jmmmmmmmimmuMiJMmf,fm. HI TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELH, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15. 1914. EVENING EDITION. $fj ?fcj L. il WD JMIIUII llll I I MIIBMIII il I III 1 1 I 1 mml 'iTS - . J". ' ,i- 1M V Tu ,: tKi'JV'-Brv,iTWV'VAXvtl;umllitUrti AV:-1-.',t7AWV.iiJi,l Ladies Suits W V Nn i Jin m .A A W .&, S 0g .M25 mftiiMW : a MM .l5 'KHUR"" iuvy .v.-.. fixni i i' ii. -m ii in; - -j'ih,'ii i iii'i .-.ivw '." J I &r u vi I iiiVm'if'rirwJrVP:2juaD.,iJtftAff;k1'VMK's'rj-- . MM . . 1' " 1' wSf'.'i v'f.-?mZtJrSfJJf7fAtrifirirjj-JY'3r " - ' K 4jy 'p V ji A CIKIAS A (2IKI. 101! A' ,, J, , ;-WowZ2lS w THAT It there a lady In tlic lnnd Thnt boasiH her rnuk and a' that? IV 1th scornful eje v,c pass her by And little care for n' that; For nature's charm shall bear tho palm A Kill 8 n girl for n' that. The nobly horn may proudly scorn A lowly lass nnd a that; A pretty face Iibb rar more grace Than haughty idoIch and n' thnt: A bonnle maid needs no such aid A girl's a girl for n' that. Then let us trust that come It must, And sure It will for a that, CONTKIHUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of Tho Tlmos, muBt bo sub united to the editor not later than 6 o'clock p. m., Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases whoro tho vouta occurred Inter thnn tho tme mentioned.) nnd Mr. and Mrs. Earl I'owoll of North Bend were the witnesses. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hull are planning a honey moon trip to Washington points lat er In tho year nnd for tho presont nro domiciled at the Mnndlgo homo In North Bend, where they will be nt homo to their friends. , HOXOItS MltS. LACIvSTllOM. I Last Tursdny afternoon Mrs. c. . Hlllstrom entertained a number of PERSONAL notices of visitors in the city, or of Coos Bay peoplo who visit in other cities, togothor with notices of social affairs, aro gladly rccolved in the social de nartment. Telcnhono 133. No- 1 ticca of club meotlngs will bo published and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish same. Mrs. C. M. Byler, Mrs. Marlon Lang enberg, Mrs. Clalro Keating, Mrs. Helen Gale nnd Misses Jcanettc Bar rett, Esther Imhoff, Messrs. Allon Klssam, Homer Phillips, Ward Mn glll, Itnlph Rounds, Ted Klssnm, Charles Burrett, Tom Bennett, Edgar Simpson and I. R. Tower. FAMILY KKUXIOX. I Friday. August 14. thero was al family reunion at tho home of Wll-1 When faith nnd love, all arts nbove' friends nt her home In West Marsh- Ham Smith nt the forks of Coos RIv-' Shall reign supreme and n that; field In honor of Mrs. Victor Lack- or in honor of Mrs. Florence Hawes, And every youth confess tho truth ) strom or California. Refreshments A girl's a girl for n' that. were served nnd n most pleasant uf- Author Unknown, ' tcrnoon wns enjoyed by all. Those ' nrosent wore Mrs. V. Lackstrom, Mrs. C. Hngqulst, Mrs. H. Anderson, Mrs. V. Oxren, Mrs. V. Rudnes, Mrs. C. Hlllstrom, Mrs. A. BJork. Mrs. J. Sandel. Mrs. J. Bnckman, Mrs. W. Lagus, Mrs. C. Johnson, Mrs. J i cell. Mrs. H. Asirtund. Mrs. J Mrs. L. Stone. Mrs. A. Haglund, Mrs. Ed. Johnson, Mrs. W. Asplund. Mrs. A. Lund, Mrs. E. Llljeberg, Mrs. A. Lowland, Mrs. R. J. Montgomery, A quarter of a century ago the cur rent queiitlon was: "Shall women propose?" nnd a distinguished New Englunder, M. Charles Dudley War ner uicd It as n title for one of his delightful essays. "Marriage really concerns them." lie wrote, "moro than It does men; they have to bear the chief of Its burdens. A wide and, free cholco for, Mmm w'ou.d, then, seem to be only ! Mr. Sella V'!c,er 1"d. ?,.m' S lllllatroiii nnd Misses L. Lund. Edna Johnson, Slgrld Storn. Qunhlll Lund, Edythe Lund, Elsie Hlllstrom, Elvie Iii:!strom nnd Slgrld Hongell. who Is heie to visit relatives. A pic nln illnnnr unilnr Mm trnpa In tlin or chard on the river bank wns greatly enjoyed. During the afternoon i : Knmes. bathing and reminiscences I . bv the older people present made the1 day pass all too quickly. