The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 12, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    ml Wm
Two-Year-Old Son of Mrs.
Algia Romine Falls in Bay
While at Play.
Lovl Domino, the two-year-old bou
of Mrs. Algla itoinlno of Kastsltlc,
was drowned some time this morning
In Coos Day. Tho body was found
about 12 o'clock by Miss Hllznbcth
Tollofson, barely covered by wntcr,
near tho edge of the Hay. The body
wbb Btlll warm and hopes were en-
tnliinil Mint tw nil. 1.1 tll.l'llt tin Ttm
Biiscltated and Dr. Housoworth bur-J reached. Hero arc the members of
rlcd to tho homo, but death had pre- mo class:
Thirty Novitiates Taken on Consumers Would Boycott
Long Voyage Over Mystic
Course Here.
One of the largest classes of novi
tiates that lllllali Temple has liadi
outside of Ashland Is today enjoying
the fresh and green Oasis of Deallza
Pork Boycott Threatens
Beef and Mutton Also.
Wr A.jorlAlcd Vttv to iVoi nr Tlmn.J
CltlCAOO. Aug. 12.- Agitation by
consumers against high prices had
considerable to do with today's dc-
tlon, tho long-sought Mystic realm, dine of 10 to 0 cents per hundred
1 I.... ........ ....... 1. ...... ..I.. .1... HIAlnl.t I.. .1 ..... 1
lUHiuiunj (iiiuiiiiiuii uiuukiii. uiu ouihin in uiu iiricu ui .ugs, us com
closing hours of the Caravan. It was pared with yesterday's quotations,
a care-worn and weary clnss that i Threats of a general boycott nualnst
were welcomed when the cml was pork had the effect of cutting off
tne demand from butchers. There
Is n likelihood of widespread nb
ceded hi in.
1 Tho baby left his homo nbout S
o'clock In tho morning and for sonio
tlmo his absence wbb not rcmnrkqd,
lils mother thinking lie was at play
near by. Later alio becamo worried
nnd commenced a search and was
Joined by a largo crowd of citizens,
but It was not until tho noon whistles
of tho big mill had blown Hint Miss
Jcllefson discovered the baby In tho
shallow wntor, nbout five blocks
away from his homo.
An Injury was discovered on tho
child's head, and whether It was caus
ed beforo or after ho fell Into tho
water Is not known, and whether or
not death was caused' by tho Injury,
or by drowning Is not known.
Mrs. Itomlno Is a daughter of Dr.
Gilbert of California. Sho has no
other children.
liege forts
l- D. Drown,
Win, F. Miller,
15. .?. Loney,
. II. Corey,
Ilughi Long,
II. C. Skerrctt,
V. J. Drown,
15. 1 Lewis,
F. 15. Conway,
C. S. Wlnsor,
Carl It. Moore,
A. C. Cox,
It. II. Wnlter,
W. F. Squlie,
O. K. Williams,
Win. Dolnn,
A. L, Houston,
.1. .V. Dayllss,
.1. II. Staddcn,
II. W. Painter.
Victor A. Johnson,
Louis C. Zoerncr,
George Cllukcnbcard,
Fred K. Oettlus,
II. 15. Diiltmann,
Kdgnr MeDanlcIs,
Hny W. Morrow,
Willis II. Meredith,
Dorsey M. Kroltzer,
Oeorge W. Moore,
The steamer Halnbow nnd all avail
able autos cnrrled tho local and' vis
iting Shrlnem to Charleston Day this
Btentntlon from beef nnd mutton
Union Man Testifies That the
Workers in Lumber Industry
Suffer Many Hardships.
Ittt Af.exl.tM rrr io Coot tla TlniM )
SI5ATTL15, Wash.. Aug. 12 Lum
ber workers suffer from worso con-
mornliiK. from which nlaco they wero dltlona than any other class of lab
transmuted to Sunset liny, where a orers In Amorlcn, dednred .1. (J.
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
Is On Now
I" M IMIliI f it jIiU'H ' Liitl Ill1ai I il Cl 1Mhltf lwi I lit . .1 .... .. 1 J
j uu puai, ii; u.iio filing imo yi.u.nt.-.iiij t;iUUHJ(l OllL OIU" llgllt-Woicllf '.
