IISQKK' t nm IUilWSPBUliiliJULJ.11 mmumihiimi-iiuj mu - BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1914. EVENING EDITION. (TWO THE COOS onmm i.. r......l..-.1 !..... r, . " d tho fun,, for a permanent Hcstmnday tor .c , - - I ,r ' 'o ,w - Mnnin hv n donation oi i ami """'" .'".." ........ ..... ,i,v,, m,.,i.u m...... V. "'..'"' nin,1 "" ... ! ......tl.itt I 1'lt.v llii II rtlllli I'll' I'll "J imu 'nmt,o tllllJUl. Ml' I 111 tn- "ll i ' " ' . i... mi -. J -"-' 1'jnhHftO '-'. KfftV rL- -ii iii i hum u n "" f iimi a .& Wnaw -. ..... i ..mm. f.r I'niniinn milieu uiiimih .... ". ..: .. -r .V T,.i ...intPBt.nn.l ii Miw i'n. wu i-m.-y.-.i k u iwn. nuib Smith. o, auo her S0.05 to It nnd the W In th- I- MVT. UwbMP Vk f, 4 lm .. xtrpji i,u.uuiouiiu.N'o concerning which KVJ-m w.w run VINI DOTH IH.OW. "Whlchaver wny the wlml doth blow, Souwi Iie.'irt Is glad to linvo it bo; Then blow It east, or blow It west The wind that blows, that wind Is best. iu.MuiiibiiuNa coucuralng (.oclnl happenings, Intended for publication in the society depart .nenr of The Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not lator than (i o'clock p. in., Friday of each weelc. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In casus whoro the pvonts occurred lator than tho time mentioned 1'EHSONAL. notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Day people who visit In other cities, together with notices of social annua, No- frii.iiiv icnnlvcd In tho social cle- ..... .,....,. Tnlnlllinlin ldJ, tlces ot club meetings will bo nMiaim,i milt secretaries nro l I kindly requested to furnish same. . M . . ' fc' .wrf - - .- ..Willi vmm lllHT A'f ...- " vi liolnt siatcni. taking Into consilient Hon the length of stem, arrangeinenlj of flowers,, vigor, size, number of blossoms, etc. I Among those eontrlbutlni; toward $ ili Rest' Room tire doing & Hnrvey, . niiinvsnn .lohnson. Perry-Ntehol- meeting Mrs. C. II. Winters, ur. ainiw, sen re 01 MIX.NT.-WIS cun. Itghtftil luncheon woh &crv(.AMe' hostess. Tho nfternoo" va?Lll I nntly spent In bowihr, mL conversation, u Hnn.ir.1 ;J?",te .Hi Tlie Mltmu-Wls Clnli poalponotl Its several vocal solos rendered W"1 rtlng this week owing to the ah- K. H. Hood In bur usual rl..3 iv Short nmlna.. -"""I ninny of the members , milliner. hn:d as the miiii works in tho Btoro, t tho old world nnd has l'1"" or office or shop. I npt pupil, as shown by tho handling tint tho man seldom treats her us of nB violin. Ho proved himself a a partner, with whom It Is to his in- master of tho Instrument ami thoso ?eKo get along smoothly. J wl. failed to ; hoar Mm n-eodf ml He doesn't try to plnca o licr. no "".,..,' of c.m. couty. Hia ac- Sly IllllO era u sans noi aiuuu; i A thouiand fleets from every zono doesn't refrain from criticisms mo """',. Mr Wni Horsfall, Jr.. Arc ant upon n thousand seas; way sho does her work. Ho so dom comi '1', , . , showed marked What b'ows for ono n favoring breczo tnlks over the details ot tho business 'r,V !"', ,taat ami tho recital Might d.ish another with tho shock wth her or consults her, and ho gives n"''ll:st" ,. ". '1' with groat Interest Of doom upon some hidden rock. her what he