Fmm-MM ,i7fmrrrm Jaafcn, XfiMtftfl TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1914. EVENING EDITION. M. r. MALOXKV .Kdltnr mid JAX K. MALOXKV. ..News Kdllor COOS BAY TIMES PUnUirDP UIPIT UADinilP nniMTn fii'onnnLno vioii ihiiuuo ruinio OF CLUB ENDORSES Bill MOVE Geo. M. Hyland Addresses a Small Meeting on Plan of Sending Fair Exhibit. INTEREST AROUND COOS THE OASIS. ' ! fiROSS the burning sands he wandered, weary, sick, and U, sorely tried, past the graves of those who faltered at the Tests that e'er betide, Through the Desert, wild and cheerless, faced he men of savage mien men of life and limb grown careless men Who hearts of men have seen. I Unwardi onward, through the terrors that beset the bhrm- nrcsent ' el's soul stumbling 'iieath his load of errors, sought the Can-, amaie ms goal, nope aione, which springs eternal in mei breast to soothe sustain, bore him on through Tests infernal, ' Towards the heights he sought to gain, But when Hope was, fast departing with the gleams of setting sun, saw he, through 4lin olinrlntifn e4ni4inrr I ntrxA WfUm'i Mntntn'o in rlMirt I nnrli i u o auuvvo oiui uiii l.umu vyiiuic laiu c o ugol o uumui lu u BnSSBto oxiSbitlnthrs87Mt flows with milk and honey, fairest country of them all, Diet. I UUSISi UIIKIIl UIIU SUIIIiyi IUIIU WIIUSB NUMBS UUUK dim Uclll, Not Mirage, but Land of Splendor, where the fondest dreams; are real where the oreezes, warm ana tender, maKe tor man a home ideal, Coos Bay is that goal, 0 weary Shriner, where all things whiSwin'S are best, Coos Bay, with a welcome, cheery, bids you pause ed practical plans by which the tuoati Willi US UIIU IBSl, DUD OlrtlNLCT, good could bo accomplished. Mr. Hyland will ciigngo with tho Tnlo Anfnmnhiln Trin ArnnnH lK at tho reception was when S. C, North Ilond, Coqullle, Myrtlo Point i i. 7). , T i ill n j s,n,l remarked to a friend th i. A small nttenaanro was at the mcctlnc in the rooms of the Chamber of Commorco yesterday af ternoon when GcorBo M. Hyland, publfdtA' manager for tho Oregon Panama Pacific Exposition Associa tion, mado an appeal for tho forma tion of Coos and Curry counties Into an association of Francisco Exposition In 1915, An attempt will bo mado to call a meotlng for tomorrow evening, when n larger attendance Is looked for. Mr. Hyland delivered a clever talk along tho lines of the possibilities BODY OF PRESIDENT'S WIFE il People of South Pay Last Tribute to First Lady of Land Services at Grave Simple. GltKK.V VI LLF, S. C, August 11. Tho special train Iwiu-ing the body of Mi. Woodrow Wilson, the President, and relatives, siieodcd toward Itomc, Georgia, today past, group niter gi-oup of jtoople who stood with heads imit-d to pay houuigo to tho Into lira t lady of tho laud. At Culcppcr u folded Confederate flag, with n nolo of sympathy from Culiiepper Chapter of tlio United Daughter;) of the Confederacy, wu.s placed on tho train. At many other places fluwci-H were presented by groups of children. tTnniPs WooUrotv, cousin of tho President, lonrdcd tho tmln nt Stmrtniibiirg, S. C. I NORTH BENdTfi and Handon commercial bodies by personal representation and corrcs rondence and will not at thin time make a trip to tho Coqulllo Valley or to Curry county. In securing tho ea-oporatlon of tho Curry county peo plo his efforts are bolng endorsed by District Attorney Meredith, of Gold I The Mnuzanltn Club .wan In I I session In tho Chandlor Orlll last I I evening, about