JUZZ. t Win. j laying V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1914. EVENING EDITION. 20 Lulalion Ueis W I i n in Lino. iftfiS .from 0 a. n.. i WWn. l'roiu. f "'"' Etesfor , dling Truniss ... kaiwcon nny I ,f0D ' ,;, tlm follOW. ltW'a. ' . " n,, In yw'zjr kcU" ""' 1.25 :..- !! i, nftr and Storage Co. . .i.i...p. rro . t Jltu'l jaj, 40.it m .... nr.Anil'Q Y3 Kllir. ruw" N.BAYUW "'. n.it Work nt i nt a I'i", it Work ulinnniiw n Fireside' Johnson 17 Second St. Phono MMi Poller Work PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY tmwMwCWfa iMi.wiwM:tywaai THREE Mildred Rogers Nelson. Teacher of Plnno. Pupil of Hugo Mnnsfeldt, Snn Fran- Cisco, Cal. Studio 280 South Broadway, Marshflold, Or. Phono 70-L. Quality f -iilH!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wot g Premiums 5 H. H. Harper HOUSE BUILDER Gonornl Repairing and Cnblnot Making. Phono 3 40-J. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Wcltmor Mcthoda) Every known dlsenso troatod without drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 and 2, 237 South Broadway. Phono 132-L. Marshflold, Or. Joel Ostiind PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER Loavo ordors nt W. It. Haines' Mus- slc Company. (1G S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L. I. M. Wright Phono 318-It BUILDING CONTItAOTOH Estimates furnished on request fuVllEXCC HOTEL great many mquinuB . .r,i lots, if you Will fMal sacrifice list your ; the St. Lawrcnco noioi hotel. No commission IPHANT'S CAFE pular place for Good lYieais. ..a Dnornnotilil fiunerclal & B'dw'y THAT ROOF FIXED NUW I CORTHELL Phone 3171. LKAXKI) AM) PRESS- ITS SI.UJU TO ORDER n rs a tkial JEPANTATORIUM TLB & C.0 DAOOBTT Ml Ave. Phono 250-X. C. 0. Gosney. Phono 3154 CONTItAOTOH AND BUILDER Estimates Furnished on Request My Past Work Is My Reference First and Alder Sts. . Marshflold Dr. H. M. Shaw Kyc, Ear, Nose and Throat. I)H. MATTIK II. SIIAW DlNotiNt'N of Women mid Children Office Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201. 202, Irving Block. Houdo phone, 10G-J. Mrs. Farringer TEACHER OF PIANO Ilcsldenco Studio, Phono 38C-J. Benjamin Ostlmd CONHULTINO ENGINEER AND AHOH1TKCT Offices, 20G Irving Dlock Phono 103-1, or 217'.T. Mnruhflold, Oregon W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT (looms 301 and 302, Coko Building Marshflold, Orogon res & Framing alker Studio I'S AUTO SERVICE Kl CHANDLER HOTEL PI10.NC 20. ANTWIIKUE ANV TI.ME CAIl AND CAREFUL wuvixa 10 CAMPIXG PARTIES INN LAMBETH wr and Driver. iE JC A. 11. IIODaiNE iolrl PAINT AND VZZ DECORATING CO. "" i urn i si leu '' UarehflcM, Oregon Econs HOTPI hitif fit XlnrokfUU ffCTOX AVENUE xolx7!,SSTHKKT A. Metlln, Prop. A P WOOD I -AT pLL'S W00DYARD " ont Street, none 1 80-J. MNTZ GARAGF ,(r Motorrrrln A ....- EE T res MOBILES KTOitpn "WWS MOST COMPLETE MACHlXn SHOP lb AXI) AUTOMOHILE REP.llmw WLIXE for 8AL13 HlOXT RT T,. ""3 REPAIRED AND vuaiiub'U SAW EDGES on rorn on.. 1 ''w them lauudere CITY STEAM LAIJNDRy pT- . I - WALLPAPER oee VIFR5 About it, Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND TEACHER llosldonco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3G8-L. i"- Afia Wl u tor - 10c 5: CTAKE a dime on the v"' Camel Cigarettes, but don't look for premiums or coupons, as the cost of the tobaccos in them prohibits their use. Camel Cigarettes 20 for JOc are a blend of choice quality Turkish and domestic tobaccos. They do not leave that dgarclly taste and cannot bite your tnno'iip. nr narrh wni throat. H'1 V... f- tL xuu naven money enough to buy a more delightful cigarette. If your dtaltrcan't supply you, itnJ lOefor on paehawtor f 1.00 for a carton of ttn packafB 200 ciga. rtlttt), poitagm prtpald. Afltr imoklng on pachar: if you don't find CAMELS ai rrpfttntid, r I urn thm other nlnm packagit and w will rt fund your monty. S fll I I m HI Ml I I I I Bm ! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. 5 Winston-Salem, N. C. JJ niiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiF' CANNING PEACHES and TOMATOES Phone us or call in and see them 394-J COOS BAY TEA, COfFEE AND SPICE HOUSE 130 North Broadway TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. CloAnliiKi rcimlrliiK or ow platens, work K"i'nntccd. Ribbons and carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono -II. Allinuco office, TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. BUY THE VERY BEST 82? 1 M-ADB UNDER SANlTAlty CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FAOTORV. STEIULIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICC Free delivery, 8 a. ni. and a p. in. Phono 78 HOTEL DOTSON O. A. Hanson, Proprietor Now open undor now management. A homo placu with home cook Inc served In family stylo. Board and room, JG.D0 per weok. 316 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire amd Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE'S ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SKNQSTACKKN, Mnnapor FARM, COAL, T1MRER AND PLATTINO IiANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDH MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE Vl-J, COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PIIONP 101. -- TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many years and a lot of our customors will tell you whon It comes to getting good, sound, durable frnmlng material at tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you want to spond and wo'H got busy with our poncll and flguro out tho best your money can buy. Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO IIV USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH 11ROADWAY QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue Ideal Summer Trips ON LAUNCH EXPRESS Leaves Marshflold every week nt 8 a. m, STEAMER RAINBOW LeaveB Marshflold every Sunday at 8 a. in. and every week day at 2 p. m. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS Bring your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tackle for a few days' outing. Sunday School nnd nil picnic crowds a spoclalty. Excursion to South Coos River overy day. For charter and picnic arrangements, apply on board. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS , 847 Central Av. Phone 378-L COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue Phone 430 ANSC0 AGENCY ' Cameras and Everything for Them OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY ARE YOU BOTHERED Willi Corns? If so, you are depriv ed of half the pleasure of life pleasant walking and healthy exer cise. A Visit to Mrs. Olivia Ednmn, Scientific Chiropodist, Ap't 8, O' Connell Ridg., will be the source of a permanent remedy for aching feet. GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that are Right all the time, SERVICE that is satisfactory. DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular. These Are Our Business Principles. Conner (8b Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONES 3I8-J AIND 82(1 a r CALIFORNIA ffliarua .AtU&rxASSSSi IN OTAMPS W.UtO-IOUtr!,lj0? A1VQELE3 BIG LEAGUE SELECT SUE fMLLSGOBES OF GYMNASIUM AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland C, Chicago 3. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago 4, Brooklyn 1. Plttsburgh-l'hlladelphln; rain. Clnclunnti-IloRton; rain. St. Louis 2, Now York 3. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Ballnrd 1, Seattle 2. Vancouver 2, Victoria 7. TiRoinn 0, Bpokano 7. COAST LEAGUE. II. II. E. . . . . 3 S 0 At Sacramento Sacramento Portland 0 13 2 Batteries: Stroud and Holircr; EvntiB nnd Fisher. At Onklnnd R. II. E. Oakland '. 