year-old hon of Joo fnrmer IIvIiik In I'latt II. Mnrshfluld-Xnrth Dend road. Ho wns koIiik nftor tho cows and was htandliiK on ti o IiiIiIko when 'tho car hoarliiK Hi" doomed men , came down tho hill. AccordliiK to i the hoy tho machine was approach Miik tho hrldgo at a Kood speed mid was golm; from ono side of the road to the other. .Michael was KtaudniK on the nil of the hrldi-c and he end to Jump aside to avoid IiuIiik struck. nl nra"ov nelnhuors at onre. tays that the moil under shouted to he roleasod and It was Home time heforo inon caiuu mid righted the car. WiissniiV I'Ncape, Whon tho car started to fall, iJoorKo Wasson jumped, or foil, from tho inachliio and wns not Injured. Ho ondoavorod to rnlso tho machlno hluKlo-handed and to pull I'lilmolor Tiled. A pulmotor machlno was hurried from North lleiid nnd first tried cm niuford Davis, who showud mora kIkiih of animation than tlio other. After n few moments, however, It was worked on .lames Was in. nl without HUtcess. It was then ap plied iikiiIii to D?v', on wl om In the meantime efforts of lutnd-rotm-cltatloii had Htlniulnted somo hIkiio of life and who was thoiiKht to l fairly started toward recovery. Left .Maoliflelil on I'easuie Tilji. The party left Mamhfleld iihout it o'clock for a little pleasuru rldo to Kmplro mid leturn. When they started from .Murshrield J. Cj'Kollj. proprietor or several launches on tho Hay. was with tho u-ovd, hut had a "hunch." ns ho expressed It, mid refused to ko uIciiik, KettluR out nt North lleiid. 1'earliiK koiiiu sort liar on Xorth of an accident, I'ederson also trleil butter known as to refuse the trip, hut wns prevailed upon to ko iiIoiik. Ho was unite re luctant annul makliiK the trip. Horn .loins Party, When thoy stopped at North ttond. Ivnn Horn, who had not accompanied them from .Mmshfleld, wiih called upon to brliiK a round of drlakn from a saloon before which ho wns IoiiukIiik. Ho did so, mid then tho crowd went Inside ror nnolhor drJnlc apiece, staying In the saloon hut a row moments. Horn was asked (o Ko iiIoiik to Kniplre with tho pnrly and as he had woik that way dooldcd Io bo. Thoy left North lleiid short ly after I o'clock. Clouds d'o (o Scene. After tho accident n Kroat crowfl was attracted. Several physicians were quick to loach the scono, but beyond the into of tho pulmotor. nothluK eould he done for tho men. No examination wiih inado for hrokea bones or Intornal Injuries at that tlmo. Ilodles HroiiKht to .Mil isli field. Tho bodies wore hroiiKht to Mnrah rield late In tho nvonlnff, tho lindlc or Was- . ml Davis IicIiik left at the Wlls . i'ndeitukliii; Parlors ami (bono of redoiseii. NoIkhHioii and Hill Wlrth woio taken to Dtingan's. Car Not DauiiiKeil Much. The wrecked car or llluford I)aIt was towed lit to tho Smith & Wad morning. but Its ony raised after nbout two boms' work and towed hero by another car. It was steered with Its own Koar, sbowlnc that nothluK was broken about the stoerliiK npparatus, as waH at flrtt suspected. It wns Htipponutt that the broakiiKe of tho steering Roar cauisad tho accident, hut Mr. Smith stnted this morniiiK that absolutely nothing was wtouk with that part of the mechanism. The body or the car was allKhtly bent out or shapo, but tho oiikIiio was not damaged. Sev eral blood stains showed on the rlKht side or tho car when It reached hero. UOIt.V IIADIA' HATTI.KI). Could Not (Jive Coherent Answers it Questions at Hospital. Whon Ivan Horn was taken to Mer cy Hospital nftor tho auto wrack on ...'.. i.l I'ony SIoiikIi last ovonlnir. ho was men was enthusiastically supported by members of Congress, men beneath, hut could not succeed. I ba1y J'11"0""!) .t,,"t h?,pn0,,,,,ff"?t ni r.. JU. . f tl-. hAiiHo uini-n rr iinn trt 'nnirrnpo 110 II Oil rail ICK IO AOllll 1101111.1 ". ". " .......-.. r a IS I UI IIIK &aie UI me uu uuo vvcio given w uungicoo uy ,..., fr lin1n ... ll.ninlllM'i tlio autnorities. ami Ills nc - - r: , - , , i i i, i r i 'ii i r . i ciiiiiiik or Secretary McAcioo ana mas, n is expeciea, win ue aaverusea boionginK to anm fnrsnnn. !? . 'I1?..8.??'' J: I he actual bill is being drafted by Secretary McAdoo, as- twenty minutes after it slstftd bv marine exoerts. The bill will be introduced in the A. WI!,.,iad ?"" '" .V10,.1 House bv Representative Alexander! The passage of the ship they had righted' tho wrecked nllo.!rr nnrl war inoiiranro hillc VAill Iip fwrwlitprl hu a onp-ilHo wns so far gone from tho UUIOIiaoillB IIU eui iiiuuiuiiuw wmu ww x"l'"Vl,vu "J " "'" cial rule in both houses of Congress, King hurried to tho spot, reaching tho scono of tho accident probably not more than occurred. machine to In tho roscuo, hut by tho tlmo car, gone from the flvo men that nil efforts at resuscitation were futile, Hons woro so peculiar that ho was for a tlmo turned over to tho police for care. Ho did not wish' to remain In tho hospital, tho scones and sur roundings woiklng on his nerves to such mi extent that ho was takon to tho hoilor room for treatment Hi would accept uo troatmont for Ids (Continued on page eight.) I I fli t riiiiTfff