pleases of tho profits of ?"h""Lu,1l,onco. W is seldom a vlo- .Aim so i qo noi uiiru ki wriiy it. no uouhh i iiuuvu ii v. i". "7, Hni.t lias the nowcr of holding tno she Is a real partner. Just as Interest-1 ' 'tlJB0tfn,, j 01,c0 throughout ed ns ho Is in building the business SenlnS tut this Mr. Grls np to tl big success. "" ... ,-,, nnrtnlnmoni was lin- V" And exactly tho same thing Is true the'ausnlces of the Public Library nm,,ot women. Tho womnn who sets Ag30L.aton, .,' along In hiiBlness Is tho woman who . WU learns to handle employers with kid i?invo Sho lonrnB how to iceep on masculine nerves, which nre far moio raw than feminine nerves , DKMOIITITIj Ml'SICAI.K. For winds to waft mo on my way, Strt leave It to a higher will To Btny or sped me, trusting still .That all is well, ntid suro that He Who launched my bark win sail mo Through storm nnd calm, nnd not fnll, Whatovor breezes mny p: avail, To lanC me, every porll past, Within tho sheltered haven at last. Then, whatsoever wind doth blow Jly heart is glad to have It bo; And, blow It oast, or blow It west, The wind that blows, that wind is best. Caroline A. Mason. 4 IN A sonslblo Interview, Miss Kllza both Mnrbury, speaking of matri mony, said: "Any other contract Involving ob ligations of two partners Is broken '" Jcsn lightly these days than the mar- ilago agreement." And Bho might linvo added that 1 inoro ib no uus mess iinuor mo sun Snturday afternoon Mrs. William t conc0ltion of tho. work from that people go Into that they mnko N H0 cutortalned a nunibor of lit- Shirh hl road Iiiks were Bolcctcd. s iimo e tori to ihuku a success oi u frlema nl her homo In North Mr. Wolfram Schmcddlng is a fuv uo u.u iiuiiiuB8 oi main- ,j0Iul , honor of nor mti0 niece, .. -..,,., ftnt, h f,0 B0los. "The Miss Tholnin I dellizhtfiil muslcnlo wua enjoyed How to turn away wrath with a j,.. tl0 guests of Dr. and Mrs. Win. ..... ....,.. l.n Inlt. .7 ... nf.Il..i..lni Ai'ft.H.lir sort word, nun to opiny mu j" uorstnii, .ir., on wuu") u,v "; whore It will do the most good nnd at tll0 Horsfall rcsldonc In honor or be the most soothing to inascullno jjr8 l j.j, Miliar and Mr. Carl Orls- vnnlty. and that reclpo for gottlng oon, rho chiirin of pretty decora- along harmoniously with men goes ton8i th0 excellence of tho program, Just as strong for domestic life as It nn,i tno 0arnest appreciation of an does for business. I audience of music lovers combined The only reason that mnrrlaco Is to mnle ti,0 uvcnlug ono of rare n rnllnrn Is hccailso WO play It US if nlnnanrn for nil. we wero fools instead of Intelligent In opening the progrnm Mr. Alex- I.u .an beings. nndor Martin, usually ncaru in niiisi- I cnl numbers, dlspluyod his versatility ' by reading Bovernl scenes from "Peer i IIOXOHS VISITOH. I nvnt " In wlilrh in. showed decided dramatic ability nnd a moBt Intolll- i iiui .IU...U ... ....... Mrt W0rrn ?r 'l.r "'wmS' orlt0 nrll8t' nn l.undnulst. of Portland. WlnM direct ecclnldl), and "Scherzo as they siony. If tho nvorngo mnn would put Ounies wero nlayed by tho llttlo ones, r.n,iriPn'. antmthn. wen. nnthusl as much energy, and Intelligence and utter which they nil sat down to a n8tCav