0 7 1 Snn Francisco C 11 2 Batteries: Geyor nnd Mltzei Standrldgo and Schmidt. At Venice It. II. E. Vcnlco 8 13 1 I.os Angolcs 8 13 1 (Called ISth Inning, darkness) UnttcrlcB: White, Hnrkncss, Do cnnnler, Klepfcr nnd Bliss, Elliott; MiiHBor, Elimko nnd Boles. I OF WAR I Gil EAT BRITAIN ANNOUNCES CARGOES THAT CAN PAKH BLOCKADE RUNNERS IN EURO PEAN STRIFE NOW. WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. Groat Britain's contraband of war proc lamation was cabled to the statu de partment by Ambassador Page. It placed arms, ammunition nnd nil distinctly military supplies on the list of "nbsoluto" contraband and designated food, grain, money, horses nnd general supplies as "con ditional" contraband, Everything under tho lnttor bond becomes subject to seizure when In tended for tho Hsu of n powor with which Great Britain is at war. Tho proclamation follows tno usu al lines nnd thoso Issued by other powers Involved in war probably will be virtually Identical. Absolute List Compiled. It names tho following as nb soluto contraband: 1. Arms of nil kinds, Including arms for sporting purposes ana their distinctive component parts. 2. Projectiles, charges and car tridges of all kinds nnd tholr dis tinctive parts. 3. Powder and explosives, especi ally proparcd for uso in war. I. Guns, mountings, Umber boxes limbers, military wagons, field for ges and their distinctive compon ent parts. ft. Clothing and equipment of u distinctively military character. 0. All kinds of hnrnoss of a dis tinctively military character. 7. Saddlo, pack and draft ani mals suitable for uso in war. 8. Articles of camp equipment nnd tho dlctluctlvo component parts. 9. Armor plates. 10. Warahlps, Including boats and tholr distinctive parts of such a naturo that they can only bo used on a vcsboI of wnr. II. Aeroplanes, airships, balloons and air craft of all kinds and tholr component parts, togothor with ac cessories and articles rccognlzablo for uso In connection with balloons nnd air craft. 12, Implements - and apparatus designed oxcluslvo for tho manufact-' u ro or repairs of arms for uso on land and sen. Conditional List Mndo Up. Tho following will bo treated as conditional contraband of war: 1. Foodstuffs. 2 Forage and grain sultnblo for feeding animals. 3. Clothing fabrics for clothing nnd boots and shoes for uso In war. 4. Gold and silver In coin or bullion and paper money. ft. Vehicles of all kinds availa ble for uso lu war anc their com ponent parts. 0. Vessels, craft nnd boats of nil kinds, floating dockts, parts of docks and their componont parts. 7. Railway material, both fixed and rolling stock and materials for tolegraphs, wireless telegraphs and telephones. 8. Fuel and lubricants. 9. Powdor and explosives not es pecially prepared for use In war. 10. Barbed wlro and implements for fixing nnd cutting tho Bamo. 11. Horseshoes and shoeing ma terials, 12. Harness nnd saddlery. 13. Field glasses, telescopes, chronometers and all kinds of nau tical Instruments. PIANO TUXER WARNER READY FOR ORDERS M. O. Warner, tho old reliable piano tuner, who has been making this section annually for tho past several years, arrived yesterday and Is making his headquarters at the St. Lawrenco Hotel, whore orders may bo left for him. Ho expectf to call on all of his old customer but any who are In a hurry for hlf services can leao ordors at the St Lawrence. FINE LOCATION FOR IT ON HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS, MAKING IT CENTRAL AND SO CONVENIENT FOR ALL PUPILS. Editor Times: It Is proposed to place the gym nasium on tho High School grounds .." io u i viii mi location nnvthlng In our growing city as near tho busi ness section as tho High School Is "central" for a school building. Tho location is convenient. Pu pils of tho sixth grndo and nbovo will make most uso of tho bulldlnc and out of .'loo pupils nbovo nnd In cluding sixth grndo. 