SKhmnhu iG THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1914. EVENING EDITION. FIVE & Si 1 i. ." wn ; win "'.31, D MILL Rem, KWlttti ship tiin Ulrjlm. i nil iw...' -i, Ut m an 'rvice I s. 'VhtiaJ "wsenp- M irelesj, wnic rv r 5J i Get a lot more than your money s worth mr nlwavs do in n 1-TnW. RnliiilTiiftr & Marx Y suit, but right now there's still a bigger clmiice tO prOllt. IVU VU uumc ira Bu"li wuulra "" . t.. fm. vmi hv vrliu'inn t.lio nriws on flin a urcatcr wiiu i- - j o i - goods we received this spring. you'll help us to get ready for a big fall display; you'll help yourself to a heap of added value. These prices will give you an idea as to the money saving here. $30.00 Men's Suits $19.85 $27.50 Men's Suits $17.85 $25.00 Men's Suits $15.85 $20.00 Men's Suits $12.85 $18.50 Men's Suits $11.85 $15.00 Men's Suits $10.85 $10.00 Boys' Suits $7.15 $9.00 Boys' Suits.. $6.1 5 $7.50 Boys' Suits.. $5.85 $6.50 Boys' Suits.. $4.85 $5.50 Boys' Suits.. $3.85 $5.00 Boys' Suits.. $3.45 BLUES AND BLACKS 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT DARK STAPLE WORSTEDS.. 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT Woolen Mill Store BREVITIES AUGUST TIDES. Dolow Is given tho tlmo nnd holght of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd holghts on tho Bccond lino of ench day; a compar ison of cousccutlvo holghts wJtl lu dlcato whothor It Is high or low water. For high wator on tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. 10 Hrs.. 4.(16 10.58 0.28 11.37 Ft... n.X 0.8 5.C 1.2 11 Hrs., G.38 11.24 G.G8 0.0 Ft... 4.7 1.3 5.C 0.0 p WEATHER FORECAST I (Br AnacltleJ Pkm 10 Coot Utj Time. OREGON Fair and warmer In unst; northerly winds. IA)CAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m.. August 10, by llenj. Ostllnd, special government mo teorologlst: Maximum 70 Minimum 47 At 4:43 ii. m 48 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1913 GC.C4 Precipitation samo period last year G4.81 Wind: Northwest; cloar. Council Tonight Tho Marshflold City Council will meet tonight to take up various matters, Including the Pino street matter. Swedish Mi-vtlng. Preaching ser vice In tho Swedish laiiRuaue on Tuesday night thla week at 8 o'clock in tho HaptlBt church. All Scnndl unvlniiB are Invited. Build Now Home. Goo. Snyder Is building u bungalow on the lots ho purchased recontly at Hay Park. This Is ouo of many new homes go lug up In that vicinity. HiiiiU'i-n Ih'iiw. Job. Wynne, A. E. Ulonsop and Claude Tucker left yesterday for Curry county, where they expect to secure a load of venison. manager and Mr. Sheldon will bo commercial representative. C. B. Landers, who has been connected with Supt. Miller's office here, will probably succeed Mr. Sheldon here, making n decided promotion for him. Potatoes Poor. Carl Albrecht Is In from his ranch boyotul Myrtle Point to attend the Council meeting and look nfter business. He Bays that the potato crop will not be up to the average and that In many places cutworms aro liaising havoc with them. He has about fifteen ncrcs on his ranch and although a llttlo moro rain would have been beneficial, ho expects a fair yield. A dairyman Is negotiating for the pur chase of Mr. Albrecht's 1"G acres. Mr. Albrecht expects to roturn to town to llvo about Soptomber 1. FRUIT JARS We have n complete line of all Fruit Jars, Caps and Rubbers. See I's For Prices. HUNTERS, NOTICE! We hnvo a nice lino of tho Copier Itlfles for this season latest patterns. Also Ammunition, Hunting Knives and a full lino of Sporting Goods. Schroeder & Hildenbrand HARDWARE AM) PLUMBING. f KNOW if ABOUT ft; H. C. DIERS of North llond was a Marshflold visitor today. 