Commutation 20 Tickets $2.00 if.MhlleM'NnUli Hcnd Auto Lino. r.r every ten iiilmi from (I n. ni. cr8C 'to I'M 0 p. in. GOHST Ai KIN. Proi". LowRates for Handling Trunks Vo lmiil trunks botweon any oolutB in Mnrslifiold for the follow L rates, delivery lo bo mndo In the first floors of buildings: Three trunks - Three trunks -BO Twelve trunks l.&O Star Transfer anil Storage Co. Levi lleliucr, i !. Phono JSJO-.I. UMj. 08-H. OII1MNI3V8 FIRM I'bAUKB j. N. BAYLISS Any Kind or Ilrlrk Work nt Prices Tlmt Aro Rlglit Ami nil Wnilc Guaranteed Call at "Tliu Fireside," Johnson llltlg. i:iV Second St. I'liono French Itaiigcs. Holler Work ST. IiAWKKiMJI. UUII'.IJ Wo have n groat many Inquiries tor acreago and lotB. If you will toll at n real sacrlflco list your property at tho St. I.awrenco Hotel or Lloyd Hotel. No commission oaked. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popu'ar place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'clw'y HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Sec CORTHELL Phone 3171. - - suits cleaned and press- i;i SUITS MARH TO ORDER GIVE US A TRIAI UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE & C. O DAGUI3TT 2CG Central Ave I'liono 250-X. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio LAMBETH'S AUTO SERVICE STAND AT CHANDLER HOTL'L PHONE UO. WILL (JO ANYWHERE ANY TIME NRW CAR AXI) CAREFUL DRIVING HATES TO CAMP1XG PARTIES LYNN LAMBETH Owner nnd Driver. T. J. HOAIFE tP a. II. 1101)01X8 Ma rchfiofrf' PA,NT AND MarS"T(eid DECORATING tC0. Estimates Furnished Phone 800-J. Mjirshfleld, Oregon. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrshflold WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET XOHTII HBN1) O. A. Mctllti, Prop. DR.Y WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phone 180-J. K00NTZ GARAGE Euclslor Motorcycle Agency LEE TIRES AUTO.MOHILES STORED COOS COUNTY'S MOST COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND AUTOMOHILE ItEPAIHINa GASOLINE FOR SALE NORTH FRONT ST. PHOXE 180-J HATTEEIES HEPAIIIED AXI) CHARGED NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you Imyo thorn laundered ut TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic CHINA THE COOS BAY Bl1?11 Here's Where You Get ftretotte Tires, Tubes and Accessories And that means that here you get tne most tor your money. Most miles per dollar and most comfort per mile. Firestone quality has led the world for fourteen years. There is no argument about it. But because they have the largest and best equipped tire factory, and only the top notch men, the prices are right. Call and Sco Non-Skid Smooth Tread All Types All Sizes GOODRoads Distributor for Coos COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue Phone 430 ANSCO AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them JFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY Convenience and Safeguard If you linvo over stumbled on tho dink lmsciiifiit stepi, you enn real- lo Mlint a convenience It Is to hnvo ihi Electric Light Snitch nt tho hem of tho stairs. When planning your new home or tho remodeling of your present home, don't forget tho switch on the huHcment stairs, or tho switch (o Hglit tho bccoiicI floor lights from the flrt floor. