TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1914. EVENING EDITION. A COOS BAY TIMES m. c. mai, DAN K. .MAIiO.NKY Editor nrnl Tub. Xcms Kditor Offlclnl Pnper of Coo County. Entered at the Postofflce at Marsh lleld, Oregon. for transmission through the mails as second-flaw nail matter. PARIS STILL HOLES HOIS ). i frnps't inHilh -Ti the in er a in Salmn.- a ',1 tvat the to ,o ne ;tiiid-nt v ..rred He re-:--nv1 home one .1a tired and hnn- cr. after a .one trami to Me a suk parishioner, and f aloiit to used In the -e 1.01 r nnifr; hh r.c niher'ted the orun Ohant bo widely icvt o! the Repub i of Venn Tv c orcr of the Ihiihli. .. pte fif i ni s-ho t iix Kine Hum- PrcbaM the most notable utter brn Als-o apnoin.ini. Oardina Sauo RT1(.C 0f rope V.wx X on a religion as-ratrta" h of enire sublet t was that condemning Moil- As. Cardina and Patrtarth he ron- ernism The decree unpen red on iit tinned his Tiodefit. frngal life car- September S. 1S07. It points out .own to a plate of Meaminc pup. rtinp ro su n a poini mm nr am noi tne danger ot .MOiioriusm m reiauun v,oh -aii on the table, hem a f,,rn n,' rook, bn: had kt meals to philo.oph. apologetlrs. exegesis. ftrance iroman lke4 in at the open pr!wd by hi. Msterf., who lived history, Iitnrp. and discipline, and Vor." st down, and oarmlv ate the 'h him In Venire he continued to shows the contradiction between that -ur befo-e his HMflalsJieii eervaat inflnenee the .oral parties, as he had innovation and the ancient faith: o-i'd interfere Wha finished the done ,n Mantua. wltTi the result that and finally, it establishes rules by :.7.etr -ose. wiped her month an e.cht months after his arrival the mhich to combat the modern dor- - . .ic .:-cra:f'. 3 as toli that "itl-rieHrals were defeated and the trines. Among the means suggested oi .ed on bread And water that Consenatlves assumed power. vhirh t. the establishment of an official -e ,Hor mar et. l was determined tl",.v retained until the Cardinal was body of "censors'" of books and the : prete the eoBtrar?- and 1 have"' lit& Tftpe. creation of a "Committee of Vlgl- w :i. that she flouaca' off and poor The Patriarch's relations with the lance" Iter the Pope directed the Fattier SftftO sad to be content with ' "' .v wrrr iwj mow fprriai attention pi titpje who prem-it coW fare. Beside his parish Pat her Sarto .ad to care for his mother and Ms ters. ho. altbonch they contributed 'heir tnots to faanil income, found Forecast of Fall Fashions Sent Out from the French Capital. PARIS. Aug. -2" The fact that all Europe Is at war was not suffi cient to prevent a display of winter fashions by the tarious PirUiaa houM. This display is doe on Aug ust 1. eery year MtKt of the houses showed what they had already prepared, while others are ami preparing displays ana snowing from his hr:ties to Slew Mmd- at the same time WBj;f af B1d i, anklac a name for About fifty American buyer were hitmit la a modest wt His eer- on hand and went the rounds of the asoas beeanse known aad before )a- principai nouses, in crea-.est ot- itc cny in winter si;ir; it a f.raicn,. preac loiwe gown in print form, called , a mix mauveau. or redlneote. Some- eioqueaee iniii's hi iinrrc vhmitkui; , tv 1. ..A ..a&iK .kji jUMi. tr iiiiitjiiir tc'fci.i' ..7"t'.r- "VTl'':. "? Xlll he was nrrt the Count of Tnrln tr jv&x. aa wia iairi v.iUFrifpr wonld have liked to have his naothor cordial Evorj time that their Ma- or who teach in ecclesiastical lnstl jesties or the princes visited Venice tutions. to this condemnation of he paid them a and presented Modernism. his homage He was one of Queen Tnj wr.troversv with France orlgl- Marghertta's confessors And onl a mtt Yftorc Pope Plus began his few months before the death of Leo ..4w.4nuti-AH.