V Hill HI'U 1UIU illU Ill'UivUll iUlH I1U IWU SI.L'S 111 Jlliy OllC pUlld'H
WATflll WTXTHOWS THIS AVWMIv imi? PI? mine Am -t
Three Slores-
.Myi'tlo Point
fish dinner was served. Later In tho
afternoon dancing was enjoyed nt
thu pavllllon, an orchestra from
Mnrshflcld furnishing music.
.Minimum (Mnb Deception.
Last night n reception was ten
dered tho Indies of the visiting Slirln
ers nt tho Jflllkonin Club, tho soncrnl
.direction of tho affair being under
the supervision of Mrs. 10. S. Ilargelt
nnd Mrs. A. T. Haines. An orches
tra played during tho evening and
DroWn, president of tho Interna
tional Union of Lumber Workers, be
foro tho Fodornl Industrial Delations
Commission. "Tho wages are low,
tho hours nrc long nnd the work Is
hard," ho said, "and the men nrc
victimized by employment agencies
o the last degree."
. . fcfii...i...... n.l.. .,lli. la
wclMvcnunlntcd with he country 111 1 8hort I'rosrnni, Including vocal
S.c" ",c.(,1",..1 '; rV.L,,lh..i.-iu.l solos bV Mrs. KiiRcne Doblnoon nnd
eron one time. Ho says that thojMhw 'lf;VCrl!:!n,,0of8,n
country surrounding Llego Is maun- Um Inlrcd ! InnriKuii of 0 rants
tatnous and Hint tho fortressos thore
command the entrance Into tho low
lands of Dclglum, which can bo
Pass and Mrs, Perl Dlloy Dalllngcr,
wns enjoyed. Later In tho evening
tho men Joined tho party nnd ninny
crossed very easily' by tho (Soriunns ' imuiBlng and entertaining stunts In
and tnko possession of all tho forts tlo" wore pulled off. Delicious Prof. Tiedgen Feels CltlZCIlS
near Llego. At present they linvo I'uiicii aim times wo.u rami i u
tho cltadol of Liege, which Is In tlio'ito "our.
city. However, the siirroundlng hills Tho big ball at tho Masonic Hall
arc strongly fortified and the Diver this evening for tho entertainment
Mouse, which flows through tho of the visiting Shrlners has been cull
Do Not Appreciate Need of
Physical Training.
$3 111
i mi
i Sugar Jumped tlilriv m..
nt ono wholesale house here t
Brinns Lame List of Passen- Brings Large List of Passen- ni ""other denier a npj
,. Vj c;r.U( Uorl . none fm Mnelli Online lmvo received a iiicmira fiJ
yuia unu iiuivjiii nau , Mot iium ivuiui wauiuo nftcrnoon nnnouncliig a itllli-
Smooth Trip North.
a Fair Cargo.
nilvnnco of riftv rem m.vl
olghty centH nor limulro,! n.vJ
.. . .,.. f I., t .... ri'l... ............. I1M..1......I..H ......... I.. I. .i.i. ' ,.4
TIIO Mllin alllllll ailivoil 111 irum ira niuuiiiui uit'tmniuur tnuiu ill it wiih HUB lliorillllg, Tllll D'i
San Kranclsiii this morning, report- from Portland this morning, bring- totnl advance nf nimiii n Ji
lug a fair passage. Sho carried 12 lug In olghty-olght pnssongors and a dred In less tlmii a week acl tri
cabin passengers mill ten sieernge. cargo m .mu iuhh u nay, grain ana mo wnoiesnio price around l
Tim Nnnn's cargo consisted of 2.0 miscellaneous merchandise hundred. 1
tons of general merchandise. Among those arriving wero: Fresh moats Jumped one Ctrl
Among thoso nniving on mo noiu Thus. Connell, C. (1. Drnnlgnn, D. P I noro today and bacon i:li
wero: .1. Itutuin, 13. 15. a my, Mrs. C. C. are snld to have advniiccil more,
Mrs. D. Norman. Mrs. S. Town- HhoBslor, K. Ilnmlltou, W. Goshen, neniis nnil rico were alio J
send. Miss Paulino llahr, Mrs. M. L. vm. imeit, i.eon i.eaKo, ..Mrs. II. "" soiuu oy ino war pneo u:j
I IStlltor Times:
town, is conininiiued uy me guns ot ed oir nuu iiiMtenii tnoy are tne guesiH " " '" "",'1 , Muv Mis Woods. Mrs. Culver. Mrs. uoss, .mis. f. u. uox, n, m. wool-
tho forts, lie thinks tho plan of of Mrs. L. .1. Simpson nt Shore Acros vote ngaln on tho iiiestlon of bond- n' nurd. Mib. M. Doberts. Mrs. A. vine. 15. K. Kay, II. L. Pratt, It. ADVCItTISKI) LIMTm
tho Oornmns Is to pasB around to Tor this aftornoon and ovonlng. To-, H'K f'' Kymnasluin. A fair expres-' ' ... , ... il0iar. A. 15. 15lum, Kmorson, Vernon Chaudlor, A. 15.
