J & FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1914. EVENING EDITION. W'W "' i1 I' V- h) EXTRA BOUNTY ! ON BOB GATS OFF State Fish and Game Commis sion Remove Additional Payment for Animals. Deputy Gnmo Warden Thomas Ib In rccolpt of the following notice, which will bo of Interest to Coon County huntors. It Is self-explanatory; "Snlem, Or., Aug. 14, 1 914. "At Its regular monthly incetliiK on August 13, 1914, tho State llonrd of Fish nhd (tame CommlBslonors passed nn order removing the addi tional bounty of $1.00 each on wild cats, lynx or bobcats, which has been previously paid under Section CO. Chapter 232, Laws or 1913, and that no additional bounties slmll be paid on theso nnlmalB presented to Coun ty Clerks on or after AugUHt 14, 1914. "Payment of tho additional bounty of 115.00 each for cougar and $20.00 each for timber wolves will bu con tinued ns heretofore. "Yourg very truly, "STATUS F18II AND GAME COMMISSION." KAISER APPEALS TO PATRIOTISM OF GERMANY inn troo iwatc BERLIN, Aug. 20. A proclama tion by Emperor Wlllliun addressed to tho (lormnn nation was published in tho Official (ta7ottt a few days ago. Tho text wns as follows: "Hlnco tho fouuuntion or mo tier- Umpire It hnH been for forty- yon rs the object of the efforts tmysnlf and my ancestors to pre- Ivo tho iieace or tno world and 'ndvani'o by peaceful menus our lorous dovelopmcnt. "Our adversaries, However, are jealous of the successes of our work and thore has been latent hostility to tho oast and the west and be yond tho sons. "This has been homo by us till now, as wo wuro awaro of our re sponsibility nnd our powor. "Now, however, theso adversaries wish to humlllato us, asking that We should look on with folded arms nnd tch our enemies prepare them- Ives for tho comlnt: attack. "They will not mirror that we maintain our resolute fidelity to our ally who Is fighting for her position ns a great powor and with whose humiliation our powor and honor would be equally lost. "So tho sword must decide. "In the midst of perfect pence the enemy surprises us. Therefore, to arms I "Any dallying or temporizing would bo to betray the Fatherland. To bo or not to bo Is tho question for tho empire which our fathers founded. To bu or not to bo Is the question for Gorman power and Ger man existence. "Wo shall resist to tho last breath of I linn and horsu and wo shall fight n world of euom'es. "Never has Germany been subdued when hIio was united. "Forward with God. who will be with us ns ho was with our iiiccs-tois." IIATTMS IX NORTH SEA. . cf ' Opposing 1'lociH of (it cut llrltaln mid Gcriimiiy llojioilccl to Ilavo Mad Engagement. Tim British Fleet. - Theso nro tho dreadnought types probably in the Drills!) flout In or ucnr tho North Sea and their ton nage: Tiger, buttle cruiser, 28,000; Queen Elizabeth, 27,.pi00; Qucon Mary, battle crulsor, 27,000; Lion, battle cruiser, 20, CO; 1'rlncess Iloyul, battle cruiser, 2U.3C0; Princess Itoynl, Aiidnclous, 23,000; Centurion, 23, 000; King George V, 23,000; Con queror, 22,000; Monarch, 22, C00; Orion, 22. C00; Thunderer, 22.500; Colossus, 20,000; Hercules. 20,000; Nepjuno, li,000; Colllngwood, 19. 000; St. Vlmuit, 19.2C0; Vanguard. isgaEaBjSBBSLJssggai mr&jgsgsaEsar TEA Garden Preserves are the ideal summer dessert for tho home, the camp or the yachting trip save tho counon below until you have ten and present to your grocer with order for a t . crallon of Tea Garden Syrup Natno City., Qrocor's Nnmo. 1111(1 you u jnr i'ree. hu of will uive preserves Pacific Coast Syrup Co, Portland, Oregon JSsHbmmS iM. rr lfM ,t t -fppfc siHiip MK u l2Ppi Jfjf M ft J Jy Jf BRING US YOUR COUPONS TEA GARDEN SYRUP AND ALL OTHER STANDARD PURE FOODS AT MASBURG'S GROCERY The Good Housekeeping Store GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that are Right all tho time, SERVICE that is satisfactory, DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner (Sh Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONES UIH-J AM) iVM FLORENCF PERSONA I.S. t iy.L-nu; wow .calami, tiattlo cruiser, VI IS'.SOO; Indefatigable, battle cruiser, 1 1S.800; llellurophon, 18, 000; Tiimo- valro. 