5101 MUCH BRINGS $6,000 W. II. MORGAN of Daniels Creek spent tho day In Marshflold. G. A. UltOWN Is here from tho Wag ner ranch for a short stay. LOUIS WIRTII of Coos IUver wa8 a Marshflold visitor this morning. A. ALEXANDER left this morning on a business trip to Itoseburg. LOUIS GORR and wire spent Sunday with friends on South Coos River. GEORGE CLIFFORD went to Myrtlo Point today for u two weeks' stay. CLAY CHURCH, of tho Owl Drug Store, spent Sunday with friends at Coqulllc. C. M. Anderson of South Marshfield Buys Fine Prop erty on North Coos. C. M. Anderson of South Marsh- field has closed a deal for tho pur chaso of tho Alfred Stora ranch on North Coos River and will take pos session of the place this week. Tho Stora ranch consists of 1C0 acros, of which about forty acres aro bottom and bench land. Thero Is a flno orchard on the place. Tho price was ?G000. t4lfl!l91 Mr. Anderson has been living near Seventh and Ingcrsoll and 1b a bro-ther-In-lnw of August Carlson, who Iiob a flno ranch on North Coos River. M KILLED By Ml lASintD FOUND LOST Combined paper cutter mill magnifying glass, about 7 Inches long. Finder please return to Henry Sengstncken. I FOUND ti gciitlomeii'x I'witN, nt dnnco pavilion Wednesday night. Owners may hnvo same nt bar ter's Confectionery. Plan Trip. Win. arlmca and wife, Dr. Houseworth nnd wlfo and prob ably Dorsey ICroltzer and wlfo will leavo soon for Curry county, whoro they will enjoy an outing and hunt ing trip. To Port land for Treatment. Dr. Molvln, practitioner at Lakeside, de parted this morning via tho Marsh-ilfld-Koscburg auto lino for Port luud, where he will take a course of treatment for a serious affliction to his nose. DUNCAN FERGUSON wob tho guest of Sidney Clarke nt Camp One ov er Sunday, MISS LUCY J US! A left for Coqulllo this morning for a few days' visit with friends. FRANK SMITH took tho train to Myrtlo Point this mornlug to work on tho railroad. A. E. SEAMAN accompanied by Drlnkhorst of Portland, went Uandou today on business. MRS. NORA STARNS of Salem Is In tho city, a guest at tho homo of Mrs. J. E. WasBon. JOE FOSSE, an omployo In tho log ging camp at Couledo, went back to work this morning. Suigv Dejwrturt'H. Those depart ing on the Marshfleld-Kosoburg auto Htago were O. W. Thompson, Joo Clausen, Wm. Nnglo, Dr. Melvln, Carl Davis, E. A. Aasen, A. Alexander, Miss Cliulte, and Mlsa Mary Car berry. Clii-M'ii Daughter. Tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loud I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I mm mi iuw.,, y1 'ZlSSi . roil HKXT modem houso nw High School. Call nt 331 First Street North. Fouith street and Highland nvc., I near Central School House and Front streot and Market nvc, Mon day, August 3. Kindly leavo at this office. Reward. Father MeDovItt. Eileen Mary was the iiiiiuo conferred upon her nnd her nuut, Miss Mary Cnrbcrry, was tho sponsor. rOK RKXT .Vroom cottngo on l'OUND Fifth itreet South. Inqulro at Ek Mid's Hardware. FOR RENT FOK HKXT Ih-slrable front room for one or two gentlemon, for $8 oil 110. Inquire nt Times office FOK KENT Funilhjiwl npiirUiiont owr Nasburg's Grocery. Apply at .Vuburg's Grocery. FOK KENT Furnished hoiihekeep" Ing rooms. 