r gi( o TtTntitnioiiuiiij " ' t. i -t-- iV".3vr ition ancf AVE EBESr tj ,;?.? . r'ei r Zig-zJ Ml WSB S33.li S34.75 $50.2! .. 1 In- nrcrt ""'. '.r IIW ?.w Council ' l" ,'.Ta flSllt ,,l''."u " ?-.i renrcrtt'uvi- SloP',",, IWSS ThiToc.1 tee i ' ,,,i nml pros- WflPSehriRhtfor."0- .iHnd) u,,n. ...lintl ,trr Bsn'!',,,.,i to play Prices tt.nt imii'l" wnttlil M"r irilln tt.u'... la" . the plans or ML " r o northern t'LZ.nn iiolnia after lffw"t.Vnment nt the I nir at S o ; 'H).K nnd D:t, MWHod 1 " V U.iJ u' IM Jllr .vc tl "15 i . I'rtuJ II Cf l.l 'iu : iunnt ciU-H urccu i isi.J:iil lc:Ia t fc:M Hl'l il lll t 'VinnB the coast are . .1 along u":.... i.iiii ?,. Ran Kmnpls- "l "fuih! ..Pinion ! .Kclcral law. ;";" fci mlllinry oi-k'""" niirnoscs, ..i. not'llilil! Ifis Tnc" ",,,, '' .... thiol. tli? "".tMiifnitil wnK ffiall.cretl.f'rtof ?n broken his Pr o t .. Atlltll' III Hill &WbW I" the ..on. ! "X 2?SlSnftmlln. "o next Sumlny. Tlicy ,r a two minima ,-...... ,111 be Bpont mostly In ft old home-In centra' i ..i. ii.i hin C V True nun ' fttantar afternoon from E.iii.1' llt at the old Li and other polntB In- h it Mast. f the Farm SahantJ ItanK. Is Improv- Ills tussle wiui iiiviiiNi'- m i, a Dairymen' 'rle I'olnt on Saturday unit 22 " J'-i .,,i fnr iirlzeH for till' r:i, to be offered at the r at tnni 4,,,n" " u'l furnish the music nnd i li nrnmlacil. rwo.1 ami I.llcfivlBt fnml aj Icon (ampviiK down In i-.ir for the previous iwo .rncJ Homo MviiiivHinij They cot two deer nnd ktlhev could ent and enme LJ ami rejuvenated. ice RSfOHl Bar at 8 ip! m Shorel rt uirconrr xi:vs. LrllraiN i;lilt'iicc In Ciikw at ('(niiiIIIv. hke a over hero Wednus L day only. The only bus i::c!cl was tno iiikiiik oi la two (nsoH, Tin flrHl I of John V Diikkit vs. Hit Mi:i & Mercuntllo Co., In :'e labor claims ni;nlnst tin The other wns that of C i. J. lVllows nnd otliari ibe title to thlo land on 1 1 Dan at the mouth of I'onj (ill be an ndjournod torm Ircult court of tills county i Tucwar. Sviitcinlior 8. nno 1'ir term will IickIii on tlu MOBilay. tho 1 Itli, at which Impeded Hint n now Rrniu II be drawn to gervo for tlu rear. Coipilllo Snntlnol. IlLVMMIX .MAX 11,1,. Illemllock, who Is on n hunt- la Curry rountv with the hV family of llullardH. line Irr tick with iiipiibIiw, hjit li nuc!i better today. : nn: "Don't foruot tlio nic at ILnMLS' Hall Saturdny I OMCIIN OP WALL PAPEIl. I ; . Wall papers nro now universally accepted by nil classes of society ns n mural decoration for enriching n plain plaBtw aurfucc. It may not, however, bo generally known that they are of comparatively recent ori gin. It Is probable that when first Introduced they wero Intended as cheap Imitations of tapestry aud other textile hangings, sayB tho Dec orative Furnisher. Wall pnpcrB did not come Into common uao-ln Kuropo until the eighteenth century, although it Is very probable that they were used at a much enrller date by tho Chi nese. A few raro examples still ex ist In Knglnnd which are attributed to the Elizabethan period. These, are Imitations of the old Florentine nnd Genoese volvots, nnd nro gener ally of n flock texture. Machinery for producing paper In long strips imd nt a reduced cost wuh not Invented till tho end of the eighteenth century. Heforo thnt date wall paperB were all hnnd-prlntcd an sninll squnres and thoy wore ex tremely difficult to hang with good affect, ns tho Biirfaco wns mnrrod with Innumerable Joints. or .THE. HOTELS J. L. Slick, Tlio Clmiidlcr Hotel. Frank Ourgn, Good Year; Snndefer, Good Year: C. V. inn Francisco; K. O. Armstrong, c'nrtlnnd; J. II. Maurfleld, Portland; .Ii-h. S. .M. Nosier, (Joqiillle. The St. Lnt'iiie Hotel. A. I). Little, Portland; M. It. Tip en, Portland; A. W. Ltumi and wife, Fred M. Stora aud wife, Ulue Itldgo; .una Iterglund, Eugene; John Uur ey Daiidon. Tlio Uoyil Motel. L. Jnckson, Xorinnn, K, Mcrtlu, jenttie; I. Uuyel, Myrtle Point; C. II. lomllnson, Portlund; Mrs. A. K. .irnff, Ilnndon; Kiln Smith, Duy City; Hiarles Martin, Hoseburg; Phil ilamlctou, Myrtle Point; E. W. Sinltli, llandon; E. W. Drown, Myrtlo I'olnt; James Golden, Myrtle Point. The lllanco Hotel. Frank Hende, Myrtle Point; Geo. .vouard, Hun Diego; W. Wicks, Ken tick Inlet; C. N. Clak, Dayton, Wn.j A'llllnm Hnssutt, Iltiudon; II. Young, t. II. Norton, Sumner; J, W. Decker, Portland. IMJXSIO.NS IX)It MOTIIKHN. 