thirty candidates I I helim Initiated Into tlm tnvnrnr- Beach, and E. J. Loney, cashier of( U8 of tho order. Deputy Grand tho Port Orford Hank. These men Are In Mnrshflold this weok conferr ing with Mr. Hyland, and will return to Curry county and take up tho work of assembling an exhibit, and will particularly feature tho agato displays for which Curry county Is famous. At the meeting yesterday ,tho Cliambor of Commerce passed tho fol lowing resolution: WhorcaB, Cook and Curry counties hnvo been Invited by the State Com mission tn make a representative ox Tilblt at tho Panama Pacific Interna tional Exposition In 1915, and, "Whoreas, I. I J J HI il. r j oiiiiiu n-iiim ncu iu u iiiunu uiui ui", Marsniield and NOrth BCnd Ing tho only member of Algeria Tern- and Visit Milk nnd FafitnriP"? I,,e Montana who waB present, ho1 diiu vibii miiib aim rdwuntb folt ,oncBOM1L,t A mQmcn lntor nn. other gentleman enmo up and said ho uns also a member of Algeria Tem ple. "My name Is Small," remarked S. C. "My nmno Is Littler," said tho stranger. "I don't see how It could bo littler than Small," romnrked S. i C. "Hut It Is Littler," said the stranger, whoso name was E. E. Lit-1 tier of Hermlston, Oregon. Mr. Small ' says that It In the first time that he has mot a man who had a nnmo that was Littler than his. I Vizier of tho World of tho Or I der of Manzanlta, James Coke, of Honolulu, was present, his I first attendance In tho United 1 States. Stnte Deputy Geo. M. I Hylund was also 'prominent I among those nttondlug. TV program ror tho day's enter tainment of tho vlHltlng Shrlncrs Btnrtcd otr thla morning with an cx Marshriold and North Demi, and to the various Industrial centors on tho liny. The reception committee took tho It Is tho Intention of visitors around tn a dozon outomo- A E RELATIVES PALLBEARERS. Six First Cousins of Mrs. Wilson Carry Coffin to Final Resting Place. IIOMH, Georgia, Aug 11. Simplicity will mark the funeral of Mrs. Wood raw Wilson here today. In deference to the wishes of tlie President, tho exercises will lx brief. There will u short service nt tho Presbyterian Church, where .Mrs. Wilson's father was Mtstor for seventeen years, an an even shorter ceremony nt Myrtlo 1 1 III cemetery. Homo is drned In somber utUro. Hit first cousins of Mrs. Wilson were to be tho active niII hearers. After the sen-Ices nt tho grave, the presidential party eiects to return to their special train nnd depjut for Washington at (1 o'clock this evening. this year Is tho largest slnco 1910. Tho spring season closed yestorday under tho law and will open ngaln September 1st. Tho Macleay Estato lias pnld out over 110,000 to fisher men there this spring, something ov- 1 lr 20. 000 flnli tinvlnir Imnn mini cut The new town of Ilrnoklngs Is mak ing rapid progress mud much im provement In tho south end of the county. Tho Checto bridge Is com menced and will be completed in 90 days. The Port Orford Agato Carni val was a great success and a largo number of people from all ovor Southern Oregon learned of tho unt il, al beauty of Port Orrord and Or ford Lake us a summer resort and camping place. ,1.?3,:!.e:u,clt0. eoinndT Tel, Mile." WC0"B WU" M.t,;j Tho Pacific Oromrv . , to move soon from siiorm,p,annl! to the Eekhorr bulk ?" Sherman and Union. corncf ol u- nnu .-iib. Frank nint, ,. Mrs. Arthur Sola. deV n,,lM Portland, visited nt tho ii 1 ab; homo on Monday Ul'orSe D!,ckl Tho county convention n . C T. U. will be held at?,.0', lhn-. It.g August. " Iland" d0r: Mrs. Louis Metzler, whn holh,r tho past three weeks wl ?f North Bend, will leave . 