tfftMSjjJ I r Vi ' v ' f t ' miiiLHimLi KT" -y, i,fjpir- "Tp- 1 c&e&tt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914.-EVENING EDITION. EIGHT The number of suits sold since this sale started simply proves that "MONEY TALKS" LISTEN ! "MONEY TALKS" That we give the people just as we advertise. & Ask your neighbor about his purcha sej Come Tomorrow And Choose Your Suit as Follows : Add $1.00 to the price and select any two summer suits in the store for the price of one plus $1.00. T tl J .,. lx-- C?CT oiif- noir iic &? riTrl trtrex ittrr 59R cuifc Ir xrrn fnlra a Sfl cuif nitr .-. C"Ol in oilier wurus yuu ocicl a. y oun. jkcy wo .nvr v ., iw i- oU.. j . Yv ,vi. j.v uj j)i an take two $20 suits. This will include all suits that we will assemble on one side of the store ranging in price (rj $15 to $35 and will include all small lots, light colors and light colored INorrolk suits. 10 ine man wno wanis vuiy unc oujll wc una a& luuuwa. a cxy .w muic man juaiAinLJUi ui me original prici as below: 316.00 Suits, $8.00 plus $2.00 equals $10.00 $18.00 Suits, $9.00 plus $2.00 equals $11.00 $20.00 Suits, $10.00 plus $2.00 equals $12.00 All other fancy suits for this 8 Day Sale Reduced 25 per ct. Marshtield Bandon Myrtle Point $25.00 Suits, $12.50 plus $2.00 equals. $27.50 Suits, $13.75 plus $2.00 equals. $30.00 Suits, $15.00 plus $2.00 equals. $35.00 Suits, $17.50 plus $2.00 equals. $15.7:1 Ml sua All Blue and Black Suits for this 8 Day Sale Reduced J5perct Hub (i AijgWi "Money Talks" f i WTiiM" ti i T 7T i BREAKWATER li EARLY TODAY. Steamer Arrives from Portland With Good Cargo and Pas senger List. The Urcakwater arrived In this morning from Portland with a fair passenger list and a Rood cargo, Hno had a good trip down tho coast. Slio brought In considerable stuff for tho railroad contractors. Among thoso ..rrhinj: on her wero: Dan Oakland. J. Applegnte, J.i (' Allen. F Norton, S. L. I.nrnou, 1J. I. Preston. Elizabeth Tellefson, T. T EJwards. Kenneth Mauser. O. V. Ioggn. S. P. Sanford. Fred Hodlund, C O Ells. P. II. Nouton, Myrtlo Phil lix. S W.Voodlln, T. Johnston, C. E. ' Prlgss and wife, V. H. Towne, It.' W Kellcrman, 'has. Pox, A. Lock-' man. II. Hums and wife, Harrv Pres ton. Swan Henson. Mrs. J. M. Love, n. t . r on ana .Martin Ualil. .mist mm: w.vniu v.c;o.v. C'has. S. Llngreii Is now n pnstion gor on tho wnterwuKon with a through ticket from City Hecorder. Ilutler. Mr. Ilutler yesterday Issued' nn order to tho saloons not to sell ' him any more liquor and then Issued an order to the police to seo that liu ill! not net It. m:son: ballasting w. p. I Wink of Spi ending (imu'1 to Start 'I'lils Week. EIT.ENE. Or., Auk. 7. Ballasting on the Wlllanietto Pacific railway win lie resumed tills week and a stretch of eleven miles will he lovel ed and placed In condition for opera tion. The track Is now ballasted to a point thirty-two miles from Eugene nnd with tho addition of tho o'oven miles to he ballasted Immediately thoro will be a stretch of trnck forty three miles Ioiik that will bo In shape for tho oporatlon of trains over It. The additional ballasting will extend as far as tho third brldgo across the Sluslaw Illver. It I expected that trnln service will bo extonded that far Just as soon as the gravel Is sproiul and tamped ami the track leveli d. II IR EFFECTS LOCAL SHIPPING NATURAL II i THE HOME OF NATIONALLY ADVERTISED GOODS. New Suits LADIES' FALL APPAREL New Coats This early we are showing a bewitching variety in