received. Mr. Schmeddlng's Thought Into trying to mako his mar- tempting luncheon. Miss i.ou so tccjinjnlIe 8 BUpcrb and his Intcrprc- ..b m; "vn iijiiik biHiiuiKur " " "- tntlons scholarly una iniiniui to me to mako his grocery or his store n od In entertaining and serving tho con,p0sor'8 Idea. bucccss, there wouli not bo bo ninny following guests: Mildred Johnson, Mr8 j. E conwny bus been henrd marringes that aro failures. Koona Johnson, Mttble Chapman, too BOj,i0n by Mnrshflold audiences, If tho average- womnn would use Holon I.nlrd, Ilonltn Andorson, Holon nml Knvo nuch picnBUro by hor ren in much tact and tllplomncy In try- ItUBsell, Mildred Ilussell, Qlora Put- (,mon of two cadinnn songs "From ing to got along with iiur husband man .tieiuu i uj. inuinm num.- tno Lnnj of Ul0 gky iUuo Wator" says Dorothy Dlx. aa bIio does In try- uulst and Charlie UubboII. n(l ..Tno Moon nTOl)a iow" fol- uri J. Albert Mntson. Mnrshflold Electile and will nom its i "'?,." i ",", " V.V . "V Vm mcnR of 2 Co., J. W. llennett. Norton & Hansen, week from next Thursday with Mrs. cub will ho held at t10 "'! Sunnier Hnrdwaro Company, Lock- P. II. Pressor. , Mrn. h. (1. MtiBtcrs at Sumner. Th6! hnrt-Parsons, Red Cross Drug Co.,1 ProHont wore: Mr s. c, n- tin, i.m jr. f'niii sttirntrn I :c ... - . - - ' fio n, uiiiiiviiiiiv:irn. i.. lillllH Iltlt JIVI IV VV uivinnu -t rn.ii TIllMlll.i:. Cl.l'l'H. Hav leo : uom aiornKu u.. fc. Wulker Studio, c. w. woicon, uw.i ... ...!. 1.' I. llf.ijutii' nrrtP-fin 1MV A. ...! .......,'...'. niin.ni, r... ,f Piiiiiniini. .ri... .iM.i.,.iii.. pinii nt Nurth llentt I Huogrou, rnnU ttnv uninn TAlnnhtiiie Comiuinv. ' imt.i ti.nir iiniiiinl outdoor incetlng , l' H. Hood, Mrs, Dave Mussen, C. II. Walters and John nmi pifnle at Slinpion's Park l-i The members nBseiuuieti ni A rf. ' i .,, ..r.r.1. ...il.ivnil n lwiinilirill 1111(1 ..ijuio, .iin, jiiiiiiiu i'iii(r. MP. ... illlll ill uuuii -.ijr.. . . . ,i,..i. ...,.. t... i ..7 "''.o. urn ilHllflutm nlciile luncheon, at wnieii """' m'B '' ' 'ose, Mn n Dr Uartlo. Mr. Derbyshire and Mr. '- iiessey, irs: Hon McCrnry. Yh Q w Miulou wero preueni. " i.uuu ; "."'"""? ""' ' Juurom Oshorn. AT A(JATH (UHNIVAIi. I Smith, Mrn. W. U. Piper, Mr, 7 S' Noah, Mrs. Jnmeu.IVowllii. Mr.' nlr i. MiH. L. o. Masters', 7: .tOOtl, Mrs. Vernnti 1. J irk Friday. I My. W. U. Oxonrltler, Mrs.E.S t 11 a. ui.ilnga, Mrs. .1. 1 Smith, Mrs Oh intlful and Myors, Mrs. Cliiude Piper. Mn wS" More than thirty Coos Hay nconlo lCruso was also a guest. I'lins wore ".-;"";. u, "" 1"; ,e.nn,e Un, spent tho major portion of the week made for a Clean-Up Day In Northtn. n le Misses Anna at Port Or ord attending tho Agate Dend Monday. August 10 to bo ; I iV' l,t rtn.Y Ula... h'., Vnni Carnival and visiting Curry county aged by the cub. The City Counc olo n ni nd Uln '" 'nndrlth. Flor- frlends. Among those nttondlng of North llend agreed to share half onco smith and Kntlo Kromralnji, .- m.. nn,i Mr. n. w. Woleott. the expense. Tho next meeting of OlllliU Mr, nnd Mrs. C. L. Pennock, Mr. and the club will he with Mrs, Thoso present yes-1 I r... w Unr-trmil Mr. nml Mrs. In two Weeks .,119. ... ... ... ...... ...... . .. ...,, .. ,... 