'iiunty Court AI(1h .Several and Cun coIm Other Allowancvti. It was oidered that beginning August 1, the following persons be paid the amounts set opposite their iinmcs out of tho county indigent rnd: VentiH Gill, 2U; Flossie Matil da Furrnrl, $10; Myrtlu Imogene Hake, $10; Hollo Emory, $20; Han- itili Miikutls, $1D. It was ordorcd that tho pension jC $17. no per month heretofore al- owed .lMytlm Flngg bo discontinued. Also thnt the ponulon of $26.00 to VeniiH Gill bo dlBcontlnuod as her husband had been discharged from mi Insane usyluiu.-coiiulllo Sentl-nol. i.. . ' I illWlMVT inuh fV tlini SERVICE that Is satisfactory! DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner ($b Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 SOUTH BKOADWAY PHONES 348-.T SH 320 BREAD Wl rt Ml' v5 1 ill W iiiliiiF nilKAD MAKKS UUAWN. Rnd good, pure, wholcDOme, nour ishing bread makes boys muscular and healthy. Our broad is undo from the finest hard Winter wheat tho kind that retains the nutrients of gluten and phosphates. Consequent ly It 1b rich in nutrition, and is ab solutely pure In every particular of baking aud handling. And a big loaf costs but llttlo money. Coos Bay Bakery The place for go04 goo41ca. Market Ay, Phone 111-L Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot nfford to bo without health or accident Insurance. You not only ncoi tho insurnnco, but you want to bo Btiro and have tho correct policy In the best nnd most rellablo company In the business. See mo or phone mo at once nnd I will explain It to you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent ' ' Marshflold.300 Coke Building. EASY 10 DARKEN 1 Try Thin! Mix Hugo Ten nml Sulphur . . .- .. ..... .... . t..,u mm iirilNii it, 'iiiruiigii iuur iiiur, Tntlmr linn Utriiml nf 11 TIlllO When ou darken your hair with Sage Tea und Sulphur, no one enn tell, because It's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mlxturo, though, nt homo la mussy ana irou- lilnunmn Vnr Ml contH Vnil mil buy at any drug storo tho ready-to-uso tonle called "Wyeth's Sngo 'nnd Sulphur Hair Itcmedy." You Just dampen a sponge or son urusu wiui It and draw this through your tialr, taking ono small stranu ai a nine. Ily morning all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hair beconns beautifully darkened, glossy und luxurlnnt. You will also discover dandruff Is gono und hair has stopped falling. Gray, rauou nair, inougii no um grace, Is a sign of old ugo, nnd we ull desire a youthful and attractive ..nnn..on ..nt iniav nf nnrn with Wyeth's Sngo and Sulphur und look years younger. For Sulo by Drown Drug Co. SCOUTS ON HIKE. I'licy Make n Ninety-Two .Mile Cir cuit nml Meet with Adventure. Horn nro tho names of tho Doy Scouts of Coqtilllo, who, under the lend of Scout Master Councilman Ved C. Kelley, made a hlko of nine-v-two miles In n llttlo over five days: Dowoy Wnlkor, Thcodoro Starr, Enrl Isonsce, Loulo McGuffln, Nell McDonald, Charley Gill, Dill Miller. Clydo La vino, Paul Lamson, Guy Mlntonye, Kennlth Klstner, Wollmnn Mall, Lisle Illaliop, James Andrews. Coqullle Sentinel. For quick action use Times Ads. Charting Uekimowjn S eas TIIIIX AX I) NOW mn ago tolnj tho Unlt- i' Sjiernnuiit ent out Its -Wlflc expedition for ox- tti chiirtlim tho Snuthorn The squadron i.f fivn vprkoIb ItOre fihln COt pnll . ... KT li i . '" 'ui i'ur- "cniei.i'oinmnndorChns. a aboard tim rinvniiin. E:Bnes, whli h was to carry --. ...v rami iiuring mo r year.i. itniimiimr c..u. '.after n leisurely journey a be stopped to exploro OSkllOWn Iclnn.lo 1... '.. Il. 