WwlM nun l! THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1914. EVENING EDITION. L MliLD Sews of the MarsM ield HUB CLOTHING & SHOE COMPANY III Chamlber of Commerce STORE NEWS SeiHsSSKfl IF DEAD IDAHO Local Man Missing After Canoe Trip on d'Orvilie Lake, Near Sand Point. IUGEI MEN I mmr uiniiinv hike inpni PHAGTICAL AID A letter has been received hero from F. V. Llewellyn, nt Sand Point, ldnho, telling of tho possible drown ing of Lester McDonald, recently em-1 ployed na a driver on the Fnotn nnd Gorat & King auto lines. The letter Aclc Jf I nl Umilrl Ro nnnntori P.hnmhnr nf Rommnrnfi ArintltS iVtiRiisl 6th nnd relates tho r,v"x" . . , . ni t n,.,.! i i nan IU DUUOl UUldl FOR NINES was dated -disappearance of Mr. McDonald, flvo days previously. Few details of tho affair were glv en. Mr. McDonald left about the tinio mentioned for a ennoe trip, nnd since, then nothing has been heard from him. His coat, containing tho addresses of friends nnd relatives In Marshfield. was found, and through those tho Information was sent hero. Several bodies hnvo lately been found In d'Orollle Lake, In tho northern part of tho state, on tho shores of which Sand Point Is located, but nono l.aa boon Identified ns tho body of Mr. McDonald, but there Is a ques tion In the minds of his friends thnt ho was drowned nt that time. His personal effects remain unclaimed In his room nt Snnd Point. Mr. McDonald left Mnrshfield about three months ngo nnd went from here to Washington nnd from that state to Idaho, Ho was married .About seven monies ago. to Mlts Ly dla Holm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Holm, of Coos Klver. nnd a sis ter of Mrs. Ross Smith. Mrs. McDonald still resides here and Is employed at tho Chandler Hotel cigar stand. Tho couple has been separat ed for several months. for Their Plant- Marshfield. in Enterprises. A communication hns been recelv- A plan, for which Dr. E. Mlngus Is I'd bv tho Mnrshfield Chamber of largely responsible, is being worked ' Commerce from the Vnllev Heat ng out by tho Mnrshfield Chamber of MORRISON (DIAL AGAIN DELAYED & Plumbing Company of Eugene, re lative to tho removal of their plnnt from that city to Mnrshfield. Tho manager of tho company, Mr. C. E. Sweeney, wn recently in Mnrshfield on business connected with tho com pany and n tour of Inspection of this district ns a possible field for tho manufacturing end of the works. The company engages In the mnnu facture nnd sale of motal nnd asbes tos roofing, sheet metal nnd cement. The do not nsk for stock subscription or the advance of mony to build tho enterprise, stating that the company In fully organized nnd doing n run ning business with a monthly pay roll of from $1000 to $13000. but they do nsk that tho Chamber of Commerce provide n lot and deed It to tho company, to bo locntod near ti.e center of tho city. Owing to tho fact that the com pany does a retail business and Its es tablishment hero would mean added competition to local dealers, who keep up the Chamber of Commerce, tho organization fools it would bo hardly fair to advance means for aid- Commerce, whereby local enterprises will bo brought to the attention of local consumers. Tho work Is being developed systematically, and month, to month efforts will be concentrat-1 cd on one particular Industry. This month tho product of the Coos Day Soap company Is receiving the nttcn tlon of the committee In charge, nnd next month either the broom, cigar or bed and mattress business will be boosted. This Is tho first work of tho kind, nnd detail of tho plan will i bo developed ns the work progresses. , One of the practical features of the plan Is tho distribution of printed circulars through various avenues, prefernbly by being wrapped with, customers' orders In hills of goods sent nut by merchnuts In the city. . Te merchants have adopted the plan and nro co-operating In cver.v way to forward the success of the work. ) The circular this month follows: Dear Madam or Sir: Patronize Home