0. S. Torroy, Ed Mndborg nnd wife tortiuy wero: airs, .mi'iuu, ..., nnd mother, l.ovl Smith and family, Hurmelster. Jin. H. J. Linden, Mrs. V. C. lllrch. Otis Wilson, W. II. Ken- I. 11. Dnrtlo, Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire, nedy, Wesley Noah, Mrs. S. A. Yonk- Mrs. Jack Wallace. Mrs. Oraves. nm. Mrs. M. It. Smith, Mrs. C. II. Mrs. Strate. Mrs. Fred Kruso and Dungnn. Mr. and .Mrs. Hay Martin, Mrs. M. 0. Coleman. 13. K, Jones, it. A. Wernlch, Mrs. Thomas I.eylnnd. Harry Folsom. Miss o "...v...... ...i.. f Ornco Fulton, Chester Hear, Judge l,A HM)I.H l.UT. I and Mrs. Hammond. Ed Dolnn. A. - Lnraon. A. Lang, E. It. Hyde. F. V.' Mrs. C. II. Worrell of North llend Cntterlln, J. W. Hunt and bride, Dr. entertained Friday In honor of Mrs. Leslie and Miss Allco Tlckell. .Weaver, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Orubbs, nnd who -f leaves this week for her homo In I CHltlSTIAN PICNIC. I Pennsylvania. The afternoon wnB 4 spent In making lavender sticks and Tho Hlble School of t'e Christian later the hostess served delicious i re Church Ib planning for their annual froslunonts to her gusts: Mrs. eu plcnlc to be held at Sunset Hay. Aug. ver. Mrs. t.rubbs, Mrs. Shlmlan, Mrs. j I J. W. Itussell and Mrs. Elmer Itus- SIMCCIAL MEirrixo ing to hold her Job as a stenographer or a clerk, wo would ho able to do away with tho divorce courts. ' When two mon go Into business to Kothor they pool their capital and eastshh: vhvn. I - lowed by "Vlssl d'Arte. Vlssl d'Am- ttro" from Puccini's "Tosca," nnu "Mnttlunta" (Tostl) tho last two being aiing In Italian. Mrs. Con Mis. A. Simpson of Hunkor Hill .,.. ,... i i,nn..tir..'iiv'.inAi nn.i their ability, and they know that entertained the Eastsldo Sowing Club .,, ,,., nf ..........i KOnrano ranuo. A. l .. . . .. .I..t l..lt t fid .. fl.mtiAnu Fll II lUiltll - ..--.. . ". inoir bucccss uepemiH upon inoir got- ui-iikiuihi iwn.-. ....... which, however, was but modestly ting along amiably together and do- tit hor homo In Hunker Hill, nrlous dBI)liy0(, ,,.. tho nmnbora chosen. Ing good tenm work. Thuy know flowors made the homo most attract- nm, hor H(' wero murproted In that If ono partner pulls ono wny, Ivo anil at the conclusion of sowing, satisfying mnnnor. and tho other pnrtner pulls tho othor conversation and othor pastimes, de- T, Mgg c,nrn Myren wtl, way, iinn inoy nover ugroe upon course ot action, ami spend soino tlmo lu scrapping, they uro bound to fall. Thoreforo they mako n effort to Mrs. Walter Itobortson of Eastslde. H'ork harmoniously and smoothly to- Thoso enjoying Mrs. Simpson's hos- gothor. They aro not alwnyB picking pltallty wore Mrs. Frank Proy, Mm. fauItB In each other, or Interfering F. O. Urooks, Mrs. M. O'Donnoll, with each othcr'B particular dopart- Mrs. F. Urooks or Eugene. Mrs. Fred ntont. Thoy talk the biiBlness ovor Noi.li. Mrs. Walter Itobortson, Mrs. togothcr, nnd conipronilse thulr opln- Fr.iuk Herman, Mrs. J. D. McKay, rainy nnu .mis. m. a. .Mci.aggiui, .Mrs. . r. uyeri ami .Mrs. rraiiK uoiiie. n i.