wmm IE ' I.TT . .I1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1914. EVENING EDITION. foim IJWTMM13 COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALOXEY Editor nml Pub. DAN E. MALOXEY Xchs Editor Official Paper r Coos County. Entercii nFtho Postotflco nt Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through the malls ns second-class znnll matter. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES CASE ENDED Jury on Third Trial Convicts Geo. Button of Art Coach' Saloon. (Special to The Times. 1 UAXDOX. Or.. Aug. 15. After two trlnls In Recorder Kausrud's court, the Jury hi the third trial of Manager George Button of Art Coach's Office Saloon, charged with idling liquor to Hay Langlols, a min or, brought In a verJlct of guilty. A flno of $7Ji wag Imposed. The case was tried Wednesday and the Jury disagreed. It was tried Thursday he lore a new Jury which also disagreed, and he third trial was yesterday. It will probably be apiealed. JJPSlIlN fITr Mux Iitt4 rmi Is Vov Dr Tlmw OTTAWA, Aug. IS. The Prime Jfaistor of the Dominion, It was an ion need today, had received applica nt n from representative Japanese on the Pacific const stating that a large number of Japanese who saw service In tho Ilnsso-Japanese war want to enlist In the Canadian expeditionary .forces. It Is estimated that 1000 Jupaneso wish to Ion the Canadian .unlfdrm. FIVE SLAIN BY Pr AjmcUIM rrrw to Coo Br TloiO WILLIAMSON. W. Va., Aug. 15 Edw. Mounts and Sanford Hatfield, members of tho posse chasing (ho ibandlts wlio yesterday robbed tho paymaster und killed three men at Alum Cliff, W. Va., were killed today In a fight with the robbern at Gil bert Creek. One or the bandits was nounded. Ilnnl' Battle On. Word from Gilbert Creek said that tho posso again came up with tho bnndltH und the fighting con tinued. Three more of the posse wcro wounded and one bandit was captured. TEAM RUNS AWAJV. Breaks Both 'Window in Hardware Store Corner. A team belonging - to Dave Mus son, used on a transfer' wagon, be enmo frightened this afternoon and ran away, rushing south on Broad way nt n terrific pace, crashing Into tho corner windows or the Mnrshrield llardwaro Company Tho horses wero extricated with gront -difficulty from the tangle or broken glass and harness. One or the animals was severely cut by the glass, a gash In tho abdomen being the most horlous. They wero taken to a veterinary Im mediately. No one was Injured. Tho driver, P. C. Brewer, wus In tb.i plant or the Stnndnrd Oil Co. when tho team started and does not even know what started them. j KIRK snys: "Don't rorget tho Big Daneo at EAGLES' Hall Saturday night, ' EDGAR M DAN'IFX or North Bend was a buslucbs visitor in Mursh- Hold today. Mother Seriously 111. Mrs. M. J. Ostrow, who wns on a visit nt Salem, was summoned by telegram to the bedside or hor mother, who Is said to bo dying nt hor home in 101 Centro, near San Diego. Calif. School I'liK'tiuu TueMlny. There will bo a school election Tuesday,1 August IS. at District No. 3G. Elk, Hock ror tho purpose or determining on n site ror tho union school, tho provlous election having boen unsat isfactory It will he decided at this election whether tho prosent silo nt Elk Rock will be chosen or the ono on the Smith property nt the forks. Bont accommodations will bo provid ed for nil voterH und a special boat will leave Camp Ono ror tho conven ience or residents In that vicinity. ARRIVE OX PARAISO. Steamship in from South with Many mt..seiiger. Among tlioso arriving on tho Par olso rrom San Francisco yesterday wero: i Frank Ayors, Miss Kelly, Miss Donnldson, E. II. Eniorson, Win.! Happy, W II. Waterman, Goo. Locke. ! M. C. Thompson, .Mrs. L. Pearson, L. Pearson. G. Iltirkhnrdt, Ruby Burk- liurdt, Ruth Burkhardt, Lulu Burk hnrdt. J. P. Burkhardt, G. S. Kolton, A. W. Snyder, Joo Larson, Linn Johnson. Carl Johnson, Mrs. S. John-, son. A. W. Kees. The Roamer eamo in today rrom Roguo River nu will icavo mis eve nlng ror Astoria, MIDOI u m CANADA Ml BANDIT 1 CLEAN OP MARSHFIELD City Attorney Kendall Says Morrison Case is uniy i Commencement. 