tho north of Llego uud gain entrance night there will bo a danco ," ,tr r,VHlrlV,Vo i.nel VmlUMl" eVril-t''" 10.1 (!u- W.'!. H. Townsend, Week, I5tta Drown, Mrs. Sum Ilroin- L,Ht 0f unclaimed letter, te
to tho lowlands. enjoyublo features, uf op which tho h les ml ,lo, nnd unit 'r t wlit-n M ,.., 0l88,(y, Mr8. ,rW, j. s. Han- nor, Hugh Drown, Joo Drown Mrs. ,IIK , tll0 jmnhfldu, Oregoi
Tho It vor Jloiiso Is shallow nnd Shrlnors will return to Marshfleld. ud an no is Mon, nntoor tno io- .. , s ,InilllQI, ,... ii,)UOr8. Drown, Nora Drown. Nolllo Drown, 0ffii. for tim u-ni, nrfin. 1
nnvlgablo only for flatboats, which,, Today's celebration concludes tho en- '; o a y 1 nope 110 110 may MrR M p,M.clvnp Mr8 M. downing, Itldiiird Mnrlon, C. N. Clark. V. 15. u 19H porsons calllni to
when ho wns lust there, said Mr. ler.ainuieni reauires. - - ... .j-. ;; V. C. Oorst, 0. Duebner, Mrs. Clark, nosi, .Mrs. .m. a. wx, u. viiiimio, samo will please sny ndvcrtN
Vl..l.niun. ,...,. .i, ...., i... ..,.iu .... Ilimtiin Unworn 11 ml A. H. Mn. lors lUO Ulllldlcap or lUISSUCliesS. ,,,.... -,,,. ..... biii 1. m..o H. .1. Itnliorts. IJ W. Hnvlu .Inlm -.:... .... .. ,..,...
HILIIUIDUIIl tvuiu mil 1111 ill iiiiinn 1111 --..... ...... - -- .-.-
a tow path
Tho largo ammunition factory and
Kinney left this morning for homo
In their auto. Tholr wives wero
arsenal 11 1 Llego Is located south of "nnljlo ' i"-wlniiy Ilium nnd both
tho citadel and to tho south of It Is ul. "" '' " ".
n crescent-shnped lino of fortlflca-j10 ,,lll'ry "IU'K-
tlons of which tho (luriiiiuis huvo .
Ki I .jtft irnlttml ttiutjkciuf(it I
nut. ui Htiiit ininnunamii!
Mr. Nicholson Is niixiously await-1 l
ing news of tho movements of tho
Drltluh iirmy and navy, lie has ono'l'
brother who Is a colonel In tho "
Drltlsh army and another brother
who Is n captain In thu Drltlsh navy.
At iircsont ho docs not know whero
thoy are stationed.
1 I
Mas 1(18,0(10 People 11111I .Many 1'iiv
arm ractoiieh.
Can you pronounce Liege?
Those who tacklo It by ear call
It "l.eege." Tho correct pro
nunciation Is "Lee-azh." with
tho accent on tho "iuIi."
nivxci: iti:poifn:ii iii:sritovi:i
m.dsiii'ii:li at tim 15.