'ard along tho coast of Call I the limn ui i. .... unlsh V "".," u. ""?"": i ,' .r "" coiuiiiueu ,,nJ ,, ?rrfe't states of fi and nti.i.. . - . K?0'B,,t tl'o time when hq.ffi?i.:f. bt I'lVc. Z r"'",a u me rroncn ,,,! "Lo it so evident that lhr.'aIcs wo,ll1 tolerato JifflZ" ...Mnwnl1 rraaln- lc iw "I'l''aee. in Sn- hlr..,"!' n trcaty wth the e nnhat .gue t0 t,1Q Unit- ji n. r. .. ,,s "",81 vaiun- nrr!,J,he,I,h"PPlMthat r h.nr..ln"Jea effective to ud? i,n ''! 'wlcans came hTr?1!.aJf'ent'-y later. I 'j i- ' "" ""iiounceu that tts V ' r8,ons whlch he SrJ,.e"w? ""!. rid- I' controversy. a uujeci or Today practically all tho world's seas havo been charted, but about 7,000,000 square miles, or one olghth of tho total land surface of the earth, aro still unknown to tho whlto man. Tho American ex plorer stands vindicated and the Antartlc continent la an establish ed fact. Explorers have not only proved that thoro is n Wilkes Land but have discovered tho South Polo. Tho example set by Wilkes In the Antartlc has been omulated In the Artie and today the North Pole Is also an established fact. Today also, the Pacific Ocean Is a great highway of commorce and its travel Is based upon tho accurate knowledge gathered by Wilkes. Every ship finding Its way through tho unllghted mazes of the South Sea Is guided by the surveys of tho "United States Exploring Ex position," as It has become known historically. The United States still has, an unexcelled naval station In tho mld-Paciflc which is due to tho blue-paper treaty with Its qulll penned agreement drawn up by Wilkes and the barbarian chief. Be cause of the decisive action of the American explorer, Hawaii today Is nn American territory and not n French possession. The South Sea Island natives remember "the American," as they called Wilkes, to this day. According to their myths he taught them hospitality which they practice today by send ing the fairest of their maidens to greet tho stranger with yams and bamboo tubes of water, NOTICE TO CltKIHTOItS. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned Julia Hall litis been duly appointed administratrix of tho es tate of Ephralm C. Hall, Deceased. All persons having claims against the said csfato aro required to pro Bent tho same to tho underslgon at tho office of Peck & Peck, First Nat ional Dank Dulldtng, Mnrshfleld, Ore gon, with tho proper vouchers duly ccrttfiod as by law required, within bIx months from tho dnto hereof. Dated Aug. 1, 1914. JULIA HALL, Administratrix of tho Es tate of Ephralm O. Hall, Deceased, First publication, August 1, 1914. Lnst publication, August 29, 1914. ' BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield RIJTTFR Creamery NOTICE OK SCHOOL IMSTIUCT BOND ELECTION. Stato of Oregon, County of Coos, School District No. 9, ss. Notice Is hereby given .that at the School District Bonding Election hereby cnllcd to bo held at tho Cen tral School Building .In nnd for School District No. 9, of Coos Coun ty, Oregon, tho 17th day of August, A. D. 19M, between the hours of two o'clock p. m. and seven o'clock p. in., there will bo submitted to tho legal voters thoreof the question of contracting a bonded Indebtedness in tho sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, for tho purposo of con structing a Building nnd aymnnslum for School purposes, In said District, said Building and Gymnasium to be constructed on tho School grounds now owned by said School District No. 9, Coos County, Oregon, adjoin ing tho High School Building and between South Tenth Street nnd South Eighth Street, nnd between Goldon Avenue West nnd Ingcrsoll Avonuo West, In the City of Marsh field, Coos County, Orogon, Tho vote to bo by ballot, upoa which shall be tho words "Bonds Yes" and "Bonds No" and tho vet er shall place a (X) between the word "Bonds" nnd tho word "Yes," or botween tho word "Bonds" and tho word "No," which Indicates his choice. , , ,. Tho polls for tho reception of tho ballots cast for or against tho con