ma -ASw ttttuufiuii itXSAi NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM AND PARTICULARLY IN A PERSON'S HFAD (&txm Sag VOl'lt OPPORTUNITY fc ho srcat purchasing power of thls, , in niacins your ndvertls r,0Th holco of media of sue g;fulThmerSna IS TUB TIMKS. family cinaiii-s iikaciiki with every copy of this medium. Have your advertisement read br the Homo Community regularly, bo that they will know you. Bo In troduced HY TIIK TIMKS. MKM1IKU Or TIIK ASSOCIATED I'RKSS KsfnlilMiert 1878 as Tlio Const Mnll. VOL XXXVII. MAHSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1914. EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos liny Advertiser No. 23. MAY HAVE N NAVAL FIGHT NEAR SAN FRANCI aTtmfl I SCO ECKAGE OF BRITISH VESSEL ALY HATES TRIPLE ALLIANCE GERMANS CONTINUE VICTORIOUS WASHED ASHORE AT SAN FRANCISCO All Woodwork of Vessel in Excellent Condition, Denoting That Demolishing Was of Recent Date Brass Work Was Freshly Scoured and Paint in Good Condition. EVIDENCE OF FLOTSAM INDICATES tV VESSEL WAS WRECKED BY EXPLOSION Two Sloops, Algerine and Shearwater, and Cruiser Rainbow Known to Be in Vicinity of San Francisco Thought to Be Wreck of One of the Former Vessels. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug, 1 1, A critical examination of the flotsam cast up from some British, warship showed beyond Question that it had been splintered and torn loose by an explo sion, One door panel bore the appearance of having been tod by a shell, A German cruiser, believed to be either the kmborg or Leipzig, was sighted off here this morning and it s supposed she sunk the British warship, More wreckage from the British vessel which today is established to have been a man-of-war was cast up by the early flood tide in the neighborhood of the South Shore Life saving Station, Two white wooden cabin doors were found, bearing bright brass plates, one with the legend "Navigating Officer and the other "Gunner," LIKU UIU llUldtllll IUUIIU Ictdl IllfclU III luu auinu nuiftiiuuiiiuuii, all the woodword is in excellent condition,. the paint bright and I the brass worn iresniy scoureci, snowing mai u nau ueen in salt water only a few hours, There was nothing, however, to hdicate the identity of the vessel, The British cruiser Rainbow, which left here Saturday, was sighted yesterday near Point Reyes, steaming northward, The only other British warships known to bo on the Pacific Coast are the sloops-of-war Alger ine and Shearwater, A lock engraved "G, Bugmore, 1980," and a heavy brass catch stamped "Patent Leeds, 1890," were fastened to the doors, It is possible that the wreckage may nave ueen tnrown overuoam wnen mo vessel was pieparmg io go into action, but Captain Gronbccj of the lifesaving station ' thinks that the physical evidence points to an explosion, 1 1 (Bv Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) f SAN FRANCISCO, Aug, 11, Bolts and fittings were not only torn out from their seats in the wreckage washed up, but In one instance the brass runner of a sliding doo.r was twisted into knots, Iron reinforcement two indies wide was snapped in two, The lifesaving guards say they heard firing out at sea- niuuy, u is uenoveu mai me ciesuoyeu waisiup wci& inu British sloop-of-war Shearwater, which started north from San Diego August 3, (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times) LONUUN, Aug, 11, According to the Morning Post, the relations between Austria and Italy are becoming more strained, Italy already has demanded an explanation of the bombardment of the establishment of the Puglia Company at Antivaria, Montenegro, over which the Italian flag floats, KING OF BELGIUM TAKES PERSONAL PART. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) BRUSSELS, Aug, 1 1, King Albert arrived here during the night from the general headquarters of the Belgian army at Louvain, to the northwest of Liege, He passed several hours in conference with the Belgian Minister of War, after which a meeting of the Cabinet Council was held, AUSTRIAN TROOPS INVAUt RUSSIA. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bav Times,) LONDON, Aug, 1 1, A Central News dispatch from Vienna says Austrian troops have occupied Miechow, in Russian Pol and, ten miles within the border, after defeating a body of Cossacks, whose losses are given as 400 killed and wounded, while the Austrian casualties are report as 140, HOLLAND WILL MAINTAIN NEUTRALITY. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) LONDON-, Aug, 11. A dispatch from Brussels says that the Germans are massing large forces of troops on the Dutch frontier, Replying to questions, the Dutch Minister to Belgium declared that whatever happened Holland would maintain her neutrality unswervingly, IN CAMPAIGN AROUND LIEGE Superior Force of Germans Cause Allied Forces of French, British and Belgians to Fall Back German Arm ' Entrenching in Northern Part of Country. BRITISH GOVERNMENT ESTABLISHES BUREAU OF MILITARY INFORMATION CAN ACCEPT NO MORE SAILINGS August Frizeen, Local Agent of Trans-Atlantic Lines Is Or dered Not to Sell Tickets HUITISII OltDCIlS STOP PASSKXOKIl HAI LINOS. llr AMO'Ulft! I'rrM to Co llijr Tlinn.) LONDON. Auk. 11-TI'o Irrlt IbIi Admiralty has cancelled the sailings of thn Allen Lino steam ers AlHatlan, Victorian nnd Cor slcnn and will use thoso vessels to transport troops and supplies, presumably from Canada to Kuropo. REBELS TAKE MEXICO CITY Mazatlan Evacuated by Fed erals Rebels Occupy Ma zatlan and Mexico City. tnr AnodtJ rrm to Coo n, TIrim. ON UOAItU U. S. S. CALIFORNIA. Mazatlan. Auk. 11. Tlio evacuation of Mazatlan by tho Fodoral garrison and its occupation by tho Constitu tionalists forces wuh completed Inst night. Tho city Is (inlet and perfect order Is maintained. MKXICO (MTV KVACL'ATKD. Instructions wero given to cancel nil reservations made and to dispose of no more. How long the order will stand Is, of course, Indefinite. What effect this will havo on for eigners In this 'country who doslro to return homo to enlist In tholr na tions' armies Is uncertain, but It Is probnblo that n recent order of Government officials at Washington will permit them to return on trans ports from Atlantic points, provided tlioy carry no arms and nro not In uniform. GKKMAXS (JO TO ITALV. GERMAN WARSHIP SIGHTED CLOSE IN. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug, 1 1, A German warship with three Stacks and twn militarv masts was sighted outside the Golden Gate this morning, Taken in connection witli the finding of the !SW & -1X7 .nTE flotsam from a British warship, her presence has significance. ..jmrffteond m- AUTHORITIES THINK IT WAS NOT RAINBOW. ' n (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,), OTTAWA, Ont,. Aug, 1 1 , The naval office here thinks the wreckage cast up by the tide at San Francisco was not from the cruiser Rainbow, but possibly from the Shearwater or Algerine, BRITISH VESSEL SIGHTED AT NEW YORK. ,n,.(By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,; NEW YORK, Aug, 1 1 , A British cruiser, believed to be he tssex, appeared at the entrance of New York harbor this morning, She was sighted off the islands of Sandyn Hook about 10:30, apparently bound in, but when within a mile and a naif of the bar she abruptly changed her course and steamed eastward, GERMAN PRISONERS TAKEN TO SIBERIA. t i?J Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) .. ST, PETERSBURG, Aug, 1 1, A telegram from Vilna says that six carloads of German prisoners passed through that city this morning on the way to the interior of Russia, Four wound fa German officers were taken to a Vilna hospital, n CREPE GIVES WAY TO FESTOONS. n (By Associated Press to The Coos' Bay Times,) . PARIS, Aug, 11, Crepe festoons which for forty years Have hung from the monuments of the city Strassburg, capital Ji Alsace-Lorraine, were torn down today and replaced with 'lowers and palm branches, while a tricolored sash was draped about the figure, CUNARD LINER MAKES SAFE PASSAGE. Mr(?y Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) , , , NEW YORK, Aug, 1 1 , The Cunard liner Lusitania, which eft here last Wednesday for a dash across the Atlantic, reached Fastnet, 300 miles from Liverpool, this morning, ' n k GERMAN LOSSES HEAVY. i mrSy Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) LONDON, Aug, 1,1, A pews dispatch from Brussels says It is officially announced that the German Joss in Belgium in the recent fighting was 2000 dead, 20,000 wounded and 9700 prisoners, in, AKMUtM Trni la Coal m, TIim.1 WASHINGTON. I). C Auk. 11. Orders to stop booking passengers'; K.'i1, hi,,,,pnJln.'