A message was received hero this
afternoon stating that the Herman
Sanford much residence, nbout n
hnlf-milo from Sumner, was burn-
NI5W YODK, Aug. IS. Tho stra- '" N" Particulars wore given,
tcgle points of Llego are iiuiiieious. ', -Mr 'V1'' l'-, Sanford wore In
Principally. It wns the most strong-1 Marshflold uud left nt once for home.
ly fortified obstacle to tho supposed Two l,lr,',1 ,m'" woro ,lu' OI,1' (,"0',
plan of the (Ioniums Io cut across "u' l',l,l' ' tl10 lliu- Tho phone
4ho lower half of Delglum into ' ,,n wu working poorly so Hint It
French territory, but in addition to .wna difficult l ascertain partlcu
thls. the cltv iisoir In 11 mi,, in lai'H.
many ways.
In Its surrouiiiilnun It Is tin piiik.
I'lio oiithuslasm that full nnd general
Information gives Is lacking. Tho
need Isn't 1 enlisted. If every voter
appreciated tl'o part that physical
education nnd recreation Is taking In
.tiiss v. 1111 it, .1110. oiuiimuv h, ..nn. - - . - - - iny uuu cum iur cncii leutr t
Stolnbeck. Theo. Uomo! n. Mrs. (.aniblo, Mrs. (Inmble, Geo. Chnso, for:
Shield. M. N. lloff, Mrs. Kolth, 0. Carl eloesborg. N. Winner, Miss Andorson. N.: Arnulronc.
Kolth. It. Dodllllon, II. Sclilllfht- Mnlilo Horn, It. Linorson, J. K. Kalllo; Ilartlott, Illckford; Cor,
inoiin, D. 15. Norninn. Harold Meyer, Lmerson, Mrs. J. h. Kmorson, Klvn cool, (loo.; Domgon. W. M.; IV
I II I." Uliiiin Mnn Wlllllil' ' litri.'lllU. "'i"iniiii wwna jditivmw ll 11111 Hill- Alfa li'nalnn yi a U V lilt
ki.n ........ . .i.ii. .... .1 il. 1 w IV. illllllii vi ". iiiimm 11 11 , in iiimk'i .. . . . tmni. reniri. .iiipi 11 1 1 v
Ire w o III. n rvhitr.lfnnt Onidlnop. T. Ilfin IrlrlcBOii. T. " ; ' L, ' "r .Mp".', ll' WUo.ri William: Centry. (Jorge; Owl
v. i.iv 'f'l'' "" "U''K f (looley. Mrs. (iuy Kendall. Win Lout. To; Hughes, Charles: Job
liivornbly. Mrs. II. H. Chandler, W. J. Davis, ij.n . Kul.. iiihs iCMi0. Kem
IMueatlon Is changing. It Is msl-.Tft ,,nTr nnQinO "'. L. Tyrim. A. I). Little. V. II. Fos- qI lllmi 1st' 0 IlllrV oS
Ing nwny tho wnys and methods that III 111 I I I I II I Kl 1 1. ' lor. Miss 15. Prvor. .1. F. Davis. It. It. '' ...1' V o'.m ' .V,., ;.' w,n
.11 Z I I k. I I III I k W. . . .. "..' ... V. IU I Pi II On .Mill Sill mi !! 1
the limitations of pioneer days ueces
sltuted. It is 110 longer n innttor of
si Hug in desks for long perlod.L
Ideas "pop" Into tho inliiil. It Is
rather a matter of diversity of direct
ed nitlvltles: rending, spelling .fig
uring, drawing, singing, cooking,
sowing, sawing, planing, cabinet
making, houhe-l.ulldlug, printing,
pliimll'ig, forging, pattern-uinklng,
gnrdculug, farming, horticulture,
p laying, exercising, swimming, ote.
There nro periods for mental concen
tration, but the hours of heat studx
0 0
Tho school directors of tho newly
consolidated district 011 Coos Utver
..a. in. ion, .Mrs. u. u. iiiimilton. 1101- a . miii.,. 1 v. num
on llauillton. Or 15. V. Morrow. Fred 8t.V., ion: lV'terson. f
rue. Mrs. ! rail I rue, Mrs. L. 15. .,,,.., n. ,,Wfli Kloyd: Ri
ASKiunn, .Mrs. Tyolluml and twenty- H0t pf J(. tnHniiissen. Paul,
...... PiurniHu. nol,8i Hentrleo (2); Stielton.