-i" ui.u"iii...n . " four piano numliora, which It Is un- '"; ,rt- cKn ii k io nei.essary to say were well perform hostess In serving. The cub w P(li , -,,,, th pleasure of moot two weol.i from Thursday with u mi... ., ...' i ui'iiiiiih ..iinn ..ijiitii uuuii ui miu iii.ii Ions, and thoy divide squarely tho profits. TiiOHo tactics would work Just as efficaciously In the home us thuy do - in tho business, for n marriage is ' nothlni: Ipso than n Itfu lmrtnorsliln. - Into which a man nnd a womnn on- A small, but upproclatlvo. audi tor, nnd In which they pool their In- emu listened to the violin recital last interests. Tho man puts Into It nil Friday evening nt the W. O. W. hall, that he has. The woman nuts Into by Mr. Kail (Irissen, of Portland. COQVII.LE UKCITAIj. much prulso has been given her work It may bo added that sho plays with that lndcscrlbablo chnractorlstlc call ed "stylo," which goes a long wny In tho success of nn artist when It ac companies tho other requisites which Mlsa Myren possesses. Tho selec tions given wore "Etudo In F Sharp" (Arousky), "Hymn Itusso" (Llvoff Low). "If I Wero a lllrd" (Honsolt) and "March Mlgnonno" (Poldlnl). In hor first appearance boforo a Marshfleld audlonco Mrs. Hoy Evor Itt Miller demonstrated at onco that wo are most fortunate lu our acqui sition of her musical talent. Mrs. Miller's voice Is a warm and brilliant I 1 f tlini l.n 1. . I..., I.. .. .1 . ..1 Im S4lin.it l.m Imnnn n It !! i innat rt . Ul mill BI1U HUB, HUUy HUH BUUI, .Ml, IIIIDSUII MUD uut'll iiiubi ui , ,,,. ,.,. r.,, ,l and she works In the homo Just as his life studying under tho masters . Xo. rhr00lC,0.Vhl,'l, X JEWELRY EXQUISlTi: AND CHARMING ARE THE NEW AND UNIQUE THINGS WE ARE OFFERING THIS AUTUMN.lFOR A BIRTHDA Y, WEDDING OR ANNIVERSARY GIFT YOU WILL FIND JUST WHAT WILL SATISFY YOU, AND PLEASE THE RECEIVER. YOU MAY KNOW THAT WHAT YOU BUY FROM US IS HIGH IN QUALITY AND THE FULLEST VALUE FOR YOUR GOOD MONEY. H. S. TOWER THEZRELIAISLE JEWELER. I her selections wero rendered with ox qulslto tasto nnd with a delightful freedom from affectation or manner isms, It Is to be hoped sho will bo generous in her contributions to fu ture programs, Sho sang "l.ovo I Have Won You" (Ronald). "Down In tho Forest" (Honuld) nnd "Nymphs nnd Fnuns" (Homberg). Last came Mr. Carl Orlssen, who endeared himself to Mnrshflold music lovers in his recital of last week. Mr. (irlsson's work has already been given nblo criticism. Ono recognizes In him instantly a master of his tut. He plays w,lth tho big firm tono which so ilollghts lovers of the violin, but which he reduces at pleasuro to tho finest shades of dollcaey. Ho ap peals, at will, to tho conscious emo tions, or lures you Into dreamland without rear or botrnyal by faults of technique. It Is greatly to bo re grottod that this was Mr. Grlssen's last appenranco here, for the pres ent season at least, .Mr. drlssen's numbers wore "Souvonlr do Posen" (Wleulnwskl). "Seronudo" (Drdla), Llebesfreud" Krlosler), nnd "Hun garlnu Dance No. 1" tHrahms-Jon- I'llllll). All tho artists responded gracious ly to hoarty encoros. At the close or tho program dainty refreshmenta wero sorved by the hostess, and tho guests lingered In tho enjoyment or conversation till a Into hour. A pleasing surprlso was tendered by tho