-in hut roncb.Mt nn ncii. Ginswne . "' l,, MJ1J1"' n t Tnrtn ?hSM, M a(,tV ne assumed office v.iHFrppr jn ptthljf ,, n,n np ,,,,, pRtriarch' Th. rii. f th Vrnrh PronMont tr bnt fnsVd to )v; Ww,w thr ,"?,"n F,Cnf the King of Italy, with the subse- Al n"c 1 wum Epw Campanile in Plaxaa San Marfo ,UMIt nol of protestation from the D. m m?mJ He was the candidate of Io Xlll a. v.tkaa. wa. among the Incidents ik job. cbij my wr. n,. ..,, ,nt he utt little rea ..,..,. . ,....., .t,it. ..i.i. w'.U hia her 4aacht and b hrry i it. 2 shtll come jva are in " So great was the seees :ty at home that OinfMH pave np a: the :!?Ue eofots which his posi tien wQcld hare a'.lowed him. and st all the jDOy which was left over nis sneeesfw. mil ns ntue real- hastening a rupittre which cultnln ied the futnre that wnen be left .m fiv,.iiv , tvA nt iin. ful.. l ... .&AS - .. j- - ...."-..- . ... -.. ...... ... ..... V" '"; - 'J '"'". 'w " von- lotnatic relations which had so long flave in Home, he bought a return lifted between France ind the Vatl- inlarf . . ... . .aa Tnereaiter follow ett the sepa- tirket In the Conclave the struaele was pro and acainM Cardinal Kampolla. U-o Xlll s ?eretarr of Statt whosV r-hances wee lost whea Caedinal rnsyna prtmouaeel the teto of Aus tria aea:n.4 him. which eto - jup rsaiKaan h Tit a1.b nAtld tn . . .. . .. . -. . . ...'. - . . - . .... ..- Ttr.-a txi ryn pj.iit ia innw aim ... Ji in tse fliiiiit ,.f ntr t. -. i .... - ' . sn' - -- --.. . T . 1 T " tarn, nwaint a comnro- , hr lilt rod nfti&c1A . ... r ... . . J. . '" t :; .m.: ;:r ?:". -r?rr' .tt i5 io'r- uatry. ... .. . ,,... . u;ni,i .rio. w no mt nrsi rerusfia nut that it Is difficult to tell the coat from :ut gowns. Thee town are often 'f heavy cljth They wii: be worn to a great extent with fur neck lc for the street Otherwise the llarlna skirt it very short and gives a yout..tul effect. Sometimes it U plnntf.i und often gorea. It .it generally noted that tome vutrx- klr' "- -' rs' !& e1" ory la:ant th - ' : dri.e1. Jn tv.UiiK i. fi. there is much ri t. late at i si.k beading and em- la May. 1ST,, at hr age of forty. a after iartrs-ed to accept the h'eh he pas-fed to Trevisni. a Cta&cellor pos.tioa. biac elex-ted ah.oit ir- of that Plrese and here he U siill unSa-.-nsly on A u tail 4th. as-umint dlstinctir and affectionately rmm the tie of- teed. The jear after b's awiat Toe Pins T. Bishop of Rome nnl ment. Buhftp Z'telli. of the T-iao Yl ar of Stent "vrM Sij-r-esfcor y. (iocee was Tu with apopVxy. St Petr. Prta.-e "f the Anostie aaa on raiser sarto fell t e full - foniibii:tr of the imnortaa di-ee ilv. Lrcldoi-y of For day Mrc. wl:h fi S3310 k; mr irmin: i. talnljr mark'-t. T. ful and the wr. rrcani. mw f.r ii ady a&J .tafMc y. and nt'.t k!fi vTi'tr' 1 f.r4a&. ' th's be was made Profeaeer ot Theology n h Seminan N.te je. r of trni-ti$ worlt feMowe-l. e. in 14. br hi atiRjir tritre M Bis1""' of MfcBtua H Mantua, mre tiB aayT,er ' he dlip'.ayi hi ab!J''T a dea1 ' not only witv religions aal.-f at also irlth bva' narr tr-n,v. f rac. tiz a tnceeeded la bringlsg abvat m Sf.-w-i & union nt all tV -ftrt '?T-&?tti ti. -a: vr- ""' rtrlng them the admialstrarjoa Jf'b-,. s " ' ! red. or -no . -. ' 3. Mo h riale i." . :.i .h i iaiUt r-is -e . much -"-rf- on is r r lit .in hi av. p. kak" fit v:s: : .)