225 nro in tho High School building. Younger pupils nro Individual Istlc and enro llttlo for team games and tholr une of tho building will probably be confined to the uso or tho pools and showers and to such physical cultuio classes as It '"', " lOHHll)o nnd wise to form. Ilioro are four acres lu tho High School site. It will ho graded by this mo unotlier year, wo hope, and then tho nthletlc training field and tennis courts will bo located there, and out door sports will tnko place thero possibly Home nthlotlu games. It Is s easy to sou tho convenience of the gymnasium then. Tho High School building Is n twenty room building nnd gymna sium facilities will always bo need ed thereoven when tho High school proper Is housed In n building of Its own. Oymnnslum facilities are school necessities. They have to bo duplicated ninny times. Thoro is no Immediate danger nnywhoro of un over supplly. Rcnlly tho very moment this proposod building Is put Into uso, thero will bo moro demand for It thnn tho hours of tho dny and evening enn accommodnto. Glvon tho building, a lnrgo nnd profitable uso can bo ab solutely guaranteed. PATRON., Don't forget tho 85c luncheon nt Tho Chandler. 11:80 to 2 o'clock. RUSHING WORK ON BIG BRIDGE Thomas Dixon Reports Great Progress in Bridge-Building and Track-Gradina. Thomas Dixon, superintendent of construction for MncArthur, Porks & Company, contractors on tho Willam ette Pacific railway, reports that tho work of building tho big railroad brldgo across Coos Bay Ih woll undor way. Tho work of driving tho pil ing for tho draw has ntarted and so mo of tho fnlsu work for tho stcol portion of tho brldgo Is up. Ho says that thero Is groat activity at thin end of tho Hue. Ho says tho grading on this end la being rushed nnd that tho progress' being made Is surpas sing. Thrco train loads of gravel, each train containing 2ft cars and drawn by n doublc-hcador, aro taken from tho gravel pits near Natron to tho front on tho Wllinmotto Pacific for ballasting purposes, Two small en gines aro iiBCd on thoso long trains, Instead of olio lnrgo ouo, for tho reas on that tho brldgo across tho Wlllam otto nt Springfield, will not bonr tho weight of tho larger typo used by tho Southern Pacific. Two thousand yards of gravel aro spread to tho mllo of track and ns thoro aro eighteen yards to tho car tho thrco train loads each day spread 1350 yards. Thoro Is a strotch of over ten miles of track to bo ballast ed boforo tho next unfinished brldgo Is ronchod, but W. R. Foutnlno, as sistant engineer in chargo of con strnctlon, said yestorday that ho did not look for long dolny at this brldgo and that tho ballasting operations would proceed rapidly. Ho said that trains would bo operating into Mnplo ton soino time lu October, according1 to present calculations. Asked about excursions over tho road, Engineer Foutnlno said Hint ho did not think any excursion trains would bo run whllo ballasting oper ations aio going on. Whllo tho com pany may bo, able to mako a fow hun dred dollars on nn excursion, tho risk of delaying tho liallast trains or of an accident Is too great and In either caeo tho profit made on nn excursion would bo offset. "Thoro is plonty of tlnio for excursions after tho road Is finished," said tho engineer. HARDING W S FDRAKER Dr AuoMai.a Pif to Cno. lur Time.. COLUMnUS, 0., Aug. 13. For- mor United States Stumor Forakor early today concedod his dofent for tho Republican nomination for United Stntes Senator. He tele graphed congratulations to his suc cessful competitor, Warren G, Hard ing, of Marlon. Timothy S. Hogan, Vttornoy Gen eral, received as many votes as wore cast for both his opponents for tho Democratic nomination for Sonator. Congressman Frank B. Wllles de feated Dald Tod for tho Republi can nomlnuthm for Governor. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company, jmXIBra