'J?' , 'ii u T" V . iii gaaifaaaiiii,"t'''" - 9W;'-WW t t 1 i I ' w TirtMl " Commutation Tickets $2.00 MartWJeW-Nortli' Bend Auto Lino. " i,m tninutpfl from 0 . tit. """"'toiaFop. . QOBST Sb KINO. Props. LowRates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks botwcon any points In Marshflold for tho follow ing rates, dollvory to bo mado In the Orst floors of buildings: Three trunks 2G Threo trunks GO Twolro trunks LGO Star Transfer and Storage Co. T.nl llntunrf. I'ron. Phono 120-.!, -lO-I. 08-R nillMNBYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Ilrlclc Work at Prices That Aro Itlglit And all Work Guaranteed Call at "Tho Fireside." Johnson pldc.. 37 Second St. Phono French Ranges. Holler Work HT. LAWRENCE HOTEL Wo have a groat many Inquiries for acroago and lots. 1( you will sell at real Bacrlflco list your property at tho St. Lawrcnco Hotol or Lloyd Hotel. No commlBBlon asked. MERCHANT'S CAFE I . Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y HAVETHAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. SUITS OLEATVKR AND PRESS ED SUITS MADH TO ORDER GIVE- 'US A TKIAL UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAT DOYLE & C. O DAGGETT 2W Contral Avo. Phono 2G0-X., Pictures & Framing Walker Studio' LAMBETH'S AUTO SERVICE o STAND AT CHANDLER HOTEL PIIONK 20. WILL GO ANYWHERE ANY TIME NEW CAR AND CAREFUL DRIVING RATEB TO CAMPING PARTIES LYNN LAMBETH Owner nnd Driver., . ii i - T. J. BCAIFB je A. II. HODGINS Marshfield'UK?. co. Estimates Furnished flume BOW. MjurshfleH, Okcob. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly 6f Marohfleld WASHINGTON AVENUE 8TADDEN STREET NORTH7 HKND O. A. Metlln, Prop. DR.Y WOOD AT ..CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Piione 180-J. K00NT2 GARAGE Excelsior Motorcyclo Agency LEE TIRES AUTOMOBILES STORED COOS COUNTY'S MOST COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP '. MARINE AND AUTOMOniLE REPAIRING , GASOLINE FOR SALE NORTn FRONT ST. PHONE 180-3 BATTERIES REPAIRED AND . CHARGED NO SAW EDGES YOUR COLLARS II you have Uieui laundered 1WIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY SMITH'S VARIETY STOrtE, North fiend, . for Fancy and Domestic CHINA nn THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, 5&: : 5V y 5&J. vm-- m tm LTURKISHI QPPor lO Q(znt$ If yourdtattr can't tupplyyoa, ttnd lOe for on pachagt or $1.00 for a carton of tin pack. agtt I200clgartlltl), poilagt prtpalj. Afttr tmohlng I pacha f, if you don't find CAMELS at rtprtitnttd, re turn tho oihtr 9 pachagti.anJ uit will rtfund your monty. r&aOM IRVING BLOCK SPECIAL TOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY White Dresses 1-2 Price All Millinery Less Than Cost. Some Beautiful Hats. Come Look Them Over. We are showing a beautiful lot of early ' FALL SUITS AND COATS "'"rapjpj1, nrr MiMnnw TYPEWRITERS A1I standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons nnd carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono 41. Alllniico office, TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Abstracts, Real Estate. Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEED ABSTRACT CO., Inc. ' HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDK MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE 4-J. OOQUILLE CITY OFFICE PIIONP 101. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has boon a hobby with us for a good many years and a lot of our customers will tell you when It comes to getting good, sound, durable framing material at the right price we know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and the amount you want to spend and we'll get busy with our pencil and flguro out the best your money can buy. Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL BILL i: TWO BY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 12 SOUTH BROADWAY COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue Phone 430 ANSC0 AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them 3FFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY KINDLY REMEMBER AND OWE US A TRIAL EVERYTHING IN THE RAKERY LINE MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY 133 NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PRONE 428. nrr California I II I IrmAWM-UtOlOUrJLO? AUGEIM write re. CrvnvnSTivr 'ITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new tazlcab haB been added to .17 auto setTlce. Careful driven. AMU go anywhere at any tlma. Stand Bamo Cigar Store. Day phone, 78 Sight phonb 139-X. TOM GOODALE. Proprietor. , Don't Look for Premiums 'TrHE cost of thf choice Turkish and domestic tobaccos In Camel Cigarettes prohibits the use of premiums or coupons. Here's a cigarette of exquisite flavor that doesn't leave that ctgarctiy taste and simply can't bite your tongue nor parch your throat. Isn't that just what you're after? Sold all along tha line, 20 for 10c. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wioilon.Salcm, N. C. 1 ARE YOU BOTHERED With Corns? If so, you are deprlv-1 ed of half the pleasure of life pleasant walking and healthy exer cise. A visit to Mrs. Olivia Edman. I Scientific Chiropodist, Ap't 3, O'.1 Connell BIdg., will be the source of a permanent remedy for aching feet. MONDAY, AUQjJST 17, 1914. G SUNDAY GAMES. I PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. At Sacramento-- H. H. E. Sacramento 1 5 3 Portland 3 0 2 Batteries: Stroud and Hohror; Lush and Flshor. (Second Game.) It. H. E. Sncraincnto 0 9 4 Portlnnd 2 r, 0 Batteries: Mnlarkoy nnd Lynn; Murtlnoiil and Brcnegan. At Oakland It. II. E. Oakland 2 (i 1 San FranclBco 5 9 1 Untterlcs: Abe, Kllllwny and Guest; Lelflcld and Schmidt. (Second Game.) It. 11. E. Oakland 3 1) a Snu Francisco 7 ! 4 Batteries: Goyer nnd Mlto: Stnndrldgo nnd Schmidt. At Venice It. H. E. Venice 1 2 1 Los Angeles 2 G 1 Batteries: Dccnnnloro nnd Bliss; McLean, Ryan nnd Urooks. (Second Game.) Vonlco 3 I 1 Los Angulcs in 20 2 Batteries: Henley, Smith, Hark ncss nnd McLean; Mubsot nnd Urooks. 4 NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Scnttlo 2. Unllnrd C. Tacoina 3, Spokane 0. Tacomn 3, Suokane 3 (second game). NATIONAL LEAGUE Hrooklyn G, Clnclnnntl G. St. Louis G, Chicago 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cloveland G, Detroit 13. St. Louis 1, Chicago 3. St. Louis 9, Chicago 7 (second gnmo). SATURDAY'S GAMES. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago 4, St. Louis 7. Detroit 1, Cleveland 7. Now York 0, Boston 1. Washington 0, Philadelphia C. NATIONAL LEAGUE.- St. Louis 2, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 4, Brooklyn 8. Philadelphia G, Brooklyn 1.1. Boston 2, Now York 0. ' Clnclnnntl 0, Pittsburgh 2. NORTI I WESTERN LEAGUE. ' Dalian! Ii, Scattlo 3. Victoria 0, Vancouver 3. Tacoma 7, Spokano G. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. At Onkland- - R. II. E. , 1 11 0 SlimilllM . . I ""V. ''""""" Onn PunnnloflA ARO naileries: rrougu and aiiizo; Pornol! nnd Schmidt. At Sacramonto R. H. E. Sacramento G 13 2 Portland 4 .8 fi Batteries: Williams and Hannah; KraiiHo and Ynntz. (Second Gnmo.) R. H. E. Sacramonto 2 7 G Portland 12 14 1 Batteries: Gregory, Kroihor, Wol verton andjtohrer; Papo and Fisher. Called end of eighth, darkness. At Vonlco R. II. E. Venlco G 4 2 Los Angeles 2 8 G Batteries: Klopfer and Brooks; Love and Boles, Meek. ITOMA1NE POISONING. Little Son of Mr. mul Mrs. Taylor of . Conlcdo Seriously III. Llttlo Georgo Taylor, tho llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs. George