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. donning, repairing or new platens, uork giiurunteed. Ribbons nnd carbon pliper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono II. Allhinto office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEED ABSTRACT CO., inc. IIENRY SENGSTAOICEN, Manager KARM. COAL, TI5IHER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPZWIALTV FAKM, wurtJu, GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDK MARSHF1ELD OFFICE, PHOXE U-3. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PUOXK 101. mjttmamZmmmmamimaammmmBmMammmmmmatmMMMmkmaBaMamMmm TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with us for a good mai- yoars and a lot of our customers will toll you when It comes to getting good, sound, durablo framing material at the right rU-lco wo kuow our busi ness Just tell what you want to build ond the amount yon want to spend and we'll get busy with our pencil and figure out the best your money can buy. Try us. j C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT FUEL HILL I CUT THE PHONIJ 1"0. TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, aCCTMlWCTMrjwwiwngaeifM ff Hill and Curry Counties Remember to Imluilc close! light., porch lights, Imschnnrd Mick 0(h for the f In t Irons iiikI other appliances. It( M n m(1 ,((i) PM,cnBve to plmi these tilings before thu actual wm,; ,H "Imled. SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL DEAL ER or telephone to us. Oregon! Power Company Telephono 178. Cor. Second nnd Criilrnl. TWO IIY USJING OUR WOOD 182 ISOUTII ItROADW, ,Y iii i KV-wwwrr ill '! w WJf County Schedule of Expenditures of the County Court of Coos Oregon, Special Session July 23, J9J4. V W. (Inge, expenses In r criminal matters 44.00 liwln-llodson Co., supplies for Surveyor 38.20 truln-llodson Co., tux receipt stubs Tor Treasurer S.20 Dennis MeCnrthy, erulslng- tltnlii'r (25,010 neros) .. 1500. 9G w. v. Ongo. stamps. cat It. S. Knowlton, supplies for Treasurer 1.00 C. J. Fuhrmnn, supplies or Assessor ., . It. 10 It. S. Knowlton, supplies for Clerk's office S.70 C. .1. Fuhrmnn, Btippljcs for Clerk's offlco 75 Irwln-llodson Co., rubber smmp mid pad for Assessor 3. SI A l' LliH'gnr, Htmiipcd enve lopes for Sheriff 4 3. GO W W. Ongo. expenses cap turing Vaughn 20.00 ,T Ira Sldwcll, !l yds. canvas for Sltorlffs offlco 3.00 CoMiillle Vnlley Sentinel, sup plies for county officers. . . 10.7 A V. l.lnegar, stamped enve lopes for County .Judge ... 1 1.08 James Watson, cash advanced for Btntnps, etc 20.00 W. W. (Inge, board of pris oners 11C. 34 City Harness & Shoo Shop, repairs of shoes for Jail.. .7i" C. .1. Fulirmun, drtlgB,cte., for Jnll 23.80 J. L. Sinclair, guarding pris oners In county Jail 2 1.00 V. V. Oage, conveying pris oner to Salem (Vaughn).. 12.10 V. (Inge, conveying pris oners to Salem, etc 31.11 Aetna Insurance Co., Insur ance on court house 32.00 ComuIMo Valley Telephone Co. phono In Clerk's office.. l.iiO Coiiulllo Valley Telephono Co. phono In Assessor's offlco. 