wmmsmmmmm ''KsHIbP't -t7J.t--f. sr ,-..,! ia4iillW .. THE ?PQS,B,AY TIJIES, ARSHFjELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST H, 1,9M.-EVENINQ EDITION. ; FOUR t-(i The Central Avenue OENTIIA AVENUE, "MAKSIIKIKliO, AUGUST 15 1014. VOL. I. Booster "u, "no. a I THE CENTRAL AVENUE POPSTER Published Every Friday In tho Inter est of Ccmw Hay In General nnd Central Avcnuo In Particular. OUH PLATFOHM. Ono Street, Ono Fin, One Country, nnd Ono Wife at a time. OUH RELIGION To Do Good. OUR POLITICS More Business. Entorod at tbo Postofflce aa strictly Flrst-ClaBa mutter; thero 1b nothing Second-Class about Central Avenue. Subscription Price. Your Rood will, nnd membership In tbo Uooster Club. " HE A IIOOSTKIt. Ho a boostor If you can, Hooator of your fcllownmn. Hoost your county, boost your state, Boost your town at any rate. Boost It as a place to ltvo, Boost It ov'ry boost you elvo Makes tbo town a bottor town Boost It up, don't knock It down. Bo a booster for you can; BoostlnK is tbo better plan. Boosters always win acclaim, Boost tbo knockors to tbotr shame. Boost tboni when tboy nood your help, Mako tboin yell instead of yelp. Boost tbem till tboy bavo to boost; Boost tbem up, or off tbo roost. EDITOUIAL. E HOPED to bavo a stirring edltorlnl on tbo war situa tion tbls week, but our staff of editors bavo not becu able to ngreo on tbo editorial policy. Dor soy Krcltzer, financial editor, favors tbo Germans; D. Y. Stafford Is with tbo English, and J. T. Harrlgan Is for tbo Irish; August Frlzoon is agnlnst the Russians and Frank Co ban favors them, whllo Ray 0111 vant Is for tho French. So what aro you going to do In it caso like that? HOUSEHOLD HI NTH. Edited by 'Henry lltiggliiH- In oporrtng a enn of tomatoes nl ways qotAi tho top. If you romove y -wflfo-bottom tho tovnatocB will fall out. A sllro of bacon makes a slook bookmark. Before cooking cnbbngo bo euro to cut off tbo bcadB and throw them away. Economical housckcoporfl alwayn soak spongo cako In water before serving It. It not only makes swol' enko, but It goes much further. It spoils ton to boll It In a slevo. How to Mnko Poor Man's Ouc-Kgv (,'nko. "Tako" an egg a lien's og Is tho bout, but you can use n chlni egg If you wish. Hold tbo ogg care lessly In tho left hand and strlko I a sharp blow with a lmramor o homo other metallic Instrument, li enso you bavo no such Instrument strlko It with your right fist. Yoi now havo plenty of ogg on hand, a , mnko tho enku In tbo usual way. " ' Next weok wo fihall toll you ho to make nngel cako out of prctze dough. 4 QUKSTIONH ANHWEUEI). I "Dear Mr. Editor: On washday tho laundress always bus a 'tub or two of excellent suds left over. Ai I am very economical I do not like t throw them nwny, but I cannot think of nny uso for tbem. Can you ung goat anything? Mrs. M. II. A. You nro wlso In coming to me for . ndvlco on this subjoct. Soapsudt nro nmong tbo most vnlunbln of housobold loftovorB and should uever bo thrown nwny. With a little ef fort on your part tboy can bo con verted Into soap bubbles for the children. "Whuro can I got a good family sewing machine?" J. I. T. You should no ml your question to n matrimonial bureau. Don't bo n hair-trigger knocker nnd u slow-fuso booster. (1UY CIIAMPKKR says tbo Boostor reporter overlooked n good Item of news In .omitting bis hunting expedition last week. rc "The HERE'S WHERE YOU GET THE BASEBALL SCORES J J VERY DAY COOS BAY'S MOST POPULAR RESORT A ploiunnt ulaco to spend an hour or an evening. Moot your friends at THE SMOKEHOUSE You will always find your cle ar, cigarette or favorlto tobacco HERE. Cliandler Hotel Ulock Ceutntl Avenue B Your Doctor Knpws