II. Taylor, of Coaledo, was brought to Marshflold this weok suffering from a sovoro case of ptomalno poisoning. He has been recolvlng medical attention, but lias not been Improving. The case Is a sad ono, us tho other child, a llttlo seven wcoks' old baby boy Is also seriously 111 at the same time. . Mr. and Mrs. Taylor havo tho synii pathy of many friends who will ear nestly hope for the early recovery of their two children. BITS OF INFORMATION. I , ' There aro 24,244 postofflces In nnn li.lnln i.lWflb UMIUIM, Panama Bonds about' flvo million cocoanuts a year to the United States. . When tho leaves of tea woro first brought to England they were eaten. Mlsouri's wheat crop for 1913 1 amounted to 35,300,833 bushels, valued at 28,G0G,84G. ; Chinese 'streets aro always made crooked to keep the evil spirits out of them. . The Bible contains 3,568,480 let ters, 733,748 words, 31,173 veraes, 1,189 chapters and GG books. A mall carrier will frequently walk twenty miles a day In- tho performance of his duties. i i More than 400,000 pianos are built In this country annually. They aro valued at nearly 170,000,000. ' Irrigation has been practiced in Spain nearly a century, tho first ca ual having been begun In 1814. What Is said to be the largest tree trunk in the world, measuring 145 feet In girth, Is at Mlxtla, Mex. EVENING EDITION. KnWWM IffinSPvp NEWS OF NEakBY TOWNM Hi HA.XDON HlttlJFS. New of tlip Wc-fk as IiiiikI In tho Wislei n World. Misses Hoso nnd Jewell .Tacobscn, who linvo been visiting with tludr cousin, Miss Klslo Klnley, for the past flvo weeks, left yestcrdny nfter noon for Mnrshflcld on their way to their homo In Seattle. llenjnmin Ostllud of Coos Hay was over for a short time this week on biisinbss connected with milking plnns for tho nuw Dyer block. Tho Uiuulon Construction Company lias a scow loaded with 106,000 fcot of lumber nnd ten tons of coal tied up at the Esterbronk dock, walling for tho weather conditions to become favorable, when the scow will bo towed to Chetco, where the company has the contract for a new bridge across the Chetco River. A smaller scow londod with n pllo driver nnd u variety of construction material was safely towed down to the Chetco from Unndon by tho tug Kllhynm InBt week. An ordinance accepting tho dona tion of tho Unndon public library from tho library board mid providing for tho conduct of tho Institution In tho future was placed on flnnl pas sage last night nnd becomes effective In thirty days. Under Its provisions the Institution Is controlled by tho Mayor mid Council In tho same man ner ns any other city properly. An offlco of city llbrnrlnn is created, being nppolnted by the Mayor and subject to confirmation of tho Couu t ell. Miss F. Amelia Henry, the present librarian, was appointed to , the position for n month, or until iienniie uppoiuimcni is mnuc iy .May or Topping, who is nt present out of tho city. Her salary will bo $:ir. for that time. Tho ordinnnco contains n compli mentary clause expressing gratitude to the library hoard for Its conscien tious offorts on behalf of tho Insti tution. GOLD REACH HAPPENINGS. News of Curry County ns Told by Tho Globe. A few days ago there was n for est fire raclnc a few miles south and least of this place which Is said to I have done n groat deal of good In the ,wny of burning up several hundred ncrcs of brush. I Tho Hustler came In Sunday ovou- Ing, sailing again for .Marshflold Monday. Mrs. Austin Ralph, who wns oper ated upon for appendicitis some three weeks ago at the North Uend hospi tal, returned homo Friday evening looking welt nnd feeling much Im proved In health. Through the efforts of It. E. Knorr arrangements havo been mado with tho wireless' station at Capo Blanco