Kwnni. Mrs. Klttv: Smith,
Trnln. il. r..: Talnnorounua, Xfi
Dox 3!7: Tookmeler. Mn: t
Shipping Coiuinlssloner: wini'
nilllo. W. II. Cl'RTi
. poit'
i :s::s.vt; in iktadou.
(oviTiiiuenl Troops Kent Into Inter,
lor of Conn try.
tllr I'rr.j to Coot 07 TlmM.)
Mr. uud Mrs. Sanford live 011 tho
former Dyers place and their resi
dence Is a large one. According to
as lit-
burgh of Delglum. For miles to the V'" ,,,"", '"i ?..!. ' ,i,, , w
southwest of tho city. ..long the "Z , ? , U
banks of the Diver Mouse, there nro l ' '"'I'e or savtiih aiotliliih.
scores of hlast furnaces, puddling
furnaces, rolling mills and forges.
It is the site or the famous Cocker
Ill Works, said to be tho largest
manufactory or machinery In tho
Llego proper, with n population
of 108,000, lies at the Junction of
tho Mouse uud the Ourtho, In a
basin margined by hills. Many hand
some iii.u.iiugK and gardens strive
to keep themselves handsome against
tho tremendous odds of coal dust.
All around the cltv Is a wonlth nf
t-0.11 1.11.1 iron ore. The mines ox-1 ,VH " resiiii or ine unusual iiroutii,
tend even under the city and tho Secretary W. .1. Conrad of the Coos
river. These natural riches, in con- nml Curry Fire Patrol Absoclatlon
necilou wiih the favorable sltua-wl" Probably unite with tho other
uon or too city at the Junction of associations 111 tne state m asuing
two nnlgablo rivers, have given rise l'l,vornor West to close the hunting
to tho extensive manufacturing in
dustry In tho city Itself,
1110 piotiucis are varied, but the
season until rain again makes It
safe. c. c. Chapman, secretary of
1110 uregon nro Keller Association,
principal one, and that which would ,0,lly wired hlni that the others were
make Llego a valuable prlzo or war, IIB so. It has been four or five
Is that of firearms. More than SO,- 'ers since tho drouth mnde tho
000 persons in and around the city fon'h,B 80 dangerous that this step
aro employed In the manufacture of WU8 taken.
guns, ranging from small anus to I Today Mr. Conrad bent additional
tho largest of modern weapons. A '"' to the Cow Creek section, where
royal cannon factory and a B.unll n ,,n,l "'" Is burning, it is in the
arms factory aro also In the suburb :"-l territory. Over firty 111011 are
of St. Leonard. .now fighting tho fire and It Is hoped
to get It under control soon. The
Tuken to HoNiltnl. I). V. Stnf- C. A. Smith Company, Drown Dro
ford, tho well known Marshfleld thers and somo local houiestendors
roBieciionor, was taken to Morcy "" me 'and in tho vicinity of tho
HoiptUl this morning. Ho has been fl'e 1
uttering from a sovoro attack of A bad fire was undor way near
tomhetv trouble, w . , ...,. lAllogany for n fow days, but word
, , I lu tllll! II la lrw nml... n........! .
kS5Lt-irKei ,U aSc laeheo at not much damaBO has teen done by
NHjtM ittuu 10 a o'cloc. .It.
linvo called u special el.V"..'"? GUAYAQUIL. Kcuador. Auk. 12. I NORTH BEND NEWS
.'uuust IS to vote n 510.000 bond -rn. i,n.... . ,.... 1..... .1 I wuiiiii uuiw .