1.G0 Cofiulllo Valley Telephone Co. phono In Sheriff's office.. l.fiO CmiulUo Hardware Co.. hard ware for court houso 10 Coos Hay Homo Telephone Co.. Clerk'H offlco: rontnl, August; tolls, July 3.80 Coos May Homo Telephono Co., Treasurer's office, August rental 1.7T Coos Day Home Telephono Co.; rontnl, August; tolls, July .10 Coos Hay Homo Telophono Co., Surveyor's offlco; ren tal, August 1 r0 Coos liny Homo Telephono Co.. AngcHor's offlco: ren tal, August; tolls. July... 3.10 Coos Ihiy Homo Telephono Co., Shorlff and District Attorney: rontnl, August; tolls, July 17.78 It. S. Knowlton, supplies for court houso 1.35 J. T. Nosier, labor, court house yurd 10.50 Co(iilllo Laundry Ico Co., laundry, court houso ... 12.55 City of Coiiulllo, wntor ront for court houso u.uu Oregon Power Co., lights for court house i n.7-i North Ucnd .Mfg. Co.. 1 It. pinto for Assessor 12.C0 John Stnuff, labor and mater ial nt court house 12.00 BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER creamery All SrADIO UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IX A CLEAN AXI) MODERX FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AXD CREAM. PURE ICE Freo delivery, H n. in. and 2 p. iu Phono 7a GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS H17 Central A v. Phono 37iMi FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call on LeMieux & Miller, 303 No. Front St. Phone 115-R. HOTE& 1JOTSON h. O. A. Hnnson, Proprietor Now opon under nowjiMr 0f Now opon unoer iu)wrtrtr of A. homo Vlaeo win. served In family11 ymv Ing and room, $6.60 per ny 10c 'ARE YOU BOTrL of With Corns? If bo, yo )d of half the pleaau H oleasant walking and d ise. A visit to Mrs. O- This M Scientific dilropodlst, lure to A uonneu mug., win ue permanent remedy fa 19R-EVENINjI EDITION, WWrM53MWB.a PW&OWCfl? Couurt ftoceedirii$ Coos Hay Telephono Co., Judge's office; rental, Aug ust; tolls, July I. no Coqullle Laundry & Ico Co., laundry for court houbu (June) 10.50 Irwln-llodson Co.. steel desk for Clerk's offlco 200.00 lliiHlioug & Co.. binders and Indexes for Clerk's offlco. . 100.00 1'enrt llros. ,fc Co., coal for court house 2.25 Glasn l'rodliommc Co., le gal blanks (Clerk) lfi.7l Farmers' Union Store, sup plies for court house.... 3,85 The llqcord Publishing Co., publishing notice of war rants 7 yeais old 27.50 Tho Record Publishing Co., publishing not lie to con tractors ;i.20 Thoninrf Drane, costs Case No. 3738, ole 12.30 John F. Hall, expenses as County Judge 25.70 Tho Record Publishing Co., publishing County Court proceedings 82.70 Coos Hay Times, publishing County Court proceedings. 13D.0O Coiiulllo Vnlley Sentinel, pub lishing Nothe to Painters. 2.25 The Coiiulllo Herald, publish--ing notice of warrants 7 years old 21.75 S. M. Nosier & Co., groceries, County Itirirmiiry 112.35 Walter Cullii, inedlcnl uttend nnce. County Infirmary . . . JlG.On Moss & Jones, meat, County Infirmnry 33.15 Coiiulllo Laundry & Ice Co., laundry, County Infirmnry 8.30 P. K. Drane, groceries, Coun ty Infirmary Ill.tio Farmers' Union Slore, gro ceries and medicine, Coun ty Infirmnry .7.00 It. S. Knowlton, medicines, etc.. Comity Infirmnry ... 