whoroby tho late war news will be sent In each- morning nnd posted on n bulletin board In front of tho drug storo. ROSEBURG RESIDENT DIES. John Alkch, ono of tho best known residents of this city, died nt tho family homo on South Main street at 4:4. o'clock, this afternoon, nftc an Illness of several wcoks. Ho win a natlvo of Douglas County nnd had lived hero all or his life. Ho Is sur vived by his wife. Ho was a mombor of tho IC. of P. Lodge. At the hour of going to press funeral arrange ments had ilbt been made. Mr. Ai ken was a man of storllng iiunlitlc.) and has a host of friends throughout this county who rogret to learn of his domlBo. Itovlow. COMBER SWEEPS SCHOONER. NEWPORT, Or., Aug. 17. The aclioonor Entorprlso, while entering this port from Portlnnd, wns swept by a breaker and part of tho dock load of oil drums was cnrrled over board. Tho vnssel attempted to mnko a short cut across tho north reof and was just crossing tho reef when tho big combor broko over her. Moat of the oil drums drifted Into tho bny with tho tldo and woro re covered. No surlous damago was dono to tho vessol. TWO BRIDGES BURN. According to word received hero Thursday night, two small county bridges botwcon Rock Creek and Lono Rock ferry woro destroyed by I flro, with a loss of sovoral liumlrc 1 dollars. Tho bridges wero Ignited, it Is said, from a forest flro raglnt; In thnt locality. Harry Campboll, who returned from Rock Creek late Thursday, said many of tho campeis there had been fighting flro for threo days In order to save tho valuablo timber In thnt vicinity. At last ro- ports tho flro was under- control.- nosouurg iioviow. RELATIVES I.ONG SEPARATED. I Mrs. M. i. Schuck camo from Co quillo last weok In compnny with Mrs. S. J. Williams and Misses , Williams and Tool, who loft on Fri day morning's stago for their home In Lucas County, Iowa. Mrs, Schuck and Mrs, Williams aro cousins nnd tho visit just concluded was the first tlmo thoy havo mot In about forty years. Myrtle Point Entorprlso, IMPROVE FLORENCE SCHOOLS. Tho question of nddlng tho elev enth and twelfth grades to the Flor ence High School was submitted to tho voteB of District No. 97 at tho schoolhouso. The voto that will glvo Florence a standard high school was 103 for and 12 against. Florence Pilot. MORE PAPER MONEY. For the past two or three months wo havo seen much more paper mon ey In circulation than ever beforo In tho Pacific Northwest. Uncle Sam's greenbacks were tabooed hero during tho Civil War half a century ngo, and it has taken them an awful long while to win recognition as fit to bo used for money. Coqulllo Sentinel. hi. wwmi tmm ti. MYRTLE i'OIXT POL Nous of Upper Coqulllo c f Told l.y The Entcri aim c. A. Gourloy nnd Miss Wilson, who Is horo lnnd on a visit, wnnt I? Mondny to spend n fow da hi mentis, Misses Elvn and Eliza uraw, who visited for a I the home of tholr roiiHln. D. Ouerln, went to MarshfleM day to visit for a tlmo mj6fef turning to their homo InlOikW iniuurnin. Mrs. .lolin Unshnev m Mnrshflcld to visit with hor who is lugging foreman Iff uiu aiiiuii-i'owers camps ion swum Korit. .1. M. Arrlngton, John Whd nnti hd Huntley returned ttiejf imn oi i nU weoK rrom a ton-dayll cation hunting trip on thoJIfiS waters of tho South Fork ofifiJiUl II II I tin Wl... .11.1 1 l., ."mJtl " "v i" nui urine uafW gimio nui nnii n annoy outing, .Mrs. t L. Lockwood, herjld icr Heuinh nnd son Louis, nr, from Snntn Rosa, Cal for a w ton days' visit with frlonds3W i.ockwoou wns engaged In theljm llnory business hero nbout "'twwl years ngo. w W. O. Coonor wns horn frntr? don tho first of tho weok closlni ins uusiness nrrairs noro pre lory to IllOV 111! to WnHlilnutnnf ty, where ho has purchased n Mrs. Lloyd Lcathermann andl