that be can trust "The Owl" to fill his prescription. Two corapetont registered pharmacists, who have passed tho stringent Oregon regu lations and aro licensed by the Btnte, fill his proscriptions absolutely accurately. Every prescription is checked to insure accuracy. One of the features of "The Owl" sorvlco Is tbo neatness of , ovcry package ahd parcel leaving this store. As a still further guarantee of tho extent to wfcich "Tho Owl" goes in tbo porfectlon of Its perscrlptton business, all drugs and chemicals dispensed aro from the laboratories of E. R. Squibb tc Co. Tho next timo you get a prescription from your doctor, nsk him about theso Squibb chemical and if tho answer is favorable bring your prescription to "The Owl," tho only store In Coos County with a complete stock of Squibb chemicals. ' w OWIrt4J TRE5CRlRTION ffHARMACYl rnngBiiOTrrpyvQP?fTltAlTirP) rRArlK D.COHAN "THE SQUIIUI STORE." A FULL LINE OF EASTMAN KODAKS ., . n , .. ,.. .,, , Our Best Advertisement Is a Pleased Customer i I i;ii i Lot us sell you a A PICNIC HAHKET AN ICE CREASI FREEZER or anything In Hardwaro and we can prove it to you. Marshficld Hardware Co. Corner Central Avenue and Broadway. Phone 31. DIVIDEND PAYING EATABLES You are cither going to tiie right or to tlio wrong; grocery shop. Tfuit'H for you to'locld not tin. Rut don't bo HatUfled with good only partly right, because thnt'n twuig entries about wlmt you cut. And nothing1 pay bigger dividend) titan pure groccrlro, Whllo not nuuiy thing lvnstii it fuwter than tlu' oilier kind CoiifUder this nn Invitation to try the economy of our eatables. Wo prondwi you u rourtoouH, plejudng hervlce and the lx tit that your money enn buy In groceries tolay, tomorrow nnd nhvny. COOJC'S GROCERY, Phone 189 THE OLDESTflROCERY STORE ON CENTRAL AVENUE ROMPERS PINK AND niiUB CIIAMllRAY DUTCH IIOMPEJIB Bloomer Dressos, Pink and Illuo Chambray. aingbnin and Percale Dresses for small chlldron ' . " - " at the -TT7 LADIES EMPORIUM. 78 Central Avcnuo. Thone 1GI-L. PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER i i ... AT THE Chandler Hotel Good ilenu The Hub of Central Avenue EVERYONE CAN AFFORD A FORD NOW HERE ARE THE NEW PRICES: Tourino Car $490 Runabout $440 Town Car $680 F. 0. B. Detroit, all cars fully equipped. (In the United States of America only) GOODRUM'S GARAGE1' Distributors for Coos and Curry Counties Central Avenue BUYING A TYPEWRITER? If so, I have the following factory rebuilt mach ines on hand: HendntrfoiHi No. 0 30L. a Smith $5fi lUuulnston No. JO 9M Underwood No, 5 J0 $3.00 csh; fa.00 ner month. All atarlUm bw Miteed for one year. Also ribbon mid frboa tper. CARLL. STOCKIN Tel, 350, Sale Aseat. 222 Central Avenue. Underwood Typewriter Co. Walts VteiMe A&Umt MacfaJiB, American Uoltlcraph Co. , Central Avenue Jottings f - r. T Hwil Uvelv. Contra! avenuo was real lively Monday and Tuesday. New Itiuiiiewt. Sevornl prominent citizens opened a now shoo shining stand on Central avenuo Tuesdny and did a rushing business. Shrlncrs Here. A largo nuraoer nf Shrlnnra nnd shiners Woro 111 OUT midst tbls wceK. Tney are a gouy bunch. Come again, boys. Eiiuuicbil Sltiuitlon. Our financial editor, Dorscy Kreltzor, Bays you should speak loud tbo first Unio and dent' expect as much as you ask for. Saw Doctors. Drs. E. v. morrow and It. It. Hamilton of Klamath County havo located on Central avc uue. Wolcomo to our city, Docs. Prominent Visitor. C. S. Wlnsor, n well known capitalist nnd finan cier of North Hend, was seen on our street Tuesday. Ho is a groat be liever In n clean city. Como again, Charlie. On Sick List. Two of our editor ial Btnff, D. Y. Stafford and J. 1 Harrlgan, woro