vmm 1 .m,.. Wj, ,,nySylSwWWffWSWW, "Frwj .opf""- f"' "'' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1914. EVENING EDITION. r FIVE Special Sunday Excursion to Jlegany, August iotn HV Steamer Alert liflelrf nt 8:00 A. M., connecting with Footo Auto Lino esves Slarsi Don,t forget yollr Mm.x Hnskcts. r Golden ROUND TRIP FARE ON STEAMER, 75c ROUND TRIP FARE ON AUTOS, $1.25 . ..i ...111 ..hIi.i li TVln full f ttilrl nlwiiit ( n'ilnnlf Uinta Steamer .Men ... - . IME SAVERS f 'IB VS. car i arc as. The Quickest and Best Way to pet there. Saves rrnimr tn .ind from work. makes it possible for you to cat a hot noon meal at home instead of a cold lunch from a pail. Workingman's Time Table (Compiled by ono who's boon thoro.) Thli lime-table wag not figured out by tho C. A. Smith Company, but If you will rldo a TIME-SAVER HIOYCLE to and from work, jou will feel more llko loading lumber fast. Compare These Facts With These Facts : inn o.m: who walks Getting Up C;:t0 MiHg ureaKiasi u; in Starts to Work .0:15 ! Walklne C:30 WalkloR , C:4C At Work 7:00 Full (Cold) Dinner Pall. 12:00 IVhltlllnr a Stlpk I"!.'!!) At Work 1:00 hum Home G:00 Walking G: 1G Walklnr w .A.1I) Latins Supper ..,... ..6:46 Tlml Out ,,. ..7:00 A. M.., A. M.. A. M.. A. M.. A. M.. A. M.. M. . I. M P. M.. P. M.. P.M.. P. M . . P. M.. P. M.. tiii: one who rides , Sleeping Gottlng Up Cooking Ureakfast Bating Ureakfast StnrtH to Work At Work . ..doing Homo to Lunch Heading tho Paper At WorK SturtH Homo ...Heady for Supper Hell Resting Hendy to CJo Out ....... Enjoying Hlniholf Meditate on this time-table when walking home these cold evenings, (You'll Hhvo Loth of Time.) Bicycle riders are home before you get fairly started, And. Madame, if ha had a wheel, sunner would be over half an hour earlier, wouldn't it? And not so much hurrying in the morning, either. you xi:i:n not sb.ni a power or attohxrv east to cut a defective part replaced, wk i)l. we do, wk will replace defective MTS FREE OF CHARGE. Buy a TINE SAVER BICYCLE and ' RIDE HOME TO LUNCH AT NOON. We Have Sold 221 Bicycles MLW? Since December 23rd, J9JJ! " "J ff TIME SAVERS SAVE TIME RELIABLE TIME SAVERS ALWAYS USEFUL SAVE MONEY Marshfield Gyclery 156 North Broadway Phone 158-R BREVITIES AUGUST TIDES. Uolow is given the tlmo nnd height of high and low water nt Marshfield. Tho tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr tlmoa on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights wM In dlcnto whether It Is high or low wnter. For high wntor on tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. been making his home at North Bend I the Inst few years. Tho many friends of tho fnmlly will sincerely hopo lthat he will recover. Mlclilf Qulti. The uar dredge Mlchle got lir- practically a full day on tho bar yesterday, the last day she Was to. work on the funds of the Port of Coos Hny. Sho Is now tied up at Empire, where sho will remain until the Rivers nnd Harbors bill provides funds for operating her. Captain Hood and tho others will re mnln with her us It Is expected thnt It will not be long until funds nro provided. Some of the workmen on her were lot out. The dredge Oro gon will be kept busy, the Port of Coos Huy paying tho expense of operation. ir,llrs.. 3.2G 10.09 2.03 9.11 Ft. . . 