mother. Mrs. Howe, wont to Mnf field Monday to visit for n tlmo V reintivcs nnd frlonds. The Coos County Missionary Al sociatlon of tho Church of Chr! will hold its convention ntF 't Church of Christ August 18, 10 n ju. a goon program Is planned;, '( Henry Millar, son of Mrs.J..1 Lewellou. nnd Miss Florence Murnh dnughtpr of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A.lMu phy. woro married nt tho homo of.th brldo's pnronts In Bnudon on Sumliu, aiirubi ii. tiio couple havo rotum, to tins city and taken up hau keeping In tho now bungalow bull' this summer by tho groom. BLAZE STARTS AGAIN. Another flro In tho Gold Beael Hotel wns narrowly nvortcd Frldfm liinriimi? v run iitnniv nniinn a Mrs. Walter Miller, who at tho tin had charge of tho houso. T its Is tl second flro thnt started In tho liotl tho last month, tho flrnt ono frov tho flue, but this ono stnrtod In M telephone room. Behind a curtal on a shelf In this room stood n cfti of mntches which Ignltod, sotting till curtain on tiro. The room wns line nnd papered overhead, tho curtain! conveyed tho flame to tho colling? on w n itii the lining and papor all burned off bo fore, tho flro extinguished. Gold Bench Globe,' PHIALS OF BOATING. Cantnln Perkins, of tho Conullli Hays that ho oucu made a round trlj between this city nnd Unndon ii which ho mado nlnoty-slx stops, flfts coming up tho river nnd fprty-slx kc1 lug down. Whnt life on tho rived would be like without frequont boaM vervice, iiu lyoungor pcopio nlonic tno stream can hardly Imagine Co quiiio beniinei. FOREST FIRES IN (THlhHi Tho senson Is becoming umniallyi dry, and disastrous forest flrci nre'j expected. Sovoral flrea havo been nM ported lu tho mountains of Curry nut so rar navo uono uut llttlo dam- ago. A flro Is now burning on th enst sldo of tho river ut Middle Ell which It Is feared may Jump. river and iiocomo destructive " fact that our forest reserve ,, has kopt tho mountains praj free from flro for tho past a years, and allowed tho debris l cumulate, greatly Increases tho ger. Gold Beach Globo. BAD FIRE AT CARLTON. Mill of CIiiin. Ludil and I'hlllp Rurli-iici- Dcsdiivi'il.' CARLTON, Or., Aug. 17. FJre, i ureiiKing out mysteriously at ii o' clock 'at night by tho mnln saw while tho night crow was nt work, de stroyed tho plnnt of tho Carlton Lumber Company, owned by Charle E. Ladd of Portland nnd loased to tho company of which Philip Buehner Ib president, ontnlllng damage of 1500,000. Twolvo loaded cars of lumber, vniueii ai f-iu.uuu, wero nurned on the tracks. Ten million feet in stork worn xnvoil. wlilln Mm nlnnln" mill, only a short dlstanco from the burning plant, wns not damaged, Flro departments from McMlnn vlllo and Yamhill wero rushed to the flro by a special freight trnln of the Southern Pacific, Tho lumbor lying lu tho path or tho flames thnt wns savod by tho concontriueti oiiorts or an of the de-" partments Is valued at 1100,000. The piani ciiiTius -nu,uuu insurance obi tno nun nuu stocK, MANY WANT HOAlESTI.UDSyJwT Over ono thousand applications havo been mado for homestead entry In, tho SliiBlaw National Forest. Thl forest Ib divided Into four districts , and tho work In District No. 3, which Includes tho torrltory nudor the sup ervision of Rancor Mikniiinin i- now almost finished. Forest Exam- - inor i. n. i-agior uas una charge of this work and has been using about fourteen field assistants. Florence Pilot. GEO. W. ELDER COMING. PORTLAND, or., Aug. 17.-Re-i pairs to tno steamer ucorgo W. Bl uer oi tno mono racine steamshli uompany s neei win do complot so that tho stoamer cifn sail froii Columbia dock no, l to Coos B and Eureka Tuesday morning, Auj usi in. H ?f rWJ ,y SSSSSSSmu i,. tcj Qg&s-syggft ?M f ' V Jty a r a rx ir . U , . '