impromptu rondltlon or soveral songs by a male quartet composed or Messrs. It. E. .Miller. HonJ. Ostllnd. Alexander Martin and Herbert Lupton. The county convention of the sen Christian churches of Coos county will be held nt Myrtle Point August IS to 20. Several outside speakers will bo present and havo a part In the convention's work. . HASTSlllE PICNIC. -I The EtiBtsldo Sewlns Cluh m bold n BpeiKlil' meeting nt tho hotni of .Mrs. Walter Robertson neUWed. ncstltiy nfternoon. Mrs. Frank Pre; tho prcaldont, hns called tho meetlnt and usks that nil members bij prtj. etit. KOOLINU IMS WICT?. FAHEWELL PICNIC. Mrs. Davis or South FIMi street was hostess at a delightful neigh borhood picnic Ust Wednesday at Charleston as a farewell to her sis ter. Miss Sadie Olson, who left on Lund. Ida Gamble, Miss Ella Guriiu.1 of North llend entertained her pupils nnd friends at a picnic at Eastslde Thursday, en joying a Hue basket dinner and the uiiiul picnic diversions. Among those present wero Mrs. Gamble. Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Peet, Mrs. Sleep, Mrs. Truman, Mis. McNniighton. Misses Hlnnche TellefBon, Anna Mary (lumen, Ho (lout not squander alt hit pa;; He's saving some. He honcB with It to buy some diy A little home. Ills stylish wire, wo can't dear, Wilt get a Jar. She thinks lie's saving up to bo; A touring car. I SIGMA VUl PICNIC The members of tho Sigma Chi fraternity resident on Coos Day hiti planned nn elaborate picnic and rent son barbecue for tomorrow. Tki members ncconiianled by their wItm and friends will go by private launch to tho hatchery whero evorytMni will be lu readiness for the dij'i (Contluuod on Pago Twelve.) Rugs to Fit Any Size Room and to Fit any size Purse PLEASED I It EST IMMI Sl'CCICSS. 4 I v . Tno Rest Room which was con ducted hero during the Mooso Day rostlvltlea proved another big suc cess and won much praise ror Mrs. M. A. Sweet man, who conducted It. Somo of tho features that have not hitherto been told In Tho Times were tho award of the barrel of Sperry Hour to Mrs, KulJu or Porham Park, who. had her oloven children thore, tho largest family in attendance. Al fred Johnson, Jr., of Coqullle, start- Mrs . Learn-by-experience :- Don't be fooled Into buying common place, cheap rugs that won't stand the ohlldren's romping. Such rugs are the most expensive In the END. At our store you will find well-made, durable carpets and rubs that you won't be afraid o use. We have also the latest, most harmonious colors and patterns. If you come to see them you will buy them. Going & Harvey Co. Our line of Rugs, from the smallest to the larg est, Is the most exten sive in style, stock, va riety of patterns and price to be found in Cooc County. An ex amination of this list of prices is proof of this: Small Rugs 75c $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 $5.50 $6.50 $8.50 $10.00 Room Size Rugs $3.00 $3.50 $4.75 $5.50 $9.50 $10.00 $10.50 $12.50 $14.75 $15.75 $16.50 $18.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 $45.00 $47.50 Don't buy a Rug until you see our superb line and remember al ways that GOING "WE SELL IT FOR LESS' & HARVEY Complete House Furnishers CO. "JBfl