1.0 3.C 2.9 R.3 lfifllrs.. 4.3G 11.27 H. 40 10.20 Ft... 0.8 3.7 3.1 G.4 17 Hrs. . fi.37 12.27 G.05 11.24 Ft... 0.1 4.0 3.0 G.7 18 Hrs. . G.28 1.13 0.08 0.0 Ft. . . 0.0 4.1 2.7 0.0 lUlllrs. . 0.18 7.11 1.G2 7.00 Ft... 5.9 0.3 4.7 2.3 WHATHKH FORECAST I Ilr Auoclalrd l'rrit to Cooa Dr Tlmn. OREUON Fair west winds. with north- LOCA L TEM PEHATURE HECOHD. For the 24 hours ending nt 1:13 a. in,, August IT., by HenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum GO I Minimum G9 i At . in n in r.r. Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sopt, 1, 1913 GG.r, 1 Precipitation Bamo period Inst year G4.81 Wind: noithwcst; cloudy. m i ( iPEQPhE'YQjJ 0) WMAW ABOUT fl DH. 15. M INCUS went to Heaver I III this morning. U. H. NORTON wns down from Sum ner yesterday. MISS ADA CLAUSEN wns In from Camp Ono today. HARRY AL11ERSON of Tioga Is In town today on business. JOHN MATSON of Catching Inlet Is n Mnrshflcld vlBltor today. MRS. E. NOAH of Allegany was a visitor In Mnrshflcld today. F. A. GOLDEN Is transacting busl ncfis In Coqulllo today. HEN SMITH and wlfo nro camping tor a tew (lays ai aiubbci ucci. MRS. S. M. NOSLER of Coqulllo was a visitor In tho city yesterday. GEORGE ROSS war, r.own from his Catching Inlet ranch today on busi ness. AXEL AXLUND will spend tho next few weeks hunting In Curry coun ty. W.M. I1ASSETT of Rnndon wns n business visitor from Unndon yes terday. I Caps and Rubbers. FRUIT JARS Wo have n complete line of nil Fruit Jars, See Us For Prices, HUNTERS, NOTICE! We have a nice line of tho Copier Rifles for this season Intcst patterns. Also Ammunition, Hunting Knives and a full lino of Sporting Goods. Schroeder & Hildenbrand HARDWARE AND PLUMIUXfl. PAYROLL OF F. e. con? CLASSIFIED Paid Out $5000 During July 10 r-orce oi 4U 10 o Local Workmen. Announcement wnB mndo todny by tho F. 13. Conway Company, builders of tlo handsome three-story, roof unrdnu anil liimnninnl nnnrhmmt Iioubo nt tho southwest corner of FOR Sixth, street nnd I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR SALE Prnetlnilly new, mod ern furniture for r rooms. Price very reaBonnble. Ph. 1GG-L. utl.l' Mm. fli-Hf.f'liim work hnrao U'l nlinllt 1 200. for $7G. OllO r,-h. p. Pnlmer-Mooro mnrlne gnso llno engine first-class condition, ?40. Rox T, North Ilcnd. LOST Ovetroiit, iimrkcil "L L. C, Mclnemy Uros. Honolulu," on road between Sumner nnd Dora Cometory. Finder return to Timet office. Reward. Plan Social. The Ladles' Aid of the Swedish Lutheran Church plan to have n brend and cako salo In their hall August 22. lllml.H flnllfir. npmt ttnpln nf .,.r, .-.. . .,, m.imti t.i M i. Mllo Plcrson, died InBt night nt Mor- ,Qt WQH a .Maraliflcld shopper tills pect to branch out actively Into tho vy iiueiiiiii. nu uuti ui'uu ul tiiu iiuo-i morning. iKt?,iu,iii i:u,,iiiii;tiiiH H"", (-mu mvi pita! Boveral months nnd wns quite j jt TOWER Is expected homo this ' sonnel of which will bo F. 13. Con- feeblc. ' ov'enlng from an auto trip to i way as president and general mnna- Dles At Ro'burg. Coos Day Portland. gor, W. A. Ruble, office mnnagor. C. i i..i i.....i .. . ...... r.... .1 .11 t II? Itiintlmr. n. I.. fMnrlc jinil Ilnrhnrt ...... ... .i..,. . .. wr . ' ,., i , Mn..t.r,ni.i i T.nntnn nu Knclnenr. Master Hllllder nnd Assistant Master liuiiucr, respectively. Ontltl.nl nvnllltn MinVl. u. ..... ...... ,......, ...v...., Known at tho Myrtlo ArniB, that they hnvo Just Issued a check to the statu Industrial accident lnsurnnco coninils-! slon, bnned on a payroll for rho month of July of slightly less than $000. This money has nil gone to loent mechanics and laborers, and represents from forty to seventy-rive men who have drawn wngcB from this. nnd tho amount that compensation Is (()it m3XT FumiMimI liouscketi- drnwn on docs not Include the snI-( j11K rooms. 1024 Elrod. arles of tho president nor nny of tho. office forco of tho company, so that SALE inoo-iMiuml Thlidwld tho total pay roll or July would have " JVr. nn Mmlv T Howard been considerably In excess o $6000. Kjfi, !?:?' Howard, Tho Importance of n company tlls- " roni Btrcci- . iriuiuiiiH una nuiuiiiii. ui niuiiuy iiui .... . . . month Is realized more particularly FOR SALElotpoiintl iiiiNlicnrt, en i)j mo murciiiiiiiB ui iiu cn. vunu tho construction of tho Myrtlo Arms Is now drawing to a close, thoro nro other projects which tho Conway Co. has under consideration, nnd as soon as their Dig Jon la nnisucd, tncy ex word of tho death of Mrs. Gcorgo W. Coos River rancher, is a Marshfield Noah, a former resident ncrc, ac visitor today. Hoscburg a few dayB ago. I m. c. LEWIS, who haB been In lmproo MUllngtiiiSiCiKl. Tho1 Mnrshflold for several days, wont directors of the Mllllngton school I to linker Creek, his homo, today. district nro making a number of tfe- J. u. akauak, who ih bijuiiuiuk nimble Improvements on tho school house grounds. AitIvuIh TiMlny. Allegany peoplo who camo In todny on tho Alert wore Mrs. J. E. Noah nnd daughter, Miss Hazel Cowi.ii, W. D. Roberts, Wnltor Stull. Thoso from Coos River wore Charles Mahaffy and son, Roy Land rlth and Ernest Holmes. "QuIstH" In Town. Sovornl of tho "Qtilsts" of Coos Rlvor Invaded town today. They worn Jasper SanQtilBt, Charles HagqulBt and William DJor (jiilBt. There ard others at homo, It Is said. , , Ixigger Injured. Dan Oakland, ono of tho rigging men at McDonald & Vaughn's Hluo Ridge enmp, was biought to Mercy Hospital today with a badly fractured leg, sustained by being pinched by a log this morning. Now Ifnclne. Manager Paul Dim mlck of the Nor Hi, Rend Lumber Co. has ordered, auother 11x13 Humboldt engine from H, J. Vnughan to bo put lu tho new Ueav.er Hill logging camp to ennble thpni to t,nko out a lot of spruce ut once. Coon River flame. Tho baseball team from Camp Ono will play the Coos River team ai ino juisirum place tomorrow afternoon. Chauncoy Clarke and Frank Smith wero down today making arrangements for tho game. They claim that tho Coos River team has run In four or flvo outside players on them. Overcomo by llout. Lou Loomls, of North Rend, who returned todny from a trip to Curry county, Inform ed Fred Darnard that Claudo Tuck er, who went deir huntlne with Jns. Wynno and E. A. Glossop. had been ovorcomo by tho heat nnd was In a rather serious condition for a day or two. Won ARftto Ring Mrs. S. A. Yoakum. Mrs. C. II. Dungnn and Mrs. M. R. Smith havo returned from tl.l fnninlia trill tfl Port OrfOrd. They