on tho sick list this week, which ncocunts for tbo paucity of nowB. Another Doc Coming. Rumor has It that ono of Marshflcld's old est physicians has docldcd to move around to a modern otflco building on Central avenue. Some Central avenuo mon think they havo to get nway from homo to bo appreciated; as a matter of fact, they merely havo to get nwny to apprcclato home. Sadness on Central. It Is with regret that tho editors report tho Illness of one of Contrnl nvenuo's pioneer business men and n mombor of tbo Doostcr stnff, D. Y. Stafford, who Is a temporary occupant of Mercy Hospital. Hero's hoping you'll bo out In a few days, Dave. Off to tho Woods. James Kol lond of tho SmokehouBo leaves next wook on a hunting trip that will make Teddy Roosovolt look llko a pot shot hunter. Ho snys tho Smoke house, will bo mndu a genulno smoko houso for cured venison when bo returns with all his dcor enrcassos. PERSONAL MKNTION. .1 EUCJENB CROSTWAITK says bo thinks Ananias Is sending most of tho war news from Europe Qeno always would havo his llttlo joko whotber nnyono olso saw It or not. DOC IMRTLE of North Bend waa n Ccntrnl avenuo visitor Tuesday and ncted as temporary health of ficer. Doc reported everything lovely In North Bond during his nbsenco. F. D. COHAN, tho original Central avenuo booster, folt ronl proud this weok. Davo Stafford says FrnnK new as If bo discovered Centrnl avenue. JAMES L. COKE, a prominent citizen of Honolulu, was hero this weok nnd organtzozd a Contrnl avenuo branch of tho Mnnzanlta Club. Many Shrlncrs Joined tho now or der nnd tho secret work Is said by thoso who bavo taken it to bo something grand. Before Parting With Your Money IN HUY1N RKATi ESTATJ3 BICCURK A CO.HPLETW ARSTRAOT FROM THK Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Which Is prepared to turn out First Clasa Work. This will Bave you an uoyanco and expense afterwards. Wo Also look after assessments and pay ment of taxes. Miu-shflcltl office in Coke UnUOJng oppotilto Cliandler HoUd. Phono Coqullle Office adjoining Farm ers' Hunk lllock. Phono J11, Ifauulon Office, MeXnlr Hulldiair. mono in-. Henry Sengstacken Manager. AN EASTSIDE ..BARGAIN.. A four-room bouse and four lots well located In " Kastaldo can bo purchased for 800 at your own terms if taken at once. DON'T MISS THIS SEE ME SOON Aug. Frizeen 88 Central Ave. Phono 181-J. C"i-A.oiie rrtal. f w ifiwmo CHOCOLrATIS The Candy of Character" Stafford's well kqojvn! standard is excelled in this latest product. Open An Account With The i First Mational Eaok .', Of Coos Biy ' - AVAIL YOURSELF OF ITS SUPERIOR FACILITIES Safe Deposit Boxes in Burglar-Proof Vaults, forRent .at Low Rates. Central Avenue Marshfield Oregon IT MEANS SOMETHING to run a flcst-clnss Harbor Shop. 1st Is means Cleanliness and Sanitation. 2nd Satisfaction by Efficient Workmen, and Courteous . Treatment. '. 3rd Success. TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop ' TWO BOATS IN TODAY WIIJj KIUNO A ' FULL LINK OF FIIKHII FKUITS ANI VWlETAIWiEB BverythlnB that tho markotB of, Coos County, Portland and Sn Francisco bate will bo In our storo tomorrow. . i '. Phone Vn Yoir Orders Early iv 'V Ollivant c WeaYP. : OIHE I'UItE FOOD GKOOKIUt A Good Phc to Trade ,fc. Corner Central Avenuo and Third Street Pno "' How about that newIpJaW!? We, have a fine line of instruments to seleot from. Terms can be arranged; to suit your convenience. WOey B. Allen Co. L. L. THOMAS, Mgr. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. No War Prices H Flonr$1.35 per Siptcfc HAINES TheSqPglg VI iv&L 4V A. .. - uSv' " fWjigiMIIHliillK MU4M J - Mm - -"'-kW4H iiiiriiiiiT- fii ii -MA J .i, ....-imn.uupZK--