mmmmiltm -ttfc m THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1914. EVENING EDITION. FIVE Yll a Ri OSS" D mpf re"j rSM and L3iH -. WJfcniifctiatt&MiUAirtJ .OTtiUHsMU TBI Have Their New Fall Rug mtW Ml If "l" V1"" ""' fcH This line of Rugs is by far the Best Lino of Rugs. When we say the Best Line, we mean just what we say, and will prove every word of it. ' In The First Place Our line of Rugs is different the weaves, (he colorings, the patterns, the quality of the yarns, arc the newest and the best. Thcv are Newer, Fresher, Later and, in goral, More Beautiful than any line of rugs vou mnv care to compare with them. mmmmm$&mwvm$mmm And bear this in mind: AVc arc more than willing to compare Quality, to compare Beauty, and to compare Price, i'or it is by comparing you arc to best judge how far we arc ahead on rugs. WIT). " When It'Comes to Price Ilemcinber this, for it is of vital interest to you: Your selections out of Our Hug Stock the Newest and Most Beautiful Collection ever shown at one time will not cost you one cent more than the cruder patterns of the com moner kinds. Look through our Rugs, see the Exceptional Beauty, get our prices and do your own comparing that is as fair as we can make it. PERRY & NICHOLSON IRVING BLOCK Summer Clearance Sale 117.00 $18.30 SUITS 120.00 $so $23.00 SUITS $27.50 $.10.00 $J30 SUITS $33.00 $15.00 $18.75 $24.35 Boys' Suits and Overcoats, and Short Pants 25 PER CENT OFF ALL XKW STOCKS AND STVLES OF THE LATEST. QUA MTV THE HIST. WHY? HEOAUSE Wl! SELL FOR CASH. Children's Dresses A nice assortment of Pretty Ready - Made Dresses for GIRLS, priced very reasonably. All good styles and patterns. Sizes run from 2 years to 14 years. Prices 50c to $2.50 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY The Golden Rule f-WO TlWKIl WARNER READY FOR ORDERS M. n w too tun.; ur' Jl, ohl reliable section' nh0 ,as been mnk,nB fcon annuallv tn , o. If &klneBarhUnrT,rlvSd yeBt"day and St. LaL?'3 headquarters at the BV be lpf, , m? whero orders ta ii 'ert for him. Ho nvt. bl" any hl of ,hls W customers !' cniSIS ,a hu"y for bis wrence Ve orders at the s- Swedish Meeting. Preaching ser vice in the Swedish language on Tuesday night this week at 8 o'clock In the Baptist church. All Scandi navians are invited. 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Hammocks of All Kinds Priced from $1.75 to $7.00. Tents of All Sizes. WHY PAY MORE? Johnson - Gulovsen Tho Quality Comp any Niiiuo with n Service-Fume. PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS IANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos I'lnnos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Plnnos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Plnnos PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS Pianos Plnnos Plnnos Plnnos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Plnnos PinncH Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Plnnos PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS Piano Plnnos Plnnos Your Money's Worth Pianos Pianos or Your Monoy Hack Pianos Plnnos VAilpv R Allpn Co l''""os Pianos .VWI y "m w"m ,,, pianos L. L. Thomas, Mgr. pinnos Pianos Central Av., Pianos Plnnos Mnrshfiehl Pianos Plnnos I'lnnos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos Plnnos Pianos Pianos PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call on LeMieux & Miller, 393 No. Front St. Phone 115-R. BREVITIES AUGUST THUS. Dolow Is given tho tlmo REOPhEYQUl w KNOW ABOUT n vJJ tf ( holght of high and low water at Marshfleld. Tho tides are plnced In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd holghts