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Hon- Mr. nnd .Mrs. George Smith, Mr. nnd Hill. Mrs. Cnrl Eirenoff. Mrs. M. R. Smith.) Mrs. Dungnn, Mrs. E. A. Hllborn.i hv niip n Bertha nnd Helen, Smith,' May Smith, Max, Carl audi ....bbuii Suutu. Florence Smith, Lor-i na Harris, Allno Egenoff. Cnrl Egon- nff nml Mru flnrnnrn llnwes. V KIHTIIUAY PARTY. my. "L'nifcnlnbly," says the Boston CTobe, "n great ninny men nre unat tf!vo, unobscrvlng, Immersed in Mtno ubsorblng pursuit, undecided xnd at times bashful, and liable to tll Into union with women who hap pen to be nenr them, rather than . , , , : Willi tlm.n v).n n r,. ..n..unl..lla !.. I LlttlO MISS AHOnil thov would maka tlusm thii h..iiiir celebrated her seventh birthday to- coutlnuo their education nt some lat lvcs "oUori day by Inviting n number of her piny- oi date. Misses Ermn nnd Allco Cul- - ..., nIktl tt n.nrnlrtif with linr i.. ...! ln.,t U.l.1n few llnrL'nlnv . .Lc": " ,nl .cd.''-v. ," f,nor Wl1"' and enjoy a real birthday party. cnllf.. where they expect to enter the JIIO IIIBUIICIS 01 C Old. nre SO apt lOI A, .. I....alt.. Vm I. ..lnnnlnf . to specialize In languages while Allco SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. i will tnko a thorough, course In do-, t 1 mcstlc science, ueorgin wntson win I STUDENTS TO COLLEGE. I . . , Of tho eleven students who gradu-J nted from tho Coqulllo High school lnst Juno, five will enter collcgo this Hildenbrnnd fni. while several others 'expect to Uo deceived. In fact, man's Inability to "match" nnytmng is notorious. "If he ennnot be trusted In the mnttrr of worsted work, why should he Iimc suih distinctive liberty In the most Important mnttcr of life? "Resides there aie many men and some of the best who got Into a An cnjoyablo picnic was partlcl- enroll In the domestic yclence depart-1 nnteil In' bv forty Sundny school nun- lis and their teachers of the Christian church last Friday at sunset liny. said It was it great day. uu u .. : - . . ". ... . .. habit of not mnrrylne at nil. ilmnly Hiey wn n in oi at oock i w- bpcnniu. tho rlchl u-nmnn l,n. nnt ,,r" tlimeil nt It inie lliilir. r.vorjone iientcd herself at the right time. Per haps, If women had the open privi leges of selection, many a good fel low would be rescued from misera ble Isolation, nnd perhaps also mnny n noble woman whom chunco of n stationary position, or tho Inertia of HONORS MRS. T. R. RROWN. I mont of Oregon Agricultural College, j Irvln watson nns not tuny ucciueu what college he will nttend but Is ser- lously considering taking nn engi neering courso In the University ofl Nebmska. Ray Miller will take mln- lug engineering at euuer atanioru or tho University of Arizona, Co qulllo Sentinel. - I R.UTIST LADIES OF NORTH I REND. Mrs. 0. A. Bennett entortulned with nn Informal card party Friday tho other sex, hag left to bloom nlono. ufternoon In honor of Mrs. Thomas and waste lr sweetness on relations, Buhl win Brown, who lenves shoriiy -' would be tho center of n charming tor her homo In Chicago. After tho Tho Ladles Aid Society of tRo home, furnishing the finest spectacle 'nid games the hostess served dell- North Bond Baptist church mot sron In this uphill world a woman elous lofreslimonts. Those present Thursday afternoon at their rooms oxerclsing grneloiiH hospitality, nnd wt''- "" ueiienimiiKii, mv. hcibu, hi mu )' "'s "" oi-i i" radiating to n clrcl.- far beyond her Mr. I. S. Kaufman. Mrs. 0. W. Kauf- afternoon quilting. Present wore iintnn ih. infino.w... f i.