? CtJ. V P Tin tt ;..., -..,.: wia . w! . .. n. . tvil ii to this av-.tim an-. -vh ' - tg . t:. drub tract of tit er - ago. arrived hor l'rlda and rt down te Baa don Siturdi aftvr a vU.t with A. J. f)berwVol au-i oth friend hr. He wan accompanied t hit sen. C. ". of ?h towa. la ! he was Ix Koine for the Jubilee of Leo XJ11 s !:ithtod. when one aorn'at eater . ig S. ?:' e found a ;rlat. Mcr.fignor Radisi Tedeechi whoa ' . eaco Pone, appointed Bihop of Bargamo. who could aot say saw. '-: being ao acollte ts erre it "Is'jfM' Srto offre1 his trx:t a: V prelate, confused, objected. wh2 f . Sarto cut him ahort. x iaimlar! yon will t that I will -i.'- no mistake!" 3o tbOp at rlr ma-s that da t Vnti'ltt nt tti rmi.Mtl . .. .. . . V . . . " Kindt r:-u. rainarcn or me ntst I ri :r e 1 Jta2y ArrhMsbop and Ktr- ati of the R trar Pr vn-e ahd ? reiga of he Temporal TVtnitn- a ff the Ho Rmat. Ctur The new Pope wa th n -et st.'-- -rlsed person of ii! t; n't H tad M'.d to a fr'n.1 at Yme ' f-r leartng for t- 'ttjflave: I think the '!n wi'l be .-. r.-rr one We r: put V'r it .fca!$ perhaps on ! 'rr fr' day. frown hia Pont.ff a$ svt t-i -ir dJoew. The day after hit election b Pope received hij first pilgrlmate. cMapM4 of Amerlfans. condnMel by Mr McGraae of New Tok. and :f---dooed by Cardina' Gibbons of Ea:irre. and seat hli i'.rtt benediction abroad '- to the Americans Installed in befor his elevation that the splea- ' older tlinn publlshod pic ration law enacted in France and the formation of the association .ultuellt Later on a somewhat Mmilar movement took form in Spain and more recentl in Portugal, where he formation of a new republican erament led to a decree aenlnst former relislous ,-ystem in that i In suinnn-g up his work, the CathoHi Enoyilopedla will sny In! forthcomiac Youme XII: "In, a tew vears Pope piux . na re tired erat. prat'tl and lasting .-sjlts in the interest of catholic 1i trltt- and dlsclnline. an that In tt fa.-e of great difficulties of Hill Etea non-thol'i nco- ,7 h s apostolic spirit, his trfiath )ra Xvt. the precision of h 1e- .ci. and bis pursuit of n inar' and explMt program." To AmerKaas Pins X was eppfta1-j invrrftlng. His reat friendship, fr this untry. his frequAt mull- r mrian both Cafbu'lf and non-Catholic, and his intt-n-nt in W-T.n affair kept litm In rir u h th hl8 1 le if tliH At' in' hmu p-'lap ati Pontiff that h:i. r-fd-.I him He was in ,n l-m J' t-r of ThoJore Roop. -l: un.l ad he es-Pral1nt's wr tut trac:4toi for ralln. y'. is will be re.lled. etnts Hi-rniln-r .i Mi time of Mr P.-of v it 'o Ruin- io to Tne nr.i ii'ion or n ii m WIWWUP V . ... that same dar he n aean. eornm-r vi.c-ir'ntiint waedictioa abroad. 'Ie V I",rb,,',k'' hl' '""",--t,. ti..ii.i i. hat simitar exnerlent e. mi. I t ! in- the Chair of 5t Peter the aew Pone (1at frd widespread lntirKt In betas his admlaistratloa and led a ,h r0nrr '' 'n Kurope at the life at simple and ritld as that of "n- his paaat forefathers. He bad K-Jd ,n PPrn,c Pope Plus look.l Tinnintt tn nttnm.i- n int-!iitnj nin-i- ia a- were lortnaat enotir ;ndK.8.8."-.l5rriof I. C 8lS: -r. ii .WUM th"e ; P.. coart made, him -.