Industry. It helps your business. The Coos liny soap Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Is Oft Now The past few days' selling has practically cleaned out our light-weight suit What are left are broken lots no two sizes in any one pattern WATCH WINDOWS THIS WEEK FOK PRICES AND YOUR SIZE U MONEY TAUKS" Mvrtle Point Three Stores Marsh field Biuidon NEWS OF NORTH BEND A bnbv clrl was born Sunday. Southern Pacific company, nlso two i morning to Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Glib- boilers and n quantity of flro brick, rends as ger Ilruco Fiddler left this week for n I Mr. and Mrs. Win. .tames left yes- t'lt "Is former homo nt Wllllnms- for n vis i with reatvos In !'"" i-imhibjiwiihu. torday linker City, Oregon. Ing tho company, but would bo glad company uses' boxes made from Coos1 . M- ' W' ,l,u0,1,rc.fiHf,no.', SHIH to hnvo tho company locato on tho Hay, and wore it not for tho fact thnt they would come In competition with present Industries, tho Chamber of Common o could render assistance. HKCHIVI'.S piiaisi:. r:i.. nx'.'.i pi n Seiretarv J. W. Motley of the City Official Begins Campaign Marshfield Chamber of Commerce. Annilist Hf)IKP nf IIUFnmr received the following self-ex- 9 R,Sn w nlMMory letter from the National KCpOrtCa in Uty. Hher ami Harbor Corner., rela- . , . . , , ,, . Mv to the recent visit of tani. Da- The trial of Ruby Morrison, one eunv to Coo Hav of the first prosecutions of the city cSip(Mn Davenny'ha written me 5? Z t,i,,erh,?.' ""I" n'T1 f (?Z V Chamber of Commerce of conducing houses Of 111 fame, will !rhfloM not oulv vmrnt..d In county lumber, tallow from Coos county beevos, wrappers printed by Coos county printers, nnd makes n good quality of domestic and laun dry soap and sells It for a less price than the Imported article of the same grade. Ask your denier for It "Coos Hay White. week from a . pIoHrnnt visit at homes of her sous on Catching let. Miss Freda I Inzer lenvos tomorrow for Berkeley. California, where she will resume her studies at tho State University. M. E. Evorltt returned this week from a trip through northern Ore- MHrshfleld Chamber of Commerce. '150:1. While nwny he visited port, Hlllsuoro ami .New-tiers. in- in-iu iit-iure uecuruer miner in is ovciilug nt 7 o'clock. The trial was postponed from yesterday morning until Inst evening, but owing to tho Inability to secure Jurymon, It was again postponed until this evening. Attorney C. I. Itelgnrd Is conduct ing the case for tho defense nnd As sistant City Attorney Kendall Is pros ecuting It. Tho Jury was sworn In Inst night before postponement, nnd the ense w ho completed this evening. Tho Jurymen nro George Itotnor, F. K. Gottlim. F. K. Wilson. M. D. Mulloy. It. II. Corey nnd Otto Sehetter. Tho complaint, sworn to by Chief of Police Carter, mouses the defend ant of running a bawdy house In tho James Conro building on North rront street ITALIAN INJl'llEI). Workman on IMIIrouil Hit by Falling Hock. Tone Tltamt. an Italian working on tho railroad nt tunnel 7, was struck by a large rock and his leg was badly crushed yesterday. Ho a brought In on the North Star this morning nnd taken to Mercy Hospital at North Hend. It is not thought that ho will los Ms limb, lie hns no famllv securing a large attendance of your business men at the meeting which he addressed, but that many cour tesies were shown him personally, and that the Chamber paid his bill at the hotel. "This action Is very highly appre ciate,! amr I beg thnt yon will con vey to the officers and members of the Mnrshfield Chamber of Com merce the cordial thanks of Senator Hansilell and mself for their cour tesy and co-operation. "Unless .Marshfield Is different from most usun m you are personally entitled to n special word of appreciation, which I am ory glnd to give. "Vorj truly yours. S. A. THOMPSON. "Secretary." by Committee on Manufactories and Location of Enterprises. Dr. E. Mir.gus. Chairman: C. It. Peck. W. S. Chandler. The Initial efforts of tho committee