Mi 3 r? Rl i . i- tm hi ,v. fOUR .jujijuiyainifMwmiii EX-PRESIDEKT TAFT PREDICTS THE WORLD'S WORST WAR THE following "messago to tho peoplo of tho United States" by ux-Prcsldcnt Tnft wns printed In tho Independent of tills week: "Ab I write Germany la reported to havo dcclnreil wnr against Russia and France, and the participation of England on ono sldo nnd of Italy on tho other seems imminent. Nothing llko It has occurred slnco tho great Napoleonic wars, and with modern nrmamonts nnd larger populations nothing lins occurred like it slnco the world hognn. "It Is a catuclysm. It is a rotro grado stci in Christian civilization. It will bo difficult to keep tho var ious countries of the Ilalkans out of tho war, and Greece and Turkoy may take part in it. All isuropo is to no u battleground. It Is reported that tliu neutrality of Holland has already been Ignored, and Belgium offers nttch opportunities In tho campaign certain to follow that her territory too will ho tho sccno or strugglo. "I'rlvnto property nnd commercial shipping under tin cnomy's flag are subject to capture nnd appropriation by prlzo proceedings and with the formidable navies of England, Franco Oiennany, Russia nnd Italy active tho grent carrying trndo of tho world will be In hiruo part suspended or de stroyed or will ho burdened with, such heavy Insnrnnro ns greatly to cur tail It. "Tho commcrco of tho world makes much for tho prosperity of tho coun tries with whom It Is conducted, and Us Interruption means grent Incon venience and economic Buffering among all people, whother at peace or war. Tho capital which tho Euro pean peoplo bnva Invented by tho billions in tho United Stntcs, Canada, Australia, South Africa nnd in the Orient must pcrforco bo withdrawn to fill tho wnr chests of tho nations engaged In u death grapplo, and the enterprises which that capital made possible nrn likely to bo greatly crlppledwhllo tho howi of nny fur- phi:si:hvlvg Ti.Mitr.it. FIOUIli:s recontly oniplled by the Department of Agriculture show that tho policy of forest con nervation Is supplemented by marker progress In tho art of preserving tim ber already In uso. Thoro nro now In this country 117 prcBsuro plauti whore timber Is treated with creo sote or zinc chloride to prevent do cay. These plants treated ir,a,000, 000 cubic feet of timber during tlu Inst year, nu Increnso of twenty throe per cent over 11)12. In split of this, however, uso of tho nreserv " Ing process. Is fnr from being gen erni. i.ess than thirty per cent ol tio millions of nil I load tics used an miMjy nro treated. Uso of tho pro cosh on telegraph poles him bnrol begun In view or tho generally satisfactory romiltK obtained by 1 tit proved niothoilH, It would kcoiii thai railroads and other largo users ol timber would find it profltiiblo tt employ the process morn oxtonslvoly ONE VISION OK PEACE. I think thnt some tlino, when the vnnr In vim ml'. .And April steals along tho loaf-hung ways, iu Binui huui down tno windows nnd t put by ifl'ho pleadings nnd reports, lock fasl the ilnnm. . And ijult my desk, with Its long- pllod-up heaps Of logal rubbish not ns one who lonvos Ills dwelling in the morn, to come again " nindlo-llght, but rather llko tr ono ' ho takes his stnfr and goos n pit- grlmngo (Not looking backward even in hi thoughts) Unto n holj .i Tho dreary stroots Shall call i.. ,. no longer. Night ami t uon. Downfall and mtin.'i.v, shall bo but stops In my Ion wnndorlng that lends to ruueo. Onco moro I shall behold tho bub bling brooks Iloneath their banks of fern, or wheio thoy run Dy furrowed fiolds, and hear tho unlet windH Aloof from onrtli, thnt move the towering clouds And whisper solemn keciets to the pines .... Onro iiioio my hands Shall guide the plowshuio thiough tho yielding earth, And I shall watch tho gleaming coul ter tut n Tho frngrant furrows. I shall swing thotbcytho Among tho' blohsomy grass, and see tho dow, Sun-sniltton to a flamo of rainbow- glints, Fall, nt each bcythe-stroke, with the stricken grans That whlspois as It falls; nnd 1 shall hiiioII Thy' splrlt-lulll'ig scent of sun-cuted liny Iledumped with evening tains. And when tho dusk Drlngs back the erlckut's Immemor ial fire, Then I shall stand bosldo tho ga thered ilcks And see tho friendly evening star llHlll lfllV- Above tho fitnows. So my llfo shall flow, As doth the slow procession of tho days, With thoughts of standing nnd of garnered crops, And nbeop mid goats and fig nnd scitppornong And peas and melons. And tho world may pass . With g'bos and bickerings, and I shall not heed. -VICTOR STARRUOK. THE COOS BAY TIMES, thor expansion must bo definitely given up. "This general European wnr will give a faverlsh activity In