report a most enjoyable tlmo and say tho peoplo of Port Orford are most hospitable Mrs. Yoakam en tered some oi uie cuiuuBiB uuu. .d wearing a beautiful agato ring which sho won In tho nail driving contest, thus proving tho fallacy of tho old saying that a woman cannot drive a nail. . . i.. rvm,.t Ponillilon. Ivy Con- dron wont to seo Tom Rooko yester day and reports that no is in a very n.ltlnnl nnnilltlnn. Mr. RookO Was Injured by a fall from a nam near Myrtlo Point last week. Ho was painting tho rooi nnu suppuu mm fell, striking the ground headfore most. His body below tho shoulders Is paralyzed and llttlo hopo Is hold out for his recovery. Mr. Rooko formerly lived In Marsntieiu nut naa 40 Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office n tnw wiiokn Willi IllA ramiiv ai Sunset Ray, Is hero today on busi ness. WILLIAM KARDELL and family have loft for Rrldgo on tho Smith PowerB railroad, for .a two wcoks' outing. MRS. II. M. MORRISON and Ruth Reynolds of Unndon, who camo In yesterday on the Paralso, left for homo this morning. CAPT. ALEX HALL of tho Enstsldo ferry loft this morning on a hunt ing expedition to tho Sixes Rlvor. Engineer Seconds Is tnklng his plnco on tho ferry. TALOR DEMENT, conntx coninils Blotter, Is hero from Myrtlo Point for a short stay. Ho has been Hufforlng from a sovero attaqk of ThoumatlBiu. MR. AND MRS. W. II. MORGAN I9R today for Ton Mllo, whoro they will visit for several days wlta tholr daughter. Mrs. J. D. Magoe. MR8. II. A. WELLS and Mre. C. n. Wnll lnft-for naudon. whore thoy will snond n fow weoks at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Walter rtl f v M'fiKnnma nml Al Jenson aro expected homo today or tomorrow from an auto trip to Port Orford, Gold Reach, Brookings, Crescent City and thonco to Crater Lake and vicinity. JOHN MERCHANT will return to- night to IiIb summer homo at nas- tendorr Roach. Ho says that tho heavy fog has detracted some from tho advantages of beach life. 8. R. CATHCART loft this morning vln tho old Coos liny Wagon Rond for Portland, whoro ho will nttend tlm Htntu convention of tho Red Men . noxt week as tho delegato from Coos Tribe. Mil. ANR MRS. W. K. WISEMAN, MIhr Wtanmnn. Mrs. Martin Of North Rend, and Mr. Patterson of Mnrshflold, loft yesterday by auto on an extended vacation outing in tho Willamette Valley with Port land as the objcctlvo point. MISS ELLEN R. RUDNAS roturned last evening from a vacation out ing with rolntlvea In Eureka, Cal. As tho Geo. W. Elder was out of commission, sho camo overland, but saya tho scenery of California Is not to bo compared with tho fnn.l In liv wnv nf AllpiranV. PAT HENNESSEY of tho Henryvlllo mine Is a visitor in Marshfield to day, entertaining his old friend, Mr. O'Connor, of tho San Francisco Examiner, who Is visiting here. Mr. O'Connor la making arrange ments to erect a house on tho O' Connor 160-acre ranch at tho head of Shlnglohouso Slough RE00HD0 IN FROM SOUTH Brought Two Hundred Tons of Miscellaneous Freight will Depart Monday Afternoon. Tho steamship R'cdondo camo In this morning from ban Krancisco. air. .11,1 nnt alirlit iinv nf tlin flnrmnn warships said to havo passed up the const, ano urougm- in iwu nunuruu tons or freight. Tho Rcdondo will lonvn Mnnilnv nt 4 n. m. for San Francisco. Hor passongor list In- ciuueu: Mrs. N. Pyhtlla, Mrs. Susie Schroe dnr. 