1024 Elrod. FOK RENT Largo house on 12tli Court South. Phono 119-L. FOK REXT Modern 5-room, fur nijned lioute, close in, for two months. No children. DG7 South "h. Phone 75-L. FOR HKXT Furnished bungalow. quire Mrs. Farrlnger. Phono 386-J, Hand pulntod descent Itvtuiii fi-om Carnival. CheBtor, Wolcott, his futher and mothor, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wolcott, returned lifAnat iln ntifl lilnnlr ae liuttnn nt limit iinnm. Ownnr mn havo last evening from n four-day vlalt to snmo by Identifying thorn at the rori urioru nnu uurry couuiy poiuw. Times office. t A. D. Wolcott was a pioneer of Port . i Orford, building ono of tho first bus- WANTED Htenognipher, fiimlllur iness housos thoro. This was his with lumber business. Apply Coob first visit thoro since leaving, thirty Day Manufacturing Co., North two years ago. Ilend. T" ,.,. n, vil in t-oiuiiiiu. tviu. uuuuu, MRS. E. II. LBMIEUX Is homo from n week's outing ut Itho Harvey, camp nt Sacchl Beach. CARL DAVIS, of tho C. A. Smith Company, loft tnls morning on a business trip to Drldgc. MR8. E. MOELLER took tho train for Coqulllo today for a visit with her mother, Mrs. G. R. WIckham. MISS CLARKE, the Central avenue milliner, dopnrted this morning for San Francisco, whoro Bho hnd business. M E. A. AASEN returned to his homo in Conulllo this morning after spondlng Sunday with friends In Marshflold. WANTED DrossmnldiiK nnd plalu foroman or smun-roworB- unmp uno sowing, houso to houso. Phone on South Coos Rlvor, was In Marsh rjn.j I field Saturday ovonlng and while . ' horo Informed friends thnt ho had 3E-- . I married a Portland young woman i last Juno, while away on his vacation trip, but had kept tho nuptials secret ' from his friends for n time, i . TSe Royal TONIGHT Tho House of Illg Features. JUDGE WM. COLVIO, a prominent attorney of Jackson County, Is a visitor in Marshflold attending tho Shrinors' festivities. MR. AND MRS. C. G. MAGNUS and children will leavo Thursday for Reno Washington, where they will visit friends. Geo. W. Loggic Says City Is Shaping Up for Metropolis That Is to Be. "I find a great Improvomont In Marshfield," remnrked Goo. W. Log gte, tho millionaire lumberman of Uclllnghntn, Wash., who Is horo on n brief business visit for the first tlmo in Eovornl years. "Your town is beginning to take form and shnpo ltsolf Into tho city that Is certain to bo built on Coob Hay Bomo day," Mr. Logglo con tinued, "and I am glad to soo It." "Marshflold and North Ilend will ho ono city some day and tho soonor this fnct Is rccognlzod and accepted tho bettor It will bo for both places." Speaking of buBlnosu conditions, Mr. LokkIo said that whllo tho lum ber mnrkot was In bad shape, Del- llngham Is enjoying her shnro of prosperity. Whllo horo Mr. Logglo Is vltlsttig nls urotuor, ueorgo w. Logglo of North Ilend, nnd Mrs. Logglo's mother, Mrs. Mary Mc Knlcht. In Marshflold. tho Marshflold peoplo who took In tho Elks' ball gamo In Dnndon yoBtorday. MISS MARY CAItriERRY loft this morning via tho Marshflold- Rose burg auto stago lino, for her for mer homo In Eugene, nfter visiting Bomo tlmo nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Loud In Marshfield. 'R RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 095 First and Dlrch. Pnoue J 3 9. J FOR SALE A Stirring Story of tho Western Gold Fields, In Three Parts. Tho story of n Plucky Girl's Fight for tho Own ership of a Gold Mine Throbs with Wholesomo Excitement. Miss Marion Leonard in "A LEAF IN THE STORM" In Three Tarts. FOR SAM-i'ast drhlng team, liar- ns and two-seated hack, reason at"e. E. S IJarzeo. North Bond. i iL? AL,T-1',,rnWlnK R-room at. Including furniture, rugs, ii. If ?n,d boMK. Inqulro Cur- J' Flat, Hunker Hill. County Road. rL S:V'1JllooH,,l,B houso iionr oiei. Phono 140-J. nni1' P"5AP2fl.foot cabin ...? ?' l?on enelne. big bargain, oest ranch boat on Bay. Inquire Nelson Iron Works. I HELP WANTED t WAXtui), WOMBS Sell gmTa wed hosiery to friends and nelgh "Ofsi 70 per cent profit; make "O dally. Experience unneces-"ry- International Mills, Box -3, West Philadelphia, Pa. To Uury lwtlier. Mrsl Idn Schultz, of Gaston, Oregon, arrived In Marshflold yesterday In response to n tolegrnni from Coroner