(Inn ..fl.l.l u..n. ,1 1 , I,. .. 1 n I. !..". 1 . .. .. ..I... .l. "!'" "U llBH HUlll IIIIU IIIU tUHIH J)
coming shonen ,, Moil day" Is' Kmirn ".". h'K XSTl a'Kffi Li.'roboTJ iu' T",A', lmT0JX
betoinlng longer; the mimlivr , or Tho first Issue of bonds was Illegal Ki'shi 1 ooii - carK by ta,k,nf, ,n "ifj
shool d.iys In the oar gror'ter. ..ecauso notice of the Intention wns " M"W"-n boon. factory, and sailed yesterday
t Inlitifl I
There Is lost listless sl.tlnv, more n t Included in tho call for the olec-
directed freedom; less dreariness, Hon,
I (. T.-A.l.. Iln.n.. u'fin hlM
Illver. ronplio.l frn... tl. ninl.n.la1 W,?.B '"""""'.,'' htl
moro happiness; less slcknoss. moro it is stilled that tho question of a landing t8 declare.! m ho tilo !.? 8l)om""K ,lor a" ,"r ft
health; less talk about preparation 'site will not bo brought up nt this ! ? uuSrtlm In tils zlf. "'t". ,-Mr' "'V1 M"i ITS."
for life, more actual life. leloctlon. us tho election would bo ,,, ' ?. il iar on an 1 iionrlJ w111 .lonVO ' '.,8 11 L 'i-nhiU
In thoso changing conditions, phys-'simply advisory, the directors really f, ho South Coos River ranchers 8tU(,le? nt Xh?ltStZl!
leal education has come to tho front hnv ng tho povver to decide tho ques- 'I ,.' " ,,0U,. 7hi"r n...,0!.','.'; ..r8 Uerkoloy, California.
stlniulnted by the Idea of a healthy .Hon without it voto of tho peoplo. TCn gallons Is n nood .lnv'H nlckini'l . .......n i itp TOPAf.
brain In it healthy body. It has do-' There Is still much discussion over They will not bo i.ountl about' AIIUKSTMl MA. TO -i
voloped more In the last ten years tho site, but It Is believed that the September ' n,ll,y Morrls 'V8 ""tit
than any other one field of oduc.i- Smith ranch locntlon will bo re- Formi i.'inw ti. ,.,,... afternoon on tho charge oi w work. Its growth hns been tallied. Spoclal vvatchion aro st a 'onod' at ' n "Bonlorly bouse. He
,o I acliiues' n' U,m EZnticm1 C' UB of So"t1' C Rlvpr "B"",8t, f"r,'8t f,re8' " ,ina bo si o' ha'eerS ngfr r'S-
i L i. ili.t. i. , V:.:,,1! . I ' wns ' Marshfleld today on business. 'ers since tho woods nro as dry as 7w'Jaa Ueou ll b .
l..nM.i?... i'!Sr rt ton.vonl0,u'o18 " IIo says that although tho npplo crop at present nnd Foreman Onrrott la A1'lor- -
I..H ,ii.m' n. ?,.w iiu i.'J .. I la failure, thu plum crop is fine, linking grout precautions. Tho other - - .... , rri W
llclef so ?v,k 1 ."niwi iTrnZ' ,h0 y,BU be,"B '"Bo nnd the quality I ''"V n,ini.ll bl0 broke out along 4t" "" 's
to oxnngui8ii it, m aKm.1
...-,-....... , ,...., , ((s u(ll COW. iuiiiji lllllltMl Ol.l
.n"'i ' -," !,n!"'8lt'1r0("!1' ' '. Mr. Towno. Inspector for tho Coos0o hnd only a bn
n,?!,;. vn,. " ,',,ll'"ld V'1'.1 "Ivor Cow Testing Association, was hIio grabbed a mop
up to da e conveniences It is right , Mnrsliflohl today. Ho states that " rcul firefighter.
bathing suit on but
and proved to bu
.... .... .,,... .. i. riii iirnrii'tirn I m ..innn ....
hat It should bo so. Deal training ,'.:. r,7,.V;.,i'. . '""..' ,."... . ... PxtiniiM,n, 12 .,., .r'"T ". '"
InfhwVi- m,??.0!1 .When.U,,,"lt'U!',nt0ly.th0 nwoelatlon. During tho month ,?iio. Not only Is thoro danger of
!.. ,8 .' . l '" .rt-nl llf0: . nu.'?0 "f May sho prodttcod 107 pounds of forest flro on account of.tho drought.
