yWfiir'n.'iji'Ui ' tWHPP. WM iii flfffl 3K(i! fslJii'ln'i' ' I if if !';: " .tt.i ' ' J ';.: i l!! m.'i.':,. I ? . 1 TMg oOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1914,-EVENIWG EDITION, r" . THREE ii , "wared IttiA. M. ""' - "uno Commutation nf TirkPtS $2.00 Li Tickets $2 t..i Antn Lino Mldd-No" i ' f , 0 H , "0. ', ". . .minutes from . .rr W" """i ' . ..-J2. KINO. ' rop. mM 1UK Jfl II H.hTu aen,'4l tfl 1 hon 3a AwRates for Handling Trunks m Hi Jfflt, , kiiti trunks botwocn uu h,U. . "hf.nlJ for tho follow- W. jTH,0"r livery to bo made Id ssir-.... -iiis " . . .ru kM-,t trunk" : ,1 trunks ... SjuTrwiteranaoiorajjc v. IjctI 1Mm". Prop. 120-J " " 1 1 ?J I Evnr. V Without dr' J'tione ls.80" J?!:Ps(linrJ 0J ia J- W. VVrfghl ..JMHUHMi. .fnwiei ( C 0. Gosney, ffi&t phone First ... tit mn kHIJlNEYS '";' UAU'" I n. DM Uioo ''.. V5,l,lr Wnrk at UrKa. S,.? niRht i.j .11 Work Guaranteed And all "" .., .. Inl.nonn Si! " Sccond st phono Frtacb RiDges. nonur yuih, rt. LAWRENCE IIOTKIj ff. hire a groat many Inquiries f ,crese and lots. If you will 111 u a real sacrlflco list your cptrty it the St. Lawrenco Hotol Llejd Hold. KuuiiuiBmuu QOSr lOcenis Quality Not Premiums T")ON'T look 'for4 premiums or J- coupons, as the cost of choke Turkish and domestic tobaccos blended in Camels prohibits their use. All the value goes into the cigarettes you'll spot the difference soon as you've whiffed iust one smooth, fragrant Camel. No cigarctly aftertaste. Get that? Give Camels a tryout. 20 for 10 cents. If your dtaltr can't tupply you, tend lOe for on. packet or ft. OO for a carton of ten packugti (200 clgarttlci), pott ago prepaid. After emohlnie on. pack' at: If you don't find CAMELS at repte tented, return tho other nine package and we wll! refund your money. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wimton-Salom, N. C. - r Tini riiw nr-iiir -t . .- BIG LEAGUE MiJIlfiS NUJOIIICS TUBEBGUUR "ml Aider Bit. mnZZ "e Dfan,i. V'3 1 nffT- ; vi no i-none i .202. 1 ouse Uobl Mrs. Fam'ngerBTriM MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place tor Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y If I r ii JIU rW M'.(n iiirmr III. ' hl'H : : i s ( : ;: i '.IttiJH I,, w i Hfii f TKAntVui. n .-viii-JI iioamonce BludiTJ Benjamin .vsoMiVb"Sy n, Aiiaiiia Wono 103-jj or i W. G. Chandler Room. 30! ffl? Manhflelii Wm. S. Turuen .. Aitcuire Jiaranrift Perl: I'lA.VfilTi ivn3, Itesldonco Studio Jus i'oone l(r HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. shts culm: and ihkss- KD-SllITfl JIADK TO OIIDKU CrVK VH A TRIAL UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM- MY DOTUE (CO DAGGETT M Central Are. rhono 2G0-X. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HKNKY SKNGSTAOKEN, Mnnagor PAHM, COAL, TIMIIKIt AND PLAITING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GKNICHAL A OK NTS EABTSIDB MAIISIIFIKLI) OITICK, PIIONIS U-3. COQUILLK CITY OFFICE PHONIC 101. Portland Wins One and Loses One Sunday, After Los ing Saturday. ttlr Atioclit.4 rrni to Cooa Dj Time. PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 10. Port land won oito nml dropped onu In the douljlu-heador yeHterday. Tho bco res: At Vonkc II. 11. K. Portland 'i 8 0 Vuiiico 1 C 1 liattorles: Kiiiuro and Flahcr; Kocstnor and Elliott. (Afternoon Game.) II. II. E. Portland 0 7 1 Venice I 11 0 UattorleH: HlgKlnuotham nnd Yiintz; Illtt nnd Elliott. At Ouklnnd It. H. E. Los Angeles t 7 J Oakland 5 8 1 llntieiloa: Ryan and Droolcu; Allies nnd Mltzu. (Afternoon Gamo.) It. II. E. Los Angeles 10' 15 4 Oakland 7 13 1 Ratterlcs: Hughes and lloleu; Klllllay, Prulott, Christian, Renny and McngeH. At Saerninento It. II. E. .Sau Francluco 1 11! 