Wilson toll ing of tho death of hor brother, Wm. Peterson. In tho Blanco Hotel on Wednesday evening. Tho funornl was held from the Wilson Under taking parlors at 2 o'clock this after noon, Rev. Bengtsou officiating, Find Hoy's Note. E. S. Bnrzeo and Frank Miller of North Bond, whllo at tho Beach at noon yesterday, picked up a bottlo that had just washed In over the bar. It contained . r . oi. ; wniiinnhnnil a io saying "wimam josopnson, An impressive Story of Womanhood Kmmett Co,n8 nnd Pnu, narg0it nrQ """'"","" i stranded without foou." TUero was n, in.. -n.v.K.w.1 LVniiii-os 0000 "ore t0 tno noto but tno m,)0r vaa Tho Big Three-Heel 1-eatures ouou watoraoakodt maj(ig tt Illegible. Tho toot, aii ow i,oy8 went down tho Bay yesterday ADMISSION. morning for the day and tossed out Lower Floor lBo Balcony 10c UlQ not0 for fuUt Hero Tomorrow Night Saw yUxny )eoI., Dr. Vaughn said Danlol Frohman presents John Bar- jnnt curry county was alive with rymoro, the Noted Star, In a Hilar- deer. Tho first ovenlng they spent near meir camp, ne ana rum ruiuiur ' saw seven flno ones out grazing In the moonlight. Ho said that they i had all secured tho limit when he left and about all that tho balance of tho party. George Rotnor, Harold , notnor. Frank Denning and Ford Painter could do was to "Jerk tho I venison." They had not heard a word about the war and he does not I think the party knows auout tt yet. To Arrow Lino It was stated hero ! that F. T. Sheldon, who had resign ed as Coos Bay agent of the Brenk ' water, would take a position with tho I Arrow Line in Portland. Tho Arrow line has Just' opened a branch office In Portland with W. M. Brown as MR. AND MRS. TOM HARVEY havo returned from a fortnight's uo Journ nt Sacchl's beach, where they had a most onjoyablo outing. I. SHROAT, genoral agent for tho Singer Co, at Eugene, Is spondlng his vucatlon on Coos Bay and mado a trip to tho beach yesterday. FRANK BIRCH and Otis Wilson re turned Saturday from a five-days' vacation trip through Coos and Curry counties, visiting Dnndon, Port Orford and Gold Bench. Ions Roll "AN AMERICAN CITIZEN" A Trans-Continental Romance Comedy and Intrigue. Hero Wednesday "JOAN OF ARC THE MAID ORLEANS" of OF MISS ETHEL CONNER Pianist. Permanently located in Marsh flold, will tako a limited num ber of pupils. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Room 310 Phono Oil Got n Door. Charles Curtis and W. F. McEldownoy aro homo from a short hunting trip to Beaver Hll, where they succeeded In getting a deer, but you will have to ask thorn to find which ono bagged tho gamo. C. MILTON PARSONS, stato repre sentative from Lnno county, Is horo from Eugono on business. Ho Is attorney for property owners on tho lower Sluslaw who nre combat ting tho Southorn Pacific to com pel It to build a new stretch of highway to replaco ono that they took for a right of way. lllK Crowd nt Shore Acres. Tho largest number of excursionists of tho season visited tho various beach es yesterday, over 200 visitors going to Shore Acres for tho day. Tho worst fog. of tho year somewhat spoiled the effect of n porfoct outing. TOM GOODALE. Festus Walter, L. G. Masters and Andy Erlckson re turned Saturday night from tho Tioga country, whoro they had been enjoying n short hunt. Thoy got ono small ono. Mr. Goodalo says thnt thoy reached that section a llttlo too lato, tho deer appar ently having migrated. Ho says thoro aro mnny bear and bob-cats in that section and this Is probably depleting tho big herds thoro. Thomas Winfield Victim of Ac cident at Harris's Camp on North Inlet. ' Thomas Wlnflold, a tlomakor em ployed at Harris' enmp on tho Song Btackon place, about two miles from the North Inlet