: down
lllcll fill'.
nisnes tno rresh water supply for tho
donkey nnd Shay engines Is running
low. They will have to pump water
making about the best showing
Will fin mi Tllll.
filllltll. Pnu'nrj Pmii.t Htm ltnt. li,..l that Plllllll Olln Id IIia .aa) lnn..l...
fin,. o.M. cnLnnl ........ I........ ...! ' ""- -"! " .. ..u. ..- ------ - , ..y . ...u 1M .UfiKHIh
... ; '-".'"""' jiii mini. i.uii-.iy recovered trom tno surprlso that ie, uespiio tno Handicap that na
ties tor play and recreation. There Foreman William O.rrett sprung on turo Imposed upon It by tho mnnj
u .,., ,.i,u iui .in. kc...ii-b .inn fun-
tests which young people enjoy. And,
reason as we will, these things do
moro io creaie loyalty and dovotlon
things crento respect for and loyalty i)lItter fat, and as It brought about u,'t operations may be shut
n.'n .,n.,1(M.0 ?t h,r,0,,K''tl''" plen8n;o forty cents per pound her ineomo , uoso McKnlght Creek, whit
" "" """ ' I "'"'" ,-""" ,ror tho month wns nbout 112.80.
n1!... ." ,.?1ll.k.B.,llcr. elders 0f tho largo herds in the ussocla
have espect for that which Is up ton, those of Doy and James
I, !m..U.S '. feol,yil,,'"J' .They.drlth aro among tho loaders, and o:
bit o little egard for that ho inn- ti,0 8,iler herds Fred Dornell's U
l.llto 01 Institution that falls to nuiklnu' ahinil the hnsl sl.nuliiL-
meet tholr needs or Is considered an-
nbout a mile to supply thorn or close
down until ruin nl miior ..,n..
" " O..WM .w..u. DUVJ.l. .
roremnn Gnrrott. since tim mrti-ni
. . ..... ..........
oi nis untie, has been showing hot'
camp declare that Foy Cox is nlan
llllll n Rlllllllir uliniHiil clnn.i lilo nl.l
to school than many of tho finest, pal. D1II, paved tho way. Mr. Cox
...i. nn o mi nun,, e IHIVO aoti vvl I leave within n ivonk nr an fnr
... . ..I. . ... " ..w., u, ww ,wl
them when ho brought n brido tliero i Ieop gulches. They havo been got
the other day. Now the boys In tho ting out botweon nltioty nnd ono
hundred thousand feot of logs a day
right along. Thero aro sixty-eight
men employed In tho camp now.
Springs Prophesy ltiiln.
Talking of the drought, C. II. Dun
gnu declared today the prospocts aro
for rain. The flow from tho spring
near 1 Is placo has increasod consid
erably tho last few days as it always
does n few days before a rain, he
RRVU ntrintni. rpi..i. n .1... r
A long rainy season. 300 hnv nni rni urim-ninnr,- iin-i, ,i.i. ... iniinr n, th. ,, ".
girls , progresslvoness In education, Foy blushingly denies tho allesa- that It was also noticed that n big
seem to mo bu fftelent reasons for urg- tlon. ce spring on tho Piper ranch was yield
ing a favorable vote. j n,K Huckleberry Patch. Ing moro water the last few days
. A. TILDOEN. On the ridge north of South Coos than It has been for many weeks,
students In our schools above the his old homo nt Danvillo, 111., nnd
sixth grado- -more than many colleg- will probably spend n month there.
IlLJ lilt I f II. (111,1 iia ni.ltnLl . ..!.. ..-! . ..
vD ....,- . ...u uu nuiiuniu inuco in no says no is anxious to take In ono
roster or direct thoso gnmes and of tho old-fashioned county fairs
sports which young people enjoy and there and If the rumors you hear
which progressive education has con- from tho Cnmp Ono contingent aro
sldored essential. I correct, ho will nrobnblv liilntr Mm
pdhskdvi: YOl'U "-"J
Tako care of yurD(,jt
wait until '" gfned. &
can never be rt
use It according W
tlons, and you ,,,
off the danger of
hair and earl,u", J
Wo don't claim thy i
aw? s& sp-
Two sizes, J"1
., coin By