1 City Attorney Kendall announced ,thls afternoon that the Morrison case Is Just the beginning of a general cleanup campaign of the City of Marshfleld. "There are some con ditions existing hero," he said, "that are detrimental to the moral welfare of this community. I think that i Marshfleld Is capable of taking enre )f herself and purging herself of these problems of vice without the 'nsrlstance of tho county or state authorities. I am n bit disappointed at the result or the Morrison case, but I do not accept It as tho attitude ' of the people of this community. ! The movement to clean up Marshfleld Is going to be continued nml some of the undesirables here are going to be compelled to move on." Pollco Ait Irate. The local police are highly In censed over the verdict In the Ruby Morrison ense. They claim that they had ample evidence to convict and cannot exactly understand the out come. Officers Wnlter Richardson and Hill Shoupe said this afternoon that they did not know how they could get more evidence against any person than they had ngalnst her. streeTtalks J REVIVE ISSUE i Meetings by Prohibitionists, Arouses Fear That I. W. W. Have Secured Advantage. Rev. J. 0. Adams, the Prohibi tionist advocate, who has been hold ing forth on tho streets and In the churches the last few days, gavo tho . last street speech this afternoon, dur-, , ing which his remarks were supple mented by Rev. Hassford nnd n niece I of Rev. Adams. Kxccptlon to the . remarks were made by Mr. Ilorrco, I of the Nutwood Saloon, who deliv ered a short speech from tho side walk. The advent of Rev. Adams has re vived the old strife concerning, street-speaking, and the officers rc-i gard the affair as deplorable, be cause of establishing a precedent , and making known tho fact that, there is no ordinance prohibiting street speaking, it Is rumored that I. W. W. speakers have been sent for, and are expected hero nt any time, to follow up the advantage gained by this week's serle.t of street talks. It Is also rumored that many members of tho I. W. W. have been arriving on the Flay during the last few days, but whether tho Issue of street spenklng will bo forcpd Is not known, Six Greeks and Three French men Sail on Nann Smith This Afternoon to Go to War. j Tho Nairn Smith sailed today nt 2 o'clock for San Prunclsco with sixty- six passengers and a full cargo of lumber. She carried six Greeks apd three Frenchmen who nro going back to their countries to enlist In their, homo armies. They expect to sail from New York If they can obtain passage. Three engines from tho railroad camps were taken out by (he Naun. i Among those sailing were: I). II. Brown, W. II. Garthwulte, A. G. Ilerude. II. W. Fiddler, Miss P. L. linger. J. A. Ileavuustoii, M. S. Mar tin, Fred Reynolds, Joslo Wright, Mrs, A, J. Rcise, Francis Williams, Miss Wanda Stevens, Jack Rose, J. Iliit'tn. Mr. I.. C. Qtilnn. I'mells Urlnus, G. Alarcoii, John Kroelllng, A. lluudloe, Bomtnilio Carre, Tom Sedorls, Nick Tliuberls, R. Jones, ' Pete Hlzzo, John Mlldos, Carl Lnnge, John Anderson, Jeff Wyrlck, Gus Cnrlson, Henry Bock, II. P. Mat toon, Albert Combes, S. Belli, Mrs. I I). 