- --- - ", ' fro loy. who was interested In th timber " Mrt .y a bishop and a fu- 17? ,':I t 5"! .? JU ,r;fcMi: Gout. One of the most vlvi (loscrl dN m,ntionc,l abo.e. They will v!.. t. M P0iiH of 'aa'tfreOBe uS. of WtSnn'tV iV found' i t for a ftw day :ih ?taii.' Bart- ,R,,lrvbo' - h was perwaded to - an aito-'" Interview with A. M. I'ry. nn lott. another ou. u: Baadon. Mr. eo Mil. rjnf erred nton BUhoo tr.htu i tkt v.iMn ...4... .... Amerltan artist, for whom m iinii. llartleit thf -IUi i.. eighty-five years 5t -o th tl!e of "Roman Count." b fOOB rVe the machine to on of " Mt for portrait In 1007. ,- rL wj v -.. vtL Htj v wwrirwii vi juue, irj. Tn itimh AfriMaic i nr iiiiui uintvuiiiiii'i til inn I'inn jeara youiimr In evry other way. -t. t?d V.m Cardinal, tiring him the Threr i.t luuuweti A "h active practice ot the Roman Church of San Bernardo from t- in ibw up to i-.. tirt oi last June, nna vntcn to take his title. There was. i whf.h h trai4 r.Mi.t t-V his face in every move. Ill faro u "hrer month after his election ,',5U, Prlomlnatlng cliarartorUtlr." e Plas held hi first Consistory. Vd,Mr- l ' ",t "hlnea forth from la still in ii.r:. f r In the more i.itiijiiui aid. .M.Mtltl.VOK MCK.VSKS. inauuaiioa ' '" .i.uicrou ill to t -.e no- Urrr Art Vi vh .a t.. &... one tteautlfu to a a ntnr. for i iae. Her- .:n 11 .umble wa that Mtr. -,ry of tie C "isl'torv an1 hadWa'td ro"hl"i' the siiirltual with a plenn- rt.. aa UJih .. a. juat a poor m u lt-mpui-ry trury of state. '" 'r'''-'r !." hoa.! :. o:,t. ..... .o i. .,-ainer sno tne simple priet. as. whi.h appo'ntment waa definitely ,fl,: ' hlr Is sllverv white Income lncraed. his charities then him later. ,n1 l,j! " silver crown, nut hlx ".: pae. and just a few day. before The Pope announced that hit pro- ys- ,ne 'true 'lmlowa of the oonl.' Frederick K. Diane and Maude A. . ,i . "V. .' n ?. v nJ ,n onlr frm ' marlied in the phrase ?"r"'" or nil. Tlioy are Newton. ,sl,, ,'J',0, ;r0" wb,ch D lj0' "Rtore all In CbrUt." Events ' Md slakularly beautiful and Hnli llouaer and Nelly Neely. T,' UW. B1,n.0, of Trvl '" hT Proved to be ftronter than hi will. uwl"i. Alway the light of kind- Wlnfred B. Adams antl IWua R. ' lo , 'n o;ing of the and Plui X. eletted to he the Pa- . beiievoleiuo hIiIiim Piaaderi. ihpel of the seminary. I nder ihes pay an entirely rellgioui bead, was ,nrouh ,,h' '' titer Is a juorry Arthur W. Alexander and Llllle E. "n"',0 was rather difficult to confronted with the political event twinkle In them lietlmen." Dlugman Herald ",,,,,1 . M.w ,1n"'- wh,,h of far-reaching Iroportaace. A. though there have been many .:ie. In feet alonf. an esnendl'ure ot In all bit action the new pone rI,ort 'lw Pope" lllnt. inre he oji im man soni ,t ad- was harac teriied bv rigid tlmpllt n"1fl tno Pontificate, the ilailv n"eri in Muntua came to the teatue -y and devoutneaa. Before all else ro,,t,1' the Yadcan wnn long inul i.d provided the neceiaary fund, hli effort were dlrenel to the pro- "iwhnt arduou. He wna nu early o thitt the neo-Carainal wa enabled motion ct niotr t.a t. .m.-i.-i .n 'ier nnd was iwuallv nn at i; u t" to Rome for hU red hat. Short- to re. ehe holy ommnBlon frequent- M 'ould o first to him private, an-r. a it he bad a presentiment, ty and if poaeible dally. It wM by '"'"P1 '' after being ilrenaetl for' wen to hie birthplace in all the hi desire that the Euharlti. Con- r"M h' nl hamberlal. would el-1 . "-'i' m in. !, iitDitj. ana enterea ires or ihvs was held in Rome url wi'i great uevoiitueii. Ho t '. poor house where he was born while be enhanced the aoleninitr of ,v,,u,d then partake of a aeantv t. . -nbrace hia mother. He wlhed ube.uent EutharUtlc Congresses '' nl ! prepnred for the " -ati-f br diir to ee him as a af.ii.:- that of Mnntrat ni .,. rrk of the day. 'iiie oi tne ' l.'