on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low wntor. For high water on tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. lllUrs.. G.38 11.24 CCS 0.0 Ft... 4.7 1.3 5.0 0.0 JOSEPH VAY of South Inlet spent tho day In Marshfleld. and CHAS. KRUEGER of Allegany came LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., AugtiBt 11, by IJonJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum ,70 Minimum CO At 4:43 a. m CO Proclpltntlon 00 Precipitation sluco Sept. 1, 1913 66.54 Precipitation samo porlod Inst year 64.81 Wind: Northwest; clear. Will Rcglti Soon. It Is thought mat work on tno now thentcr build ing to bo erected by tho Noblo Estate will bo commenced next wcok. Iaiivo Today. Those leaving to- uay on tho Marshrield-Roscburg stago for Rosoburg this morning wore Lano Goodcll, Davo Atkinson, Mr. auorraz, Rev. Hughea and II. Slilinailo. Hueo Meet Post noned. Tho Coos Bny Fair Association has decided, to postpone tho meet which was to have beon hold hore August 14 and 15 until tho Myrtlo Point fntr in Septem ber. Fire Started. A flro, suspected" to bo of Incendiary origin, was started at tho landing at Tar Heel Satur day night. Damage to tho extent of about $600 wns dono. Heroic efforts woro necessary all day Sunday to keep tho fife from entering tho for est botweon North Rend and Em it! ro. Work on Tunnel No. 7. Rov. O. I.oRoy Hall, of tho cruiser Life Line, roturned this morning from a ten-day trip Into tho Sluslaw coun try on mission work. Ho reports work on tho railroad progressing very rapidly In that soctlon, espe cially Tunnel No. 7, whore two crews are now working, ono from each ond. On tho Schofleld ond thoy aro In about 2600 foot, or approximately half tho dlstanco of tho tunnel. Another Missing Man. Chief of Pollco Cnrtor Is In rocolpt of a letter from tho Chlof of Pollco of Wllkes- barro, Pa., making Inquiry as to tho whorenbouts of Matthew J. Jennings, who tins boon missing from that placo for nlxteon years and has beon declnrod legally dead. The last hoard from him by his relatives was that ho was somowhoro In the vicini ty of C003 Hay. Funeral Held. Tho funeral of Roy Smith, tho ton-yonr-old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Smith or Milling ton. was hold Sunday afternoon from Wilson's undertaking parlors, tho Rev. Robert E. Drowning officiating. Tho pallbearers were E. L. McClure, Chas. McKnlght, Mr. Hlldonbrnnd and Harry Dultman. Thoy repre sented tho order of ElkB. Several autos containing mombors of tho Elk Lodge attended. Many floral trib utes woro offorod. Auto WrooktMl. An automobile stago of tho North SIough-Lnkesldo routo, drlvon by T. Fllesbunr. ran from tho planking on Central avenue near the Myrtlo Arms Apartmonts last evening n few minutes after 7 o'clock. Tho driver had veered to tho left to allow a motorcyclo to pass, and wns unnblo to regain con tiol of tho machine. Tho enr plung ed to tho ground nnd foil n few feet, breaking a few spokes In tho rear wheels and slightly bonding tho for ward running goer. Tho drlvor was nlono In tho enr at tho time. Finish PnUng. Tho Wnrron Con struction Company has finished tholr work on North Front street. Fires Under Control, The brush fires which have beon burning in the neighborhood of Allegany nro reported to be now undor control. Mrs. M. A. Wilson is reported con valescing from n serious Illness. FLOUR, $1.35 at HAINES'. TKe Royal TONIGHT The House of Rig Fea tines. "SEATTLE POTLATCH" entitled "TILLICUM POTLATCH IS ROUOH ON MASHER." In two reels. Up ton's cup races, SI Chrlstofforson In his flying boat and nil the main big events, and a flirtation comedy goes through tho wholo