11. Brown. A. II. Woods. M. G. Coffer. Miss P. Hunt, David Heaven stou, Dr. A. Heaveuston, II. 1). Xar- tin. Mrs, R. Peters, Mrs, E. E. Daven port, A. J. Relse, May Preuss, Mrs. J. B. Preston, Inez Rose, Ruth Quliin, Mrs. J. W. Tlbbetts, Annsuiso Rolku, C. W. Flodberg. Joe Grandgenr, S. Glugue, Tom Polls, E. Sederls, Gorst Mardlky, John Pious, C. Cuseiindarlz, P. Gruble. M. Yuosk, A. Miller, Johu Gabrlth, P. Marticho, Chas. Edwards, W Ewlng, Chas. Laudls, S. Lnberdl. I AMONG THE SICK fionri'M St. minor num. nf Alleinn. is nt Mercy Hospital receiving treat ment. Mrs, Beit Doremus was nblo to re turn homo today rrom Mercy Hospi tal, where she underwent an opera-' turn n few days ago for uppeudlcltls. Her recovery Is most rapid, much to the gintlficatlou or her many friends. D. Y. Stuffonl Is recuperating rap hlh ul Mercy hospital nnd will be ulile to return homo tuts evening, i MiH. Charles Gettv of Eninlre Is said to be Improving. KIRK says: "Don't forget tho Big Rnnco at EAGLES' Hall Saturday nlcht. I 'RETURN HOME I TO JOIN ARMY I - i SHOOTING CASE L. G. King Charges Gee Suey With Threatening to Shoot Him at Canton Cafe. Gee Suey, n Chinese cook former ly employed nt tho Canton Cnfe In North Bend, was nrrested on the charge of threatening to shoot L. U. King, another Chinamen, who Is ono of tho proprietors of the restaurant. The warrant was Issued In Judge Sliuster's court. The hearing wns set for Monday. It seems that Suey hnd been fired nnd demaded an extra month's pay and when refused threatened to shoot. No shots were fired. King, who has Americanized his Chinese name, wants Suey put under bond to keep tho pence. Oim' Is Dismissed. Recorder Maybeo, after hearing the evidence In tho case of Mrs. A. Englblom of Bangor vs. Pete Gull Hams, dismissed tho charge of as sault and battery. Mrs. Engblom charged GullllnniB with mistreating her little son but Recorder Mnybee decided that the youngster had been making a nuisance of himself nnd that GullllnniB was Justified In act ing ns he did. Phillip Is Klneil. Recorder Maybeo this week fined "Shnrkoy" Phillips or North Bend $5 for speeding an auto through the streets of North Bend. Phillips pro tested after hcnrlng the amount, lalslng Mr. Mnybcc's Ire and the latter declared ho was sorry that lie did not mnkc the fine much heavier. J 'fllfJH Grulium to .lull. Henry Graham Is spending ten days In the North Bend city Jail for creating a disturbance nt the home or his rather und mother. He went homo badly intox'ented tho other night and his parents had to call In the police to stop his unties nnd Re corder Mnybee decided to teach him a lesson. Gymnasium Proposition Ap pears to Be Hoodooed Will Try Again. The Mursliflold school gymnasium proposition appears to ho hoodooed. For the third time tho election to approve or the Issuance or $10,000 bonds ror the erection nnd equipment or the gymnasium has been culled orr. Tho first two elections wero held but through technical errors were declared Invalid' by District Attorney Llljeqvlst. The third election wns called for next Monday und last night Judge Hull discovered that the law prnvldeJ that tho notices or spe cial school bond olcctlons had to bo posted twenty days, whereas tho notices,, ror next Monday's election had, .been posted only ten days. Con sequently tho election was culled off and the school board will meet again tonight to mako a fourth try. PLAN TO BUILO E Ashland Friends of F. E. Con way Negotiate for Site for New Building. Acquaintances or P. E. Conwny from Ashland nre hero this week con ferring with him nbout tho advisa bility of tho erection or u fifty room modern rooming house to be built In this city. Tho prlnclpnl question to be decided by tho owners bofore any thing definite enn he douo or prom ised will he the one or a Bite ror such n building, However, thore Is small doubt but that ns soon ns this ques tion Is settled the owners will see their way dear to erect such a build ing In MursliHeld. THIEF PLEADS Gl'llTV. Stole Eggs Belonging to Fourier Bros, on