landing, was Instant ly killed late Saturday attornoon by a tree falling on him, Winfield was a rocont arrival on tho Bny and had bcon employed at the camp only a day and a half. Ho and tho balanco of tho crow woro fighting a brush firo that broko out noar tho camp when tho accident occurred. Winfield was nlono at tho time. His companions heard tho big trco fall and wont back and discovered thnt ho had bcon pinioned benoatb It. They quickly unwed tho trco In two and released him, but llfo was extinct, his chest boing crushed in. Wlnflold was nbout fifty years old and had property at Granlto Falls, Wash., whoro he had recontly re sided. Whether ha has a family. Coroner Wilson has not bcon In formed. Snturday ovonlng when ha went for tho body, Coronor Wilson, got stranded on tho mud flats and was six hours reaching tho sccno of tho accident. Tho brush flro did not do much, damngo but Its Binoko attracted much, attention from town yesterday. IEN YEARlLD Gil Intercepted by Officers in Her Plans to See the World Returned to Her Home. "Alono In n Great City," or "A Waif's Wondorlngs," might bo tho tltlo of tho story of tho arrival in Marshflold last Saturday of llttlo Justlnla Houpman, tho 10-yonr-old daughter of L. II. Houpmatf, of Sura mr. Marflhflold was a groat city to llttlo Justlnla, who walked nearly litno miles, and when found In front of tho Chandler Hotol Saturday ov enlng by Agont T. B. Jamos of the Arrow Lino said sho was tired and sloopy and cold. Sho would not glvo nny Information concerning horsolf, but said she had supper, 'tho prlco for which sho mado by Belling pnporB. Mr. Jamea called Officer Waltor Richardson, who had boon previously notltlod by hor fa thor. Mr. Richardson took her homo nnd yestordny hor father carao nnd took hor homo, but not until little Justlnla had at least ono great adventure. II fillHS AWAY CLAY SMITH nnd fnmlly loft hero, today for Bandon, whero thoy will spend a couple of weoks enjoying their annual outing. They will make tho trip by prlvnto convey ance. Itoseburg Review. MISSES BLANCHE and Irono D'Ar- mond, of Myrtlo Point, passed, through hero this morning en routo homo, after a few days spent nt Portland nnd Oregon City. Itoseburg Review. j CARL W. EVERTSEN will leave In nl few days for a short outtng on Coos Rlvor. Later he will go to Portland to meet Mrs. Evortsen, who will roturn about Septomber 1 from her visit In Michigan. MR. AND MRS. D. Y. STAFFORD nnd Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Cattor lln and Mrs. Conrad were among 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY GRAND HEATRE O-NIGHT T A Splendid Program Including the Great Comedy Drama "LORD CHUMLEY" In Four Parts. DON'T MISS IT TONIGHT ALONG the WATERFRONT , Tho Daisy Putnam came In yester day attornon from San Francisco and discharged hor cargo of 2C0 tons of genoral merchandise today. She. Irndod box Bhooks nt tho North Bond Manufacturing Co.'a wharf and oft at 3 p. ni. Tho North Star brought In this morning from North Coos Rlvor, Dav ie Howard, N. II. Chandlor, Bteara Bhovolman for Hausor & Hausor. Mrs. E. Mnldo and William, Walters. Yesterday's excursion on tho Alort to Allegany was Bald to bo ono of the host of tho Boason, This morning sho brought In Mrs. J. II. Holmes and two children, Orval Baker, of Ash, Oregon, Frank Rood of Cooa Rlvor and John Grant of tho South Fork. I AMONG THE SICK I . Mrs. O. M. Wilson Is reportod ser iously ill nt tho homo of hor son, Fred WllBon. LAUNCH FREAK leaven every day nt l:;tO , in. for SOUTH Ooos ltlver. Docks nt CENTRAL AVENUE slip. NYAL'S Laxacold A laxative tablet treat ment for coughs, colds, r grippe, ralgia. headache and neu- Price 25c. qsujss wwm