27.27 T. N. Ilrown, smithing, Coun ty Infirmary 2.00 12.70 1.35 7.5r. 10.7; il.DI' 3.8( 30.00 25.00 70.01 8.01 0.01 7.00 23.00 2.75 1.00 13. GO II. N. Loronx, iiulse., County Infirmary Lyons & Jones, mdse., County Infirmnry ., Coiiulllo Hardwnro Co,, hdw., County Infirmary Geo. A. Robinson, mdse., County Infirmary W. C. Laird, mdse., County Infirmary II. O. Anduisnn, mdse., Coun ty Infirmary Jnmcs Avery, labor, County Infirmary T. K. Wllllo, lnbor, County Infirmnry Allen McLeod, supt., County Infirmary Martha Stephens, helper, County Infirmary (lertlo Mecuni, helper, Coun ty Infirmnry Mnbel Hillings, nursing, County Infirmary C. It. Wado, services on Can vassing Hoard, ote Gus Peterson, ront of ball, rrocinct No. ;i, etc. R. X. Hunt, mnklug election booths, ote. E. A. Dodge, services on Can vassing Hoard, etc A. E. 8hustor. .1. P., Hist. No. 1, fees, Statu vs. linker, Juilil, ote E. P. Anderson, expenses In Justice Court, Dlst. No. I . . W. P. Anderson, acting as Chief of Police, Dlst. No. 1 A. E. Sinister, J. P. feos, State vs. M. E. Judd .... R. N. Emery, Constable's feos, Statu vh, Judd, Miller . . . A. E. Sinister, J. P. feos, Stnto vs. Rutherford A. E. Sinister. J. P. fees, Statu vs. .Mlllor. ot nl, ... A. E. Sinister. J. P. foes. 2.20 5.50 14.75 G.S0 7.50 0.70 11.10 Stnto vs. Adnms 1 1.75 C. L. Ponnoek. J. P.. Dlst. No. 2, Stnto vs. Peters, ote. Dr. A, L, Houseworth, hold ing autopsy, Emll Andor- sou W. S, Cox, Constnblo'H feos, Stoto vs. Toohoy, ole J. J. Stanloy, J. P., Dlst. No. 3, fees, State vs. Mo Daulels Nod C. Kolloy, Constable's feos, Stnto vs. McDanlels. . .T .1 Klnillfiv I l fnnu titntn 13.80 25.00 as.n; 5.85 7.10 1.70 7.50 C.50 0.50 0,50 5.10 10.00 I-' " " "VI ,", iiiiiih vs. Jnno Hoard l'rnuic uniuorou, wltnoss feos, State vs. Heard Fnnnlo O'Donnoll, wltmws fees, Dlst. No. 3, Stnto vs. Heard Henry Kennedy, witness fees, Stuto vh. Heard M. A. Swcetman, witness feos, Stato vs. Heard Carl Wnlkor, witness fees, State vs. Heard Dr. Win. Horsfall, examina tion of Kinnoy for Insanity Dr. Geo. 13. Dlx, modlcal at tention on Eric Alio 15.00 C. II. Terwlllegor, services rendered in burial of Win, Carlson, Stabe Tuborculosls Hospital 25.00 City (Irocory Co,, groceries ror .Mrs. Kwing City (Irocory Co,, groceries for Mrs. M. Larson ..... Farmers' Union S"re corlos for. P features Miss City.. iHldr" ns a nowspapor ti,. Mm storv Is VCrY DOP- Lr. It bohiK lmbllshed In nil tho largo papers In tho Last. A DANDY GOOD SHOW TONIGHT Children 5c Adults 15c Coining Monday The Fifth Story of "THE PERILS OF PU'LINE" TucMluy Night: MILLION MID" .. ill l,n n,,anln,l 111 lllUtlPrnilH r(iue - - ts. This Is the greatest picture ever suown in .uuib-fleld. C6untl Kinney insnno , . ,M, .1, K. II. Straw, cxairutwtfon Mike Toohv. liiFnnn .JWi 'Ij J. J. Stanley. J. p. f,0St,-' ii quesi on uoiiy or Cnsdyi.fl hmmn King, wltnrss, Inaiwst on body of Onsev ..i'lt J. ('. Clnik. witness, Inqueatf on uoiiy or tnroy ..,..., A. IV fntit ., li..rtM 'il ilttcHt on body of CnscyW.; iviu-iiiiei lioni, witness, m (liiost on body of Casey t X h. R. Miik. witness, inaucstl on uoiiy nr inscj ..lij; -. ii. .iiji-iB. wuiicss, irniuest on body of Casiy .,,.., Dr. Walter Culm, autopsy on' uoiiy or i.i-uoy Cnsoyi.,:f .unuge iiiumin. tnKItlg Jostl inniiy. raicy inquegt , J H. I'olsom. Juror, CasoyIti iiuest . . . . A. Thoinns. Juror, f'nso; iiuest Leo Good run. Juror, uuost Cnsoyj Win. Oildy, Juror, Casey quest j O, A. Mlntonye. Juror, C; Impicst I S. L. Hall, Juror, Cnsoyi iuesi Coos County Tenchors' im title Fund, sunnort of mini Teachers' Instltutd! 