!t "'l'0 hnBi J" for Kuroponn Hteamshlp lines have l''l that Carranza haa been ndvls- beon received by August Frizeen, f" .V"",,"'"" Y'V nua uvuuuuieu local agont for tho Cunard, Whlto ''' tho, 1-edorals today. Star, Red Star, Anchor, Loyland and :,"" '""''. ,, " 7, l".u ' " . Atlantic lines plying between tlio tnt I'roylsloiial President Cnrbajal a timitic Rnnlinnnl ami tho continent. I !rt 0'' or Cruz as tho evacuation Mr. Frizeen had previously ro-j"eBnn celved Information that unsottled conditions in Kuropo might mnko -I XKWH IIAItl) TO KT. Itlghl (Yusoi-hlilii nnd Wire I Trimbles IH'luy Meswiges. 1)7 Awaclitxl Pre., tu coo. I)r TIuim.J I NEW YORK. Aug. 11. Kdl I tor Coos Day Times: Advices to I tho Associated Press state that I an Increasingly rigid censorship I Is being Imposed on nil matter I from Brussels, This Increases I tho delay on such dispatches as I nro allowed to come through I the French Cabto Company, I which, except those with termln I nls In tho British Isles, Is tho on I ly direct lino to Kuropo now In I oporntlon, haa given notice of a I congestion on Its lines such that all messages aro subject to n do lay of 48 hours. There la ah- I solutely no direct conimunlcn I tlon with Germany or Austria. I Tho Associated Press is mnk I lng every offort to communlcato I with Germany by wireless, I Thcso conditions obscure what I has actually transpired within M. K. Stone. Cnn Not Secure Passage on Ships to (eriiuiuy. (Bjr AitodtteJ Prr. Io Coot IHjr Time.. NKW YORK. Aug. 1 1. A handful of the thousands of Gonnnn reservists bottled up In New York becnuso there aro no German ships to take thorn hnnip. Kfillnil tndni' for N'anlos nn the Italian liner Ancona. They were tho! I Mo military zone, first German reservists to leave since j tho commencement of hostllltltes. Most of them are officers In tho Gor man army and aro trusting to luck to find their way home from Naples,1 BODY OF GIRL FOUND TODAY (Djr Auocltted I'rtti to Coot Oar Timet. SCHULBR, Neb., Aug. 11. Tho mutlllated body of Miss Louise Mick, tho 18-year-old girl who was taken from her homo Sunday night by a kidnapper, was found today cornfield north of Schuyler, CHINESE ASK FOR PROTECTION Japan Would Give No Satis faction Attitude Depends Upon England. (Dr Astoclitfrl rr to Com I)7 Times.) LONDON, Aug. 11. A Peking cor respondent says that Japan, reply ing to China's request of Japan and In a the United states to protect China Tho "om the warlike activities of tho vnnne woman had. been beaten to other nations, has stated that her at death with a club. Frank Heldt, a tltudo depends on tho result of tho farm laborer, has been arrested. Miss British campaign. The time Is not Mick was taken from her bed and ripe to consider China's proposal, It carried away after her mother and Is said. Tho United States avoided aunt had been bound with wire. committing herself. Reports Say That 120,000 Germans Are Concentrated Around City of Liege Bombardment Proceeding Without Interruption German Provinces Join in War. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) ! The situation around Liege remained unchanged today. The Germans held the town itself, but the principal forts were reported to be still fighting strongly, The German main army, in the north is reported to oe entrenching itself on Ourthe, while two large divisions of cavalry have gone to Tongres, north of Liege, It is expected that a general advance is fii preparation ana a great battle imminent in which the Germans will be con tronteefby the allied armies of the Belgians, French and British 'I he French at Muelhausen, Alsace, met with opposition after their occupation of that city, A superior force of Germans caused them to leave the town and take a position outside, where a fierce engagement was fought, but the details were not yet made public, Bulgaria is mobilizing all her forces with the announced intention of maintaining neutrality, United States diplomatic officials have assumed the task of looking after French interests in Austria and Austrian interests in France, The Russians have concentrated a considerable army in Finland, thus disposing of the German reports of landing a German army corps there, . n LARGER FORTS HOLDING OUT." , ( Bv Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) i. , r LONDON, Aug, 11, The now Admiralty and War Office Information Bureau established by the British government be gan work today, Reports were issued from there stating that fin nr m r.r.1 I !.n f.. ... -l!ll I. .1.1! ..i -111 3. il. uiu miiii,iKll liuku luilb WUie Mill IIUKIIIIg OUl, clllllOllgll 1110 smaller forts had been captured by the Germans, Tho bom bardment by the Germans was proceeding without intermis sion, The German attackers, who are constantly being rein forced, display great courage, It is said that 120,000 men or the German army are now engaged in the attack on Liege. Refugees from that city describe the conditions as terrible, Many houses have been burned, GERMANS TAKE ANOTHER BELGIAN CITY. , (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) LONDON, Aug, 11, A dispatch from Maastricht, Tho Netherlands, announces thaMhe Germans have occupied Ton- kios, a town ten mnes norm or Liege, i lie place was aban doned by the Belgians, The German engineers are engaged in constructing a second bridge across the river, n FRENCH FORCE GERMANS BACK. ' . (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) PARIS, Aug, 11, It was officially announced today that the French troops around Spincort in the Department of Meuse, have forced the German cavalry to retreat, although the latter were supported by artillery, The work of fortifying Luxemburg and South Metz has been completed by the Germans, n AUSTRIANS FLEE FROM RUSSIANS. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) ST, PETERSBURG, Aug, 11, The Russain general staff announces that Russian troops today dislodged a large body of Austrian. troops from their entrenchments near the village of Zalptche, in Austrian Galacia, The Russians sabered a section of the Fifteenth Austrian Infantry, while the Thirteenth Austrian Lancers and Thirty-third Austrian Landwehr fled in disorder, FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) PARIS, Aug, 1 1 .Arrangements have been made to de posit $100,000 in gold at Berne, Switzerland, and $20,000 each in Vichy and Aix Les Bains for the benefit of -Americans holding letters of credit or other banking documents, PROVINCES ENGAGE IN WAR. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) . THF HAGIIF. Allff. 1 1. A mvnl rlpnron fnrlnw nmnfalmarl i state of war in the Dutch nrnvlnnrs nf I lmhnrr. Nnrth Rrahnnt. Zeeland and some parts of Gelderland, south of the River WaaL AKMY OFFICER KILLED. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) PARIS, Aug, 1 1, Lieutenant Baron Marschall Von Bieber steifi, son of a former GermantAmbassador at Constantinople, was killed in the fight near Genaville in the French Department of Meurthe-Et-Moselle, August 5, GERMAN STEAMER AT BOSTON. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) BOSTON, Aug, 11, The German steamer Koln arrived here from Bremen today, having eluded four British cruisers during the voyage, BATTLE PROGRESSING INSIDE FRENCH BORDER. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) LONDON, Aug, 11, An official announcement from Paris says that engagements have taken place between the German and French troops at Longwy, just inside the French border. M IHB A, TTrTTzrnrrj33 rf t-iim mnkw wm'iVVWSJUA .'H w ?$? " i