will bo confined for a while strictly to the local field, but Inter will lie developed to reach Into all the South western Oregon counties. prnutiTV issue. L. K. Mlllodge loft this week for Florence and other Sluslaw points. Mrs. S. T. Chalk ri-.s arrived from Sacramento, California to Join her husband, who Is employed In the Southern Pacific construction work here. I Mr. and Mrs. Slocum of Portland anlved here this week to visit at the homes of Mrs. Slocum' brothers. C. K. Shnw returned this week from a trip through California. tho! Mall for Cooston will hereafter bo In-, made up In .North Hend instead of nt Mr.rs..flold. II. J. Fackler of Klmamn, Ida., has Sacramento nurchnsed the Iloht. Martulcn nronor- ' orunnu ty on Sherman nvenuo. Tho consid eration was $4000. Denny Morton Hull nnd Miss Ger trude Mandtgo were quietly married New-1 Wednesday evening at tho Episcopal l n 1 1 re ii in .Mttrsunem uy me itov. Foir BULJGn I'Allllt' COAST At LEAntE. Sncramento Itobt. Drowning. Mr. nnd Mrs, Earl San I'ltuuiMti Cliaiiibei' of Column co IMIt lltilleilu. I The Marshfield Chamber of Com-' nierce has received a copy of the San Frauclsco Bulletin for August l.1 which was edited and published by the San Francisco Chamber of Com-, merce. The Issue was devoted to many tV.lugg of importance to the community, particularly to change In fr.)lfiti rfltAd ffAfA.f 1,. iK. lllH.mn most communities, tie secretary cua competition on many .ommo lly does the most of the work.i aitle Win hlch .in tsim rnts iuu pountis. Work was startel here Wednesday on the new Catholic church, on Sher man avenue. Mrs. M. A. McDonald of Oakland. California. Is visiting relatives and friends In North Hend. ar work at Sand Point, will remove1 this week to Beale lake, where there Is a big fill to made. A larpt- romdtrnt'uni cf bridge ma teriel arrived th etk for the Powell weie the only guests nnd wit-' . 0 hmsos of the ceremony. ,.oslcnp elV8' ; R.ttl :in t n i Batteries: Malarkcv r.rvrr, !!.. Ill -. . ... . "" "' ivuiuui, tut'Kvr nnu Minor. At ban Frnnclsi.o R. ml oan r rnucisco ... . . J ; uaKianti .Ill Batteries. Abies, Kllldajr u .nine; i.oiiioiu anu s omldt At Venice n. ml .. 3 ( Iter .MAUUIACi: L1CENSIW. CAN (IVi: IXI'OIIMATIO.V. The Mnrshfield Chamber of Com merce hns received ndlcos from the Chamber of Commerce of the Unit ed States, that the latter body Is now prepared to furnish Immediate Information relathe to what the be Ifgerent nations of Europe will con sider as contrnbnnd goods, or what tan be shipped to or f.om those c vm'rlcs Cooley and Josephine Hopper and Lizzie Hon II Treanor . Elmer I. Howard. .1. W. Hunt and Gertrude Anas Harvey P. Gumou and Alice Parker. Henry C. Miller and Florence Mur phy. Dennis M. Hull nnd Gertrude A. MandloO. Coqullle Herald. , BOOT RAiB KIIIK says' "Don't forget the Big Dance at i:(;i.U.S' Hall Saturday nlcht AN EXHIBITION TOMOR.R.OW OF THE FINEST FABRICS and GARMENTS THAT The LOOMS OF THE WORLD PRODUCE DRESS GOODS nopii'tina: Kashioirs most favored weaves and oolorincs in Crepe Kponsc, Voille Orepes, Shepherd Cheeks and Scotch Plaids pinnsa a.v, $i.oo to $1.75 COATINGS e uid as your arrnv il-nu. T Wf art 1 1 Ui 4UrcUt - LuNtifious Weaves, Desiiiiis and Colors stamp thos ideal. Si'otch Weaves, I Maids, Chinchillas, in a uran PHI CHS $U)r, $2.30 TO $l:2o A YAUT) COATS A distinctive feature beintf that Ihere are no two nlike. You are protected in Authentic Styles that cannot be duplicated anv where on Coos Jjjiv PRIONS $15.00, $10.00, $1,1.000 TO $30.00 DEG COLD E CELEB! On a half-a re of bottom-land south of the city and on tho wett side of Coal Bank Inlet there are 12,00o celery plants growing. Each plant represents a bunch of celery l Ke the grocer sold you this morn ing for ten cents. The gardener vi'o owns this half-acre iwhl'h half x 'e hv the way. is part of a two ind one-half acre tract) gets ?l for aih do7eu buuthes of celery. It is asv to fieure the value of th's gar deners crop of celery. A M-nool boy of ten can solve