NEW FALL SILKS and WOOLENS MOIRE AND PEBBLE SILKS In all the new creations; Plaids, Roman Stripes and Solids. Velour Novelties in Brocades, Dolly Vardens and Ori ental designs. ROMAN STRIPE AND CHIC PLAIDS, in Wide Wale and Homespun Weaves. CHALK -LINE AND DIAGONAL SERGES Extra wide and reasonably priced. GABARDINES, POPLINS AND CREPES, in the new spoken shades for this fall. C H I N C H 4 L L A S For Coats and Capes, in Black or White. All Vessels Must Take Out Clearance Papers Here as Safeguards. Tho war scare today had Its first showliiK on Cons Hay shipping whan Customs Officer T. II. Harry required all vossola leaving port to tako out cluaraiKu papers showing that they have no cnrirn flint mlulit In. nun. strued as contraband or violating tho neutrality laws. This net Inn was taken on to!erraphlc Instructions from the lT. a. War Department and v li i o o-jfcnc'i at every po!ut. I nlcr tho new ordr. ouch vessel will have to proseut two copies of ItH manifest to Mr. Harry hoforo lemlns port. One will bo countor slu'iied by him and his official seal nttachel and the other will be placed on fllo la his office. With tho sealed manifest nboard, the vphh !, ,. hhi "-lifiilil bi held mi bv in- f tin iwirsiiiuH of thu wprrliiK nations can ixhhv pi ne her lii-ntliy. n act'on s in t "iily ii mifoKiitird to t pov eriiini'iit but also to the owners of the vissels, as without those papers the boat mlula he picked up and taken to somo other port, as a pos slh'o war prlzo and hold until she. could establish her claims. OwluB to tho proximity of Canad ian ports hero, which will ho af fecteil by tho war, L'nltml States vessels In tho North Pacific are In more or less ilaiiKor. It has boon reported that thoro aro (lormnii men-of-war In the Pacific and they may attempt to pioy on Knsllsh shlpphiB. espolally from Canndlnn ports. Heretofore somo of tho vessels have not nlwnva Iipdh fivii.,, ,i... Stars and Stripes, hut now thoy will, as they do not want to take any chances. The order applies to nil vessels, even tho little Kiisollno schooners, Itoainer. Hustler, etc. The Smith, which sailed I today, was the first to feel tho order. The Adeline was also registered from Coos Hay today. lilfiS I ALONG the WATERFRONT j Cnpt. Hob Jones on tho tug Itoscoo broiiBht In the bariro l.awrenco with n carpi of lit i -tier from Porter HroH." .mill at I'u.i'ciiie una will piobaiily ..a l um, The Yel ow stone arrived In from Portlanl last nlsht with ISC tons of freight. Ilia tons of watorplpo for ih Coos Huy Water Company and si tons of Keneral frelnt. Agent JimioB had her dlschnrgo part of her earuo nt Ocoan dock as tho Arrow I.lno iloik wan too small for It. Sho sailed south today. The Hustler will sail tonight for IIhiiiIoii. Port Orford and Iloguo Riv et points. The Uoainor Is duo hack .Monday from the Sluslaw. Tho Cleaner Is duo In today from Uardlnor and will tako out gonornl merchandise. ( Tho Daisy Putnam Is duo In Sat urday from Sau Francisco with f I eight, taking tho Paralso's plnco. Dr. II. .M. Shaw of Marshflold has purchased two lots In North Hond from victor Anderson. Tho proper ty Is at tho comer of Meado and Florida stieets. Lost Creek Falls Visited Large Crowd for Sec; I Time in History. i t Qn-nfitnn ahnttl! turned from n very fDj-ritjjj iiik party, snys turn w leirn tins was uiei""i ri.iu Iiiiva linen visited bj 1 1 !f..iiru Mini inon. Of to:r liuvo been parties of tocrU-- ...I... mill fin. Ill Tho falls aie situated &? . .., . ... GIH.....I .ntltJ nines iiiiiivu nni" --v half over a rldfie, north of o ty road. They are 75 fttt !.....,! a In hnriM;! Don nnd proJecthiR qult over tho bnse. making t..;- that could hold about ' J Thoso falls aro bound " r: i. mm In r snme d.l Oil - -. ,,..,...... -..