'PI,.. I"....., I.... I 1 ..i..T I III! I'M'lllllfi lit. 1(1111, l tax noilies , City of Ciuiullle, Internst 1,1,1 Ul li. ........ I - M,,l. .ft, l,,, ,1 UIIIUII t. .Vt John F. Hull, snlary as Co ty Juilgo (I. J. Armstrong, ntteiidnt. unuiity rotirt nnd expons. (.imy ami August) , . .1 W. T. Dement, nttondnn County Court nnd expensotf i.iuiy nun August) . . . . J! liner .t Son, hdw.. R. D. NS 3. district iingiimsi .v: Hjoniuist, pen contract. R. I). No. 5, ills? trict Hen Wright, labor nnd inn iorlnl, It. I). No. 5, dls trlct n Nelson Iron Works, supplies,, R. 1). No. 5. dUtrlU ft Mnrshflolil Hardware Co., ma- (erini. It. D. .o. Ii, district F. L. Ilopsou, axle gear, R, I). No. 5, district ....... Pioneer Hardware Co., hdw., It. 1). No. ft. district .... (leo, A. Haines, coal, R. I). No. ft, district P. 13. Larson, supplies, R. D. No, 0, district John Porter, 10 10 do, eggs, It. D. No. (1, district .... ICiigeno Terry, houso ront, etc., It. I), No. IS, district. . Pioneer Hardware Co., pow- dor, R. D. No. tl. district.. '., T. Thomas, milk, etc., R. D. No. 0, district Mnrshflolil lldw. Co., hdw., R. D. No. 7. district A. II. Dnly & Co., steel cable, R. I). No. 7. dlHtrlct J. II. Plukerton, punching, , R. I). No. 8, district 12.501 fc . Pioneer Hnrdwuro Co., hdw,, ''I f It. D. No. 0, district 9.2P ' ' Wm. Ross, towing, R. I). No. &. !). district Twin Cities lletnll Lumber Co., luiulior, It. D. No. S), ,Muli.,.l i n t nn ...n,.,. .. ....,,,, IU1.UII A. II. Daly & Co., powdor, It. D. No. 10, district.... Pioneer Hardware Co., hdw., R. I). No. 10, district Mlko Hoono, use of wngon, R. I). No. 10. district Twin Cities Retnll Lumbor Co., lumber. R. D. No. 10. district 27.0k, Wnlter Norrls, lumbor, R. I). No. II, district 337.50 uoinniio Hardwnro Co., fuso, It. I). No. II, district ... J. II. Pointer, hauling lum bor, R. D. No. 15. district.. Coiiulllo Hnrdwnro Co., hdw., R. I). No. 15, district 13. 13. Johnson, lumbor, It, D. No. 1ft, district Penrt Ilrown & Co.. conl. R. I). No. 10, district C7.20 13, 13. Johnson, lumber, It. D. No. HI. district 3.49 Coiiulllo Hnrdwnro Co., hdw., It, 1). No. Hi, district... 18.52 Sugiir Loaf Lumber Co., lum ber, R. D. No. 17, district 21.20 L. Strong, powdor, R. D. No. 17, district 202.53 Hullug, Liindy ft Sons, sup plies, It. D. No. 17, district 33.55 E. 13. Wookly, BiipplloH, It. D, No. 18, district 204. GO W F. Rogers, hdw., R. D. No. 19, dlstilct 42.90 G. A. Henry, labor and sup plies. It, 1). No. 10, district 30.75 Geo. 13. Wilson, supplies, R, I). No. 19. district 14.05 liaiiilou llanlwiuo Co. )"'" v R. I). No. 10 . " ip Hnudo nil 25 and 50c fil..rnTT',WTnTrJtitim i ' i-l H 15,0 e JK iV "J s MfwSj e ri VIf -"! S SJllsrJs' j O N '-""-- H Ei. ff U cam il 9 1,, m ?' ' 7.4rt.. ' 137401 iH3.8lM Mitm ' ifi'or-JH SI iJWfjSi 84T2S11 1.RU 14.50 t 27.80 75,85 t 1.80 95.07 7.95 249.40 " ip .Xjjg?-' " aHr