18.U00, Superb, 18,00; , ( Dreadnought, 17,000. Theso am all bin cun shins, com pleted, except the Dreadnought, since ll08. They are tho chief support of the homo fleot .Such other ostols as tho King Edward VII. the Domlu Ion, tho Commonwealth, tho Hindu stan, tho Zoulnmlla. the lliberula, the Ilrltauula, the Africa, tho Indomit able, the Invincible, tho Agamemnon, the Lord Nelson nnd the Cornwall!, tthUh have been used In tho Medi terranean fleet, may have beou ro I'lHucl to tho North Sea. although, of course, soine protection must bo left at home, at (ilbinltnr and In the Medltei milium The Hrltlsh North Sea fleet also has about sooutv de bt royois. German Fleet. ionium war and Wll- at tho fleet. irnlnnil . tnt. ....... M' Thtir. llio, - , v. &- hl lh mrmn, J ,hk-. JShQ rimmmwv wmwrm tm MiHimf ffffmmtfuuiL iMn :awi riwfnuunnti MifUnkKr 'TMimnnnr tmr.HUs . t ' "h: Jsh iifr. : x .. i:'i4f.iu r. ii;: ' ' r im; uIiLa ."-v . rl :i , RIHIF,' t'l t ,,. f ' ti mT . m. '"! News of the Sliihlaw ns Told In the Columns of The West. Mrs. Snyder, wife of Cnptuln Sny der of tho steamer Robarts, arrived hero Saturday to spend a fow days In Florence returning to Coos Hay on Wcdncsdny. Kov. Fleming and wlfo of Salem wore In Kloiema lnt Friday on a trip down the rotiht. They started from Point Adams for a Journey on foot to Coos Hay. Captain .1. S. I'olhomus of tho U. S. engineers' office in Portland, ar rlver here Wednesday to look over ho harbor Improvements work. Cap lain Polhemus hns been connected .villi that office for many years. Karl I.oppeit and Mr. Foster camo up from Coos liny lust Thursday, making tho trip on foot In twelvo hours. They mndo the return trip Monday on board tho Itoamer. David I.oppert roturned to Flor ence from the south Wednesday ev ening, He has been at Coos Hay for soornl months past. 1). M. Kemp nnd V. D. Hnvens came up tho beach Wednesday after spending a couple of wcolcs In Curry County with "lluckskln Hob" Smith. Mr. Havens left yesterday for lilt, homo In Eugene, John Steear and son start todny for Not th Hond, whoio tho boy will go to the hospital for a surgical operation. Some time ago he had an ulcerated tooth and the trouble has nffected his Juw bone, IS, V. Craln of Hoseburg was In Floieuce last Monday. Mr. Craln formerly leslded on Fiddle Creek and still owns some land in that valley. Some yearB ago ho went to Eastern Oregon and Inter entored the Soldlei.' Homo nt Roseburg. A few weeks ago ho took a trip to Caos Hay and returned to Roseburg by way of Florence. GLASS OF SALTS K S fcF' &.M . i. ' rrtyntmui. l i a. iiwiuiu i;!r- . w::mmiw mhini' ., ,!( . ti! ?.f,n ." DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING GING i EBrtnthitH mlik Ilrfl ( 1 whirl i hit V , -i . I- I f ' I I I I 1 ' ill 1 . Y,tM . V i i ' ' 1 i ti. 1 , t ' , lilMti uh s. . :i 'f ( - 'tr- If Your Hack is Aching or llluddcr Mothers, Drink Ixits of Water And lint JjOss Meut. When your kidneys hurt and your back feels soro, don't gut scared and proceed to 'load your stomach with a lot of drugs that exclto tho kldueys and Irritate, tho ontiro urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes tho body's urinous wasto and stimulates them to their normal activity. Tho function of the kidneys Is to filter the blood. Iu SM hours they strain from it COO 'ilns of acid nnd waste, so wo can renv understand tho vital importance ol keeping tho kidneys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; tuko n tablespoonful in a glass of wator boforo breakfast each morning for a fow days and your kidneys will net flno. This fa tuous salts is mude from tho acid of grapes nnd lemon julco, combined with llthln, nnd has been used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize tho acids in urlno so it no longer is a Bourco of In Ration, thus ending bladder voakness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backachi). For Snlo by Ijrowu Drug Company. H Vil ll'IMN! 5 ' !c. JrH UK.' i iHV mamir TADDEN INDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC Ilronilde Enlarging and FlKlsbJag. Inter-Ocean Transportation ,Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay aud San Xranciaco. ". - --r 1 fc- - - ---.- - ' "i . ii . "" .' - ; S. S. Redondo SAIIS FROM HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOH HAY MONDAY, AUGUST U4, AT P. M. Equipped wltli wiretess and aubmaxlnei .bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. N ANN SMITH Equipped witli wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. HA1I.H FROM HAN FRANCISCO FOK COOH MAY WEDNKSDAY, AUGUHT IV, AT V. M. San Fruuoisco office, Greenwich street pior No. 23 and GOO Mfo building. Coos Bay Agent, C. P. McGeoiiqe, Phouo 44. KQUIITKD WITH WIHKLKBfl. SleainshiP Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. SA1I.8 FltOM RAILROAD DO OK, MAHSIIFlHIiD. DU1UNG TUGS .MONTH OF AUGUST AT lUtSK) 1 M ON THK 01U), 8TH, lirni, 18TH, t!.'UU) anil 28TII. Ticket on sale to all KMtera iolnOi and Information to roates and ratoa cbocrfutly furnished. Phone JW-J. O. I). LANDKUH. Agent S. S. PARAISO Hqiilppcd with Wireless. Mno Passenger Accommodations. New Htcol Iloat. H. H. PAHAJKO WH.Ii SAH FOH HAN 1'HANCIHCO FHIDAY, AUGUHT !il, AT I P. M., WITH PASSKNGKHS AND FHISIGI1T. YISI.U)WHT()N12 WII.Ij HAII. FOH POHTiaND, FHIDAY, AUG UHT Ul, AT .1 P. M., WITH FHISIGHT ONIA. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMK9, Agout, Mnrahflcld. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THIS FAHT AND COMFOUTAHMS S S. Geo. W. Elder NISWI.Y KQUIPPKI) NORTH C. F. McOKORGIS Phono 44, Marshflold PACII'IO HTKA3ISHIP CO. AGENT W. II. PAINT Kit Phono 421, North Ilend This Bank Mnkcn n point of glrlng In roim. It wants over dopoHl tor to feci that ho or hIio nmy approach ItH officera frerfjr and dlscnHS niattcii wlilcti liavo to do with their finan cial nffnlrH. AJwnyM willing nnd dcnlrouv of korvlng you. We Invite Your Account FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST DANK IN OOOS COUNTY. EitabUahod 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Pali oa Time Depoilt Officers: 3, W. Iloanett, President. J. II. Flanagaa, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Goo. P. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. STEAMER HARDY SAILS FROM SAN IfltANCISCO KVKHY TEN DAYS HANFHANCIHCO DOCK UNION STEAMER PIER 10 UUUS HAV A1MU tUHbKA STEAMSHIP LINE MiAda bring roaulta, T!Ji3&sfii ant Ads Bring Results PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Mildred Rooers Nelson. Tcitcficr of Pinno. Pupil of Hugo MntiBfi'ldt, San Fran cIbco, Cal. Application for leBsons by writing for appointment. Mnrshfleld, OreKoti H. H. Harper IIOUSK DUILDEH General Ropalrlng and Cnblnot Making. Phono 340-J. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Welttner Methods) Every known dlaenno troatod without druRB or Bnrj;ery. RooniB 1 and 2, 237 South Urondwny. Phono 132-L. Mnrohflold, Or. ioel Qstlind PIANO TUNER AND REP.MRKit Leave orders nt W. It. Unlnea' MUi- bIc Company. 41G S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L. I. M. Wright Phono 318-R IIUILDING CONTRAOTOR Estlmntoa furnished on request C. 0. Gosney. I'hniin nir.i CONTRAOTOR AND RUILDER EBtlmntos FurulBhed on Renucat My Put Work Is My Rcferonco First and Aider StH. . Marshflold Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Eur, Nono nnd Throat. DR, MA1TII3 H. 8IIAW IHsciiRcn of Women nnd Children Office Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201. 202, Irving Dlock. House phono, 10G-J. Mrs. Farrlnner TIUCHKH OF PIANO Rcaldonco Studio, Phone 3 80-J. Benjamin Ostllnd CONMUIrrNG ENGINEER AND AltCIIITKCT Offices, 200 Irving Dlock Phono 103-L or 2C7J. Marshflcld, Oregon W. G. Chandler AHCIIITEOT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coko Dulldlng, Marshflold, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Oregon. Perl Riley Balllnger PIANIST AND TEACHER Rosldeuco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3C8-L. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WH FURNISH A RAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE B7-J. MARSHFIELD YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Foar good cars with careful drivers. Foi dajr service, phone 1-1 4 -J, Ilhinco nillard Parlors. For Bight service, Phone 200.Ii Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE jS.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend I LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dopondablo. Imme diate service, prompt attention to all Intoresta of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 1 OCEAN REACH AUTO LINE Leaves Chandler Hotel, MarsUfleld, for tho Reach nnd Way Points. 7. A. M. 1 P. M. I P. M. Empire 50c Tar Heel 70c South Slough 70c .. Daatendorf neach . . .$1.00 Mussel Reef $1.00 . Sunset Bay t.$1.00 Return From Reach at 8:30 A. M. 1 P. M. 3.510 P. M. Visit the beach by tho Ocean Beach Auto. 7-passenger automobile leaves Chandler Hotel three times dally. GORSTll KING'S FAMOUS AUTOS CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICM A new taxlcab has been added to jjy auto service. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any tlms. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78. Night phone 139-X. TOM GOODAUL Proprietor, ' t W&I , a5bi."jij. AJSJrrftV n, 2m.. ""W, l AH .lXlLJ.lAJ.&Ui. IU Kas' ""