2 Snernrnento 1 5 3 liattorles: Damn and Schmidt; Gregory, Kramer and Rohrcr. (Afternoon Game.) San Francluco 8 13 0 Snernuiento 0 -i 1 Datterles: Htandrldce and Schmidt; Arellanos, Stewart nnd Hannah. Large Percentage ot Deaths of underground Workers Due to Consumption. ID, Auocttt.4 J'rwt to coo. is., TIbm. UlTTTE, Mont., Aug. 8. Of tho to tal deaths oieurrliif,' In this caiintrv hi tho Inst Hi'ven yearH, from 42 to 70 per cent annunlly have boon among miners, the Federal IndtiH trlal Relations Commission was told by .Max McCimker, special Investlgn tor for that body. Ho said that ho be lloved that aecurato figures would make the peuentago oven higher. TO IIUXAND IN A DAY. Dr. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. 7, Spokane 2, I, Spokane Ilnllard Dnllurd game). Vnncouver C, Tacoma 1. Seattle V, Victoria 2. 7 (second Pictures & Framing Walker Studio ': TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -: lias boon n hobby with ub for a good many years nnd n lot of our cuntomora will toll you when It comes to gottlng good, sound, durnblo framing mntorlnl at tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build nnd tho amount you want to spend and wo'll got busy with our pencil and flguro out tho best your money can buy. Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HETAl L DHPAHT.MENT CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO 11Y UKING OUR WOOD PHONE 11)0. 1H2 SOUTH BROADWAY AMHRU'AN LEAIGUE. Philadelphia 10, Clovclnnd D. IloHton 8, Detroit 0. Chicago 2, Washington 1. SATURDAY'S GAMES. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn 1, Chlcnco (1. Philadelphia :i, Pittsburgh I. Boston -1, Cincinnati a (10 Inn ings). Now York 2, St. Louis 3. ARE YOU With Conw? If to, Plonsant walklnr n ciso. A ViKlt In If- Vpanell Bid., at .porinaticat ttmtijtai LET US MA YOUR ABSTfi Title & Trust Co, II ILAMBETH'S AUTO SERVICE ST.WD AT CHANDLER HOTEL PHOXK 20, ILL CO AN'VWHKRE ANY TI.MK XKW CAR AND CAREFUL DRIVING RATKS TO CAMPING PARTIES LYNN LAMBETH Owner and Driver. f. I BCAIFE jgA. II, HODGINS i,X&lllanhfield K,NT AND . dlatb service, nroart to nil InterMli of c "IKIMUM . S. KAUFMAN YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTFSI roar good cars wlta o aajr crvico, p UImiico Blllard tor nlKht sertice, I Right Cafe. D. L. FOOTE SEND YOUR LAMP TO US BY PARCELf WE FURNISH A WILL IAV THK ON ITS HETCTUI COOS BAY STEJ LAUNDRT PHONE B7.J. JIAIISH New Slodols "HENDERSON CORSf also principal dlatrifis "ONYX" and "CADE HOSE S. S.JENNINGS, Ho. I SMITH'S VARIETY SII North Bend, for Fanoy and Do CHINA DECORATING !CO. Katlmatca Furnished Ifkoae 8W-J. MAWhDeM. Omro.. " THE COOS HOTEL win5rJ of Marshfleld WASHINGTON AVENUE WAllllllX STREET NOI1TII BEND O. A. Mctlln, Prop. wur WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Btre, Plione 180-J, Ideal Summer Trips LAUNCHEXPRESS Leaves Marslifiold every wcolc at 8 a. in. STEAMER RAINBOW Leaves Marshflold every Sunday at 8 a. in. and every week day at 2 p. in. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS Bring your lunch baskotB, kodak nnd fishing tackle for n row d'uya outing. Sunday School and all picnic crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Cooa River every day. For charter and picnic arrangements, apply on board. COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue 3FFICE SUPPLIES ANSC0 AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them Phone 430 STATIONERY i rERlBqOCfPQN FDEWU JVtRXII (2 JtlA.UUSi.riaiJJJ.l.r.Iil sum "SY H f yy" HJuf AMERICAN LHAGUE. Chicago -I, WiiBhlngtoh 1. Chicago 1, Washington 3 (ncrond gamo). .Clovelnbd -t. Phlladolphln li. Dotrolt 2, BoHton r. St. Louis 1, Now York 2 (13 Inn ings). NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Seattle 8, Victoria C. Spokane G, Ballard D. Vancouver 5, Tacoma. 