- r party wns o fie-rd cf ' Kvji Laird, KcnucJ . r ; nn. i i.'niii.c Si,.!'' anj a -. r r .: LAUNCH ritKAK leaves every day ' i i..iu i, in, ror NUUTII Coos Illver., Docks at CKXTIIAIj AVK.VUK hllp. I . . I-,.. Ho' I iiotiiy, kiiirsh;. "- :,.,a lor, Holt, Smith and S- nitii:r.soi'ii.ixpov- Nes of ciiy-bytl'-"1'' The Heronl. I -. uarry BlI ...."'."Inlndtatlft! .vnrBiiiioui iuj ,i, itl ifnai tiff'! MEWS OF NORTH BEND NEW SHOES FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILHRFM I ' " " i SEE WINDOW DISPLAY .Mrs. i.iuian Mltchner, who has been lecturing at Gardiner, arrived In North Head today. Abraham y.Hn n.,.i ,i....i.. loft this week for nn extended autoi trip through California. Dick Fryo has purchased two lots in Hangor and contemplates electing a homo on tho property. .Mr. and Mrs. Mnrlon Clarko nnd I little daughter are moving to Sand! j""- ii inn uiu .Nortn hoiui. ' -m ,",,,'l,p. Itn'Ph Hounds and Ed' Wilson left this week to attond the Agato Carnival at Port Orford. Dr Hurmeister. who has beon suf-' ferlng from tonsllltls for sovornli weeks. Is reported greatly Improved.! Mr nnd Mrs. Alva nacon and son left this week for Portland. Thoyi j plan to go to tho hop flolds to work. i Mr am Mrs. H. m. Davenport are rejoicing over tho birth of ai ilniiQlilxr fi.i i.n.i . . n I , "" v" "" -"iu, iusi aun- Iii a j Thos. Vluars waa In Vm.i. ... this week and sold his former resi dence to Robert Banks, who will oc cupy It. Otto Groko of North Bond has two brothors In tho German nrmy and Is anxiously awaiting nows from tho tjiiiui cuuniry as to tho results of tho war. Hey. it, c. Snmmerlln of Salem will lecture at tho Lakeside school nonso at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun nay. He Is traveling in tho Inter ests of tho "Out to Win' temperanco campaign. Fred Holllstor has returned from a trip lasting two weeks during which timo ho visited many Willamette Val ley points. He says that ho Is con fident that the election will go in his favor, Honry O. Fry, who formerly llvdo In North Hond, has returned from Portland and will resume his formor position with tho North Bond box factory. Mrs. Fry will Join him at an early date. Miss Edith Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Thomas of North Hend, has returned from Oakland, California, where she acted In tho capacity of court reporter, and has accepted a position in tho offices of Sherwood & Llljeqvlst at Coqullle. in Bandon, guests of W KoyMcNalr and other f Mrs. I). M. 3c""v:i,i, ,t oporatlon for append c' u gency IIon.Ua, ffl, proved successiui " a,oB ",co r, T;Vne of : who has been visiting w, In tho Agate Carniwu. 4, a...o n v. Pace enter' i' -"-. -u.rnriH" V- . .J Vittf ttl'l dny afternoon, in honoy Miss Alice Tickel I d .miss rtiito 'v"-yjr of t"' Sowing was the wder w-ns spent. Dainty refr .gbtneB" serveu. ...iBt Miss Henry. ' sh(e!li 0JTO.t eek. She1 Marshflold public W E. H. Fish ha aetepiwp 5 t,lo.?.f.f,CO,?i Tkeei JL uomiitiw. - -th.r office - announcement of tne d GV6 nouna bii. -; -fc lf ( i- on.l fr. L. P. ',u vii-luS'. coles. Mr. nnd Sirs. ii taught in the year. :... i:i" ..nriJV'S IM1-: lH hall SATUltlA t ,. Lid". Don't forget the a Tho Chandler. '" r mmmm