Wharf This Morning. John Collins pleaded guilty this morning to stealing four dozen eggs belonging to Fourier Brothers from the dock back of tho flro department. He was sentenced to twenty days In tho county Jail by Justice Pennock and was taken over to Coqullle this afternoon by Constable Cox. Numerous things have been missed along the docks lately but Collins would not ndmlt nny other thefts. Gordon Smith of the fire department saw Collins tako tho eggs. CARD OP THANKS. To tho many who havo so kindly ministered to us during the illness nml death of our loved one, wo desire to oxpress our slncore thanks. Words fnll to convey our honrtfelt apprecia tion for your sympathy, the beauti ful floral offerings nnd the many ways In which you showed to us the great heart of love and friendship. Truly, the memory of these expres sions shall nlwa live with us and In return we pray Heaven's richest blessings to rest upon you. MRS. J. V. HODSOX AXD FAMILY. DR. II. E. KKLTY. DEXTIST. Vtaone 112-J. Room 204, Coko Bids. NO ELECTION . HERE MONDAY 50 I MRS MORRISON IS ACQUITTED Woman Arrested for Running Bawdy House Freed by Jury Last Night. FOUND NOT GUIIIV. After deliberating nbout ten I minutes, tho Juty In tho case of ! the City of Marshfleld against Ruby Morrison, returned a ver- I diet of not guilty ns charged. I After several delays and adjourn ments, tho case of Ruby, Morrison, accused by tho city officials of run ning a house of 111 fame In the Conro building on North Front street, wns finally brought before tho court last night, with tho result that the city was unable to securo a conviction. The testimony of sovernl witnesses, both for the prosecution and defense, was dispensed with, and tho caso rushed through, the attorneys finish ing their arguments shortly nftur midnight nnd the Jury returning a sealed veidlct a row moments later, which, was opened at 10 o'clock this morning. Particular significance wns given the cr.se, becnuse of the fact that It was more or less or n test, and as Assistant CHy Attorney Kendnll stat ed, "to determine whether tho city should purge Itself of the disorderly houses, or the county authorities should be cnlleJ unon." wn no. cea y "icy In pots a daT- "XTEn tho witnesses lame crowd of men who had gather- e T The pro " tlo ! witnesses. with one exception, were the pollco Conro building, wob a witness for the, prosecution, but her testimony wns decidedly In favor of the defense and wns characterized by Mr. Kendall as hostile." The defense cnlled as witnesses Mrs. Morrison, Frank A. Shannon, who also has apartments In the build ing, und Floyd Conro, who has the tenting of the place. The testimony iTmnXiSYrtto'viitefc "T"? ' 'febuslness of the artmeii. Mrs. Rumpf, who lives ilofcmlnnt on nny other day might .in. .. rn.t.,..rnii I., tim be was, of course, Irrplvvnut to the" of the Inst two was confined to the the City of Knstsldo. In Coos County, general orderly ntmosphero nbout tho Oregon, will receive sealed bids un place recently. I" tho hour of 8 o'clock In the nfter- The city brought out facts relative noon of the 2r;th day of August, to the past life nnd reputation or .9. for the Improvement or all Mrs. Morrison, that while sho Is mar-it hat portion or McKay Streot In said rled her husband Is not contributing to her support, nnd that sho had tu'li'n linnn n r runt ml In I'nrtlnilil nnrn .. .vv ....w, ....--... ... .-.- .- - have uiteil o(lir t un an officer of tuo law on certain visits, in tact, in . . . ... . . . r .'