'MIhh Sloborir. Mrs. E. Haeen melstcr. Mrs. M. Malkowotz, Miss Ruth Reynolds, Mrs. II. Morrison, H. Mnnm I. II. Wonliil. Mr. Hlnhnrir. j. C. FaHorVJ. A. Rowland, Jns. How Maud, Frank Lagg. E. R. Hutchlns, IIITH, itlllCIIIIlB, .M1B illliviuun, u. ). ,'aldrop, Mrs.. Waldrop, Miss Wal drop, M. Gilbert. M. Malloy, R. C. Jordan, A. Reldch, J. Stannegal, J. C. Arnold, M. Potroll, J. McEwoll, A. W. Rrown, W. K. Eggolston, 13. Mng enson, H. Lorsborg and II. Wilson. T.AirvniI VI1KAK InavM every duY at 1:30 p. nu for SOUTH Cooa Hirer. DockH nt CENTRAL AVK.NUE bRu. tlrely now, at reduction. Suitable for delivery or peddling. P. O. Rox r,or, North Rend. Phono 14 It FOR' RENT f" FOR RENT FuniWiwI uortiircnt over NasburK'H Grocery. Apply at Nnsburg's Grocery. FOR RENT Lurgo Iiouho on Court South. Phono 119-L. VZth, FOR ItENT FiirnlHliexl liotiBCkccp Ing rooms. C9G First nnd Rlrch Phono 239-J. FOR ItENT FiirolNhed bunfcalow. Inqnlro Mra. Farrlngor. Phono 38G-J. FOR RENT Two flntH .fumLslied or unfurnished, In Mnddop Bldg. North Front street; also house keeping rooms. . I FOR SALE FOR SALE Vuro bred Jornoy ca1v from register of merit dama. i A. Sacchl, Marshfield, Oro. FOR BALE Mileljr furnished room ing houso. Oood monoy maker. Address Rox H, Tlmoa office. FOR SAliE HouBCliold fumlshitMCS, including range nnd china closet; reasonublo prices. 1170 Wn Com mercial. Phono 297-X. ' FOR 8ALV: Rlcyck. never bcc used; 120. Seo at Frizeon's Store. Contra) avonuo. FOR BAJjH CHEAP CTon.lioni powor twin cyllndor excelsior mo torcyclo, if takon at onco. Phone, 180-J, Koontz'a Garage. WANTia) A Ruck nolglnn !!. C. H. Nicholson. 1020 N. Front St. SMALL FAIRLY (no dilldrea) . wants modern furnished homo, centrally located. Rloforoncca. Address D. Times office WANTED DifwawUdnK nnd plAiii sewing, houso to house. Phone- G0-J. Of Cousre You Will PAINT This summer If your houso or building needs painting. No body can afford to neglect this matter In this climate and this Is the best season of the year In which to paint. In reality painting costs nothing when the increased value of tho houso and Its protection are considered. Seo us when you are ready to paint; ,Jt will be worth your while-. VI ERS NORTH FRONT STREET. WE LEAD We Do Not Imitate that's tho season nrown & Swanton have solected somo of tho highest class agencies that cost tho consumer as much In Now York as In Mnrshflold. Your monoy rofundod If tho goods are not satis factory. Only tho most progressive drug storoa can obtain theso "excluslvo" agencies, as the Penslar and Nyal Family Remedies, Maurlno and Sylvadora toilet requisites, Whitman's candles, etc. The Orange Label and prescription blank was first originated In Mnrshflold by us, to distinguish us from our competitors. Rrlng your prescriptions to tho store that bult Its reputation on Its own merit. We aro experi enced PharmaclBtB and do not allow Inexperienced kids to fill prescriptions. Patronize tho store that guarantees you safo service. Quality Goods and money back If not satisfied when you buy goods tho store that built Its reputation onPhono 141. i1- 1 ........ . . , .. t Ita.