n number of branches of our Industry, but on I the whole wo shall suffer with the test of the world, except that we shall not bo destroying or blowing up our existing wealth or sacrificing tho lives of our best young men nnd youth. "It Is hard to prophesy tho scopo of a war like this because history offers no proccdent. It Is Impossible to foiesee the limits of a war of nny proportions when confined only to two countries. In our own small Spanish war wo began It to frco Cuba and when the war closed wo found oursolves 10,000 miles away with tho Philippines on our hands. "The Immense waste of llfo and treasure In a modem war makes the loss to tho conqueror only less, If in deed It bo less, thnn tho loss to the conquered. "With a high patriotic spirit peoplo enter upon wnr with confidence and with tho thought of mnrtlnl glory and success. Tho sacrifices they havo to make, tho suffering thoy havo to undergo nro gonernlly such thnt if victory does rest upon their banners they seek a scapegoat for that which they themselves hnvo brought on In tho head of tho state, and tho king or emperor who begins a wnr or al lows ono to begin puts at stake not only the prcstlgo of his nation but also tho stability and Integrity of Ids dynasty. "One thing I think wo can reas onably count on Is that with the piostratlon of Industry, with t.io nffm,M.nPi& ?f, ' V XL ?.. llk.i? tP.,.,,,.,"w il1'?. opportunity for common sen so to ro- sumo Its sway; and after the horrl 'jIii expenditure of tho blood of tho jest nnd the savings of the rich nnd he poor, tho opportunity nnd niotlvo 'or n reduction of armament nnd tho talcing away of tho temptation of fur her war will bo greatly enhnncod. It Iu nil aWflll 1-OtlH'llV. lllif In Hin'mul i.nl.1 ti I..n-M.li. .w.nnll.. tnf llimnl nid It mny bo worth what It costo.l t It makes this tho last great war. rhc Influence of Amorlca can bo brown most effectively ifor peace vlien pence In possible and for mini mi m nrmnments when dlsnstor nnd limitation shnll innlto tho contending icnples and their rulers see things ns hey are. "Mnnor Richelieu, qllobec.,, You Had Better Start Today It you hope to be in time to secure the Coos Bay Times GIFT TO ITS WOMEN READERS THERE IS STILL TIME, BUT YOU SHOI'LI) NOT DELAY. AVE SHALL NEVER HE AllLE TO OIVE OUR WOMEN HEADERS A FIXER GIFT THAN THIS IDEAL PATTERN' OUTFIT. Watch for the Coupons FREE CQOTQN JHgfflwaai Date. SIX OF THE ADOVE COUPOrCTENTITlX EVpRT. READER GIFT No. 1-IDEAL ARTlPATTJJtN OUTFTr-CouInln, t I0cntj mh, tiuUi retail rh, wouM cwt wcttinlt. Iilfal Embroldtfy Hoop whtcfa cannot liiv '"i teay-v. 1 .ri.-r Z ' uiiTf Vowh IlnJtri mdd t CnxUTlkinttr lAVij--- i. NAME ...rT., STREET an J N.. arr or town. MAHSHFIELD, OREGON, (MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1914. L WR BULLETINS (iVrinnny Denies Rumors Concerning Huntington III Treatment. Df AuocUtti rrtii to Coon Hr Time" 1 WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. in.- Archer M. Huntington and family' wore not arrested but have been on- Joying tho fullest liberty at Nurem berg, Germany, according to messago' to tlic State Department from tho German foreign office. I The German government explained that tho automobile owned by the Huntington family had been requi sitioned and that the chauffeur, a Drltlsh subject, had been held a short J tlmo, but was telcased. ir,l AMERICANS LEFT. D AuoctttrJ I'rrtt to Coot Uy TltiiM. LIVERPOOL. Auk. IB. Tho sail lng from here today of the St. Louis, Campania and .Mlnnownska for Now York and tho Megantlc for Montreal reduced tho number of Amerlcnus who nrc stranded In England by 4500. PAKHKNGKIt .SHIP DESTROYED. llr AmotUIpiI rrrm to Com IUjt TlraM.J LONDON, Aug. in. About 150 of tho pnssongers nnd crow were killed when tho Austrian Lloyd steamer Haron nntttsch was blown up yester day by a mlno off the Island of Ltta sin on tho Dalmatian const. Sho car ried 300 piiHsengcrB and crew. RUSSIA MODI LIZES ON FRONTIER Illy AMorUIrd I'rrM to Coot Il.jr Tluin LONDON. Aitc. lfi According to reliable lufo'rmatlon from St. Peters- u,18Hln "" "lloU wo mil Hon men on tho Germnn nnd Aus 118- trlnn frontiers, while three million moie nro held In reserve. GERMANS LOST HEAVILY. ID; Awocltl rrrtt to Cooa nr TtmM ) LONDON, Aug. If.. Tho Germnn army Investing Liege underestimated, the riuhtlni; (ittalltlcH of the Uolirlnnti dnring, nccordlng to Ainorican vlce- consul Durns, who was an eye-wlt- ness of siege. tho first two days of the AMERKUNS LEAVE GERMANY. Ill AworUlM Prwn to Coo Day Tlmn, BERLIN, Aug. 15. A special trnln carrying 1100 Amerlcnus for Holland left hero last night. and Clip Them Our (H-eot tttotrUt. portxnJ mtiUci.' Gfcv Inter-Ocean Transportation Co Semi-weekly service Coos Bny and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo HAILS FROM MAHHHFIELD FOR SAX FRANCISCO AXD SAX 1'EDRO, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, AT 4. 