.. re tlmntlng that his visits were qlilto imorriciai. aiie told or Cijr.ter visit ing Iho house und holding .Mr?. Ben jamin on his knees. Sie"jmld Unit Curtor's reply to uu Invitation from Mrs. Benjamin was: "No, they afe wutclilng me too close; III como down later." and that on a later oc-' for vagrancy and another time for.1"1.0, ' 10'- ' being on tho streets nRer hours. It A,ll such Improvements must bo wns nlso shown that she had been an I n' agreeable, to and In accord Ininnto or "Mother O'Donnell's" placo n,nco w'th PlnnB n'.'l specirica lu Empire lions thereof now on fllo with tho Mr. Morrison was tho sonsatlonnl pity Recorder, which are open to tho witness or the evening. Sho attempted lneclon a11 Persons, to give n mil list or the patrons of ha ''" ,w' I bo required to "Mother" O'Donnoll's place, hut alio nccompony his bid with n certified was stopped. She nlso gavo tho no- cnc?k nu.nj I" amount to five por lice shocking repututlons, relating to cc"t of 'B amount bid, for tho everyone Incidents eoneernUig their, porforninncfi or tho -contract, shoidd visits to her place. u . awarded him. All tho ofricers came In for a grill-', ...J? , ry ,)0Ii8O1 .nw;?r.det,,n. contrn,ct Ing ut ho.r hands, principally Chief ,wl1' be l"1"01 to en'or Into a writ CMi.er. who was staled by her to '!" nifreeircnt concerning such Im- caslon Carter and Mrs. Benjumln vIh."bK" "",'. KJ1; Oregon Ited the Coos Hotel. Dated th,B ' A58 Ex-orricer Boyd, the witness sald.'nnr.inr f ,!. n,t . . ,,A0.H,', made rrequent visits to her rooms. ,"?n L , "nf I 0f Ka8t8ldo' flashing u police star to secure spec ial privileges. She told how on Tuesday ovcuing, Boyd, In a very drunken condition, came to her place and Insisted on going with her and a party of friends to North Bend In a tuxl. Boyd climbed on the running I uoarcl or tho machine and made the trip, and on tho return, in a still worse shape, was thrown Into a mud pmidio and left to lie until morn ng. Boyd denied any knowledge of this, saying that his memory ceased earlier In the evening. I On another occasion Boyd was do ing pollco duty in her rooms, when, nccordlng to the wltnoss. Officer Douno showed up. Boyd raved and went outdoors to Interview DcAine. und when ho returned said he had lllllloil IiIh lriiit nn Mnmm nn.l tr.1.1'1 1:1m to "bent It," remarking thnt "Itl wns tliut - - . of n Doane. K PRESERVE YOl'R HAIR WHILE YOU HAVE IT Tako care of your hair now, and keep It. Don't wait until It is gone, tor It enn never be regained. Get a bottle or cv rem IMC RJDlVCHtUlH, IKSEEXJ1 1HADC MARK HAIR TOXIC. use It according to direc tions, and you will ward orr the danger or railing hair and early baldness. We don't claim that It will grow hair on a bald head, but It will keep your hair nt its very best We posl tle!y guarantee that. Two sizes, 50c and $1. For Sale By OWL PHARMACY Exclusive Agency FRANK D. CORAX Ho ain't got no business down hero when I'M here." She also related circumstances of I Officer Shoupe drinking In her rooms' hiBt Snttirday night, when Officers Shoupe And Donne wero searching the premises for a gun. This wns after a Etiuobble between n Mr. nnd Mrs. Rumpf, also lodgers in the house; when Mr. Rumpf tlwmtenod to shoot his wife. Shoupe entered Mrs. Mor rison's room, according to testimony, during the search for the weapon nnd while there Mrs. Morrison served beer, of which Shoupe partook. Doano entered the room n few min utes Inte.. but refused to Imlulgo dur-i lug working hours nnd cnlled Shoupe j down ror drinking. Concerning tho preliminaries of this episode there wns a wide difference between tho testimony of Mrs. Morrison ami Of ficer Shoupe, the hitter stating that Mrs. .Morrison served tho refresh ments nfter arising from her bed. which also contained a mnu with red hair, other description meager, and that nt the time her rnlment was noticeably negligee. Mrs. Morrison, however, testified Unit she hnd Just returned from a down town cnfe and preceded the officers Into the room by but a