the problem: t'J plants are worth $1 12m plants are worth $10 1 2t'i plants are worth $166 12 in plants are worth $1,000 One thousand dollars, therefore, t t' e value of the celery crop on one-half are of bottom-land near Eatpott i. ' '- an aire of land that will nv ,t $.',",' tro; of celery worth? Hcwtn r lonsenatively you figure, you wll' say it is worth far more than acreage tan be bought for In Firs Adtition. where the half-aire des' nbed aboe Is located There are many acres of chobe bottom -land in First Addition which can be bought for $700 per acre The terms of sale do not call for all tasH or even one-half cash The HenoMs Development Company is tei.mg mis acreage on the same sensible j. an that this company is tel'mg lots in First Addition, find ing tN jersou who .an use the land I alanine the terms of purchase to h s nduulu.t requirements iVnirnlnit 4 t M-- t. t 1,. -..I-, -.. .1- I . t --..P..v . a t ..ui-. u. .. tvvriiicii uiiii uaiigiiier iiatterles: Henley and EBxl ...... v.. in ...v ,ioiiiiih i ..iinuBiiiu. uiiss; iiynn and lirooki. The daughters of the lighthouse Keoper. capt. Dunson, nro reported very HI with whooping cough. Mrs. Kane of California Is visiting at tho homo of hor datiglitor, Mrs. Henry Bergman. Mrs. S. A. Farrln was reported quite 111 this week. Mrs. L. A. Duncan, who has been c'ief operator of the Telephone com pany nero, nan resigned nnd will go to California. She will be succeeded by Miss Addle Henderson. Bon Tyrerand Frank Sanborn kill ed a spike buck In the hills back of Cooston on Tuesday of this week. Ilev. J. o. Adams, the X-ra.v. dyna .Iti t? i ,.euinf orator of Foi. Worth. Texas, will address the people of Noith Bend n the "Wet of Dry" iSf-ue. at the Met odlst church Sat urday evening at S o'clock. Mr. Ad . tin has been speaking on tho streets and In tho churches of Marshfield .or the Inst few days, making a most effective campaign for dry Oregon. This will be tho only opportunity North Bend people will hnvo of hear ing this unique and forceful speak r. His art ii mem k against the sa ui'MBii' K.'id to lie unanswerable. A.MEItlC.W i,i:,f.rr. Chlcngo-St. Louis, rain Detroit a. Cleveland 6, New York 1, Boston 0. Washington 0. Philadelphia I. NATIONAL LILfilX Philadelphia 0, Brooklyn 1. Boston fi, New York 2 St. Louis 1. IMttaiurgh 2. St. Louis 2, PPts'u.gh 5. .NOIITIIWKSTI.IIV I.mClt Ballard I. Seattle 1 , Tncomn i, Spokane C. Victoria C, Vat;. -uver ALONG the WATERFRONT! Thn Itodondn sailed from Francisco yesterday and will n!l In the Bay tomorrow Tho Koamer arrived In jtttiti evening and left today for the S!l law. Special Sunday Excursion to Allegany, August 16th Steamer Alert Loaves Marshfield at S for Golden aud Sliver 00 A. M.. connecting with Foote Auw Uce Falls. Don't forget your Lun a BukU- ROUND TRIP FARE ON STEAMER, 75c ROUND TRIP FARE ON AUTOS, $1.25 Hemming Steamer Alert will arrive In Marshfield ah ut oc:w AMONG THE SICK d xi:v Monies i AMERICAN LADY I CONSISTS S. S. Jennings KTlOXAS BLANKETS BATHROBES NORTH HliJNl") 9- Mrs B E Doreuius. who under went .in operation for annendlcltis pesteidav at Mercy Hospital, is ro 1 portexl jtetting along nicely. i Mrs t'has Oett. of Kmpire. is re I )or' s. ri.ui ill aud is expected to e ' tWen to the l.ospital at Norh lnd toda i Mrs o a HaiuoH of Marshfield vas ira'ed on eterda at Men l Hos ita' ! D- Mingus. , O Hr..m of Beaver Hill was op erand in for apuendicitls eter4ay l Dr Mingus . Will HL hards, formerly of Fern- 'dale but now owuer aud proprietor of the former Geo. WItte ranch on Upper South Coos Rlter. is reported I quite 111 of the measles. The Things That are Good Are Always Here This store carries the Good Housekeeping Approved I Pure Foods. The highest standard of manufactured aruw are the only ones receiving their endorsement ana uw are the ones you will find here, Plenty of peaches for canning. A nice line of fresh fruit and vegetables for tomorrow. Nasburg's Grocery The GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STUU.