1 2? ' nor nomo in Corvallls. "ior RANCH $850 n 0-acre on South $20 th QCDniQ nnftnc the Marshfleld Chamber of Com- biles nnd made tho affair n trulv en merco nnd associated bodies within Joyablo and Instructive one. Prlncl- said counties to participate In tho.pnl among tho vIbUh was a trip of Rpppntinn TonriornH hu F F said exhibit, thorcfore. bo It I Inspection through tho C. A. Smith "J-H""'' tuiuutu uy r. c. "Itesolvcd, That tho Mnrshflold siiwmlll and pulp mill, undor tho per- UOnWay PrOVeS a Very Chamber of Commerce- will, In con- sonnl auspices of Supt. Ceo. Murcli. ' Plpa;ant Affnir ' Junction with tho other commercial Early In tho uftornoon a business lonoam nnuii. uuuiun iiiiii ino cuiiiuy uuiii ib ui iiiu "uroiuii hub iiu.iu iu wiucu 111110 oai- T,ln nrlnrlnnt nrnnl i i. ..iu I saltl counties, undertake to proparo tots wero cast on prospective novices nf .,.,, m,rr vna,nr.v wu .7,,, ' Litigation ovor nn exhibit nnd construct n booth of to nn initiated Into tho ordor. iiniiiMitrni mnnntinn nn.i ,i,,n , ,ul8 nel" Hn Toaii w tho nntivo woodH of tho said counties Alter the biiHluess session tho ,inroi Inst nvonitu? hv ir v v rn, 'hiring the summer, In accordanco with tho plniiH propar-l memborH will assomblo on Central .!. nt Mvriin v. 7hV Ln'.it 5" ottloU to tho extent 1 by tho architect of tho Oregon uvuiiiio. and headed by the Coos Hay '. Btmrimont linumi now linine win go nhend now. building, nnd he It further I Hand, will march, through tho nrln- .,i.?,l'?,r,?L0?L o?"? . " ., ' ?'n,5 Tho court rejected "Itesolved, That this Chnmbor co-'clpal streets of the down-town dlst- vivos There was a inreo nttnnVi. pnlntlng and oncrato with tno I'ort or coos nay riei. ., ,, . "",." iionso. Flvo hliU w I fP.l ...... I . ... . ltw tttVJtllllUk IMIO 4lltVV About $Zb,ouu to be txpena I ed in Work in Six Road Districts of County. Tho Coos county court adjourned Saturday to meet again the 2Sth of this month, at which time bids will bo recelvod for certain road work, money having accumulated for lm I provoments In six districts as fol lows: District No. 10 $1850.34 District No. 12 3320.54 District No. 17 1912.84 District No. 19 Til 00.00 District No. 2(5 2042.28 District No. 30 9721.3G Improvement funds ork considerably but has been that progress BARGAINS "lluyB ranch Coos 'River; location l.iPt. rich Boll: bottom land alono worth moro than tho price asked for tho whole; terms if desired. "SEE P.EID AI30UT IT." Per aero buys one of tho best ranch bar. Bulno ovor offered on Cooi Day; orchard, garden, house outbuildings and stock n. eluded In this price; loca tion, Coos Illver, this sldo of tho Forks; terms. "SEE KEID ABOUT IT." C7Qn Ul,ys n new mod 4 I uU crn four-room bun. gnlow on Improved strcot; city water and electric lights; tortus. "SEE REID AHODT IT." Huys lovol lot, cleared for build ing. Street grading and lm. provomonts Includod. $25 down.balanco $10 per month. "SEE REID ABOUT IT." W. A. REID 150 Front Street. $185 In securing n rollef map of tho Coos Day harbor and industries to bo used In connection with our exhibit nt San Frnnclsco. nnd bo It further n.i. , .. ., ... . ill hol I m, or V,w? ,.,S' .l ' i i tl0UH' Th0 afrnl1 W,,B ",Ior ' ?J. "!" . nl .c.?f. of l.h0 L!l.(N rcctlon of tho committed of ladles. vo ii.