few moments, und t lint the sleeper wns legitimate, ho having permission to rest there In her nb Ecnco, while he nwalted tho departure of the mall boat, on which he expect ed to leavo at daylight tho next morning. It was at nbout daybreak that the search for tho gun wns made. Mrs. Morrison, on examination by the prosecution, refused to reveal the name of her lodger, but on being threatened with contempt of court, nnd on advice of her attorney. Identi fied him ns "Bud" Smith., a former tlme-keevr for the Smith-Powers Company. The verdict was not entirely unex pected, as prosecution was based on a. Etnto law which defines each and ev-! ery duy of the running of u house of IHfamo n -separate nnd distinct oNl .! I'l.nlshnble as such.. This" ''Iolled the city to hIiow that on i ' the PWtlctilar day of tho complaint. I ' 10. M Mo rrln was con-. cnsc nt )a'- KIRK says: "Don't rorget tho Big Dance at EAGLES' Hull Saturday iflght. XOTICE TO COXTRACTORS. -NOTICE IS I IE It ERY GIVEN that city from n line eight feet west of the center line of Second Street to the west line of Eighth Streot, a dls- --on ... .) " "". - mu mnu iimu give a sufficient, good and npproved bond for tho ralthful pcrformanco or tho agreement. Tho City resorves the right to re Juct nny nnd all bids. Bids must bo riled with tho City Recorder. This notlro Is given by ordor of !.. n rt-. "..... .7' . V".' """ -o"ncii or ino uity or Coos County. Oregon. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AT THE Q : ATER.MASS STUDIO HAVE YOUR PHOTOS MADE THERE. Opposite Blanco Hotels Front Street APARTMENT HOUSE We have the exclusive agency for the choicest sites in Marshfield for apartment houses. Apply at our office for prices I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front, St. . B1 . . GRAND SIatr! OMGHf "The he Home or Geo,! Plctu,T,.. OH FEET OF T: Vl.,. :st x e w- riioToi'i ffl li.lll ''ij .-.(MX) III "viTNl'H Will'" A Vltagraph Rlb-Tlekler In reels, featuring Miss uQ Walker and Walllo Van, pjj Finch nnd sovernl other sin,. of this well known film X pnny. '" "PATHE WEEKLY X. ,(V. AH the latest news In picture -sees nil knows nil Kven,, of International Interest nhoto! graphed. G. M. Anderson In Essannv'j Fenturo Western Production-! "BROXCIIO BILLY'S l,AI. The most sotiBntlonnl und thrill Ing western uiury that we have shown for months, "OILLIGAN'.S AraiH'NT POLICY" A Blogrnph Burlesque Comedy n roul Saturday night nugh In this picture. Children r,e Adults l.y COMING MONDAY Tho 4th lustnllmcnt of the "Pl'ltim OP PAULINE." The $25,000.00 prize picture. COM ING WEDNESDAY " MILLION' RID," tho most beau tlf til picture ever innde by Vlta graph. In ii reels. Was shown nt 'JfiO perrormnnces In the Vlt grnph Thentre, Broadway, New York, nt prices ranging from 2fic to $t per scut. The R.oyaI TONIGHT "The Hoiim of Big Features" ".IOIIX.L. SULLIVAN" The Largest Performing Bear in the World. When Btandlng measures feet und weighs 7G0 pounds. A Fenturo Act. MR. ALLAN MURX.YNK Tiior Vocal 1st Mr. Murnanc will sing two beautiful selections. Two Svw Viuulevllle Acts Ttint An Hendllnerx. "THE FIRST XUGGET Eclair Western Drama In Tws An Reels. "THE M-'AITII OP TWO" A Strong. Drnmu hy Powers Fllmi. "MYSTKRV OF A TAXICAM" Anothor of tiioso Funny Joker- 4 1 "THE BURGLAR AND THE BAllY" A Comedy or Complications Kolem. "THE PATIIE DAILY XKW8" , Sees All Knows All. .1 lUvb .1000 Feet or All Now Photoplay. ADMISSION: Iover Floor U-Te Balcony 13e Entlro Change or Vaudeville Tomor row Night. Here Monday Xlght "THE KANGAROO" Terrors of Old Now Orleans 1834-183C. Hero Tuemluy and Wlne.sdjiy NlgiiU Victor Hugo's Masterpiece "LKS MI8ERABLKS" In O Reels Ono Bhow oach night commencing at 8o'clock sharp. nP If W WP.IT WVVZ MM warn L4ipa!gaL'tv.ras