.tt iiefoie her re'ently that h-:d a MadrlJ bi ti-aili. whlth O' rr-.l in fact, a few sen ling to them cardinal Kgatei. . i... iiiir. -. :--':..ary s. i!. ib ni earner tay lie wa .at!u mm CtrdlUdl. Leu Xlll. ne'er of a red must ..;.; u'nt-, Mini alio Pntiiar-1 f Y.ti- he dn- 1 t: .. ! ' ' ' U III . ll"t rail- ,! I . E PIUS K DIES TODAY if. i.tiniud i 'ii I'acv One.) II! P r-- .'.t.-' for elev- I , arihlnner. - ' airo. and au1 rl.- a pro- I- Pope ireg. ! ) ll t w..r A f I t I . II , S. . I. tl' lit!. S .. ' I 1. 1 Quality! Not Premiums Turkish & domestic! blend JL. CIOAFiETTES You haven't money enough to buy a more delightful cigarette than Camels. You'll like them mighty well, because they're pleasing- in flavor and fragrance. Besides, they icill not bite your tongue or parch your throat, nor will they leave that cigantty taste I Nirmuiums or coupons in Came! FMkagc. The cost of the tobaccos prohibit.) their use. fW IfyourtUaUr can I upply)oa, ,rnJ lOe for on, packer or f 1,00 for t, cation ofun vackag,, MOO Wor...i. don t finJ CAMELS a, rtpf.nud, r.lurn th, other nil, packagct and w will r, fund your money, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., WUitoa-SJem, N. C. ilG LEAGUE BALL SCORES .uii:isi(. i.i:.cirr. ' a.:r i, Bo:on 3. .i-i" l. Bu.ton t. I'-roit 6. Philadelphia 7. t t-v eland 5. New York T. s l.ouu s. Washington 5. NATIONAL I,i:A01'K. y "t-klvn C. Chlcajto 0. N York 1. Pittsburgh .-.. P ston 3. Cincinnati 2. I'!' Udelphla-St. I.ouls; rnlu. NOItTIIWKSTKUN LKAfirK. S-i kine 2. Seattle 11. P I ml 2. Vancouver -I. torla 6, Tacoma 7. 1( IKIC COAST I.KAGUK. t Oakland R. H. E O Lund o 3 i P'lind 13 20 0 Paterlest Proush. Christian and t'"Kist. Hisslnbotham and fuu- Yantz Venice . h. K ' n o .j S rraiitisi-o .6 0 i Patterles: Klepfer and Elliott; Puiall aud Schmidt. A Sacramento n. H E. Sa ramento 2 11 2 L'H Angeles 5 9 i Batteries: Williams and Rohrer: Porrltt and Boloe. The forenoon he would mini in u"""ii'. sometime e.xteniitiiK uii to 2 o'clock, when he wnuid iave I lnuheon He would then wa'k In1 i!f vni-den until nlshtfnll. hen ' niiiif iiuiiifui iii wouiil til!' ill fcitllmr in tit'ifs 'is laie .i- - o In the tnenlni;. After A nn would i 'nit with menilifi. f !ini'. Im' t until w r.-tit. I r In. K I Ms RED CROWN Hie Gasoline of Quality Lse it because it lias made good with thousands of motorists use it because it's the best gasoline we can make. Standard Oil Company iCAUFOItNIAj Murslifloltl Go rinrl U VJL iirri 3 Garag e Gasolliirae Headqiuiairteirs FOR COOS COUNTY Ceotoral Ave. :- MairsMieldi Special Sunday Excursion to Allegany, August 23rd nv Steamer Millicoma Leave Mmahflelil nt !i:!!0 A. M.. connettliis nlth Poote Auto U for Colileii ami Sllvor Fall. Don't forget your I.unch HmMi ROUND TRIP FARE ON STEAMER, 75c ROUND TRIP FARE ON AUTOS, $1.25 ltetuinliiK. Sumner Alert will arrive In .Mawlifi-M about C o'clok. CALIFORNIA trTT rrr - m m iun r -.- - wa.y. K-Jf HI K LJ f Suits New York's Latest Styles Wo have received this week our first shipment of Ladies' Suits. These were purehased by us direct from the maker less than three weeks ago. We do nut buy our suits in April or May, from n travelling- man, long- before the styles for the season are even known, as most merchants do. "Wo" go where they are made and get the new things while they are new and at prices that are riglit. You can save '2d per cent by buying your Suit or Coat here. We will have the very latest things in Coats in a few days. The Golden Rile I xSfci " ' mktlmt,-2tm - -.