1. M. IDquipijed wltu wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. '''-' - . ' ..I.. ii i i ' S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SA'JIiH FROM MAX FRAXCISCO FOR C(H)H MAY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, AT V. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeoroe, Phono 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SgMp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM RAILROAD DO CK, MARSHFIHLD. DURINO TnH MONTH OF AUOlfBX AT 12:00 1. M., ON THE URD, 8TII, J3TIL 1HTH, 2.1IU) und S8TII. Ticket on 1 e to I1 EnAtora potnU and lnforrntloo to rontoi and ratc cheerfully furnished. Phono 8.VJ. C. H. IiANDKRS, Agfnt S. S. PARAISO Equipped with Wireless. Fine I'nsiciiger Arcomnimlntlona. S. S. PARAiIRO WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO FRIDAY. AUGUST 151, AT 4 V. M., WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. YRLUnVSTONE WILL SAIL FOR PORTLAND, FRIDAY, AUG UST 21, AT rt P. M WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Aent, ' Mareuflcld. To Portland every Thursday THE FAST AND COMFORTABLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. .McGEORGE AGENT W. II. PAINTER Phone 44, Mnrahflold Phono 421, North Bend This Bank Mnkca n point of Riving In rono, It nnnln every deposi tor to feel Unit lio or hhe ninjr uppronch its offlccrn freely nnd dlHcusii liiattcn which Imvo to do with their flnnn rlnl affairs. AJunyn Milling nnd (Icdrons of Nerving you. We Invite Your Account FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposit Officers: J. W. Ilenuett, President. J. II. FlttnuKuu, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo, F. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. Ideal Summer Trips )N LAUNCH EXPRESS Leaves Marshfleld every woek nt 8 a. m, STEAMER RAINBOW Loaves Marshfleld every Sunday at 8 a. ro. and gvery week day IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS DrltiB your lunch bankets, kodnk nnd fishing lacliie for a few days' ourlng. Sunday School aiid all picnic crowd a speclaltr Excursion to South Coos River every day. For charter aSSpioS arraneementa, apply on board. .u. EVENING EDITION. New Steel Tloat. To Eureka every Monday PROFSONALmRECTORY Mildred Rogers Nelson! " Tenciicr of Pinno. Pupil of Hugo Maitieidt, San pm. cIbco, Cal. Appllcatldtt for KoL hv writing for appointment. by iiiieiu, OroKuu H. H. Haronr HOUSE IIUILDER General Repairing and Cabinet Making, Phono 349-J. w-T "E&K A s. t. Evory known dlsoasa ir,.-j without drugs or s,,y. noo.'6? and 2, 237 South Broadway X Phono 132-L. P Mar.nfi.iH n. " " Joel Ostlinrl lIANO TUNER AND IIWAIRKII Leave ordorB at W. It. lininM'iif,. sic Company. iues HUI. 41G S. Sixth Street. Phone 103-L. J. M. Wright ntiu.mvn n.r.hJ2E".?-n Estimatea furnished on request C. 0. Gosney. CONTItACTOR AND innUMSn" EsUmates Furnished on Request My Past Work U My RcfeK First and Alder St..7. Maffild Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Noho and Throat. DR. MATTIK II. SHAW Dlscnscfli of Woimc, ,, ciitlilroa Offlco Phono 330. Rooms 200. J0l 202, Irving Block. ' Houbo phone, 10G-J. Mrs. Farrinnnn TEAcilER OF PIANO Reoldonco Studio, Phono 380-J. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND AltCniTECT OfficcB, 20C Irving Dlock Phono 103-L or 207J, Maroliflold, Orejon - W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Colts BuIIuTbi, Marshfleld, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Oregon. Peri Riley Ballinger PIANIST ABH TEACIIRR Resldenak Studio, 217 No. Third Ot. Phone 368-L. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WE FURNISH A 11AO AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 07-J. MARSIIFIEU) .YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good can with careful drl. Fot day service, phone 144-J, lilanco niUnrd Parlors. For Bight service, Phone SOO-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable, Jmp dlato service, prompt attentlOA to till Interests of our client. MINIMUM COST I..S. KAUFMAN & CO. OCEAN HEACn AUTO WNR leaves Chandler Hotel, MarsbfW for the HowJi nnd Way PotoW. 7. A. M. 1 P. M. I. Empire 9X0 Tar Heel ' South Slough '? Dastendorf Beach .,0jJ Mussel Reef 51.00 Sunset Bay . ....... S00 Auto. 7-passenger automobile IMtw Chandler Hotel three times flaw 'oORST & KrNO'BFAMOUfl AUTQj I Times Want Ads bring results. For quick action use Times A STADDEN ALL KINDS of pnOTOGRAPtflO WORK, Bromide Enlarging Kodak Finishing. y JE&iSi- - - t," llttcMllila,. imH 3JJ