8. i COAST LIJAGUE. At Venice R. II. E. Vonlco 0 11 2 Portland ,u 2 Ii 0 Batteries: Iionoley and Elliott; McLaln, Rlcger, Hvans, Mnrtlnonl and Flshor. At Sacramento R. II. E. Sacramento -t 8 l San Francisco C 17 ft liattorles: Stroud and Roliror; Llefleld nnd Schmidt. At Oakland R. II. E. Oakland 3 7 1 Los Angeles 412 1 Batteries: Goyor and Mltzo; Mus ser nnd Mcok. H.V1TLE AT MA.ATLAN. TV AOTO AM) TAH A COW turfrnh hu bttt i tuto orrico. OareAl "u go anywhere at aw I anco cjwr store. VJ nt phond 139-X. TOM QOODALH, KOONTZ GARAGE &felsior Motorcycle Agency Lth TIRES 41'TOMOHILES KTntr.r 0009 rowwvs most com'pletk MACHINE SHOP niXR AND AUTOMOBILE RRPAiniNQ GAsni.iw t... 0S,F"OXT . I'HONE 180.J -UK, REPAIRED AND CHARGED t Date. NO 8AW EDGES on u VOUR COLLARa foa haTe them launderei "W CITY WHAM LAUNDRY STADDEN ioKKL0!iPU"I.oot Kodiv rJ . . L fc,"arglng and 'ioisiU; SIX OF THE ABOVE COUPONS EMTTTLE EVERY READER GIFT No. 1 IDEAL ARTtPATTERN OUTFIT ConUlaln 1M Newest Emtroidery Pattero. of ataolotelr tha lateft dUrnwhIeh, &t 10 cent ech, repitu reUll Tsloe.-wouhl cort more Uin tie. 00, Dook of Complete Unoos In Biotuolderr Stltcblor t7 Mine, Du P&rque, the noted Krencb xpert. Ideal Embroidery Hoop which cannot fet oat of order. "C7 Drinr i No. 1. and j-" ir of these Coupon andtas-Centirflhl.-offlr. jaral v..fawflIetejPt .nwjtam and JBf .rT'ZfT I r- uuforTovrn Hradera wfltadd 9 Cento Ultra' fur potjend malllnr. sp; NAME....?. STREET and No.. CITY or TOWN.. Mexican Fwloiiils Evncunto n Tnuw. ports. Or Anoclit.it rmi to -' Dtr Tlmt.J ON nOARD U. S. S. CALIFORNIA. Mnzutlan, Aug. 8. (By Wireless). Heavy fighting continues. Most ol tho Federal garrison lias now been taken on board tho transports wnitliu lor ilioui by the Constitutionalist x iio nre dn'm; cvorythlng to aid In tho evacuation. Bell Believes Ti-iiiiH.Atlniitln FHkIu In Feasible. WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 8. Tho iiosslblllty 0r a trans-Atlantic ocean flight In n heavier than nlr machine In thirteen hours Is pointed out In n communication to the Nat ional Geogiapulc Society from Dr. Alexander Grahnni Boll, Inventor of the telephone nnd former president of the society. "Tho distance from Newfound land to Ireland Is less than 2000 miles," suyH Dr. Boll. "This moans thnt H you go at 100 miles an hour you will cross tho Atlantic ln twen ty hours- less than n day. Wo linvo flying innchlnes that go nt a groator speed than that. Wo already liavo mnclilnes that could cross the ocean If tholr engines could keep going for twenty hours. Of course, theso nro exceptional innchlnes; but ovon tho ordlnnry machines of today make fif ty miles an hour with case. "Now a flying machine flies faster as you go higher up, becntiBO tho rar er nlr offers less resistance to tho motion, while tho propeller gives tho snmo push with tho snmo powor, whntover tho elevation. As you got Into the rarer nlr the propollor spins nround faster. A fifty mile nn hour muchlno flying two miles in tho nlr nnd we have machines thnt hnvo gono twico ns lilgli as that will fly much faster than fifty miles an hour. Then at an elovatlon of two miles high In the nlr there Is n constant wind blowing In the general direction of Hui ope linvlng u voloclty niiywhoro from twonty-flvo miles nn hour. "As a net icsut of nil theso things, there can bo lltllo doubt that any otdlunry machine thnt Is able to sup port Itself In the air nt nn elevation of two miles high will attain a speed of at least 100 miles nn hour In tho direction of Europe and that menus going from America to Europo In a singlu day. Calculation shows thnt, taking nil these things Into consider ation, our host machines should bo nblo to, cross the Atlantic In tlilrtcon hours. I hardly dnro say It aloud for publication. It Is sufficiently startling to know that It Is not only possible, but probable, thnt tho pas su go may be niado In a single day. But If, ns I Imagine, It can bo dono In thirteen hours, you may tnko nn early breakfast In Newfoundland and n late dinner In Ireland tho same night." Jitf.IL WILSON SEAIaS LIPS. OrflieiH MiiNt Not DlsniNH PulilJciy Either Wurfniv or Politic. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 8. President Wilson directed that all offlcors of tho Army and Navy, whether actlvo or retired, refrain from dUeiisslug publicly either tho military or political situation In Eu rope. A lotter sent by the President to Secretaries Garrison and Daniels said: "It seems to mo highly unwiso and impinpor thnt officers of tho Army and Navy of tho United States should make any public utteranco to which any color of political or military crit icism can bo given whoro other na tions aro Involved." RACES IN MARSHFIELD. Tho Coos Bay Fair Association will give races at Marshflold, Oregon August 14 nnd 15. Tho program foi the races will bo announced soon. As thcro b a nice string of horses that will tnk.o part In these races, parties that like racing will eno the card. F, P. NORTON, See. WAR AFFECTS SALMON. SEE CALIFORNIA BSfotiUS .Anformg!: o-lounfLO? mux3 t - a . trunxit k IN STAMPS ZAAV f&yy CKmmk i vJt? Tx tmW Hi ujanco DIm. nn. ruTWll ff Wl,ht Phon. 139-X. k V.uSnX r8'nB nd Canneries on Columbia Reduce the Prices Now. ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 8. As n re suit of tho European war tylne in trans-Atlantic shipping, tho salmon packers yesterday made a slash In prices heretofore paid fishermen. Ko ike has been given that on ana afte C o'clock today the following price? will prevail; Chinook salmon. P rents a pound; Bteelhead, 3 cents a pound; sllversldes and graylings, 1 cent a pound. Tho order Is signed by the Doty Fish Company, the War ren Packing Company, J. . Meglei & Company, tho Pillar Rock Packing Compony, Altoona Packing Company. Pooth Fisheries, Columbia River Packers' Association. S. Schmidt & Company, Union Fishermen's Co- Operative Packing Company, and P, J, McGowan & Son. NEW LUTHERAN COLLEGIJ. Fine Now Educational Institution Has Been Started In Oakland. (Spetlal to Tho Times.) OAKLAND, Cnl Aug. 10. Tho first Lutlnrnn college to be erected In California has boon stnrted In Oakland and will be completed In n fow months, It wlll.iopresont nn outlny of $35, 000, nil hut $5000 or which Is' now In the hands of tho committee, nnd when finished will bo used ror the education or Luthernn students who nro preparing lor tho ministry. It will bo known as tho California Con cordia College Tho erection or tho building wns broached at tho California Confor 9iice or the Luthornn Synod in Los Angeles Inst year. Tho Rov. J. II. Tlielss, pastor of the Zlon German iUthernn Church or Oaklund, was appointed to superintend tho work or raising tho funds, nrtor Nvo acres or 'alunblo land In the el'v or Oakland had been donated by the educational branch or tho society ror tho build ing. Mr. Thless has been working on lie task or raising th monoy, and has announced that he has succeeded ln obtaining all but $5000. This will ie on hand when needed, ho says. ANNUAL MEETING HOLDERS OK STOCK- Superintendent of City Schools de sires Information about rooms ror teachers and students. Rooms should be heated. Students wish ing to work ror room and board nnd persons wishing such student help, should likewise notfy. him i Notice is hereby given that the Annual meeting or, the sockholders or the Coos Bay, Roseburg and Eastern Railroad and Navigation Company will be hold on Monday, August 17, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. M at the otiico or tne company in Marshrield, Coos County, Oregon, Ifor tho purpose of electing directors lot said company and for tho trans (action or such other business as may come beroro said meeting. u. I.. KJNU Secretary, Wll EAT, $1.90 at HAINES.