-i.i-iiii,, .UMIIilLIVU 111 IIIU 'all bids for ropalrlng tho Court ere submitted, tho lowest being for $1141.71 by Chas. Mathesou. rooms of tho Mllllconin Club, preccd- wlves of Shrlners. headed by Mrs. ' A. T. Haines ns chairman, assisted "Resolved. That a man ho employ- Ing which tho Coos Hay Concert Hand .V. p o naruult Mrs c i" cd at onco to devote his cntlro time will render n concert nt tho corner McKnlRht "m A L iVatiKnwnrtii to gnthorlng n fitting exhibit of tho or Second nnd Market streets. nn,l Mrs A II Old ley uauf,owo"" Industries nnd resources of the snld The following Is the list of mom- The occasion was n dollghtful ono , '.n, "l""1,i .... . "" will linger long In ,1C.11 v ' , l,n,,l,M't "W)r" WlnclicBtop. of all the participants, this A. h. Morton. Win. Longstnff, Dr. siBs Evelyn Andors .Mid "rtlOjC. E. Maybeo. C. F. MeKnlght, RVh Allot. assisted In id- D. L. Rood. E. S. Ilargelt, C. E. Con- district. Ooo. M. Hyland, H. O. Frohlmch nnd party, went to North Horn! this fUtcrnoon to IntofutJ. (North Ili'iul people In tho exhibit plan, and Inci dentally to vlow North. Hend'u points of intorestj CITIES SHOULD WORK TOGETHER llenj. V Sheldon, vhe-preldent of the Medforil Commercial Club Is among tho visiting ShriuerH. Mr. Sheldon has been Identified with the publicity work that has put tho Jtogm River Valley ho prominently nn tho map, the liut effort being the drafting, with a cominUslou of twenty-one prominent Medfonlltes, of a modern. (Ity-munnKor-fonn of city charter for that city. .Mr. Sheldon aUo Intltlatel and noipoii to carry tliroiiKh the niowt for orKiiiiUIng the three couiitfoM of Josophlne, Jackson and Klamath lu . to a league for promoting nnd ad vertising the many scenic attrac tions of that region, such as Crater Lake, Marble Hull, Klamath Luke. Ashland Sprluiu. Nutuuil llildun nnd ninny other. The spirit that has been found no auiTi'wftil In ilmt unction has had for ll text "co oporntlon." "At prokout." htntod Mr. Sheldon, "our county U fiut learning tho vnliio of working harmoniously with Its iielghborii for matters of mutual concern. We note that In that way wo get result. CeogrRphUally end climatically Southern OreKou Is a section off by lu.df. It has railed to gut Its Just denerts borntiM it has boon n house divides I against luolf. Hut Jucksoii, like Coos County, I weeing the light. "I am delighted to seo the many offdcmctt of piogrcM and business activity along thlw Hay. Your good work is only commeiu'od. I can eo the spirit not only of Southern Oregon, but of Mliuiwipoll, wheio I lived twenty-five yonrs, traus plnntod here." Mr, Sholdon Is particularly Inter ciitod In the move to ro-opou the State Normal School at Ashland. Tho measure to that end has boon reforrcd to the people by tho Legis lature. That It Is needed Is ovi doncod from the fact that eighty or tho applicants ror toasters cor ilflratOH iu this state last year had received no odmntlon nbovo tho eighth grado. The committeo hav ing in chnrgo this move Is composed of prominent cltlzons of the seven counties of Southern Oregon Doug. IUb, Coot), Curry, Josephluo, Jackson, Klamath and Lake, Anderson nnd Miss serving. E 6 nor, Hammers, .1. M. Wright. O. I. Relgard, A. H. (lid ley, A. Farley. .1. .1 Clliikeuheard, O. Illbnrger, Carl Evertsen, Jo', n Houseman, W. J. Rust, James Watson, F. Alclatn, E. L. RobliiHon, E. K. Jones. O. W. Wel stead, Don (lardlnor, Claude Niisbiirg, Win. Leach, C. M. C'aton, C. M. Hyler, F. K. Allen. '. II. Marsh, (!, w, Kauf man. H. Lockhart, S. C. Small, Orvll Dodgo, C. s. Wlnsor. F. A. Haines, ('. W. II. Menrs. J. S. Hansen, L. .1. Simpson. .1. W. Dennett. Dr. II. E. Hurmelster, R. H. Rosa, .1. . Mllner, Dr. (. W. Tower. E. A. Anderson, II. W. Olseu. 