traction of said indebtedness will, on said date and at tho place afore Bald (the Central School Building In said District), bo opened at the hour of two o'clock p. m. and remain open until the hour of seven o clock p. m. of tho same day, whon the same shall bo closed. By order of tho District School n.n.j t Rrhnnl TllHtrlct No. 9 of Coos County, Oregon, made this Cth day of August, A. D. 1914. A. II. POWERS, Chairman of District 4 School Board, School District No. 9, Coos County, Oregon. Attest: JOHN F. HALL, District Clerk. (Published August 6, 1914, and August 1C. 1914.) For STENOGRAPHIC WORK ef any kind Call 181-J Two competent stenographer)! In charge 08 Central Are. u.kTI,'?. DOTSON O. A. Ilanson, Proprietor Now open under new management A home plc with home cook. Jne served In family stylo. Board and moid, I8.G0 per wee. 315 MADE UNDKIt SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLKAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Free delivery, 8 a. in. and a p. Ffaoae 78 DEVELOPING PRUNING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue J l GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOIt ALL MARKS OF CARS 347 Central Av. Phone 373-L Gould's Grove Near Allegany Good place to camp or picnic. On the Rlv r; also on the Stage Road to Drain. Tables, seats, Bwlng, etc., Two toilets. Camp ers, $1 per week for family. Picnic parties, 10c each for tho day. Inquire at the house. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Bromide Enlarging and Kodak FUisblBg. gQmiJwTonlr.TT onmnn"Y1nno"L tenTiT'g.ft''HtyrfAA'iaWn ' ' '" ' 1' l:Xit ,,v"","',"u.' w,iW vw iv W" CVW. . , t wiMMMU S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOll SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN PEDRO, .MONDAY, AUGUST 17, AT -4. P.M. Equipped with wiretess and submarine ucl).. Passengers and freight. - - - - 'tL lj ' ' ' - , . ,-- -, -. ' - -- . T S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell.. Passengers and freight. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, AT 2 P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McQeorqe, Phone 44. S. S. HARDY SAILS FHOM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY EVKRY NINE DAYS San Francisco Office, Harrison Street Dock, Pier 10. Coos Bay & Eureka Steamship Lino E. J. LINDB-N, Agt., Phono Doug. 2&70. EQUIPPED WITH WntKLKSfl. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. BALLS FJIOAI RA1IJIOAD DO OK, MAHSHFIKLD, DURING Til 13 MONTH OF AUGUST AT 12:30 P. M., ON THE 3RD, HTH, 13T1I, JHTH, 23HD und 28TH. Ticket ob sale to all Eafttcra point and Information m to roatea and rate cheerfully furnished. Phone 3S.J. C. 11. LANDERS, Agoot S. S. PARAISO Equipped with Wireless. Fine Passenger Accommodations. New Stool Boat. 8. S. PARAISO WILL SAIL FOR PORTLAND FRIDAY, AUG UST 11, AT B P. M., WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. DAISY PUTNAM WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO, HATUR. DAY, AUGUST 15, AT i P. M WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Agent, Marshfield. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFORTABLE S S. Geo. W. Hder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. McGEOROH AGENT W. II. PAINTER fhone 44, Marshfield Phono 421, North Bend This Bank Makes n point of giving In roiis. It wiuilN every deposl- . tor to feel Unit ho or she luuy approach ltd otflccrn fredy und discuss matter wliich Imvo to do with their flnan rial affairs. Always willing and dcklrous of serving you. MNM t? ; We Invite Your Account FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY f LANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDE8T RANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Pal on Time Deposit Officer: j. W. nesusett, President, j, H. Flanagaa, Vice-President, R. F. Williams, Cashier. , Geo. F. Winchester, Asat. Caakler, All Kinds of. Job Printing Bone at The Times Offict '.Hfcr.r i IBtH 5r Af 31 i' h . ,