two reels. Daniel Frohmanpresents tho dis tinguished dramatic favorlto, John Rnrrymore, in the celebrated comedy-romance "AN AMERICAN CITI ZEN." A mado-to-order marriage, a sudden change of nationality and a million complications, beginning with a laugh and ending with an other. "THE PATHE DAILY NEWS" Sees all, knows all. Six reels 0000 feet of all new features. ADMISSION: Lower floor, Urte. Ralcony, 10c. ClUltlrvn, 10c. Hero tomorrow night "JOAN OF ARC" Tho Maid of Orleans. down on tho Alert today P CIMINO of Ten Mllo wns a Marsh field visitor this morning. AL NEES came down from Alle gnhy on tho Alert today. W. J. HOWARD Is a business visitor In this city from North Inlet to day. J. D. MAOEE Is n business visitor In Marshfleld today from Lake side. DR. E. M1NGUS wont to Heaver Hill this morning on professional busi ness. MRS. E. DON M'CRARY of Coos River was a Marshfleld visitor to day. MARTHA ROSS was In today from Sunset Hay, whore oho Is spending her vacation. FRANK HEATH was an over-night visitor InBt night in Marshfleld from Allognny. GEORGE CLINKENI1EARD camo In on tho Rainbow this morning from Coos River. JAMES DAVIS of Brndfleld'a barber shop left today on his vncatlon to Myrtlo Point. COLONEL ROSA Is In tho city to day from Dandon on a business nnd plcnsuro trip. DAVE ATKINSON left this morning via tho Marshficld-Rosoburg nuto stage lino for Portland. JOHN JOHNSON of Allegnny wbb a business visitor In Marshfleld from Allegany today. MISS MAXINE JONES returned to day from a visit with Mrs. Fred Kruso on Isthmus Inlet. R. C. KENNEDY, a business mnn of Eugone, camo In today by tho Allegany road on a business trip. KARL SCHEKL nnl Ellas Eng, re cent nrrlvals hore, loft for Uandon nnd other points today. COUNCILMAN CARL ALHRECHT took tho morning train for Co- qulllc on a business trip. MRS. OLIVIA EDMAN has roturned from n brlof vncatlon outing which oho spent at Lakeside. S. S0R2NS0N, an em ploy 0 of tho Smith-Powers company, took tho trnln for Coqulllo this morning. W. E. OTT, a business man of Roso burg, nnd family, aro in town. Thoy aro making an auto tour through tho county. JACK ELLISON, proprietor of tho summer resort near the fish hatch ery on Coos Rlvor, has reopened it for summer visitors. T. II. DARRY AND FAMILY have tnkon up tholr summer homo on Coos Rlvor, whero thoy will re main for the balanco of tho Benson. MR. AND MRS. ED LINDBBRG hnvo roturned from a visit with relatives at Port Orford, v(ltoro tuoy took In tho Agnto Carnival. MISSES SIQRID STORA nnd Estrld Nowlnnd, who havo been visiting with friends nt Catching Inlet, re turned this morning on tho Wn-ta-waso. ALVA DOLL and wlfo loft for Curry county today on a business nnd pleasure trip. Tho Councilman took his gun with him and says ho may use It If ho moots a deer. LANE GOODELL, roprcsentatlvo of tho London-Lnncnstor Insurance Company, who has been In Marsh fleld sevoral days, loft on tho Mnrshflold-Rosoburg auta stago for Portland this morning. E. C. DARKER was In from Allegany today. This week ho mndo a hunt ing excursion and killed two deer, point, which weighed 87 nnd 101 pounds, resopctlvoly, when dress ed, tiio deer wero killed near Allegany. C. L. ANDERSON nnd two sons of Chlco, Cnl arrived In Mnrsllflold today. Thoy camo by auto from Rosoburg on tho Sumnor road and say they had a very rough trip. It took thorn two days to got In from Rosoburg. MR. AND MRS. J. T. HARRIOAN and Miss Mabel Harrlgan left to day for Rosoburg In tholr nuto. Thoy intended leaving Sunday, but woro delayed by t"o lllnoss of Mr. Harrlgan, who suffored from pto malno poisoning after eating musk-molon. R. ANDERSON and son. Charles, al ho grandson, Eugeno Stokes, all of Chlco, California, recently arrived, having motored from their homo to visit at tho C. II. Krocgor homo nt Allegnny. Thoy spout today In Maishflold, and nro very favor nbly Impressed with tho country, this being their first visit hero. MRS. P. D. DLAKE of Catching In let camo In today on tho Wa-ta-waso. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Uralnnrd, of North Rend, who has beon visit ing with her. Tho Wn-ta-waso also brought Mrs. A. E. Tower, John Strang and Miss Mlllndn An derson nil of Catching Inlot. REV. HUGHES, of St. Lawrenco Catholic Church, of Portland, loft this morning for Rosoburg on tho Marshfleld-Roseburg nuto stago Rev. Hughes has mado a mission I trip by auto, starting from Grants Pass, thenco to Crescont City, up ; tho coast to Port Orford, to Marsh fleld and now to Rosoburg on his way homo. I SENATOR JAMES LESLIE COKE, of Honolulu, who Is hero wltn tho ! Shrlners, is a brother of Judge John S. Coko of this place and hoi formerly lived hero. Ho has resld-, ed In the Hawaiian Islands for tho. past sixteen years. Ho is now on route homo from the Elks' conven tion In Denver, whore ho repre sented tho two Elks' lodges In tho Hawaiian Islands. I I ALONG the WATERFRONT The Nnnn Smith will nrrlvo from San Francisco tomorrow and sail on Thursday. The Redondo Is duo to leavo San Francisco Thursday and to nrrlvo Coos Ray Saturday CLASSIFIED Ad I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I WANTED A Ruck Rolglnn Hatv. C. E. Nicholson, 1020 N. Front Bt. FOR SALE Ono flrsUclajw work horse, weight about 1200, for $75 Ouo 5 h. p. Palmer-Mooro mnrino gasoline englno, first class condi tion, $40. Box T, North Dcnd, FOR SALE HotiKohold funilslUiig. Including electric washing mnchlno and electric vacuum cleaner. Mm. E. Dow, Phono 7D-R. FOUND Auto light ftfnss. Owner can secure samo by paying for this nd at Times office. WANTED Ono or more women to go with mo to take up homesteada. Inqulro "M," at Times. FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished two-room-housekeeping apartment. 413 No. Bocond street. FOR RENT Rensonnhly, nicely fur nished C-room flat, with bath.. Centrally located on North Front street. Key at Johnson and Qui-ovson's. FOR RENT 10-rooni modern houno near High School. Call nt 334 First Streot North. FOR RENT B-room cottao o Fifth street South. Inqulro nt Bk blad's Hardware. FOR RENT FuniisJtod niwrUitCBt ovor Nasburg's Grocery. Apply ot Nasburg's Grocery. FOR RUNT Lnrgo liouso on 12tM Court South. Phono 119-L. FOR HKKT Modern C-roora, fur- nlshod houoo, closo in, for two months. No children, 507 South 6th. Phono 75-L. FOR RENT FumUhcd liouMikoep. Ing rooms. 695 l,xi rut nnd Birth. Phono 239-J. FOR SALE FOR SALE Fiwt driving tuain, Uar. ncss and two-soatod hack, roaeon ablo. E. S. Barzoo, North Bond. HELP WANTED - I WANTED RrcsHmnJting nnd plain sowing, lioiiBO to houso. Phono CO-J. MISS ETHEL CONNER Pianist. Permanently locatod in Mnrsll flold, will tako a limited num bor of pupils. ST. LAWRENCE IIOTUft Room HIO Phono Oil GRAND THEATRE O-NIGHT The General Film Company Presents tho PATHE FEATURE GERMINAT0R or The Toll of Labor The Celebrated RealUtlc Novol of Emll Zola. IN FIVE PARTS AMONG THE SICK Martin Breen of Eastsldo. who has been laid up for four weeks with a severo attack of rhoumatlsm, is re ported slightly improved. Mrs. George W. Starr, of nrldgo, who has been ill at Mercy Hospital, I Is reported improving. NYAL'S Laxacold A laxative tablet treat ment for coughs, colds, grippe, headache and neu ralgia. Price 25c. iT4iTJ klflil'J HvAVdfA iSaSEBSffiXaKTiBIBi ratal