11. W. Painter. Davis. W F. Miller, Col. Win. Crimes. Chas. Min iiuyn. Albert Seiig, (ieo. Murch. uiis iirown. a. i. navis. Dr. Dlx. W. V. Douglass. (Iran uaiue. .ioiiii Mall. Dr. A. L. House worth. Patrick Hennessey. A. Ln Roiicho. (Jeorge l). Mnndlgn. T. .T. Miicgetiii. John T. McOiiirc. A. O. Rogers. Joe Schilling nnd J. A. Mat-sou. m TURNS TURTLE Mr. and Mrs. Maxey of Ash land Have Narrow Escape in Auto Accident. Local Musical Organization Will Provide Entertainment at Second and Market. This evening the Coos Uny Concert Hand will give an open-air concert nt tlie corner of Second and Market streets tor the entertainment of tho ninny visitors to Mnrshflold. The program 'will be ns follows: March, Suffragettes Llberntl Overture, Norma Holllnl (a) Scurf danco. from Ballot Sym phonlnue, Cllllrlloo. .Chamlnndei (b) Variation, from Hallet Sym-I hlmntnnn "Ml 1 ltl lsn nlintitlnnln (c) Tho Charmer ... Chaiulnado Piccolo solo, Sparrows . . . Jean rot Selection, Lucrezla lorgla I Donulzettl Quni-tetto from Rigoletto . . . Verdi Selection, Sweethearts .... Herbort Star Spangled Runner. ' WHO'S WHO. I TJ.o following curd, worn bv ' prominent Surluer, is koU-cx-lilauiitur,v: "I am I Noble Staph', a member nf ! Stunt Committee. Illllah Temple I Pay no heed to anything I say ! or do. If yon do know how to back down easily. Who In the Dickens are vou? ! P. S.- -I like the town fine i wish I'd got hero w)onor. 1 Joj-rlclcus apply to vmy wife. Lucky Blnrs aro shining hrluht In Ceorco ,,et,clt Hlill fr the Shrlnors In the i n v present conclave. Tho escape of ,ti,.i ,., .. .-14MI'D llllll filll 111 u Ixtjy-foot fall near Rosoburg was duplicated yesterday when the car of W. L. Maxey of Ashland turned turtle In a tumble over n thirty-foot em bankment Bovon miles holow Port Orford, nnd both Mr. and Mrs. Mon ey escaped with but slight Injuries to Mrs. .Maxey. Mr. nnd Mrs. Maxoy wore among the Ashland tourists making the trip In their own auto. While on tho road south of Port Oroford the em bankment gave way and the auto plunged over, completely turning ov er and throwing Mr. and Mrs. Maxey. but almost by u miracle both escaped wlrhout Injury except some slight bruise and a kovero nervous shock Tho'ear'was taken out and thev W. H. Meredith Tells Of DcVCl proceeded on their way, arriving li oumeilt ill CUITV Cniintv .Mils moid tills inoi'iiinir. .. .. --"" UNION MADE CLOTHES We have at last succeeded in getting a fine line of Union Made Clothes for men. Shipment just received and now on display in our windows. Prices range from $15:00 - $18.00 $20.00 Every Suit good value and every Suit has the Union Label and is guaranteed by the makers and ourselves. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU FIXUP Marshfield TWO STORES North Bend MTTI.K (i HA INS OF SAND. onncDccc in ? C PERSONAL MENTION Many New Settlers. Hot aspluilt paving rather than burning sands got the goat of Dor bey Kroluor, O. 11. Hinsdale. Carl i nuKeiiiionni ana Dr. r. h. Walter, who were deputized to do tliolr share as good citizens and Shrlnors In mak ing a clean city by swooping tho btieets this afternoon. Instead of tho regulation whlto-wlug uniforms,; imun-i, uiu.v wore convict stripos and all wore agreed that their con viction was a good thing for clean streets. J. C. Poor, of Ashland. Is an engi neer on the Southern Pacific and proved that he is also a good nuto t'UKiiifur, as uu Diougut nis car through without accident. He Is ac companied by Mrs. Poor. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Wlnne are among the arrivals from Ashland. Wlnne says ho won her by bolng win some, nut tneir menus say that sho is more winsome than Wlnne, An Interesting incident last oven- W. H. Meredith, district attorney for Curry county. Is in the city to day as one of the "travelers" ncrosss the "dosert." In an Intoi-vlew with i The Times, he says, however, that ho MRS. II. L. OROFF, of lmndon, was a business Msitor on the Hay to day. BYRON HOLCOMB, of Hnstslda, was hopes to return to Curry after tho MidSuammar Sal For Wednesday, Thursday and Friday you will find a great many Tempting Bargins awaiting you here. -Good grade blue denim, the 50c kind, -Various colors, pretty floral de- ii business sitor In Marshfield today. COUNTY CLERK JAMES WATSON was a MarshfloUl visitor from Co- initio this week. .MRS. F. T. BARTON of North Bend wont to Mrtlo Point this afternoon to visit her father. trip" is over, for there is Inreo de velopment work going on down thero and "boosters" aro needed. Ho says that Curry county will Join honrtlly with Coos In an exhibit at tho Exposl-' lion, and believes that theso two' counties will In tho next few years mnko far greater progress than any other part of Oregon. ' Many now sottlers are coming Into Curry nnd making homes. Tho Mac leay Estate Company, which bought, out the Hume properties on the uogtio niver. are selling off small tracts of land to actual sottlers on easy payments and oncournglng de velopment thore In overy way possl- llltt. ill tlin l.lttt ulv mnnMi.. .....1.. A Select Non.SccijrunBoitding ondl Day Schoo families have bought small tracts" lerBoyi. Military Diicipline;SmIICIc; Met near Cold Beach and aro clearinc the lund and making quite a showing ior improvement. Tho Roamer from tho Sluslnw and tho Rustler from Curry county are expected in tils evening B&" HILL MILITARY ACADEMY Teicheii. Careful unerviiion ihufm mnhi tk. I are not attained eliewhere. Send (or catalcf "PORTLAND, OREGON)' The catch of salmon on the Rogue! Hoys' Overall special ladles' Pretty Dust Caps signs, specially priced . IdildcV Brassiere: Perfect fitting, trimmed In laces nnd, embroidery, nil markod down 7.1c, flOc nnd Ladles' Pad I lose Supporters Somo satin, others mode, various colors, values to 35c, special Linen mid Damask Tabic Cloths Two to 2V6 yards long, beautiful pattorns, all marked down, $1.05, tjil.150, $1.23 nnd Hoys Swimming Tights Hoys' (,'ood (ii-ndu Bathing Suit Ladles' Word Two-Pieco Bathing Sulti Tho $5.00 qual- fl9 QC Ity, only tDJidli Men's $'00 Bathing Suits, only $'-50 .uens overall; Best quality, bluo and white stripes, the $1.00 kind, special. Wo nro still selling Men's 20-Cent Sov, with llneu heels and toes, in all tho latest shades, at. a pair Hod Ticking Blue nnd whlto stripes, tho 15c quality, only, n va ril ' ,.,,,,,, ,.....,..., I indies Cross Bar and Knibroldered Corner Handkerchiefs, values to Sc, only 7 for it1 38c 19c 35c 19c 98c . . .25C ...73c 79c 10c 9c 25c Satisfaction or Money Refunded THE FAIR Central Avenue Next Door to Chandler Hotel j& il" "nrii'i at.auHyfiUMfii inTi tfrr.i 'j