- i..m.i.... ninn. Mm. K Mln nits. Mrs. W. M. Mrs. Walter S:nl i. Miv. Frc-1 Olaz- pcrHonallty." Blake, Mrs. W. Claylmugh, Mrs. Cnrl lor, Mrs. F. E. (Hazier. Mrs. E. 11. Al- Rcrontly n varlntlon of tho old OavlH. Mrs. Mulr Dano. Mrs. B. R. dorton, Mrs. J. H. Clarko, Mrs. 11. query, "Can women propose?" has Chiuidler, Mrs. Willis Kennedy. Mrs.iE. Evnns and Misses Mlnnfo Parkor, nrado its nmionrnnco In tho mihllo R. K. Booth Mrs. TIioh. B. Brown, prints on both sides of the Atlantic. Misses Daisy Rush nnd tionovn Wll Tho obvious answer Is: Tlioy often- e0 times do. A coutrlliutor to tho columns of crosH-oxnmliii'd Hi; benedicts of hi ncqunlntnnro mid elicited the follow Ing facts: Proposod themselves 24 HONORS .MISS STEARNS. Rosn Livingston, Borcnlco Glazier and Rov. A. F. Bnssford. 4 I SUNDAY StTHOOL CiaSS HIKE. I Tho Sundny school class of Mrs. A. F. Bassford of the Bnptlst clwirch took a long hlko on Friday. Tho party numbered It In all. Among i ! guest of honor thoso bidden were Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson, Mr. nnu (Continued on Pago Six.) ARE YOU ENGAGED ? Friday evening Mrs. Frank Frame wiiu IwibIokh tn a iiuiiniiii'. imriv in Their wives nrounsed aah nnor of Miss Isabelle Stearns, who No proposals nt nil 2I leaves for her homo In Hoqulnm thoj tho spots of Interest visited were Bay "Of tho 21 who said that they hud first of September. Besides tho CllvMulHiohlg8nmhi proposou themselves,' sulil the In estlgator. "five were halilttml bonst crs, and, thorcfore. It Is reasonable to Btispert tl'at they Hod. But oven assuming that thoy told tho truth, It appears thnt only 28 por cent of mar ried men do their own proposing. Tho remaining 82 per cent aro either boldly tniiilod. by their wives to bo or drift Into mnrrlugo without any proiiowil.'' On the seventh day of Inst mouth tho following letter was published In the PI llndulphlii dallies In connection with the Inseitlon of n want adver tisement: "1 um a widow with olio child. In my home I have all tho comforts of life, hut still I um lonely. I eniiiuit adequately tell how I oarn for com panionship. I suiely will marry again If I moot the young man or el derly mini, I care not which, who will muKo a kiiuiI husband nnd who will wty ll o one wmrt. Yon.' A good husband. In my opinion. Is u great Jow'ol No urouter Jewol enn uii) woman eur hopo to possess." Whnt, pi ay. thnt? Isn't It a blnukot proposal? Miss Miilluue was the first white woninn in Huh count ry to refuse to occup) a negative position, and to be routriited In makliiK the inont Im port! nt part of her laieer. whollj to the choice Implied In rejeitlous. Cnnventlonully and successfully a majority of girls coutlnuo to Invite their "steady coinpuu to lend them to the altar lij n look of tlve eye or a pressure of the palm. When that system fulls to work, ak ft sometimes does In casus of in tromit masculine shyuottu, I, for one, ci.nuot blame them for bravely using their tongues to bring courtship to a climax, Cnn j ou? 4 V QUILT WEDDINti. I A . Deuids M. Hull nnd Miss (itirtrudo Mandlgo of Noith Bond wero married very quietly Wednesday nt the Epis copal church in Marshfiold, planning to Keep tho woddlug secret, but tho eucrot leakod out uud tho many frionds of tho young couplo nro ox tondlng tho congratulations their Donularlty merits. Rov. Robert1 Urownlng officiated at tho coromony Wi: ARK ENGAGED IN CONDUCTING OUR JEWELRY STORE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS COM MUNITY. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE IN THE BUSINESS HAS TAUGHT US WHICH MANUFACTURERS MARE THE liEST GOODS, AND THIS KIND ONLY DO WE HAVE IN OUR STORE. WHETHER IT IS AN ENGAGEMENT RING OR ANY ARTICLE QF JEWELRY WE HAVE IT FOR YOU ATA FAIR AND SQUARE PRICE. H. S. TOWER THEZRELIADLE JEWELER. New York's Latest Styles Wo have received this week our first shipment of Ladies' Suits. These were purchased by us direct From the maker less than three weeks ago. We do not buy our suits in April or May, from a travelling man, long before the styles for the season are even known, as most merchants do. AVc go where they are made and get the new things while they are new and at prices that are right. You can save 25 per cent by buying your Suit or Coat here. We will have the very latest things in Coats in a few days. The Golden Rule iiHiHHIIHIMHBHIIMmHBi" Rugs to Fit Any Size Room and to fit any size rurse i Come PRICE our new furniture H- J ". H Mrs, Money saver :- A wise woman knows that it i3 EXPENSIVE to buy shoddy, poorly-made furniture, however low the price. Handsome, durable furniture is the best investment for a house-wife's purse, especially when the price, as at our store, is not nearly so high as the quality. Save your money; save your time; save your strength by coming to us and getting acquainted with our PRICES and our furniture. Our line of Runs, from the smallest to the larg est, is the most exten sive in style, stock, va riety of patterns and price to be found in Coos County. An ex amination of this list of prices is proof of this: Small Rugs 75c $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 $5.50 $6.50 $8.50 $10.00 Room Size Rugs $3.00 $3.50 $4.75 $5.50 $9.50 $10.00 $10.50 $12.50 $14.75 $15.75 $16.50 $18.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 $45.00 $47.50 Don't buy a Rug until you see our superb line and remember al ways that 'WE SELL IT FOR LESS GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers ANxr.vii .mi:ktix; of stock. UOI-DKHS Notlco la hereby given that the Annual meotliiB of tho stockholders ).' the Coos nay, Hosouurg nnd Eastern Ilnllrond and Navigation Company will bo held ou Monday, August 17, 19 H, nt 10 o'clock n. M., at tho office of tho Company n Marshfiold, Coos County, Oregon, for tho purpose of electing dlroctors )f said company and for the trans action of such other business as may come beforo said meetlug. O. L. KING . Secretary. Jill AUTO AMI T.l.vl St;UlC'h A uew taxicab has been added to iy auto serrtce. Careful driver Vlll go anywhere at any tlms. Stand llauto Cigar Store. Day phono, 78 'lKht phone 139-X. TOM Onnn-W.V) IhnpJnr no ELY'S CREAM BALM OPENS CLI I OSTBILS ID HEAD-CATARBH DOES ARE YOU BOTHERED A'lth Corns'.' If so, you are deprlv- d of half tho pleasure of life feasant wnlklug and healthy exer Iso. A visit to .Mrs. Olivia Human, Scientific. Chiropodist, Ap't 8, O'. L'onnell niilg., will be tho source of i permanent remedy for aching feet. Instantly Ilelleves Swollen, Inflamed Xose, Head, Throat You Hrcatho Frtvly Dull Headache does Xus ty DNi'linrge Stops Try "Ely's Cream nalm." Get a small bottlo anyway, just to try it Apply a little In tho nostrils and instantly your clogged nose nnd stonpod-up air passages of tho hoad will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarhh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal soro throat will be gone. End such misery now! Got the small bottlo of "Ely's Cream Dalm" at any drug store. This sweet fra grant balm, dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and nwli tho inflamed, swoUen membran which lines the nose, bead and throat; clears tho air passages; stop nasty discharges and a feeling cleansing, soothlug relief comes lo in edlately. Don't lay awake tonlgbt Maj' gling for breath, with head ituf' nostrils closed, hawking and d ing. Catarrh or a cold. wn running nose, foul itoucous droPP Into tho throat, and raw drynew distressing hut truly needless. Put your faith Just B?TM "Ely's Cream Dalm" and our ' or catarrh will surely disappear. For Salo by Browu Drug - BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES v urtlHBMhL.i-'